五年级上册英语课件-Unit 7 At weekendsD-译林版(三起)(共20张PPT)

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五年级上册英语课件-Unit 7 At weekendsD-译林版(三起)(共20张PPT)

My weekends have I often have dancing lessons at weekends. play My weekends I sometimes play volleyball at weekends. My weekends visit I usually visit my friends at weekends. My weekends go I always go boating in the park at weekends. go watch chat look at … read Mary’s weekends Miss Miss Miss , they are friends. Miss /ts/ ea ts then ea ts , she ge ts chubby . Miss /s/ like s book s , she look s pretty . Miss / I z / watch es TV, TV, she is lazy . Mr Ro s e / Z / show s them roses he grow s . Twister 1. 请认真倾听,圈出 Mary 的周末活动。 2. 请认真倾听,为 Mary 的活动频率填涂星星哟。 Frequency adverbs 频率副词 Mary’s weekends Weekend activities I can use “ always, usually, often, and sometimes” . I can talk about weekend activities . 能谈论周末生活。 能使用频率副词谈论周末生活。 能使用频率副词,流利地描述周末生活。 √ √ Mary’s weekends A: What do you do at weekends? B: I always/ ... Your weekends Tip 如果说出了其它活动请写在表 格的下方。 Weekend activities I usually _____________at weekends. I often _______________________________. I sometimes __________________________. My friend _______ always ______________. He/ She usually _______________________. He/ She sometimes ____________________. 请根据调查情况谈谈你和 朋友们的周末生活。 Your weekends At weekends I can talk about weekend activities . I can use “ always, usually, often, and sometimes” . I know the sound of the letter “S” . 同学们能得几个笑脸呢?请小组长要记得帮他们 Tick 哟。 I usually _____________at weekends. I often _______________________________. I sometimes __________________________. My friend _______ always ______________. He/ She usually _______________________. He/ She sometimes ____________________. 请根据调查情况谈谈你和 朋友们的周末生活。 Your weekends At weekends Say & tick! I can talk about weekend activities . I know the sound of the letter “S” . I can use “ always, usually, often, and sometimes” . ________ ? 如果你能谈论更多关于节日、季节 等方面的活动,就能得四个笑脸哦! √ √ √ Mary Amy S p ri n g in the park visit grandparents go to the cinema look at butterflies in the garden sit on the grass have picnics read books Mary’s mind map Name and reasons ( 理由 ) I Amy 1. Write clearly ( 条理清晰 ) 2. Write vividly ( 语言生动 ) :句式丰富、词性多样 :主题突出、 段落分明 Writing 2. Please write a passage with your mind map. 请根据思维导图写一篇短文。 Please work in groups and choose one topic to make a mind map. 请每组选择一个主题做一个关于 你和家人 或 你和朋友 的思维导图。 I can talk about weekend activities . I know the sound of the letter “S” . I can use “ always, usually, often, and sometimes” . ________ √ √ √ Congratulations! Homework Choose another topic you like to write and share with your friends. 请选择你喜欢的另一个主题写一写,并与朋友们交流、分享。 Write clearly ( 条理清晰 ) Write vividly ( 语言生动 ) . . Thank you !

