外研版九年级英语上册期末复习课件Unit 4

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外研版九年级英语上册期末复习课件Unit 4

Module 4   Home alone Unit 1 I can look after myself, although it won't be easy for me. 外研版九年级上 根据短文内容和所给提示,在空白处写出单词的 正确 形式(每空限填一 词 ) 。 Last Sunday, my parents went to Beijing for an important m 1( 会议 )and I had to stay at home alone for one day. When I was at the p 2( 站台 )and saw them off, they told me to be c 3( 小心 )with the door. eeting latform areful My c 4( 钟 ) r 5( 响 )so loudly that it woke me up in the morning and then I cooked a s 6( 简单的 ) breakfast. I also tidied up the house. In the afternoon, I decided to go shopping, so I made sure that I l 7 ( 锁 ) the door and went out. In the evening, I finished my homework and watched a film. Although I was a bit tired, I was still happy because I did many things on my own. lock ang imple ocked 一、听 activity 2 ,选择正确答案。 1. What’s the relationship between the speakers? A. Teacher and student. B. Parents and daughter. C. Classmates. B 2. How often will Betty’s mum call her? A. Every day. B . Once a week. C. Twice a day. 3 . What does Betty’s mother want Betty to do? A. To keep the garden clean. B. To keep the flat clean . C. To look after the pet. B A 二、听 activity 4 ,判断正( T )误( F )。 1. Betty’s parents are leaving for Lhasa. 2. Betty can attend the important meeting with her parents. 3. Betty’s clock rings so loudly that it can wake her up. T F T 三、听 activity 4 ,选择正确的答案。 1. Where are they now? A. At the airport. B . At home. C. At the train station. 2 . What does Betty’s mother leave for Betty? A. Biscuits. B . Bananas. C . Fish. C A 3. How long will her parents stay in Lhasa? A. For a few days. B. For a couple of weeks. C. For a couple of days. B 一、用所给词的正确形式填空。 1. Because of his illness, Peter ________ ( miss) three days of school last week. 2. (原创 题) I forget your ________ ( address). Can you repeat it again? 3. Don’t forget ________ ( shut) the door when you leave the room . missed address to shut 4. As soon as I got home, the phone ________ (ring). 5. All the ___________ (passenger) need to show their tickets before getting on the train. rang passengers 二、单项选择 。 6. —Can you tell me how to lose weight? — Sure. _____I you to take exercise as much as possible .【 核心素养:健康生活,多做运动 ,锻炼 身体 】 A. suggest B . ask C. tell D . advise D 7. (易混题) —Would you like _____ to drink, Peter? — No, thanks. _____ has just offered me a drink. A. anything; Anybody B. anything; Somebody C. something; Somebody D. something; Nobody C 8. (原创题) —Jack, will you come to my birthday party? —I’d love to. But I have to _____ my little sister. A. look back B. look at C. look after D. look up C 9. [ 中考 · 铜仁 ] —I know nothing about the film Titanic . — ______. A. Neither do I B. So do I C. Neither did I D. So did I A 三、根据汉语意思完成句子。 10. 两周后我就会回来。 I’ll be back in ________ ________ ________ weeks . a couple of 11. 记住回家后给我发条短信。 Remember to send me a _______ _______ after you get home . text message 12 . 刚才谁把你叫醒的? Who _______ you _______ just now ? woke up 13 . 要特别小心你后面的那个年轻人。 _______ especially _______ _______ that young man behind you . Be careful with 14 . 确保你每天吃很多蔬菜。 _______ _______ you eat plenty of vegetables every day. Make sure 四、补全对话。 A : Morning, Mum! 15. ___________________________. B : In the afternoon. A : 16. _________________________________________. B : For four days. When I’m away, remember to look after yourself. How long will you be away? When are you leaving for London? A : Don’t worry. I’m old enough to look after myself. B : It’s not easy. 17. ______________________________ ___________________________________________. A : OK, I’ll remember everything you told me. B : And when I’m away, remember to get on well with your dad. Remember to eat healthy food and sleep well. A : 18. ____________________________. And I’ll help you to look after him. B : Haha ... You’re a good boy. A : Well, in the afternoon I have to go to school. I can’t see you off. Don’t forget to call me when you get there. No problem. B : I see. 19. ___________________________________. A : See you then. And have a good trip! See you in four days. Unit 2   I became so bored with their orders that I wished they would leave me alone. 外研版九年级上 Module 4   Home alone 根据短文内容和所给提示,在空白处写出单词的 正确形式 ( 每 空限填一 词 ) 。 Although my parents loved me, I felt a bit u 1 ( 不高兴的 ) with them. They m 2( 掌控 )every minute of my life and I became so bored with their o 3( 命令,指示 )that I wished they would leave me alone. My wish came true finally. nhappy anaged rders As soon as I got home from school the first day, I ate lots of s 4( 小吃 ), enjoyed a film and played computer games. A 5( 尽管 )I had to hurry to school without breakfast, I was still late. With an e 6( 空的 )stomach, I couldn’t play basketball and felt tired and sleepy all day long. When I got home, I tried to cook rice but I b 7( 烧焦 )it. nacks lthough mpty urnt 一、 快速阅读 activity 2 ,根据文章内容,划分文章 的结构 。 A. ① / ②③ / ④⑤ B . ①② / ③④ / ⑤ C. ① / ②③④ / ⑤ D . ①② / ③④⑤ C 二、认真阅读 activity 2 ,选出正确的答案。 1 . Zheng Chenyu felt so ______ of his parents because of their orders. A. happy B . tired C. interested D . relaxed B 2. As soon as Zheng Chenyu got home from school the first day, what did he do? A. He threw his schoolbag on the sofa. B. He did his homework. C. He did some housework. D. He washed the clothes. A 3. Why was Zheng Chenyu unable to play basketball with his classmates? A. Because he didn’t sleep last night. B. Because he didn’t hand in homework. C. Because he ate nothing for his breakfast. D. Because he played basketball too much. C 4. Zheng Chenyu felt _____when he found he could not look after himself well . A. happy B . lonely C. excited D . relaxed B 5 . When Zheng Chenyu told the home alone story to his parents, what did they do? A. They all cried. B . They all smiled. C. They all laughed. D . They all hugged. C 一、单词拼写。 1. At m ( 午夜 ), someone knocked on my door. 2. There is no s ( 沙发 )in the living room. 3. ( 易 错 题 )Now one of the biggest t ( 任务 ) is to protect the environment . idnight ofa asks 4. ( 原创题 )It’s a pity that Bob was u ( 不能 ) to find a new job. 5. I didn’t pass this math exam. A ( 实际上 ), I didn’t like math at all. nable ctually 二、单项选择。 6. The teacher told us to stand up and ______our test papers as soon as the bell rang. A. hand in B . hand out C. put in D . throw away A 7. [ 中考 · 深圳改编 ] —Mark has had too much fried food. I’m really _____ him. — Me, too. I think he should have more vegetables and fruits. A. afraid of B. worried about C. unaware of D. angry with B 8. —Our teachers often say we should have dreams. —Right. Work hard, and our dreams may _____ one day. 【 核心素养:积极向上,努力成就未来 】 A. get off B. come true C. wake up D. get out B 9. —Jackie is getting bored _____ his job again. —He is always impatient. A. with B. in C. at D. for A 10. [ 中考 · 敦煌 ] Don’t forget to _____the lights when they are not in use! A. turn over B. turn off C. turn up D. turn on B 【 点拨 】 句意“当你不使用灯时,不要忘记关掉它们”。 A. 移交; B. 关闭; C. 出现; D. 打开。根据句意可知,不用灯时要关掉,故选 B 。 三、根据汉语意思完成句子。 11. (原创题)我爸爸去出差了,所以我不得不一个人在家。 My father is away _______ _______ , so I have to be home alone. on business 12. 我们不应该过多地依赖父母。 We shouldn’t ________ ________ our parents too much. depend on 13 . 你最好在客人来之前整理一下房间。 You’d better ________ ________ the rooms before the guests arrive . tidy up 14 . 我一到家就将开始写作业。 ________ ________ ________ I get home, I will start to do my homework . As soon as 15 . (原创题)莉萨一整天都坐在椅子上直到妈妈 打电话给 她。 Lisa was sitting on the chair ________ ________ ________ until her mother called her. all day long 四、完形填空。 [ 中考 · 益阳改编 ] Cindy was just seven years old when she started going on walks. Since then, she has joined a sports club with her _______16, Kevin . 16. A. father B . friend C. teacher D . classmate A “We started walking around the countryside,” ____17 Cindy . “There are a lot of paths near our house, and now we go walking all year round, even _____18 winter . 17. A. speaks B . says C . talks D . tells 18. A. in B . on C . at D . for B A My first ______19 was 2 kilometers away. But we did it little by little over quite a long time . 19. A. run B . change C . walk D . swim C After I _____20 the sports club , I became more and more energetic( 精力充沛的 ). Walking has made me much ______21. 20. A. joined B . left C . attended D . told 21. A. richer B . healthier C. shorter D . younger A B I think it would be a really good idea to ______22 other kids of my age to walk because many kids are getting fat nowadays .” 22. A. need B . order C. encourage D . shout C Cindy’s father, Kevin, is really ____23 of his daughter’s opinion of walking. “I wish we could get more kids out walking. 23. A. kind B. afraid C . proud D . happy C _____24, now lots of children are busy with TV programs and computer games, so it’s not ____25 for them to go out. But I think I should try my best to help them .” 24. A. Unluckily B . Happily C. Easily D . Hard 25 . A. difficult B . easy C. important D . beautiful A B Unit 3   Language in use 外研版九年级上 Module 4   Home alone 一、单项选择。 1. [ 中考 · 南通 ] I still keep taking exercise every day , _____ I am busy with so many subjects. A. until B . unless C . because D . though D 【 点拨 】 句意:尽管我忙于许多科目,但我仍然每天都坚持锻炼。 A. until 直到; B. unless 除非; C. because 因为; D. though 尽管。根据 I am busy with so many subjects. 可知这里是 though 引导的让步状语从句。故选 D 。 2. —Look! Some people are running the red lights. — We should wait ____ others are breaking the rule. Because safety is always the first. A. although B . if C. unless D . because A 3. [ 中考 · 邵阳改编 ] —I want to climb Langshan Mountain this Saturday ____ it is raining. — OK! Remember to take your umbrella. A. though B . if C. unless D . but A 4. (易 混题) [ 中考 · 武威改编 ] Father was ____ busy with his work ____ he had little time to read the newspaper. A. so; to B . so; that C. such; to D . such; that B 5 . [ 中考 · 滨州改编 ] The artist is ____ creative that he can make different changing pictures with sand . A. such B . very C . so D. too C 二、用方框中所给的单词或短语填空。 6. __________he is nearly 80, he can still walk very fast. so... that, such... that, although, but, so Although 7. This is _______ an interesting story _______ many students like it. so... that, such... that, although, but, so such that 8. It’s dark, _________ we have to go home. so... that, such... that, although, but, so so 9. I called you several times, _________ no one answered. so... that, such... that, although, but, so but 10. My English teacher is ______ friendly and funny ______ we all like him. so... that, such... that, although, but, so so that 三、同义句转换。 11. (易错题) He isn’t strong enough to carry the chair. He is ________ ________ ________ he can’t carry the chair . so weak that 12. The little girl was too tired to walk farther. The little girl was _______ _______ _______ she couldn’t walk farther. so tired that 13. David was so careless that he didn’t find the mistakes in his test paper. David was ________ careless ________ find the mistakes in his test paper. too to 14. The boy is so young that he can’t look after himself. The boy is not ________ ________ to look after himself. old enough 15. It was raining hard outside, but the young man went to work as usual. ________ it was raining hard outside, the young man went to work as usual. Although 一、 根据语境从方框中选择恰当的短语填空,有的 需要 变换形式。 1 . Don’t __________________ your daughter. She can take care of herself. turn off, be worried about, on business, hand in, wake up be worried about 2. Your father is sleeping. ___________ the TV, Jill. turn off, be worried about, on business, hand in, wake up Turn off 3. If you don’t ___________ your homework, your teacher won’t be happy. turn off, be worried about, on business, hand in, wake up hand in 4. Suddenly a big noise ___________ all the people in the house. turn off, be worried about, on business, hand in, wake up woke up 5. I was in Shanghai ___________ when he called me. turn off, be worried about, on business, hand in, wake up on business 二、 根据括号内的要求完成下列各题,每空一词( 含缩略 形式) 。 6. You don’t have to worry about your friends. (改为 祈使句 ) ________ ________ about your friends. Don't worry 7. I can look after myself. (改为一般疑问句) ________ you look after ________ ? Can yourself 8. Our train number is T 29 . (对画线部分提问) ________ ________ your train number? What is 9. Both John and his sister are singers. (改为同义句) John is a singer and ________ ________ his sister. so is 10. Ms Jones is going to leave for Beijing. (改为同义句) Ms Jones ________ ________ ________ leave for Beijing. is about to 外研版九年级上 写作素养提升练 Module 4   Home alone 本模块以 “ Home alone” 为话题,讲述了孩子与父母的关系,以及父母离开后孩子独自在家生活的情况。学习了本模块后,学生应该能正确对待与父母的关系,并学会用简单的状语从句来描述生活中的一些经历以及独自在家的规则。 外研版九年级上 careful, safe, lock, wake, worried, unhappy 单 词: worry about, keep...in mind, keep safe, be careful with, lock the door, call the police/fire service/ hospital, make sure, be late for..., get up on time, leave a contact number 短 语: 1. Get up on time every morning. 2. Don’t be late for school. 3. Tell the child to keep safe at home and point out possible dangers. 4. Tell the child not to answer the door to strangers. 句 型: 5. Remember to lock the door when leaving. 6. Tell the children when they should come back and make sure they are back on time. 下面的内容是关于你的一次经历的要点提示,请你根据提示内容写一篇不少于 80 词的英语日记。日记的格式已给出,不计入总词数。 要点提示: 1. 爸爸出差,下午放学回家后你发现妈妈生病了; 2. 陪妈妈去医院; 3. 从医院回到家后,给妈妈和妹妹做了晚饭。 要求:要点完整,语法正确,上下文连贯,可适当发挥。 16th September, 2020 Wednesday Cloudy ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ 1. 体裁 :记叙文 2. 人称 :第一人称 3. 时态 :一般过去时 【 审题指导 】 【 思路构建 】 When got home from school in the afternoon Where home & hospital What happened Dad: was on business Mum: was sick How to do took Mum to the hospital, returned home together, cooked dinner Feelings busy but proud 16th September, 2020 Wednesday Cloudy This week my dad was away on business. When I got home from school in the afternoon, I found my mum lying in bed. She told me she was sick. Although I was worried and nervous, I thought I should look after her. Then I took my mum to the hospital. Luckily, there was nothing 【 范文赏析 】 serious with her. After that, we returned home together. I cooked dinner for my mum and my sister. I was so busy that I had to do my homework at 9:00 pm, but I was proud of myself — I could help do something for my family. 点评:本文言简意赅,将事情发展的原因、过程及结果简洁明了地表达了出来。 When, Although 引导的状语从句的使用,是得分的亮点。连接词 Then, After that 使内容与文章要点紧密相连。 假如你叫 David ,你的美国笔友 Jack 给你发来电子邮件,问你父母不在家时,你会做与不会做的事。请根据表格的提示内容,给 Jack 回信。 会做的事 不会做的事 按时醒来 做早饭 整理床铺 打扫卫生间 洗衣服 独自给狗洗澡 ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Dear Jack, I'm glad to receive your email. Let me tell you what I can do and can't do when my parents are away. I can wake up on time, although I can't make breakfast. I'll have it at school. I can make the bed although my mum often does it for me. But I can't tidy up the washing room. It's difficult for me. I can wash my clothes but I can't give my dog a ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ wash alone. It's so difficult that I can't do it. When my parents are away, I will miss them, but I think I can look after myself very well. What about you? Looking forward to your reply. Yours, David

