高中英语人教版必修4测试:Unit2 Section Ⅱ 

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高中英语人教版必修4测试:Unit2 Section Ⅱ 

www.ks5u.com Section Ⅱ Learning about Language and Using Language 分类记单词 核心单词 ‎1.________ vt. 遗憾;惋惜 n. 遗憾;懊悔 ‎2.________ n. 焦点;中心点 vt. 集中;聚焦 ‎3.________ n. 土壤 ‎4.________ vt. 浏览;略读 ‎5.________ vt. 画底线标出;强调 ‎6.________ vt. 减少;减缩 ‎7.________ n. 根;根源 ‎8.________ n. 评论;议论 vi.& vt. 表达意见;作出评论 拓展单词 ‎1.________ vt.使迷惑;使为难→ ________ adj.令人迷惑的→ ________ adj.感到迷惑的→confusion n.迷惑 ‎2.________ adj.化学的;关于化学的→chemistry n.化学 ‎3.________ n.矿物;矿石→mine n.矿;矿山 ‎4.________ n.生产;制造→produce vt.生产;制造→producer n.生产者;制片人 ‎5.________ n.发现;发觉→discover vt.发现→discoverer n.发现者 ‎6.________ n.总结;摘要;概要→summarize vt.总结;概括 阅读单词 ‎1.bacteria n. (bacterium的复数形式)________________‎ ‎2.nutrition n. ________________‎ ‎3.pest n. ________________‎ ‎4.industrial adj. ________________‎ ‎5.fertilizer n. ________________‎ 联想背短语 ‎1.________________ 给……造成损害 ‎2.________________ 逐渐增强;建立;开发 ‎3.________________ 导致;造成(后果)‎ ‎4.________________ 集中(注意力、精力等)于 ‎5.________________ 使……免受(影响、伤害等);使……不含(有害物)‎ ‎6.________________ 另外 ‎7.________________ 转向;向……求助 ‎8.________________ 每(隔)几年 精彩写句式 ‎1.现在完成进行时have been doing ‎ Recently, however, scientists ________________ that longterm use of these fertilizers can cause damage to the land and,even more dangerous, to people's health.‎ 然而,最近科学家发现长期使用这些肥料会造成土地受损,甚至更危险的是,会对人们的健康造成危害。‎ ‎2.too... to... “太……而不能……”‎ In addition, fruit, vegetables and other food grown with chemical fertilizers usually grow ‎ ‎________ fast ________ be full of much nutrition.‎ 另外,施过化肥的水果、蔬菜和其他食物通常生长得过快而营养不足。‎ ‎3.v.ing作结果状语。‎ Crops such as peas or soybeans put important minerals back into the soil, ________ it ready for crops such as wheat or corn that need rich and fertile soil.‎ 像豌豆或大豆这样的农作物将重要的矿物质带回土壤,从而使之适宜于种植要求土壤肥沃的农作物,比如小麦或玉米。‎ 重点单词突破 ‎1.confuse vt.使迷惑;使为难 单句语法填空 ‎(1)I would often get ________ (confuse) when I came across new words with a similar spelling.‎ ‎(2)There was a ________ look on his face when he met with a ________ problem. (confuse) ‎ ‎(3)I always confuse John ________ his brother;they are so much alike.‎ 高考小作文 ‎ [2018·全国卷Ⅰ书面表达]我对中国的餐桌礼仪非常困惑, 如果你给我一些在晚宴上如何行为得体的一些建议我将感激不尽。‎ I ________________________________. I'd appreciate it if you can give me some tips on how to behave properly at a dinner party.‎ ‎2.regret vt.遗憾;惋惜 n.遗憾;懊悔 单句语法填空 ‎(1)It is ________ great regret that I say goodbye to you, but I never regret ________ (spend)such a good time with you.‎ ‎(2)Much ________ our regret, we will not be able to visit you next year.‎ 一句多译 我很遗憾地告诉你我不能在约定的时间和你去北京。‎ ‎(1)________________ that I can't travel to Beijing together with you at the appointed time. (regret vt.) ‎ ‎(2)______________________, I can't travel to Beijing together with you at the appointed time. (regret n.) ‎ ‎(3)________________________________ I tell you that I can't travel to Beijing together with you at the appointed time. (regret n.强调句型)‎ ‎3.focus n.焦点,中心点 vt.集中注意力;聚焦 单句语法填空 ‎(1)[2018·全国卷Ⅲ] Today, many Chinese people are learning Western styles and theories rather than focusing ________ Chinese traditions.‎ ‎(2)With his attention ________ (focus) on his homework, he forgot all about what I had told him.‎ ‎(3)With so many people ________ (focus) their eyes on him, he felt very nervous.‎ 一句多译 他担心的事太多,无法专心学习。‎ ‎(1)With so many things to be worried about, he couldn't ________________________ study. (focus) ‎ ‎(2)With so many things to be worried about, he couldn't ________________ study. (concentrate) ‎ ‎(3)With so many things to be worried about, he couldn't ________________ study. (put)‎ ‎4.reduce vt.减少;减缩 单句语法填空 ‎(1)With great effort, she has reduced her weight ________ five kilograms in the past 7 days.‎ ‎(2)It was foggy so the driver had to reduce speed ________ forty kilometres an hour.‎ 单句写作 如果你想减肥,请尽量减少饮食中的脂肪。‎ If you want to lose weight, try to ________________________________.‎ ‎5.comment n.[C,U]评论;议论 vt.& vi.表达意见;作出评论 单句语法填空 ‎(1)She made helpful comments ________ my work, which made me very happy.‎ ‎(2)The reporter ________ (comment) that the film NaZha was very moving.‎ 一句多译 ‎ 这位领导拒绝就这起事故发表评论。‎ ‎(1)The leader refused to ________________ this accident. (comment v.)‎ ‎(2)The leader refused to ________________ this accident. (comment n.)‎ 短语句式突破 ‎1.build up逐渐增强;增强……的体质;建立;开发;积累;创办 一词多义 写出下列句中build up的含义 ‎(1)To learn a language well you must build up a useful vocabulary. ________________‎ ‎(2)His confidence built up gradually as he gained more and more experience in teaching.________________‎ ‎(3)You ought to take more sports after school so as to build up your strength.________________‎ ‎(4)Therefore, let's take the responsibility to build up a lowcarbon city by riding bicycles.________________‎ ‎2.lead to导致;造成(后果);通向 单句语法填空 ‎(1)The discovery of new evidence led to the thief's ________ (catch).‎ ‎(2)In class I will divide the students into small groups and lead them ________ (practice) speaking English in an interesting way.‎ 单句写作 常言道,条条大道通罗马。‎ As the old saying goes,“________________.”‎ ‎3.keep... free from/of使……免受(影响、伤害等);使……不含(有害物)‎ 单句写作 我们应当使用新能源,使我们的环境免受污染。‎ We should use new energy to keep our environment ________________.‎ ‎4.句型公式:making it ready...为现在分词短语作结果状语 ‎(教材P14)Crops such as peas or soybeans put important minerals back into the soil, making it ready for crops such as wheat or corn that need rich and fertile soil.‎ 像豌豆或大豆这样的农作物将重要的矿物质带回土壤, 从而使之适宜于种植要求土壤肥沃的农作物, 比如小麦或玉米。‎ 单句语法填空 ‎(1)Many people moved to New York, ________ it the largest city in the USA.‎ ‎(2)His parents died early, ________ (leave) him an orphan.‎ ‎(3)He ran to the station, only ________ (find) the train had left.‎ Ⅰ.单词拼写/单句语法填空 ‎1.Plants get their food from the s________ in which they grow.‎ ‎2.The report u________ the importance of preschool education is very popular.‎ ‎3.It is well known that giving up smoking can r________ the risk of heart disease.‎ ‎4.At the end of the news, they often give you a s________ of the main news stories.‎ ‎5.We would welcome your ________ (评论) on our work.‎ ‎6.We made some interesting ________ (发现) about our own family.‎ ‎7.[2018·江苏卷]Unless you can sleep well, you will lose the ability ________ (focus), plan and stay motivated after one or two nights.‎ ‎8.Would you care to comment ________ any troublesome students in your class?‎ ‎9.Practising Chinese kungfu can not only build ________ one's strength, but also develop one's character.‎ ‎10.Kitty, take your umbrella. It can keep your skin free ________ being burnt.‎ ‎11.She reduced her weight ________ five kilograms last month.‎ ‎12.Her poor English often led ________ misunderstanding when she first went to England many years ago.‎ ‎13.No wonder you are so tired. You ________ (work) all day.‎ ‎14.I regret ________ (tell) you that your problems are beyond my power.You'll have to turn to others, I'm afraid.‎ Ⅱ.阅读理解 ‎[2019·唐山市检测]Big changes in agriculture are taking place in Singapore. The small, Southeast Asian nation is leading a farming revolution, according to the Reuters news agency.‎ Singapore‎ covers 724 square kilometers of land and only one percent of that land is used for agriculture. Food production costs are higher there than the rest of Southeast Asia. As climate change and population growth threaten food supplies, the pressure is on new farmers to answer the government's call to “grow more with less”.‎ ‎“Whenever I talk about food security in Singapore, I tell people don't think land — think space, because you can go upwards and sideways.” said Paul Teng, an agriculture professor at Nanyang‎ Technological ‎University.‎ There are more than 30 vertical (垂直的) farms in Singapore — ones that grow up, not across, the land. Sustenir Agriculture is one of these businesses. Its hydroponic (水栽法的) farm grows nonnative foods like cherry tomatoes and strawberries inside buildings under artificial lighting. Then it sells the produce to local supermarkets and online stores. Sustenir raised $16 million from investors (投资人) last year. The money will be used to expand operations in Singapore.‎ However, not everyone thinks the new technology is best. Egg farmer William Ho says the government should not depend so much on agriculture technology businesses. “Many of them have failed. That's why I'm always asking the government why don't you invest in us oldtimers. We are more practical,” he said. Professor Paul Teng said an issue for urban farmers is that the high cost of the technology makes their products too pricey for many people.‎ ‎1.What does the second paragraph mainly discuss?‎ A.High food production costs.‎ B.Reasons for changes in agriculture.‎ C.Agricultural technology businesses.‎ D.Sale expansion of food markets ‎2.What is the way to achieve food security according to Paul Teng?‎ A.Exploring up the land.‎ B.Buying more food.‎ C.Enlarging farmland.‎ D.Investing more money.‎ ‎3.What do we know about the oldtimers?‎ A.They work on hightech farms.‎ B.They benefit from pricey products.‎ C.They reduce production costs.‎ D.They need government support.‎ ‎4.Where is this text probably taken from?‎ A.A guidebook. B.A brochure.‎ C.A newspaper. D.A journal.‎ Ⅲ.完形填空 Cruz Genet, 11, and Anthony Skopick, 10, couldn't agree. Were the birds out on the ice ducks or geese (鹅)? There was only one way to __1__. So on a cold January evening, the two friends went onto the frozen pond (结冰的池塘) near their homes in Frankfort, to get a better __2__. First, they threw a rock onto the ice to __3__ it. Then they stepped on it. Believing the ice would hold their weight, Anthony took a few __4__, then... FOOMP. He crashed through the seemingly frozen surface.‎ Cruz rushed to help his __5__. FOOMP — the pond swallowed (吞没) him too. Cruz __6__ to lift himself out of the cold water and onto thicker ice. He then carefully worked his way toward Anthony. But the ice didn't hold, and he __7__ again. This time, he couldn't __8__.‎ The boys were up to their necks in icy water and quickly losing __9__ in their bodies. There wasn't any __10__ of their freeing themselves. Cruz was __11__ he was going to die.‎ Anthony's older sister had seen the boys fall through the ice and started shouting for __12__.‎ John Lavin, a neighbor driving nearby on his way to the store, __13__ her. He quickly __14__ his car. Seeing the boys, he kicked off his shoes and __15__ into the water, cutting his way through the ice with his fist. Lavin made his way to the boys and hauled (拖) them back to land. They were __16__ to the hospital, where doctors discovered their fiveminute __17__ in the water had lowered their body temperature nearly ten degrees.‎ ‎__18__, the boys have become completely well again. They are still impressed by their __19__ neighbor. “Just think,” says Cruz, “if he wasn't there, I could have ‎ ‎__20__.”‎ ‎1.A.give in B.find out C.stand up D.carry on ‎2.A.look B.deal C.idea D.time ‎3.A.study B.search C.test D.discover ‎4.A.pictures B.breaths C.rules D.steps ‎5.A.friend B.brother C.neighbor D.doctor ‎6.A.failed B.remembered C.regretted D.managed ‎7.A.broke down B.showed up C.fell in D.went away ‎8.A.jump off B.get out C.keep up D.turn down ‎9.A.feeling B.interest C.trust D.weight ‎10.A.habit B.message C.type D.chance ‎11.A.ashamed B.sure C.moved D.surprised ‎12.A.help B.change C.peace D.courage ‎13.A.held B.accepted C.heard D.promised ‎14.A.drove B.stopped C.reached D.started ‎15.A.dropped B.disappeared C.led D.ran ‎16.A.invited B.rushed C.attracted D.called ‎17.A.tour B.talk C.practice D.stay ‎18.A.Fortunately B.Suddenly C.Secretly D.Strangely ‎19.A.serious B.proud C.fearless D.careless ‎20.A.returned B.swum C.hidden D.died Ⅳ.语法填空 The Disgusting (令人恶心的) Food Museum, which opened in Malmo, Sweden, in November 2018, allowed visitors __1__ (smell) and taste the world's most disgusting foods. It tried to change people's opinions on foods __2__ are considered disgusting and lead them to consider other food sources.‎ The museum's founder, Dr Samuel West, explained __3__ encouraged him to create the project. He said he was researching meat consumption (消耗) and its influence on the environment. This __4__ (make) him think about other sources of protein like insects and then turn his newfound interest __5__ a project.‎ The museum is a 400squaremeter space that will challenge (挑战) four of our five __6__ (sense) — smell, touch, sight and taste. The exhibits (展览品) include food from around the world that some people might think is disgusting. However, people in other parts of the world think this food is __7__ (true) delicious and is a regular part of __8__ (they) diet. Foods such as JellO salad and sheep eyeball juice can __9__ (find) in the museum. Dr West said we could all eat any food, but our culture tells us what is tasty and what is not. He said, “What we find disgusting has to be learned — it's completely __10__ (culture).”‎ Section Ⅱ Learning about Language and Using Language 一测 基础过关 分类记单词 核心单词 ‎1.regret 2.focus 3.soil 4.skim 5.underline 6.reduce ‎7.root 8.comment 拓展单词 ‎1.confuse confusing confused 2.chemical 3.mineral ‎4.production 5.discovery 6.summary 阅读单词 ‎1.细菌 2.营养;滋养;食物 3.害虫;害兽;害鸟 4.工业的;产业的 5.肥料;化肥 联想背短语 ‎1.cause damage to 2.build up 3.lead to 4.focus on 5.keep...free from/of 6.in addition 7.turn to 8.every few years 精彩写句式 ‎1.have been finding 2.too to 3.making 二测 考点落实 重点单词突破 ‎1.单句语法填空 ‎(1)confused (2)confused confusing (3)with 高考小作文 am quite confused by Chinese table manners ‎2.单句语法填空 ‎(1)with having spent (2)to 一句多译 ‎(1)I regret to tell you (2)Much to my regret/to my great regret (3)It is with my great regret that ‎3.单句语法填空 ‎(1)on (2)focused (3)focusing 一句多译 ‎(1)focus (his attention) on (2)concentrate on (3)put his heart into ‎4.单句语法填空 ‎(1)by (2)to 单句写作 reduce the amount of fat in your diet ‎5.单句语法填空 ‎(1)on (2)commented 一句多译 ‎(1)comment on/upon (2)make a comment或comments on/about 短语句式突破 ‎1.一词多义 ‎(1)积累 (2)逐渐增强 (3)增强……的体质 (4)建立;创办 ‎2.单句语法填空 ‎(1)being caught (2)to practice 单句写作 All roads lead to Rome ‎3.单句写作 free of pollution ‎4.单句语法填空 ‎(1)making (2)leaving (3)to find 三测 学业达标 Ⅰ.单词拼写/单句语法填空 ‎1.soil 2.underlining 3.reduce 4.summary 5.comments ‎6.discoveries 7.to focus 8.on 9.up 10.from/of 11.by ‎12.to 13.have been working 14.to tell Ⅱ.阅读理解 ‎【语篇解读】 本文是一篇新闻报道,主要介绍了新加坡建设空中农场解决国内食品短缺问题。‎ ‎1.答案与解析:B 主旨大意题。根据第二段内容可知,用于农业的耕地面积少、食品生产成本高、气候变化和人口增长导致了新加坡农业的变化,由此可知,本段主要介绍了农业变化的原因,故B 项正确。‎ ‎2.答案与解析:A 推理判断题。根据第三段中的“Whenever I talk about food security in Singapore, I tell people don't think land — think space, because you can go upwards and sideways.”可知,当邓保罗谈论粮食安全的时候,他告诉人们不要想土地,要想空间,因为你可以向上和横向移动,由此可知,邓保罗认为,实现粮食安全的途径是通过空间探索土地,故A 项正确。‎ ‎3.答案与解析:D 推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“That's why I'm always asking the government why don't you invest in us oldtimers.”可知,农户William Ho 问政府为什么不在传统农户身上投资呢?言外之意,传统农户需要政府的支持,故D 项正确。‎ ‎4.答案与解析:C 推理判断题。通读全文可知,本文主要介绍了新加坡建设空中农场解决国内食品短缺问题,属于新闻范畴,因此文章最有可能出自报纸,故C 项正确。‎ Ⅲ.完形填空 ‎【语篇解读】 本文是记叙文。两名小男孩掉入结冰池塘,在危难时刻,好心邻居挺身而出,救了他们。‎ ‎1.答案:B ‎2.答案与解析:A 文章开头讲到关于“Were the birds out on the ice ducks or geese?”这个问题的答案,Anthony与Cruz意见不统一。结合本段中的“So on a cold January evening, the two friends went onto the frozen pond”可知,只有一种方法可以“找到(find out)”答案,那就是去冰面上仔细“看看(look)”它们到底是鹅还是鸭子。‎ ‎3.答案与解析:C 由常识及下文中的“Then they stepped on it”可知,他们先扔了一块石头看看冰结得有多厚,test符合语境。‎ ‎4.答案与解析:D 由本句中的“Believing the ice would hold their weight”以及下文中的“He crashed through the seemingly frozen surface.”可知,Anthony往前走了几“步(steps)”。‎ ‎5.答案与解析:A 由上文中的“Anthony took a few... He crashed through the seemingly frozen surface.”可知,Cruz跑过去救Anthony。文章第一段提到这两人是“朋友(friend)”。‎ ‎6.答案与解析:D 由下文中的“He then carefully worked his way toward Anthony.”可知,Cruz“设法(managed)”从冰冷的水里爬上来,挪到厚些的冰面上。‎ ‎7.答案:C ‎8.答案与解析:B 由“But the ice didn't hold”以及下文中的“The boys were up to their necks in icy water”可知,Cruz又“掉进(fell in)”池塘里了,这一次,他凭借一己之力“上不来(get out)”。‎ ‎9.答案:A ‎10.答案:D ‎11.答案与解析:B 由本段中的“The boys were up to their necks in icy water”以及下文的描述可知,冰冷的水没到他俩的脖子处,很快他们的四肢就没了“知觉(feeling)”,能够自救的“可能性(chance)”为零。Cruz“确信(sure)”自己必死无疑了。‎ ‎12.答案与解析:A 上文描述了两名男孩的危险处境。由本句中的“Anthony's older sister had seen the boys fall through the ice”可知,她开始呼叫求“救(help)”。‎ ‎13.答案:C ‎14.答案与解析:B 由下文中的“Seeing the boys, he kicked off his shoes”可知,她的邻居John Lavin正在驾车去商店的路上,“听到了(heard)”她的求救声,赶快“停(stopped)”下车。‎ ‎15.答案与解析:D 由本句中的“he kicked off his shoes”和“cutting his way through the ice with his fist”以及下文中的“Lavin made his way to the boys and hauled them back to land.”可知,Lavin脱掉鞋子,“冲(ran)”进池塘里。‎ ‎16.答案与解析:B 由上文中的“Lavin made his way to the boys and hauled them back to land.”以及本句中的doctors可知,他们被“紧急送到(rushed)”了医院。‎ ‎17.答案与解析:D 由上文可知,两名小男孩掉入结冰池塘,在冰冷的水中,身体都失去了知觉。此处表示医生说他们在冰冷的水中“待了(stay)”五分钟,体温比正常体温低了几乎十度。‎ ‎18.答案与解析:A 幸运地是(Fortunately),两名男孩身体已经恢复正常了。‎ ‎19.答案:C ‎20.答案与解析:D 由上文可知,Cruz和Anthony掉入结冰池塘,在危难时刻,邻居Lavin挺身而出,救了他们。Lavin非常“勇敢(fearless)”,如果没有他,俩男孩可能就“死(died)”了。‎ Ⅳ.语法填空 ‎【语篇解读】 本文是说明文。文章介绍了在瑞典开放的“恶心食物博物馆”。‎ ‎1.答案与解析:to smell 考查不定式作补语的用法。allow sb. to do sth.意为“允许某人做某事”。‎ ‎2.答案与解析:that/which 考查关系代词。设空处引导限制性定语从句修饰foods,且在从句中作主语,故填that/which。‎ ‎3.答案与解析:what 考查连接词。设空处引导宾语从句,由下文的描述可知,设空处所在句意为“Dr Samuel West解释了是什么激励他创建了这个博物馆”,故填what。‎ ‎4.答案与解析:made 考查一般过去时。由语境可知,设空处表示的动作发生在过去,应用一般过去时,故填made。‎ ‎5.答案与解析:into 考查介词。turn... into...意为“使……变成……”。‎ ‎6.答案与解析:senses 考查名词复数。设空处作宾语,表示“感官”,由其前的five可知,此处应用名词复数形式,故填senses。‎ ‎7.答案与解析:truly 考查副词。设空处作状语修饰形容词delicious,表示“真正地,确实地”,故填副词truly。‎ ‎8.答案与解析:their 考查代词。设空处作定语修饰diet,表示“他们的”,故填their。‎ ‎9.答案与解析:be found 考查被动语态。设空处所在句意为“在博物馆可以看到像JellO salad和sheep eyeball juice这样的食物”,Foods与find之间是被动关系,因为设空处前有情态动词can,故填be found。‎ ‎10.答案与解析:cultural 考查形容词作表语的用法。设空处作表语,表示“文化的”,故填形容词cultural。‎

