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中考英语阅读技巧课 阅读理解 是英语能力培养的重点项目,是考试的一个重要题型,分值高、题量大。阅读理解考查的根本是检验学生对有关信息的加工能力。 阅读理解能力的重要标志是阅读速度和理解力的正确率。 因此,阅读理解的功夫应下在平时。多分析题型,多了解考点,真正做到有的放矢,提高命中率。 河北省考题要求考生能读懂 书 ﹑ 报 ﹑ 杂志 中关于一般性的简短文段以及公告 ﹑ 说明 ﹑ 广告等 , 并能从中获取相关的信息。 1 ﹑ 理解主旨和要义 2 ﹑ 理解文中的具体位置 3 ﹑ 根据上下文推断生词的词义 4 ﹑ 作出判断和推理 5 ﹑ 理解文章的基本结构 6 ﹑ 理解作者的意图 ﹑ 观点和态度 主旨大意型 事实细节型 词 义 猜 测 型 命 题 类 因此有关阅读理解题目主要有以下几种: 推 理 判 断 型 Step Two : How to Dealing with the Problems on Reading Comprehension 一、主旨大意题 (做题要领) 1. 干扰项 可能属文中某个具体事实或细节。 2. 干扰项 可能属从文中某些 (不完全的) 事实或细节片面推出的错误结论。 3. 干扰项 可能属非文章事实的主观臆断。 (正确答案) 是根据文章意思全面理解而归纳概括出来的;但不能太笼统、言过其实或以偏概全。 1) What does the writer mainly tell us? 2)Which of the following can summar- ize the main idea of this text? 3)Which of the following best expresses the main idea? 4)Which is the subject discussed in the text? 6)What’s the best title for this passage? 主旨大意题 的常见的提问形式: 阅读理解基础训练 Basic Training ---主旨大意题 Passage 1 In spite of the fact that cars from Germany and Japan are flooding the American market, Ford, General Motors and Chrysler are employing more workers than ever before. The flood of cheaper for-eign cars has not cast American autoworkers their jobs as some experts predicted. Ford operates as far as Asia, and General Motors is considered Australian’s biggest employer. Yet General Motors has its huge American work force and employs hundreds of people every day to meet the needs of an insatiable ( 不能满足的) society. 练习题 细节题 解释 Question: Which of the following statements best expresses the main idea of the paragraph A . GM is one of the largest car producers. B. Ford operates not only in the U.S.A., but also in Asia. C. The foreign cars have not taken away the jobs of American autoworkers. D. The flood of the cheaper foreign cars is terrible for American autoworkers. 文章 解释 【 解析 】 答案为 C 。 take sth. away of sb. 和 cast sb. sth. 的意思相似。 本段落以一、二句引出要表达的主题,在主题句出现后,再举例子陈述细节或继续论证。 寻找主题句 往往是做好此类题的关键。每段的主题句( 常在首句、尾句、首尾句、段落中和归纳分析 )一般都用来表示一个段落的主旨大意。 文章 文章中心是 论点 ,事实细节是 论据 或 主要理由 ;有关细节的问题常对文中某个词语、某句子、某段落等细节及事实进行提问,所提问题一般可 直接 或 间接 在文章中找到答案。 提问的特殊疑问词常有: what, who, which , where, how, why 等。 事实细节型 解题原则 : 忠实于原文上下文及全篇的逻辑关系,决不能主观臆断。 1)Which of the following statement is true? 2)Which of the following is not mentioned in the text? 3)The author ( or the passage) states that___. 4) According to the passage, when ( where, why, how, who, what, which, etc.)___? 在阅读理解中,要求查找主要事实和特定细节问题常有以下几种命题方式: 阅读理解基础训练 Basic Training ---事实细节型 Q1) ____ calories are required to raise the temperature of 5kg of water from 35 ℃ to 90 ℃ . A. 55 B. 175 C. 325 D. 275 Q2) Which statement is TRUE according to the chart above? A.  A child aged 8 requires more than 3 times the amount of calories that a baby does. B. A boy aged 16 requires nearly twice the amount of calories that a boy aged 8 does. C. An office worker requires the same amount of calories per day as a woman feeding a baby does. D. A farmer requires nearly 1.5 times the amount of calories that an office worker does. 解释 文章 Passage2 The human body is a living machine, and like all machines, it needs fuel to supply it with energy. That is the food we eat. But how much do we need to stay healthy? The energy value of food is usually measured in calories. A calorie is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1kg of water by 1℃. The number of calories people need per day is different, as the chart shows …… CALORIES NEEDED PER DAY Baby 750 Office worker 2,700 Child aged 8 2,100 Woman feeding baby 2,700 Man over 70 2,100 Boy aged 16 3,000 Woman 3,600 Farmer 2,600 练习题 解释 第三节 【 解析 】答案为 D 。 根据文章细节内容,计算公式为: (90-35)×5×1=275 【 解析 】答案为 C 。 根据文章图表,依次验证 A、B、C、D 四个答案的内容是否正确。很易找出 C 符合图表内容。 文章 同义法 常在词或短语之间有并列连词 and 或 or, 它们连接的两项内容在含义上是接近的或递进的,由此可以推测。 反义法 如 hot and cold, give and receive 等,或前句为肯定,后句为否定。总之,词与词间都起着互为线索的作用。 释义法 对文章中的生词用定语(从句)、表语甚至于用逗号、破折号等标点符号引出并加以解释说明。 词义猜测型 情景推断法、代词替代法 等 判断词义 1)文中找线索或信息词; 2) 根据熟悉的词及词义判断新单词之意; 3)根据上下文判断新词汇在特定句中确切意思。 做题要领 阅读理解基础训练 Basic Training ---词义猜测型 Q: Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined word “ illiterate ” A. repeat B. reiterated C. uneducated D. sick Passage3: Most women in Ghana —— the educated and illiterate, the urban and rural, the young and old work to earn an income in addition to maintaining their roles as housewi- ves and mothers. Their reputation for economic independence, self-reliance, and hard work is well known and well deserved ( 应得的,值得的). 解 释 第四节 解 释 这段文字中讲到加纳这个国家中 的大多数妇女,受过教育的 ( educated ) 和没有受过教育的 ( illiterate ); 住在城市的 ( urban ) 和住在农村的( rural ), 年轻的( young ) 和年长的( old ) 正好是一对对反义词。 因此选 C 项。 本题答案选 C 推理判断题 : 高考重头戏,20个题中常有6-8个,着重考查学生归纳概括、逻辑推理等综合能力。 以原文内容 为前提,据作者的观点理论 ( 非考生观点 ) ,客观地对文中未明显说明的现象或事例给予合理的逻辑推断,做出一定解释。 推理判断型 透过现象看本质 ,领悟作者思想倾向、观点、立场、语气及态度等。 推理判断题 (做题要领) 既要求学生透过文章表面文字信息推测文章 隐含意思 ,又要求学生对作者的态度、意图及文章细节的发展作正确的推理判断,力求从 作者的角度 去考虑,不要固守自己的看法或观点。 推理判断型 常见的命题方式有: The passage implies ( 暗示) that_______. We can conclude ( 得出结论) from the passage that_____. Which of the following can be inferred ( 推论) ? What is the tone ( 语气) of the author ? What is the purpose ( 目的) of this passage? Where would this passage most probably appear? 阅读理解基础训练 Basic Training --- 推理判断型 Passage4 The concept (n. 观念 ) of personal choice in relation to health behaviors is an important one. About 90 percent of all illnesses might be preventable if individual (n. 个人 ) made sound ( adj. 健康的 ) personal health choices based upon present (adj. 现在的) medical knowledge. We all enjoy our freedom of choice and do not like to see it limited when it is within the legal (adj. 法律的 ) and moral boundaries ( n. 界限 ) of society. The structure of American society allows us to make almost all our own personal decisions that may affect our health. If we do desire, we can smoke , drink much, refuse to wear seat belts, eat whatever food we want, and live a completely sedentary (adj. 久坐的,劳心的 ) lifestyle without any exercise. 练习题 解释 P5 Q: The concept of personal choice about health is important because____. A. personal health choices help cure most illnesses. B. it helps raise the level of our medical knowledge . C. it is basic to personal freedom in American society. D. wrong decisions could lead to poor health . 文章 解析: 据前两句可以得知,不良的选择会导致健康状况变坏,因此答案选 D 。 选出的答案一定要在原文中找到依据或理由,不能只凭常识或自己主观胡乱推测。 文章 Passage5 A teacher who continually draws attention to rewards or who hands out high grades for ordinary achievement (n. 成绩 ) ends up with uninspired students. Eisenberger holds (vi. 认为) . As an exa- mple of the latter ( adj. 近来的 ) point ( n. 观点 ) , he notes ( vi. 特别指出 ) growing efforts at major universities to tighten ( v. 使变得更紧 ) grading standards ( 及格标准 ) and restore ( vt. 恢复使用 ) failing grades ( 不及格分数或标准 ) . 练习题 解释 总结 Q: It can be infer red from the passage that major universities are trying to tighten their grading standards because they believe_____. rewarding poor performance ( n. 成绩 ) may kill the creativity of students . B. punishment is more effective than rewarding. C. failing (v. 给…不及格 ) uninspired students helps improve their overall (adj. 全面的 ) academic (adj. 学校的 ) standards. D. Discouraging ( vt. 使…失去信心 ) the students’ anticipation ( n. 预期之事物 ) for easy rewards is a matter of urgency ( n. 紧急 ). 文章 解析: 问题是文中 Eisenberger 举的一个例子,通过例证题目的考点分析, 我们知道一般例子前后总结性的话(论点)是解决问题的关键,这样我们就可以判断出该例要说明的问题 …… ( 答案: A ) The topic sentence: A teacher ends up with uninspired (without creativity) students . 译: 假设老师总让学生关注奖励,或对表现一般的学生也给高分,那么学生们最终都会不求进取,没有灵感及想象力。 文章 * Pay attention to the usage of the Cleft Sentence and Non-Predicate Verbs. * Learn to apply these skills to finish exercises on Reading Comprehension. Practice makes Perfect! Conclusion: Review the exercises II. Learn the methods by heart III. Learn to apply them skillfully Homework Thank You Your Advice is welcome Success’s ahead! 得 阅 读 者 得 天 下 阅 读 理 解 之 技 巧 初中 阅读理解 考查事实细节 : 猜测生词含义 : 推理判断 : 归纳主旨大意: 推测作者的态度、意图和目的 : 阅读理解考查题型 (一)事实性细节题 对时间、地点、特征、方式、数字等的 寻找 对原因、结果、事实的 正确理解 常用提问方式: 1. According to the passage, who (what, why, where, when , how many/much, how long)….? 2. According to the passage, which of the following statements is (not) true? 通常是特殊疑问句或判断句子正误 1.He / she should have an interest in making pizza. More importantly, he/ she should have work experience in a restaurant. The ad tells us that______ A. The assistant must be a man. B. The assistant must have once worked in a restaurant. C. Pucci pizza has branches all over China. —————————————————— B 事实理解题解题技巧: 事实细节题一般在 : 1 文中有 原句 ; 2 找相关信息进行 比对 ; 3 找 近义词或同义句 ; 4 进行简单数学 计算 ; 在读文章时把这些信息划下来 (二) 猜测词义 词汇题是询问文章中出现的某个词、词组或 句子含义的题型。 常见的提问方式有: 1) The word ….. refers to _____ 2) The underlined ….. probably means ____________ 1 、 根据定义、释义、举例或复述猜词 常用的: be, be called, mean ,破折号或定语从句等来表示。 Well, I’ve relearned it. I hope I have time left to enjoy the successes of others and to take pleasure in the day. That’s the heart of the watermelon . “the heart of the watermelon” refers to___. A. the best part of the watermelon. B. the writer’s busy life C. the writer’s decision of making money. D. the writer’s hope of enjoying life. D 2 、根据上下文情景和逻辑进行判断 As they go around town, they help people. When they find lost children, they take the children home. If they see a fight, they put an end to it right away. They know all the streets and roads well. Often people ask them how to get to a place in town. In the text, “put an end to” means ___ A. stop B. cut C. kill D. fly A There is a place on our earth where hot water and steam come up under the ground. It is on a large island in the Pacific Ocean. The island is North Island in New Zealand. What does the word “steam” mean in Chinese? _________ A. 自来水 B. 大气 C. 冰川 D. 蒸汽 D and 3 、根据关联词来猜测 3 、根据关联词来猜测 表示因果关系的 : 表示同义关系的 : 表示反义关系的 : because, as, since, for, so, as a result… and, like, just as…the same as…. but, however, though, although, yet, instead (of) 演练 1 A bag is useful and the word “bag” is useful. It gives us some interesting phrases . One is “ to let the cat out of the bag .” It is the same as “to tell a secret” Now when someone lets out a secret, he “lets the cat out of the bag.” Q:John lets the cat out of the bag” means he A. makes everyone know a secret. B. the woman bout a cat. C. buys a cat in the bag. D. sells the cat in the bag.` A 实战演练 2 If you want to be a musician, you usually have to move to an area that has a lot of jobs, such as New York City. The cost of living in these areas is usually very high. The third disadvantage is that you can’t have a stable family life. Different jobs will take a musician to different places, so most musicians are unable to have a regular family. What does the underlined word “stable” mean in Chinese? __________ A. 幸福的 B. 稳定的 C. 健康的 B (三)推理判断 考查逻辑推理能力、语言分析能力和综合归纳能力。 下面哪些方式属于推理判断题? We can infer( 推断 ) from the story that____ What’s the passage mainly about? It can be inferred from the passage that _ According to the story, what would happen next? The first paragraph tells us that _______ What can we learn from the passage? √ √ __ √ √ 1 、事实推理:先在文章中找出据以推断的文字,然后加以分析,尤其要悟出字里行间的意思。 Secondly, a news story has to be interesting and unusual. People don’t want to read stories about everyday life. As a result, many stories are about some kind of danger and seem to be “bad” news. According to the passage, which of the following can you most possibly watch on TV? _______ You often play football with your friends after school. Your teacher has got a cold. A tiger in the city zoo has run out and hasn’t been caught. The bike in front of your house is lost. C danger bad When you cough or sneeze, please turn your head away from others and cover your mouth with the full part of your hand. Afterwards, you should say, “Excuse me.” This is a rule I set for my students. It is so simple, but many kids have never been told to do this . What does the underlined word “this” mean?_ Don’t cough or sneeze in front of people Don’t stand beside someone who coughs or sneezes. Many people cough or sneeze on the underground train. Cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing and say sorry. D 解题技巧:推断题在文章无法直接找到答 案,须在正确理解文章字面意思的基础 上,运用逻辑推理的方法,综合主旨句、 主题句和上下文信息以及作者的措辞,作 出总结性的判断。同时要特别注意代词所 指代的对象 (四)归纳主旨大意 : 主要包括主题思想、写作意图、文章的题目等 常见的提问方式有: (1 ) What is the main idea of the passage? (2) The first paragraph tells us that _____ (3) Which of the following expresses the main idea? (4) The passage is mainly about ______ (5) The best title for the story is _______ (6) Which of the following is the best title? Can you find the topic sentence? All living things on the earth need other living things to live. Nothing lives alone. Most animals must live in a group, and even a plant grows close together with others of the same kind. Sometimes one living thing kills another, one eats and the other is eaten. Each kind of life eats another kind of life in order to live, and together they form a food chain .Some food chains become broken up if one of the links disappears. 2. Reading is a good habit, but the problem is , there’s too much to read these days, and too little time to read every word of it. There are hundreds of skills to help you read more in less time. Here are two skills that I think are especially good. _______________ ________________________ 解题技巧:此类题目多出现于议论文和说明文。要确定文章的主题思想,最重要的是要找到主题句。主题句一般在段首或段尾,有时也在中间。 3. Do you know more and more Chinese artists have made regular donations to charity or put their efforts into charity work in China? Here let’s know some of them. What is the passage mainly about? _____ A. Chinese charity work. B. Charity work of some Chinese artists. C. Some famous Chinese artists. D. Organizations started by Chinese artists. B ________________________________ (五)作者的意图、态度和目的题 1 、作者的语气态度往往不会直接写在文章里,只能通过细读文章,从作者的选词及修饰手段中体会出来。 常见的提问方式有: (1) What is the writer’s purpose in writing the passage? (2) The writer probably feels that ______ (3) What is the writer’s main point? (4) What is the writer’s attitude towards…? (5) In the passage the writer tries to tell us that _______ (6) The writer suggest( 暗示 ) that __________ (7) The writer wants to prove that ___________ 题目都是围绕作者的意图、目的和态度 解题技巧 : 正确理解文章中反映作者态度和观点的关键词,同时通过选项中的关键词来推断正确答案,学会根据作者使用的词语的褒贬性去判断作者的态度,要区别作者的态度和其他人的态度,不应把你自己的态度渗透其中。 Today I can iron pretty well. I know where to start on a shirt and the right way to do the trousers. Now when I think about it, I don’t think she is an old lady. I thin she might have been about my age now. Anyway, when I iron, I think of her and silently thank her for all the things I learned. Now the writer ____________ A. is still afraid of the lady B. hates the strict lady. C. admires the disabled lady. D. is very grateful to the lady. D —————————————— —————————————————— Read the passage and finish the exercises Happiness is important for everyone. Most people want to be happy but few know how to find happiness. Money and success don’t bring lasting happiness. Happiness depends on ourselves. In other words, we make our own happiness. Some people believe that if they are wealthy , they will be able to do anything they want, which means happiness. On the other hand, some people believe that holding a high position in the government is happiness. In this way, you have not only money, but also many other things which can’t be bought by money. However, other people believe that having lots of money is not happiness, nor is holding a high position in the government. These people value( 重视 ) their beliefs, or their intelligence, or their health. They think these can make them happy. Here are a few ways to help you be happier. The first secret of happiness is to enjoy the simple things in life. Too often, we spend so much time thinking about the future, for example, getting into college or getting a good job that we don’t enjoy the present. You should enjoy life’s simple pleasures, such as reading a good book, listening to your favorite music, or spending time with close friends. People who have close friends usually enjoy happier and healthier lives. The second secret of happiness is to be active. Many people go dancing or play sports. People can forget about their problems and only think about the activities. Finally, many people find happiness in helping others. According to studies, people feel good when they volunteer their time to do many meaningful things for other people. If you want to feel happier, do something nice for someone. You can help a friend with his or her studies, go shopping to get food for an old neighbor, or simply help around the house. Now maybe you know how to find happiness! ( ) 1. Some people who hold a high position in the government think they can ________. ( ) 2. The underlined word “wealthy” means________ in the article. ( ) 3. We can infer (推断) that Many people find it happy to __________. ( ) 4. The passage mainly tells us ________. ( ) 5. The writer thinks the secret of happiness is that people ________ 考查事实细节 归纳主旨大意 推理判断 猜测生词 推测作者的意图、态度、目的 表示因果关系的 : because, as, since, for, so, as a result… 表示同义关系的 : and, like, just as… 表示反义关系的 : but, however, though, although, yet, instead (of) 等等。 ( 3 ) . 根据关联词猜词 1.I could see nothing because the light was so faint 2.Tom is very rude, but his brother is quite polite . 3. She is beautiful, and her daughter is as pretty as her. ( 昏暗的) ( 有礼貌的 ) ( 漂亮的 ) 点击中考 There is a place on our earth where hot water and steam come up under the ground. It is on a large island in the Pacific Ocean. The island is North Island in New Zealand. What does the word “steam” mean in Chinese? _________ A. 自来水 B. 大气 C. 冰川 D. 蒸汽 D ( 4 )根据生活经验及普通常识猜词 China is our motherland . Kangaroo mothers have pouches to carry their babies. 3.It's really cold outside, and my hands are both numb . ( 祖国 ) ( 育儿袋 ) ( 冻僵了的 , 麻木的 , 失去知觉的 ) 2. Doctors believe that smoking is detrimental to your health. 4. The boy had a happy family before. However, after the war, he became homeless . Exercises: Guess the meaning of the new words quickly. Wealthy means having lots of money. 5. You must stop dreaming and face reality . ( 富裕的,有钱的) ( 有害的 ) ( 现实 ) 3. My mother-in-law , my husband’s mother, was a teacher . ( 婆婆 ) ( 无家可归的) 解题技巧 1. 根据作者使用的词语的褒贬去判断作者的态度,正确理解反映作者态度和观点的关键词。 2. 要区别作者的态度和其他人的态度,不应把自己的态度渗透其中。 解题技巧: 找主题句。一般新闻报道、说明文、议论文大都采用先总述、后分述的叙事方法,因此主题句大都在段首或篇首。 用归纳法写文章时,往往表述细节的句子在前,概述性的句子在后,并以此结尾。那么主题句往往就在段末或篇末。 2. 逻辑推理型 2) 根据计算判断 If everyone sets their air conditioning ( 空调 )at 26℃,Beijing will save 400 million kilowatt-hours( 千瓦时 ) of electricity in one summer. That’s one-third of all the usage of the city in the season,” said a TV advertisement. Beijing will use______ million kilowatt-hours electricity in one summer. A. 1200 B. 800 C. 400 一 . 阅读理解题目的设置方式: A 2. 逻辑推理型 1 ) 根据常识判断 One day we invited some friends to dinner. When it was about six o’clock, my wife found that we had little bread. So she asked our five-year-old daughter, Kathy, to buy some. One day, Kathy’s parents invited some friends to________. A.have breakfast B. have lunch C. have supper D. have a party. C 一 . 阅读理解题目的设置方式: 4. 理解词句含义型 Now there are many houses around the lake. people often use chemicals in their gardens. They use other chemicals inside their houses for cleaning or killing insects ( 昆虫 ). There are also many businessmen. Businessmen use chemicals in their machines or shops. “Chemical” in the story means_______. A. 化学家 B 污染品 C 药品 D. 化学制品 D 一 . 阅读理解题目的设置方式: 常用提问方式: According to( 根据 ) the passage, we know that____ The title ( 标题 ) of the passage can be________. The writer tells us_________. From the story we can see/ learn / say_____ The main idea of this passage is______. What is this passage about? 一 . 阅读理解题目的设置方式: 3. 归纳主旨句 The ways of guessing the new words in context: 遇到生词要冷静 A. 利用构词法进行猜测 根据单词的前缀与后缀进行猜词。如, care( 小心 ) → careful( 小心的 ) → carefully ( 小心地 ); write( 写 ) → rewrite ( 改写 ) 。 un- ; dis-;-less : ; mis-: ; re-: ; -ern: -er ,-or, -ist : ; 2. 根据“合成词”猜测。 如 school + bag → schoolbag down+stairs → downstairs 不无 错误 再 , 重复 , 重新 表方向 表示人 Exercises: Match the meaning with the new words. rebuild modernize man-made unsafe misunderstan-ding 不安全的 误解 重建 现代化 人造的 1. A lot of the world’s natural resources like oil come from poor countries. A. 环境 B. 资源 C . 汽油 2. The old man put on his spectacles and began to read. A. 帽子 B. 雨鞋 C . 眼镜 3. My mom was a little heavy. And I was almost as plump as my mom. A. 丰满 B. 苗条 C . 强壮 4. Children have schoolbags with two straps to carry them. A. 口袋 B. 肩带 C . 纽扣 Exercises: Choose the right answer. √ √ √ √ 二 . 阅读理解解题方法 1. 先看文章 , 再看试题 . 2. 先看试题 , 然后带着问题再看文章 .( 常用方法 ) 三 . 阅读理解解题步骤 1. 扫读 : 即快速阅读 , 通览全文 . 发现关键句 ( 特别要注意文章的第一段和最后一段的头一句 . 2. 细读 : 集中精力研读课文 , 分清文章体裁 , 把握文章中心和主要内容 , 进而掌握文章细节信息 ( 五个 W,who,what,when,where,why) 3. 查读 : 认真检查 , 尽量减少答题错误 . Mr.and Mrs.Bell are very forgetful. For example, Mr.Bell sometimes goes to his office for work on Sunday morning, for he thinks it is Monday. And Mrs.Bell some- times forget to cook supper for the family. One summer they planned to fly to New York for their holidays. They got to the airport only ten minutes before the plane took off. So time was short. But suddenly Mrs. Bell said she must tell Alice,their daughter, not to forget to lock the front door when she went to school. As Alice was then at school,they couldn’t tell her about it by telephone. So they hurried to the post office. Mrs.Bell wrote a short note to Alice while Mr.Bell bought a stamp and an envelo- pe. Soon the note was ready. They put the stamp on the envelope in a hurry and dropped it in the letter box. But suddenly Mrs.Bell began to cry. The short note was still in her hand. She had put the plane tickets in the envelope. ( )(1). The word “ forgetful ” means______. A. 忘记 B. 健忘的 C. 难忘的 ( )(2).How did they plan to go to New York onesummer? A.by plane B.by train C.by bus ( )(3). Because Alice was then ay school , they had to ________to Alice. A. phone B.write a note C.send a E-mail ( )(4). What did they drop ____in the letter box? A. a note B. the tickets C. the money ( )(5). The main idea of this passage is______. A. Mr.and Mrs.Bell are very forgetful. B. Mr.and Mrs.Bell planned to fly to New York. C. Mr.and Mrs.Bell are very old. 1.Read the article for 2 minutes, and find the key sentence of the article. B A B B A Summary 阅读技巧: 1. 浏览问题,通读全文 2. 抓住中心句 (标题,首段,每段的首尾句,总 --- 分 --- 总 , 总 --- 分) 3. 克服以下不良习惯: 心读,一个词一个词的看,只读不记 4. 遇到生词要沉着冷静 得 阅 读 者 得 天 下 阅 读 理 解 之 技 巧 初中 阅读理解 阅读材料 题材: 故事,寓言, 人物,科普,政治经济、社会文化、风俗习惯、历史、地理等 体裁: 记叙文、说明文、议论文、应用文,新闻报道、广告、通知、操作说明、书信,图画,表格等 学生素质 阅读速度 理解程度 思维能力 综合文化素质 具体考查的内容 理解具体信息 推测生词词义 理解概念性含义 判断、推理和引申 理解主旨要义 理解结构,句段关系 理解作者意图 解题步骤 一、快速阅读,读懂大意 二、明确要求,逐一解答 三、重读问题,理解问题 (带着问题,找答案。 --- 找出处、划线) 四、带着问题,重读文章 (仔细斟酌不确定的答案。 ) 五、复读全文,最后把关 (核对 --- 总体把握) 题型大聚会 1. 推理题 2. 词汇题 3. 主旨题 4. 态度观点题 5. 指代题 解题技巧碰碰碰 (一)推理题及解题技巧 推理题: 数字推理 知识推断 逻辑推理 细节推断 考查理清上下逻辑关系的能力(最难)。 考查学生 判断、推理和引申 理解作者的意图、观点或态度 常用逻辑词 : “infer, conclude, imply, suggest” 等。 推论 推断 暗示 暗示 技巧 1. 吃:吃透意思 2. 捕:捕捉线索 3. 挖:挖掘加工 4. 握:把握关系 5. 摸:揣摸作者 1. 数字推断题 Mr Brown first went to look at the underground - fire when he was seven. "Through the hole (洞) in the earth you could see the orange fire, but you had to look fast because it was so hot," said Mr Brown. In 1898, he saw the fire once more (再一次) . 1.  Mr Brown first saw the underground - fire ________. A. at the age of seven B. seven years old C. in the year of 1898 D. more than (超过) 80 years ago A When he was seven years old Party in Taiwan.. On his nine-day trip from May 5-13, he visited Xi’an, Nanjing, Shanghai and Changsha, as well as Beijing. Soong, 63, was born in Xiangtan, Hunan Province in 1942. He went to Taiwan with his father at the age of seven. 67. Soong went to Taiwan with his father in ________. A. 1942 B. 1945 C. 1949 D. 1948 1. 数字推断题 C 例题: The United States became an independent country in 1783, and New York Was its capital for a short time…………………. The United States became an independent country in _______. A. the 17th century B. the 16th century C. the 18th century D. the 19th century 注意年与世纪的关系, 例如: 1867 年是 19 世纪, 1990 年是 20 世纪 , 2008 年是 21 世纪。 C 2. 知识推断题 知识推断: 根据细节,运用基础知识进行分析、推敲,得出符合文章原义的结论的一种推断方法。 实例 Tokyo : Three snakes, whose poison could kill a person in ten minutes, are guarding a blue star sapphire (蓝宝石) worth nearly six hundred dollars at a Japanese exhibition of jewels sent from an Indian museum. “Normally it would be forbidden to let these poisonous snakes guard exhibition objects, but it’s different this time because the jewels are being exhibited at a hotel,” a police said. The jewels was being shown in ______. A. an Indian hotel   B. an Indian museum   C. a Japanese hotel   D. a Japanese museum C 3. 逻辑结论推断题     逻辑结论: 指严格根据文中所陈述的事实、论点、例证等一系列论据材料进行推理,从而得出合乎逻辑的结论,而不是根据自己的经验、态度或观点去理解文章的内涵。    实例     My father has little time for films. But one day as he finished his work, he found a film ticket under the glass on the desk. He went to the cinema quickly. When he was seated , a woman came to my father and said the seat was hers. They both took out their tickets and found the seat shown on them was Row 8,Seat 16. After looking at the ticket more carefully, my father said, “Sorry, it’s not today’s ticket.” From this passage we can know that the writer’s father was ____________. careless 4. 细节推断题 为了阐明主题,作者将陈述一些事实来支持主题,如 what, who, where, when, 等,即“ supporting details” 。     所依据的 细节 实例   When the bell was ringing. The boys came into the room. Each one had a bat or a ball. All had red faces. They were glad to get into their seats. The teacher said it was time to get back to work. Which of the following sentence is probably true?   A. The class was over.   B. The boys had just come back from playing.   C. The teacher told the boys to work. B 很可能的 细节认定题。此类题主要考查学生对相关信息的识别能力,旨在考查学生对短文的关键词句、某个具体事实、具体情节或特定的细节是否注意和理解。 【 考题再现 】 ( 2007 兰州中考题) Vision-phones can be of great use when you have something to show the person whom you are calling. It may also have other uses in the future. Some day you may be able to call up a library and ask to read a book right over your vision-phone. You may be able to do some shopping through it, too. 59.In the future, you can use a vision-phone to ________. A. read a book B. ask an assistant to read a book for you C. ask an assistant to bring you a book D. ask an assistant to do some shopping for you A 【 剖析 】 根据 Some day you may be able to call up a library and ask to read a book right over your vision-phone. 结合 someday 与题干中的 In the future 相等。所以答案为 A The deep sea is not an easy place to live in. It is cold and dark. The deeper it is, the less light there is. At the depth of about 3,000feet, there is not light at all. Besides the cold and darkness, sea animals face a third danger—other animals. Animals eat! They must find food to eat. Many animals eat plants. However, some eat meat. 【 考题再现 】 ( 2007 天津中考题) 63. How many dangers will animals meet in the deep sea according to the passage? A. One B. Two C. Three D.Four 64.According to the passage, which of the following is WRONG? A. When one animal finds something to eat, it may be eaten by others. B. Many sea animals eat plants. C. The deeper the sea is, the darker it is. D. At the depth of 3,000 feet, all animals can find their ways. 63. 选 C 根据文中第五段 Besides the cold and darkness, sea animals face a third danger-other animals 这组句子。 64. 选 D 根据文中第四段第二行” At the depth of about 3,000 feet, there is no light at all. 可推断;没有光线,就很难找到路, D 项不符 常见的推理判断题题干 ① According to the passage , what /which is“……”? ②Which of the following statement is (not) true/ correct/mentioned/listed/included? ③ All of the following statements are true/correct/ mentioned except______? 根据 下面的 陈述,表述 正确的 正确的 提到的 列出的 包括的 除了 ….( 不包括 ) 文章 哪一个 (二)词汇题及解题技巧 测试学生根据上下文正确推测判断词义的能力。 标志是 The underlined word “…” in line …refers to … 下划线的 在第 … 行的 … 指的是 技巧 返回原文,找到该句子 结合上下文,理解该词意思 重点抓字面含义,不要进行归纳,演绎,推理 选项中的正确答案意思与原句完全相同,只是用其他词汇表达 超纲 词汇不是正确答案 正确答案常蕴藏在原文该词出现前后 1. 通过因果关系猜词 借助关联词 ( 如 because , as , since , for , so , thus , as a result , of course , therefore 等等 ) You shouldn't have blamed him for that , for it wasn't his fault. 猜词题实例 因为 因此 结果 因此 错误 2. 通过同义词和反义词的关系猜词 1) 同义词 and 连接的词组 e.g. happy and gay 解释过程中使用的同义词 e.g. Man has known something about the planets Venus , Mars, and Jupiter... 行星 金星 火星 木星 2) 反义词 表转折关系的连词或副词, 如 but , while , however 等 与 not 搭配的或表示否定意义 的词语 1. He is so homely , not as handsome as his brother. or 连接的词组 2. happy or sorrowful 3. 通过构词法猜词 1). 前缀 un- 表反义词,如 happy 、 unhappy , fair 、 unfair , important 、 unimportant 等。 2). 后缀 - ment 表名词,如 develop 、 development , state 、 statement , argue 、 argument 等。 3). 后缀 -er 、 -or 或 -ist 表同源名词, 如 calculate 、 calculator , visit 、 visitor , law 、 lawyer , wait 、 waiter , science 、 scientist , art 、 artist 等。 。 4. 通过定义或释义关系来推测词义 But sometimes, no rain falls for a long , long time. Then there is a dry period , or drought . 干旱 5. 通过句法功能来推测词义 Bananas , oranges , pineapples , coconuts and some other kind of fruit grow in warm areas. 椰子 6. 通过描述猜词 The penguin is a kind of sea bird living in the South Pole. It is fat and walks in a funny way. Although it cannot fly, it can swim in the icy water to catch the fish. 企鹅 When Jack first heard about these children, he wanted to help them. Once Jack went to meet a little girl in Africa. “When I met her, I felt very very happy.” He said “And I saw that the money was used for a good cause . I want to do everything I want to go on helping those children.” 65.The underlined words “for a good cause” means “_______” in Chinese. A. 施舍 B. 行善 C. 优惠 D. 赏赐 【 剖析 】 单从 cause 一词很难判断, cause 有“原因,理由,事业”,也有“使引起、使招致的意思。因为整篇文章说的是 Jack 给儿童的捐款行为。划线短语的句子的意思是:他看到这些钱用于”行善“,这给他带来很多快乐。 【 考题再现 】 ( 2007 重庆中考题) (三)主旨题及解题技巧 主旨要义 整体理解 概括能力 标志词有: “ mainly about ; mainly discuss ; best title” 等。 标题 主要的 讨论 技巧 注意首段和各段第一句话 , 将其含义连接成一个整体 小心“首段陷阱” , 不要一看开头就选择答案 常见提问: 1. What is the main idea of this passage? 2. What is the author’s main point? 3. What is the subject of this passage? 4.The main purpose of the passage? 5. The title of this passage would be ____. 中心思想 主题 作者的主要观点 目的 6. The best title of this passage could (would) be __. 7. What can be the best title for the text? 8. The topic sentence of the passage is _________. 9. The writer in the text mainly tells us __________. 10. The passage is mainly aimed to ___________. 主题句 目的在于 11. Paragraph 1 mainly tells us ______________. 12. What is the passage mainly about? 13. Which of the following sentence can best describe the main idea of the passage? 描述 短文 大意 In rock music there is a distinct and almost overwhelming beat . No single beat is characteristic of the music today. But each song has an easily recognizable rhythm . As you listen to a song , your foot usually starts to pick up the beat . Before long , your entire body seems to be moving with it . Your head pounds with the beat , and there is no room for thought . Only the surge of the music is important . In its own way , rock music is as dominant as the rock Gibraltar. Its message is an ever-growing emotional one . 在这一段文章中 “ In rock music there is a distinct and almost overwhelming beat.” 为主题句。 beat 则是句子的信息核心。该词在第 2 、 4 、 6 句里重复出现,而第 3 句中的“ rhythm”( 节奏 ) 跟“ beat”( 强烈的节奏 ) 意思基本一致,这就保证了主题平稳而持续的发展。请注意:第 8 、 9 句作者重申并总结了主题句,而不是说段末是主题句。 例 2 The vegetable and fruit and flower merchants are surrounded by baskets of purple eggplants, green peppers , strings of tiny silvery onions , heads of bitter Indian spinach . and a dozen Indian vegetables for which I don’t even know the English names . I had forgotten about the profusion of fruit in India—it is only during the brief intense summer that you see much variety of fruit in Moscow. In Russia , as winter approaches all vegetables except for potatoes and the pervasive cabbage in soup seem to disappear from the menus . 主题句在中间的第二句“ I had forgotten about the profusion of fruit in India—it is only during the brief intense summer that you see much variety of fruit in Moscow.” People live in cities today think that meat is something that comes wrapped in cellophane( 玻璃纸 ) . From the supermarket , potatoes come by the pound in plastic or paper bags , and feather grows in hats. The city dwellers’ views are quite different from the views of their ancestors, who knew that? meat is hunted down in the forest , potatoes are planted and weeded , and only birds can produce1eathers. Yet, whether people today realize it or not , they are still as dependent on animals and plants for their existence as their ancestors were . 主题句 关键 - 主题句 主题句:凡表述段落(或短文)主旨大意的句子。 三个特点: ( 1 )总领性强,概括性强 ( 2 )结构简单,不用难句   ( 3 )其他句子解释、支撑或扩展主题句,起服从、论证、补充的作用 实例 Joshua Bingham studied four years at the University of  Paris and decided to leave before his graduation. He changed to the University of Berlin and graduated with honors. Harvard Law School and later, Boston College provided him with an excellent legal background. He is presently a business lawyer in Miami, Florida. 从以上这个段落,我们发现没有一个句子可以单独陈述该段落的主题,那么,作者写这个段落的目的是什么呢?通过仔细阅读和理解每个句子的意思之后,我们便可领悟,作者想告诉读者的是: Joshua Bingham received an excellent education. 所以说这种文章(或段落)只能从文章的字里行间去理解作者的意图,这样才能推断出文章的主旨大意。 实例 All students of geography should be able to explain a weather map exactly. Weather condition is a huge amount of information about condition at a time of observation over a large geographical area. They show in a few minutes what otherwise would take hours to describe. The United States Weather Office gives out information about coming storms, floods, freeze, dryness, and all climatic conditions in general. Twice a month it gives out a 30-day “out-look” which is a basic guide to weather conditions likely to happen all over the United States. Question : What is the main idea of this passage? A. Weather maps are very important to students of geography. B. Weather maps can have a 30-day “outlook”. C. Students of geography should be able to make weather maps exactly. D. Those who major in geography should have the ability to have a good understanding of a weather map. (四)态度观点题及解题技巧 理解作者的意图 , 观点或态度的能力。标志词 : attitude , purpose 等。 态度 目的 技巧 态度词 : Opposition 反对, suspicion 怀疑的, Approval 支持, Optimistic 乐观的, subjective 主观的, objective 客观的, pessimistic 悲观的, biased 有偏见的, impartial 公正的, sensitive 敏感的, indifference 冷漠 ( 一般不选 ) 。 不要搀杂自己的观点 寻找文中具有感情色彩的词 抓论述的主线及举例的方式 49. What do you think of the taxi driver?_______ A. He was not an honest person. B. He liked to work very hard. C. He was good at driving D. He was a kind and clever man 选 A. 出租车司机在火车站在载了一名客人去一个很近的酒店,但他却绕路多赚车费。客人非常气愤地说:“ What?Fifteen dollars?Do you think I’m a fool?Only last week, I took a taxi from the rail station to the same hotel and I only give the driver thirteen dollars.” 从 When the taxi driver heard that, he didn’t feel happy any more 及 But suddenly, he had an idea.He took the passenger through many streets of the city 可知司机不诚实。诚实的人还用绕道吗? (五)指代题及解题技巧 整体理解文章的能力, 并推断出该处指代词所代表的含义。 技巧 返回原文,找出题的指代词 找最近的名词 , 名词性词组或句子 将找到的替换该指代词 , 看意思是否通顺 找出最佳答案 If you are visiting another country you may feel that you don’t have any private space. Hotel rooms look much the same in every country in the world. All day long ,you share public spaces with other people. You see the local people in their private spaces and you feel lonely and “outside” . Local people can create their private spaces by talking about things you don’t know about .And you even feel that they like you to be outside them so that they will enjoy being inside even more! This is one of the difficulties of being a traveler! But if you understand it then it helps you .Haven’t you enjoyed being part of a group and “owning” a bit of space? 3.In Paragraph 4 ,the pronoun “ them ’ refers to (所指) “ ___________”. A.public spaces B.private spaces C.local people 典型例题分析 根据内容,从短文后每题的四个选项中选择最佳的一项。 Mr Brown first went to look at the underground - fire when he was seven. "Through the hole (洞) in the earth you could see the orange fire, but you had to look fast because it was so hot," said Mr Brown. In 1898, he saw the fire once more (再一次) . Now, we can only see the smoke. The fire Mr Brown saw is not the underground - fire. In fact, there are 260 coal (煤) fires in the world. They are harmful (有害) and dangerous. Then how to put them out? Scientists have tried to set (放置) fire to underground coal to speed up (加速) the fires. In this way, the burning (燃烧) of underground coal would be soon finished. (被烧完)。 1.  Mr Brown first saw the underground - fire ________. A. at the age of seven B. seven years old C. in the year of 1898 D. more than (超过) 80 years ago 2.  Mr Brown said that we had to take a fast look at the fire because ________. A. it was in the hole B. it was very hot C. it was orange D. it was harmful 3. How many coal fires are there in the world? A. There's only one. B. It's hard to say. C. There are 260. D. The article (文章) doesn't tell us. A B C 4. What’s one of the best ways to put out (扑灭) the underground fire? A.  To cover (覆盖) the holes with stones (石块) . B.  To speed up the fires. C.  To see the fires burning. D. To do some experiments (试验) . 5. What is the best title (标题) for the article? A.  Watching the Underground - Fire. B.   A Way to Put Out the Coal Fires. C.  The Burning Earth. D.  Coal and Coal Fires. B B [ 分析 ] 1. 在文章的第一段的第一句里可以 找到依据 。 at the age of seven 等于 when he was seven ,故正确答案为 A 。 2 .这一题可以在第一段里直接找到答案,属于 直接回答题 。正确答案为 B 。 3 .这一题可以在第二段里直接找到答案,属于 直接回答题 。正确答案为 C 。 4 .在文章的 最后一段提到 了扑灭火的最好方法,那就是使火加速燃烧。正确答案为 B 。 5 .完成这道题需作一定的 归纳 ,因为文章中 没有给出直接的回答 。文章从 Mr Brown 两次看火,然后说出地下火的危害,最后提出如何灭火的方法。文章的前两段是给为什么要灭火和如何灭火铺垫,如何灭火才是文章的中心。故正确答案为 B 。 阅读理解题型 ture or fause A,B,C or D Answer the questions   一、根据文章内容判断正误 Fred telephoned his wife. “I’ve got two free tickets for the theatre tonight,” he told her. “Meet me outside the office. We’ll have something to eat and then go on to the theatre.” Fred’s wife was very pleased. They hadn’t been to the theatre for a long time . She met her husband as he told her. They had dinner and got to the theatre just in time . At the entrance Fred took out his wallet to get the tickets. “It’s very strange,” he said. “They aren’t here!” “Try your pockets,” said his wife. But the tickets weren’t there, either. Then Fred looked very embarrassed ( 尴尬 ). “What’s the matter?” asked his wife. “Well,” Fred said, “I remember what I did with my tickets. I put them in my bag. But because I wasn’t going home, I left it in the office!” ( ) 1. One day, Fred was given the tickets for the theatre. ( ) 2. Fred and his wife went to the theatre quite often. ( ) 3. Fred wanted to meet his wife in a restaurant. ( ) 4. They reached the theatre neither late nor early. ( ) 5. Then Fred couldn’t find his tickets and remembered what he had done with the tickets. 1 、 T 因为第一段中提到 Fred told his wife “ I ’ ve got two free tickets …” “ free ” 此处是免费的意思。 2 、 F 第二段中提到 “ They hadn ’ t been to the theater for a long time. ” 3 、 F 第一段中 Fred 说 “ Meet me outside the office. ” 4 、 T 第二段中 “ in time ” 是及时的意思。 5T 结尾处提到的。   David McConnell sold books from door to door. Housewives( 家庭主妇 )were not interested in the books. Usually before he had enough time to say anything about his books, the women closed their doors. But he didn’t give up. McConnell decided to bring each of them a present, a small bottle of perfume( 香水 )made by himself. He soon found that the women liked the perfume better than the books. He stopped selling books to sell perfume instead and started his own company “Avon”, which is a great success. When you do nothing, you learn nothing. But when you try, even though you are not successful, you will learn what doesn’t work and that puts you closer to what will work. It doesn’t matter how many times you are not successful. It does matter that you will be successful one day. Edison was not on the way to success until people bought his first invention. Success once is enough for Edison. And the same for you—success once is enough. ( ) 1. McConnell was successful as a book-seller. ( ) 2. McConnell hoped those women would buy his books if he brought them each a present. ( ) 3. If you do nothing at all, you will never be successful. ( ) 4. Edison was successful at the very beginning. ( ) 5. The writer encouraged us to try as much as we can. F T T F T 1 、 F 从第一段 “ He stopped selling books to sell perfume stead. ” ,可以判断出他在推销书方面并不成功。 2 、 T 第一段第三行提到 “ McConnell decided to bring each of them a present, …” 。 3 、 T 这句是第二段前两句的解释。 4 、 F 最后一段,第一句说明 Edison 的发明被人们认可后才走上了成功之路。 5 、 T 第二段中作者提出了自己的观点。   Sociologists( 社会学家 ), working in western countries, have found that a large number of women wished they had been born men. The number is said to be as high as 60% in Germany. “ Women often wish they had the same chances as men have, and think it is still men ’ s world, ” said Dr James Helen, one of the sociologists who did the study. Many men say that they have more duties than women. A man has to make money to support( 养活 )his family and to make the important decision, so it is right for men to be paid more. Some are even against their wives working at all. When wives go out to work, they say, the home and children cannot be taken good care of. If women take full-time jobs, they won ’ t be able to do what they are best at doing: making a nice home and bringing up the children. Some women disagree. They say they want to get out of their homes and to have freedom( 自由 ) to choose between work and home life. Women have the right of equal pay and equal chances( 平等机会 ). Anne Harper has a very good job. She also believes in “ Women ’ s Liberation( 解放 ). ” “ I don ’ t wish I were a man, ” she says, “ and I don ’ t think many women do. But I do wish people would stop treating( 对待 ) us like second — class people. At work, for example, we usually do the work that men do but get paid less. There are still a lot of jobs only to men — usually they are the best ones. If you are a man, you have a much better chance of living a wonderful life. How many women scientists are there … or engineers? ” ( ) 1. many men think__________. A. women can ’ t do what men can B. men have to work much harder than women C. men can make money more easily than women D. women ’ s duty is mainly to do housework at home 1 、 D 这是一道概括主旨的题,答此题的依据是第三段内容。这段开头两句话说的是重男,那么不言而喻,家务活和教育子女的任务应有妇女承担;另有一些男士则公开反对女士外出工作。可见,不少男士认为妇女的主要职责是在家料理家务。 ( ) 2. Some women have different ideas, They say that__________. A. women need chances to go out of the home more often B. women want more freedom in deciding the kind of life they want C. if women are given equal pay, they can do everything instead of men D. women are no longer interested in taking care of their homes 2 、 B 一些妇女持不同观点,文中第四段反映了他们的意见。这也正是文章的中心思想的写作意图 ---- 争取人权平等,妇女自由,男女平等。 ( ) 3. Anne Harper didn ’ t wish to be a man__________. A. because she believed in “ Women ’ s Liberation ” B. but she wished to get the same jobs as men C. because she had got a good job D. but she wished to treated the same as a man 3 、 D 安妮 . 哈珀不希望自己是男士,但她希望社会像对待男士一样对待她。该题是一考查细节的题,答案在最后一段。 ( ) 4. Anne Harper thought that__________. A. women should live a better life than men B. women should be really liberated C. women should be given better jobs than men D. women should live a more wonderful life 4 、 B 安妮 . 哈珀的想法正是作者的意图,如最后一段写到: She also believes in “ Women ’ s Liberation. ” 然后她又列举了许多事实,其立意还是为了说明这一正确论点。 ( ) 5. Which of the following is not true according to the passage? A. There are more men scientists, engineers than women ones. B. Women are second — class people, so they shouldn ’ t live a better life. C. Women do the same jobs as men, but get paid less than men. D. There are some best Jobs that women have few chances to take. 5 、 B 选题 B 的观点在文中没有出现。文中男士尽管摆出种种理由,但还没有人敢明目张胆地发表歧视妇女的观点,即把妇女作为二等公民,认为妇女不应生活的更美好。 (4) Bob was happy. He was at a new school, and the other students were friendly. “ Hi, Bob! ” they said. But some students said, “ Hi, Peter! ” Bob didn ’ t understand. He asked another student, “ Why do some students call me Peter ? ” “ Oh, that ’ s easy to answer, ” the students said. “ Pete was a student here last year. Now he goes to a different school. You look like Peter. Some students think that you ’ re Peter. ” 培养阅读能力的几点建议 每天进行阅读练习与指导 训练答题技巧: “ 别扭 ” 思维方式: “ 钻死牛角尖 ” ,拧着劲儿想 “ 我的答案为什么就不对? ” 然后试图从原文找到线索。扭转该类学生的思路,引导他们很快接收正确答案 “ 这个为什么是对的? ” 努力从原文中发现支持论据。 “ 总结文章题目 ” —— “ 双向法 ” 熟读阅读文章 : 使 “ 生词 ” 变为 “ 熟词 ” (押题越来越不可能) 1 、学生失分原因? 2 、应采取什么对策? 反思 策略 Thanks for Listening! --- 初中英语五选五阅读 中考英语专项复习 I Reading is a game. 1. 先读 文章的开始部分 ,明确文章的基本话题 , 然后仔细阅读五个空各自的 前后 句寻找并画出 关键词 。( 一名 ( 名词 ) 袋( 代词 )鼠( 数词 )很特殊( 特殊疑问词 ),连( 连词 )蹦( 动词 )带跳很彪( 标点 / 标题 )悍。 ) 2. 要对文章中出现的衔接手段保持敏感度。衔接手段分为三种: 词汇衔接、逻辑衔接、结构衔接 。可按这几个原则判断原文的空与选项是否匹配。 3. 一旦确定一个选项,就要在该选项上做出标记(例如可以删掉),以避免干扰和分散注意力。 4. 将 选项 代入到文章中重读,依据行文逻辑,再次确定选项。 How to find clues in reading II Circle the words that connect the sentences. II Maggie and Sarah are twin sisters. They were born just a few minutes apart, and they look exactly alike. They both have blonde hair and green eyes.1._____Sometimes other students at school have a hard time telling them apart. Maggie and Sarah like going to the same school. This is because they are not just twin sisters, but best friends too. They have a lot in common. 2._____Both girls spend a lot of time together with their family, and they both like to play with their dog, Callie. 3._____Maggie likes to play sports. She is on a soccer team and a basketball team. Sarah doesn’t really like sports. She likes to dance. There are other differences between them too. 4. _____Maggie likes to read mystery books, but Sarah likes to read books about animals. Maggie gets better grades in reading and Spanish, but Sarah gets better grades in math and science. Everyone is different in her or his own way. Maggie and Sarah like being different from each other as much as they like being similar. 5. __ They are around the same height Circle the words that connect the sentences. II Maggie and Sarah are twin sisters. They were born just a few minutes apart, and they look exactly alike. They both have blonde hair and green eyes. 1. Sometimes other students at school have a hard time telling them apart. as well. 和前后句联系 衔接作用 过渡句 段中 Summary: 五选五解题技巧 1: 同范畴词 同范畴词 是指跟此词汇相关或同一领域的词汇 在文章中共同出现,达到语义衔接的目的。你可以 在选项中找到与此词汇最接近的词, 从而达到快而准。一般来说,上下文中词汇联系越接近,上下文的衔接关系越紧密。 Circle the words that connect the sentences. II Maggie and Sarah like going to the same school. This is because they are not just twin sisters, but best friends too. They have a lot in common. 2. Both girls spend a lot of time together with their family, and they both like to play with their dog, Callie. Both girls enjoy a lot of the same television shows, books, and food. 和前后句联系 衔接作用 , 解释说明 过渡句 段中 Summary: 五选五解题技巧 2 : 同句式 同句式 是相同句式结构 在文章中并列出现,达到语义衔接,层层递进的目的。你可以 在选项中找到与上文或下文结构一致的句式, 从而达到快而准。 Circle the words that connect the sentences. II 3. Maggie likes to play sports. She is on a soccer team and a basketball team. Sarah doesn’t really like sports. She likes to dance. But Maggie and Sarah are also very different. 引出主题 主题句 段首 解释 Circle the words that connect the sentences. II There are other differences between them too. 4. Maggie likes to read mystery books, but Sarah likes to read books about animals. Maggie gets better grades in reading and Spanish, but Sarah gets better grades in math and science. Maggie likes the color red, but Sarah likes the color green. 说明原因、举例证明、分述细化主题、解释前句中的某个概念等 主题句之后 段首 Circle the words that connect the sentences. II Everyone is different in her or his own way. Maggie and Sarah like being different from each other as much as they like being similar. 5. That is what makes them special. Summary: 五选五解题技巧 3 : 代词提示 英语表达中代词出现的频率极高,代词的作用无非是指代前面提及的名词或句子,巧妙利用这样的指代关系和根据代词的单复数差异可以准确而快速地解题。 it: 单数名词或整个句子; this: 单数名词或句子 one: 单数可数名词; that: 不可数名词或句子; they/them: 复数名词; these/those: 前句的复数名词。 Circle the words that connect the sentences. II Everyone is different in her or his own way. Maggie and Sarah like being different from each other as much as they like being similar. 5. That is what makes them special. 总结 推理 结论句 段末 祈使句 问答关系 句式结构 总分结构关系 段落位置 逻辑关系(衔接功能词 ) 代词提示 同范畴词 解释说明 上下句 Do the exercise B III big clues small clue s Gina’s mother found that her daughter doesn’t like sharing things with her friends. She also found children didn’t like to play with her daughter. 6. Then Gina’s mother told her the story of an ant and a dove.( 鸽子 ) 句子类型 : 段中 --- 过渡句 原因 / 技巧: Pron. (指代) Explanation (解释) They said Gina always made them unhappy. IV Check what helps to put them back? “One day an ant fell into a river and tried to save itself. A dove got a leaf and let it fall into the river close to the ant. 7. Shortly, a bird catcher came and stood under the tree. 句子类型: 段中 --- 过渡句 The ant climbed onto it and went IV Check what helps to put them back? to the bank safely. Summary: 五选五解题技巧 4 : 词汇复现 词汇复现 是指 保证文章前后衔接而经常使用的一种写作手段,即作者在文章上下文不同的位置对 同一个概念 进行 重复 描述,从而使得同样的意思在文章中不同的地方重复出现。复现的形式主要是指主要是指 同词(同源词)复现、同(近)义词复现、反义词复现 等 Shortly, a bird catcher came and stood under the tree. 8. The ant stung( 蛰 ) him on the foot. The bird catcher cried out and the sound made the dove fly away. It told us that if you are kind to others, you will be treated well.” 句子类型: 主题句之后 原因: 代词,同词复现 He wanted to catch the dove. IV Check what helps to put them back? 9. Later, she helped her classmate Rita with maths because Rita was not very good at it. 句子类型: 主题句 ---- 承上启下,引起下文 原因: 承上启下,同词复现 Gina remembered the story from then on. IV Check what helps to put them back? One day, Gina was asked to tidy up the classroom. 10. Rita decided to help Gina clean the classroom. Rita’s help made Gina remember the story of the ant and the dove. From that day, Gina realized the importance of the friendship, and she began to enjoy helping others. 句子类型: 主题句之后的支撑句 原因: 同范畴词,代词 the work herself It was hard for her to finish IV Check what helps to put them back? The experiences of reading VI big clues small clue s 经验一 :前瞻后顾,寻找"信号词",回到选择项中筛选。 经验二 :浓缩句意,意义匹配,整体把握。 经验三 :以段落为单位梳理文章脉络,留意文章的起承转合,逻辑及结构 Challenge yourselves V big clues small clue s 试一试 2020 综合模拟训练 SUMMARY ( 总结 ) 五选五阅读理解题的解题技巧 : ◆ 速读全文,关注每段首尾句,了解大意知主题 ◆ 浏览选项,理解全篇逻辑关系 , 找出关键词 ◆运用上下文所 重复的关键词 推断 ◆ 利用同义词、近义词、反义词 ◆ 利用同一范畴或领域的词 ◆ 利用代词、冠词的暗示 ◆理清结构与逻辑关系 ,确定答案 VI 乌鲁木齐中考卷结构、题型、分值分布 题类 项目 题量 计分 选 择 题 第一部分 听力 20 30 第二部分 语言 知识 运用 单项填空 15 15 情景交际 5 10 完形填空 10 10 第三部分 阅读理解 20 40 非选 择题 第四部分 填空 (单词、汉译英,句型转换 2 0 2 0 第五部分 短文填空 1 0 1 0 第六部分 书面表达 1 15 总计 40 +61 60 +90 得阅读者得天下 加油 I II III Reading is a game. Find the clues that can help us. Practice makes perfect. Finish the exercise on the paper. 中考英语阅读技巧课 S S Run over the text quickly. Don’t read every word. kimming canning Run over the text to look for specific information. 2 、理解性问题:对文中的个别难词、关键词、词组及句子作出解释。 从题型设计上看 3 、推理性题目:不能直接找到答案,要做上下文深层理解。 4 、概括性题目:对文章做出归纳、概括或评价。 1 、细节问题:通读全文可以从文章的原句中找到答案。 1. There would be a school party on Friday evening. The girls were talking about what they were going to wear… The party was held on Friday evening. Groups of students arrived. The music began. The girls stood in a line on one side, and the boys on another side. Q: On Friday evening there would be _____ (A) a school party (B) a school meeting (C) a sports meeting (D) a birthday party (A) 2.   I won a prize for one of my paintings when I was fourteen. That may be why I went to art school four years later… When left school, I got some money. I hope to become a full-time craftswoman. Q: When finishing school studies, the writer was about_____ (A) 14 (B) 16 (C) 18 (D) 21 (D) 3.   One day we invited some friends to dinner. When it was about six o’clock, my wife found that we had little bread. So she asked our five-year-old daughter, Kathy, to buy some. Q: One day Kath’s parents invited some friends to_____ (A) have breakfast (B) have lunch (C) have supper (D) have a party (C) 4.   A shark is a large, dangerous fish. What will you do if you meet a shark while you are swimming? One man who knows all about sharks has given some rules to help you swim safely in the sea. Q: This passage is about_____ (A) what a shark is (B) the best place to swim in (C) how to swim safely (D) how to ride on sharks (C) 在阅读技巧上,要了解文章的背景知识、文章的关键词或句子、文章的某细节或情节、文章的结构或结局、文章的主题、文章内涵的寓意等。 Again, in the modern world we use our brains ( 大脑 ) a lot. Even so, we still make use of only about 20% of brain. As time goes on, we shall have to use our brains more and more – and we shall need larger ones! This may bring about a change too: the head will grow larger. 1.    People's heads will grow larger in the future. This is because their brains_____ (A) will grow faster than in modern life. (B) will be used little. (C) will play an important part (D) will need more room than in the modern world. (D) Now our eyes are used very often. We use them so much that they become weaker very often and we have to wear glasses. But over a very long time, it seems that man's eyesight will grow stronger. (C) 2. Perhaps future man will have bigger eyes get weaker eyes see better have to wear better glasses (B) 3. Future man may be different from us _____ in almost every way in many ways in few ways in one or two ways 4. According to ( 依据 ) the above passage, which is the right picture of the man in the future ? (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) 5. Which is the best title (标题) of the passage? The man in the future. The differences between future man and us. What will man be like in the future ? D. He will still be a man. (c) In the exam we must remember: Read the questions first! 阅读理解专项训练 guess 1. You shouldn ’ t have blamed him for that,for it wasn ’ t his fault. 2.Though Tom ’ s face has been washed quite clean,his neck still remains grubby . Josn usuallywastes a lot of money on such useless things :His wife,however,is very thrifty. 因果关系 对比关系 3. He is so homely ,not at all as handsome as his brother. 4.The colour of Hawaii in summer are unforgetabble . 5.But sometimes . No rains falls for along time. Then there is a dry period ,or drought . 6.Bananas ,oranges, pineapples and some other kind of fruit grow in warm areas. 7.The penguin is a kind of bird living in the south pole.It is fat and walks in a funny way,Although it can’t fly,it can swim in the icy water to catch the fish. 8.Most of the roses are beginning to wither because of the cold. 9.You can take any of the periodcals :the World of English,Foreign Language Teaching in Schools,or English learning. 同义词和反义词的关系 构词法 定义或释义的关系 句法功能 描述 生活常识 列举的事例   猜词推测题 是英语阅读理解中的一个重要题型,我们可以根据句子中的内在联系的判断它们的意思. { 因果关系 , 对比关系 , 同义词和反义词的关系 , 构词法 , 定义或释义的关系 , 句法功能 , 描述 , 生活常识 , 列举的事例 … 等等 } Have a try I've loved my mother's desk since I was just tall enough to see above the top of it as Mother sat doing letters ( 做学问 ). Standing by her chair, looking at the ink, bottle, pen, and white paper, I decided that the act of writing must be the wonderful thing in the world. Years later, during her final illness, Mother kept different things for my sister and brother. "But the desk, "she said again, "is for Elizabeth. " I never saw her anger, never saw her cry. I knew she loved me; she showed it in action. But I still remembered when I was a young girl, I wanted heart-to-heart talks between mother and daughter. They never happened. I was "too emotional( 易动感情的 )“ , but Mother only lived "on the surface". And a gulf appeared between us. I couldn't understand her. As years passed, I had my own family. I got to know her love, and I wrote to her in careful words and asked her to let me know in any way she chose that she did forgive ( 原谅 ) me. I posted the letter and waited for her answer. None came. I became disappointed. I couldn't be sure that the letter had even got to Mother. It seemed nothing had happened. Now the present of her desk told me why she had never been able to answer me. I cleaned the desk carefully and found some papers inside—a photo of my father and a one-page letter, folded ( 折叠 ) and refolded many times. It was just my letter! Mother, you always chose the act that speaks louder than words. 61. The writer began to love her mother's desk ____ A. after Mother died B. after she became a writer C. when she was a child D. when Mother gave it to her 62. The passage shows that________. A. Mother was cold on the surface but kind in her heart to her daughter B. Mother was very angry with her daughter C. Mother cared much about her daughter in Words D. Mother wrote to her daughter in careful words 63. The world " gulf " in the second paragraph means________. A .礼物 B .鸿沟 C .建议 D .方法 64. What did the mother go with her daughter's letter? A. She had never received the letter. B. For years, she often talked about the letter. C. She didn't forgive her daughter at all in all her life. D. She read the letter again and again till she died. 65. What's the best title fo the passage? A. A Letter to Mother B. Mother and Daughter C. Daughter's Life D. Mother's Life C A B D A 你发现了中考英语阅读理解通常考什么题型吗? 细节理解题  推理判断题 猜测词义题 归纳概括题 猜测词义题 1. Chinese space experts,technicians and other work staff ,joined by experts from Japan,Germany and other countries as well as millions of domestic audience from across the country,were watching the launding process( 发射过程 ) A. 工作人员 B. 机器 C. 工作时间 D. 团队精神 2. Chores took up much of the children’s time after school.They have to get water and firewood for the family every day.Also there’s cleaning,washingand helping mum with the meal.(07 盐城 ) A. 网上冲浪 B. 家务活动 C. 体育活动 D. 家庭作业 A B 3. Most of the students said that celephones were essential and celephones waslike an extra ( 额外的 )hand or foot for them. ( 07, 长沙) A.时髦的B.必要的C.昂贵的D.漂亮的 4.” I am moved by the story of this boy.we need the courage to face death ,and we should also feel the thankfulness for those who help us.”(07. 衢州 ) A 感恩  B.宽容  C.诚信 D.奉献 5. Another factor ( 因素 ) that may contribute to the good health of these people is their isolation . Most of them are kept off the modern world. (06,江西) 69.What does the word “isolation” mean in Chinese? A 自我封闭 B. 与世隔绝 C. 独立 D. 淡泊 c A A 6. British workers have the longest working week in Europe, with 23 vacation days --- the shortest vacation. So they feel overworked. Three-quarters say their weekends or vacations are too short and 40% would sacrifice a day’s pay ( 工资 ) for one more vacation day . ( 07 ,江西) 79. What does the word “sacrifice” mean in the last sentence? A. Use up. B. Put up. C. Take up. D. Give up. A 7.“When I met her . I felt very ,very happy .” he said .“ Ana I saw that the money was used for a good cause . It brought me happiness . I want to do everything I can to go on helping those children.”(07, 重庆 ) 65 . The underlined( 划线的 )words “for a good cause ”means“________” in Chinese . A .施舍 B .行善 C .优惠 D. 赏赐 8. So the boy got the video game that he wanted for free—he was told it was a prize from the store. He smiled happily, although he felt it was so incredible . 73. The underlined word “ incredible” most probably means “______” in Chinese. A. 难以置信的 B. 令人兴奋的 C. 感到绝望的 D. 荒谬可笑的 B A 9.If she thinks something is right .She goes out of her way to do it. The underlined phrase in the first paragh means ___ A.to get off B.to get in the way C. to go away D.to try her best 10. I have heard that although Senior 3 is a hard year,Senior 1and 2 are less stressful. The underlined word ”stressful” in the first paragraph talks probably means “making one feel___” A.busy and nervous B.free and easy C.safe and happy D.unsuccessful and sad D A Bye-bye ! Period Seven 阅读理解 阅读理解重点掌握文章的事实,了解细节, 还要体会文章含义,领会其主旨。 一、中考中常见的题型 1. 选择填空 2. 回答问题 3. 判断正误 二、解题方法与技巧 1. 通读全文,了解大意 要了解出题人的意图,抓住文章的主题句。 主题句一般出现在文章的开头和结尾,也有些文 章没有主题句,需要学生自己去归纳。主题句对 全文起提示、启迪、概括、归纳的作用。归纳概 括题、中心思想题可以直接从主题句中找到答案。 2. 带着问题,复读原文 在通读文章后,要浏览文后的练习题。带着 问题重新阅读文章,解决一些直观性的题目。有 些问题可以在文章找到原句作为答案。 3. 推理判断,确定答案 有些难的题目需要进行分析推理或归纳,但 不能脱离语言材料而胡乱猜测,还有些涉及日常 生活或其他学科知识的试题,要注意推理的科学 性和合理性,再结合语言材料判断答题。 三、例题解析 A No. 4 Middle School Kunming, Yunnan April 2nd, 2002 Dear editor, I live in a beautiful city. Many visitors come to our city. There are so many colorful peacocks ( 孔雀 ) here. The peacocks mostly live on the grassland of Dongfeng Square ( 广场 ). They are given food freely by visitors. They usually throw food to them, and don’t think about at all whether the food is right or not. Some of the peacocks became ill, some even died after eating the bad food given by the visitors. I’m sure most of the visitors who throw food to the peacocks really like the birds, but don’t realize ( 意识到 ) that they may be doing them harm ( 伤害 ). The visitors should be told that what they have done is very harmful to the birds, and this kind of thing must be stopped from happening. Perhaps we can build some small shops beside Dongfeng Square to sell peacock food. For us every person, it’s our duty to give more love to these beautiful birds and to look after them carefully. Yours, Sun Yan 1. Many visitors come to the writer’s city to ______. A. do some shopping B. see beautiful peacocks C. play on Dongfeng Square D. eat nice food 2. Some peacocks became ill and died because some visitors ______. A. didn’t give them any food B. gave them too much food C. threw them some bad food D. loved them and played with them 3. Some shops can be built beside Dongfeng Square so that they may ______. B C B A. sell food for visitors B. sell food for peacocks C. make the square more beautiful D. have the beautiful birds 4. From the passage we know people should ______. A. live and play with the birds B. stop the birds from eating too much C. give right food to the birds D. give more food to the birds 5. We can guess the writer of the letter, Sun Yan, may be a ______. A. visitor B. shopkeeper C. square keeper D. student C D [ 解析 ]1. 文章第一段只是提到“许多参观者来到我 们城市。这里有许多美丽多彩的孔雀”虽然文章 没有明确指出参观者来的目的,但是我们可以从 这两句中推断出游客来的目的是看孔雀。 2. 文章第二段最后指出了一些孔雀死亡的原因是 吃了游客给的劣质食物。 3. 回答这个题的关键是要看清楚 sell food for visitors 和 sell food for peacocks 的含义,它们分 别意为“卖游客吃的食物”和“卖孔雀吃的食物”。 4. 文章中没有直接指出“我们应该给鸟儿吃是适 当的食物”,但是通过作者说的话及其观点来 推断,即可得出正确答案。 5. 这也是一个推理判断题,从作者的观点、语气 来看,该作者肯定不是“游客”“店员”“广场管理 员”。 B 阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。 I’m Joan Croft. I must have to say that I came into nursing by chance. I didn’t really like my first job, which was office work. It was all right—but that’s just about all you can say about it. I stayed in the same place with the same people around me all day and every day. Then I became a singer, which I enjoyed very much, but after a while the singing group broke up ( 解救 ) and I had to start looking for something else. Some girls have wanted to be nurses ever since they were children, but it never entered my head until I saw an advertisement in a paper. I wrote in and thought, “Oh, well, I’ll give it a try.” One thing I liked about it was going away from home. The training itself is very interesting and most of it is just on the wards ( 病房 ), so that you very quickly begin nursing real patients. I lived in the nurses’ home when I arrived and I had my own room, which was very nice. I like nursing more than I ever thought I would. I’ll always carry on nursing. I’ve got a boyfriend who is a doctor, so I hope to get married sometime, but wherever I live there’s sure to be a hospital in the place and there’s always a job for a nurse. 1. What was Joan’s first job? 2. What didn’t Joan like her first job? It was office work. Because she didn’t like staying in the same place with the same people around her all day and everyday./Because she was fed up with it. 3. Why didn’t Joan go on with her second job? 4. How did Joan find out the information about the nursing job? 5. What was Joan’s plan for the future? [ 解析 ] 1. 文章第一自然段的第三句话陈述了 Joan 的第一 份工作。 2. 文章第一自然段的第四句暗示了 Joan 为什么不 喜欢她的第一份工作。 Because the singing group broke up. She found an advertisement in a paper. She hoped to get married sometime and went on her nursing job. 3. 文中陈述了 Joan 的第二份工作是在一个 合唱组,她很喜欢这份工作,但后来合 唱组被迫解散。 4. 当护士是许多女孩子向往的工作, Joan 也不例外,在报纸上看到了应征工作之 后,便写了求职申请。 5. 文章最后一自然段陈述了 Joan 的现状和 计划安排。 C 阅读下列短文,判断正( T )误( F )。 Mr. Lee is a very rich man. He lives alone and enjoys buying old things. He bought a teapot for two million dollars, and showed it only to this friends George and Jenny. Then he locked it in the safe ( 保 险箱 ) at his house. That night, the safe was opened and the teapot was missing. Lee reported it and the police went and looked carefully around Lee’s house. They found a black ear-ring near the open safe. They also found there was a lot of earth on the wet ground outside, but inside, the floor was very clean. The police first questioned George and Jenny. But neither of them agreed that he or she had taken the teapot. The police found Jenny was wearing a black necklace ( 项链 ), but no ear-rings. When she was shown the ear-ring, she agreed it was hers, but someone had taken it away from her house a month before. The police then questioned Lee and, in the end, he agreed he had taken his own teapot. He had bought insurance ( 保险 ) for it and would get two million dollars if the teapot was lost. He took Jenny’s ear-rings and put one near the safe. 1. George and Jenny are Lee’s friends and live in his house. 2. The teapot was shown by Lee to nobody except George and Jenny. 3. Jenny’s ear-rings were lost in Lee’s house. 4. It was clear that no one broke into the house for the teapot. 5. In the end, the police were sure that Lee had taken the teapot. [ 解析 ] F T F T T 1. 从第二句话中的 alone 这个词,可以判断出该题 是错的。 2. 从第三句 He…, and showed it only to his friends George and Jenny 。可得出本题是对的。 3. 短文中的第二、三自然段都与该问题有关,因 此要学会运用联想思维,善于抓住能回答此问 题的关键词或句子: When she was shown the ear-ring, she agreed it was hers, but someone had taken it away from her house a month before. 关 键词是 was shown ,是被动语态,表示警察拿 出了了那只在保险箱附近捡到的耳环给詹妮看, she 表示詹妮,句中的 it 是指 the ear-ing 。 had taken it away from her house 是关键词,是过 去完成时,表示在此事发生的前一个月,这只 耳环被偷走的。 4. 短文中 The police then questioned Lee and in the end, he agreed he had taken his own teapot. 这句 话说明答案是对的。 5. 从第 4 题中提到的那句话,可以判断该题是正 确的。 四、巩固练习 Some people believe that schools will no longer be necessary in the near future. They say that because of the Internet and other new technology, there is no longer any need for school buildings, classes or teachers. Perhaps this will be true one day, but if the world has no schools, I can’t imagine how our society will be. In fact, we should learn how to use new technology to make schools better. We should invent a new kind of school that is linked ( 链接 ) to libraries, museums, science centers, labs and even companies. Technological companies should create ( 创造 ) learning programs for schools. Scientists could give talks through the Internet. TV networks and local stations could develop programs about things students are studying in school. Labs could set up websites to show new technology so students could see it on the Internet. Is this a dream? No. There are already many cities where this is beginning to happen. Here the whole city is linked to the Internet, and learning can take place at home, at school, and in the office. Businesses provide programs for the schools and the society. The schools provide computer labs for people without their own computers at home. Because everyone can go on the Internet, older people use it as much as younger ones, and everyone can visit faraway libraries and museums as easily as nearby ones. How will this new kind of school change the usual way of learning? It is too early to be sure, but it is very exciting to think about it. Technology will change the way we learn; schools will change as well; and we will all learn something from the Internet. 1. Who thinks that students don’t have to learn at school? A. Everyone. B. The writer. C. Some people. D. The teachers. 2. What does “a new kind of school” mean in the passage? A. A school with many new computers. B. A school with many new students. C. A school with many new teachers. D. A school which is linked to the Internet. D C 3. Older people ____. A. never go on the Internet B. go on the Internet more often than younger ones C. go on the Internet as often as younger ones D. go on the Internet less often than younger ones 4. What the writer thinks is that ____. A. schools are still necessary B. more schools should be built C. there should be fewer schools D. more computers are needed in schools A C 5. Which of the following sentences is NOT true? A. Technology will change our way of learning. B. If you are a student, you can set up websites to show new technology. C. The schools provide computer labs for those who have no personal computers. D. On the Internet, you can visit another city’s library as easily as the people there. B B 阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。 Jan Mela isn’t like most kids. Two years ago, he lost an arm and a leg. But that didn’t stop him. On Saturday, the 15-year-old boy from Poland ( 波兰 ) walked to the North Pole ( 北极 ) without any help. “If I can do it, other people can do great things, too,” Mela said before he went. Polish newspapers said Mela is the youngest person and the first handicapped ( 残疾的 ) person to walk to the North Pole. How did Mela lose an arm and a leg? He had an electrical ( 电的 ) accident. Now, he walks with the help of a 62, 000-yuan man-made leg. After the accident, Mela felt sad for himself. But he didn’t lose hope. One day, he met Marek Kaminski, a Polish explorer. Eight years ago, Kaminski went to the North Pole and the South Pole in the same year. Mela wanted to see the North pole, too. So Mela asked Kaminski if they could go together next time. Kaminski said yes! It took Mela 21 days to get to the North Pole. The last three or four days were really hard because of bad weather. But Mela kept going. “I didn’t think we would make it,” he said, “Then, things got better.” 1. What happened to Mela two years ago? 2. Why did Polish newspapers report the travel to the North Pole? He had an arm and a leg lost in an accident. Because it was made by the youngest person and the first handicapped person. 3. How does Mela walk after the accident? 4. Where did Kaminski go eight years ago? 5. Why did Mela make the travel? He walks with the help of a 62, 000-yuan man-made leg. He went to the North Pole and the South Pole. Because he wanted to show that nothing is hard, if you put your heart into it. C 阅读下列短文,判断正( T )误( F )。 Being safe at school and in your everyday life needs knowledge. If you remember the following information, your life will be much safer. ●Always notice the environment around you. You shouldn’t walk alone outside. Make sure where the public phones are. If anything dangerous happens, you can find them quickly. ●Don’t use earphones ( 耳机 ) when running in the schoolyard or on the street. You will keep yourself from the outside world and can be easily surprised. ●School bags should be carried towards the front of your body instead of putting them on your back. When buses are crowded, it is easy enough for thieves to steal the things in your bags on your back. ●If you are followed by a stranger, cross the street and go in the other direction, let the stranger know that you know he or she is there. Next, go and get help from others if it is necessary. Don’t go home directly. You are safer in the street than you are in your home or in a lift. ●If you have to take a bus to a place far away, try to get to the stop a few minutes before the buses leave. This prevents a stranger from studying you. On buses, don’t sit alone, sit behind the driver or with friends. Don’t sleep. ●Don’t play with matches ( 火柴 ) or candles, because it may cause fire. If your house catches fire and you have to escape through smoke, move on your hands and knees with your head 30 to 60 centimetres ( 厘米 ) above the floor. Please remember there is cleaner, cooler air near the floor during the fire. 1. If you find a stranger following you, go home right away. 2. You’d better sit after the driver when you are alone to take a bus. 3. It’s good for you to use earphones when you are running outside. 4. You shouldn’t sleep all the way although it’s a long bus trip. 5. During the fire, the cleaner and cooler air is far from the floor. 6. When you escape from the house on fire, you should move on your hands and knees with your head 300 to 600 centimetres above the floor. F T F T F 阅读理解解题技巧点拨 一、 先读问题,弄清考查要点 ,以便能带着问题看文章,这样会心中有数,有的放矢。     二、 快速浏览全文,掌握全貌 ,注意发现与问题有关的信息,如果时间紧,至少要扫视一下起首段和尾段。再把标题和文章内容结合起来想一想,这样全文大意便清楚了。此时,不要忙于答题。  阅读理解四步曲      三、 细读原文,捕捉相关信息词 ,掌握短文细节内容。这是解题的关键,应特别注意以下几点:      1 . 抓住四个 "W" 和一个 "H" ,就是边读边用铅笔做些标记,把 What ( 事件 ) , When (时间), Where (地点), Why (原因), How (经过)划出来。抓住了四个“ W” 和一个“ H” ,就抓住了文章的全貌,一些直接性的问题便可解决。      2 . 抓住连接词及起关键作用的副词、代词、介词、插入语等 。因为这些词具有因果,让步,递进,转折,指代,列举及承上启下等各种连接上下文的特殊功能。这对考生分清文章层次,辨明各种关系,了解人物心理,推断作者意图,进行逻辑推理等手段来分析难点,都具有举足轻重的作用。      3 . 注意领会文章的寓意 。     4 . 根据题意,初选答案 。这一步须仔细审题,领会测试要求,确定解题方法。对那些明显的,有把握的题可以断然确定,不必把其余三个答案再作推敲而浪费时间:有些略难的题,应再查阅短文(不是重读一遍),迅速找出依据,予以排除。 常用的解题方法有如下几种 :     ① 直接解题法 。即从原文中直接找出答案。     ② 归纳解题法 。对于不能从原文中直接找出答案的可在把握全文中心和线索的前题下进行概括、归纳得出正确答案。     ③ 综合推理法 。读者需统观全文,认真分析,综合推理及至计算,最后归纳出正确答案。     题干中有 "suggest, conclude, conclusion, probably, reason, because, according to“ 等字眼时,属于推断概括型,考查内容着眼于全篇,考生应具备一定的分析归纳,推理等逻辑思维能力。     ④ 捕捉关键词 。在阅读时应该注意与问题相关的同义词,近义词,反义词或同位词等信息词来得出正确答案。     ⑤ 转换解题法 。即原文这么说,而在问题和所给选项中则用另外的词去转换一种说法,但仍表示同一含义。     ⑥ 排除法 。根据语言,句法结构,信息词和常识,在没有把握的选项中用排除法得出正确答案。      四、 重读原文,仔细斟酌核对答案 。在解完最后一道题后,如果时间允许,再将原文读一遍;用全文的主题思想统率各思考题,研究其内在联系和逻辑关系,目的在于对所做答案进一步审查,推出未解答的题,以便减少失误。 典型例题分析 根据内容,从短文后每题的四个选项中选择最佳的一项。 Mr Brown first went to look at the underground - fire when he was seven. "Through the hole (洞) in the earth you could see the orange fire, but you had to look fast because it was so hot," said Mr Brown. In 1898, he saw the fire once more (再一次) . Now, we can only see the smoke. The fire Mr Brown saw is not the underground - fire. In fact, there are 260 coal (煤) fires in the world. They are harmful (有害) and dangerous. Then how to put them out? Scientists have tried to set (放置) fire to underground coal to speed up (加速) the fires. In this way, the burning (燃烧) of underground coal would be soon finished. (被烧完)。 1.  Mr Brown first saw the underground - fire ________. A. at the age of seven B. seven years old C. in the year of 1898 D. more than (超过) 80 years ago 2.  Mr Brown said that we had to take a fast look at the fire because ________. A. it was in the hole B. it was very hot C. it was orange D. it was harmful 3. How many coal fires are there in the world? A. There's only one. B. It's hard to say. C. There are 260. D. The article (文章) doesn't tell us. A B C 4. What’s one of the best ways to put out (扑灭) the underground fire? A.  To cover (覆盖) the holes with stones (石块) . B.  To speed up the fires. C.  To see the fires burning. D. To do some experiments (试验) . 5. What is the best title (标题) for the article? A.  Watching the Underground - Fire. B.   A Way to Put Out the Coal Fires. C.  The Burning Earth. D.  Coal and Coal Fires. B B [ 分析 ] 1. 在文章的第一段的第一句里可以 找到依据 。 at the age of seven 等于 when he was seven ,故正确答案为 A 。 2 .这一题可以在第一段里直接找到答案,属于 直接回答题 。正确答案为 B 。 3 .这一题可以在第二段里直接找到答案,属于 直接回答题 。正确答案为 C 。 4 .在文章的 最后一段提到 了扑灭火的最好方法,那就是使火加速燃烧。正确答案为 B 。 5 .完成这道题需作一定的 归纳 ,因为文章中 没有给出直接的回答 。文章从 Mr Brown 两次看火,然后说出地下火的危害,最后提出如何灭火的方法。文章的前两段是给为什么要灭火和如何灭火铺垫,如何灭火才是文章的中心。故正确答案为 B 。 阅读理解题型 ture or fause A,B,C or D Answer the questions   一、根据文章内容判断正误 Fred telephoned his wife. “I’ve got two free tickets for the theatre tonight,” he told her. “Meet me outside the office. We’ll have something to eat and then go on to the theatre.” Fred’s wife was very pleased. They hadn’t been to the theatre for a long time . She met her husband as he told her. They had dinner and got to the theatre just in time . At the entrance Fred took out his wallet to get the tickets. “It’s very strange,” he said. “They aren’t here!” “Try your pockets,” said his wife. But the tickets weren’t there, either. Then Fred looked very embarrassed ( 尴尬 ). “What’s the matter?” asked his wife. “Well,” Fred said, “I remember what I did with my tickets. I put them in my bag. But because I wasn’t going home, I left it in the office!” ( ) 1. One day, Fred was given the tickets for the theatre. ( ) 2. Fred and his wife went to the theatre quite often. ( ) 3. Fred wanted to meet his wife in a restaurant. ( ) 4. They reached the theatre neither late nor early. ( ) 5. Then Fred couldn’t find his tickets and remembered what he had done with the tickets. 1 、 T 因为第一段中提到 Fred told his wife “ I ’ ve got two free tickets … ” “ free ” 此处是免费的意思。 2 、 F 第二段中提到 “ They hadn ’ t been to the theater for a long time. ” 3 、 F 第一段中 Fred 说 “ Meet me outside the office. ” 4 、 T 第二段中 “ in time ” 是及时的意思。 5T 结尾处提到的。   David McConnell sold books from door to door. Housewives( 家庭主妇 ) were not interested in the books. Usually before he had enough time to say anything about his books, the women closed their doors. But he didn’t give up . McConnell decided to bring each of them a present, a small bottle of perfume( 香水 )made by himself. He soon found that the women liked the perfume better than the books. He stopped selling books to sell perfume instead and started his own company “Avon”, which is a great success. When you do nothing, you learn nothing . But when you try, even though you are not successful, you will learn what doesn’t work and that puts you closer to what will work. It doesn’t matter how many times you are not successful. It does matter that you will be successful one day. Edison was not on the way to success until people bought his first invention. Success once is enough for Edison. And the same for you—success once is enough. ( ) 1. McConnell was successful as a book-seller. ( ) 2. McConnell hoped those women would buy his books if he brought them each a present. ( ) 3. If you do nothing at all, you will never be successful. ( ) 4. Edison was successful at the very beginning. ( ) 5. The writer encouraged us to try as much as we can. F T T F T 1 、 F 从第一段 “ He stopped selling books to sell perfume stead. ” ,可以判断出他在推销书方面并不成功。 2 、 T 第一段第三行提到 “ McConnell decided to bring each of them a present, … ” 。 3 、 T 这句是第二段前两句的解释。 4 、 F 最后一段,第一句说明 Edison 的发明被人们认可后才走上了成功之路。 5 、 T 第二段中作者提出了自己的观点。   Sociologists( 社会学家 ), working in western countries, have found that a large number of women wished they had been born men. The number is said to be as high as 60% in Germany. “ Women often wish they had the same chances as men have, and think it is still men ’ s world, ” said Dr James Helen, one of the sociologists who did the study . Many men say that they have more duties than women. A man has to make money to support( 养活 )his family and to make the important decision, so it is right for men to be paid more . Some are even against their wives working at all. When wives go out to work, they say, the home and children cannot be taken good care of. If women take full-time jobs, they won ’ t be able to do what they are best at doing : making a nice home and bringing up the children. Some women disagree. They say they want to get out of their homes and to have freedom( 自由 ) to choose between work and home life. Women have the right of equal pay and equal chances( 平等机会 ). Anne Harper has a very good job. She also believes in “ Women ’ s Liberation( 解放 ). ” “ I don ’ t wish I were a man , ” she says, “ and I don ’ t think many women do. But I do wish people would stop treating( 对待 ) us like second — class people. At work, for example, we usually do the work that men do but get paid less. There are still a lot of jobs only to men — usually they are the best ones. If you are a man, you have a much better chance of living a wonderful life. How many women scientists are there … or engineers? ” ( ) 1. many men think__________. A. women can ’ t do what men can B. men have to work much harder than women C. men can make money more easily than women D. women ’ s duty is mainly to do housework at home 1 、 D 这是一道概括主旨的题,答此题的依据是第三段内容。这段开头两句话说的是重男,那么不言而喻,家务活和教育子女的任务应有妇女承担;另有一些男士则公开反对女士外出工作。可见,不少男士认为妇女的主要职责是在家料理家务。 ( ) 2. Some women have different ideas, They say that__________. A. women need chances to go out of the home more often B. women want more freedom in deciding the kind of life they want C. if women are given equal pay, they can do everything instead of men D. women are no longer interested in taking care of their homes 2 、 B 一些妇女持不同观点,文中第四段反映了他们的意见。这也正是文章的中心思想的写作意图 ---- 争取人权平等,妇女自由,男女平等。 ( ) 3. Anne Harper didn ’ t wish to be a man__________. A. because she believed in “ Women ’ s Liberation ” B. but she wished to get the same jobs as men C. because she had got a good job D. but she wished to treated the same as a man 3 、 D 安妮 . 哈珀不希望自己是男士,但她希望社会像对待男士一样对待她。该题是一考查细节的题,答案在最后一段。 ( ) 4. Anne Harper thought that__________. A. women should live a better life than men B. women should be really liberated C. women should be given better jobs than men D. women should live a more wonderful life 4 、 B 安妮 . 哈珀的想法正是作者的意图,如最后一段写到: She also believes in “ Women ’ s Liberation. ” 然后她又列举了许多事实,其立意还是为了说明这一正确论点。 ( ) 5. Which of the following is not true according to the passage? A. There are more men scientists, engineers than women ones. B. Women are second — class people, so they shouldn ’ t live a better life. C. Women do the same jobs as men, but get paid less than men. D. There are some best Jobs that women have few chances to take. 5 、 B 选题 B 的观点在文中没有出现。文中男士尽管摆出种种理由,但还没有人敢明目张胆地发表歧视妇女的观点,即把妇女作为二等公民,认为妇女不应生活的更美好。 Have you ever held a toy balloon ( 气球 )? They are very light. But there are much bigger balloons. These balloons can fly very high up in the sky. They are big enough to carry people. They are called hot - air balloons. To make a hot - air balloon go up, turn on the burner ( 燃烧器 ). That will make the air inside the balloon hotter. Then the balloon will go up. To make the balloon go down, turn off the burner. The air inside the balloon will get cooler. Then the balloon will go down. Underneath ( 在 … 下面 ) the balloon there is a large basket. That is where the pilot ( 飞行员 ) and the passengers ( 乘客 ) go. The burner is just above the basket. You can stand in the basket and turn the burner on and off. The balloon will go where the wind blows it. Do you want the balloon to go somewhere special? First make sure the wind is blowing the right way! People have been flying in hot-air balloons for over two hundred years. Before planes it was the only way of flying. Today people fly in hot air balloons for fun . Some people like to race hot-air balloons. The first Hot-Air Balloon World Championship ( 锦标赛 ) was held in 1973. ( ) 1. A hot-air balloon is ____________. A. smaller than a toy balloon B. bigger than a toy balloon C. the same as a toy balloon D. lighter than a toy balloon 1 、 B 由 “ But they are much bigger balloons. ” 可知。这里的比较级是与前面 “ a toy balloon ” 相比较。 ( ) 2. Where will you sit if you want to fly in the balloon? A. Inside the basket. B. On top of the balloon C. Under the basket D. Inside the balloon 2 、 A 这是一篇有关热气球的科普文章,需要考生熟知有关热气球的基本常识。热气球有燃烧器(也可叫加热器),打开燃烧器,气球内气体被加热,气球会上升,反之就下降。气球下面是一个大篮子,飞行员或乘客在此处,燃烧器在篮子上方。热气球总要随风向飞行。 ( ) 3. You want the balloon to go up. So you will _____________. A. jump out if the balloon B. let the air out of the balloon C. make the air inside the balloon hotter D. let the air inside the balloon cool down 3 、 C 由第二段的叙述可知。 ( ) 4. Now you are high up in the sky. If you want the balloon go down, you will _________. A.       make your friends get out of the basket B.        make a hole in the balloon with a knife C.        make the air inside the balloon hotter D.       make the air inside the balloon cooler 4 、 D 由第三段的叙述可知。 ( ) 5. Now everything is all right! The balloon is flying across the sky. Where are you going? A. Towards the sun. B. To the seaside. C. Where the wind blows you. D. To the nearest mountains.   5 、 C 由第六段的叙述可知。 (4) Bob was happy. He was at a new school, and the other students were friendly. “ Hi, Bob! ” they said. But some students said, “ Hi, Peter! ” Bob didn ’ t understand. He asked another student, “ Why do some students call me Peter ? ” “ Oh, that ’ s easy to answer, ” the students said. “ Pete was a student here last year. Now he goes to a different school. You look like Peter. Some students think that you ’ re Peter. ” Bob wanted to meet Peter. He got Peter ’ s address from a student and went to Peter ’ s house. Peter opened the door. Bob couldn ’ t believe his eyes. He looked really like Peter! Bob and Peter had the same colour eyes and the same smile. They had the same black hair. They also had the same birthday. And they both were adopted ( 领养 ) by two different families. Bob and Peter found out that they were twin brothers. Soon after the boys were born, one family adopted Bob, and another family adopted Peter. Bob ’ s family never knew about Peter, and Peter ’ s family never knew about Bob. Bob and Peter ’ s story was in the newspaper. There was a photo of Bob and Peter next to the story. A young man named John saw the photo in the newspaper. John couldn ’ t believe his eyes. He looked really like Bob and Peter! He had the same colour eyes and the same smile. He had the same black hair. He had the same birthday. And he, too, was adopted by another family. Later John met Bob and Peter. When Bob and Peter saw John, they couldn ’ t believe their eyes. John looked really like them! Why did John look really like Bob and Peter? You can guess. Bob and Peter are not twins. Bob, Peter and John are triplets. 1. How did Bob feel at a new school? 2. Why did some students mistake Bob for Peter? 3. Where did Bob see Peter? 4. How did John know the story? 5. What does it mean by “ triplets ” , do you know? 1. He was happy. 2. Because Bob looked like Peter very much. 3. In Peter ’ s house. 4. He knew the story from the newspaper. 5. It means Bob, Peter and John were born on the same day, and they are brothers. ( 8 ) Everyone bathes in a different way. Most Americans never take a bath. They soap and rinse (冲洗) off under the shower. The English always take a bath. First, they sit in a bathtub full of warm water. Then they soap themselves, and finally , they rinse off the soap, all in the same water. The Japanese on the other hand, first wash with soap in the shower. Then they go and sit in a bathtub full of warm water for twenty minutes or more. Later, others in the family use the same water to sit and relax in. The Thai (泰国人) do not get into a shower or a bathtub. They stand in a room or area of a house where there is a big jar (罐子) full of water. With a bowl they pour water from the jar on themselves so that other people do not see their bodies. The Thai always wear a long piece of cloth called a pasin around their bodies. They wear this when they are bathing.. Everyone gets clean in a different way . We know that washing is good healthy for us. But this was not true in the past . Up to 1800, most Americans did not bathe because they thought it was bad for them. What is the passage about? 2. Why do people often bathe? 3. Who needs a bathtub when he bathes? 4. Why do the Thai use a pasin around their bodies when they bathe? 5. When did most Americans begin to bathe often? 1. The ways people bathe. 2. To make themselves clean. 3. The English and the Japanese. 4. To keep others from seeing their bodies. 5. About 200 years ago. 阅读理解的解题与技巧 王政权  ; 阅读理解五级的目标部分描述如下:   1、能根据上下文和构词法推断、理解生词的含义   2、能理解段落中各句子之间的逻辑关系;   3、能找出文章中的主题,理解故事的情节,预测 故事情节的发展和可能的结局;   4、能读懂常见体裁的阅读材料;   5、能根据不同的阅读目的运用简单的阅读策略获 取信息;   6、除教材外,课外阅读量应累计达到15万词以上( 上海的要求更高一些,30万词以上)所谓阅读能 力是指视读能力、理解能力和对所读材料的评 价能力。 分门别类识别文体    随着信息时代的到来,阅读内容更趋于信息化、时代化,突破了单一的故事、寓言等题材,内容涉及新闻、广告、科普、医疗、教育等,文章的体裁也从记叙扩大到产品说明、逻辑推理及实际应用等文体。不同的文体阅读的要求与方法不尽相同 。 记叙文阅读主要抓四大要素,即时间、地点、人物和事件的起因、发展和结果,以及人物之间的关系、表现,从中分析他们思想品质、性格特征等 议论文是阐明作者对人或事的好坏的立场观点,因此在阅读时必须正确把握文章的论点和论据,理清论证思路,再进行逻辑推理得出结论; 应用文是最贴近日常生活的文体,它包括通知、广告、便条、申请书、个人简历,形式多样,题材各异,如图示、表格、地址、网址等,对这类文体的阅读应简明扼要地抓住所需信息,理解文章内容 。 1.The main idea of the passage is _______ 2. The passage mainly discuss _______ 3. What is the best title of the passage? 4. What is the main topic of this passage? 5. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage? (一)主旨题 事实细节题 1. Which of the following is TURE? 2. Which of the following is NOT TURE? 3. Which of the following is NOT TURE? 4. The main reson for …… is ________. 词义/句义题 1. The word”…” in the Line X mainly to show that _____. In paragraph X, the word … refers to ______ The word… in paragraph … can be replaced by _______. It in line X most probably refers to _. ①阅读文学材料的快速性 ②阅读文学材料的无声性 ③阅读方法的科学性 一)略读 粗略地阅读语言材料的面式读法。通过略读获取阅读材料的主要内容和大意。快速阅读时,训练学生略读文章标题判断预测主要内容。略读首尾段、首尾句了解文章大意。 二)跳读 带着明确目的寻找特定信息,忽略无关内容的点式阅读。跳读适用于细节检索式问题。 (三)组读 以意群为单位,一组一组视读。边读边理解。减少眼停次数,缩短“眼脑直映”时间。 Using the title Using the pictures their own experience Before reading activities To introduce the topic and give students enough background knowledge to make sense of the text. Predict the text. discussion, questions. While reading: Help students understand the writer’s purpose, the text structure, the main idea, the surface and underlying meaning of the passage. Activities: Skimming, scanning, and detailed comprehension, jig-saw reading. After reading activities Speaking Changing role playing Writing Rounding-off stage She poured the water into the tock . Then lifting the tock she drunk. Unfortunately, as she was setting it down again, the tock slipped from her hand and broke Only the handle remained in one piece. 1. definition All other birthdays are called sing il (born day). The six first birthday is called Huan gup ( beginning of new life.   be, mean,  be considered, to be, refer to, be called,  be known as, fine, represent The harbor is protected by a jetty ------ a wall built out into the water. anthropology is the scientific study of man. Jane is indecisive , that is , she can’t make up her mind. The reason that it is valuable vase is that it is gilded covered with a thin layer of gold. That and only that makes it worth a thousand dollars. restatement 在复述中构成同位关系的两部分之间多用逗号连接,有时也使用破折号,冒号,分号,引号,和括号等 or, similarly, that is to say, in other words,  namely, or other, say i. e 1. He had a wan look. He was so pale and weak that we thought he was ill. 4. Semantics , the study of the meaning of words, is  necessary if you are to speak and read intelligently.  2. Carbon monoxide is a haxious gas which can cause death. 3. I am a resolute girl. Once I set up my goal, I won’t give it up. 4. General knowledge 1. The door is so low that I hit my head on the lintel. 2. Mark got on the motobike. I sat behind him on the pillion and we roared off into the night. Green plants let out oxygen and breathe in carbon dioxide.。 Water is made from oxygen and hydrogen.; examples: 1. Select any of these periodicals : time, newsweek, reader’s digest. 2. She is studying glaucoma and other disease of the eye. They were congenial friend---- for example they both enjoyed science fiction films, both liked Mexican food, and had long agreeable conversation. Very young children are fed pap- --- for instance, mashed peas and carrots, cat meal, mashed bananas and so on. compair 1. The snow was falling big flakes drifted with the wind like feathers. 2. The hot-air ballon took off. It was as huoyant in the air as a cork in water. similarly,like,just as,also contrast 1. Jane was talking with others while sue remained reticent all the time. 2. Most of us agreed, however Bill dissented. 3. Dexter’s approach is old-fashioned but Maria’s is novel . 表示对比关系的词汇和短语主要是 unlike,not,but,however,despite,in spite of,in contrast  和 while  引导的并列句等。   Andrew is one of the most supercilious men I know. His brother, in contrast, is quite  humble  and modest.    Complex word: prefixes, suffixes Compound word 根据构词法猜测词意   前缀 un- 表反义词,如 happy、unhappy,fair、unfair,important、unimportant 等。   后缀- ment 表名词,如 develop、development,state、statement,argue、argument 等。   后缀- er、-or 或- ist 表同源名词,如 c alculate、calculator,visit、visitor,law、lawyer,wait、waiter,sci- ence、scientist,art、artist 等。 中考英语阅读理解解题技巧 I believe I can do it! No matter how difficult it is , I will try my best, and never give up ! 众所周知 , 阅读理解是英语考试中比较重要的部分,它分值高、题量大。目的是考查与检验学生的综合能力。 As we all know reading comprehension is an important part of the English exam, it has 50 scores. The purpose is to test the students' comprehensive abilities. 阅读最重要的是阅读速度和正确率。因此我们必须多分析题型,多了解考点,多练习。 Reading speed and correct rate are the most important in reading comprehension ! So we must analysis more types of questions, learn more examination points and do more exercises . 命题依据 能根据不同的阅读目的,运用简单的阅读策略 快速获取细节信息。 能把握所读材料的 中心思想和主要事实 。 能把握所读材料的 主要逻辑线索,事件和空间的顺序。 能根据上下文和构词法 推断、理解词义。 能根据上下 文理解作者的态度、观点和意图。 能 找出 文章中的 主题 ,理解故事的情节, 预测 故事情节的 发展和结局。 能力要求 预测能力 快速阅读能力 整体理解能力 快速准确获取关键信息能力 把握全文主旨能力 能力要求 把握段落主旨能力 对西方文化的理解能力 句子结构和文章结构的理解能力 掌握一定的阅读词汇量 词语意义的理解能力 解题步骤 一、先读问题,弄清考查要点 二、快速浏览全文,掌握全貌 三、细读原文,捕捉相关信息词 四、重读原文,仔细斟酌核对答案 主要题型 理解主旨大意( To find out the main idea) 细节理解和细节判断 ( To look for details) 猜测词义 ( To guess the meaning) 推理判断题( To infer a conclusion) 理解主旨大意 解题技巧: 1 . 抓住主题句,锁定文章主旨 2 .抓住段落大意,概括中心思想 3 .抓住主线和关键,归纳文章中心 细节理解和细节判断 解题技巧: (1) 细心审题,直接就题找答案。 (2) 变通理解,间接转述找答案。 (3) 多点归纳,综合事实找答案。 猜测词义题 解题技巧 : 1 、通过因果关系猜测词义; 2 、通过同义词和近、反义词的关系猜词; 3 、通过构词法猜测词义; 4 、通过定义或释义说明来推测词义; 5 、通过描述猜测词义; 6 、用知识和生活经验猜测词义; 7 、根据上下文的指代关系进行猜测。 推理判断题 解题技巧: 与原文相同的细节不能选 文中没有出现的细节不能跳出文章做推断 中考英语阅读理解 解题技巧 考点解读 1.中学英语教学大纲把培养学生阅读能力作为一个主要的教学目标,而阅读理解题是每次中考中分值最大的一类题 。 2.它是通过文字获取信息以达到对作者的思想、观点、意图进行了解、认识和交流的目的 。 3.旨在考查考生的英语运用能力及阅读理解能力。 题型设计 A.表层理解; B.推理判断题; C.数据推算题; D.归纳总结; E.主旨大意题; F. 根据语境猜生词 解题步骤 一、先读问题,弄清考查要点 二、快速浏览全文,掌握全貌 三、细读原文,捕捉相关信息词 四、重读原文,仔细斟酌核对答案 主要题型 理解主旨大意( To find out the main idea) 细节理解和细节判断 ( To look for details) 猜测词义 ( To guess the meaning) 推理判断题( To infer a conclusion) 理解主旨大意 解题技巧 : 1 . 抓住主题句,锁定文章主旨 2 .抓住段落大意,概括中心思想 3 .抓住主线和关键,归纳文章中心 主旨题常见的命题形式: (1) What’s the main idea of the passage ? (2) This passage is mainly about …… . (3) The author's purpose in writing this text is …… . (4) Which of the following is the best title for the passage? (5) What’s the topic of the text? 典例: 50.What is the best title for the text ? A. The Wise King B. The Nice Falcons C. The Best Falconer D. The Flying Wings. 55.What does the text mainly talk about ? A.The development of house cats. B.Different cats in different countries. C. The relationship between cats and people. D. The differences between house cats and wild cats. 细节理解和细节判断 解题技巧 : (1) 细心审题,直接就题找答案。 (2) 变通理解,间接转述找答案。 (3) 多点归纳,综合事实找答案。 细节理解和细节判断 细节题常见的命题形式 : Which of the following is True/Not True? In the passage, which of the following is mentioned? All of the following statements are true except … Choose the right order of the events given in the passage. 用 Where, how, who, why, how long 等引导的特殊疑问句要求判断细节。 典例: 51. Where did the first house cats come from? A.Asia. B. Africa. C.Europe. D.America. 53.According to the text, which of the following is TRUE ? A.Cats started to move around the world from China. B.Cats get food at night to save energy like wild cats. C.Cats have a little in common with their wild cats. D.Cats were accepted and brought to Europe by Romans. 58. When can you go to the Millennium Library? A. At 9 a.m. on Tuesday. B. At 7 p.m. on Friday. C. At 8 p.m. on Saturday. D. At 4 p.m. on Sunday. 猜测词义题 解题技巧 : 1 、通过因果关系猜测词义; 2 、通过同义词和近、反义词的关系猜词; 3 、通过构词法猜测词义; 4 、通过定义或释义说明来推测词义; 5 、通过描述猜测词义; 6 、用知识和生活经验猜测词义; 7 、根据上下文的指代关系进行猜测。 猜测词义题 常见命题形式如下 : 1 )、 The word “ … ” in the passage probably means_________. 2 )、 What does the word “ … ”mean______. 3 )、 The underlined( 划线的 ) word means_________ 4 )、 The close meaning of the underlined word“ … ”is ___in English . 5 )、 The word “ … ”refers to ________ 典例: 54.What does the underlined word “tamed” mean in Chinese? A.驱散 B.捕捉 C.驯化 D.引进 推理判断题 解题技巧 : 与原文相同的细节不能选 文中没有出现的细节不能跳出文章做推断 推理判断题 1 、推理深层含义的常见命题形式如下: We can infer from the passage that _______ The writer suggest that _______ From the passage, we can learn that _______ We may conclude from the passage that _______ From the passage, it can be inferred that _______ 典例 : 65.We can learn the last paragraph that A. It’s easy for many teenagers to give up blogging on the Internet. B. It’s safe for many teenagers to put their personal information on the Internet. C. It’s popular for many teenagers to use blogs on the Internet. 阅读理解答题步骤 1 、快速浏览。 2 、带着问题,找答案(找出处、划线) 3 、仔细斟酌不确定的答案。 4 、核对。(总体把握) Thanks for listening ! 一、 《 新课标 》 的要求是什么? 能根据上下文和构词法推断、理解生词的含义; 能理解段落中各句子之间的逻辑关系; 能找出文章的主题,理解故事的情节,预测故事情节的发展和可能的结局; 能读懂常见体裁的阅读材料; 能根据不同的阅读目的、运用简单的阅读策略获取信息; 能利用词典等工具进行学习; 除教材外,课外阅读量应累计达到 15 万词义上。 二 . 为什么要进行大量的阅读理解 阅读理解在英语使用方面占有相当重要的地位。它是学生获取知识、积累词汇、熟悉句式、培养书面表达能力的重要途径。我们了解外国的情况、学习先进国家的经验,主要是通过阅读文字材料。所以说,阅读能力是学习英语的人应具备的基本能力之一,而这种能力则是通过阅读大量各种各样的材料培养出来的。 目前,同学们使用的英语教材中所编入的课文词汇、词组、句型和语法知识,都是最基本的内容,中学生必须下决心努力把它们学好。不过应该指出的是,单靠学习这些基本内容是培养不出较高的阅读理解能力的。我们认为,要培养学生具有较高水平的阅读理解能力,就必须进行大量的课外阅读和训练。 三 . 如何提高阅读能力 首先,要认真打好英语语言基础。 ☻ 什么是英语语言基础? 答:英语语言基础指的是对英语词汇、语法和习惯用法的掌握。 ☻ 初中毕业生对词汇的要求是什么? 答:学会使用 1500——1600 个的单词和 200——300 个习惯用语或固定搭配。要做到会读、会拼写,熟悉这些词的词类、词义、和基本用法。除此之外还应掌握基本的构词法知识。 ☻在语法方面,熟悉已学过的知识是阅读理解的关键;动词时态的掌握,对于理解 记叙文体 的短文很重要。 ☻动词时态的掌握,对于理解记叙文体的短文很重要。 ☻掌握习惯用法和固定搭配是打好语言基础的重要环节,也是提高阅读理解能力所必需的。 其次,要不断提高思考问题和解决问题的能力。 我们知道,学习是一种极其艰苦和细致的工作。它不同于听音乐、看电视那么悠闲自得,娱乐是一种消遣,我们完全可以在舒舒服服的气氛中尽情地享受和品味。学习则不然,学习时我们的大脑中枢处于一种高度兴奋的积极状态,我们一定要高度集中精力,勤于自问。在阅读中多问几个“ Who,When,Where,What,Why,How”, 并且力争自己解答这些疑问。这对于培养良好的阅读习惯、开发智力、提高自己的心理素质都是大有裨益的。又例如,会用我们头脑中已有的知识和常识对文字的含义进行联想、推理;会应用上下文的逻辑关系对文字含义做出判断;会综合文字提供的信息,概括文章的中心等等,这都是思考问题和解决问题的能力。在英语学习中,特别是在用英语进行阅读的过程中,常需要运用这种能力,同时也可以培养出这种能力。 如何提高阅读整篇文章的理解能力和速度 1. 提高阅读能力 2. 提高阅读速度 1. 提高阅读能力 ( 1 )通读全文,掌握大意,抓住中心。一篇完整的文章通常有中心议题或中心思想,我们可以采用速读法,粗略地浏览全文,初步了解大意,获得那些体现文章主旨的主要信息。阅读时不要把文章中的每一句话、每个词都作为重点仔细阅读,而应把注意力集中在捕捉和领会文章的中心思想上,目光扫视某些句子时只需注意关键词就行了。 1. 提高阅读能力 ( 2. )带着问题阅读,明确短文后设计的题目,初步做出选择或判断。在快速阅读完一遍文章以后,应着重看文章下面所设计的问题,然后再复读全文。复读是一种跳读,在跳读过程中不断捕捉答题所需要的信息和知识。对于某些具体问题复读又是精读,要仔细阅读,细心考虑,主要注意文章中的时间、地点、人物、数字、主要情节及因果关系等,一旦找到答案便可以停止这部分的阅读,答题原则为:“先易后难”。最后留下难题再集中精力个别处理。 1. 提高阅读能力 ( 3.) 正确理解文章的标题。因为标题是文章的眼睛,是文章展开叙述的依据,是对文章内容的高度概括和总结。 ( 4. )进一步把握文章的中心思想。有的文章中心放在第一段,有的放在最后一段,有的贯穿于全文中。同学们在理解全文的基础上应在脑子里能正确概括和总结出中心思想,这是同学们必须具备的能力。 1. 提高阅读能力 ( 5. )运用推理解释词义。阅读理解中碰到生词时不必惊慌,因为它不是孤立存在的,而是出现在一定的语言环境中,因此可以通过构词法、同义词、反义词、因果关系和上下文的暗示,“顺藤摸瓜”猜出其意,若一时解决不了,不要停顿,不要花费大量时间打断阅读理解思路。 2. 提高阅读速度 识别和理解单词,以意群为单位阅读整篇文章的能力提高了,阅读速度自然会相应提高。此外还应注意以下几点,对于提高同学们的阅读速度是有很大作用的。 1. 必须改正一些不正确的阅读习惯。 a. 要尽力抑制嘴唇动作和低声阅读。 b. 克服阅读时眼睛回视的习惯。阅读时碰到单词或句子看不清或看不懂,眼睛要回视已经读过的词句,这是自然的,但有时即使没有生词或难句,因为不放心已经读过的词句,也要回视,这就演养成了回视的不良习惯。为了克服这种坏习惯,可以用手指着阅读的地方,阅读时眼睛跟随手指移动的方向移动而不回视,但要注意手指移动要快;或用卡片遮住前面每一行已经阅读过的词句使眼睛回视失去意义而不再回视。 2. 根据读物的难易和阅读的要求来确定阅读的速度。 最常用的方法是要求在一定时间内读完一段或一篇短文,并回答根据这篇短文提出的问题。如果读得太慢,就不能答完所有的问题;如果读得太快或不仔细,就会回答错误。 3. 要直接理解原文,不要把英语翻译成汉语。这是提高阅读速度的最好方法 。 最后 , 充分重视正在学习的教材中的原文,做到在理解的基础上熟读,有些课文及其章节还要争取背诵;能对课文内容进行自由、熟练地回答。 背诵课文的过程是记忆的过程,更是理解、欣赏、培养语感的过程,而非仅仅抓住课文中的一些语言点、单词或语法,而不去探讨其内容。在平时阅读课文的过程中,要不断积累经验,提高阅读理解能力。 ( 1 )近年中考主要考查(出题或设问)以下几方面的内容 1. 对文章主旨和文章大意的考查; 2. 对细节和事实的考查; 3. 对词义或句意的考查; 4. 对结论或推论的考查; 5. 对拟选题目的考查。 1. 对文章主旨和文章大意的考查 主旨大意题主要考查学生对短文中心思想或作者意图的掌握。做此类题,应通读全文,理解文章大意,充分了解主题句的意义。短文往往围绕主题句展开。主题句通常出现在短文第一句或最后一句。 主旨归纳题 常见题型为最佳标题 (title) 或中心思想 (main idea) 等。要准确地抓住文章的主题思想,就要十分留意文章的开头和结尾,在多数情况下,尤其在说明文和议论文中,主题句在文章中的位置通常有三种:开头、文中和文末。 “主旨归纳”题解题技巧: 友情提醒: 有些干扰 选 项,从局部看也许不算错,但从全局看却又片面。这类干扰项与正确答案之差,其实是局部与全局之差。考生在做题时不要为局部现象迷惑,而忽略了文章的整体思想。 1. 对文章主旨和文章大意的考查的常见设问方式 ① The passage/story/article is mostly about______ ②The main idea of this passage/story/article ③The passage/story/article tells us that____ ④What ’ s the writer ’ s idea about … ? ⑤The hole passage/story/article is mainly about … ? ⑥What ’ s the main idea of the passage/story/article ⑦We can learn from the … paragraph 2. 对细节和事实的考查; 细节理解题是用来进一步表达主题,体现中心思想的,往往针对短文某个细节来设题。做此类题,应快速捕捉信息,可能是一些事例、数字等,阅读时要有针对性。 2. 对细节和事实的考查的常见设问方式 ① Which is NOT true ? ② Which of the following sentences is NOT true ? ③ … .. does not mention that______? ④Which sentences is not right? ⑤Which is NOT talked about in this passage? ⑥Which statements is TRUE/NOT true? ⑦Where can you find the … ? ⑧You can find … on … ⑨Which of the following about the passage is TRUE/NOT true? “事实认定”题解题技巧: 先找出题干或是选项中的关键字,一般为数字、大写或人名地名,再通过快速 阅读 确定该细节在文中的出处(信息源),仔细对照题干要求,排除或选择。 友情提醒: 命题者惯用 “ 偷梁换柱、张冠李戴 ” 的手法来 “ 迷惑 ” 考生,即对原句细微处做改动,截取原文词语或结构进行改造,所以正确理解题干和信息句的意义是关 键。 1 把握文章事实、查找细节型; 1.He / she should have an interest in making pizza. More importantly, he/ she should have work experience in a restaurant. The ad tells us that______ A. The assistant must be a man. B. The assistant must have once worked in a restaurant. C. Pucci pizza has branches all over China . B 2. In the past, there were forests all around Lake Ponkapog, so rainwater was clean. In the past, Lake Ponkapog was surrounded( 环绕 )by___. fish B. rain birds D. forests D 3. 对词义或句意的考查 词义猜测题主要考查学生根据上下文正确判断灵活变化的词义的能力。一般情况下,词义猜测题中所出现的单词,大多数是学生未曾见过的生词,学生需要在该词出现的上下文中寻找线索,通过阅读上下文,判定该词的真正含义,然后将这个释义代入文中,检查是否贴切,仔细比较直到得出该词的确切含义。 1. 文中找线索或信息词。 2. 根据熟悉的词或词义判断新单词之意。 3. 根据上下文判断信词汇在特定语境中的确切含义。 友情提醒: 做这种类型的题,要根据所在的语境来判断词义。命题者在出此类题时惯用常规词义来麻痹考生,在猜测词义时,切不可脱离语境想当然。 “词义猜测”题解题技巧: 3. 对词义或句意猜测考查的设问方式 ① The underline words “ ” mean____. ②What does the word “ ” mean in Chinese in this passage? ③ “ ” in this passage means … ④The saying … means … ⑤In this sentence … means. 4. 理解词句含义型 Now there are many houses around the lake. people often use chemicals in their gardens. They use other chemicals in side their houses for cleaning or killing insects ( 昆虫 ). There are also many businessmen. Businessmen use chemicals in their machines or shops. “Chemical” in the story means_______. A. 化学家 B 污染品 C 药品 D. 化学制品 D 一 . 阅读理解题目的设置方式: 4. 对结论或推论的考查 推理判断题就是根据某个事实推断结论,主要考查学生的理解力和推断力,这类推断题通常包括: 数字事实推断 常识推断以及作者写作目的、态度等推断。 做此类题,应根据短文中的相关语句,对于事实相关的细节加以分析,找出线索,反复比较,从而做出合乎逻辑的判断。 “判断推理”题解题技巧: 判断 推理题要求在理解原文表面文字信息的基础上,做出一定判断和推论,从而得到文章的隐含意义和深层意义。推理题所涉及的内容可能是文中某一句话,也可是某几句话,但做题的指导思想都是以文字信息为依据,既不能做出在原文中找不到文字根据的推理,也不能根据表面文字信息做多步推理。 友情提醒: 1. 判断推理有理有据,切忌用自己观点代替作者本意。 2. 全面分析相关信息,切忌得出片面结论。 3. 善于揣摩作者思路,尽可能与作者思路吻合。 2. 逻辑推理型 1 ) 根据常识判断 One day we invited some friends to dinner. When it was about six o’clock, my wife found that we had little bread. So she asked our five-year-old daughter, Kathy, to buy some. One day, Kathy’s parents invited some friends to________. A. have breakfast B. have lunch C. have supper D. have a party. C 2. 逻辑推理型 2) 根据计算判断 If everyone sets their air conditioning( 空调 )at 26℃,Beijing will save 400 million kilowatt-hours( 千瓦时 )of electricity in one summer. That’s one-third of all the usage of the city in the season ,”said a TV advertisement. Beijing will use______ million kilowatt-hours electricity in one summer. A. 1200 B. 800 C. 400 A 4. 对结论或推论的考查的设问方式 ⑴ The probably happened … ⑵From the story we know______ ⑶Why did the writer write this article/passage ? ⑷We can infer from the story that_____? ⑸From the passage we can see the … ⑹According to … ,we know that … ⑺If the writer … ,he/she may … ⑻What should we do if we … ? ⑼How … ? ⑽The passage was written by____ ⑾Why did the writer write this passage? ⑿When you … ,you should … ? ⒀Why is it better to … ? ⒁You ’ d better (not) … ⒂The writer thinks that … ⒃ … believe(s) that … 5. 对拟选题目的考查 此类题就是在深刻理解了作者的写作目的、文章的中心思想等内容的基础上高度浓缩概括出文章的主题进而以拟写出文章题目 选择标题的一般原则是: 一要切题 二要简洁 5. 对拟选题目的考查的设问方式 ① The best name of the story/passage is.. ②The best title of the story/passage is ③Which of the following is the best title of the text? ④What ’ s the title for this passage? ⑤Do you think which title is the best for the passage? “七选五”题解题技巧: “ 七选五 ” 试题干扰项不多, 做题时得 抓住关键句、总结句 。 在实际做题过程中,同学们不妨采用 “ 先看选项定位含义 —— 再看正文仔细分析 —— 最后把选项与正文对应确定答案 ” 的模式。 友情提醒: 该题备选项可分为主旨概括句(文章整体内容)、过渡性句子(文章结构)和注释性句子(上下文逻辑意义)三类。 “七选五”题型考点 主要是考查考生综合运用所学语言知识的能力,包括阅读能力、理解能力、 逻辑推理 能力等。   本题目要求在理解全文的基础上 , 对上下文,其 相互间的关系 或对整篇文章进行深层理解。 大部分属于逻辑推理性题目 .         测试的目的主要考查学生 把握文章结构 及对 上下文逻辑推理 的能力。 1.通篇阅读,掌握大意 。    了解短文的主旨大意,掌握结构。把握全文脉络和中心思想。 2 .阅读选项,缩小范围 .     认真细读短文后的选项,对考查内容要求做到心中有数 , 缩小各题选择的范围 . 3 .根据上下文,初定答案 。     对短文内容中所缺句子, 寻找前后文 支撑论点 的关键信息 ,特别注意某些 同义词反义词, 连词或介词等 Key words 的作用 以及前后文和句子间的逻辑关系。 解题方法 4 .认真核查,验证答案。    还原检查 , 验证答案 , 注意各题的答案应 逻辑一致,不能自相矛盾 。结构完整,意思通顺,确保答案准确无误。 解题策略 细读开篇首句,推测全文内容 通读全文,掌握文章主旨大意 围绕大意,对照选项, 逐句阅读,初选答案 先易后难,瞻前顾后 复核全文,看文章是否上下连贯, 合乎逻辑,同时消除疏漏

