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四年级综合练习五 一、按要求写出单词 7`‎ ‎1. 复数 tooth _________ lotus ________ library ________‎ ‎2. 单数 shelves ________ pines ________ lilies _______ ‎ ‎3. 三单一 go ______ clean _______ run ______ have _____‎ ‎4.主格 us _______ them ________ him _______ you ______‎ 二、判断划线部分是否相符,用T表示正确,用F表示错误。3`‎ ‎1. they key( ) 2. door floor( ) 3. black bad( )‎ ‎4. who what( ) 5. chair air( ) 6. tulip much( )‎ 三、选择题 10`‎ ‎( ) 1. Look at Tom’s family. They are ______ TV.‎ A. watch B. watching C. looking ‎ ‎( ) 2. Our teachers haven’t got ______ magazines.‎ A. any B. some C. a ‎( ) 3. – What’s that in the tree?‎ ‎ – ______________.‎ A. There is a bird. B. This is a bird. C. It’s a bird.‎ ‎( ) 4. Who has got any bananas? ______ have.‎ A. Jim B. Tom and Jim C. She ‎( ) 5. – Sandy doesn’t like reading magazines. - Me, ______.‎ A. either B. too C. like ‎ ‎( ) 6. Look at the doll, she has got two ______.‎ A. hair B. mouth C. eyes ‎( ) 7. There is _________ on the table.‎ A. a orange B. an orange C. oranges ‎( ) 8. How many ______ are there on the table?‎ A. pencils B. pen C. glue ‎( ) 9. What ____ your brother usually ____ on Children’s Day?‎ A. do; do B. does; does C. does; do ‎( ) 10. _____ open the window. It’s so cold.‎ A. ‎/ B. Don’t C. Please 四、按要求改写句子。10`‎ ‎1. They are beautiful flowers. (否定句)‎ ‎_____________________________________________‎ ‎2. We have got some nice dresses. (一般疑问句)‎ ‎_____________________________________________‎ ‎3. Ben likes reading storybooks. (划线部分提问)‎ ‎_____________________________________________‎ ‎4. Are there any old cars in the street? (改为单数句)‎ ‎_____________________________________________‎ ‎5. Their boys are drawing pictures in the bedroom. (划线部分提问)‎ ‎_____________________________________________‎ 五、根据实际情况回答问题。10`‎ ‎1. Do you like pears or not?‎ ‎________________________‎ ‎2. Can you make a paper bird?‎ ‎________________________‎ ‎3. Where do you do your homework?‎ ‎________________________‎ ‎4. Has your mother got an iPad?‎ ‎________________________‎ ‎5. Which color do you like, red or yellow?‎ ‎________________________‎ 六、将适当的单词填在横线上。(试一试)5’‎ ‎- Good afternoon, what can I ____ for you?‎ ‎- Have you got _____ ping-pong balls?‎ ‎- Yes, ____ ______ do you want?‎ ‎- Two.‎ ‎- Here you _____.‎ ‎- Thank you.‎ 参考答案 一、按要求写出单词 ‎ teeth lotuses libraries shelf pine lily goes cleans runs has we they he you 二、判断划线部分是否相符,用T表示正确,用F表示错误。‎ ‎1-6 F T T F T F 三、选择题 ‎1-5 B A C B A 6-10 C B A C B 四、按要求改写句子。10`‎ ‎1. They aren’t beautiful flowers.‎ ‎2. Have you got any nice dresses?‎ ‎3. What does Ben like reading?‎ ‎4. Is there an old car in the street?‎ ‎5. What are their boys doing in the bedroom?‎ 五、根据实际情况回答问题。‎ ‎1. I like pears. 或者 I don’t like pears.‎ ‎2. Yes, I can. 或者 No, I can’t.‎ ‎3. I do my homework in the bedroom.‎ ‎4. Yes, she has. No, she hasn’t.‎ ‎5. I like red. 或者 I like yellow.‎ 六、将适当的单词填在横线上。‎ do any how many are

