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Good morning! 句型第三讲: 简单句 并列句 简 单 句 由一个主语 ( 或并列主语 ) 和一个谓语 ( 或并列谓语 ) 所构成的句子。 其结构是:主语 + 谓语 简单句的种类 根据 使用目的 , 句子可分为 : 陈述句 疑问句 祈使句 感叹句 简单句的六种基本结构 主语+不及物动词 主语+系动词+表语 主语+及物动词+宾语 主语+及物动词+间接宾语+直接宾语 主语+及物动词+宾语+宾语补足语 (参见 P82 简单句的五种基本句型) There be +主语句型 1. 主语、谓语在人称与数上的一致性。 and 连接两个并列主语时为复数,谓语 动词也相应地使用复数形式。 Girls and boys are going to Beijing tomorrow. 但以下几种情况例外: (1). 如果 and 连接的两个名词是不可数 名词且前面都没有冠词。 若两个词表示 一个事物或一个概念 , 谓语动词要用单数; Tea and milk is my favorite drink. 奶茶是我最爱的饮料。 This  bread and butter is too thick. 这块涂了黄油的面包太厚了。 fish and chips 鱼炸薯条 如果两个词表示的是 两个事物或两个概念, 谓语动词则要用复数。 (2) 如果 and 连接的是两个可数单数名词,前一个有冠词,后一个没有冠词,意味着一个人或事物,谓语动词要用单数。 The singer and dancer is a good student. 这位歌舞演员是位好学生。 (3) 当 and 连接的两个名词前都有 each , every , many a , no 等单数概念的限定词修饰时 ( 第二个名词前的修饰词有时可以省略 ) ,谓语动词要用单数。 Many a boy and many a girl has read that novel. 2. 陈述句与疑问句的转换。 3. 选择疑问句。 4. 反意疑问句。 (1) 陈述句 + 省略问句 (2) 祈使句 + 附加疑问句 (3) 反意疑问句的回答 并 列 句 由 并列连词把 两个 或 两个以上 的互相关连而又互相独立的独句 ( 即简单句 ) 连在一起而构成的句子。 其结构是:简单句 + 并列连词 + 简单句 常用的连词有: and, but, or , not only...but also, neither...nor, either...or ( 二 ) 并列句的考点 (1) 并列连词的选用。 (2) 并列连词与从属连词的区别。 二 . 连词的分类 并列连词 : 连接两个或两个以上 地位平等 的词 , 词组 , 分句或句子的连词。 从属连词 : 连接两个或两个以上的分句 ( 从属关系 ) ,用来引导复杂句中的从属分句 ( 名词性从句、定语从句和状语从句 ) 的连词。 并 列 连 词 并列连词连接 地位平等 的词,短语或者句子。常见的并列连词有: (1) 表 并列关系 的: and, both…and, not only…but also, neither…nor 等。 (2) 表 选择关系 的: or, either…or 等。 (3) 表 转折关系 的: but, while 等。 (4) 表 因果关系 的: for, so 等。 就近一致原则 在并列连词 either A or B ( 或者 A 或者 B) , A or B (A 或者 B) , neither A nor B ( 既不是 A 也不是 B), not only A but also B ( 不仅 A 而且 B) , not A but B ( 不是 A 而是 B) , 引导两个并列主语 A 和 B : For example( 例如 ) : Neither I nor he has finished the homework. 谓语动词与靠近的名词、代词( B )在“人称、数”上一致。另外 there be +句型,谓语动词 be 也遵循就近一致原则。 一、 并列连词 1. Mary likes music ___Tom is found of sports. A. and B. but C. both A and B 2. I failed again, ___ I won’t give up. A. and B. but C. so 3. This is my first lesson, __ I don’t know your names. A. and B. but C. so and : 表对等 “ 和、并且 ” but: 表转折 “ 但是 ” so: 表因果 “ 所以 ” and, or, but, so 基本用法 4. Which do you like better, apples, __ pears? A. and B. but C. or 5. Now we have no time _____ money.  A. so B. and C. or  or: 1. 用于 疑问 句 , 表 选择 : “ 或 ” 2. 用于 否定 句 , 表 并列 : “ 和 ” 一、 并列连词 6. Try your best __ you’ll make more progress. A. and B. but C. or 7. Don’t lose heart, __ you’ll lose all. A. and B. so C. or and 和 or 都可以在 祈使句 中使用,区别如下: and : 通常是 比较好 的结果 ; or : 则表示 不愉快或不理想 的结果 . and, or, but, so 基本用法 一、 并列连词 8. It’s getting warmer __ warmer. A. and B. but C. or 9. He or the twins __ the USA. A. comes from B. come from C. is from 10. Not Tom but I ___ going to give the talk. A. am B. is C. are adj. 比 + and + adj. 比 表示越来越 … A or B 和 not A but B 结构作主语时,谓语动词要使用 就近原则 。 and, or, but, so 特殊用法 一、 并列连词 12. Both Peter and I ___ going to Guangzhou. A. are B. is C. am 13. Either apples or rice __ Ok. I am hungry. A. are B. is C. / 14. Neither I nor my parents ___ to tell you the truth. A. wants B. want C. is going to 15. Not only I but also Jane __ sure that we’ll win. A. is B. are C. am both…and… either…or… neither…nor… not only…but also… 以上结构做主语,除 both…and… 谓语要用复数外,其余都遵循谓语动词的 就近一致原则 。 从属连词 从属连词用来引导从句。常见的从属连词有: (1) 引导 时间状语从句 的 :after, before, when, while, as, until, till, since, as soon as 等。 (2) 引导 条件状语从句 的 : if (如果) , unless, as long as 等。 (3) 引导 原因状语从句 的 : because, as, since 等。 (4) 引导 目的状语从句 的 : so that, in order that 等。 (5) 引导 让步状语从句 的 : though, although, even if 等。 (6) 引导 结果状语从句 的 : so that, so…that, such…that 等。 (7) 引导 比较状语从句 的 : than, as…as 等。 (8) 引导 宾语从句 的 : that, if (是否) , whether 等 。 主将从现原则 (在时间状语从句 & 条件状语从句中,如主句是一般将来时,从句用一般现在时代替一般将来时。) (1) 引导 时间状语从句 的 :after, before, when, while, as, until, till, since, as soon as (一 … 就 … )等。 (2) 引导 条件状语从句 的 : if ( 如果 ), unless ( 除非 ), as long as ( 只要 ) 等。 不可同现原则 Although (虽然) 和 but (但是) 不能同时出现同一简单句中。 Because (因为)和 so (所以) 不能同时出现同一简单句中。 可以用 although/ though….yet 句型 宾语从句的时态与语序 1. 当主句的谓语动词是 一般现在时 时,其宾语从句的时态可以是 任何适当的时态 。(应根据实际情况而定)。 主句的谓语动词的时态是 一般过去时 的时候,其宾语从句的时态一般要用 任一适当的过去时态 (一般过去时,过去进行时,过去完成时,过去将来时 … ) 。 宾语从句的语序必须是 陈述语序 。(主语 + 谓语) If 引导宾语从句时,时态也要看这两点 1. I’ll tell your father the truth as soon as he ___ here. A. arrives B. arrived C. arrives at 2. We don’t know if he ___ us for the picnic. I’ll call you if he ____. A. joins; comes B. will join; comes C. will join; will come 3. Nobody knows when the windows ___. But I’ll tell you when I ___ the answer. A. broke; find out B. broken; will find out C. were broken; find out 二、从属连词 从属连词用来引导从句 4. You won’t understand until you ___ him. A. meet B. meeting C. will meet 5. You will fail in English ___ you work hard. A. because B. unless C. if 6. Just because we are young, ___ we should work even harder. A. so B. / C. but 7. It has been seven years since he __ here. A. left B. leaves C. leave 见代词 PPT—it 的特殊用法, 6. 自从 … 以来,已经有 … (时间)了。 It is / has been + 时段 + since + 从句 ( 过去时 ) 8. The little boy ___ when I came in. A. falls down B. fell down C. was fell down 9. We were reading when the teacher __ in. A. came B. comes C. is coming 10. He became a doctor when he ____the university. A. graduated from B. graduate from C. graduated for 1. 两个动作同时发生 2. A 动作在 B 动作延续的时间内发生 3. A 动作在 B 动作之后发生 11. Tom works in a hospital ___ Mary works in a company. A. because B. until C. while 12. While his mother was washing, he ___ his homework. A. do B. did C. was doing 13. The little boy fell asleep while he __ the music. A. was listen B. was listening to C. listened to 1. 表示对比, “ 然而,而 ” 2. 表示“当 … 的时候”。 两个动词同时发生。必须使用 延续性 动词。 14. Although I have passed the exam, ___ I am not pleased with the result. A. and B. but C. / although 和 but 不能同时出现。 because 和 so 不能同时出现。 【 例 1】 Neither he nor I_________from Canada. We are from Australia. [ 2002 ,山西] A.is B.are C.am D.be 典型例题解析 C 【 例 2】 There is a lot of_________in the box. [ 2002 ,吉林] A.cake B.bags of cakes C.milk D.bags of milk C 1.We can't live_________water. A.with B.has C.haven't D.without 2.We must hurry , _______we will be late for school. A.and B.or C.but D.if 3._________you_________she are like English. A.Both...and B.Neither...nor C.Either...or D.Not only...but also 4.The number of the students_________50. A.are B.am C.is D.have 5.He was tired,_________he still went on working. A.and B.but C.or D.also 课时训练 (D) (B) (A) (C) (B) 课时训练 6._________Lily_________Lucy can go with you. Because one of them must look after their mother at home. A.Neither...nor B.Either...or C.Both...and D.No tonly...but also 7.Will you go and get some more_________for the teacher? A.chalks B.piece of chalk C.pieces of chalk D.pieces of chalks 8._________is made of _________. A.Glasses , glasses B.A glass , glass C.Glasses , glasses D.A glass , glasses 9.We are very tired,we should have_________rest. A.half an hour B.an hour C.half a hour's D.an hour's 10.I heard her_________in the next room. A.singing B.sang C.go sing D.sing (B) (C) (A) (A) (A) 11.—I usually have breakfast at home. —_________. A.So have I B.So do I C.I have so D.I do so 12.Open the door , _________? A.will you B.won't you C.don't you D.do you 13.Sheep live on grass , _________? A.doesn't it B.don't they C.does it D.do they 14.He found_________interesting to learn English. A.it B.this C.that D.those 15.Why_________the information on the Internet. A.not search B.search C.don't search D.do search 课时训练 (B) (B) (B) (A) (A) 16.—You usually play football after school,don't you? —_________.But today I want to read English. A.Yes , I do B.No,I don't C.No,I don't D.No , I do 17._________good weather it is today! A.How B.How a C.What D.What a 18.—He hasn't finished the work yet,has he? —_________.He finished it yesterday. A.Yes,he has B.No,he hasn't C.Yes,he hasn't D.No,he has 19.I didn't finish my homework yesterday.He didn't finish his homework,_________. A.too B.also C.either D.well 20.—Let's talk about the picture,_________? A.will you B.won't you C.shall we D.shan't we 课时训练 (A) (A) (A) (C) (C) 21.—It's a beautiful day. —_________. A.so is it B.so it is C.so does it D.so it does 22.There is going to _________a sports meeting next week. A.have B.has C.hold D.be 23._________exciting the news is ! A.What B.What an C.How D.How an 24.The weather in Beijing is worse than ______ in Nanjing. A.that B.those C.it D.this 25._________TV is my mother's hobby. A.Watch B.Watching C.Seeing D.See 课时训练 B D A C B See you next time!

