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‎2019年中考英语真题专题训练——名词专题 ‎1.(2019重庆A卷)One ________ of the book is missing, so I can’t learn the whole story.‎ A.copy B.page C.writer D.reader ‎2.(2019孝感)—Everyone should stick to his dream.‎ ‎—Yes.A life without a dream is like a bird without ________, which can’t fly.‎ A.wings B.water C.clouds D.food ‎3.(2019湘西州)—What would you like to eat?‎ ‎—Some , please.‎ A.bread B.carrot C.teas ‎4.(2019贵港)—The air is very fresh in our city.There is less ___________ than before.‎ ‎—Yes.The government has taken action to protect the environment.‎ A.wood B.pollution C.noise D.water ‎5.(2019威武)—Here is my family ____________.We took it last year.‎ ‎—What a happy family!‎ A.member B.name C.photo D.house ‎6.(2019宜昌)—Time past can not be called back again.‎ ‎—Yes.Wasting time is a .‎ A.pressure B.fairness C.choice D.shame ‎7.(2019海南)My cousin and I often walk to the ___________ to see pandas on weekends.‎ A.bank B.zoo C.market ‎8.(2019河北)I like this song.It’s by one of my favorite ____________.‎ A.singers                 B.dancers                 C.painters               D.writers ‎9.(2019南京)—Tomorrow is mum’s birthday.Let’s buy some flowers for her.‎ ‎—OK.I know she like ________ best.‎ A.dresses B.rings C.handbags D.roses ‎10.(2019本溪)The article gives students some ___________ about how to stay safe online.‎ A.suggestions B.activities ‎ C.decisions D.advantages ‎11.(2019深圳)—Miss Huang always advises us to practice speaking English after class.‎ ‎—She is right.Speaking is an important language ____________.‎ A.sign B.skill C.suggestion ‎12.(2019襄阳)— She is leaving to take part in the final poem competition.‎ ‎—I’m proud of her.I wish her a great ________.‎ A.speed B.method C.pressure D.success ‎13.(2019青海)For your own ___________, please don’t smoke on the plane.‎ A.feelings B.safety C.health ‎14.(2019重庆B卷)We have wider ____________ in our village, so we can go out more easily now.‎ A.houses B.roads C.schools D.hospitals ‎15.(2019咸宁)—Nowadays more and more foreigners are becoming interested in Kungfu.‎ ‎—That’s true.It’s an important part of Chinese ________.‎ A.invention B.story C.culture D.custom ‎16.(2019昆明)The ___________ of the 2019Beijing International Horticultural Expo(园艺博览会)is"Live Green, Live Better."‎ A.symbol B.condition C.theme D.invention ‎17.(2019宿迁)—Anna, how does the dress look on me?‎ ‎—To tell you the ____________, it doesn’t fit you well.‎ A.trade B.trust C.truth D.treat ‎18.(2019眉山)The food safety is a serious ________ in many countries.People should try to solve it.‎ A.subject B.program C.problem D.opinion ‎19.(2019镇江)When I think of the worried ___________ of foreign students who are learning Chinese, I can go to study English calmly.‎ A.looks B.designs C.efforts D.needs ‎20.(2019温州)—Sir, did you enjoy your stay in our____________?‎ ‎—Yes, I slept well and I like the breakfast.‎ A.hotel B.school C.factory D.company ‎21.(2019咸宁)— Creative morning ________ are popular in our school.‎ ‎—Yes, we dance to fun music, such as the song Calorie(《卡路里》).‎ A.exams B.exercises C.examples D.expressions ‎22.(2019南通)High-speed trains are seen as one of the new Four Great ___________ of China.‎ A.Achievements B.Agreements C.Environments D.Instruments ‎23.(2019泰州)My mother has a poor ____________ of direction, so she is always afraid to go out ‎ alone.‎ A.scene B.silence C.service D.sense ‎24.(2019鄂州)— I don’t know how to use the App Fun Dubbing.‎ ‎—Ask Kitty for help.She has lots of ________ in doing it.‎ A.expression B.experiment C.examination D.experience ‎25.(2019毕节)Jane is very thirsty, so she needs some ___________.‎ A.water B.bread C.cakes D.rice ‎26.(2019青岛)—Lucy, how about going to the ____________?‎ ‎—Sounds great! Reading books can give us much pleasure.‎ A.library B.cinema C.museum D.concert ‎27.(2019深圳) —When can we finish making the model car? We must hand it in this afternoon.‎ ‎—Very soon.There is one more step to finish it.‎ A.stair B.post C.stage ‎28.(2019齐齐哈尔)—I go running every day.‎ ‎—Wow! That’s a good ___________.It keeps you healthy.‎ A.task B.exercise C.habit ‎29.(2019淮安)Betty has a beautiful ____________.She wants to be a singer in the future.‎ A.voice B.look C.noise D.sound ‎30.(2019深圳)—Where shall we watch the light show tonight?‎ ‎—On the top of Lianhua Mountain.It’s in the centre of our city.‎ A.back B.middle C.front ‎31.(2019广元)Night Safari is an amazing ___________ and you can watch animals there at night.‎ A.school B.zoo C.hospital ‎32.(2019山西)To keep our city beautiful, the ____________ are always very busy in the streets.We shouldn’t throw rubbish everywhere.‎ A.policemen B.cleaners C.drivers ‎33.(2019福建)—What should we do for the camping trip?‎ ‎—We’d better make a ________ of things like foods, drinks, medicine and so on.‎ A.list B.card C.report ‎34.(2019北部湾)In China, the color red is the ___________ of good luck.‎ A.dream B.way ‎ C.symbol D.reason ‎35.(2019滨州)After years of war, the people in Syria are thirsty for ____________.‎ A.price B.noise C.peace D.course ‎36.(2019河南)For his son’s birthday, Steven is taking him to the new movie as a ________.‎ A.task B.treat C. choice D.visit ‎37.(2019黄冈)—Oh, my God! We have missed the last bus.What shall we do?‎ ‎—I’m afraid that we have no __________ but to take a taxi.‎ A.idea B.decision C.reason D.choice ‎38.(2019成都)—Sally’s favorite ________ is orange.‎ ‎—I see.That’s why all her sweaters are orange.‎ A.fruit B.color C.juice ‎39.(2019武汉)—Dad, what is the loudspeaker saying? ‎ ‎—It is to the __________.The flight to Wuhan is boarding now.‎ A.customers B.passengers C.members D.tourists ‎40.(2019山西)To keep our city beautiful, the ________ are always very busy in the streets.We shouldn’t throw rubbish everywhere.‎ A.policemen B.cleaners C.drivers ‎41.(2019苏州)—Keep quiet! I need complete __________ when I’m working.‎ ‎—Sorry, dad.I won’t make any noise again.‎ A.trust B.silence C.control D.strength ‎42.(2019自贡)—What ________ will you win after winning the competition in the program Stay to the End(《一站到底》)?‎ ‎—A free trip to Bali Island.‎ A.prize B.attention C.advice ‎43.(2019江西)My daughter helps me cook but she isn’t old enough to be left alone in the __________.‎ A.bedroom B.classroom C.lab D.kitchen ‎44.(2019天津)The ________ of this activity is to raise money for a new hospital.‎ A.silence B.purpose C.culture D.language ‎45.(2019安徽)You can see the __________ in our faces when we talk about the great achievements in the past 70 years.‎ A.doubt B.pride C.regret D.ability ‎46.(2019自贡)—What else do we need to make cold beef ?‎ ‎—____________.‎ A.Two spoons salt B.Two spoons of salts C.Two spoons of salt ‎47.(2019凉山州)Hurry up! Some ____________ and ____________ are on sale in the supermarket.‎ A.tomato; egg B.tomatoes; egg ‎ C.tomatoes; eggs D.tomato; eggs ‎48.(2019玉林)—Can I help you, Madam?‎ ‎—Yes ___________, please.‎ A.Two pair of socks B.Two pairs of socks ‎ C.Two pairs of sock D.Two pair of sock ‎49.(2019达州)—Hello, Lucy, please give me some ___________ on how to improve my English!‎ ‎—You’ d better keep ___________ more English books.‎ A.advices;read B.advice;read ‎ C.advice;reading D.advices;reading ‎50.(2019岳阳)We should brush our ____________ every day.‎ A.tooth B.teeth C.hand ‎51.(2019哈尔滨)Tim got four ____________ from his relatives on Children s Day.‎ A.toy B.toys C.toies ‎52.(2019天水)—Look! They are ___________.‎ ‎—Yes.We are proud of them.‎ A.man scientist B.women scientists C.woman scientists D.man scientists ‎53.(2019百色) I’d like some ____________ and ____________.‎ A.banana; tomato B.bananas; tomato ‎ C.bananas; tomatoes D.banana; tomatoes ‎54.(2019郴州)—I know little about this product.‎ ‎—Surf the Internet, and you will get much ____________ about it.‎ A.information B.message C.suggestion ‎55.(2019大庆)The problems are difficult to solve.Please give me ___________.‎ A.many advice B.some advice C.an advice D.some advices ‎56.(2019玉林)—Are those ___________ keys, Jack?‎ ‎—No, they aren’ t.They’ re Uncle ___________.‎ A.yours;Sam’ s B.your;Sam ‎ C.your;Sam’ s D.yours;Sam ‎57.(2019益阳)Look at the two ____________ over there.They are teaching the girls to play the guitar.‎ A.women teachers B.woman teachers C.woman teacher ‎58.(2019临沂)If I leave my house at 9 o’clock and drive to the airport, I’ll arrive at about 11.So it’s about two ____________ drive from my house to the airport.‎ A.hours’ B.hour’s C.hours ‎59.(2019青海省)—Whose jackets are these?‎ ‎—They said they are ___________.They lost them yesterday.‎ A.Ours ‎ B.Li Lei and Li Tao’ s ‎ C.Li Lei’ s and Li Tao’ s ‎60.(2019眉山)Upstairs are ____________ bedrooms.They are tidy and nice.But ____________ are in a mess.‎ A.Lily’s and Lucy’s; our B.Lily’s and Lucy’s; ours C.Lily’s and Lucy; ours D.Lily and Lucy’s; our ‎61.(2019连云港)On April 24, Xie Wenjun raced to gold in the ____________ 110-meter hurdles at the Asian Athletics Championships in Qatar A.man B.men C.men’s D.mens’‎ ‎62.(2019河池)June lst is ___________ Day.My sister is happy on that day every year.‎ A.Women’ s B.Fathers’ C.Teachers’ D.Children’ s ‎63.(2019天水)After playing football for more than half an hour, the students took ___________ rest.‎ A.a few minute’ s B.a little minute’ s C.a few minutes’ D.a little minutes’ ‎ ‎2019年中考英语真题专题训练——名词专题参考答案 ‎1.(2019重庆A卷)One ________ of the book is missing, so I can’t learn the whole story.‎ A.copy B.page C.writer D.reader ‎【答案】B ‎2.(2019孝感)—Everyone should stick to his dream.‎ ‎—Yes.A life without a dream is like a bird without ________, which can’t fly.‎ A.wings B.water C.clouds D.food ‎【答案】A ‎3.(2019湘西州)—What would you like to eat?‎ ‎—Some , please.‎ A.bread B.carrot C.teas ‎【答案】A ‎4.(2019贵港)—The air is very fresh in our city.There is less ___________ than before.‎ ‎—Yes.The government has taken action to protect the environment.‎ A.wood B.pollution C.noise D.water ‎【答案】B ‎5.(2019威武)—Here is my family ____________.We took it last year.‎ ‎—What a happy family!‎ A.member B.name C.photo D.house ‎【答案】C ‎6.(2019宜昌)—Time past can not be called back again.‎ ‎—Yes.Wasting time is a .‎ A.pressure B.fairness C.choice D.shame ‎【答案】D ‎7.(2019海南)My cousin and I often walk to the ___________ to see pandas on weekends.‎ A.bank B.zoo C.market ‎【答案】B ‎8.(2019河北)I like this song.It’s by one of my favorite ____________.‎ A.singers                   B.dancers                  C.painters                  D.writers ‎【答案】A ‎ ‎9.(2019南京)—Tomorrow is mum’s birthday.Let’s buy some flowers for her.‎ ‎—OK.I know she like ________ best.‎ A.dresses B.rings C.handbags D.roses ‎【答案】D ‎10.(2019本溪)The article gives students some ___________ about how to stay safe online.‎ A.suggestions B.activities ‎ C.decisions D.advantages ‎【答案】A ‎11.(2019深圳)—Miss Huang always advises us to practice speaking English after class.‎ ‎—She is right.Speaking is an important language ____________.‎ A.sign B.skill C.suggestion ‎【答案】B ‎12.(2019襄阳)— She is leaving to take part in the final poem competition.‎ ‎—I’m proud of her.I wish her a great ________.‎ A.speed B.method C.pressure D.success ‎【答案】D ‎13.(2019青海)For your own ___________, please don’t smoke on the plane.‎ A.feelings B.safety C.health ‎【答案】B ‎ ‎14.(2019重庆B卷)We have wider ____________ in our village, so we can go out more easily now.‎ A.houses B.roads C.schools D.hospitals ‎【答案】B ‎15.(2019咸宁)—Nowadays more and more foreigners are becoming interested in Kungfu.‎ ‎—That’s true.It’s an important part of Chinese ________.‎ A.invention B.story C.culture D.custom ‎【答案】C ‎16.(2019昆明)The ___________ of the 2019Beijing International Horticultural Expo(园艺博览会)is"Live Green, Live Better."‎ A.symbol B.condition C.theme D.invention ‎【答案】C ‎17.(2019宿迁)—Anna, how does the dress look on me?‎ ‎—To tell you the ____________, it doesn’t fit you well.‎ A.trade B.trust C.truth D.treat ‎【答案】C ‎18.(2019眉山)The food safety is a serious ________ in many countries.People should try to solve it.‎ A.subject B.program C.problem D.opinion ‎【答案】C ‎19.(2019镇江)When I think of the worried ___________ of foreign students who are learning Chinese, I can go to study English calmly.‎ A.looks B.designs C.efforts D.needs ‎【答案】A ‎20.(2019温州)—Sir, did you enjoy your stay in our____________?‎ ‎—Yes, I slept well and I like the breakfast.‎ A.hotel B.school C.factory D.company ‎【答案】A ‎21.(2019咸宁)— Creative morning ________ are popular in our school.‎ ‎—Yes, we dance to fun music, such as the song Calorie(《卡路里》).‎ A.exams B.exercises C.examples D.expressions ‎【答案】B ‎22.(2019南通)High-speed trains are seen as one of the new Four Great ___________ of China.‎ A.Achievements B.Agreements C.Environments D.Instruments ‎【答案】A ‎23.(2019泰州)My mother has a poor ____________ of direction, so she is always afraid to go out ‎ alone.‎ A.scene B.silence C.service D.sense ‎【答案】D ‎24.(2019鄂州)— I don’t know how to use the App Fun Dubbing.‎ ‎—Ask Kitty for help.She has lots of ________ in doing it.‎ A.expression B.experiment C.examination D.experience ‎【答案】D ‎25.(2019毕节)Jane is very thirsty, so she needs some ___________.‎ A.water B.bread C.cakes D.rice ‎【答案】A ‎26.(2019青岛)—Lucy, how about going to the ____________?‎ ‎—Sounds great! Reading books can give us much pleasure.‎ A.library B.cinema C.museum D.concert ‎【答案】A ‎27.(2019深圳) —When can we finish making the model car? We must hand it in this afternoon.‎ ‎—Very soon.There is one more step to finish it.‎ A.stair B.post C.stage ‎【答案】C ‎28.(2019齐齐哈尔)—I go running every day.‎ ‎—Wow! That’s a good ___________.It keeps you healthy.‎ A.task B.exercise C.habit ‎【答案】C ‎29.(2019淮安)Betty has a beautiful ____________.She wants to be a singer in the future.‎ A.voice B.look C.noise D.sound ‎【答案】A ‎30.(2019深圳)—Where shall we watch the light show tonight?‎ ‎—On the top of Lianhua Mountain.It’s in the centre of our city.‎ A.back B.middle C.front ‎【答案】B ‎31.(2019广元)Night Safari is an amazing ___________ and you can watch animals there at night.‎ A.school B.zoo C.hospital ‎【答案】B ‎32.(2019山西)To keep our city beautiful, the ____________ are always very busy in the streets.We shouldn’t throw rubbish everywhere.‎ A.policemen B.cleaners C.drivers ‎【答案】B ‎ ‎33.(2019福建)—What should we do for the camping trip?‎ ‎—We’d better make a ________ of things like foods, drinks, medicine and so on.‎ A.list B.card C.report ‎【答案】A ‎34.(2019北部湾)In China, the color red is the ___________ of good luck.‎ A.dream B.way ‎ C.symbol D.reason ‎【答案】C ‎35.(2019滨州)After years of war, the people in Syria are thirsty for ____________.‎ A.price B.noise C.peace D.course ‎【答案】C ‎36.(2019河南)For his son’s birthday, Steven is taking him to the new movie as a ________.‎ A.task B.treat C. choice D.visit ‎【答案】B
‎ ‎37.(2019黄冈)—Oh, my God! We have missed the last bus.What shall we do?‎ ‎—I’m afraid that we have no __________ but to take a taxi.‎ A.idea B.decision C.reason D.choice ‎【答案】D ‎38.(2019成都)—Sally’s favorite ________ is orange.‎ ‎—I see.That’s why all her sweaters are orange.‎ A.fruit B.color C.juice ‎【答案】B ‎39.(2019武汉)—Dad, what is the loudspeaker saying? ‎ ‎—It is to the __________.The flight to Wuhan is boarding now.‎ A.customers B.passengers C.members D.tourists ‎【答案】B ‎40.(2019山西)To keep our city beautiful, the ________ are always very busy in the streets.We shouldn’t throw rubbish everywhere.‎ A.policemen B.cleaners C.drivers ‎【答案】B ‎41.(2019苏州)—Keep quiet! I need complete __________ when I’m working.‎ ‎—Sorry, dad.I won’t make any noise again.‎ A.trust B.silence C.control D.strength ‎【答案】B ‎42.(2019自贡)—What ________ will you win after winning the competition in the program Stay to the End(《一站到底》)?‎ ‎—A free trip to Bali Island.‎ A.prize B.attention C.advice ‎【答案】A ‎43.(2019江西)My daughter helps me cook but she isn’t old enough to be left alone in the __________.‎ A.bedroom B.classroom C.lab D.kitchen ‎【答案】D ‎44.(2019天津)The ________ of this activity is to raise money for a new hospital.‎ A.silence B.purpose C.culture D.language ‎【答案】B ‎45.(2019安徽)You can see the __________ in our faces when we talk about the great achievements in the past 70 years.‎ A.doubt B.pride C.regret D.ability ‎【答案】B ‎46.(2019自贡)—What else do we need to make cold beef ?‎ ‎—____________.‎ A.Two spoons salt B.Two spoons of salts C.Two spoons of salt ‎【答案】C ‎ ‎47.(2019凉山州)Hurry up! Some ____________ and ____________ are on sale in the supermarket.‎ A.tomato; egg B.tomatoes; egg ‎ C.tomatoes; eggs D.tomato; eggs ‎【答案】C ‎48.(2019玉林)—Can I help you, Madam?‎ ‎—Yes ___________, please.‎ A.Two pair of socks B.Two pairs of socks ‎ C.Two pairs of sock D.Two pair of sock ‎【答案】B ‎49.(2019达州)—Hello, Lucy, please give me some ___________ on how to improve my English!‎ ‎—You’ d better keep ___________ more English books.‎ A.advices;read B.advice;read ‎ C.advice;reading D.advices;reading ‎【答案】C ‎50.(2019岳阳)We should brush our ____________ every day.‎ A.tooth B.teeth C.hand ‎【答案】B ‎51.(2019哈尔滨)Tim got four ____________ from his relatives on Children s Day.‎ A.toy B.toys C.toies ‎【答案】B ‎52.(2019天水)—Look! They are ___________.‎ ‎—Yes.We are proud of them.‎ A.man scientist B.women scientists C.woman scientists D.man scientists ‎【答案】B ‎53.(2019百色) I’d like some ____________ and ____________.‎ A.banana; tomato B.bananas; tomato ‎ C.bananas; tomatoes D.banana; tomatoes ‎【答案】C ‎54.(2019郴州)—I know little about this product.‎ ‎—Surf the Internet, and you will get much ____________ about it.‎ A.information B.message C.suggestion ‎【答案】A ‎55.(2019大庆)The problems are difficult to solve.Please give me ___________.‎ A.many advice B.some advice C.an advice D.some advices ‎【答案】B ‎56.(2019玉林)—Are those ___________ keys, Jack?‎ ‎—No, they aren’ t.They’ re Uncle ___________.‎ A.yours;Sam’ s B.your;Sam ‎ C.your;Sam’ s D.yours;Sam ‎【答案】C ‎57.(2019益阳)Look at the two ____________ over there.They are teaching the girls to play the guitar.‎ A.women teachers B.woman teachers C.woman teacher ‎【答案】A ‎58.(2019临沂)If I leave my house at 9 o’clock and drive to the airport, I’ll arrive at about 11.So it’s about two ____________ drive from my house to the airport.‎ A.hours’ B.hour’s C.hours ‎【答案】A ‎ ‎59.(2019青海省)—Whose jackets are these?‎ ‎—They said they are ___________.They lost them yesterday.‎ A.Ours ‎ B.Li Lei and Li Tao’ s ‎ C.Li Lei’ s and Li Tao’ s ‎【答案】C ‎60.(2019眉山)Upstairs are ____________ bedrooms.They are tidy and nice.But ____________ are in a mess.‎ A.Lily’s and Lucy’s; our B.Lily’s and Lucy’s; ours C.Lily’s and Lucy; ours D.Lily and Lucy’s; our ‎【答案】B ‎61.(2019连云港)On April 24, Xie Wenjun raced to gold in the ____________ 110-meter hurdles at the Asian Athletics Championships in Qatar A.man B.men C.men’s D.mens’‎ ‎【答案】C ‎62.(2019河池)June lst is ___________ Day.My sister is happy on that day every year.‎ A.Women’ s B.Fathers’ C.Teachers’ D.Children’ s ‎【答案】C ‎63.(2019天水)After playing football for more than half an hour, the students took ___________ rest.‎ A.a few minute’ s B.a little minute’ s C.a few minutes’ D.a little minutes’ ‎ ‎【答案】C

