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第二部分 话题专项训练  话题六 个人兴趣、情感与情绪 01 话 题 教 材 梳 理 02 话 题 综 合 练 习 目录导航 话 题 教 材 梳 理 温馨提示:请完成单独成册的《教材梳理话题写作》、《教材话题组块复习》话题 六 的内容。 话 题 综 合 练 习 一、完形填空 ( ) 1.A.protect B . prevent C . produce D . provide ( ) 2.A.habit B . speed C . danger D . practice ( ) 3.A.who B . when C . which D . what ( ) 4.A.happy B . free C . nervous D . uncomfortable ( ) 5.A.feelings B . actions C . behaviors D . introduction B C A D A ( ) 6.A.online B . alone C . quiet D . crazy ( ) 7.A.fall asleep B . fall ill C . fall down D . fall behind ( ) 8.A.better B . worse C . longer D . shorter ( ) 9.A.save B . return C . fight D . mend ( ) 10.A.go over B . check out C . settle down D . care about B B D C D ( ) 1.You should consider seriously before getting a dog because ________. A . he may be dead very soon B . he may not be popular with your family members C . he may make your house in a mess D . you may have to take care of him for over ten years 二、阅读理解 A D ( ) 2.A quiet owner had better keep a dog that ________. A . is full of energy B . likes to bark all day C . likes to cuddle on the sofa D . eats and plays a lot C ( ) 3.Giving your dog a name ________. A . helps get his attention B . helps him learn quickly C . helps him relax during training D . helps him make clear and hard sounds A ( ) 4.Formal training each day may take ________ in all. A . 10 to 15 minutes B . 15 to 20 minutes C . 20 to 30 minutes D . 30 to 40 minutes D ( ) 5.Which of the following is NOT true? A . Playing and talking with your dog is also a kind of training. B . Training your dog outside of training time makes him too tired to eat. C .“ Buddy” and “Rover” have clear and hard sounds that dogs can recognize. D . If you pay no attention to your dog ' s bad behavior, he will form bad habits. B ( ) 6.The writer began to love her mother ' s desk ________. A . after her mother died B . when she was a child C . before she became a writer D . when her mother gave it to her B B ( ) 7.The passage shows that the mother ________. A . was too serious about everything her daughter had done B . was cold on the surface but kind in her heart to her daughter C . cared much about her daughter in words D . wrote to her daughter in careful words B ( ) 8.The underlined word “gulf” in the 4th paragraph means “________” in Chinese. A .海湾 B . 裂缝 C .误会 D .分歧 D ( ) 9.What did the mother do with her daughter ' s letter asking for forgiveness? A . She read the letter again and again till she died. B . For years, she often talked about the letter. C . She didn ' t forgive her daughter at all in her life. D . She had never received the letter. A ( ) 10.What ' s the best title of the passage? A . My Letter to Mother B . Mother and Children C . My Mother ' s Desk D . Talks Between Mother and Me C C 配对阅读 11~15  CBFEA 三、 短文填空 1.took 2.flowers 3.How 4.found 5.sorry 6.reasons 7 . although/though 8.in 9.others 10.happier 四、读写综合 A .信息归纳 请仔细阅读下面这篇文章,根据所提供的信息,完成信息卡。 New inventions are changing our world day by day.They also improve the way we live, such as telephones, computers, cars, televisions and so on.They have made our lives easier.However, some of these inventions have been a controversial topic among people with different views . Television is on top of these.Surely, we agree that television is important.It is a machine that makes it possible for people to see the whole world while they are relaxing on their living rooms ' sofas.In addition, television can be a good entertainment provider.It can entertain people by a lot of interesting music, films, news and so on . However , nowadays, many people spend much time watching TV.That is why it has many negative( 负面的 ) effects on human beings.For example, television has bad effects on the relationships among people in their real life.Because it provides attractive programs and films which waste people ' s time.As a result, people may forget their duties, stop socializing( 与 …… 交往 ) with each other, and start imagining that they live with characters in a film or a soap opera.Moreover, it is very dangerous for relationship in the family itself . For instance, parents won ' t spend so much time taking care of their children, so the children may form bad habits such as smoking, drug using and drinking alcohol. In conclusion, the problem does not lie with television itself, but in how we use it in our daily life.So we should spend appropriate( 适当的 ) time watching TV. The inventions that are mentioned in Paragraph 1 1. The things that the television can provide with 2. Information Card telephones, computers, cars and televisions music, films, news and so on people spend much time watching TV smoking, drug using and drinking alcohol we should spend appropriate time watching TV The reason why television has negative effects 3. The bad habits the children may form 4. The writer ' s opinion on television 5. B. 书面表达 现在电视产业蓬勃发展, 电视节目也琳琅满目。请写一篇短文谈谈你最喜欢的电视节目。内容包括: 1 .电视节目的名称; 2 .喜欢这个电视节目的原因 ( 至少两点 ) ; 3 .从这个电视节目中学到了什么。 作文要求: 1 .不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现学校的真实名称和学生的真实姓名。 2 .语句连贯, 词数 80 个左右。 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TV becomes more and more popular in our daily life.Everybody likes to watch TV every day and there are different kinds of programs on TV.As for me, I like Happy Family very much.Every Saturday I get everything ready, sit in front of the TV and wait to enjoy my favorite program.I love this program because it can give me a lot of fun.What's more, I can learn something new from it, such as how to work in groups, how to make friends with strangers and so on. 第二部分 话题专项训练 话题十二 天气、旅游和交通 01 话 题 教 材 梳 理 02 话 题 综 合 练 习 目录导航 话 题 教 材 梳 理 温馨提示:请完成单独成册的《教材梳理话题写作》、《教材话题组块复习》话题 十二 的内容。 话 题 综 合 练 习 一、完形填空 ( ) 1.A.end B . start C . middle D . top ( ) 2.A.airlines B . pilots C . stations D . engineers ( ) 3.A.outside B . high C . indoors D . below ( ) 4.A.snow B . rain C . wind D . heat B A C D ( ) 5.A.reached B . arrived C . changed D . weighed ( ) 6.A.waste B . fix C . buy D . create ( ) 7.A.encouraging B . leading C . forcing D . warning ( ) 8.A.dangerously B . probably C . perfectly D . immediately A B D A ( ) 9.A.broke in B . gave in C . broke out D . gave out ( ) 10.A.passed B . spread C . died D . sank C B ( ) 1.You can call ________ if you want to go on a City Tour. A . 9424632 B . 2042543170 C . 2049577618 D . 18889426302 二、阅读理解 A B ( ) 2.David will visit Winnipeg Railway Museum with his 3yearold son.How much should he pay? A . $3.00. B . $5.00. C . $8.00. D . $30.00. B ( ) 3.Which is the proper time to visit The Forks Market? A . 8 : 30 a . m. on Sundays in July. B . 8 : 30 a . m. on Saturdays in June. C . 7 : 30 p . m. on Fridays in August. D . 7 : 30 p . m. on Mondays in October. C ( ) 4.What is mentioned in each part of the text? A . Open hours. B . Group tours. C . Limited space. D . Historical past. ( ) 5.Where is the text probably taken from? A . A guidebook. B . A movie poster. C . A sports magazine. D . A science report. D A ( ) 6.The young couple ' s dream was ________. A . to travel around the world B . to travel around the UK C . to travel around China D . to travel around the USA ( ) 7.The underlined word “ gestures ” means “________” in Chinese. A .歌曲 B .手势 C .哑语 D .点头 B A B ( ) 8.How did the young couple travel? A . By train. B . By ship. C . By car. D . By plane. ( ) 9.During the trip, the couple recorded the following EXCEPT ________. A . beautiful scenery B . friendly people C . different customs D . foreign licenses C D ( ) 10.The best title of this passage is ________. A . A diary about the scenery B . A young couple ' s dream C . Travel around the world D . Make your dream come true C C 配对阅读 11~15  DACGE 三、 短文填空 1.problems 2.it 3.influence 4.when 5.on 6 . do 7.thin 8.a 9.or 10.weather 四、读写综合 A .信息归纳 请仔细阅读下面这篇文章,根据所提供的信息,完成信息卡。 Welcome to Weather Wiz Kids! I ' m meteorologist Crystal Wicker.I designed Weather Wiz Kids especially for children to learn more about the amazing world of weather.It ' s also a wonderful website to give teachers and parents the right tools to explain the different types of weather to children.Today we are going to talk about rainbows ! How do we get rainbows? Rainbows are rays of color.Sunlight looks white, but it ' s really made up of different colors—red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo( 靛蓝 ) and violet ( 紫萝兰 ) . The sun makes rainbows when white sunlight passes through raindrops.The raindrops bend the different colors in white light, so the light spreads out into a band of colors that can be reflected back to you as a rainbow . Where do you look for a rainbow? Three conditions must be met in order for you to see a rainbow.First, it must be rai n; ing.Second, the sun must be shining.Third, the watcher must be between the sun and the rain.The lower the sun is in the sky, the higher the rainbow will be . Can rainbows make a fullcircle? If you could get up high enough in the sky, then you ' d see that some rainbows continue below the horizon.The sun and rain really make a fullcircle rainbow.We can ' t see the whole circle, because the horizon blocks it.Pilots high in the sky do sometimes report seeing fullcircle rainbows . Can a rainbow appear during the night? Yes, they ' re called moonbows! The nighttime rainbow is very rare and happens only when the moon is bright enough and there is falling rain to produce the beautiful sight. Information Card Weather Wiz Kids 7/seven The website Crystal Wicker designed 1. The number of colors that make up sunlight 2. The position of a person to see a rainbow 3. The people who sometimes report seeing fullcircle rainbows 4. The name of a nighttime rainbow 5. between the sun and the rain pilots moonbow B. 书面表达 每个人都有自己偏爱的天气。请你写一篇短文谈谈你的看法。内容包括: 1 .你喜欢什么样的天气?在那样的天气中, 你经常喜欢做什么事 ( 至少两点 )? 2 .你觉得天气会影响心情吗?请谈谈你的一次经历 ( 什么天气、什么心情、你的行为 ) 。 作文要求: 1 .不得照抄原文; 不得在作文中出现学校的真实名称和学生的真实姓名。 2 .语句连贯, 词数 80 个左右。 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Everyone has his favorite weather, so do I . Sunny days are my favorite. On such days, I like taking a walk in a park and enjoying the sunshine.What's more, I often go swimming in the swimming pool.It's a good way to prevent illnesses. As for me, weather does influence my feelings.Once on a rainy day, I was watching TV. My mom came and asked me to do the dishes.Strangely, I shouted at her angrily.From then on, I found it easier for me to get angry on rainy days. 第二部分 话题专项训练  话题十九 历史与社会 01 话 题 教 材 梳 理 02 话 题 综 合 练 习 目录导航 话 题 教 材 梳 理 温馨提示:请完成单独成册的《教材梳理话题写作》、《教材话题组块复习》话题 十九 的内容。 话 题 综 合 练 习 一、完形填空 ( ) 1.A.lived B . talked C . came D . danced ( ) 2.A.planted B . collectedC . watched D . bought ( ) 3.A.found B . used C . shared D . sold ( ) 4.A.polite B . kind C . careful D . clever ( ) 5.A.worse B . faster C . easier D . harder A B C D C ( ) 6.A.dangers B . stories C . people D . animals ( ) 7.A.waiting for B . looking for C . turning on D . putting on ( ) 8.A.dreams B . gifts C . meals D . holidays ( ) 9.A.away B . different C . free D . far ( ) 10.A.slowly B . terribly C . comfortably D . hopefully A B D B C ( ) 1.Which is the common greeting in Kazakhstan? A . Shake hands. B . Bow. C . Kiss the cheek. D . Hug. 二、阅读理解 A A ( ) 2.To show politeness, which of the following shouldn ' t be done at dinner? A . Serving bread to show respect. B . Serving a half cup of tea. C . Serving a full cup of tea. D . Arriving less than 30 minutes late. C ( ) 3.If you don ' t want any soup or tea, you can________in Kazakhstan. A . leave the table B . turn your bowl upside down C . talk with your hostess D . drink more tea at table B ( ) 4.When you finish your dinner in Kazakhstan, you________. A . must use fork and knife B . use a bowl to eat everything C . have to eat food by hand D . must leave something on your plate D ( ) 5.The writer writes the passage to tell us________. A . some etiquette in Kazakhstan B . the position of Kazakhstan C . food and drinks in Kazakhstan D . how to have dinner in Kazakhstan A ( ) 6.Shang Yang ' s reforms ________. A . were never trusted by people B . made Qin grow strong C . were carried out easily at the beginning D . focused on farming and education B B ( ) 7.To let people trust him, Shang Yang ________. A . ordered many young men to join the army B . gave a reward to anyone who supported him C . showed that he could keep his promises D . introduced his reforms at the south gate of the capital C ( ) 8.What does the underlined word “unbelievable” mean in the passage? A .不能实现的 B .不可能的 C .难以理解的 D .难以置信的 D ( ) 9.Which of the following is WRONG according to the passage? A . The Chinese idiom “ 立木取信 ” just came from this story. B . Under the reforms, Qin united all the states. C . The man who carried the pole to the north gate was paid only 10 gold pieces. D . At first, only a few people in the state understood the advantages of Shang Yang ' s plans. C ( ) 10.What ' s the main idea of this story? A . Earning people ' s trust is never easy. B . Keeping promises can earn people ' s trust. C . Money can lead people to do anything in the world. D . Reforms are important for a country to develop. B C 配对阅读 11~15 GDBEF 三、 短文填空 1.that/which 2.ask 3.made 4.symbols 5.been 6 . but 7.as 8.carefully 9.drying 10.complete 四、读写综合 A .信息归纳 请仔细阅读下面这篇文章,根据所提供的信息,完成信息卡。 We all know the strange feeling of watching the time change on a clock.You never really see it change because the hands move so slowly.But, of course, the time is changing all the time . Human faces, like clock faces, are also changing.And like clocks, the changes take place too slowly to be noticed.Over many thousands of years, though, huge changes are possible.For example, the human brain triples in size.Our faces became flatter, and we began to think more. If our heads became larger in the past, how will things change in the future? Unlike the changes of a clock face, the changes in human faces are very difficult to predict.One of the main reasons for this is that we can not control parts of nature.Hundreds of thousands of years ago, all changes were natural, but now we can actively choose paths for our own evolution( 进化 ) . A US artist named Niclolay Lamm has recently offered an idea at what human faces may one day look like.The designs, inspired by his conversations with scientist Alan Kwan, show humans with larger heads and eyes.In particular, Lamm predicts the forehead may be larger because of increased usage of the brain . Just a few hundred years ago, most humans were working in the fields, whereas nowadays more and more people receive education.These are just predictions, and no one can be sure how human beings will evolve in the future.But with such huge changes in our environment, it seems likely that we will look very different in the future. Information Card 3/three the changes in human faces are very difficult to predict The number of examples of huge changes 1. The difference between the changes of a clock face and a human face 2. Alan Kwan/a scientist with larger heads and eyes because of the huge changes in our environment The person whom Niclolay Lamm had conversations with 3. The looking of future humans according to Niclolay Lamm 4. The reason why humans will look very different in the future 5. B. 书面表达 请你写一篇短文来谈谈你对未来人类样貌变化的看法。内容包括: 1 .人类的样貌变化与自然环境的变化和我们的生活习惯密切相关。 2 .你觉得未来人类的样貌会发生哪些变化 ( 至少两点 )? 3 .你认为是哪些环境和习惯的变化导致了人类样貌发生相应的变化? 作文要求 : 1 .不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现学校的真实名称和学生的真实姓名。 2 .语句连贯,词数 80 个左右。 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The looking of humans is closely connected with the change of nature and our living habits. As far as I'm concerned, humans will have stronger fingers.What's more, people may be shorter and shorter. What are the reasons? First of all, playing with the phone all the time may lead to stronger fingers because they are used a lot. And as for the second change, the environment is getting worse and worse so that people can't grow taller easily. All in all, I hope we can take more care of ourselves so that we can live a happy life. 第二部分 话题专项训练  话题十五 科普知识与现代技术、通信 01 话 题 教 材 梳 理 02 话 题 综 合 练 习 目录导航 话 题 教 材 梳 理 温馨提示:请完成单独成册的《教材梳理话题写作》、《教材话题组块复习》话题 十五 的内容。 话 题 综 合 练 习 一、完形填空 ( ) 1.A.invent B . includeC . increase D . improve ( ) 2.A.kill B . treat C . cause D . notice ( ) 3.A.chances B . changes C . directions D . instructions ( ) 4.A.preparations B . suggestions C . situations D . conditions B C A B ( ) 5.A.give up B . give in C . give away D . give out ( ) 6.A.take it away B . take it out C . take it off D . take it easy ( ) 7.A.lower B . safer C . farther D . higher ( ) 8.A.hold B . throw C . take D . hide D C B A ( ) 9.A.prevent B . realize C . mean D . keep ( ) 10.A.serious B . private C . rapid D . strong C D ( ) 1.The underlined word “review” in the first paragraph means “ ________ ”in Chinese. A .复习所学的知识 B .看录像回眸 C .发表意见 D .帮助人们思考 二、阅读理解 A B ( ) 2.VAR cannot make a decision of ________. A . winner of the game B . awarding goals C . penalty decisions D . red card decisions ( ) 3.Which sentence can be put in the blank at the beginning of the third paragraph? A . What does VAR stand for B . Why is VAE used in FIFA C . How does VAR work D . Who is the owner of VAR A C ( ) 4.While VAR is on duty, it ________. A . watches the game on pitch B . can replace the onpitch referee C . works by himself D . has to wear full kit D ( ) 5.From the last paragraph, we can infer that ________. A . VAR made its first appearance in Russia FIFA B . VAR has been used in many other competitions C . VAR will be widely used in different competitions D . VAR was introduced by German to Italy and the USA B ( ) 6.In which year did the scientists begin their research into the cloned macaques? A . 1997. B . 2017. C . 2018. D . 2014. ( ) 7.What does the underlined expression “a green thumb” in the sixth paragraph mean? A .很多经验 B .少数能力 C .很小帮助 D .足够信心 B D A ( ) 8.Which is TRUE according to the passage? A . Zhong Zhong and Hua Hua were the first cloned mammals in China. B . It seems that there may be more cloned macaques in the near future. C . All cloned animals were produced by the method that made Dolly. D . The public can get the latest information anytime from the website. B ( ) 9.What can we infer from Muming Poo ' s words? A . The cloned macaques will be of great help to the development of medicine. B . It is cruel to use the cloned macaques as the models in medical research. C . It has turned out that cloned macaques will help treat all kinds of virus. D . China is the first country to create therapies for the Ebola and Zika viruses. A ( ) 10.What might be the best title for the passage? A . Zhong Zhong and Hua Hua, the Pride of China B . What Do Cloned Macaques Bring, Harm Or Help? C . Cloned Macaques May Bring Hope for Human Disease D . How Did People Clone Macaques for the First Time? C ( )11.The C919 will have a competition with ________. A . the Airbus A320 B . the Boeing 737 C . Pudong International Airport D . the first large Chinese jet airliner C A ( ) 12.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A . C919 can carry 570 passengers at a time. B . It will take 10 years for C919 to carry passengers. C . The first successful flight of C919 took place in 2017. D . Over 30 companies ordered 570 C919 planes from China. C ( ) 13.China will help many other countries ________. A . to make large jet airliners B . to create new business C . to build highspeed rail lines D . improve their science research ( ) 14.The underlined word “contribution” probably means “________” in Chinese. A .教训 B .贡献 C .指导 D .榜样 C B ( ) 15.The passage mainly tells us ________. A . Chinese scientists are better than before B . the Four Great Inventions makes China stronger and greater today C . China has increased its international influence with its development D . China has produced the new highspeed trains with the speed of 400 km/h C 三、 短文填空 1.bring 2.together 3.cook 4.or 5.cared 6.Internet 7.It 8.attention 9.important 10.with 四、读写综合 ( 传统文化 ) A .信息归纳 请仔细阅读下面的文章, 并根据所提供的信息, 完成下面的信息卡。 Papermaking, gunpowder, printing and the compass are four ancient inventions by Chinese people.They have had a huge influence all over the world. Papermaking In 105 AD, Cai Lun, a great guy during the Eastern Han Dynasty, invented paper from worn fishnet, bark and cloth.These materials could be easily found at a much lower cost, so large quantities of paper could be produced.And from then on, recording information became much easier. Gunpowder In Chinese, gunpowder is called huo   yao, meaning flaming medicine.Unlike paper and printing, the birth of gunpowder was quite accidental.At the end of the Tang Dynasty, it was first invented inadvertently by alchemists ( 炼丹术士 ) while attempting to make an elixir ( 长生不老药 ) of immorality.It was first used in military affairs. Printing During the reign of Northern Song Dynasty, Bi Sheng invented printing after numerous tests.These types could be used again and again for different books. Compass In the 11th century, tiny needles made of magnetized steel were invented.One end of the needle points north while the other points south.The compass was thus created.It helped people know the direction better. The person who invented paper 1. The first use of gunpowder 2. Bi Sheng ' s invention 3. Information Card Cai Lun in military affairs printing The thing the compass is made of 4. The earliest of the four inventions mentioned here 5. Information Card magnetized steel papermaking B. 书面表达 读了以上文章, 请你用英语写一篇短文, 谈谈你对中国古代四大发明的看法。内容包括: 1 .四大发明中最有用的发明是什么? 2 .用两个理由说明它最有用。 3 .呼吁同学们努力学习, 争取发明一样有益于社会的发明。 作文要求: 1 .不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现学校的真实名称和学生的真实姓名。 2 .语句连贯,词数 80 个左右。 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Among the four inventions of ancient China, I think papermaking is the most helpful one.First, with paper we can make books easily and cheaply.It can help us save time and money.Second, with paper, we can record something on it for a long time.If we want to know something happened long long ago, just read the book to know all of it.As a result, invention is very important.I really hope everyone can study hard and try to invent something which is good for our society. 第二部分 话题专项训练 话题一 个人情况 01 话 题 教 材 梳 理 02 话 题 综 合 练 习 目录导航 话 题 教 材 梳 理 温馨提示:请完成单独成册的《教材梳理话题写作》、《教材话题组块复习》话题一的内容。 话 题 综 合 练 习 一、完形填空 (  )1.A.kept B.hated C.enjoyed D.stopped (  )2.A.or B.so C.but D.and (  )3.A.anything B.nothing C.something D.everything (  )4.A.joining B.training C.leaving D.selling (  )5.A.direction B.Operation C.education D.decision B A B C D (  )6.A.happily B.luckily C.carefully D.seriously (  )7.A.take up B.set up C.turn up D.bring up (  )8.A.harder B.better C.slower D.earlier (  )9.A.planned B.began C.refused D.expected (  )10.A.water B.wall C.sign D.line D D A C B 二、阅读理解 A (  )1. The purpose of the event is to________. A.encourage a healthy lifestyle B.help the children in the community C.make a difference in our lives D.introduce the products of Skechers B (  )2. Tom's father is a PAssion card member. He signed up for the 10km race in June. How much should he pay? A.$25. B.$40. C.$45. D.$50. (  )3. From the poster, we can know something about the event EXCEPT________. A.the place B.the time C.the cost D.the sponsor C A (  )4. From the Notes, we can know that ________. A.we can get further information by making a call B.we can take part in the items in June every day C.everybody can work as a volunteer in the event D.the items will be held under any kind of weather A (  )5. Which of the following about the activity is TRUE? A.Participants must have a PAssion card or POSB credit card. B.Women and children can only take part in the Family Walk. C.People's Association is one of the organizers of the event. D.Children are not allowed to take part in the events. C B (  )6.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A.Tian Jiabing was born in the twentieth century. B.Most Chinese know Tian Jiabing for his donations. C.Tian Jiabing helped build over 20,000 schools and libraries. D.Tian Jiabing was named “Father of 100 Chinese Schools” in 1980. A (  )7.Which is the correct order of the things below? ①He started to donate to build schools and libraries.  ②The financial crisis broke out and affected his business.  ③He bought his home which was sold later.  ④The Tian Square was sold to support education. A.①③④②  B.③①②④  C.①②④③  D.③②①④ B (  )8.The meaning of the underlined word “fulfill” is close to ________ in Chinese. A.展示  B.继续  C.提供  D.制造 B (  )9.From the passage we know that ________. A.Tian hoped more people would help make the world better B.education is the place which needs money most C.to Tian Jiabing, posterity is the most important D.people respect him mainly because of his honours A (  )10.The passage mainly talks about ________. A.the loss of “Father of 100 Chinese Schools” B.Tian Jiabing's achievements in education C.the whole course of Tian Jiabing's life D.Tian Jiabing's great effort into education D C 配对阅读 11~15 BDGEF 三、 短文填空 1.scientist  2.was  3.from 4.made 5.more 6.explained  7.also  8.great 9.three 10.anything 四、读写综合 A .信息归纳 请仔细阅读下面这篇关于父亲的文章, 根据所提供的信息, 完成信息卡。 My father is the head of our small family.He is fortytwo years old but looks much younger.He is the only earning member in our family.He is a teacher in a university. My father had to take on not just one role but two roles in my life.When my mother passed away, he had to take on the mother role and all of the responsibilities that came with it. My father had to provide us financially on his own, cook dinner and take on all of the household responsibilities.He also had to learn all of the things that my mom did for me, like dressing me and fixing my hair to get ready for school in the morning. He was always there for me when I needed help.My father is very helpful.He is always ready to help the needy and the poor.I am very proud of having such a nice father.He is a much respected person.A part of his income is spent for charity. Last year, he bought a set of textbooks and other reference books(工具书) for a classmate of mine who happened to be an orphan.His love, help and guidance encourage me a lot.I love him deeply.I always make wishes and pray for his long life and good health.Dad, I love you. Information Card The age of the writer ' s father 1. The job of the writer ' s father 2. The reason why the writer ' s father took two roles 3. 42/fortytwo a (university) teacher the writer's mother passed away Information Card The things the writer ' s father bought for her classmate last year 4. The writer ' s father ' s personality 5. books  kindhearted/helpful B. 书面表达 “ 爸爸 ” 是个伟大的职业, 你的爸爸是什么样的呢?请就此写一篇短文谈谈你的爸爸。内容包括: 1 .爸爸的外貌 ( 身高、五官等 ) 。  2 .爸爸的职业、兴趣爱好。 3 .爸爸所做的一件令你感动的事。 作文要求: 1 .不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现学校的真实名称和学生的真实姓名。 2 .语句连贯,词数 80 个左右。 My father is 45 years old.He is of medium build with a big nose and two small eyes.He is an English teacher in a middle school.Besides English, he likes sports best of all.He often plays basketball with his friends after school.He is very strict with me.One day, I made a small mistake in my math homework. When he saw the paper, he made exercises for me to solve until I completely understood.How strict and careful my father is! I love him so much. 话题一 个人情况 教材话题组块 复习( WY ) 目录 contents 教材话题组块 教材知识梳理 教材话题组块 目录 contents 话题解读 本话题包含: (1) 个人信息、 (2) 家庭信息、 (3) 学校信息、 (4) 兴趣与爱好,四个子话题。 教材定位 七上 Module 1 七下 Module 2 七下 Module 7 八下 Module 2 八下 Module 10 教材知识梳理 目录 contents 1. 中国人;汉语 __________ 2. 从 …… 来,来自 __________ 3. 在哪里,去哪里 __________ 七上 Module 1 My classmates ( 一 ) 考纲单词 ( 下面为常考的考纲单词,请同学们认真复习,扩大词汇量。 ) Chinese from where 4. 年龄;年 __________ 5. 关于 __________ 6. 女士 __________ 7. 美国;美洲 __________ 8. 不,不是,没有 __________ 9. 英格兰 __________ year about Ms America not England 10. 嘿,喂 __________ 11. 美国人;美洲人 ;美国的;美国人的; 美洲的 __________ 12. 我们的 __________ 13. 年级 __________ 14. 他 __________ hi American our grade he 15. 中国 __________ 16. 大家;每人 __________ 17. 首都;省会 __________ 18. 但是,然而 __________ 19. 很,非常 __________ 20. 大的 __________ China everyone capital but very big 21. 城市 __________ 22. 小的 __________ 23. 第一 ( 位 ) 的,首要的;先,首先 __________ 24. 最后的,最末的 ;最后,最末 __________ 25. 每个,全体 __________ city small first last all 来自 ___________ ( 二 ) 考纲短语 ( 请同学们重点掌握下面的短语,做到活学活用。 单项填空、完形填空和短文填空等题型经常会考查大家对短语的掌握。 ) come from 1. 演奏;弹奏 __________ 2. 网球 __________ 3. 钢琴 __________ 七下 Module 2 What can you do? ( 一 ) 考纲单词 ( 下面为常考的考纲单词,请同学们认真复习,扩大词汇量。 ) play tennis piano 4. 骑;乘 __________ 5. 俱乐部 __________ 6. 学期 __________ 7. 布告板 __________ 8. 噢;呢 __________ 9. 所有的;全部的 __________ ride club term board well all 10. 焦虑;担心 __________ 11. 教;讲 __________ 12. 那么;就 __________ 13. 班长;监督员 __________ 14. 开始;开端 __________ 15. 乐意的 __________ worry teach then monitor start ready 16. 承诺;保证 __________ 17. 快地;快速地; 快的;快速的 __________ 18. 健康的;强健的 __________ 19. 就;正好 __________ 20. 球;球类游戏 __________ 21. 运动项目 __________ promise fast fit just ball game 22. 队伍;球队 __________ 23. 最好的 __________ 24. 得分;成绩 __________ 25. 整齐的;整洁的;爱整洁的;爱整齐的; 收拾;整理 __________ 26. 确信的;有把握的 __________ team best score tidy sure 27. 每个人 __________ 28. 美的;美丽的 __________ 29. 放飞 ( 风筝 ) ;飞行;乘飞机 __________ 30. 风筝 __________ 31. 游泳 __________ everybody beautiful fly kite swim 1. 担心 ……___________ 2. 与某人相处 ___________ ( 二 ) 考纲短语 ( 请同学们重点掌握下面的短语,做到活学活用。 单项填空、完形填空和短文填空等题型经常会考查大家对短语的掌握。 ) worry about get on with sb. 1. 出生 __________ 2. 严格的;严厉的 __________ 3. 友好的 __________ 七下 Module 7 My past life ( 一 ) 考纲单词 ( 下面为常考的考纲单词,请同学们认真复习,扩大词汇量。 ) born strict friendly 4. 初等的;初级的 __________ 5. 城镇;市镇 __________ 6. 美国 __________ 7. 村庄 __________ 8. 友好的;亲切的 __________ 9. 乖的;守规矩的 __________ primary town US village nice good 10. 难对付的 __________ 11. 浴室 __________ 12. 卧室 __________ 13. 花园 __________ 14. 东面的;东部的;东方 ______ 15. 海岸 __________ difficult bathroom bedroom garden east coast 16. 以前 __________ 17. 商店 __________ 18. 厌烦的;厌倦的 ______ 19. 总统 __________ 20. 舒适的;舒服的 __________ 21. 湖 __________ ago store bored president comfortable lake 22.( 星期、月份等 ) 最近过去的, 紧接现在前面的 __________ 23.( 在 ) 昨天 __________ last yesterday 1. 曾经;从来;在任何时候 ______ 2.( 使 ) 参加; ( 使 ) 报名 ______ 3. 比赛;竞争 __________ 八下 Module 2 Experiences ( 一 ) 考纲单词 ( 下面为常考的考纲单词,请同学们认真复习,扩大词汇量。 ) ever enter competition 4. 奖品;奖项 __________ 5. 梦;梦想; ( 只用于名词前 ) 梦寐以求的;做梦;梦到;梦想 __________ 6.( 有财力 ) 买得起;付得起 __________ 7. 邀请 __________ 8. 搬家;改变 …… 的位置 __________ prize dream afford invite move 9. 派遣去;命令 …… 去 __________ 10. 德国 __________ 11. 法国 __________ 12. 塔 __________ 13. 古老的;古代的 __________ 14. 国王;君王 __________ send Germany France tower ancient king 15. 女王;王后 __________ 16. 方面;态度 __________ 17. 相混合;融合 __________ 18. 惦念;怀念;想念 __________ 19. 数;清点 __________ queen way mix miss count 编写;创作 ___________ ( 二 ) 考纲短语 ( 请同学们重点掌握下面的短语,做到活学活用。 单项填空、完形填空和短文填空等题型经常会考查大家对短语的掌握。 ) make up 1. 导演;主管;经理 __________ 2. 引领;带领 __________ 3. 到处;向各处 __________ 八下 Module 10 On the radio ( 一 ) 考纲单词 ( 下面为常考的考纲单词,请同学们认真复习,扩大词汇量。 ) director show around 4. 避免;防止 __________ 5. 背景;后景 __________ 6. 国家的;国内的 __________ 7. 国际的;世界的 __________ 8. 采访;访谈;访问 __________ avoid background national international interview 9. 看来;似乎 __________ 10. 文章;报道 __________ 11. 意图;目的 __________ seem article purpose 【 教材语法考点 】 1. 连系动词 be 的用法 【 教材典句 】 1.I ’m Chinese. 我是中国人。 2.Hello , are you from America? 你好,你来自美国吗? 3.— Is Daming from Beijing? 大明来自北京吗? —Yes , he is . 是的,他是。 /No , he isn’t . 不,他不是。 【 练习 】 ①( )The news______very interesting!Tell me more! A.is B.are C.do D.does A ②( )—Are you in Class One? —______. A.No , I don’t B.Yes , I am C.Yes , I do D.Yes , I’m B 2. 人称代词和物主代词 【 教材典句 】 1. I ’m your teacher. 我是你 ( 们 ) 的老师。 2. My name is Li Daming. 我叫李大明。 3. His English name is Henry. 他的英文名字是亨利。 4. He ’s from Shanghai. 他来自上海。 【 练习 】 ①( )I have a big brother.______name is Paul. A.His B.Her C.Its D.Your ②( )—Is your brother running in the park? —No , ______is swimming in the river. A.she B.his C.her D.he A D 3. 情态动词 can 的用法 【 教材典句 】 1.…because I can play the piano.…… 因为我会弹琴。 2. Can you cook , Daming? 你会做饭吗,大明? 3.I can’t speak Chinese very well. 我的汉语说得不是很好。 【 练习 】 ①( )—______you come with me to Lang Lang’s piano concert this evening? —I’d love to , but I have to study for my math test. A.Should B.May C.Must D.Can D ②( )I______follow you.Would you please repeat it? A.can’t B.mustn’t C.needn’t D.shouldn’t A 4. 动词的一般过去时 (Ⅰ)(be 动词 ) 【 教材典句 】 1.Who were your first friends? 你最早的朋友是谁? 2. Were you difficult in class too? 你在课堂上也很困难吗? 3.I was born in Qunicy. 我出生在昆西。 4.I wasn’t bored in Qunicy. 我在昆西不会感到无聊。 【 练习 】 ①( )Last Sunday my aunt______at home with me.We were watching TV all day. A.was B.were C.is D.are A ②( )There______milk in the bottle.Let’s go to buy some. A.wasn’t some B.wasn’t any C.were some D.were any B 5. 现在完成时 (Ⅰ) 【 教材典句 】 Have you ever won any prizes before? 你以前曾获过奖吗? 2.I ’ve stopped trying now. 现在我已不再尝试了。 3.They have seen the Pyramids. 他们看过古埃及大金字塔。 4.How long have the Robinsons been in Egypt? 罗宾逊一家在埃及待了多长时间? 【 练习 】 ①( )He______ in this factory for 20 years already. A.will work B.works C.has worked D.is working C ②( )So far , the AIIB______57 countries to be the founding members. A.attracted B.has attracted C.will attract D.attracts B 6. 宾语从句的时态问题 【 教材典句 】 1.The manager asked why he wanted a job in radio. 经理问为什么他想在电台找一份工作。 2.I hope that you can join us one day. 我希望有一天你能加入到我们的行列中来。 3.He asked when she came into this room. 他问她是什么时候进入这个房间的。 【 练习 】 ①( )The woman asked the policeman where______. A.the post office is B.was the post office C.is the post office D.the post office was D ②( )Our teacher said the earth______ round the sun. A.traveled B.travels C.travel D.traveling B 【 强化训练 】 ( )1.Mike and Liu Tao ______ at school. A.are B.is C.am D.be ( )2.—______ you a student? —Yes , I am. A.Am B.Is C.Are D.Be A C ( )3.This is______classroom , but where is ours ? A.their B.they C.them D.theirs ( )4.Wu Ping is my good friend , but______is not in my class. A.her B.she C.hers D.it A B ( )5.Kate is a good girl.______is a student. A.I B.You C.She D.Her ( )6.—Can you write? —______. A.Yes , I am B.No , I can C.Yes , I can’t D.Yes , I can C D ( )7.—Can I help you? —______.Do you have a yellow shirt? A.Yes , please B.No , please C.No , I’m not D.Sorry , I don’t know A ( )8.—______she speak English? —No , she can’t.She is Chinese. A.Can B.Does C.Is D.Do ( )9.I______born in a small city______Zhejiang Province. A.am ; in B.are ; at C.was ; in D.were ; at A C ( )10.—______? —She was nice. A.What’s your sister’s name B.How old is your sister C.What was your sister like D.What’s your sister’s first school C ( )11.I______scared of dogs ever since a dog hurt me when I was five years old. A.will be B.was C.have been D.would be ( )12.Over fifty countries______ the AIIB( 亚投行 ) so far. A.joined B.was joining C.has joined D.have joined C D ( )13.I______the book Little Woman , but I’ll let you read it first. A.haven’t read B.don’t read C.won’t read D.didn’t read A ( )14.Miss Brown , we______ cleaning our classroom.Can we go home now? A.finish B.finishing C.are finished D.have finished D ( )15.—Will you go to see the movie The Left Ear with me tomorrow? —Sorry , but I______ it twice. A.have seen B.saw C.will see D.am seeing A ( )16.Could you tell me______ a moment ago? A.what were they talking about B.what are they talking about C.what they were talking about D.what they are talking about C ( )17.—Could you tell me______at the meeting? —Sorry , I didn’t go to the meeting. A.what he said B.what did he say C.what he says D.what does he say A ( )18.This morning my mother asked me______. A.why he is not here B.where Julia went last weekend C.what time is it D.how did my brother do it B ( )19.—Can you tell me______? I want to pay a visit to him. —He just lives opposite our school. A.where does Jim live B.where did Jim live C.where Jim lives D.where Jim lived C ( )20.—Mum , could you tell me______? I dreamed of him last night. —Next week. A.when my dad comes back B.where my dad goes C.when my dad will come back D.where my dad will go C

