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高三最困难考点系列(5)阅读理解中的推理判断题 阅读理解中的推理判断题 ‎★★★★★‎ ‎○○○○○‎ ‎【命题说明】‎ ‎【最新考纲要求】(教育部发布)‎ 阅读:‎ 要求考生读懂书、报、杂志中关于一般性话题的简短文段以及公告、说明、广告等,并能从中获取相关信息。考生应能: ‎ ‎(1)理解主旨要义 ‎(2)理解文中具体信息 ‎(3)根据上下文推断单词和短语的含义 ‎(4)作出判断和推理 ‎(5)理解文章的基本结构 ‎(6)理解作者的意图、观点和态度。‎ ‎【考纲权威解读】(教育部发布)‎ 阅读理解 阅读文章是我国考生接触外语的最主要途径,因此,阅读理解在试卷中占权重较大。该部分要求考生读懂熟悉的有关日常生活话题的简短文字材料,例如公告、说明、广告以及书、报、杂志中关于一般性话题的简短文章。考生应能:‎ ‎(1)理解主旨和要义 任何一篇文拿都会有一个主旨要义。有时从文章的第一个段落, 甚至第一个句子即可得出文章的主旨要义,从这一段或这个句子读者会知道文章描述的是谁或什么(即文章的主题),亦会了解作者希望读者了解主题方面的哪些内容。有时,文章的主旨要义则需从文章的字里行间进行推断。这类试题主要考查考生略读文 章、领会大意的能力, 它对考生的归纳、概括能力有一定的要求。‎ ‎(2)理解文中具体信息 文章主题和中心思想的阐述往往需要大量细节信息的支持,这些细节对于理解全文内容至关重要,同时也是归纳和概括文章中心思想的基础。命题人员往往会要求考生根据不同的要求,阅读文章以获得某些特定的信息或准确地寻求所需的细节。这类试题有时比较直接,理解字面意思即可答题;有时则较为间接,需要归纳、概括和推理才能答题。‎ ‎(3)根据上下文推断生词的词义 正确理解文章中单词或短语的含义是理解文章的第一步,也是理解文章的基础,不懂单词含义根本就谈不上理解文章。但英语单词的含义并非完全等同于词典中所标注的汉语意思,其含义随不同的语境会有所不同。能根据上下文正确理解灵活变化的词义,才算是真正初步具备了一定的阅读理解能力。此外,阅读文章时,常常会遇到一些过去未见过的词,但许多这类生词的词义可以通过上下文 推断出来。这种不使用词典而通过阅读上下文来推断生词含义的能 力,是一个合格的读者所必须具备的能力,因此也是阅读测试中经常检测的一种能力。‎ ‎(4)做出简单判断和推理 阅读文章的主要目的是获取信息,即作者所要传达的信息。在实际的阅读活动中,有时需要根据文章提供的事实和线索,进行逻辑推理,推测作者未提到的事实或某事发生的可能性等。‎ ‎(5)理解文章的基本结构 英语文章讲究使用主题段和主题句。主题段通常在文章开头,简要概括文章的中心思想,主题句可能在一段的开头,也可能在中间或末 尾,作用是交代该段的中心思想,再由全段展开或讨论这个意思。各个段落通常由某些起连接作用的词语连接,以使文章行文连贯。如果希 望准确、深刻地理解一篇文章,必须对文章的结构有所了解,把握住全 篇的文脉,即句与句、段与段之间的逻辑关系。‎ ‎(6)理解作者的意图、观点和态度 每篇文章都有一个特定的写作目的,或是向读者传递某个信息,或是愉悦读者,或是讲授某个道理。而这些信息通常并不是明确表达出 来,而是隐含在文章之中。因此,这类问题要求考生在理解文章总体内 容的基础上,去领会作者的言外之意。‎ 阅读理解中的推理判断题的核心考点 推理判断试题属于高层次阅读理解题。这种题型包括判断题和推理题。这两类题常常相互依存,推理是为了得出正确的判断,正确的判断又依赖于合乎逻辑的推理。做好该题型要从整体上把握语篇内容,在语篇的表面意义与隐含意义、已知信息与未知信息间架起桥梁,透过字里行间,去体会作者的“弦外之音”。推理判断题常常可以分为如下几类:(1)细节推断。如时间、地点、人物关系等;(2)逻辑推断。根据已知的结果推断导致结果产生的可能原因;(3)目的、意图、态度推断。根据文章的论述,推断作者的写作目的以及作者情感态度;(4)预测想象推断。文章没有明确说明,要求根据语篇对文章可能涉及的内容进行预测判断。‎ A推理判断主要的设题方式有: (1)It can be inferred from the passage (or the last paragraph) that… (2)It can be learned from the passage (or the last paragraph) that… (3)It can be concluded from the passage (or the last paragraph) that… (4)It implies that… (5)Where would you most probably find this passage? (6)What would the author most likely continue to talk about in the next paragraph(s)? B推理判断主要的解题策略有:‎ ‎(1)根据不同文体,推断目的意图。不同的文章可能有不同的写作目的, 通常作者的写作目的有以下三种:1) to entertain readers(娱乐读者,让人发笑),常见于故事类的文章。2) to persuade readers(说服读者接受某种观点)常见于广告类的文章。3) to inform readers(告知读者某些信息)多见于科普类﹑新闻报道类﹑文化类或社会类的文章。高考阅读试题设计到各类文章,而以议论文为主,文章的主题句、核心句往往会直接或间接地表明作者的态度立场;阅读理解中也有说明文、描述文。前者因为其体裁的客观性,所以作者的态度也往往采取中立。而后者因为其文章观点往往不直接提出,而且作者写作时也常带有某种倾向性,所以,阅读时要善于根据文章的文体来学会推断作者的情感态度和目的。‎ ‎(2)根据用词风格,推断情感态度。一篇好的文章,其用词风格常常直接流露或蕴含作者的内心世界和情感态度。所以阅读时要善于捕捉表达或暗示情感态度的词句或短语,捕捉那些烘托气氛,渲染情感的词句,进而很好地洞察作者的思想倾向,是支持、反对抑或中立?对于选项而言,要分清选项中的褒义词、中性词和贬义词,以此对照全文。如:1)表示褒义的词语:positive赞成的,supporting支持的,praising赞扬的,optimistic乐观的,admiring羡慕的,enthusiastic热情的等;2)表示中性的词语:uninterested无兴趣的,不感兴趣的; neutral中立的;impersonal不带个人感情的;subjective主观的;objective客观的等;3)表示贬义的词语:disgusted感到恶心的,厌恶的;critical批评的;negative 否定的,反对的;suspicious怀疑的;tolerant容忍的,忍让的;worried 担忧的等。 ‎ ‎(3)根据写作思路,推断段落发展。不同的文体,写作思路和写作手法也不尽相同。做题时,要善于体会作者的写作思路,揣摩作者的谋篇布局,从宏观上左右文章的结构框架;同时,还要把握作者行文时所运用的修辞手段,如对比、举例、下定义等。通过梳理写作思路,明晰写作手法,即可对文章的发展作出比较科学合理的推断和预测。‎ ‎(4)根据事实细节,推断合理信息。推理题要求在理解原文表面文字信息的基础上,作出一定判断和推论,从而得到文章的隐含意义和深层意义。推理题所涉及的内容可能是文中某一句话,也可是某几句话,但做题的指导思想都是以文字信息为依据,既不能做出在原文中找不到文字根据的推理,也不能根据表面文字信息做多步推理。也就是说,要做到判断有据, 推论有理, 忠实原文。切忌用自己的观点代替作者的本意,切忌片面思考,得出片面结论。‎ ‎【典例剖析】‎ ‎【山西省“晋商四校”(平遥中学,祁县中学,榆次一中,太谷中学)高三11月联考】‎ ‎ Are you taking a summer vacation this year? If you are, have you already started preparing for your trip? Online, there are a large number of preparation tips available for summer travelers. While preparation advice and tips may be of assistance to you, they are often hard to go by. This is because not everyone spends vacations at the same location.‎ No matter what your vacation destination is, you will need to take the climate into consideration. If you are visiting a tropical location, you will need to bring along the appropriate clothing. While you may be expecting warm and sunny weather, it is still advised that you prepare for the worst. Raincoats and an umbrella may be a great addition to your summer clothing.‎ Perhaps, the most popular summer vacation destination is the beach. Each year millions of individuals and families flock to beaches. When vacationing at the beach, it is important that you bring along proper clothing and sunscreen. Many vacationers do not realize the dangers of sunbathing without sunscreen. In addition to sunscreen, you will need to make sure that you have beach towels and plenty of water on hand.‎ For the most part, if you forget to bring along certain supplies you can purchase replacements. Many popular vacation destinations have inflated prices. To prevent unnecessary expenses, you are encouraged to check your luggage before you leave. In addition ‎ to the above mentioned preparation tips, you must inform friends and family of where you are going. In case something happens back home, you can easily be reached.‎ ‎1. In the passage the author intends to _____‎ A. give advice on how to prepare for vacation B. make a plan for his summer vacation C. share his experience about summer vacation D. warn readers against cheaters during vacation ‎2. If you travel to a tropical country, _____.‎ A. you must consider the climate first B. you should wear shorts and T-shirts C. you must prepare proper clothes D. you should expect the sunny weather ‎3. According to the passage we can know that _____.‎ A. vacationing at the beach is the first but one B. vacationers on beach are at the risk of sunburn C. you must drink plenty of water before going to beach D. you have to stay outdoors when going camping ‎【文章大意】本文是一篇说明文。文章作者在文中简述了假期外出旅游之前需要注意的事项。‎ ‎1.A【解题剖析】此题属于推理判断题中的(1)根据不同文体,推断目的意图。答案需要从文章的While preparation advice and tips may be of assistance to you, they are often hard to go by. This is because not everyone spends vacations at the same location.进行推断。‎ ‎【答案定位】根据第一段的While preparation advice and tips may be of assistance to you, they are often hard to go by. This is because not everyone spends vacations at the same location..可知作者在文中简述了假期外出旅游之前需要注意的事项。‎ ‎【推理关系】题干In the passage the author intends to _____.☞文章内容While preparation advice and tips may be of assistance to you, they are often hard to go by. This is because not everyone spends vacations at the same location.‎ ‎【答案】While preparation advice and tips may be of assistance to you, they are often hard to go by. ☞A选项A. give advice on how to prepare for vacation ‎【推理关系】题干If you travel to a tropical country, _____.☞文章内容If you are visiting a tropical location, you will need to bring along the appropriate clothing.‎ ‎【答案】bring along the appropriate clothing.☞C选项you must prepare proper clothes☞关键词 appropriate和proper。‎ ‎3.B【解题剖析】此题属于推理判断题中的(4)根据事实细节,推断合理信息。答案需要从文章的When vacationing at the beach, it is important that you bring along proper clothing and sunscreen. Many vacationers do not realize the dangers of sunbathing without sunscreen. In addition to sunscreen, you will need to make sure that you have beach towels and plenty of water on hand.进行推断。‎ ‎【答案定位】根据第二段的When vacationing at the beach, it is important that you bring along proper clothing and sunscreen. Many vacationers do not realize the dangers of sunbathing without sunscreen. In addition to sunscreen, you will need to make sure that you have beach towels and plenty of water on hand.可知当你在海边度假时,要带上合适的衣服和防晒霜,很多人没有意识到在不抹防晒霜的情况下晒太阳的危险。‎ ‎【推理关系】题干According to the passage we can know that _____.☞文章内容When vacationing at the beach, it is important that you bring along proper clothing and sunscreen. Many vacationers do not realize the dangers of sunbathing without sunscreen.‎ ‎【答案】Many vacationers do not realize the dangers of sunbathing without sunscreen.☞B选项vacationers on beach are at the risk of sunburn☞关键词 the dangers和the risk of。‎ ‎【河北省石家庄一中2018届高三第一学期第一次质量检测】‎ The Israeli farmers who pioneered the revolutionary technology known as drip irrigation weren’t trying to solve one of the world’s most urgent problems. They were just trying to survive. They lived in the desert, and they didn’t have enough water to grow their crops.‎ In its simplest form, it was little more than a pipe with holes in it. But behind each hole was a hi-tech dripper that let out just the right amount of water. Snaked along a row of crops so that the holes were positioned directly above the roots, the pipe could direct each precious drop of water directly to the plants, getting a bigger harvest while using a very small amount of the water.‎ Over time, the farmers improved upon the technology, perfecting the drippers that regulated the flow of water, and connecting the pipelines to computers that could determine exactly how much water each plant needed and when.‎ If the global population kept growing, the rest of the world would increasingly resemble their little community in the desert. So they began selling their irrigation systems in other parts of the world, eventually expanding to more than 110 countries. Netafirm, the company says it’s lifting people out of poverty and conserving water at a time when the importance of doing so has never been clearer.‎ The mass adoption of drip irrigation won’t save the world by itself. To avoid the coming catastrophe, nearly everybody will, in some way, have to do more with less, perhaps through accepting and using other new technologies. Otherwise, it’s going to get ugly.‎ ‎1. Why is drip irrigation called “the revolutionary technology”?‎ A. It saves the world all by itself.‎ B. It can be sold to other countries.‎ C. It makes irrigation more effective.‎ D. It provides deserts with water.‎ ‎2. What does “one of the world’s most urgent problems” in Paragraph l refer to?‎ A. Lacking water.‎ B. Misusing irrigation.‎ C. Growing population.‎ D. Expanding desert.‎ ‎3. How did farmers improve upon the drip irrigation technology?‎ A. By drilling holes on the pipes.‎ B. By placing pipes just above roots.‎ C. By snaking pipes along the crops.‎ D. By connecting pipe lines to computers.‎ ‎4. Which of the following will be the best slogan (口号) for Netafirm to sell the irrigation systems?‎ A. Less water; More harvest.‎ B. New technology; New world.‎ C. More grain; Less starvation.‎ D. Water saving; World surviving.‎ ‎【答案】1. C 2. A 3. D 4. A ‎【解析】文章主要讲述了以色列的农民发明了喷灌,不仅可以节约灌溉的用水量,而且可以提高粮食产量。‎ ‎1. 推理判断题。根据文意以色列的农民发明了喷灌,不仅可以节省灌溉的用水量,而且可以提高粮食的产量,所以称它为技术革命,是说明他做的贡献很大,使得灌溉更有效率。根据题意,故选C。‎ ‎2. 推理判断题。根据“They were just trying to survive.They lived in the desert,and they didn’t have enough water to grow their crops.” 他们只是为了生存,他们生活在沙漠里,没有足够的水来种庄稼。可推知one of the world’s most urgent problems是指水源不足。根据题意,故选A。‎ ‎4. 推理判断题。根据“Netafirm, the company says it’s lifting people out of poverty and conserving water at a time when the importance of doing so has never been clearer.” Netafirm,可知,该公司称它使人们摆脱贫困和保护水资源,这样做的意义是再清楚不过了。可推知最好的标语是“更少的水,更多的收获。”根据题意,故选A。‎ ‎1.【河北省石家庄市2018届高三毕业班9月模拟】‎ One day the employees of a large company in St Louis, Missouri returned from their lunch break and were greeted with a sign on the front door. The sign said, “Yesterday the person who has been hindering (阻碍) your growth in this company passed away. We invite you to join ‎ the funeral in the room that has been prepared in the gym.”‎ At first everyone was sad to hear that one of their colleagues had died, but after a while they started getting curious about who this person might be.‎ The excitement grew as the employees arrived at the gym to pay their last respects. Everyone wondered, “Who is this person that was hindering my progress? Well, at least he’s no longer here.”‎ One by one the employees got closer to the coffin (棺材) and when they looked inside it, they became speechless. They stood there, shocked and in silence, as if someone had touched the deepest part of their souls.‎ There was a mirror inside the coffin. Everyone who looked inside it could see himself. There was also a sign next to the mirror that said, “There is only one person who can set limits to your growth: it is YOU.”‎ You are the only person who can change your life. You are the only person who can influence your happiness and your success. You are the only person who can help yourself.‎ Your life does not change when your family changes, when your friends change, when your boss changes, and when your company changes.‎ Your life changes when you change, when you go beyond your limiting beliefs, when you realize that you are the only one responsible for your life.‎ ‎1. The writer’s purpose in writing the article is to tell us that .‎ A. the harder we work, the more successful we will become B. our work and life are closely connected with others C. changing our lives is down to ourselves D. we will have a better future if people do not hinder our development ‎2. People were speechless when they looked inside the coffin because .‎ A. there was nothing but a mirror inside B. they could see their own souls inside C. their closest colleague lay inside D. what was inside told a great truth ‎3. Who probably wrote the sign on the front door?‎ A. The company boss.‎ B. A worker who liked to make fun of others.‎ C. The director in charge of production.‎ D. A worker who wanted to teach others a lesson.‎ ‎4. What can we infer from the passage?‎ A. The employees were happy to hear the death of a competitor.‎ B. The lesson the employees learned would influence them greatly.‎ C. The employees’ lives depended on the attitude of their boss.‎ D. The employees got angry after the funeral.‎ ‎【答案】1. C 2. D 3. A 4. B ‎2. D推断题。根据There was a mirror inside the coffin:Everyone who looked inside it could see himself. There was also a sign next to the mirror that said. “There is only one person who can set limits to your growth:it is YOU.”可知这里意思是当他们向棺材内部看时,无言以对,因为棺材内的东西告诉了我们一个伟大的事实。‎ ‎3.‎ ‎4. B推断题。棺材内的东西告诉了我们一个伟大的事实。所以从文章可以推断出员工学到的这一课将会对他们产生巨大的影响。‎ 考点:考查生活哲理类阅读 ‎2. 【山西省(康杰中学,忻州一中,长治二中,晋城一中,临汾一中)2018届高三上学期第二次名校联合考试】‎ To the people who came to Christopher Morley Park in Roslyn, he had no name. To them, he ‎ was “the ice cream man”. He was just two hands and a smile handing back ice cream from the van (面包车) window. To me, he was my older brother, Andrew.‎ Once, he worked on Wall Street. But later he spent his days selling ice cream to an endless line of kids, moms and dads in swimming suits, perhaps daydreaming of a beach faraway.‎ All day long, while he sold bags of potato chips, cans of soda, and all types of ice cream, he would do this sort of robotic motion-turn to the right, stoop down, hand the item out of the window and collect the money.‎ His drinking days were over now. They neared their end one night after he took a severe beating when someone followed him home and robbed him when he was drunk. It left him memories of pain and misery. He was determined he would never take another drink again.‎ One day years later, I went to look for him. I slipped into the high driver’s seat and sat quietly watching him work. Occasionally, he would ask me to hand him a diet root beer or a bag of chips for sale, all the time bending over as he worked the long line.‎ As I watched him sell ice cream from a van window, he taught me something about living this life that we all pass through too quickly. It was a lesson about trying to live it with grace and dignity and style, no matter what.‎ He died in March 1999. He had served in the Army for two years in Europe in the 1950s. They gave him a soldier’s funeral with a folded flag.‎ ‎5. Where was Andrew likely to sell the ice cream?‎ A. On a train. B. In a park.‎ C. On Wall Street D. In a supermarket ‎6. What did the author think of Andrew’s job?‎ A. Busy and hard. B. Challenging but time-consuming.‎ C. Honorable and well-paid. D. Busy but badly-paid ‎7. What does the underlined word “they” in Paragraph 4 refer to?‎ A. The robbers. B. The painful memories.‎ C. The consumers. D. The drinking days.‎ ‎8. What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?‎ A. To remember his brother.‎ B. To tell a regrettable story.‎ C. To share a sad life lesson.‎ D. To state his attitude towards life.‎ ‎【答案】5. B 6. A 7. D 8. A ‎【解析】本文作者写这篇文章的目的是为了记得他的哥哥Andrew。‎ ‎5. B推理判断题。根据第一段中To the people who came to Christopher Morley Park in Roslyn, he had no name. To them, he was “the ice cream man”.可知Andrew很可能在公园里卖冰激凌。故选B。‎ ‎6. A推理判断题。根据第二、三段But later he spent his days selling ice cream to an endless line of kids, moms and dads in swimming suits, perhaps daydreaming of a beach faraway.和All day long, while---, he would do this sort of robotic motion-turn to the right, stoop down, hand the item out of the window and collect the money.作者认为Andrew的工作即忙碌又辛苦。故选A。‎ ‎8. A推理判断题。根据第一段最后一句To me, he was my older brother, Andrew.可知作者写这篇文章的意思是为了记得他的哥哥。故选A。‎ ‎1.【吉林省百校联盟2018届高三TOP20十一月联考】‎ Even if you don’t have to work, eat or sleep, you won’t be able to get through all infermation on blogs and social networks. The problem we face is that much of this information seems very interesting at first glance. Actually, much of the information is unimportant, disposable and it distracts(分心)us from more meaningful pursuits. Worse still, when we spend lots of time consuming information from our social media streams, we may find it hard to concentrate on what we’re doing and we have a tendency to forget what we have consumed anyway.‎ A new study from Sweden’s KTH Royal Institute of Technology has found that too much ‎ social media exposure actually reduces your ability to process information and depletes your short-term working memory.‎ Our working memory plays a critical role in our capacity to filter information and remember what is valuable but it is not a limitless resource. Erik Fransén, a professor in Computer Science at KTH and the leader of this new study on social media overload says this can explain why our capacity for processing information begins to fail when we attempt to stuff more information in the working memory.‎ In fact, when you try to process the information like speech or video, you are going to need partly the same system of working memory, so you are reducing your own working memory capacity. And when you try to store many things in your working in your working memory, you get less good at processing information.‎ It is the periods of downtime of your brain—preferably disconnected from the distractions of your computer or smartphone—that are needed for memory consolidation and transferring important information to your exposure to new information. Besides, you can empty your mind of thoughts quickly to relax completely, go for a short walk or spend s few minutes listening to music. This will help you improve your capacity to process information and increase your productivity.‎ ‎1. What can we learn abut social media overload from Paragraph 1?‎ A. It distracts our attention.‎ B. It is beneficial to us.‎ C. It brings us whatever we want.‎ D. It keeps us informed of everything.‎ ‎2. Why does your capacity for processing information begin fall sometimes?‎ A. Much of the information is unimportant.‎ B. You don’t make the most of your brain.‎ C. You’re less good at processing information.‎ D. Your working memory is a limited source.‎ ‎3. What does the underline word “downtime” in the last paragraph probably mean?‎ A. Support.‎ B. Relaxation.‎ C. Increase.‎ D. Loss.‎ ‎4. Which is recommended to relax your brain?‎ A. Listening to music for a while.‎ B. Thinking over things carefully.‎ C. Taking enough physical exercise.‎ D. Focusing more on the present.‎ ‎【答案】1. A 2. D 3. B 4. A ‎1. A推理判断题。根据文章第一段Actually, much of the information is unimportant, disposable and it distracts(分心)us from more meaningful pursuits.大部分信息是不重要的,一次性的,它分散 我们更有意义的追求,可知社交媒体分散了我们的精力,故选A。‎ ‎2. D推理判断题。根据文章第三段Our working memory plays a critical role in our capacity to filter information and remember what is valuable but it is not a limitless resource. Erik Fransén, a professor in Computer Science at KTH and the leader of this new study on social media overload says this can explain why our capacity for processing information begins to fail when we attempt to stuff more information in the working memory.我们的工作记忆在过滤信息的能力中起着至关重要的作用,但是它并不是一个无限的资源。可知有时我们处理信息的能力降低是因为我们的记忆被限制,故选D。‎ ‎4. A细节理解题。根据文章Besides, you can empty your mind of thoughts quickly to relax completely, go for a short walk or spend s few minutes listening to music. This will help you improve your capacity to process information and increase your productivity.此外,你可以很快清空你的思绪,完全放松,走一小段路,或者花几分钟时间听音乐,这将帮助你提高处理信息和提供生产率的能力。故选A。‎ ‎2. 【河南省八市2018届高三上学期第二次测评】‎ Many of the world’s most people were once successful failures. Here are the stories of a few of them.‎ Abraham Lincoln(1809-1865)‎ Abraham Lincoln was one of America’s greatest leaders, taking the country through the Civil War(from 1860 to 1865). However, his life was never easy. He started numerous businesses that failed, he went bankrupt twice, and was defeated in 26 campaigns for public office. He later said, “My great concern is not whether you have failed, but whether you are content with your failure.”‎ Vincent Van Gogh(1853-1890)‎ Van Gogh is one of the most famous and influential painters in the history of Western Art. He’s renowned for paintings such as The Starry Night. The potato Eaters and Sunflowers. However, during his lifetime, Van Gogh sold only one painting for a very small amount of money. Despite this, he carried on painting, something even going without food so he could complete his collection of over 800 known works.‎ Albert Einstein(1879-1955)‎ Albert Einstein won the Noble Prize in Physics in 1921. However, he wasn’t always considered a “genius”. He didn’t speak until he was four, and couldn’t read until he was seven. His teachers and parents thought he as slow, so he was expelled from school and couldn’t get into the Zurich Polytechnic School. He later famously said, “Success is failure in progress.”‎ Stephen King(born 1947)‎ Stephen King is one of the best-selling authors of all time, but his first book, Carrie, was rejected by about 30 publishers. Eventually, Stephen threw it in the bin, but his wife fished it out and encouraged him to resubmit it, which he did…successfully this time!‎ ‎5. Which statement is true about Abraham Lincoln?‎ A. He led the American War of Independence B. He never succeeded in his business C. He was full of courage and perseverance D. He is the greatest president of the United States ‎6. Who became famous all over the world after his death?‎ A. Albert Einstein B. Vincent Van Gogh C. Albert Einstein D. Stephen King ‎7. What was the most likely reason for Albert Einstein’s dropping out of school?‎ A. He was too slow to learn B. He couldn’t speak or read C. His teacher thought he was stupid D. He didn’t obey the school rules ‎8. What do these people have in common?‎ A. They are all Americans B. They are known for their writings C. They were born in the same century D. They all suffered failure before they succeeded ‎【答案】5. C 6. B 7. C 8. D ‎6. 推理判断题。由However, during his lifetime, Van Gogh sold only one painting for a very small amount of money. 可推断出梵高是在去世之后,才闻名于全世界的,选B。‎ ‎7. 推理判断题。由His teachers and parents thought he as slow, so he was expelled from school and couldn’t get into the Zurich Polytechnic School.可推断出爱因斯坦被退学,最可能的原因就是老师认为他很笨,选C。‎ ‎8. 推理判断题。由Many of the world’s most people were once successful failures. Here are the stories of a few of them. 可推断出这些人们的共同之处在于他们在成功之前都遭遇了失败,选D。‎ ‎____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎_______________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎ ‎

