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第 ⑪ 周 特殊句式 ‎(测试时间:40分钟,总分:60分)‎ 班级:____________ 姓名:____________ 座号:____________ 得分:____________‎ I. 用适当的连接词或括号内所给词的适当形式填空填空(每小题0.5分,共5分)‎ ‎1.Give me a chance,________ I'll give you a wonderful surprise.‎ ‎2.________ (look) at the photos,illustrations,title and headings and you can guess what the reading is about.‎ ‎3.He is rather difficult to make friends with,but the friendship of his,once ________ (gain),is truer than that of anybody else's. ‎ ‎4.You will fail the final exam unless ________ (work) hard. ‎ ‎5.—Hi,are you an engineer in Lenovo Group?‎ ‎—No,but I want to ________(be).‎ ‎6. It was when we were returning home ________ I realized what a good feeling it was to have helped someone in trouble.‎ ‎7.The doctor said if ________ (treat) in a proper way ,he was likely to be saved.‎ ‎8.He speaks French fluently,so ________ his wife.‎ ‎9.Just now the patient opened her mouth as if ________ (say) something to her husband.‎ ‎10.Although ________ (taste) a little bitter,this medicine will be good for curing the disease.‎ ‎【参考答案】‎ ‎ 1.and  2.Look  3.gained  4.working  5.be ‎ ‎6.that  7.treated  8.does  9.to say  10.tasting Ⅱ.单项填空(每小题0.5分,共5分)‎ 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。‎ ‎1. (2017·天津卷)It was when I got back to my apartment ___________ I first came across my new neighbors.‎ A. who B. where ‎ C. which D. that ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】句意:当我回到我的公寓的时候,我第一次遇见了我的新邻居。本句中去掉It was 和空格,句意完整,所以本句是强调句型,强调的是时间状语,应用that。故选D。‎ ‎2. (2016·江苏卷)Not until recently ______the development of tourist-related activities in the rural areas.‎ A. they had encouraged B. had they encouraged C. did they encourage D. they encouraged ‎【答案】C ‎3. (2017·天津卷)I You are waiting at a wrong place. It is at the hotel ____ the coach picks up tourists.‎ ‎ A. who B. which ‎ C. where D. that ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】句意:你在一个错误的地方等待。大客车是在旅店接送游客的。使用强调句,结构是:It is/was+强调部分+that+其余部分,如果强调部分是人,也可以用who,这句话强调的是地点状语at the hotel。故选D。‎ ‎4. Only when Lily walked into the office ______ that she had left the contract at home. ‎ A. she realized B. has she realized ‎ C. she has realized D. did she realize ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】句意:只有当莉莉走进办公室的时候,她才意识到她把合同忘家里了。本题考查only位于句首,引导的时间状语从句,主句要主谓倒装。根据时态和句意可知选D。‎ ‎5. The climate here is quite pleasant, the temperature rarely, _____ , reaching 30C in summer.‎ A. if not B. if ever ‎ C. if any D. if so ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】这里意思是"夏天的温度很少达到30度"。if not 要不;If ever很少;if any如果真有的话;if so假如这样的话。所以选B。句意:这里的气候非常好,夏天的温度很少达到30度。‎ ‎6. No sooner ________ stepped on the stage than the audience broke into thunderous applause.‎ A. had Mo Yan B. Mo Yan had ‎ C. has Mo Yan D. Mo Yan has ‎【答案】A ‎7.Though_______to take measures to prevent possible injury, the young worker didn’t take it seriously.‎ A. urging B. being urged ‎ C. urged D. having urged ‎【答案】C ‎【解析】考查状语从句的省略。这里是状语从句的省略,可以还原为"Though he had been urged",动作urge和句子主语the young worker之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,且动作已经发生,故用过去分词形式表达被动和完成。故选C。‎ ‎8._______in the library, or you’ll be fined 10 dollars and banned from entering for one month.‎ A. If you smoke B. Not smoke ‎ C. Not smoking D. No smoking ‎【答案】D ‎【解析】考查祈使句的否定形式:no+名词/动词-ing形式。句意:图书馆内不得吸烟,否则你将被罚款10美元,并被禁止入内一个月。No smoking"禁止吸烟"。‎ ‎9.As I looked at the memorial, I thought about _______terrible disaster it was for the people in Nanjing then and _______they fought the Japanese invaders.‎ A. how; how B. what a; how ‎ C. what; what D. how; what ‎【答案】B ‎【解析】考查宾语从句和感叹句。第一空,此处是一个感叹句,若用how则变为::how terrible the disaster was;第二空,根据句子结构和句意可知应用how。‎ ‎10.If parents have children help with housework, the children will feel needed.________,they will learn to take care of themselves.‎ A. On the contrary B. In a word ‎ C. That is to say D. What's more ‎【答案】D  ‎ III.阅读理解(每小题2.5分,共10分)‎ 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。‎ In ancient Egypt, a shopkeeper discovered that he could attract customers to his shop simply by making changes to its environment. Modern businesses have been following his lead, with more tactics(策略).‎ One tactic involves where to display the goods. For example, stores place fruits and vegetables in the first section. They know that customers who buy the healthy food first will feel happy so that they will buy more junk food(垃圾食品) later in their trip. In department stores, the women’s shoe section is generally next to the women’s cosmetics(化妆品) section: while the shop assistant is going back to find the right size shoe, bored customers are likely to wander over and find some cosmetics they might want to try later.‎ Besides, businesses seek to appeal to customers’ senses. Stores notice that the smell of baked goods encourages shopping, so they make their own bread each morning and then fan the bread smell into the store throughout the day. Music sells goods, too. Researchers in Britain found that when French music was played, sales of French wines went up.‎ When it comes to the selling of houses, businesses also use highly rewarding tactics. They find that customers make decisions in the first few seconds upon walking in the door, and turn it into a business opportunity. A California builder designed the structure of its houses ‎ smartly. When entering the house, the customer would see the Pacific Ocean through the windows, and then the pool through an open stairway leading to the lower level. The instant view of water on both levels helped sell these $10 million houses.‎ ‎1.Why do stores usually display fruits and vegetables in the first section?‎ A. To save customers time. ‎ B. To show they are high quality foods.‎ C. To help sell junk food. ‎ D. To sell them at discount prices.‎ ‎2.According to Paragraph 3, which of the following encourages customers to buy?‎ A. Opening the store early in the morning.‎ B. Displaying British wines next to French ones.‎ C. Inviting customers to play music.‎ D. Filling the store with the smell of fresh bread.‎ ‎3.What is the California builder’s story intended to prove?‎ A. The house structure is a key factor customers consider.‎ B. The more costly the house is, the better it sells.‎ C. An ocean view is much to the customers’ taste.‎ D.A good first impression increases sales.‎ ‎4.What is the main purpose of the passage?‎ A. To explain how businesses turn people into their customers.‎ B. To introduce how businesses have grown from the past.‎ C. To report researches on customer behavior.‎ D. To show dishonest business practices.‎ ‎【文章大意】文章介绍了商家采用的不同的吸引人们消费的策略。‎ IV. 完形填空(每小题1分,共20分)‎ 阅读下面的短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。‎ Last Saturday, a son of my friend was invited to a "No gifts" birthday party. He  1 to attend it as told and not bring a gift. At the door, he was  2 by a lovable birthday child whose little face fell as she asked him, "Didn’t you bring a gift?" while  3 a table full of presents behind her. Everyone else had  4 something anyway!‎ Having learned that  5 , the boy brought a small gift to the next "No gifts" party. This time all other guests said that the invitation had  6 stated no gifts, and he was making everyone look  7 . Ack!‎ When the next "No gift"  8 arrives, what should he do? "I will not  9 rather than continue to get it  10 ," he told me. Clearly, no good can come from  11 it.‎ Perhaps, doing as  12 is a useful way if you are told "  13 " and decide to go the 14 anyway. And if this meets with a  15 child, try saying, "I’m so sorry, but your  16 told me not to bring anything." While it won’t feel  17 in the moment to destroy the  18 of a lovable child, doing so may teach him two invaluable lessons: never to  19 presents—and never to let his parents make  20 requests on his behalf that they don’t intend to honor.‎ ‎1.A.pretended B. hesitated C. decided D. continued ‎2.A.met B. followed C. guided D. joined ‎3.A.looking for B. waving at C. pointing to D. dealing with ‎4.A.received B. shown C. owned D. brought ‎5.A.method B. lesson C. skill D. concept ‎6.A.clearly B. partly C. gradually D. suddenly ‎7.A.strangely B. bad C. serious D. lovely ‎8.A.suggestion B. instruction C. information D. invitation ‎9.A.serve B. prepare C. attend D. compete ‎10.A.ready B. wrong C. unfair D. perfect ‎11.A.changing B. discovering C. following D. ignoring ‎12.A.desired B. instructed C. planned D. imagined ‎13.A.No gifts B. No good C. No thanks D. No value ‎14.A.table B. door C. office D. party ‎15.A.worried B. blamed C. disappointed D. surprised ‎16.A.children B. parents C. guests D. friends ‎17.A.generous B. fair C. good D. equal ‎18.A.expectation B. impression C. explanation D. description ‎19.A.wait for B. pay for C. care for D. ask for ‎20.A.rude B. urgent C. informal D. different ‎【文章大意】没有带礼物而去参加"不带礼物生日晚会"却发现其他人都带了礼物,带着礼物的时候却又发现其他人没有带礼物…… 面对这尴尬的局面该怎么做呢,作者提出了自己的见解。‎ ‎4.D 考查动词。句意:不管怎样,其他的孩子都带来了礼物。A. received收到;B. shown显示,说明;C. owned拥有;D. brought带来。故选D。‎ ‎5.B 考查名词。句意:吸取了那次教训后,"我"朋友的孩子下一次的时候就带着礼物去参加"不带礼物生日晚会"了。A. method方法;B. lesson教训,课程;C. skill技术,技巧;D. concept观念,概念。故选B。‎ ‎6.A 考查副词。此处是说"邀请信上清楚地说明不要带礼物来参加晚会"。A. clearly清楚地;B. partly部分地;C. gradually逐渐地;D. suddenly突然地。故选A。‎ ‎7.B 考查形容词。这里是说"我"朋友的孩子带来礼物,而其他人没有礼物,这让其他人显得很尴尬。A. strangely奇怪地,奇妙地;B. bad坏的;C. serious严重的;D. lovely可爱的。故选B。‎ ‎8.D 考查名词。此处指"不带礼物生日晚会"又发来了邀请。A. suggestion建议;B. instruction命令,指示;C. information信息;D. invitation邀请。故选D。‎ ‎9.C 考查动词。句意:我不想再参加了,省得还会出错。A. serve服役,服务;B. prepare准备;C. attend参加;D. compete竞争,比赛。故选C。‎ ‎10.B 考查形容词。get it wrong是固定搭配,是"误解,弄错"的意思。句意:我不想再参加了,省得还会出错。A. ready乐意,准备好;B. wrong错的;C. unfair不公平的;D. perfect极好的。故选B。‎ ‎11.D 考查动词。根据下文作者提出的建议可知,此处指忽视这个问题,也无益于问题的解决,没什么好处。A. changing改变,变化;B. discovering发现;C. following跟随;D.‎ ‎ ignoring忽视。故选D。‎ ‎12.B 考查动词。此处指按照指示、被告知的方式来做这件事是最好的选择。A. desired想要,希望得到;B. instructed指导,命令;C. planned  计划;D. imagined想像。故选B。‎ ‎13.A 考查名词短语。根据上下文可知,文章讲的是"不带礼物生日晚会"。A. No gifts没有礼物;B. No good没有好处;C. No thanks不用谢;D. No value没价值。故选A。‎ ‎14.D 考查名词。根据上下文可知,此处指参加生日晚会。A. table桌子;B. door门;C. office办公室;D. party晚会。故选D。‎ ‎15.C 考查形容词。根据下文可知,这里是说孩子因为别人不带礼物来而感到失望。A. worried担忧的;B. blamed该死的;C. disappointed失望的;D. surprised惊讶的。故选C。‎ ‎16.B 考查名词。句意:非常抱歉,但是,你的父母告诉我不要带任何礼物来的。A. children孩子;B. parents父母;C. guests客人;D. friends朋友。故选B。‎ V.语法填空(每小题1分,共10分)‎ 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ A strong memory depends  1  the health and vitality(活力)of your brain. Humans are 2  (high) social animals, so relationships stimulate(刺激)our brains — in fact, interacting with  3  may be the best brain exercise.‎ Having  4  (mean) relationships is not only vital to emotional health, but also to brain health. In one recent study from the Harvard School of Public Health, for example, researchers found that people with the most active social life had the  5  (slow) rate of memory deterioration.‎ And moreover, you’ve heard that laughter is the best medicine for the brain as  6 (good) as the body. As psychologist Daniel  7  (note)in his book Emotional Intelligence, "Laughter seems to help people think more broadly and associate more freely."‎ When you hear laughter, move toward it. Most of the time, people are very happy  8  (share) something funny because it gives them an opportunity to laugh together.‎ Please spend time with those who laugh ___9___(easy) — both at themselves and at life’s humorous events. Surround yourself with reminders to lighten up. Keep  10  toy on your desk or in your car. Put up a funny poster in your office. Choose a computer screen saver that makes you laugh.‎ ‎【文章大意】本文是一篇说明文。记忆力取决于健康状况和大脑的活力。重要的人际关系和大笑有益大脑。‎ ‎4.meaningful ‎【解析】考查形容词。根据语境可知,此处表示"重要的"人际关系,故用mean的形容词形式作定语,修饰relationships。‎ ‎5.slowest ‎【解析】考查形容词最高级。根据上文提到的与人交往的好处以及空前的"the most active social life"可知,此处表示"记忆力下降得最慢",应用最高级形式。‎ ‎6.well ‎【解析】考查固定短语。对身体和大脑来说,微笑是良药。as well as表示"和",是固定短语。‎ ‎7.notes ‎【解析】考查时态。分析句子结构可知,本句缺少谓语动词。文章的主体时态为一般现在时,且此处描述的是事实,故应用一般现在时;再结合从句的主语Daniel可知,此处应用动词的第三人称单数形式。‎ ‎8.to share ‎【解析】考查非谓语动词。根据be happy to do sth."乐于做某事"可知,此处应填不定式to share。‎ ‎9.easily ‎【解析】考查性转化。此处修饰动词,因此应用副词。‎ ‎10.a ‎【解析】考查不定冠词。toy是可数名词,且以辅音音素开头,此处表示泛指,故应用a。‎ VI.短文改错 (每小题1分,共10分)‎ ‎ 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处,每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。‎ 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。‎ 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。‎ 修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。‎ 注意:‎ ‎1. 每处错误及其修改均限一词;‎ ‎2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。‎ I recently took an eye examination and the doctor told me that I have to wear glasses all the time. He also told me not to read in poor light because of it would be bad for my eye. It’s August now or the new term is about to start. I’m quite nervously about wearing glasses to school, because it will be first time for my friends to see me wearing glasses. I wonder that they are going to say. One of my best friends always wear glasses. I telephoned her and she told me that she hadn’t been laughed at. First see her wearing glasses, people just said there was anything different about her.‎ ‎【答案】‎ I recently took an eye examination and the doctor told me that I  to wear glasses all the time. He also told me not to read in poor light because  it would be bad for my . It’s August now  the new term is about to start. I’m quite  about wearing glasses to school, because it will be ∧⑥the first time for my friends to see me wearing glasses. I wonder  they are going to say. One of my best friends always  glasses. I telephoned her and she told me that she hadn’t been laughed at. First  her wearing glasses, people just said there was  different about her.‎ 第三处:考查名词的数。根据句意可知,这里指的是"我"的双眼,所以要用复数形式。故把eye改为eyes。‎ 第四处:考查连词。根据句子前后的意思可知,这里表示顺承,而不是选择。故把or改为and。‎ 第八处:考查时态和主谓一致。根据语境及副词always可知,本句应用一般现在时。句子的主语为One of my best friends,表示单数概念,谓语动词要用单数形式。故把wear改为wears。‎ 第九处:考查非谓语动词。根据句子结构可判断出,此处需非谓语作时间状语,see的逻辑主语是people,它们之间是主谓关系,且非谓语动作与谓语动作几乎同时发生,故把see改为seeing。‎ 第十处:考查不定代词。根据句子的意思可知,此处表示"她有些不同",而anything的意思是"任何事"。故把anything改为something。‎ ‎ ‎

