2019年中考英语真题专题训练 语态专题(word版含答案)

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2019年中考英语真题专题训练 语态专题(word版含答案)

‎2019年中考英语真题专题训练——语态专题 ‎1.(2019昆明)With the rapid progress in high technology, 5G around most parts of China in the near future.‎ ‎ A.is used B.is using ‎ ‎ C. will use D. will be used ‎2.(2019天津)The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge _______ in 2018. We are proud of it.‎ ‎ A.is completed B.is completing ‎ ‎ C.was completed D.completes ‎3.(2019重庆)These machines _____ in their factory by themselves last year.‎ ‎ A. make B. made ‎ ‎ C. are made D. were made ‎4.(2019遂宁)Some people think trees ____ on Tree Planting Day only.‎ ‎ A.should plant B.should be planted ‎ ‎ C.should be plant D.should be planting ‎5.(2019自贡)—Tom is always careless with his schoolwork.Could you help him?‎ ‎ —No problem!I think he _______ to think twice before starting.‎ ‎ A.should be told B.shouldn't be told C.should tell ‎6.(2019广元)Many old trees and houses __________ by the terrible rainstorm last night.‎ ‎ A. are pulled down B. were pulled down C. will be pulled down ‎7.(2019孝感)—I'm tired of cleaning the house.‎ ‎ —Sweeping robots more and more widely today. Why not buy one?‎ ‎ A. are used B. were used ‎ ‎ C. are using D. used ‎8.(2019达州)—Dr.Bethune helped a lot of Chinese in the 1930s, he is a great international soldier.‎ ‎ —I know, so he __________ still __________ in both China and Canada now. ‎ ‎ A.has;remembered B.is;remembered ‎ ‎ C.well;remember D.is;remembering ‎9.(2019成都)Unluckily, Notre Dame de Paris (巴黎圣母院) ______ this April. We felt so sad for that.‎ ‎ A. was burnt B. is burnt C. has been burnt ‎10.(2019本溪)As far as I know, the robot that can sweep the floor ________ in the 1980s.‎ ‎ A.is invented B.invented ‎ ‎ C.was invented D.has invented ‎11.(2019吉林)The environment in my hometown is improving because many trees every year.‎ ‎ A.plant B.planted C.are planted ‎12.(2019邵阳)—Waiter! I'd like some Shaoyang rice noodles.‎ ‎ —Sorry, sir. Rice noodles ________ only in the morning.‎ ‎ A.serve B.will serve C.are served ‎13.(2019河南)—Where is your book report? Did your dog eat it again?‎ ‎ —No, it almost _________, and then my computer just died on me!‎ ‎ A. /; finishes B./; finished ‎ ‎ C.is; finished D. was; finished ‎14. (2019海南)—China plans to send another spaceship into space.‎ ‎ —Wow! More and more secrets __________ soon.‎ ‎ A.are going to discover ‎ ‎ B.will be discovered ‎ ‎ C.have discovered ‎15.(2019南充)—Lucy, what have you learnt from this history class?‎ ‎ —Paper __________first __________about 2,000 years ago in China.‎ ‎ A. is; invented B. was; invented ‎ ‎ C. is; inventing D. was; inventing ‎16.(2019柳州)This book ________________ by children. ‎ ‎ A. loves B. loved C. is loved ‎17.(2019河池)Look at the flowers on both sides of the streets.They __________ last month.‎ ‎ A.were planted B.are planted ‎ ‎ C.are planting D.were planting ‎18.(2019贵港)—Do you know the famous artist in red?‎ ‎ —Sure.He to the art festival in our city every year.‎ ‎ A.invites B.invited ‎ ‎ C.is invited D.was invited ‎19. (2019天水)National Day celebrations for China's seventieth birthday in about three months.‎ ‎ A.will be held B.will hold ‎ ‎ C.is held D.was held ‎20.(2019广东)It is said that one Greater Bay Area university ____ in Guangdong in the future. ‎ ‎ A. will be built B. build ‎ ‎ C. will build D. is built ‎21.(2019镇江)Have you heard that the 2022 Winter Olympics ______________ in Beijing?‎ ‎ A. held B. are held ‎ ‎ C. were held D. will be held ‎22.(2019岳阳)It’s reported that Notre-Dame de paris (巴黎圣母院)________ in April 2019.‎ ‎ A. was burnt B. is burnt C. be burnt ‎23.(2019临沂)Around the world, 300 million tons of plastic _________each year, of which about 10 percent ends up in the sea.‎ ‎ A. is created B. was created C. creates ‎24.(2019湘西州)—Who's the little boy in the photo?‎ ‎ —It's me. The photo when I was six years old.‎ ‎ A. takes B. took C. was taken ‎25.(2019天水)National Day celebrations for China's seventieth birthday in about three months.‎ ‎ A. will be held B. will hold ‎ ‎ C. is held D. was held ‎26.(2019南通)—What do you think of yesterday’s activity in your community?‎ ‎ —Wonderful. A lot of useful advice on self-protection .‎ ‎ A. is offered B. are offered ‎ ‎ C. was offered D. were offered ‎27.(2019吉林)The environment in my hometown is improving because many trees every year.‎ ‎ A. plant B. planted C. are planted ‎28.(2019河南)—Where is your book report? Did your dog eat it again?‎ ‎ —No, it almost ,and then my computer just died on me!‎ ‎ A. 不填;finishes B. 不填;finished ‎ ‎ C. is; finished D. was; finished ‎29.(2019北京】My advice on how to save paper _________ by my class last Monday.‎ ‎ A. accepts B. accepted ‎ ‎ C. was accepted D. is accepted ‎30.(2019河池)Look at the flowers on both sides of the streets, They _________ last month.‎ ‎ A. were planted B. are planted ‎ ‎ C. are planting D. were planting ‎31.(2019连云港)It's reported the medals for the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo __________ from 100% recycled material.‎ ‎ A. are making B. have made ‎ ‎ C. is made D. will be made ‎32.(2019贵阳)The Meitan Tea Museum, a famous building in Guizhou, in the shape of a giant teapot.‎ ‎ A. will be built B. should be built C. was built ‎33.(2019河北】These cakes _________ with chocolate. Have one, please.‎ ‎ A. fill B. filled ‎ ‎ C. are filled D. were filled ‎34.(2019广元)Many old trees and houses __________ by the terrible rainstorm last night.‎ ‎ A. are pulled down B. were pulled down C. will be pulled down ‎35.(2019南京)The China International Search and Rescue Team has brought help and hope to people in disasters around the world since it ______18 years ago.‎ ‎ A.set up B.is set up ‎ ‎ C.was set up D.will be set up ‎36.(2019益阳)A lot of trees ____________ every spring in Yiyang city.‎ ‎ A. plant B. is planted C. are planted ‎37.(2019重庆)His car ____ five years ago, but it looks quite new.‎ ‎ A. buys B. bought ‎ ‎ C. is bought D. was bought ‎38.(2019襄阳)— I enjoy walking on the clean streets in the morning. ‎ ‎ — You know they _ by the hard-working cleaners every day.‎ ‎ A. clean B. are cleaned ‎ ‎ C. are cleaning D. will clean ‎39.(2019江西)Gina went to the doctor’s yesterday and she ______ about the importance of good living habits once more.‎ ‎ A. told B. is told C. was told D. has told ‎40.(2019咸宁)— The passenger refused to move after taking another one’s seat!‎ ‎ —What a shame! He according to the new credit system(诚信体系).‎ ‎ A. punish B. punished ‎ ‎ C. will punish D. will be punished ‎41.(2019黄冈)—Oh, your room is too dirty, Mike!‎ ‎ —Sorry, Mum. It ___ _yesterday. I forgot to do it.‎ ‎ A. didn’t clean B. isn’t cleaned ‎ ‎ C. was cleaned D. wasn’t cleaned ‎42.(2019眉山)Paper first about two thousand years ago in China by Cai Lun.‎ ‎ A. is; inventing B. is; invented ‎ ‎ C. has; invented D. was; invented ‎43.(2019敦煌)A baby's first month birthday is a special event in China and _____ with a special Party.‎ ‎ A. celebrates B. is celebrated ‎ ‎ C. was celebrated D. will celebrate ‎44.(2019岳阳)It's reported that Notre﹣Dame de Paris(巴黎圣母院)_____in April 2019.‎ ‎ A.was burnt B.is burnt C.be burnt ‎45.(2019安徽)The villagers expect that the building of the bridge ____ before the rainy season comes.‎ ‎ A. is completed B. was completed ‎ ‎ C. will be completed D. has been completed ‎46.(2019长沙)— Perfect photos! Good skills!‎ ‎ — Thank you. They ______ by my Huawei mobile phone. In fact, I am not skillful at all.‎ ‎ A. took B. were taken C. will be taken ‎47.(2019福建)As one of the most exciting sports, volleyball __________ in the Olympic Games in 1964.‎ ‎ A. included B. is included C. was included ‎48.(2019宜昌)—It’s reported that 31 of the brave young men in a big forest fire in Sichuan.‎ ‎ —I don’t know who they are, but I know who they are for.‎ ‎ A. were killing B. were killed C. killed D. had killed ‎2019年中考英语真题专题训练——语态专题参考答案 ‎1.(2019昆明)With the rapid progress in high technology, 5G around most parts of China in the near future.‎ ‎ A.is used B.is using ‎ ‎ C. will use D. will be used ‎【答案】D ‎2.(2019天津)The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge _______ in 2018. We are proud of it.‎ ‎ A.is completed B.is completing ‎ ‎ C.was completed D.completes ‎【答案】C ‎3.(2019重庆)These machines _____ in their factory by themselves last year.‎ ‎ A. make B. made ‎ ‎ C. are made D. were made ‎【答案】D ‎4.(2019遂宁)Some people think trees ____ on Tree Planting Day only.‎ ‎ A.should plant B.should be planted ‎ ‎ C.should be plant D.should be planting ‎【答案】B ‎5.(2019自贡)—Tom is always careless with his schoolwork.Could you help him?‎ ‎ —No problem!I think he _______ to think twice before starting.‎ ‎ A.should be told B.shouldn't be told C.should tell ‎【答案】A。‎ ‎6.(2019广元)Many old trees and houses __________ by the terrible rainstorm last night.‎ ‎ A. are pulled down B. were pulled down C. will be pulled down ‎【答案】B ‎7.(2019孝感)—I'm tired of cleaning the house.‎ ‎ —Sweeping robots more and more widely today. Why not buy one?‎ ‎ A. are used B. were used ‎ ‎ C. are using D. used ‎【答案】A ‎8.(2019达州)—Dr.Bethune helped a lot of Chinese in the 1930s, he is a great international soldier.‎ ‎ —I know, so he __________ still __________ in both China and Canada now. ‎ ‎ A.has;remembered B.is;remembered ‎ ‎ C.well;remember D.is;remembering ‎【答案】B ‎9.(2019成都)Unluckily, Notre Dame de Paris (巴黎圣母院) ______ this April. We felt so sad for that.‎ ‎ A. was burnt B. is burnt C. has been burnt ‎【答案】A ‎10.(2019本溪)As far as I know, the robot that can sweep the floor ________ in the 1980s.‎ ‎ A.is invented B.invented ‎ ‎ C.was invented D.has invented ‎【答案】C ‎11.(2019吉林)The environment in my hometown is improving because many trees every year.‎ ‎ A.plant B.planted C.are planted ‎【答案】‎ ‎12.(2019邵阳)—Waiter! I'd like some Shaoyang rice noodles.‎ ‎ —Sorry, sir. Rice noodles ________ only in the morning.‎ ‎ A.serve B.will serve C.are served ‎【答案】C ‎13.(2019河南)—Where is your book report? Did your dog eat it again?‎ ‎ —No, it almost _________, and then my computer just died on me!‎ ‎ A. /; finishes B./; finished ‎ ‎ C.is; finished D. was; finished ‎【答案】‎ ‎14. (2019海南)—China plans to send another spaceship into space.‎ ‎ —Wow! More and more secrets __________ soon.‎ ‎ A.are going to discover ‎ ‎ B.will be discovered ‎ ‎ C.have discovered ‎【答案】B ‎15.(2019南充)—Lucy, what have you learnt from this history class?‎ ‎ —Paper __________first __________about 2,000 years ago in China.‎ ‎ A. is; invented B. was; invented ‎ ‎ C. is; inventing D. was; inventing ‎【答案】B ‎16.(2019柳州)This book ________________ by children. ‎ ‎ A. loves B. loved C. is loved ‎【答案】C ‎17.(2019河池)Look at the flowers on both sides of the streets.They __________ last month.‎ ‎ A.were planted B.are planted ‎ ‎ C.are planting D.were planting ‎【答案】A ‎18.(2019贵港)—Do you know the famous artist in red?‎ ‎ —Sure.He to the art festival in our city every year.‎ ‎ A.invites B.invited ‎ ‎ C.is invited D.was invited ‎【答案】C ‎19. (2019天水)National Day celebrations for China's seventieth birthday in about three months.‎ ‎ A.will be held B.will hold ‎ ‎ C.is held D.was held ‎【答案】A ‎20.(2019广东)It is said that one Greater Bay Area university ____ in Guangdong in the future. ‎ ‎ A. will be built B. build ‎ ‎ C. will build D. is built ‎【答案】A ‎21.(2019镇江)Have you heard that the 2022 Winter Olympics ______________ in Beijing?‎ ‎ A. held B. are held ‎ ‎ C. were held D. will be held ‎【答案】D ‎22.(2019岳阳)It’s reported that Notre-Dame de paris (巴黎圣母院)________ in April 2019.‎ ‎ A. was burnt B. is burnt C. be burnt ‎【答案】A ‎23.(2019临沂)Around the world, 300 million tons of plastic _________each year, of which about 10 percent ends up in the sea.‎ ‎ A. is created B. was created C. creates ‎【答案】A ‎24.(2019湘西州)—Who's the little boy in the photo?‎ ‎ —It's me. The photo when I was six years old.‎ ‎ A. takes B. took C. was taken ‎【答案】C ‎25.(2019天水)National Day celebrations for China's seventieth birthday in about three months.‎ ‎ A. will be held B. will hold ‎ ‎ C. is held D. was held ‎【答案】A ‎26.(2019南通)—What do you think of yesterday’s activity in your community?‎ ‎ —Wonderful. A lot of useful advice on self-protection .‎ ‎ A. is offered B. are offered ‎ ‎ C. was offered D. were offered ‎【答案】C ‎27.(2019吉林)The environment in my hometown is improving because many trees every year.‎ ‎ A. plant B. planted C. are planted ‎【答案】C ‎28.(2019河南)—Where is your book report? Did your dog eat it again?‎ ‎ —No, it almost ,and then my computer just died on me!‎ ‎ A. 不填;finishes B. 不填;finished ‎ ‎ C. is; finished D. was; finished ‎【答案】D ‎29.(2019北京】My advice on how to save paper _________ by my class last Monday.‎ ‎ A. accepts B. accepted ‎ ‎ C. was accepted D. is accepted ‎【答案】C ‎30.(2019河池)Look at the flowers on both sides of the streets, They _________ last month.‎ ‎ A. were planted B. are planted ‎ ‎ C. are planting D. were planting ‎【答案】A ‎31.(2019连云港)It's reported the medals for the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo __________ from 100% recycled material.‎ ‎ A. are making B. have made ‎ ‎ C. is made D. will be made ‎【答案】D ‎32.(2019贵阳)The Meitan Tea Museum, a famous building in Guizhou, in the shape of a giant teapot.‎ ‎ A. will be built B. should be built C. was built ‎【答案】C ‎33.(2019河北】These cakes _________ with chocolate. Have one, please.‎ ‎ A. fill B. filled ‎ ‎ C. are filled D. were filled ‎【答案】C ‎34.(2019广元)Many old trees and houses __________ by the terrible rainstorm last night.‎ ‎ A. are pulled down B. were pulled down C. will be pulled down ‎【答案】B ‎35.(2019南京)The China International Search and Rescue Team has brought help and hope to people in disasters around the world since it ______18 years ago.‎ ‎ A.set up B.is set up ‎ ‎ C.was set up D.will be set up ‎【答案】C ‎36.(2019益阳)A lot of trees ____________ every spring in Yiyang city.‎ ‎ A. plant B. is planted C. are planted ‎【答案】C ‎37.(2019重庆)His car ____ five years ago, but it looks quite new.‎ ‎ A. buys B. bought ‎ ‎ C. is bought D. was bought ‎【答案】D ‎38.(2019襄阳)— I enjoy walking on the clean streets in the morning. ‎ ‎ — You know they _ by the hard-working cleaners every day.‎ ‎ A. clean B. are cleaned ‎ ‎ C. are cleaning D. will clean ‎【答案】B ‎39.(2019江西)Gina went to the doctor’s yesterday and she ______ about the importance of good ‎ living habits once more.‎ ‎ A. told B. is told C. was told D. has told ‎【答案】C ‎40.(2019咸宁)— The passenger refused to move after taking another one’s seat!‎ ‎ —What a shame! He according to the new credit system(诚信体系).‎ ‎ A. punish B. punished ‎ ‎ C. will punish D. will be punished ‎【答案】D ‎41.(2019黄冈)—Oh, your room is too dirty, Mike!‎ ‎ —Sorry, Mum. It ___ _yesterday. I forgot to do it.‎ ‎ A. didn’t clean B. isn’t cleaned ‎ ‎ C. was cleaned D. wasn’t cleaned ‎【答案】D ‎42.(2019眉山)Paper first about two thousand years ago in China by Cai Lun.‎ ‎ A. is; inventing B. is; invented ‎ ‎ C. has; invented D. was; invented ‎【答案】D ‎43.(2019敦煌)A baby's first month birthday is a special event in China and _____ with a special Party.‎ ‎ A. celebrates B. is celebrated ‎ ‎ C. was celebrated D. will celebrate ‎【答案】B ‎44.(2019岳阳)It's reported that Notre﹣Dame de Paris(巴黎圣母院)_____in April 2019.‎ ‎ A.was burnt B.is burnt C.be burnt ‎【答案】A ‎45.(2019安徽)The villagers expect that the building of the bridge ____ before the rainy season comes.‎ ‎ A. is completed B. was completed ‎ ‎ C. will be completed D. has been completed ‎【答案】C ‎46.(2019长沙)— Perfect photos! Good skills!‎ ‎ — Thank you. They ______ by my Huawei mobile phone. In fact, I am not skillful at all.‎ ‎ A. took B. were taken C. will be taken ‎【答案】B ‎47.(2019福建)As one of the most exciting sports, volleyball __________ in the Olympic Games in 1964.‎ ‎ A. included B. is included C. was included ‎【答案】C ‎48.(2019宜昌)—It’s reported that 31 of the brave young men in a big forest fire in Sichuan.‎ ‎ —I don’t know who they are, but I know who they are for.‎ ‎ A. were killing B. were killed C. killed D. had killed ‎【答案】B

