高中英语Unit 4 Making the news倒装讲解及练习

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高中英语Unit 4 Making the news倒装讲解及练习

高二必修5 Unit 4 Making the news倒装讲解及练习 语法专题--- 倒装 巧记倒装 ‎(一) 这(里)、那(里)、上、下、进、出、离。‎ ‎(二) 强调表语和状语。‎ ‎(三) 否定副、连位第一。‎ ‎(四) so, nor, neither, 也如此。‎ ‎(五) as(though), however引导让步句。‎ ‎(六) only 修状位句首切牢记。‎ ‎ 说明:(一)在以here, there 或out, in, up, down, away(off)等副词开头的句子里, 表示强调,主语是名词时用倒装句。此结构不需加助动词。‎ ‎(1) Here comes the bus.‎ ‎(2) There goes the bell.‎ ‎(3) Down came the rain.‎ ‎(4) Into the hall came three women.‎ ‎(5) Away(off) went the girl without telling anyone.‎ ‎(6) Out rushed the man, gun in hand.‎ ‎(7) In came the teacher.‎ 如果后面的主语是人称代词时,则主谓不倒装。‎ ‎(8) Away she went with tears in her eyes.‎ ‎ (二)为了保持句子的平蘅或为了强调表语和状语,或使上下文紧密衔接,把它们放在句首用倒装句。该结构不需加助动词。‎ ‎(1) East of the town lies a beautiful lake.‎ ‎(2) In a lecture hall of a university in England sits a professor.‎ ‎(3) Outside the doctor’s clinic were twenty patients.‎ ‎ (三)含有否定或半否定意义的副词、连词如:hardly(scarcely), never, not, not only, little, seldom, no sooner…(than), not until, no where等,放在句首时要用倒装句。‎ ‎(1) Hardly(Scarcely) had he reached the station when the train started.‎ ‎(2) Not once did we visit the city of our own.‎ ‎(3) Seldom in all my life have I met such a determined person.‎ ‎(4) Not only was there no electricity, but also no water.‎ ‎(5) Not until he shouted at the top of his voice did she turn her head.‎ ‎ (四)so 或neither, nor放在句首,表示前面说话的情况也适用于另一个人(物)即“也(也不),如此”,用倒装句。‎ ‎(1) She is busy doing her homework. So is her brother.‎ ‎(2) You passed the exam. So did I.‎ ‎(3) He doesn’t like shopping. Neither do i.‎ ‎(4) He can’t speak any foreign language. Nor can his father.‎ ‎(5) However hard it was raining they went on working.‎ ‎(六)only所修饰的副词、介词短语或状语从句放在句首,用倒装句。‎ ‎(1) Only after three operations was she able to walk without sticks.‎ ‎(2) Only then did we realize that the man was blind.‎ ‎(3) Only by seizing every minute can we finish it on time.‎ 如果only修饰主语时则不用倒装句。‎ ‎ (4)Only a few young men went to the theatre.‎ 倒装句 ‎ 一、选择填空:(37题,每题1分)‎ ‎1.─You like singing and dancing.‎ ‎ ─     .‎ ‎ A.So do I  B.So I do ‎ C.I do so  D.do I so ‎ ‎2.Her mother is a warm-hearted old lady.     .‎ ‎ A.So my mother is  B.So is my mother ‎ C.Is my mother so  D.my mother so is ‎ ‎3.The fairy story "Snow White" is very interesing.     .‎ ‎ A.So it is  B.So is it ‎ C.it is so  D.is it so ‎ ‎4.You didn't go for an outing at the seashore.     .‎ ‎ A.Neither do I    B.Neither did I ‎ C.I didn't neither  D.Did neither I ‎ ‎5.Marx was born in Germany,and German was his native language.     .‎ ‎ A.So it was with Engels  B.So was Engels ‎ ‎ C.So Engels was      D.Was Engels so ‎ ‎6.─Look.There     .‎ ‎ ─Oh,there     .‎ ‎ A.comes the bus;comes it ‎ B.the bus comes;it comes ‎ C.comes the bus;it comes ‎ D.the bus comes;comes it ‎ ‎7.Not until     sixteen     to school.‎ ‎ A.he was;did he go  B.he was;he went ‎ C.was he;he did go  D.was he;went he ‎ ‎8.Not until the next morning     .‎ ‎ A.did Mary come back  B.Mary came back ‎ C.came Mary back    D.came back Mary ‎ ‎9.Hardly     when it began to rain.‎ ‎ A.had he got home   B.he had got home ‎ ‎ C.had got home he   D.he home had got ‎ ‎10.No sooner     than he fell asleep.‎ ‎ A.his head had touched the pillow ‎ B.had his head touched the pillow ‎ C.touched the pillow his head had ‎ ‎ D.touched the pillow had his head ‎ ‎11.Little     .‎ ‎ A.did I think of it   B.I thought of it ‎ C.did think I of it   D.thought of it I ‎ ‎12.Seldom     .‎ ‎ A.LiLi her feelings showed ‎ B.did show LiLi her feelings ‎ C.LiLi showed her feelings ‎ D.did LiLi show her feelings ‎ ‎13.Never before in her life     such beautiful and precious jewelry.‎ ‎ A.he saw      B.did he see ‎ C.has she seen   D.she has seen ‎ ‎14.Many a time     the chess competition.‎ ‎ A.had taken he part in   B.he taken part in had ‎ C.had he taken part in   D.he had taken part in ‎ ‎15.So busy     that he has no time to spare.‎ ‎ A.he was    B.was he    C.he is    D.is he ‎ ‎16.     with a bunch of flowers in her hand.‎ ‎ A.A girl in came    B.Came in a girl ‎ ‎ C.In came a girl    D.A girl came in ‎ ‎17.Out     .‎ ‎ A.from behind a tall tree ran a little boy ‎ B.from behind a tall tree a little boy ran ‎ C.ran a little boy from behind a tall tree ‎ D.a little boy ran from behind a tall tree ‎ ‎18.In the clear blue sky     .‎ ‎ A.does shine the bright moon.‎ ‎ B.the bright moon does shine ‎ C.shines the bright moon ‎ D.the bright moon shines ‎ ‎19.Only in this way     .‎ ‎ A.we can well do it    B.can we well do it ‎ ‎ c.we can do it well    D.can we do it well ‎ ‎20.Only when he has finished his homework     .‎ ‎ A.is able to he play with his friends for a while ‎ B.he able to play with is his friends for a while ‎ C.is he able to play with his friends for a while ‎ D.he is able to play with his friends for a while ‎ ‎21.     ,he continued his study.‎ ‎ A.Late as it was      B.As it was late ‎ C.Late although it was   D.Although was it late ‎ ‎22.Next door to us     .‎ ‎ A.lives an old man,who is an overseas Chinese ‎ B.does an old man live,who is an overseas Chinese ‎ C.an old man lives who is an overseas Chinese ‎ D.an old man who is an overseas Chinese does live ‎ ‎23.     as young as you,I would study hard.‎ ‎ A.Was I    B.Were I    C.If I am    D.If I was ‎ ‎24.     so hard,they wouldn't have won such great success.‎ ‎ A.Hasn't they trained  B.If they hasn't train ‎ C.Hadn't they trained  D.If they didn't train ‎ ‎25.Not a single word     when he left.‎ ‎ A.did speak he  B.spoke he ‎ ‎ C.did he speak  D.he spoke ‎26.─I don't think I can walk any further.‎ ‎  ─      .Let's stop here for a rest."‎ ‎ A.Neither am I  B.Neither can I ‎ C.I think so   D.I don't think so ‎ ‎27.Be quick!     .‎ ‎ A.The bus comes here   B.The bus here comes ‎ C.Here the bus comes   D.Here comes the bus ‎ ‎28.John's not been to London.     .‎ ‎ A.Ben isn't either   B.Neither is Ben ‎ C.Nor Ben has      D.Neither has Ben ‎ ‎29.The doctor asked Charlie to breathe deeply.     .‎ ‎ A.Charlie does so   B.Charlie did so ‎ ‎ C.So does Charlie   D.So did Charlie ‎ ‎30.     ,he does not know the answer.‎ ‎ A.As Mr Smith is a teacher ‎ B.As Mr Smith is teacher ‎ C.A teacher as Mr Smith is ‎ D.Teacher as Mr Smith is ‎ ‎31.     so busy,I should go with you.‎ ‎ A.Were I not    B.Was I not ‎ ‎ C.If I am not   D.I were not ‎ ‎32.In the front of the classroom     .‎ ‎ A.is the desk for the teacher ‎ B.has the desk of the teacther ‎ C.it is a desk for the teacher ‎ D.has it a desk of the teacher ‎ ‎33.On the top of the hill     .‎ ‎ A.does a temple stand  B.a temple stands there ‎ C.stands a temple    D.a temple stands ‎ ‎34.Not only     but also she likes singing.‎ ‎ A.she likes painting     B.does she like painting ‎ ‎ C.likes painting she     D.she does like painting ‎ ‎35.Now     .‎ ‎ A.comes your turn  B.does your turn come ‎ ‎ C.your turn comes  D.your turn does come ‎ ‎36.     happy.‎ ‎ A.You may be   B.May you be ‎ C.Be you may   D.May be you ‎ ‎37.The students have learned a lot from the workers and     .‎ ‎ A.so the teachers have    B.have the teachers so ‎ C.so have the teachers    D.have so the teachers ‎  ‎ 二、选择翻译正确的句子(10题,每题3分)‎ ‎1.直到天黑了那些孩子们才意识到太晚回不了家了。‎ ‎ A.Not until dark did the boys realize it was too late to return home.‎ ‎ B.Not until dark the boys realized it was too late to return home.‎ ‎ C.Until dark the boys realized it was too late to return home. ‎ ‎2.直到她摘下了墨镜,我才看出来她是著名影星。‎ ‎ A.It was not until did she take off her dark glasses that did I realize she was a famous film star.‎ ‎ B.It was not until she took off her dark glasses that did I realize she was a famous film star.‎ ‎ C.Not until she took off her dark glasses did I realize she was a famous film star. ‎ ‎3.我刚合上眼,电话铃就响了。‎ ‎ A.Hardly had I closed my eyes than the phone rang.‎ ‎ B.No sooner I had closed my eyes than the phone rang.‎ ‎ C.No sooner had I closed my eyes than the phone rang. ‎ ‎4.虽然她是一个妇女,但她能做那件事。‎ ‎ A.A woman as she is,she is able to do that.‎ ‎ B.Woman as she is,she is able to do that.‎ ‎ C.As she is a woman,she is able to do that. ‎ ‎5.他虽然努力了,但考试未能及格。‎ ‎ A.As he tried hard,he did not pass the examination.‎ ‎ B.Hard although he tried,he did not pass the examination.‎ ‎ C.Hard as he tried,he did not pass the examination. ‎ ‎6.我不但去过杭州市,而且我在那儿度过了我的童年。‎ ‎ A.Not only have I been to the city of Hangzhou,but(also) I spent my childhood there.‎ ‎ B.Not only I have been to the city of Hangzhou,but(also) did I spend my childhood there.‎ ‎ C.Not only I have been to the city of Hangzhou,but(also) I spent my childhood there. ‎ ‎7.只有下课了,他才能和他的朋友们一起踢足球。‎ ‎ A.Only when the class was over was he able to play football with his friends.‎ ‎ B.Only when the class was over he was able to play football with his friends.‎ ‎ C.Only when was the class over he was able to play football with his friends. ‎ ‎8.他是一个美国人,不会说汉语.他的妻子也是美国人,她也不会说汉语。‎ ‎ A.He is American and he can't speak Chinese.So is his wife.‎ ‎ B.He is American and he can't speak Chinese.So it is with his wife.‎ ‎ C.He is American and he can't speak Chinese Neither can his wife. ‎ ‎9.“你喜欢唱歌。” “我确实喜欢。”‎ ‎ A.“You like singing.” “So I do.”‎ ‎ B.“You like singing.” “So do I.”‎ ‎ C.“You like singing.” “I do so.” ‎ ‎10.只有他会说日语。‎ ‎ A.Only he can speak Japanese.‎ ‎ B.Only can he speak Japanese.‎ ‎ C.Only can speak he Japanese.‎ ‎ ‎ 三、汉译英(用倒装句)(11题,每题3分)‎ ‎1.你知道怎样使用计算机吗? ‎ ‎2.你为什么学英语? ‎ ‎3.昨天有多少学生去参观展览会? ‎ ‎4.颐和园是多么美丽的公园啊! ‎ ‎5.我永远忘不了我入团的那一天。 ‎ ‎6.光传播得如此之快,以致我们难以想象它的速度。 ‎ ‎7.好几次我见过这种表达法。(expression) ‎ ‎8.只有不断地练习,我们才能学好英语口语。 ‎ ‎9.虽然这个问题很复杂。(complicated)但是用计算机只要五秒钟就能解决。 ‎ ‎10.如果没有计算机,就不会有人造卫星和火箭。 ‎ ‎11.我没有去过那儿.他也没去过。‎ 倒装句 ‎1. Look! __________.‎ A. Here your teacher comes B. Comes here your sister C. Your teacher comes here D. Here comes your teacher ‎2. Only when you have finished your homework __________ go home.‎ A. can you B. would you C. you will D. you can ‎3. Seldom __________ any mistakes during my past few years of working here.‎ A. would I make B. did I make C. I did make D. shall I make ‎4. Not only was she working hard,__________ .‎ A. how beautiful she was B. was she helpful C. but also she was polite D. what a beautiful girl ‎5. __________ we shall go on a picnic.‎ A. The weather is fine B. Should weather be fine ‎ C. The weather be fine D. Would weather be fine ‎6. __________, she was already a lawyer.‎ A. How young was she B. As she was young ‎ C. Young as she was D. Young though she was ‎7. He is a good student, and works very hard, __________.‎ A. so it is with her B. so does she C. so is she D. neither does she ‎8. __________ are the days when teachers were looked down upon.‎ A. Gone B. Go C. To go D. Going ‎9. Many a time __________ swimming alone.‎ A. the boy went B. went the boy C. did the boy go D. did go the boy ‎10. Then __________ the Civil War.‎ A. did follow B. followed C. does follow D. following ‎11. __________ rich and strong!‎ A. Our country may go B. May your country go C. Your country goes D. Does Your country go ‎12. __________ this way or that way?‎ A. Did I go B. Shall I go C. I shill go D. I should go ‎13. “ Is there anything I can do for you? ”, __________.‎ A. Mrs. Brown said B. Did Mrs. Brown ask C. Mrs. Brown did ask D. asked Mrs. Brown ‎14. __________, my son.‎ A. Do not you be nervous B. You do not be nervous C. Not you be nervous D. You not be nervous ‎15. __________ on the shelf!‎ A. Two bottles are there B. There are two bottles C. Are there two bottles D. Two bottles there are

