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专题38+There+be句型 高考频度:★★★★★‎ 一、不同时态的There be 结构 ‎  1. There will be thousands of football fans in London next month.‎ ‎  (一般将来时)下个月伦敦将有成千上万的球迷。‎ ‎  2. There is going to be a film in our school this weekend.‎ ‎  (一般将来时)我们学校这个周末有一场电影。‎ ‎  3. There is to be a concert at the Albert Hall tonight. It is to be broadcast live.‎ ‎  (一般将来时)今晚在阿尔伯特会堂举行音乐会,将要进行实况转播。‎ ‎  4. There have been a lot of accidents round here.‎ ‎  (现在完成时)这里出过许多事故。‎ ‎  5. There has been some awful weather lately, hasn’t there?‎ ‎  (现在完成时)最近天气有时很糟糕,不是吗?‎ ‎  6. He told me that there had been an argument between them.‎ ‎  (过去完成时)他告诉我他们之间有过一场辩论。‎ ‎  7. There will have been a definite result before Friday.‎ ‎  (将来完成时)星期五以前将肯定会有结果。‎ ‎ 二、含有情态动词的There be 结构 ‎  1. There would be fewer accidents if drivers took care.司机如果小心开车就会少出事故。‎ ‎  2. He felt that there must be something wrong with the car.他当时感觉车肯定出毛病了。‎ ‎  3. There may quite well be another demonstration tonight.今晚也许又有一场示威。‎ ‎  4. Why do there have to be poor people like those?为什么有像那样的一些穷人呢?‎ ‎  5. There used to be a cinema here before the war.战前这儿有家电影院。‎ ‎  6. There must have been a rain last night, for the ground is wet. 昨晚肯定下雨了,因为地面湿着呢。‎ 三、There be 结构经常和appear, seem, need, chance, happen, prove 等动词搭配 ‎  1. There appears to be little enthusiasm for your idea.‎ ‎  人们好像对你的想法不大热心。‎ ‎  2. There seems to be something wrong with this computer.‎ ‎  这台电脑好像出毛病了。‎ ‎  3. There doesn’t seem to have been any difficulty over the money question. 好像没有钱的困难。‎ ‎  4. There appear to have been some nasty accidents.‎ ‎  似乎已发生了几起严重事故。‎ ‎  5. There needs to be a system set up to judge the quality of the English language training.‎ ‎  需要建立一套系统来评判英语培训的质量。‎ 四、There be 结构也和be sure, be supposed, be said, be known 等短语搭配 ‎  1. There is sure to be a place where we can find a restaurant.‎ ‎  肯定有我们能找到饭店的地方。‎ ‎  2. There are supposed to be wild animals in the hills.‎ ‎  这山里应该有野生动物。‎ ‎  3. There is said to be a secret tunnel beneath the building.‎ ‎  据说这幢大楼下面有一条秘密通道。‎ ‎  4. There are known to be thousands of snakes on the island.‎ 据了解,那座岛上有成千上万条蛇。‎ 五、There be 结构的非谓语动词形式 There be句型也可以以不定式(there to be)、动名词(there being)和现在分词(there being)的形式出现在句子中,在句中作主语、宾语或状语。‎ ‎  1. I expect there to be no argument about this.‎ ‎  (不定式短语作动词expect的宾语)我期望关于这件事不要争了。‎ ‎  2. I should prefer there to be no discussion of my private affairs.(不定式短语作动词prefer的宾语)我宁愿不要讨论我的私事。‎ ‎  3. I don’t want there to be any doubt about this. (不定式短语作动词want的宾语)我不希望对此有任何怀疑。‎ ‎  4. Would you like there to be a meeting to discuss the problem?‎ ‎  (不定式短语作动词like的宾语)你想要开会讨论这个问题吗?‎ ‎  5. If you don’t mind there being so much noise around, you are quite welcome to stay.‎ ‎  (动名词短语作动词mind的宾语)你如果不介意周围这么大噪音的话,欢迎你留下。‎ ‎  6. What’s the chance of there being an election this year?‎ ‎  (动名词短语作介词of 的宾语)今年举行选举的可能性有多大?‎ ‎  7. There being nothing else to do, we went home.‎ ‎  (现在分词短语作原因状语)因为没事其他事可做,我们就回家了。‎ ‎8. They closed the door, there being no customers.‎ ‎  (现在分词短语作原因状语) 他们的店关门了,因为没有顾客。‎ 六、There be结构中的be用其他动词来代替 ‎ 为了表达生动,在正式文体或文学作品中,可用表示状态、发生、位置转移等意义的其他动词来代替动词be。常这样用的动词有:live,lie,stand,remain,exist,occur,arise,rise,follow,come,enter,reach等。‎ There exist many ancient temples of this kind on the shores of the Mediterranean. 在地中海沿岸地带,有许多这样的古庙。‎ Not long after this, there rose a sudden revolution. 此后不久,突然爆发了一场革命。‎ Suddenly there entered a strange figure dressed all in black. 突然进来一个穿着一身黑的陌生人。‎ ‎  There goes the bus.公交车来了。‎ ‎  On the hill (there) stands a house.山上有个房子。‎ ‎ 七.There be句型需要掌握的重点句型 ‎ ‎1.There is no doubt/question that- 毫无疑问…… ‎ There is no question of doing sth. :①……是毫无疑问的②……是不可能的。 ‎ There is no question that it is true. ‎ ‎  There is no doubt that they can get the machine working very soon. ‎ ‎2. There is no + doing:不可能……;无法……;没有办法……‎ ‎ There is no joking about it.这事开不得玩笑。 ‎ There is no telling what will happen.无法预料会发生什么。 ‎ There is no holding back the wheel of history.历史车轮不可阻挡。 ‎ ‎3. There is no + 名词+ in doing : …是没有意义的/无用的 ‎ There is no point in doing sth. ……是没有意义的 ‎ There is no sense in doing sth. ……没有理由/没有好处; ‎ There is no use/good in doing sth…没有好处 There is no harm in doing sth…没有害处 ‎ ‎ There is no point in arguing with him further.进一步和他争论是没有意义的。 ‎ ‎ here is no harm in doing sth.=it does no harm (for sb.) to do sth.‎ ‎1. —How many students, do you think, will be present at the meeting?‎ ‎—I expect _____________ 200 students.‎ A.there being B.there been C.there be D.there to be ‎2. What’s the chance of _____________ a general election this year?‎ A.there being B.there to be C.there be D.there going to be ‎3. —We didn’t find the Blacks attending the lecture.zxx*k ‎—No one had told them about _____________ a lecture the following day.‎ A.there to be B.there being C.there be D.there was ‎4. In a diverse society, one would expect ________ multiple interpretations of rights.‎ A.it being B.it to be C.there being D.there to be ‎5. The Pacific region will be one of the fastest growing areas in the world in the 21st century. _____________ shouldn’t be any doubt about it now.‎ A.It B.That C.This D.There ‎6. As some famous singers will appear at the pop concert, _____________ likely to be a large audience.‎ A.it’s B.here’s C.there’s D.that’s ‎7.Peace-loving people don’t want_____________ another war in Iraq.‎ A.there could be B.there be C.there being D.there to be ‎8. _________ a certain doubt among the people as to the practical value of the project.‎ A. It has B. They have C. It remains D. There remains ‎1. D 【解析】句意:——你认为有多少学生将出席这次会议?——我预计将有200个学生。expect to do sth.为固定短语,当expect后面是there be句型的非谓语形式时,there不能省略。故选D。‎ ‎2. A 【解析】句意:今年有换届选举的机会,是吗?介词of后面接动名词,因为是there be句型,其动名词形式为there being,选A项。‎ ‎3. B 【解析】about为介词,其后接there be结构作宾语时,there be结构用动名词形式,因此选B。‎ ‎5. D 【解析】考查代词。句意:太平洋地区将会是21世纪世界上增长最快的地区之一,现在这一点是不应该有任何疑问的。此处为there be句型,表示"毫无疑问的",故D项正确。‎ ‎6. C ‎ ‎ 【解析】考查固定结构。句意:由于流行音乐会将有一些著名歌手到场,那里可能有大批的观众。分析句子结构可知,此处为there be句型,表示可能有一大批观众。‎ ‎7.D 【解析】考查there be句型。句意:爱好和平的人们不希望伊拉克再有战争。want后面要用动词不定式的形式,故选D。‎ ‎8.D 考查There be句型。句意:对于这个项目的实际价值人们依然还有怀疑。分析句子结构可知,该题题干是“there +表示存在的动词remain”结构。‎ ‎ ‎

