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第二部分 语言知识运用 精做06 完形填空记叙文 完形填空是语言知识运用的第一节,共20小题,每小题1.5分。在一篇约250词的短文中留出20个空白,要求考生从每题所给的4个选项中选出最佳选项,使补全后的短文意思通顺, 前后连贯, 结构完整。‎ 全国卷对完形填空的考查,近几年来一直以记叙文和夹叙夹议文为主,以说明文和议论文为辅,2016年全国卷Ⅰ和全国卷Ⅲ的完形填空就选用了记叙文,全国卷Ⅱ采用了夹叙夹议文。从选材到试题的设置都呈现出"稳中有变"的特点:‎ ‎1. 题材相对稳定:文章的选材都是中学生熟悉的话题,能够传递正能量,弘扬社会主义核心价值观,读后 ‎ 能给考生带来心灵的启迪。且文章大多原汁原味,语言地道,注重思想性和教育性,具有积极的教育意 ‎ 义,体现出了课程标准中对培养学生的情感、态度和价值观的要求。‎ ‎2. 文章短小精悍:完形填空的文章长度一般为250词左右,结构完整,脉络清晰,难度适中,全文设置20‎ ‎ 个空格,要求考生根据文章的整体内容,从层次结构和上下文的逻辑关系方面选择符合文章情节的选项,‎ ‎ 很少涉及纯语法知识试题。‎ ‎3. 稳定中有变化:近几年高考完形填空在选项的设置上,打破了传统的四个选项类别一致的命题规律。如 ‎ 2015年全国卷Ⅰ的第44题的四个选项中,有两个以-ly结尾的副词,另外两个副词为outside和by;2016‎ ‎ 年全国卷Ⅰ的第52题的四个选项中设置了三个形容词和一个副词,第47题和第54题的四个选项均由两 ‎ 个动词及两个动词词组构成,第59题把两个动词及两个介词短语设置为一组选项。此外,2016年增加了 ‎ 对代词的考查,考生备考时需要注意。‎ 近三年新课标卷完形填空考查情况统计表:‎ 试卷【来.源:全,品…中&高*考*网】‎ 类型 年份 文章【来.源:全,品…中&高*考*网】‎ 体裁 词数【来.源:全,品…中&高*考*网】‎ 文章话题、内容 考查类型 名/代词 动词 形容词 副词 连词 介词 卷I ‎2014年 议论文 ‎251‎ 通过举例说明这样一个道理:各种形式的活动,如果人们经常做,都会产生厌倦情绪。‎ ‎9‎ ‎4‎ ‎4‎ ‎3‎ ‎0‎ ‎0‎ ‎2015年 记叙文 ‎251‎ 讲述了在周末作者带孩子们去超市,在路上看到一个需要帮助的人。在超市里作者和孩子买了许多东西给这个需要帮助的人,从此以后作者和孩子帮助更多需要帮助的人。‎ ‎5‎ ‎8‎ ‎3‎ ‎3‎ ‎1‎ ‎0‎ ‎2016年 记叙文 ‎253‎ ‎5‎ ‎8‎ ‎3‎ ‎1‎ ‎2‎ ‎1‎ 讲述了司机Larry在路上遇到着火的汽车,积极救人的故事。‎ ‎2017年 记叙文 ‎266‎ 作者在大学期间学习手语的经历。‎ ‎5‎ ‎10‎ ‎4‎ ‎1‎ ‎0‎ ‎0‎ 卷II ‎2014年 记叙文 ‎263‎ 讲述了英国登山家Joe Simpson和同伴攀登安第斯山脉时遇到了困难,最终还是成功地活了下来的故事。‎ ‎4‎ ‎8‎ ‎4‎ ‎3‎ ‎1‎ ‎2015年 夹叙夹议文 ‎217 ‎ 通过讲述女儿参加足球比赛的经历告诉大家,亲身经历就是最好的学习方式。‎ ‎6‎ ‎7‎ ‎3‎ ‎3‎ ‎1‎ ‎0‎ ‎2016年 夹叙夹议文 ‎262‎ 作者通过自身的经历总结出,电话中的感受有时与现实生活中的感受不一致,因为像微笑这样无声的信号无法通过电话传播。‎ ‎4‎ ‎6‎ ‎5‎ ‎4‎ ‎0‎ ‎3‎ ‎2017年 记叙文 ‎266‎ 作者的一个学生Freddy的故事。‎ ‎8‎ ‎9‎ ‎3‎ 卷III ‎2016年 记叙文 ‎276‎ 讲述作者通过刻苦训练,最终实现了成为足球队明星球员的目标。‎ ‎7‎ ‎5‎ ‎5‎ ‎2‎ ‎1‎ ‎0‎ ‎2017年 记叙文 ‎271‎ ‎7‎ ‎9‎ ‎4‎ 一个加拿大青年在和女朋友分手后,希望免费赠送自己为女朋友购买的环球航空旅行机票的故事 ‎【应是策略】‎ 在记叙文类完形填空的解题过程中,除了需要具备扎实的语言知识之外,还需要一套过硬的解题方法和技巧,很明显,如果掌握了正确的解题思路,就会起到事半功倍的效果,从而大幅度提高正确率。‎ ‎1.重视首句,开篇明义。‎ ‎  从历年的试题可以看出,完形填空首句一般不设题。这为我们理解文章的内在联系提供了一个"窗口",它的句意往往为全文提供中心信息。所以应充分重视首句的指示作用,利用它为解题找到一个突破口,据此拓展思维,争取开局胜利。‎ ‎2.利用语境,揣摩心态。‎ 高考完形填空题逐渐摒弃语法分析,朝着深层化和语境化的方面挖掘,因此考生只有借助上下文乃至全文语境启示或限定,揣摩作者的心情,以及他对各个角色、各个事件的态度。在答题过程中,除了对关联用语的把握外,还要把握语气、动作等的描写。‎ ‎3. 瞻前顾后 ‎ 在完形填空的解题过程中,从空格前面的相关语句中寻找解题依据的方法通常被称为“瞻前法”;所谓“顾后”,是指在做完形填空时参考空后的有关信息来解题。‎ ‎4.理清线索,把握方向。‎ 记叙文一般按事件发展顺序叙述,有时用倒叙。答题时,通过理清人物间的关系,把握人物各自所做的事情,从而把握细节,找准作者的记叙方向,正确理解文章。‎ Cloze 1(2017·新课标卷I)‎ 体裁 文章话题 词数 建议时间 难度 自测正确率 记叙文 学习手语的经历 ‎266‎ ‎17分钟 ‎★★★☆☆‎ While high school does not generally encourage students to explore new aspects of life, college sets the stage for that exploration. I myself went through this 41 process and found something that has changed my 42 at college for the better: I discovered ASL — American Sign Language(美式手语).‎ I never felt an urge to 43 any sign language before. My entire family is hearing, and so are all my friends. The 44 languages were enough in all my interactions(交往). Little did I know that I would discover my 45 for ASL.‎ The 46 began during my first week at college. I watched as the ASL Club 47 their translation of a song. Both the hand movements and the very 48 of communicating without speaking 49 me. What I saw was completely unlike anything I had experienced in the 50 . This newness just left me ___51___ more.‎ After that, feeling the need to 52 further, I decided to drop in on one of ASL club’s meetings. I only learned how to 53 the alphabet that day. Yet instead of being discouraged by my 54 progress, I was excited. I then made it a point to 55 those meetings and learn all I could.‎ The following term, I 56 an ASL class. The professor was deaf and any talking was 57 . I soon realized that the silence was not unpleasant. 58 , if there had been any talking, it would have 59 us to learn less. Now, I appreciate the silence and the 60 way of communication it opens.‎ ‎41. A. searching B. planning C. natural D. formal ‎42. A. progress B. experience C. major D.‎ ‎ opinion ‎43. A. choose B. read C. learn D. create ‎44. A. official B. foreign C. body D. spoken ‎45. A. love B. concern C. goal D. request ‎46. A. meeting B. trip C. story D. task ‎47. A. recorded B. performed C. recited D. discussed ‎48. A. idea B. amount C. dream D. reason ‎49. A. disturbed B. supported C. embarrassed D. attracted ‎50. A. end B. past C. course D. distance ‎51. A. showing B. acting C. saying D. wanting ‎52. A. exercise B. explore C. express D. explain ‎53. A. print B. write C. sign D. count ‎54. A. slow B. steady C. normal D.‎ ‎ obvious ‎55. A. chair B. sponsor C. attend D. organize ‎56. A. missed B. passed C. gave up D. registered for ‎57. A. prohibited B. welcomed C. ignored D. repeated ‎58. A. Lastly     B. Thus    C. Instead   D. However ‎59. A. required   B. caused    C. allowed   D. expected ‎60. A. easy    B. popular    C. quick     D. new ‎41.A 考查形容词辨析。searching寻找的,探索的;planning计划的;natural自然的;formal正式的。句意:我自己经历了这个探索的过程。根据前文While high school does not generally encourage students to explore new aspects of life, college sets the stage for that exploration可知大学为探索提供了舞台,所以这里指的是作者"探索"的过程。故选A。‎ ‎42.B 考查名词辨析。progress进步;experience经历;major主修科目;opinion观点。句意:我发现有些东西改变了我的大学生活经历。故选B。‎ ‎43.C 考查动词辨析。choose选择;read看,读;learn学习;create创造。句意:我以前从没有过学习手语的冲动。故选C。‎ ‎44.D 考查形容词辨析。official官方的;foreign外国的;body肢体的;spoken口语的。根据前文My entire family is hearing, and so are all my friends.可知作者的家人及朋友都可以听得到,因此作者认为在平时的交流中,口语就足够了。spoken language口语。故选D。‎ ‎45.A 考查名词辨析。love热爱;concern关心,顾虑;goal目标;request请求。句意:我没想过我会发现自己对美式手语的热爱。前文中I never felt an urge to 43 any sign language before表明作者以前从未想过学习手语,而根据后文内容可知作者非常喜欢手语。故选A。‎ ‎46.C 考查名词辨析。meeting会议;trip旅行;story故事;task任务。句意:故事发生在我上大学的第一周。 分析语境可知在这里作者开始讲述在大学学习手语的事情,故选C。‎ ‎47.B 考查动词辨析。record记录;perform表现,表演 ;recite背诵;discuss讨论。句意:我观看他们在ASL俱乐部表演一首歌的翻译。分析语境可知ASL 俱乐部是手语俱乐部,因此他们应该是在用手语表演一首歌。故选B。‎ ‎48. A 考查名词辨析。idea想法;amount数量;dream梦想;reason原因。句意:手的动作和不用语言进行交流的想法吸引了我。分析语境可知作者当时在看手语表演,而手语就是为了帮助人们交流而设计的手势。故选A。‎ ‎51.D 考查动词辨析。show展示;act行动; say说;want想要。句意:这种新奇的感觉使我想了解更多。分析语境可知作者被手语吸引,想要进一步了解手语,所以也有了后文中的参加手语俱乐部的会议,上手语课的经历。故选D。‎ ‎52.B 考查动词辨析。exercise锻炼;explore探索;express表达;explain解释。句意:在那之后,我感觉到想要探索更多(关于手语的东西),于是我决定参加ASL 俱乐部的一次会议。故选B。‎ ‎53.C 考查动词辨析。print打印;write写;sign签名,打手语;count数。句意:那天我只学会了打字母表的手语。分析语境可知作者第一次参加手语俱乐部的会议,学会的应该是最基本的打字母表的手语。故选C。‎ ‎54.A 考查形容词辨析。slow缓慢的;steady平稳的;normal正常的;obvious明显的。句意:我并没有因为自己进步缓慢而沮丧,相反我很兴奋。因为作者只学会了打字母表的手语,所以进步是很慢的。故选A。‎ ‎55.C 考查动词辨析。chair主持,使……入座;sponsor赞助;attend参加;organize组织。句意:之后我下定决心参加俱乐部所有的会议,学习我能学习的一切。attend a meeting参加会议。故选C。‎ ‎56.D 考查动词辨析。miss错过,想念;pass通过;give up放弃;register for报名,注册。句意:接下来的一个学期,我报名上了一个手语班。故选D。全品教学网 ‎57.A 考查动词辨析。prohibit禁止;welcome欢迎;ignore忽视;repeat重复。句意:教授的耳朵听不见,任何口语交流都是禁止的。根据后文if there had been any talking可知在课堂上禁止用口语交流。故选A。‎ ‎58.C 考查副词辨析。lastly最后,终于;thus因此,如此;instead反而,相反地;however然而。句意:反而,如果当时有口语交流,那只会造成我们学的手语更少。根据前文I soon realized that the silence was not unpleasant.可知作者很快意识到安静并不是令人不愉快的,反而有口语交流会影响他们学习手语。故选C。‎ Cloze 2(2017·新课标卷II)‎ 体裁 文章话题 词数 建议时间 难度 自测正确率 记叙文 既有趣又有同情心学生Freddy ‎266‎ ‎17分钟 ‎★★★☆☆‎ In1973,I was teaching elementary school. Each day,27kids 41 "The Thinking Laboratory." That was the 42 students voted for after deciding that "Room 104" was too 43 .‎ Freddy was an average 44 ,but not an average person .He had the rare balance of fun and compassion(同情).He would 45 the loudest over fun and be the saddest over anyone’s 46 .‎ Before the school year 47 ,I gave the kids a special 48 , T-shirts with the words "Verbs Are Your 49 " on them. I had advised the kids that while verbs(动词)may seem dull ,most of the 50 things they do throughout their lives will be verbs.‎ Through the years, I’d run into former students who would provide 51 on old classmates. I learned that Freddy did several jobs after his 52 from high school and remained the same 53 person I met forty years before .Once, while working overnight at a store, he let a homeless man 54 in his truck. Another time ,he 55 a friend money to buy a house .‎ Just last year, I was 56 a workshop when someone knocked at the classroom door. A woman 57 the interruption and handed me an envelope. I stopped teaching and 58 it up. Inside were the "Verbs" shirt and a 59 from Freddy’s mother. "Freddy passed away on Thanksgiving. He wanted you to have this."‎ I told the story to the class. As sad as it was, I couldn’t help smiling. Although Freddy was taken from us, we all 60 something from Freddy.‎ ‎41. A. built B. entered C. decorated D. ran ‎42. A. name B. rule C. brand D. plan ‎43. A. small B. dark C. strange D. dull ‎44. A. scholar B. student C. citizen D. worker ‎45. A. speak B. sing C. question D. laugh ‎46. A. misfortune B. disbelief C. dishonesty D. mistake ‎47. A. changed B. approached C. returned D. ended ‎48.A.lesson B. gift C. report D. message ‎49. A. Friends B. Awards C. Masters D. Tasks ‎50. A. simple B. unique C. fun D. clever ‎51. A. assessments B. comments C. instructions D. updates ‎52. A. graduation B. retirement C. separation D. resignation ‎53. A. daring B. modest C. caring D. smart ‎54. A. wait B. sleep C. study D. live ‎55. A. paid B. charged C. lent D. owed ‎56. A. observing B. preparing C. designing D. conducting ‎57. A. regretted B. avoided C. excused D. ignored ‎58. A. opened B. packed C. gave D. held ‎59. A. picture B. bill C. note D. diary ‎60. A. chose B. took C. expected D. borrowed ‎41.B 考查动词词义辨析,A. built 建造, B. entered 进入, C. decorated 装饰, D. ran跑步。每天,27个孩子都会"进入""思想实验室",故选B。‎ ‎42.A 考查名词词义辨析,A. name名字, B. rule规则,C. brand品牌, D. plan计划。 "思想实验室"这个"名字"是同学们投票得来的,故选A。‎ ‎43.D 考查形容词词义辨析,A. small小的,B. dark 黑的, C. strange 奇怪的, D. dull无聊的,由后文可知,同学们是因为"104室"这个名字太"无聊"才把名字改为"思想实验室"的,故选D。‎ ‎44.B 考查名词词义辨析,A. scholar学者, B. student学生, C. citizen市民, D. worker工人,通读全文可知Freddy是作者的一名"学生",故选B。‎ ‎45.D 考查动词词义辨析,A. speak 说, B. sing 唱歌, C. question质问, D. laugh大笑。对于好玩的事情,他会"笑"得最大声,故选D。‎ ‎46.A 考查名词词义辨析,A. misfortune不幸, B. disbelief怀疑,C. dishonesty不诚实, D. mistake错误,根据前句:Freddy在有趣和富有同情心之间可以做到罕见的平衡,所以对于任何人的"不幸",他会很悲伤,故选A。‎ ‎47.D 考查动词词义辨析,A. changed 改变, B. approached接近, C. returned返回,D. ended结束。在学期"结束"之前,我…… 故选D。‎ ‎48.B 考查名词词义辨析,A.lesson课,教训, B.gift礼物, C.report 报告,D.message信息,根据后文可知作者送给Freddy一件衬衫,即一个特殊的礼物,故选B。‎ ‎49.A 考查名词词义辨析,A.Friends 朋友,B.Awards奖, C.Masters 主人,D.Tasks任务。衬衫上写着 ‎"动词是你的朋友",故选A。‎ ‎50.C 考查形容词词义辨析,A.simple 简单的,B.unique独特的, C. fun 有趣的,D.clever聪明的。 "尽管动词也许看起来很无聊,但人们的一生当中做的大部分有趣之事都将是动词","无聊"与"有趣"相对,故选C。‎ ‎53.C 考查形容词词义辨析,A.daring勇敢的, B.modest 谦虚的,C.caring贴心的, D.smart聪明的。他让无家可归的人睡在了他的卡车上,可知他仍然是很爱关照人的,贴心的,故选C。‎ ‎54.B 考查动词词义辨析,A.wait等待,B.sleep 睡觉, C.study 学习, D.live居住。他让一位无家可归的人"睡在"他的卡车上,故选B。‎ ‎55.C 考查动词词义辨析,A.paid ,支付,B.charged 索要, C.lent 借出, D.owed欠。还有一次,他借钱给朋友,让朋友买到房,故选C。‎ ‎56.D 考查动词词义辨析,A.observing观察, B.preparing 准备,C. designing设计, D.conducting组织,实施,执行。我正在班级里组织一个专题研讨会的时候,突然有人敲门,故选D。‎ ‎57.C 考查动词词义辨析,A.regretted 后悔,遗憾, B.avoided避免,C.excused原谅,宽恕, D.ignored忽视。因为当时正在上课,所以这名女子为自己的打断行为要求得到原谅,故选C。‎ ‎58.A 考查动词词义辨析,A.opened打开,B.packed打包, C.gave给予, D.held握住。我停止教学,打开信封,故选A。全品教学网 Cloze 3(2017·新课标卷III)‎ 体裁 文章话题 词数 建议时间 难度 自测正确率 记叙文 年轻人无私的精神 ‎271‎ ‎18分钟 ‎★★★☆☆‎ A Toronto man is offering a free round-the-world air ticket to the right woman. But 41 apply. You must be named Elizabeth Gallagher and have a Canadian 42 .‎ Jordan Axani, 28, said he and his then girlfriend, Elizabeth Gallagher, booked heavily discounted round-the-world air tickets in May, but their 43 ended and he did not want her ticket to 44 . The ticket had a strict no-transfer(不可转让) 45 , but since passport information was not required when 46 , any Canadian Elizabeth Gallagher can 47 it. ‎ ‎"I just want to see the ticket go to good use and for someone to 48 a lot of joy," said Axani. He posted his 49 on a social networking website, and received thousands of e-mails, including thirty from actual Elizabeth Gallaghers with the 50 passports. "More 51 , there are hundreds of Canadians who are interested in 52 their name to Elizabeth Gallagher," Axani said. "It was absolutely out of 53 , thousands of e-mails, people around the world 54 their stories of travel."‎ Axani wrote in his post that he is not 55 anything in return and that the woman who uses the 56 ticket can choose to either travel with him or 57 the ticket and travel on her own.‎ The 58 is scheduled to start on December 21 in New York City and continue on to Milan, Prague, Paris, Bangkok and New Delhi before 59 in Toronto on January 8. He said the 60 ‎ ‎ woman will be announced on the website and the trip will be shared online.‎ ‎41. A. benefits B. deposits C. restrictions D. examinations ‎42. A. origin B. passport C. accent D. friend ‎43. A. holiday B. marriage C. dream D. relationship ‎44. A. go to waste B. come to mind C. go on sale D. come into effect ‎ ‎45. A. policy B. order C. payment D. schedule ‎46. A. applying B. booking C. checking D. bargaining ‎47. A. use B. borrow C. choose D. buy ‎48. A. sacrifice B. express C. experience D. provide ‎49. A. answer B. advice C. offer D. comment ‎50. A. same B. right C. new D. real ‎51. A. interesting B. annoying C. satisfying D. convincing ‎52. A. writing B. giving C. lending D. changing ‎53. A. touch B. question C. date D. control ‎54. A. admiring B. advertising C. sharing D. doubting ‎55. A. leaving B. looking for C. losing D. dealing with ‎ ‎56. A. single B. strange C. regular D. extra ‎57. A. return B. take C. reserve D. hide ‎58. A. interview B. program C. trip D. meeting ‎59. A. ending B. calling C. repeating D. staying ‎60. A. honored B. lovely C. intelligent D. lucky ‎42.B 考查名词。A. origin 来源;B. passport护照;C. accent 口音;D. friend朋友。根据第三段中的including thirty from actual Elizabeth Gallaghers with the 50 passports可知,申请人需要有加拿大的护照。故选B。‎ ‎43.D 考查名词。A. holiday 假期;B. marriage 婚姻;C. dream梦想;D. relationship关系。根据下文Jordan Axani转让机票可知他和女朋友关系结束了。‎ ‎44.A 考查动词短语。A. go to waste浪费;B. come to mind想到;C. go on sale 开始销售;D. come into e ffect 开始生效。根据下文"I just want to see the ticket go to good use and for someone to 48 a lot of joy"可知他之所以想把票赠送给同名的人,目的是不想浪费掉机票。故选A。‎ ‎45.A 考查名词。A. policy政策;B. order 命令;C. payment 付款;D. schedule 计划,时间表。机票都是实名制,而且不可以转让,根据常识和语境可知这是一种政策。故选A。‎ ‎46.B 考查动词。A. applying申请;B. booking预订;C. checking核实;D. bargaining讨价还价。虽然机票不可转让,但是在预订的时候不需要护照的具体信息,因此在预订后这张机票可以给姓名相同的人使用。故选B。‎ ‎47.A 考查动词。A. use使用;B. borrow借用;C. choose选择;D. buy 购买。根据上文的介绍可知,因为护照信息没有登记,所以任何一个名叫Elizabeth Gallagher,而且拥有加拿大护照的人都可以用这张机票。‎ ‎48.C 考查动词。A. sacrifice牺牲;B. express表达;C. experience经历;D. provide提供。人们如果能免费环球旅行,当然会享受到很多的乐趣。‎ ‎49.C 考查名词。A. answer 答案;B. advice建议;C. offer提议;D. comment评论。根据上文可知Jordan Axani在社交网站上贴出的是自己的提议,即免费赠送机票。‎ ‎50.B 考查形容词。A. same同样的;B. right正确的;C. new新的;D. real真的。根据空前的actual Elizabeth Gallaghers 以及文章首段对申请这张免费机票的要求可知,这里是指申请者中包括30位同名且拥有正确护照的人。‎ ‎53.D 考查名词。A. touch触动;B. question问题;C. date日期;D. control控制。根据后句内容可知,世界上的很多人都知道这件事,如果允许人们改名字的话,那么事情就会无法控制。‎ ‎54.C 考查动词。A. admiring羡慕;B. advertising 广告;C. sharing分享;D. doubting怀疑。根据上文可知Jordan Axani收到了数千封邮件,所以很多人都分享他们的旅行故事。‎ ‎55.B 考查动词。A. leaving 离开;B. looking for 寻找;C. losing失去;D. dealing with 对付。根据文章首段的首句可知Jordan Axani是免费送给别人他多余的票,而不求回报。‎ ‎58.C 考查名词。A. interview采访;B. program项目;C. trip旅行;D. meeting会面。根据第三段末句their stories of travel可知,Jordan Axani是在赠送环球旅行的飞机票。‎ ‎59.A 考查动词。A. ending结尾;B. calling 打电话;C. repeating 重复;D. staying停留。根据句意可知旅行是December 21从纽约出发,途经米兰、布拉格等多个城市,最后到达多伦多,结束旅行。‎ ‎60.D 考查形容词。A. honored 感到光荣的;B. lovely可爱的;C. intelligent聪明的;D. lucky幸运的。文章介绍了Jordan Axani免费赠送环球旅行的机票的故事,所以能选上的人是幸运的人。‎ 模拟精做 Cloze 1(河北省石家庄市第二中学2017届高三下学期模拟)‎ 体裁 文章话题 词数 建议时间 难度 自测正确率 记叙文 小提琴演奏者Fritz Kreisler 的故事 ‎314‎ ‎17分钟 ‎★★★☆☆‎ Life is to be lived. No excuses. No reservations (保留). No holding back.‎ A story about the violinist Fritz Kreisler tells how he once 1 a beautiful instrument he wanted to acquire. When he 2 raised the money for the violin, he returned to 3 it and learned that it had already been sold to a(n) 4 .‎ He went to the new owner’s home in order to try to 5 him to sell the violin. 6 , ‎ the collector said it was one of his prized possessions and he could not let it go. Kreisler felt 7 and turned to leave, but then asked a favor, "May I play the instrument once more _ 8 _ it is put away?" ‎ ‎ 9 was given and the great musician began to play. The 10 sang out a quality of music which was so beautiful that the collector himself could only listen in 11 . "I have no 12 to keep that to myself," he said after the musician finished. "The violin is yours, Mr. Kreisler. Take it into world, and let people 13 it."‎ You and I are excellent violins-our 14 is meant to be heard.‎ I want to live my 15 that way-to take it into the world and live it fully. I’d rather burn out than rust out. I’d rather be 16 than die not having done whatever I could.‎ I’m not talking about 17 ourselves by doing too much. Happiness is never found in overmuch busyness. But it is found in investing our lives in others. Say yes when asked for a hand.. 18 to work for a worthwhile organization. Spend an hour with a 19 relative.‎ In the end, I know that my happiness is not about by my ability or my inability. It is about how much I 20 to others.‎ ‎1.A. found out B. came across C. came to D. picked out ‎2.A. slowly B. actually C. eventually D. regularly ‎3.A. buy B. play C. pick D. get ‎4.A. musician B. performer C. player D. collector ‎5.A. force B. persuade C. advise D. ask ‎6.A. Therefore B. Besides C. However D. Otherwise ‎7.A. disappointed B. angry C. helpless D. desperate ‎8.A. unless B. after C. until D. before ‎9.A. Judgment B. Permission C. Award D. Appreciation ‎10.A. violin B. musician C. singer D. collector ‎11.A. amazement B. agreement C. puzzlement D. embarrassment ‎12.A. freedom B. right C. interest D. money ‎13.A. play B. know C. feel D. hear ‎14.A. story B. sound C. music D. message ‎15.A. life B. dream C. hobby D. reality ‎16.A. hung up B. put up C. used up D. dressed up ‎17.A. exhausting B. requesting C. fighting D. changing ‎18.A. Struggle B. Volunteer C. Manage D. Promise ‎19.A. special B. close C. tired D. lonely ‎20.A. turn B. treat C. give D. adapt ‎【语篇解读】本文为一篇记叙文。 这是一个关于小提琴演奏者Fritz Kreisler 的迷人故事,讲的是他如何曾经偶然发现他想要获得的一个美丽的乐器并最终得到了它。通过这个故事,作者知道他的快乐与他的能力或他的无能无关。快乐与他有没有去做有关。他的生活是用来过的。‎ ‎3.A 考查动词辨析。A. buy买;B. play演奏;C. pick捡起;D. get得到。此处指"攒够了钱,他回去买那个小提琴"。故选A。‎ ‎4.D 考查名词辨析。A. musician音乐家;B. performer演出者;C. player球员;D. collector 收藏家。根据下文的the collector said it was one of his prized possessions可知,此处指"小提琴被卖给了一个收藏家"。故选D。‎ ‎5.B 考查动词辨析。A. force强迫;B. persuade说服;C. advise建议;D. ask问。根据语境可知,此处指"Fritz Kreisler试图说服那位收藏家把小提琴卖给他"。故选B。‎ ‎6.C 考查副词辨析。A. Therefore所以;B. Besides除此之外;C. However但是;D. Otherwise否则。根据空后的the collector said it was one of his prized possessions and he could not let it go.可知,"但是,收藏家说这是他的所珍爱的财富,不想卖掉"。故选C。‎ ‎7.A 考查形容词辨析。A. disappointed失望的;B. angry 生气的;C. helpless无助的;D. desperate悲观失望的。根据语境可知,此处应指Fritz Kreisler感到失望,但还打不到悲观失望的地步。故选A。‎ ‎8.D 考查连词辨析。A. unless除非;B. after在……之后;C. until直到;D. before在……之前。句意:可不可以在它藏起来之前,让我再拉一次(这把小提琴)?"故选D。‎ ‎9.B 考查名词辨析。A. Judgment判断;B. Permission许可;C. Award奖励;D. Appreciation欣赏。句意:得到了许可之后,这个伟大的音乐家开始演奏。故选B。‎ ‎10.A 考查名词辨析。A. violin小提琴;B. musician音乐家;C. singer歌手;D. collector收藏家。根据语境此处唱出了如此美妙音乐的应该是这个音乐家手中的小提琴。故选A。‎ ‎11.A 考查动词辨析。A. amazement惊奇;B. agreement同意;C. puzzlement困惑;D. embarrassment尴尬。句意:小提琴唱出了如此美妙的音乐,连收藏家都听得出神。故选A。‎ ‎12.B 考查动词辨析。A. freedom自由;B. right权利;C. interest兴趣;D. money金钱。根据下文的The violin is yours, Mr. Kreisler.可知,此处指"我没有权利给我自己保存"。故选B。‎ ‎13.D 考查动词辨析。A. play演奏;B. know知道;C. feel感受;D. hear听。句意:拿它去给全世界演奏,让人们听到它发出的美妙的音乐。故选D。全品教学网 ‎14.C 考查名词辨析。A. story故事;B. sound声响;C. music音乐;D. message 信息。句意:因为你和我都是精致的小提琴——我们的音乐就是要让人们听到。故选C。‎ ‎15.A 考查名词辨析。A. life生命;B. dream梦;C. hobby爱好;D. reality真实。句意:我想要那样享受人生——让它给世界带来美妙,让生活过得精彩。‎ ‎16.C 考查动词词组辨析。A. hung up悬挂;B. put up张贴;C. used up用尽;D. dressed up装扮。句意:我宁可筋疲力尽而不愿一事无成地死去,没有完成自己能做的。故选C。‎ ‎17.A 考查动词辨析。A. exhausting使疲惫;B. requesting请求;C. fighting战斗;D. changing改变。句意:我不是说我们在过度的活动上让自己筋疲力尽。故选A。‎ ‎18.B 考查动词辨析。A. Struggle努力;B. Volunteer志愿;C. Manage处理;D. Promise答应。句意:为一个值得的组织做一段时间的志愿者。故选B。‎ Cloze 2(河南省八市重点中学2016—2017学年高三第三次质量测评)‎ 体裁 文章话题 词数 建议时间 难度 自测正确率 记叙文 圣诞老人与孩子 ‎357‎ ‎18分钟 ‎★★★★☆‎ Grandma is ninety this Christmas. I remember once visiting her, crying when my big sister told me "There is no Santa Claus!", because I knew she always told the  1 .‎ ‎"No Santa Claus?" she snorted(哼着说). "Ridiculous! Don’t  2 it. That rumor has been going around for years. Now, put on your coat, and let’s go."‎ ‎"Go? Go where, Grandma?" I asked.‎ ‎"Where"  3 to be Kerby’s General Store. As we walked in, Grandma  4 me twenty dollars. "Take the money," she said, "and buy something for someone who needs it. I’ll wait for you outdoors."‎ I was only eight years old, and had never shopped for anything  5 . For a few moments I just stood there,   6 , wondering what to buy, and  7 on earth to buy it for.‎ I thought of everybody I knew: my family, friends, classmates. Suddenly I thought of Bobbie, a kid sitting behind me in the classroom. He didn’t have a  8 ; he never went out during the winter. I held the bill  9 . I would buy Bobbie a coat. I saw a red one with a hat to it. It looked really  10 . He would like that.‎ That  11 , Grandma helped me wrap the coat in Christmas paper and write, "To Bobbie, From  12 "on it. Then she drove me to Bobbie’s house. Grandma  13 down the street, and we hid in the bushes by his front walk. Then Grandma pushed me gently. "All right, Santa Claus, get going!" she  14 .‎ I took a deep breath,  15 for his front door, threw the  16 down, rang his doorbell and flew back. Together we waited  17 in the darkness for the front door to open. Finally it did, and there stood Bobbie.‎ Forty years haven’t  18 the thrill of those moments. That night, I realized those awful  19 about Santa Claus were just what Grandma said: they were  20 . Sana was alive and well, and we were on his team.‎ ‎1.A.story B. truth C. joke D. lie ‎2.A.believe B. ignore C. suspect D. admit ‎3.A.seemed B. supposed C. proved D. imagined ‎4.A.borrowed B. delivered C. threw D. handed ‎5.A.alone B. lonely C. special D. expensive ‎6.A.bored B. depressed C. frightened D. confused ‎7.A.when B. how C. who D. what ‎8.A.money B. coat C. friend D. hat ‎9.A.excitedly B. nervously C. anxiously D. thoughtfully ‎10.A.new B. warm C. cheap D. beautiful ‎11.A.morning B. weekend C. evening D. afternoon ‎12.A.Grandma B. classmates C. friends D. Santa Claus ‎13.A.parked B. slowed C. rode D. walked ‎14.A.shouted B. whispered C. complained D. ordered ‎15.A.searched B. dashed C. waited D. started ‎16.A.paper B. bill C. present D. bush ‎17.A.delightedly B. cheerfully C. willingly D. breathlessly ‎18.A.weakened B. strengthened C. reminded D. informed ‎19.A.secrets B. discussions C. rumors D. sayings ‎20.A.unusual B. incredible C. strange D. ridiculous ‎【语篇解读】本文为记叙文,讲述了作者小时候当从姐姐那里听到没有圣诞老人时,他哭了。他的祖母告诉他那些谣言很荒谬。然后奶奶带他去商店为他需要帮助的同学Bobbie买了礼物,并悄悄送到他家。这件事让作者四十年后依然记忆犹新,激动依然,并让他意识到:圣诞老人依然活着并很健康,而且我们和他在一起。‎ ‎3.C【解析】根据句意:"去哪里"结果是(prove)Kerby’s General Store。 ‎ ‎4.D【解析】根据下文"Take the money," she said, "and buy something for someone who needs it."可知此处表示祖母递给(hand)我20美元。 ‎ ‎5.A【解析】根据上下文可知此处表示"我只有8岁,从未独自(alone)买过东西。" ‎ ‎6.D【解析】根据句意:我在那里站了一会,感到很迷惑(confused),不知道该买什么" 。 ‎ ‎7.C【解析】根据上文可知此处为也不知道该为谁(who)买东西。 ‎ ‎8.B【解析】根据下文"I would buy Bobbie a coat."可知Bobbie没有外套(coat)。 ‎ ‎9.A【解析】根据上文可知我想到了为Bobbie买一件外套,所以很兴奋地(excitedly)拿着钱。 ‎ ‎10.B【解析】根据句意:那件外套看上去真的很暖和(warm)。 ‎ ‎11.C 【解析】根据最后一段第二句话"That night, I realized those awful   19 about Santa Claus were just what Grandma said:…"可知此处指的是那天晚上(evening)。  ‎ ‎12.D【解析】根据上文可知祖母让我当圣诞老人(Santa Claus)送礼物给Bobbie。 ‎ ‎13.A【解析】根据上下文可知此处表示祖母把车停(park)在街边。 ‎ ‎14.B【解析】根据上文可知我们不想Bobbie发现我们,所以应该是小声说(whisper)。  ‎ ‎15.B【解析】根据句意:我深呼吸,猛冲(dash)到他的前门。 ‎ ‎16.C【解析】根据上文可知此处表示我把礼物(present)扔下,按响门铃又跑回来。 ‎ ‎17.D【解析】根据句意:我们在黑暗中屏住呼吸(breathlessly)等着前门打开。 ‎ ‎18.A【解析】根据句意:40年并未减弱(weaken)那些时刻的激动人心。 ‎ ‎19.C【解析】根据上文可知此处指的是关于那些圣诞老人的谣言(rumors)。 ‎ ‎20.D【解析】根据第二段第一句话可知祖母说那些谣言很荒谬(ridiculous)。全品教学网 Cloze 3(河北省衡水冀州中学2017届高复班第二次阶段考试)‎ 体裁 文章话题 词数 建议时间 难度 自测正确率 记叙文 邻里关系 ‎315‎ ‎18分钟 ‎★★★★☆‎ The other evening we had a knock at the door. It was a 1 neighbor who introduced himself and his boys to us. He also invited us to a block party as a way to know the people in the 2 as well as celebrate the first anniversary of his two 3 sons coming to live with him.‎ We’ve lived here for almost six years and no one has ever come to 4 themselves. I suppose we should have 5 it on to introduce ourselves to people moving in, but we haven’t. In my opinion, it took the initiative(首创) of a young 6 and his adopted sons to show me how I could 7 better attention to my own community. We have many local friends but I have to 8 that I haven’t usually been the one to develop the 9 in my own neighborhood.‎ This 10 reminded me of one of my favorite quotes, "When I was a young man, I wanted to change the world. I found it was 11 to change the world, so I tried to change my nation. When I found I couldn’t change the nation, I began to 12 my town. I couldn’t change the town and as a(n) 13 man, I tried to change my 14 . Now, as an old man, I 15 the only thing I can change is myself, and 16 I realize that if long ago I had changed myself, I could have made an impact(影响) on my family and 17 on our town. The impact could have changed the nation and I could indeed have changed the 18 ."‎ For those of us who want to make a(n) 19 in the world, it’s important we remember what Bucky Fuller said, "Think globally, but act 20 ." For me, I’m going to make it point to meet more of my neighbors-staring now.‎ ‎1.A. familiar B. friendly C. new D. old ‎2.A. town B. neighborhood C. company D. city ‎3.A. accepted B. adopted C. adapted D. appointed ‎4.A. help B. treat C. introduce D. enjoy ‎5.A. put B. focused C. turned D. taken ‎6.A. man B. student C. woman D. mother ‎7.A. draw B. fix C. offer D. pay ‎8.A. forgive B. admit C. agree D. consider ‎9.A. habit B. concern C. friendship D. business ‎10.A. accident B. activity C. thought D. experience ‎11.A. convenient B. possible C. interesting D. difficult ‎12.A. make out B. concentrate on C. get into D. refer to ‎13.A. older B. younger C. smarter D. wiser ‎14.A. student B. family C. friend D. mind ‎15.A. realize B. forget C. recognize D. regret ‎16.A. suddenly B. happily C. actually D. luckily ‎17.A. ever B. even C. only D. still ‎18.A. environment B. world C. village D. lifestyle ‎19.A. decision B. adjustment C. difference D. discovery ‎20.A. carefully B. selflessly C. immediately D. locally ‎2.B 考查名词。town城镇;neighborhood邻居,社区;company公司;city城市。这位新邻居要举办一个宴会来认识社区里的人,并邀请我们参加。故选B。‎ ‎3.B 考查动词。accepted接受;adopted收养的;adapted改编的,适应;appointed指定的,约定的。根据第二段中的 his adopted sons可知,他的儿子是收养的,故选B。‎ ‎4.C 考查动词。help帮助;treat对待;introduce介绍;enjoy喜欢,享受。我们已经住在这里大约六年了,从没有人来作自我介绍。introduce oneself自我介绍。‎ ‎5.D 考查动词。put on穿上;focus on集中于;turn on打开;take ‎ on承担。在这个句子中it是形式宾语,后面的不定式是真正的宾语。我们本应该先向新邻居介绍自己的,但是我们没有。故选D。‎ ‎6.A 考查名词。根据第一段中的himself可知,这是一个男人,故选A。‎ ‎7.D 考查动词。draw attention吸引注意力;fix attention on集中注意力于;offer提供;pay attention to注意……这个男人和他收养的儿子们向我显示了我应该如何更好的去注意我的社区。故选D。‎ ‎8.B 考查动词。forgive原谅;admit承认;agree同意;consider考虑。我们有很多当地的朋友,但是我不得不承认我通常不是那个促进与邻居之间友谊的人。故选B。‎ ‎9.C 考查名词。habit习惯;concern关心;friendship友谊;business生意。我不得不承认我通常不是那个促进与邻居之间友谊的人。故选C。‎ ‎10.D 考查名词。accident事故;activity活动;thought想法;experience经历。这次经历使我想起了我最喜欢的引言。故选D。‎ ‎11.D 考查形容词。convenient方便的;possible可能的;interesting有趣的;difficult困难的。我发现改变世界很难。故选D。‎ ‎12.B 考查动词短语。make out弄明白,理解;concentrate on集中于……;get into进入,陷入;refer to参考,涉及,指的是。当我发现我无法改变我的国家时,我把注意力集中在我的城镇上。故选B。‎ ‎13.A 考查形容词的比较级。older更老的,更年长的;younger更年轻的;smarter更聪明的;wiser更智慧的。根据上下文可知,这里指的是自己年龄更大一些,故选A。‎ ‎14.B 考查名词。student学生;family家庭;friend朋友;mind思想。根据上下文可知,我改变不了城镇,随着年龄的增长我想要改变自己的家庭。故选B。‎ ‎15.A 考查动词。realize意识到;forget忘记;recognize辨认出;regret后悔,遗憾。现在我作为一位老人,我意识到唯一能改变的就是自己。故选A。‎ ‎16.A 考查副词。suddenly忽然;happily高兴地;actually实际上;luckily幸运地。这里指我突然意识到,故选A。‎ ‎17.B 考查副词。ever曾经;even甚至;only仅仅;still仍然。如果我能改变自己,那我就能够影响整个家庭甚至影响我们的城镇。故选B。‎ ‎18.B 考查名词。environment环境;world世界;village村子;lifestyle生活方式。这个影响能够改变国家,那么我就真能改变世界。故选B。‎ Cloze 1‎ 体裁 文章话题 词数 建议时间 难度 自测正确率 记叙文 良好的职业道德 ‎317‎ ‎17分钟 ‎★★★☆☆‎ In my childhood, I envied my classmates very much as my absence from school was not allowed due to my strict parents. I had to be 1 in order to stay home. My parents 2 to say that they were leading me to have a 3 work ethic (职业道德). Not until last week did I see the 4 .‎ I was on a bus, and behind was a man who was 5 to his friend about his life. His dream was to become a director but he wouldn’t continue to 6 it because he had no 7 if he could make enough money. And he didn’t want to waste 8 because it probably would take months or years to 9 it big. Then he admitted to thinking about becoming a(n) 10 because he thought he could 11 make six figures within one year. His friend agreed because as he put it, "I have no 12 to work long hours and not make much money. Taking pictures is good because you can make big money and only work short hours."‎ ‎【来.源:全,品…中&高*考*网】‎ Many people these days don’t 13 that when things seem to happen immediately, it is only because a lot of 14 , determination and time have gone into it. Someone once told me that you may know 15 someone is an expert in his given field by how easy he makes it look. The 16 it looks, the more hours go into it.‎ There is no 17 for laziness. In the television show Fame, the dance teacher told her students, "If you want fame, fame 18 and here’s how you start paying for it, in sweat." Every time I watch that show, my dad would repeat how 19 she was because in order to 20 you have to work hard. He would go on and on about how bad it is to be lazy.‎ ‎1. A. shaking B. smiling C. shouting D. lying ‎ ‎2. A. needed B. used C. agreed D. ought ‎3. A. different B. reliable C. standard D. good ‎4. A. evidence B. significance C. answer D. result ‎ ‎5. A. writing B. explaining C. reflecting D. complaining ‎ ‎6. A. support B. make C. follow D. change ‎ ‎7. A. idea B. doubt C. evidence D. sign ‎8. A. luck B. money C. time D. opportunity ‎9. A. take B. promote C. make D. create ‎10. A. dancer B. lawyer C. actor D. photographer ‎ ‎11. A. gently B. eagerly C. easily D. carefully【来.源:全,品…中&高*考*网】‎ ‎12. A. choice B. time C. desire D. chance ‎13. A. understand B. guarantee C. recognize D. realize ‎14. A. decision B. effort C. pressure D. intelligence ‎15. A. that B. why C. whether D. when ‎16. A. easier B. lighter C. better D. harder ‎17. A. explanation B. statement C. excuse D. possibility ‎ ‎18. A. matters B. arises C. works D. costs ‎19. A. natural B. beautiful C. right D. kind ‎20. A. succeed B. develop C. finish D. rest ‎2.B 本段叙述作者小时候的事情,故用B项used to(过去常常)。A项need to do"需要做",C项agree to do"同意做",D项ought to"应该"。‎ ‎3.D 结合前文,父母亲一直不让作者缺课,是引导作者要有良好的职业道德。A项different"不同 的",B项reliable"可靠的",C项standard"标准的",均不符合题意。‎ ‎4.B 直到上周我才明白父母不让我缺课并引导我有良好职业道德的意义(significance),故选B项。A 项evidence"证据",C项answer"答案",D项result"结果"。‎ ‎5.D 根据下文该男子和朋友的交谈内容可知,该男子向朋友抱怨自己的生活,故选D项complain, complain to sb. about…"向……抱怨……"。A项writing"写",B项explaining"解释",C项 reflecting"反应",均不合题意。‎ ‎6.C 与名词dream搭配,应用follow,表"追寻梦想",故选C项。A项support"支持", B项 make"制作",D项change"改变"。‎ ‎7.A 该男子不回去追寻自己当导演的梦想,因为他不知道他是否能赚到足够的钱,have no idea是固定 短语,表"不知道",相当于don’t know,故选A项。B项doubt"怀疑",C项evidence"证 据",D项sign"迹象"。‎ ‎8.C 由下文"because it probably would take months or years to…"可知,他不想浪费时间(time),故选 C项。A项luck"运气",B项money"钱",D项opportunity"机会"。‎ ‎9.C 根据句子结构,该空后的it和big分别是该动词后的宾语和宾补,四个选项中可以加宾语和宾补的 只有make,故选C项。A项take"带走",B项promote"提升;促进",D项create"创造"。‎ ‎10.D 依据下文"Taking pictures is good because you can make big money and only work short hours."可 知,该男子承认考虑过要成为一名摄影师(photographer),故选D项。全品教学网 ‎11.C 结合上下文,该男子想成为摄影师,他认为当摄影师很容易在一年之内就能赚到六位数,选C项 easily。A项gently"温和地",B项eagerly"渴望地",D项carefully"小心地"。‎ ‎12.C 根据上文"he didn’t want to waste time because it probably would take months or years to make it big."可知,该男子不愿工作很长时间且赚不到很多钱,故选C项desire,此处have no desire to对 应前文的didn’t want to。A项choice"选择",B项time"时间",D项chance"机会"不符合 语境。‎ ‎13.D 现在许多人并未意识到当事情会立刻发生的话,仅仅是因为人们已经将很多的努力、决心、和时 间投入到了其中,故选D项。A项表"理解",B项表"保证",C项表"辨认出"。‎ ‎14.B 解析见上题。A项decision"决定",C项pressure"压力",D项intelligence"智商"。‎ ‎15.C 该空是宾语从句的引导词,再结合句意,表示你可能会知道某人是否为特定领域的专家,故选 whether"是否"。‎ ‎16.A 根据本段第一句内容"when things seem to happen immediately, it is only because a lot of effort, determination and time have gone into it."可知,事情看起来越容易,人们在这件事情上投入 的时间越多,故选A项。‎ ‎17.C 结合整篇文章内容,任何事情都要投入时间、决心和努力,因此没有懒惰的理由,故选C项 excuse。A项explanation"解释",B项statement"陈述",D项possibility"可能"均不合语境。‎ Cloze 2‎ 体裁 文章话题 词数 建议时间 难度 自测正确率 记叙文 给妻子举办聚会 ‎312‎ ‎18分钟 ‎★★★★☆‎ For my 22nd wedding anniversary, I determined that I would write my wife Sheila twenty-two___1_ _ to describe my love to her. I also decided that I would have a unique ___2__ to give her a great surprise. ‎ ‎ I started out months __3__, writing poems and _ _4_ _ with my wife’s friends and got their help in making cards for each of the twenty-two poems.‎ ‎ Had I known how ___5 __ it was to make twenty-two cards for twenty-two poems, I might have ___6 _ a different idea. ___7__, by the time I was about to __ 8 __, I was encouraged by our __ 9 __, so I kept on the task.‎ ‎ Some good friends __ 10 __ to host the party at their house. The question then was how to get my wife to the party without raising her ___11__. I told my wife for our anniversary I would make a(n)__ 12 _ at a nice restaurant, so she didn’t have to _ 13 __ anything. I had prearranged with the party host to call me before the party to say that he really needed to get back a __ 14 __ that I had borrowed. In my wife’s __15 __, I told him that we were heading out to dinner and could drop the book off on our way. ‎ ‎ Finally, when we arrived at the ___16__, I suggested that perhaps Sheila should accompany me to the door and say a quick __ 17 __. We stepped into the house where the __ 18 __ happened. One at a time, twenty-one of Sheila’s friends presented her with a card and rose. Then, I __ 19 __ a poem titled "Pure Luck". I wanted __20__ to get it right — and I did! ‎ ‎ That was five years ago, and I can still recited the whole poem by heart. ‎ ‎1.A. letters B.poems C. books D. stories ‎2.A. party B. meal C. programme D. feeling ‎3.A. for instance B. on purpose C. at most D. in advance ‎4.A. arguing B. fighting C. dealing D. consulting ‎5.A. special B. valuable C. difficult D. enjoyable ‎6.A. pay attention to B. looked forward to C. come up with D. made up with ‎7.A. However B. Therefore C. Otherwise D. Moreover ‎ ‎8.A. go on B. give up C. come out D. show up ‎9.A. life B. pride C. love D. honesty ‎10.A. refused B. hesitated C. pretended D. volunteered ‎11.A. wishes B. worries C. doubts D. enthusiasm ‎12.A. effort B. reservation C. decision D. call ‎13.A. plan B. share C. miss D. explain ‎14.A. book B. card C. bike D. flower ‎15.A. performance B. influence C. presence D. absence ‎16.A. dinner B. house C. meeting D. competition ‎17.A. goodbye B. pity C. yes D. hello ‎18.A. accident B. surprise C. quarrel D. trouble ‎19.A. recited B. read C. wrote D. sang ‎20.A. responsibly B. thankfully C. sensitively D. desperately ‎3.D 考查固定短语。为了准备庆祝活动,作者提前几个月就开始准备。in advance提前。‎ ‎4.D 考查动词。此处指请教妻子的朋友在制作卡片方面获得帮助。consulting请教,咨询。故选D。‎ ‎5.C 考查形容词。此处指如果我知道为22首诗制作22张卡片那么难,我就想别的主意了。句子用的是虚拟语气,表达了制作卡片很难,故选C。‎ ‎6.C 考查固定短语。此处指想出主意,故选C。‎ ‎7.A 考查副词。此处指不管怎样,当我打算放弃的时候又受到爱的鼓励,然后又坚持了下来。However无论如何,不管怎样,表示转折,故选A。 ‎ ‎8.B 考查固定短语。此处指由于感觉困难所以想放弃,根据情境选B。‎ ‎9.C 考查名词。此处指作者和妻子22年的爱鼓励着他继续下去,文中上下文也提到两人的爱,故选C。‎ ‎10.D 考查动词。此处指许多朋友自愿在他们家举行聚会,与上文朋友们的大力支持一致,故选D。‎ ‎11.C 考查名词。因为想给妻子惊喜,所以是不能让妻子怀疑,根据情境选C。‎ ‎12.B 考查名词。此处指我告诉妻子在饭店预定了过周年纪念日,根据句意故选B。‎ ‎13.A 考查动词。因为是在饭店预定所以妻子不需要计划什么,故选A。‎ ‎14.A 考查名词。根据I had borrowed和drop the book可知此处指的是书,故选A。‎ ‎15.C 考查名词。此处指在妻子出席的时候,故选C。‎ ‎16.B 考查名词。根据下文的We stepped into the house提示,可知此处用house,故选B。‎ ‎17.D 考查名词。因为里面有许多和朋友,所以此处是问候大家,故选D。‎ ‎18.B 考查名词。上文提到要给妻子惊喜,此处与之呼应,结合下文情境,故选B。‎ ‎【名师点睛】完型填空题的命题特点及答题方法:‎ ‎1.侧重基础知识,考查学生语言知识的能力 完型填空以文入手,结合文章的内容考查学生的基础知识,主要是词语搭配、固定句型、近义词辨析、辨析句子结构、掌握语法规则的能力,其中考查实词居多。‎ ‎2.上下文对照,考查学生捕捉关键词的能力 解完型填空题时,单独看一句话是找不到正确答案的,需要注意句子间的关系及句子与段落的关系。所谓上下对照,即在上文和下文中找到与正确答案相同的关键词。因此,在做题时要边读边在大脑中储存上下文信息的能力,捕捉关键词。‎ ‎19.A 考查动词。此处指我给妻子背诵了一首题目是"Pure Luck"的诗,故选A。‎ ‎20.D 考查副词。我极度地想把诗背正确,我做到了。指作者非常尽力,故选D。全品教学网 ‎ ‎

