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A abandon abandon sth./sb. (to sb.) 舍弃某物(某人)而被(别人)取得 abandon oneself to sth. 完全屈从于(某种感情或冲动)‎ ability to the best of one’s ability 尽其所能 have the ability to do sth有能力做某事 able be able to do sth. (用作情态动词)有能力、办法或机会做某事;能 aboard aboard the ship 在船上 go aboard 乘(船,飞机,火车)‎ about about ten minutes’ walk 大约十分钟的路程 about two inches too long 大约长了二英寸 be about to do sth. 即将;正要 how/what abou + sth. / doing sth.? 用以询问消息或征求意见 above above all 尤其是;最重要的是 above/below average 在平均以上/以下 above/below zero degrees centigrade (摄氏)零度以上/以下 abroad go abroad 出国 absence absence of mind心不在焉 in the absence of 某人不在时; 因缺乏…而 in/during one’s absence某人不在时 absent absent oneself (from sth) 不在;不参与 be absent from 缺席 ‎*Long absent, soon forgotten.‎ ‎【谚】久疏则必忘.‎ absolute ‎*Beauty has no absolute standard. 美丽没有绝对的标准.‎ He is an absolute(=complete) fool.‎ absorb absorb heat 吸收热量 absorb knowledge 吸收知识 absorb one’s attention 吸引某人的注意力 absorb specialized training 接受专业训练 be (completely/totally/deeply) absorbed in 专心致志于 academic academic institution 学术机构 accept accept a challenge/an apology 接受挑战/道歉 accept some challenging tasks 接受某些具有挑战性的任务 accept sth. from sb. 从…接受…‎ accept the girl as part of the family 接受那女孩作为家庭的一分子 accept the invitation to your wedding 接受了你婚礼的邀请 access access to 进入 accident by accident = by chance = accidentally 意外地 traffic accident 交通事故 accident traps 事故陷阱 have/avoid/cause an accident 发生/避免/造成 事故 accommodate accommodate more than five hundred guests 容纳五百多位客人 accommodate oneself to… 使自己适应 accompany accompany him to theatre 陪他去看戏 accomplish accomplish / achieve goals 实现目标 accomplish / achieve one’s purpose  达到某人的目的 accomplish/achieve nothing 什么也没做出,一事无成 accomplish one’s purpose/a goal 实现目标 accomplish wonders 创造奇迹 according according to 根据 account account for 对…做出(满意的)解释 on account of = because of 因为 take….into account = take …into consideration 把….考虑在内 open a bank account 开一个银行户头 accountant会计人员 accuse accuse sb. of sth. / charge sb. with sth. 指控 the accused 被告 ‎ accustomed be/get accustomed to 习惯于某事物 accustom oneself to …. 使自己习惯于..‎ ache ache all over 全身痛 achieve achieve nothing 一事无成 achieve something 有所成就 achieve sth. that sb. is capable of 完成某人有能力做的事情 achieve/fulfill one’s purposes 达到某人的目的 achieve victory/happiness/success 获得胜利/快乐/成功 acknowledge ‎ acknowledge doing 承认做了某事 acquire acquire knowledge / a large vocabulary 获得知识 / 大的词汇量 across across the country 全国 act act as 充当 act like充当 act on/upon对……起作用;按照……行动 act on one’s advice 按照某人的意见 act on one’s judgment 根据某人的判断 react to sth. 反应 action Actions speak louder than words. 行动胜过语言。‎ active take an active part in 积极参加 be active in 在……方面很积极 activity sports activities 体育活动 actually actually / in fact / as a matter of fact / in reality 实际上 adapt adapt to life in London 适应了伦敦的生活 adapt to 适应 be adapted to / adapt oneself to 适应 add add …to … 把……加在……上 add A to B 把A加到B add to 增加 add up to = sum up = amount to 相加是;总计 add with a smile 带着微笑补充道……‎ added to that 附加 addition in addition to = besides = what’s more 除……之外(还)‎ address address…to…把(话)讲给…;把(信)写给…‎ address ab. as… 称呼某人为…..‎ ‎ ‎ adjust adjust one’s watch 调整手表的时间 admire admire his achievement 羡慕他的成就 admire sb for… 钦佩…的…‎ admit admit doing sth 承认做某事 admit one’s mistake 承认错误 be admitted into/to school 允许入内,被录取进入学校 adopt adopt a simple style of living 采纳了一种简朴的生活方式 adopt your advice 接受你的建议 adopt an orphan 收养一名孤儿 advanced advanced technology 先进技术 an advanced English course 高级英语课程 in advance 提前,预先 advancement advancements in science 科学的进步 advantage take advantage of 利用 advantage over.对……的优势 adventure The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe 鲁宾逊漂流记(书名)‎ advice take/follow one’sadvice听从某人的建议 advertise advertise for a house 为房子登广告 advertise for 为……登广告 advertise for the goods 为商品作广告 advertisement an advertisement for sth. 某物的广告 place/put an advertisement in the magazine 在杂志上登广告 a well-designed advertisement 精心设计的广告 advise advise doing / advise sb. to do 建议做某事/建议某人做某事 advise sb. against doing 建议某人不要做某事 affect州.影响 afford afford + n. / afford to do sth. 负担得起 afraid be afraid of sth. 害怕某物 be afraid of doing sth. 害怕做某事 be afraid to do sth. 由于害怕而不敢做某事 after after a while 过了一会儿;不久 after all 毕竟,终究 be after 搜寻,寻找 one after another 一个接一个 again again and again 再三地,反复地 now and again 时而 once again 再一次地 against against one’s will 违背…的意愿 be against slavery 反对奴隶制 aged aged people 上了年纪的人 aged wine/man 陈酒/老翁 at/beyond/underthe age of在/超过/不到…岁 ‎ agree agree to do sth 答应做某事 agree with 同意;(气候,事物等)适合 agree on就……达成共识agree on reach an agreement达成协议 agreeable agreeable to the ear 悦耳;听起来舒服 agreeable to the taste 味道好的 agreeable weather 宜人的天气 ahead ahead of time 提前 ahead of 在……前面 be ahead of sb. in math 数学上比某人好 aid first aid 急救 aid agency/aid 援助机构/救助所 aim aim at (doing) sth/to do sth 目的在于做某事 aim at / take aim at 瞄准 aim high 力争上游 air air-conditioned 装有空调设备的 give oneself/put on airs 装腔作势;装模作样 alarm alarm clock 闹钟 fire alarm火警警报(器)‎ all all (much) alone 很孤单的,独个的,独立的 all … not 未必都是 all asleep 睡着,熟睡 All creatures inhabit the earth. 所有的生物居住在地球上。‎ all day (long) 整天 all day 整天 all in all 全部地,整个地;一切的,最重要的 all of a sudden 突然,忽然 all one’s life …的一生 all over the world = around the world 遍及全世界 all over 某物体或表面的全部,到处 all the same/just the same(虽然…)还是…仍然 all the time 一直;始终 all the way 一路上,一直 all this 这一切 all through life 贯穿在一生中 after all毕竟,终究,归根结底 allergic be allergic to my perfume 对我的香水过敏 allow allow / permit doing 允许做某事 allow / permit sb. to do 允许某人做某事 allow sb. in 让某人进来 allow sb. sth. 授予人……(permit无此用法)‎ almost almost every/all/certainly 几乎每个/所有/肯定 alone leave sb./sth. alone 让某人/某物独自留在那里 along along with 与……一起 get along with 相处 alternative alternative methods 供选择的方法 always be always doing sth 老是 amaze be amazed / shocked / astonished / surprised at 惊讶 ambition ambition for fame/gain 图谋名利的野心 achieve/fulfill one’s ambition 实现志向 amuse amuse sb by doing sth /with sth 拿…来消遣 analysis ‎*carry on an analysis of….针对…进行分析 and and so on = and so forth等等 and/but yet 然而;可是 anger calm one’s anger 抑制怒气 in hot/great anger 盛怒之下 angry be angry / outraged / resentful 生气 be angry at sth. 对某事生气 be angry at/about sth. 因…而发怒 be angry to death 十分生气 be angry with sb. for sth. 因某人做了…而生气 annoy be annoyed about sth/with sb 对…感到心烦 anxious be anxious about sth/sb 为…担心,焦虑 be anxious for sth 渴望; 为…担心 be anxious to do sth. 急着做某事 animal animals native to Africa 原产于非洲的动物 another another three meters 另外三米 answer answer for 对…负责 answer the door 应门 answer with a smile 微笑着回答 answer to the question/letter问题的回答/信的回复 ‎ any any time 任何时候 not….any more (疑问句,否定句,条件句) 不再 anything anything but 根本不,决不,一点也不 apart apart / aside from … 除了~之外 tell…apart 分辨 apologize apologize to sb for sth/make an apology to sb for sth 为某事向某人道歉 apologize to sb. for doing 为……向某人道歉 appear appear to be a./n. 好像……‎ appear young 好象很年轻 There appear(s)(to be)…似乎有……‎ It appears(to sb.)that..一sth/sb appear to do(在某人看来)似乎……‎ apply apply (to sb.) for sth. 向(某人)申请(某物)‎ apply for a job 求职 apply for leave 请假 apply oneself to 专心于 apply…to 应用 appoint appoint sb. the conductor 任命某人为指挥 appoint…to a post 派某人担任某职 appreciate appreciate doing sth 欣赏做某事 appreciate one’s kindness in doing … 感激某人的好意做某事 appreciate the richness and variety of 欣赏大量的……‎ ‎1 would appreciate it(very much)if you would/could.如果你……我就很感激了 ‎ approach approach the sensitive issue carefully 小心处理这个敏感的议题 an approach to (doing) sth. 一种做……的方法 approve approve of sth./of doing sth. 赞成做某事 approve of your plan 同意你的计划 argue argue sb. into doing sth.说服某人做某事 argue sb. out of doing sth. 说服某人不要做某事 argue with sb. about sth. 和某人就某事争辩 argue with sb. 与某人辩论 arm arm in arm臂挽着臂 arms trade 军火交易 hold…in one’s arms;怀里抱着;拥抱 in arms武装着(的)‎ arouse arouse her maternal instinct 唤起她的母性 arouse interest / curiosity 引起兴趣/好奇心 arouse one’s curiosity 唤起某人的好奇 arouse one’s envy 唤起某人的妒忌 arouse one’s interest 唤起了某人的兴趣 arouse one’s responsibility 唤起某人的责任 arouse your curiosity 引起了你的好奇 arouse your fear 引起了你的害怕 arouse your interest 引起了你的兴趣 arrange arrange a meeting 筹备会议 arrange books 整理书籍 arrange for sb. to do sth. 安排某人做某事 arrange to do (sth.) 安排做(某事)‎ arrangement arrangements be made for sb. to do (sth.) 作出某人做某事的安排 arrest arrest sb for sth 因为某事而拘捕某人 arrive arrive at a conclusion 得出结论 arrive on the scene到场 arrive unexpectedly 意外地到达 art a work of art 艺术品 modern art 现代艺术 arts and crafts 艺术品和手工艺品 article article on long life 论长寿的文章 artificial artificial flowers 人造花 artificial rain 人工降雨 as as a result因此 as a reward作为回报 as a whole 作为整体 as far as … be concerned 就……而言 as far as I know 就我所知 as far as 远至 as follows 如下 as for 讲到,至于 as if 好像…似的 as it was in his time 就好像在他生活的年代里 as long as 只要,假如,如果 as soon as possible 尽可能快地 as soon as 一…就…‎ as to 至于,关于 as usual 像以往一样 as well as 除…之外(也)‎ as well 也;又 as…as… 同…一样 ashamed be ashamed of 对……感到羞耻 ask ask a favour of sb 请某人帮一个忙 ask a second stranger 问了第二个陌生人 ask about 打听问询 ask about 问讯,打听 ask after a person’s health 探问某人的健康状况 ask after 向…问好 ask for 请求要 ask for guidance 要求指导 ask for help 要求帮助 ask for leave 请假 ask for sick leave 请病假 ask for sth. 要求得到某物 ask for 请求;寻求 ask the boss for a rise / raise 向老板要求加薪 ask too much 问得太多 assemble assemble members for the meeting 召集成员开会 assembly line(工厂的)装配线 assign assign sb sth 布置某人某事 assign sb to do sth布置某人做某事 assist assist me in my work 帮助我做工作 associate associate A with B 把A和B联系在一起 ‎ be associated with 与……结合(联想)‎ association association football 英式足球 assume assume / adopt a negative attitude towards life 对生活采取消极的态度 assume / adopt a neutral attitude towards life 对生活采取中性的态度 assume / adopt a pessimistic attitude towards life 对生活采取悲观的态度 assume / adopt a positive attitude towards life 对生活采取积极的态度 assume / adopt an optimistic attitude towards life对生活采取乐观的态度 assumption make an assumption 假设 a reasonable assumption 合理的假设 assure assure sb. of sth.向…保证,使某人确信某事 assure sb that clause 向…保证,使某人确信 assure sb with sth 使(某人)相信某事 astonish be astonished at (by) sth 对…惊讶 at at (the) bottom 内心里 at a ceremony / on a ceremony occasion 在仪式上 at a distance 隔开一些距离 at a moderate speed 以适中的速度 at a professional level 从专业的水平来看/讲 at a time 一次 at a tremendous speed 速度很快 at all 完全,全然 at any cost 以任何代价 at any moment在任何时候 at dawn / at dusk 在黎明/黄昏的时候 at first sight 乍一看 at high/full /top speed 快速地/迅速地 at least至少 at leisure在空闲时间 at on earlier age 在较早的年龄 at once 立刻,马上 at one time 曾经;一度 at one’s request在某人的请求之下 at present=now目前 at reasonable prices 以合理的价格 at such times 在这时 at table 在吃饭 at the age of 在…岁时 at the beginning 在…一开始,在…初 at the foot of 在……脚边 at the moment 此刻,目前;那时,当时 at the same time 同时 at the top of one’s voice 以最大的嗓音 at weekends在周末 at work 在工作;在起作用 at your earliest convenience 在你方便的时候 be at / on the point of doing sth. 正当要做……的时候 be at a loss 茫然不知所措 be at sea在海上 be at the mercy of the storm 任凭暴风雨摆布 attach attach … to … 把……附在……上 attach importance to the information 重视这个消息 attack attack / the enemy at dawn 在黎明向敌人进攻 attempt attempt to deceive his teacher 企图欺骗他的老师 ‎=make an attempt to deceive his teacher attempt to escape 企图逃跑 attend attend a ceremony 参加典礼 attend a meeting 出席会议 attend school 上学 attend to 注意,专心 attention pay attention to sth./doing sth. 注意 attract/catch/get one’s attention 引起某人的注意 hold one’s attention保持某人的注意力 attitude attitude towards 对……的态度 a graceful/noble attitude 高贵优雅的态度 a tough attitude 强硬的态度 attract attract sb’s attention引起某人的注意 be attracted by 被……吸引 attraction have the special attraction for 对..有特殊的吸引力 resist the attraction of… 抗拒…的吸引力 ‎ authorize authorize policemen to carry guns 授权警察带枪 available be available to sb. / for sth. 对某人/为某物可得到;买到;使用 avenge ‎ avenge oneself for…on/upon sb. ‎ average average-looking 相貌平常的 be above/below the average 平均之上/之下 avoid avoid sth./doing 避免某事/做 awake be awake to 知晓,察觉 award award a prize to sb 授奖品给某人 award a gold/silver/bronze medal to sb. 授予某人金/银/铜牌 award sb sth 授予某人某物 award sb. a prize for 因……而给某人授奖 award sb. for doing sth. 因……而授予某人 aware be aware of / that+cl. 意识到 away away from 离开 right away = straight away = at once = immediately 立刻,马上 B back a back door 后门 back and forth 来来回回 back number 过期(杂志)‎ back out 失言 变卦 back up sb./sth.支持某人;援助某人 bad be bad for one’s health 对健康有害 be bad for 对……有害 go bad (食物)变坏 balance balance a budget 平衡预算 keep the balance of nature 保持自然界的平衡 ‎ ban ban smoking 禁止吸烟 bare bare foot 赤脚 barely barely…when 刚…就 bargain bargain over the price of the antique 为古董的价格讨价还价 a bargain day 廉价日 a bargain sale 大廉价 base be based on 基于,以……为基础 basic a basic principle 基本原理 basic English 基础英语 bathing a bathing beach 海水浴场 bathing suit 游泳衣 bathing cap 游泳帽 bathing trunks 游泳裤 be be / feel anxious 感到紧张 be / feel concerned about … 对……关心 be / feel uneasy 感到不自在 bear be born in 出生于 bear / keep sth. in mind 牢记 bear a baby 生孩子 bear a date 标有一个日期 ‎ bear a Red Cross标有红十字 bear in mind (that) 牢记 beat beat sb.‎ beat sb at swimming 在游泳上打败某人 beat times 打拍子 beat off 击退 become become a physicist 当一名物理学家 become a president for the second time 连任总统 become an inspiration to sb. 成为对某人的一种鼓励 become extinct 渐渐灭绝 become fatter around the middle 腰围变粗 become my role model 成为我的楷模 become popular for a holiday 度假而受人欢迎 become the first woman to do (sth.) 成为第一个做(某事)的人 before before long 不久 long before 很久以前 before sb’s face 当面,公然地 beg beg for money 讨钱 beg a favor of sb. 求某人帮一个忙 beg sb. to do sth. 恳求某人做谋事 behave behave well/badly 表现好/恶劣 behave oneself 守规矩 behind be behind in/with one’s work 工作拖拉;工作不能如期完成 be behind the others in English 英语成绩比别人差 behind one’s back 在某人背后 behind the times 跟不上时代 behind time 迟到的,误时的 leave sth. behind 留下…‎ ‎ ‎ believe believe in 信任、信仰 believe it or not 信不信由你 believe sb to be honest 认为某人诚实 It is commomly/generally believed that…… 一般都相信…‎ beneficial be beneficial to 对…有益的 benefit benefit from 从……中获利 for the benefit of…. 为了….的利益 ‎ ‎ best a best seller 畅销书或票房 a best-selling novel 一本畅销的小说 better be better off 更富裕 be better off 境况好转 had better do sth. 最好还是做某事 beyond beyond a month/ my power 超过一个月/超过我的能力 beyond any doubt 不怀疑 beyond hope 没有希望 beyond my comprehension / me 我无法理解 beyond one’s control 超出了某人的控制 beyond one’s income 超出了某人的收入 beyond repair 无法修理 beyond the usual time 比平时晚 bit a bit 一点儿 blame be to blame for sth 该受责备 blame sb. for sth. 因……责备某人 blame sth on sb 把…归咎于 blare blare one’s horns 鸣喇叭 blind be blind from birth 生来就瞎 be blind of/in one eye 一只眼失明 be blind to his faults 看不见他的错误 book book a flight 订航班 book a hotel room 订饭店房间 book a table 预定一桌位 book a ticket 订票 book knowledge 书本知识 booking office 售票处 bore be bored to death 厌烦地要死 be bored with sth. 对于某事感到厌倦 bother bother oneself about sth 担着心事 branch branch out 发枝;扩充事业 break break away(from sb./sth.) 突然逃脱;挣脱(束缚)‎ break down 停止运转;实效 break in 强行进入屋内 break out 突然发生;爆发 break a law/a rule 违反法律(规则)‎ break a promise 失约 break a record 打破记录 break down (汽车的)坏掉,抛锚 break into 破门而入 break off 折断,中断,解除 break silence 打破静默 break the peace 扰乱治安 break through in the medical field 在医学领域有突破 break up 打碎,解散会议 break…of 除去(某人的)习性 have/take a break(中间)休息 breath out of breath,lose one’sbreath喘不过气来 bring bring / put / get sth. under control 把……控制住 bring about导致 bring sb to one’s senses 使某人恢复理性 bring sth to a stop 使…停止 bring sth to one’s notice 引起某人对某事物的注意 bring sth. to mind/call sth. to mind 使某人想起 bring/call/catch/draw/have one’s attention 引起某人的注意 bring/take sb.to safety把….带到安全地带 bring up抚养长大 build build one’s word power 增强词汇量 build up one’s body 健全身体 build up one’s confidence树立信心 bump bump into 撞上 burden be burdened with 负担着 burst burst into tears / laughter突然大笑/大哭 burst out crying / laughing 突然大笑/大哭 bury be buried in埋头于 burn be burnt/reduced to ashes 把…化为灰,烧成灰烬 busy be busy at work 忙于工作 be busy doing sth. 忙于做某事 be busy with sth. 忙于做某事 business on business因公出差 business hours营业时间 none of your business不关你的事 but anything but 根本不 nothing but只有;只不过 can do nothing but d0一can’t do anything but do— have no choice but to do sth什么都不能做,只得……‎ not only...but (also)..不仅……而且……‎ last one but one (two, three, etc.) 倒数第二(三,四等)‎ last but not least 最后但最重要的一点 buy buy a coat without bargaining 没有讨价还价买了件大衣 buy a computer just on sale 只是廉价销售才买了一台电脑 buy a new suit to wear to the appointment with his boss买一件可穿着赴老板约会的西服 buy a one-way ticket 买单程票 buy a return ticket 买回程票 buy a round-trip ticket 买来回票 buy a used car from Jane 从简那里买了一辆二手车 buy by credit card 用信用卡购物 buy sb.sth.一buy sth.for sb.给某人买某物 by by and by 不久;马上 by the way 顺便问一下 by chance 偶然地,意外地 by hand 以手工 by heart 凭记性 by / in comparison with和……比较 by a strange coincidence 由于奇怪的巧合 by accident 偶然地;意外地 by attracted / struck by 被……吸引/迷住 by birth 出生,生长在 by chance 碰巧 by contrast 对比之下 by definition 按照定义 by marriage根据婚姻 by means of the wind 凭借风力 by means of通过……的方式 by nature 本性是;生来 by the time+cl. 到……的时候 by trial and error 摸索(前进);尝试各种方式 by turns 轮流 by way of 经由;作为 by word of mouth 口头上 C call call a spade a spade 直言不讳 call for sth. 需要某事物 call on sb. to do sth. 恳求或促使某人做某事 call sth. off 取消或放弃某事 call at some place 拜访某地 call attention to 把注意引向 call in 叫……进来 call sb. up 打电话给某人 call slip 借书单 call up sth. 使……回忆起 can can afford sth/afford to do sth 有足够的金钱做某事 can’t bear sb doing sth 不能忍受某人做某事 can’t but do sth.只能做某事 can’t wait to do sth 迫不及待地做某事 can’t/couldn’t have done 不可能已做 capable be capable of doing sth. 能够做某事 care take care of 照顾;照料 care about关心;介意,在乎 care for喜欢,想要;照顾 careful be careful in doing sth.在做……时要当心 be careful of rats 当心老鼠 be careful with spelling 当心拼写 carry carry on with sth./doing sth. 继续 carry out 实施;执行 carry diseases 传播疾病 carry sb through the crisis 使某人度过危机 carry sb to safety 把某人带到安全地带 bear/carry/shoulder the burden of担负起……的重任 ‎ case in case of 万一 in no case绝不 cast cast a net撒网 cast a shadow 投下一片阴影 catch catch a cold 感冒 catch fire / be on fire 着火 catch sb. by the arm抓住某人的手臂 catch sb. stealing 抓到某人偷东西 catch sight of 瞥见 be caught in the act 正在做…时被抓住 be caught in the rain 遇到雨 be caught on the spot 当场被抓到 cause cause / do damage to 对……造成损坏 cause a heated discussion 引发一场热烈的讨论 cause a terrible accident 造成一起可怕的事故 cause damage to 对……造成破坏 cause great losses to the city 对这个城市造成了巨大的损失 cause sb. to do 使某人做某事 cause sb. trouble 给某人带来麻烦 cease cease doing/to do 停止做某事 cease to exist 不再存在 certain be certain / sure of / about (doing) sth. 对……有把握 be certain / sure to do 肯定做某事 meet the challenge迎接挑战 change change his motivation 改变他的动机 change one’s mind 改变某人的想法 change one’s personality 改变性格 change to 转……(车)‎ change with the times 随着时代而变化 keep the change留F零钱,不用找了 chance miss a chance错过机会 by chance=by accident 偶然地 be characterized by以……为特征 There is little chance of doing 不大可能做某事 charge charge for 要价 charge sb. with sth. 指控某人某事 in charge of负责,掌管 cheat cheat a person out of his money 骗某人的钱 cheat at the exam 考试作弊 check check / curb the spread of AIDS 抑制住艾滋病的传播 check in 办理登记手续 check one’s answer 检查答案 check out 结账离开 cheer cheer for 向…欢呼致敬 cheer sb. up 让某人高兴 chill be chilled to the bone 感到寒意刺骨 be chilled with fear 吓得打颤 choose choose from从……中挑选 under/in no circumstances绝不 claim claim this book 认领这本书 claim to do/be 声称做/是 close be close to doing sth. 刚要做……‎ clap clap a person on the back 拍拍人的背 clap one’s hands 拍手 clear clear up a misunderstanding 澄清误解 clear up(天空)放晴 coax coax sb into doing sth哄某人做某事 coax sb to do sth 哄某人做某事 coax sth. into 摆弄某场进入 collect collect fossils of ancient animal and plants收集古代动植物化石 collect information 收集信息 have a large collection of收藏了大量的……‎ combine combine sth. with sth.‎ combine with 和……结合 combined / joint efforts共同的努力 come come about 发生 come across sb./sth. 偶尔遇见或发现 come after sb. 追赶或追逐某人 come along 到达;出现 come at sb. 攻击某人 come back 回来;恢复 come down 坍塌;落下 come down with sth. 因某病病倒 come from sth. 出生于 come out 出现;罢工 come over (to sth.) 改变立场或意见等 come to oneself 恢复自己的常态 come up 升起;发生;出现 come up with想出,找出(答案、计划等)‎ come what may 不论发生什么事情 come into effect 有益处的经验生效 come into existence 出现 come into one’s mind / come across one’s mind 想到……‎ come into use 开始被使用 come into view 看得见 come out 出版;结果是 come riding by 骑着(马)经过 come to 苏醒 come to +数字 总共 come to a conclusion 得出结论 come to a stop 停止 come to and end 结束 come to know him 开始认识他 come to light 被发现 come to my notice注意 come to one’s knowledge 为某人知晓 come to one’s senses 苏醒 come to/into power上台/开始执行 come true 实现(主语为sth)‎ come up from behind 从后面赶上 come up with a new idea 想出一个新的想法 come/go to one’s rescue/help来/去营救/帮助某人 come/stay alive 开始活跃起来/保持活跃 comment comment about/on the event 对这件事件评论 commit commit sb./oneself (to sth./to doing sth.) 使某人(自己)不能不做某事 commit oneself on sth. 公开表明自己的意见 commit a crime / an error 犯罪/犯错误 commit a sin / fault 有过失/犯错 commit murder 犯杀人罪 commit suicide 自杀 commit the poem to memory 把诗背下来 commit time/energy to doing sth 把 时间/经历 花在做~‎ common common belongings共同的财产 common possessions共同的财产 common property 共同的财产 common sense 常识 have a lot/ nothing in common有很多/没有共同之处 compare compare A with B 把A与B作比较 be compared with… 与……相比较 be compared to … 被比喻成 keep sb.company陪伴某人 compete compete against/with sb.(in sth.)(for sth.) 竞争;对抗;比赛 compete for the championships 为冠军竞争 compete in the market 在市场中竞争 compete with/against the Japanese team 和日本队比赛 complain complain to sb. about/ofat sth. 投诉;抱怨;发牢骚 complain of sth. 诉说;主诉 compose be composed of 由……组成的 compromise compromise with sb. 向某人让步 computer computer accessories 电脑配件 computer software 电脑软件 computer terminal电脑终端 conceal conceal / withhold / hold back the truth 掩盖事实 conceal his heavy drinking from his family 对家人隐瞒他嗜酒 conceal his real name from me 对我隐瞒他的真实姓名 concentrate concentrate on sth./doing sth. 全神贯注;专心致志于 concentrate more on my work 更加全神贯注于工作 17‎ concentrate outside the city for an attack 集中于城市外面准备进攻 concern be concerned about 担忧 be concerned with 使……有关系,使干涉及到 as/sofar as…be concerned就……而言 conclude draw/reach/arrive at/come to a conclusion获得结论 make a conclusion下结论 on condition that在……条件下,假如 condition be in good/poor状况良好/糟糕 ‎ confess confess (to) stealing the money 承认偷钱 confess himself to be beaten 承认他自己输了 confide confide in sb/trust sb 相信某人 confide the truth to his parents 向父母吐露实情 confide to me that~ 向我吐露~‎ confirm confirm his theory 验证了他的理论 confirm my decision 更加强了我的决心定 confirm the rumor 确认这谣言 confirm your telephone message 证实你的电话内容 confuse be confused about 对……感到混淆 congratulate sb.on祝贺某人……‎ connect be connected with 和……连接着/有关的 conquer conquer / get over fear 克服恐惧 conquer the difficulties 克服困难 conscience a clear conscience 无愧于心 conscious be conscious of /that 意识到 consider be considered (to be) + n. / adj. 被……认为……‎ be considered + adj. 被认为是 be considered to do 被认为是 take...into consideration把……考虑在内 consist consist in 在于 consist of / be made up of / be composed of 由……组成 consist of,be composed of由……组成 under construction正在建造中 consult consult a dictionary for the meaning of a word 查字典寻找某个词的词义 consult a lawyer about her divorce 向律师请教有关她离婚的事 consult the dictionary = look the word up in the dictionary查字典 consult the teacher 请教老师 contact eye contact眼神交流 content be content with 对……感到满足 to one’s heart’s content尽情地 contrary be contrary to 与……相反 on the contrary 正相反 control undcr control 在控制下 out of control。:beyond control无法控制 ‎ continue continue into future 继续到将来 continue one’s way 继续上路 contribute contribute $100 to the relief found 向救济基金捐款100美圆 contribute / donate money 捐钱 contribute a lot to training talent 对培养人才作出很大贡献 contribute to … 对……有贡献/有助于 contribute to good health 有助健康 contribute to magazines 向杂志投稿 contribute to sth. / be contributive to sth. / help to do有助于……‎ convey convey both passengers and goods 运输乘客的货物 convey how delighted I am 表达我内心喜悦 convey my good wishes to your parents 转达我对你父母的良好祝愿 convey one’s appreciation 转述了某人的感谢 convey one’s gratitude 转述了某人的感谢 convey one’s thanks 转述了某人的感谢 convince convince sb of his honesty 使某人相信他的诚实 convince sb. to do sth.说服/劝说某人做某事 convince sb. to go by taxi 说服他坐出租车去 convince the students of efficient ways to learn 告诉并说服学生们有效的学习方法 convince them of his innocence 使他们相信他的清白 convince them that he is innocent 使他们相信他的清白 convenience food/ store便利食品/便利店 ‎ cost at the cost of以……为代价 the cost of living生活费 at a‎1l cost.. at any cost不惜一切代价,不惜任何代价 ‎ cope cope with the financial difficulties of the company 应付公司的财政困难 cope with the stress at work 应对工作压力 cope with 对付 have/lack/lose the courage to do sth有/缺乏/失去做某事的勇气 count count/depend/rely on your teacher 依赖你的老师 in the course of在……的过程中 cover be covered with / by 覆盖着/被……覆盖着 crazy be crazy about 对……痴迷/疯狂 create create more job opportunities 创造了更多就业机会 create more shopping opportunities 创造了更多购物的机会 create special challenges for us 为我们创造特别的挑战 critical be critical about sth. 对……挑剔 criticize criticize sb. for sth.由于某事而批评某人 crowded be crowded with 挤满了 cruel be cruel to 对……残忍 cry cry one’s eyes/heart out 痛苦 cry out for sth. 需要某事物 cry over spilt milk 为已经发生也无法补救的事懊悔 cry sth. down 贬低某事物 cry out 大叫 cure cure sb. of 治愈某人的什么毛病 curious be curious about 对……好奇 current current affairs 时事 current issues / magazines 当前的问题/最新的期刊 cut cut across sth. 与……不符 cut back (on sth.) 大量削减某事物 cut down on sth. 减少消耗或使用 cut out 不再起作用切掉 cut in 插嘴 cut off 断绝;切断;隔断 D dawn at dawn天亮时 Day all day 一整天 a nine days’ wonder 昙花一现的人或事物 by day/night 白天;日间 day and night 日日夜夜 day after day 日复一日 day by day 一天一天地,逐日 from day to day 在短时间内 in this day and age 现时代;当今 some day 他日;将来有一天 the other day 最近 to the day 一天都不差;正好 to this day 至今 the other day 最近不久前的某一天,某日 the good old days 过去的美好时光 open day 开放日 damage damage one’s name 毁坏某人的名声 do / cause damage to sth. 对某物造成损坏 brain damage 脑损伤 damaged cars 撞坏的汽车 meet the deadline赶上截止时间 deal deal with 处理;对待;与某人交往 deal sth. out 将某物分发给一些人 deal a great deal of 大量的(修饰不可数名词)‎ make / do a deal with 与...做成一笔交易; 与...达成协议 dear be dear/expensive/costly/pricy 贵的 declare declare peace 宣布和平 declare war on 向…宣战 declare sb. (to be) innocent 宣布某人无罪 declare against sth. 声明反对某事 declare for sth. 声明赞成某事 Have you anything to declare? 你有东西要申报吗? (指应纳税的东西)‎ decide on/upon决定……‎ make a decision做决定 decline decline a request 谢绝请求 decline an invitation 谢绝邀请 decline to take the job 谢绝接收这份工作 on the decline 走下坡路, 在衰退中 decorate ‎ decorate with 以...装饰 be decorated in被装饰成……(颜色)‎ deep deep red 深 红 deep in debt 债台高筑 a deep question 一个深奥的问题 take a deep breath 深呼吸 be deep in sorrow 深深陷入悲痛 be deep in thought 沉思着 in deep water(s) 处于麻烦或困难中 defend defend against 防御 defend one’s country 保卫祖国 defend oneself 自卫 delegate delegate some of your work to me 把你的工作委派一些给我 delegate me to arrange a meeting for next week 委派我筹备下周的会议 a delegate to a conference 参加会议的代表 to a certain degree在某种程度上 a doctor’s/master’s/bachelor’S degree博士/硕士/学士学位 ‎ delight be delighted with 由于……而高兴 to one’s (great)delight令某人(大为)高兴的是 deliver deliver a message 带信, 传话 deliver a speech 作演讲 deliver an opening (closing) address 致开幕词(闭幕词)‎ deliver milk / letters / newspapers 送牛奶/信/报纸 demand demand a clear answer 要求(作出)明确的答复 demand sth of sb 要求某人某事物 demand to do 要求做 in (great) demand 非常需要的; 受欢迎的 a huge demand for new cars 对新车的巨大需求 supply and demand 供求 a demanding boss 苛求的老板 a demanding job 要求很高的工作 meet the demand(s)of sb/for sth满足某人/对某物的要求、需求 deny deny doing 否认做某事 deny ever making such a statement 否认曾发表这样的声明 deny him the chance of going to college 拒绝给他上大学的机会 deny me a chance to speak 决绝给我说话的机会 there's no denying that … 不可否认的是…‎ depend depend on sb./sth. 依靠 depend on sb. to do sth. 依靠某人做某事 depend on sb for sth 依靠某人提供某物 deposit be deposited in 存放在……‎ deposit money 存钱 bank deposit 银行存款 describe describe /portray sb in a unique way 用独一无二的/独特的方式描绘某人 describe A as B 把A描述成B describe sb. as 把某人说成是(称作)‎ desert a deserted street 一条冷清的街道 desert a friend / a family 离弃朋友/家庭 desert their ships 抛弃了他们的船只 a desert island. 荒凉的岛 get one's deserts 得到应有的赏罚 deserve deserve the name 应该得到这种声誉 deserve respect / punishment 应该得到尊敬/惩罚 deserve to be rewarded / punished 该奖/罚 deserve to pass his driver’s test 应该通过他的驾驶员考试 You deserve it. 这是你应得的。‎ desire desire sth 渴望得到 desire to do 很想做某事 a desire for knowledge 对知识的渴望 have a strong desire to do sth. 迫切想做某事 despite despite / in spite of + 名词 不管/不顾 despite the fact that + 句子 不管/不顾 despite the repeated warnings 不顾重复的警告 destroy destroy one’s health 损坏健康 destroy one’s confidence/hope/faith 摧毁信心/希望/信念 be destroyed by a fire /a flood / an earthquake 被火灾/水灾/地震所毁 in detail详细地 develop develop mentally 智力得到发展 develop their sense of beauty 培养他们的审美感 develop their sense of love for people 培养他们对人们的爱 develop your muscles 锻炼肌肉 develop the spirit of democracy 发扬民主精神 develop industry 发展工业 develop a mine 开矿 with the (fast/rapid)development of随着……的(快速)发展 ‎ devote devote … to 把……奉献于 be devoted to sth./to doing sth. 奉献于 devote oneself to 致力于, 献身于; 专心于 devote one’s life to 把一生献给……‎ devote his full time to composing music 将毕生时间用于作曲 die die down平息 die from 死于外部原因 die in the performance of one’s duty 因公殉职 die of cold / hunger / grief 冻死/饿死/悲伤而死 die of starvation 饿死 die out 灭绝 die young 英年早逝 be dying for sth 渴望 be dying to do sth 渴望做某事 different be different from differ from (in...) 与……不同 be different in… 在某方面不同 have difficulty/trouble (in)doing做某事有闲难 turn to/refer to/consult the dictionary查词典 direct direct sb to a place 指点某人去某地 direct sb to do sth 指点某人做某事 direct object 直接宾语 direct flight 直飞航班 be in direct contact with sb. 与某人有直接联系 a direct relative 直系亲属 disapprove disapprove of 不同意 disclose disclose his intention to resign 透露了他想辞职的意愿 refuse to disclose one's name and address 拒绝透露自己的姓名和住址 discourage discourage sb from doing sth 阻止某人不要做某事 discuss discuss sth with sb 与某人商讨某事 dislike dislike doing sth 不喜爱做某事 likes and dislikes 爱好和厌恶 dismiss sb. be dismissed from sth 被免职,被解雇 dismiss your opinion/refuse to consider your opinion 不考虑你的看法 disobey disobey one’s wish 和某人的愿望不符 disobey the traffic regulation不遵守交校规 distinguish distinguish … from ... 辨别, 识别; 把......和......区别开 distinguish right from wrong 明辨是非 distinguished people 杰出的人 distribute distribute sth. to 把某物分(配, 发)给......‎ distribute the handouts to/among the students 将讲义分发给学生们 dive dive for sth 扑向某物;潜水寻找 dive into books 埋头读书 dive into water 跳入水中 divide divide sth from sth 把…同…分开 divide…among sb. 把……在某人群当中分发 divide…into…把…分成…‎ divorce divorce rate 离婚率 divorce sb. 和某人离婚 be divorced from… 与......离婚 do do away with sth. 摆脱,废除某事物 have sth. to do with 与……有关系 have nothing to do with 和…没有关系 do / make / carry out / conduct a scientific experiment on rats 用耗子做科学实验 do a correspondence course 读函授课 do a good deed 做一件好事 do a research on that subject 进行那个主题的研究 do exercises 锻炼;做操 do good to … 对……有好处 do one’s best 尽某人最大努力 do sb a great wrong 亏待某人 do sb. a favour 帮助某人 do sb. good 对某人有好处 do shopping 购物 do sth against one’s will 违背意愿做某事 do sth of one’s free will 出于自愿做某事 do sth successfully 成功地做某事 do sth to the best of one’s ability 竭尽全力做某事 do sth. from force of habit 习惯做某事 do sth. on a whim 一时兴起做某事 do sth. out of habit 不习惯做某事 do sth. with a clear conscience 问心无愧地做某事 do the work with perseverance 坚持不懈地做这工作 do wrong 作恶 do your share of the work 做你的那份工作 do/work miracles/wonders (for sth) (对…)有奇效 Don’t judge a person by his looks/appearance.不要以貌取人。‎ Don’t juge a book by its cover. 不要以貌取人。‎ When in Rome do as the Romans do. 入乡随俗。‎ double double one’s reading speed 把阅读速度加倍 double up 弯曲 a double room 双人房间 a man with a double character 有双重性格的人 doubt doubt one’s eyes 怀疑某人的眼睛 doubt the truth of the news 怀疑这条消息的真实性 there’s no doubt that … 毫无疑问……‎ doubtful be doubtful / suspicious / skeptical about 对……表示怀疑 down be/go down with a cold 因感冒而病倒 get down to (doing) sth 着手开始(做)某事 cut down(on) 削减 drag drag up a child 把孩子养大 draw draw a prize 中奖 draw inspiration from natural scenery 从自然景色中获得灵感 draw near 临近,来临 draw one’s attention to 将某人的注意力吸引到…… ‎ draw a conclusion from … 从……中得出结论 draw lessons from experience 从经验中吸取教训 draw quick profit from 从……中快速获取利益 draw quotations from Shakespeare 引用莎士比亚的名言 draw the curtains 拉窗帘 draw water 汲水 end in a draw 以和局结束 dress be dressed in 穿着……‎ dress up 穿上盛装,装扮 drink drink a great deal 喝了很多 drink a toast to sb./sth. 向某人祝酒;为某事干杯 drink a toast to the bride and groom 向新娘新郎敬酒 drink alcohol 喝酒 drink like a fish 牛饮 drink to everyone’s health and happiness 为每个人的健康和幸福干杯 drink to 为…干杯 drink up 一口气喝完 drive drive at …an hour 以每小时……速度行驶 drive at a terrific speed 以极高的速度开车 drive through a red light 驾车闯红灯 drive me to the station 开车送我去车站 drive us crazy / mad 使我们疯狂 drive…away from 把……从……开出 driving license 驾驶执照 a college blood drive 校园献血活动 an hour's drive 开车一小时的路程 park the car in the drive 把车停在车道上 drop drop back/beind 落后;落伍 drop by drop 一滴一滴地 a few drops of water 几滴水 drop in at some place 顺道拜访某人 drop in on sb顺道拜访某人 drop me a line 写封短信给我 drop out of school 退学 due due to 由于;因为 dump be dumped into 被倾倒进 during during the day / morning / evening (在)白天/早上/晚上 during one’s life 在某人的一生中 during the course of 在……的过程中 E each each other 互相 on each side of the road 在马路两边 earn earn a prize 获得奖金 earn fame 赢得名声 earn many friends 赢得许多朋友 earn money by doing sth. 通过……赚钱 earn one’s living 谋生 earn sb. sth. 为某人获取某物 ease ease my pain 缓解我的疼痛 ease the financial burden 缓解财政负担 at (one's) ease 舒适;自由自在;无拘无束 with ease 熟练地, 轻而易举地 effort make every effort to do sth. 竭尽努力做某事 spare no effort to do 不遗余力地做某事 put one’s effort into one’s work 更加努力做某事 electric electric current 电流 electric energy 电能 electric light switch 电灯开关 electric power changes 电费 electric appliance 电器 an electric fan 电扇 embark embark on a singing career 开始发展歌唱事业 embark on a trip 展开着手旅行 emblem emblem of …的象征 emergency emergency exit 应急出口 emergency ward 急救室 emergency medical center 医疗急救中心 emergency system 应急系统 emphasize emphasize grammar 强调语法 emphasize teamwork 重视团队精神 emphasize the importance/necessity of 强调……的重要性/必要性 employ employ sb as sth 雇佣某人当 employ sb to do sth 雇佣某人做某事 empty empty into 倾倒 empty words/promises 空话/空洞的诺言 enable enable sb to do sth 使某人能够做某事 encourage encourage sb in study 在学习上鼓励 encourage sb to do sth 鼓励某人做某事 end end in a draw平手,不分胜负 end up gaining weight 以体重增加而告终 end up in 以……告终 end up inside ‎ end up with以……结束 an end in itself 本身即很重要的事物 at an end 结束;终结 at the end of sth. 在……最后 in the end 终于;最后 make (both) ends meet 使收支相抵 on end 持续地 put an end to one’ life 自杀 without end 无尽的;无穷的 engage be engaged in sth./in doing忙于做某事 be engaged to sb 与某人订婚 engrave engrave his name on tree trunk 把他的名字刻在树干上 engrave the tree trunk with his name 把他的名字刻在树干上 enhance enhance competitive ability 加强竞争力 enhance our political consciousness 提高政治觉悟 enhance their mutual understanding 增强他们之间的互相理解 enjoy enjoy a high reputation 有高产量享有很高的声誉 enjoy a high reputation/a good fame享有很高的声誉/很好的名声 enjoy TV programs 欣赏电视节目 enjoy family life 享受家庭生活 enjoy doing 乐于做......, 喜欢做......‎ Enjoy your meal. 请慢慢享用吧。‎ enter enter / cross / flash / one’ mind = occur to sb. / strike sb. 突然想到……‎ enter for/sigh up for a long-distance run 报名参加长跑 entertain entertain sb. with sth 用某物款待某人 ‎ equip be equipped with sth. 配备有……‎ equip sb for 使有能力 equip sb with sth 供给某人某物 escape escape death by sheer luck 侥幸逃过死亡 escape my notice/escape my attention 我没注意 escape one’s memory 忘记 escape one’s notice 逃过某人的注意 escape punishment 逃过惩罚 escape from the prison 从监狱中逃跑 establish establish a link/connection 建立联系 establish relations with sb. 和……建立关系 establish trust 建立信任 establish a company 建立公司 estimate estimate the house to be 2000 dollars / at 2000 dollars 估价该房屋为2000美元 estimate the loss caused by the typhoon to be ten million dollars估计这次台风造成的损失达一千万美元 estimated time of arrival 预计到达时间 estimated cost 预算成本 every every few years 每隔几年 every four years 每隔四年 every now and then/every once in while/once in a while 偶尔 有时 不时 every/each time 每次 every/each time +cl. 每次/每当 every other day 每隔一天 except except for (部分否定)除了 except that+句子 除了 exchange exchange information with Peter 与彼得交流信息 exchange seats with sb. 和某人交换座位 exchange stamps with sb. 和某人交换邮票 exchange sth for sth 用…来换…‎ exchange views with sb. 和某人交换观点 exchange rate 汇率, 兑换率 exchange student 交换的留学生 excuse excuse sb for doing sth 原谅某人做某事 excuse sb for sth 原谅某人某事 excuse sb from doing sth 免除某人做某事 make excuses for 找借口, 推诿 expect expect a lot/too much of sb 对某人期待太高 expect sb to do sth 期待某人做某事 expect that 期待 expect to do sth 期待做某事 as expected 正如所期望的那样 experiment experiment on animals 在动物身上做实验 experiment with new materials 用新材料做实验 conduct/carry out/do/perform an experiment 做实验 explain explain doing sth 解释做某事 explain oneself 把自己的意思表达清楚 explain sth. to me with patience 耐心地向我解释 explain to sb sth 向某人解释某事 explore explore deep down into the sea 到海底深处勘探 explore the feasibility of the plan 探索这项计划的可行性 expose expose sb to sth 让某人接触/暴露于 expose sb/sth to sth 使…暴露于…‎ expose the plot to the police 把这一密谋计划暴露给警方 expose your skin to the sun 把你的皮肤直晒在阳光下 express express oneself 表达自己的思想/感情/意见 express thanks/gratitude (to sb) 向某人表达感激之情 express sympathy/fear/anger 表示同情、恐惧、生气 express mail 快信(邮)‎ air express 特快空运;航空快递邮件 extend extend a welcome/thanks to sb 欢迎、感谢某人 extend your visit to China for another week 将你对中国的访问延长一周 extend…from east to west ……从东部延伸到西部 eye a bird’s eye view(of sth.) 俯视;鸟瞰 an eye for an eye 以眼还眼;报复 be all eyes 目不转睛地看 catch one’s eye 引起某人的注意 eye exercise 眼保健操 eye contact 眼神交流 turn a blind eye to 熟视无睹 F face face north/east 朝北/东 face the fact that 正面……的现实 face the difficult tast/challenge 面临艰难的任务/挑战 face to face 面对面 lose face 丢脸面 in (the) face of 面对 face tough competition 面对激烈的竞争 face up to sth 勇敢地面对 be faced with 面临 fact a fact of life 生活的现实 as a matter of fact 事实上,实际上 in fact 实际上, 事实上 fail fail sb. 使某人失望 fail to do sth 不能/没有做某事 fail to pass the exam / fail the exam 考试不及格 failing sight/health 衰退的视力/健康 fall fall apart  破裂;散开 fall away  遗弃;离开 fall asleep 睡着;入睡 fall back  后退;撤退 fall back on sb./sth. 有困难时求助某人;依靠某事物 fall behind  落后于 fall down  崩溃;失败 fall in  塌陷;倒塌 fall into sth.  落入圈套 fall off  跌落 fall through  落后;成为泡影 fall dangerously ill 严重的病倒了 fall ill 生病 fall in love with sb爱上某人 fall into a bad habit/get into a bad habit 养成一个坏习惯 fall off 下降 fall on 行动;适逢 fall onto the road 跌到马路上 fall out 争吵;解散 fall to pieces 摔成碎片 fall to the floor unconscious 倒在地上没有知觉 false false friend 无信义的朋友 false teeth 假牙 familiar sth be familiar to sb.  某事对某人来说是熟悉的 sb be familiar with sth. 某人对某事熟悉 famous be famous for 以…而出名 be famous as 作为……是出名的 far as far as (表示程度、范围)就……‎ be far ahead 遥遥领先 be far from satisfactory  远远不令人满意 far from 远离 far too 太…;远过于 so far 到目前为止 that far 那么远 fast be fast / sound asleep 睡得很熟 fasten fasten a seat belt 系紧安全带 fasten shoes laces 系鞋带 feed feed on 以…为食物 feed sth to sb 把…喂给…吃 feed…on/with…用…来喂养…‎ be fed up with 对…感到厌烦,腻了 feel feel for sb.  同情,怜悯(某人)‎ feel good  感到愉快、有信心等 feel one’s age 意识到自己老了 feel one’s way 摸索着行走 feel up to doing sth.  认为自己有能力做某事 feel appreciated 感到被重视 feel as if 感觉似乎 feel bad about 感到抱歉 feel blue 没精打采 feel free to do 随意做某事 feel homesick 想家 feel like doing 想要 feel lonely 感到孤独 feel nervous 感到紧张 feel nervous about… 对……感到紧张 feel pity for the jobless man 对那无业男子表示遗憾 feel right at home 感到非常自在(舒适)‎ feel secure about(as to) one’s future 对未来感到放心 feel shame at doing sth 因做某事而感到羞愧 feel slight pain 感到稍微有点疼 feel squashed 感到挤压 feel the need to do (sth.) 感到做某事的必要 feel the pressure 感到压力 few a few  一些 quite a few 相当多;不少 fight fight back  反击;抵抗 fight (against) pollution 与污染作斗争 fight (against) racism 与种族歧视作斗争 fight (against) sexism 与性别歧视作斗争 fight a fire 救火 fight against cancer 与癌症作斗争 fight cancer 与癌症作斗争 fight diseases 与疾病作斗争 fight for democracy 为民主而斗争 fight for freedom / peace 为自由/和平而战斗 fight for freedom 为自由而斗争 fight for independence 为独立而斗争 fight for peace 为和平而斗争 fight for/against 为支持/反对……而战 fight oppression 与压迫作斗争 fight pollution 与污染作斗争 fight poverty 与贫困作斗争 fight unemployment 与失业作斗争 figure figure on sb. 指望某人 figure out the problem 做出题目 figure up 合伙 fill be filled with 充满,灌满 fill in (for sb.)  临时接替某人;暂代 fill a need/demand 满足需要 fill a post/a job 充任 ‎ fill one’s requirements 满足某人的要求 fill out an income tax form 填写所得税表 fill out his college application forms 填写他上大学的申请表 find find a solution to/of/for the difficulty 找到解决困难的办法 find a symptom of lung cancer 发现了肺癌的症状 find it easy to do sth 觉得做某事容易 find oneself faced with (某人)自己发现面临着……‎ find out 找出;搞清楚 find pleasure in watching TV 在看电视中得到快乐 find sth easy 觉得某事容易 find ways to do sth 发现做某事的方法 finish finish off  吃完,喝完 finish doing 完成做某事 finish up 结束 fire fire brigade 消防队 fire engines 消防车 fire/dismiss/discharge/sack the lazy man 解雇那个懒汉 fire at 对... 开枪, 向... 射击 catch fire  着火 make a fire  生火 on fire  着火 play with fire 玩火, 干危险的事 first at first 首先, 最初 first aid 急救 first of all 首先,第一 first trip away from home 第一次离家外出旅行 be the first to (do) 最先...的 fit fit in (with sb./sth.)  与(某事物/某人)相适应;相协调 fit like a glove  恰如其分;非常合身 fit on 试穿 fix fix on sb/sth.  决定要某人(某事物);选定;确定 fix sth. up  修理、重新装饰或改装某物 fix a car 修汽车 fix one’s eyes on /upon 注视 fix a date for the meeting 确定开会日期 flow flow away from 从……流走 flow south from 从……往南流 fly fly a kite 放风筝 fly by instinct 出自本能飞 fly/get into a temper发脾气 focus focus attention/mind on 集中注意力 focus on 集中于 fold fold sth in two/half 对折 with folded arms 两臂交叉(常指袖手旁观)‎ follow follow a music career 从事音乐事业 follow directions 遵照指示/说明 follow one’s orders/wishes/advice 听从命令/愿望/忠告 follow sb. into… 跟着某人进入……‎ follow the direction 遵照说明 as follows 如下 fond be fond of 爱好;喜欢 for for a time 短时间内,一度 for a while 片刻 for better or (for) worse 无论发生什么;有福同享,有祸同当 for certain 必定 for example / instance 例如 for fun 为了好玩 for lack of enthusiasm 缺乏热情 for lack of experience 缺乏经验 for lack of vitamins 因缺乏维生素 for one’s age 以…的年龄来说 for one’s own sake 为了某人自己的利益;由于某人自己的缘故 for sale待售 for some reason 因某种不知的原因 for sure / certain 确信 for the benefit of 为了…的利益 for the better 转好 for the sake of safety为了安全的缘故 forbid forbid doing sth 禁止做某事 forbid sb sth 禁止某人某事 forbid sb to do sth 禁止某人做某事 Parking forbidden ! 禁止停车 !‎ force force sb into doing sth 逼迫某人做某事 force sb to do sth 迫使某人做某事 the air force 空军 by force 用暴力; 强迫地 be in force 生效, 有效 forgive forgive sb for doing sth 原谅某人做某事 form form / reach / draw / come to a conclusion得出结论 form a fridenship 建立友谊 form the system of 形成……的系统 form a habit of 养成一个……的习惯 fill in /out an application form 填写申请书 in the form of 以...的形式, 呈...状态 free free sb. 释放某人 free from 不受(免于,没有)‎ free trade 自由交易 free time 空闲时间 free of charge 免费 freedom freedom from 免除 freedom of speech 言论自由 freeze freeze to death 冻死 freezing cold 极冷的 freezing point 冰点 frozen food 冷冻食品 frequent frequent contact with sb 与某人的经常联系 frequent visitor 常客 from from age to age 世世代代 from beginning to end 从头至尾 from below 自下 from birth 生来,一出生 from house to house 挨家挨户 from memory 凭记忆 from my point of view 从我的观点来看 from one’s earliest years 从早年开始 from shop to shop 一家一家商店 from the beginning 从头 from the bottom of one’s heart 从心灵深处 from now on 从现在起(今后)‎ from then on 从那时起 from time to time 经常;不时地 from bad to worse 愈来愈坏, 每况愈下 know right from wrong 辨别是非 front in front of  在……前面 be at the front 在前线 on the front page 在头版上 front desk 服务台 full be full of confidence 充满信心 full stop 句点,句号 full name 全名 full time 全部时间的(全部工作日的,专职的)‎ future in future  从今以后 in the future  未来 in the near future 在不久的将来 have a great future 前途远大 G gain gain experience/support/a reputation 获得经验/支持/名声 gain from… 从……中获益 gain knowledge 学到知识 gain one’s trust 赢得某人的信任 gain speed/heigh/time 渐渐增加速度/高度/时间 gain weigh 增重 No pains no gains. (谚)没有辛苦就没有收获; 不劳则无获。‎ gather gather around 把…围住 gather information 收集情报 gather together 聚集 gaze gaze at 注视 general general idea 一般概念 general knowledge 一般知识 general manager 总经理 in general 总之(一般,通常,一般说来)‎ generate generate electricity 发电 generally generally speaking 一般来说 be generally accepted 被普遍接受 generation generation gap 代沟 get get /acquire/ obtain knowledge 获得知识 get a general idea of 得到……大概的了解 get a job through sb通过某人得到工作 get accepted into medical school 被医科学校入取 get across 穿过 get action on 对……作出反应 get along well with sb. = get on well with sb. 和某人相处得很好 get along with 相处,进展 get along/on well with sb/sth 和…相处很好,进展很好 get an early start 很早出发 get an electric shock 遭到电击 get away from 离开 get away 逃跑,离开 get better views 欣赏到更好的风景 get bored doing 做某事厌倦/乏味 get burned/burnt 烫伤他自己 get close 走近 get divorced 离婚 get fired / dismissed / discharged / sacked被解雇 get good marks 得到好分数 get home from class 下课回家 get hurt in an accident 在事故中受伤 get in one’s way 挡路 get in touch with 与…取得联系 get into a temper 发脾气 get into an argument with a policeman 与警察发生争执 get into hot water陷入困境 get into trouble 陷入麻烦;陷于困境 get locked in 被锁在里面 get locked out 被锁在外面 get more physical exercise 多参加些体育锻炼 get off 下/走出电梯 get off a horse 下马 get off at 在……下车 get on with your math = get along with your math 使你的数学进步 get out of bed 病愈 get over a disease 病愈 get promoted/a promotion 提升 get rid of=do away with 去除/克服 get sb. in to do sth. 请某人来做某事 get serious about each other 互相动真情 get the engine to start 发动引擎 get to know sb. 开始了解某人 get way 断裂;倒塌 get/have one’s own way 为所欲为 get ahead of sb. 领先于某人 give give and take 相互容让 give in 屈服;让步 give oneself over to sth. 沉溺于;完全献身于 give out 分发;用完 give (first) priority to your request 优先考虑你的要求 give /lend an ear to… 倾听,注意 give a signal of emergency 发出紧急事件信号 give advice on 对……提出建议 give aid to sb 给…帮助 give an answer to 回答……‎ give birth to twins生了一对双胞胎 give ear to 倾听 give first aid 提供急救 give greeting to sb. 向某人问好 give head to 注意 give me a hand 帮我一把 give mercy to sb. 怜悯某人 give my assent to your plan 同意你的计划 give one’s point of view on.. 提出对……的观点 give regards to sb. 想向某人问候/致意 give sb a good opportunity to do (sth) 给某人做(某事)的好机会 give sb a lesson/ teach sb. a lesson给某人一个教训,给某人上一课 give sb a ride/give sb a lift 免费捎带上 give sb an idea of how to do让某人知道如何做 give sb one’s word that…向某人保证 give sb. a message给某人一个口信 give sb. an advantage over his opponent 使某人比他对手有优势 give sb. confidence 给某人自信心 give sb. opportunity to do (sth.) 给某人做(某事)的机会 give sb. practice in 给某人在……方面的实践 give sb. the wrong message 给某人错误的信息 give the lazy man the sack 把懒惰的人解雇 give the room a thorough cleaning 将房间彻底打扫一下 give up 放弃 give way to sb. 向某人妥协 glance glance at 看一眼 glare glare at怒目而视 go go about sth. 继续做某事 go after sb. 追逐或追踪某人 go against sb. 对某人不利 go all out to do sth. 竭尽全力做某事 go down 下沉 go on doing sth. 继续做某事 go over 复习;检查 go round 参观;访问;顺便走访 go up to 走上前去 go wrong 发生故障;出错 go a long way to do (sth)走长路做(某事)‎ go abroad 去国外,出国 go across 穿过(平面中进行)‎ go ahead (with) 前进;进展 go around 传播 go away on vacation 外出度假 go back the same way 原路返回 go back to the past 回到过去 go bankrupt 破产 go beyond 越过 go blind 失明 go camping / skiing / skating / shopping去野营/去滑雪/去滑冰/去购物 go Dutch 各付各的帐单 go from bad to worse 越来越坏,每况愈下 go from door to door 挨家挨户 go hand-in-hand with 与……紧密相连 go into … for 进入……去干某事 go into bankruptcy 破产 go native 入乡随俗 go on a diet = be on a diet 节食 go on a tour around Europe 周游欧洲 go on a voyage 在水上航行 go on board (a ship) 上船 go on long trips 进行长途旅游 go on strike 罢工 go on with 继续 go out of use 停止被使用 go straight ahead 笔直往前走 go through a red light 闯红灯 go through many wars / an exam / his pocket经历了许多战争/考试/搜查他的口袋 go to bed 上床去睡 go to great lengths 想方设法 go to work 去上班 go under 破产,沉没 go up stairs to 上楼去 go white (某人)脸色变白 go window-shopping 看橱窗 go/come to one’s aid 去(来)帮助某人 golden golden age 黄金时代 golden hours 幸福的时刻 golden opportunity 好机会 golden rule 非常重要的原则 good be good at 擅长于 be good for 适宜,对…有益 be good manners 有礼貌 be good to sb 对某人好 good bargains 价廉物美 good-looking 相貌好看的 grateful be grateful to sb. for sth. 为某事感谢某人 gossip gossip about 闲谈 graduate graduate as a top student 作为高材生毕业 graduate from college 大学毕业 graduate from… with honors 以优异成绩从……毕业 grasp grasp a chance 抓住机会 greet greet sb with a smile 用微笑招呼某人 grow grow from 来自于 grow into a dependable banker 成长为一个可信赖的银行家 grow out of necessity 因需要而生产 grow out of the coat 长大了而不能穿这件大衣了 grow red in the face (某人)脸变红 grow tired of 对……感到厌倦 grow to hate him 开始恨他 grow to love him 开始爱他 grow to understand him 开始渐渐理解他 grow up 长大 H hand hand sth. over to sb. 把(权位或权力)移交给某人 hand sth. down 传递某物 hand sth. in 交上、提交某物 hand sth. out 分发或分配某物 hand down 传给后代 hand in hand 手拉手 hand sth to sb 把某物递给某人 hand over 移交,交出 hang hang from 从……倒挂下来 hang up the telephone 挂掉电话 hang up your new portrait 将你的新画像挂起来 happen happen to do sth. 碰巧做某事 It (so) happened that 偶然..., 碰巧...‎ happy ‎ be happy with 对……很喜欢 harmful be harmless to 对……无害 hate hate doing sth 不喜欢做 hate violence 憎恨暴力 have have a bad temper 坏脾气 have a clear conscience 无愧于心 have a different attitude towards / to … 对……有不同的态度 have a double / dual personality 具有双重性格 have a faculty for writing 对写作有天赋 have a farewell party 开欢送会 have a genius for dancing 对舞蹈有天赋 have a get-together 进行聚会 have a gift for math 对数学有天赋 have a good appetite for dinner 对晚餐很有胃口 have a good command of精通,对……掌握的好 have a good knowledge of…. 对…很了解 have a good time (祝你)过(或玩)得痛快 have a good/bad appetite 胃口好/坏 have a great effect on 对……有很大影响 have a great effect on science 对科学有巨大影响 have a hard time 处境艰难 have a heart attack 心脏病发作 have a keen interest in …… 有着强烈的兴趣 have a keen sense of smell有着敏锐的嗅觉 have a knack for 有……诀窍 have a long history of practical application 有着实际应用的长久历史 have a lot in common with sb 和某人有很多相似点 have a lot of trouble with grammar and pronunciation 在语法和发音上有许多困难 have a narrow escape 幸免于难 have a negative effect on … 对……有消极影响 have a pain in the eye/back眼睛/背疼痛 have a passion for对……有一种热情 have a permit to carry a gun 有持枪的许可证 have a photographic memory 有着摄影般的记忆 have a quick mind 思维敏捷 have a shave 修面 have a talent for 对…有才能 have a word with sb 和某人说话 have a yearly checkup 做一次年度体检 have access to the library 能去图书馆 have access to 可以进入 have affection for sb. 对某人有感情/喜爱某人 have an abundance of fruit 有许多水果 have an advantage over sb. 比某人有优势 have an allergy to my perfume 对我的香水过敏 have an ambition for 有……的志向 have an appetite for 有…的欲望 have an appreciation of sth 欣赏 have an aspiration to be an actress 渴望成为一个演员 have an English evening 举行英语晚会 have an eye for 对……有眼力 have an impact onin his career 对他的前途有影响 have an interest in astronomy 对天文学感兴趣 have another heart attack 又一次心脏病发作 have been to 去过(某地)‎ have confidence in = be confident of 对……有信心 have confidence in his ability 对他的能力有信心 have control over 控制……‎ have difficulty/trouble (in) doing sth.做某事有困难 have great advantages 有很大的优势 have in common 有共同点 have my mind on sth else 心不在焉 have no (little) vacation to (for) arts 不(不大)适合搞文艺 have no choice but to do别无选择只能做某事 have no intention of hurting you 无心伤害你 have no thought about 对……不了解 have no thought for/with no thought for 不为…着想 have no time for reading 没有看书的时间 have nothing in common没有共同点 have nothing to complain about 没有事情可抱怨 have nothing to do but do…没别的可做只能做……‎ have nothing to do with you 与你无关 have practice in在……方面操作/实践 have self-confidence in oneself 对自己有信心 have some doubt about his words 对他的话有些怀疑 have sth. at one’s command在……的掌握之下 have sth. in common 有……共同点 have sth. in view控制某物 have sth. under control 控制某物 have sympathy with the sick 对病人抱着同情 have the ability to do sth 有能力做某事 have the copyrights on the classic novels 对这些经典小说持有版权 have the effect of doing ‎ have the game in the hand 稳操胜券 have the pain-relieving effect 有缓解疼痛的效果 have the responsibility for the decision 对这个决定有责任 have the same stress-relieving effects / function as exercise 和锻炼一样有缓解压力的效果 have their separate rooms 有各自的房间 have three separate /different meanings 有三个不同的意思 have trouble in doing sth. 做某事很困难 have trouble with 与……发生麻烦事 have trust in 信任 have/gain/win an advantage over 占(获得,赢得)优势 have/get access to 取得(接近)的方法(权力等)‎ head head for 前往 head north 向北前进 hear hear about 听说 hear from 收到来信 hear of 听说 hear sb/sth doing/do 听见…做…‎ hearing aid 助听器 heart heart and soul 全心全意地 heart trouble 心脏病 help can not help doing sth. 不能避免做某事 help a lame dog over a stile 助某人渡过难关 help sb. out 帮助某人 help sb through a difficult situation 帮助某人度过难关 help sb with sth 帮助某人做某事 help with sth. 帮助某事 helpful be helpful to sb. 对某人有帮助 help out 帮助克服困难 help sb through a difficult situation 帮助某人度过难关 help sb with sth 帮助某人做某事 help with sth. 帮助某事 hesitate hesitate for long 犹豫很久 hesitate to do sth 犹豫/不愿意做某事 historical historical research/figure 历史研究/历史人物 historical sources 史料 hit hit at sb./sth. 对准某人(某物)打去 hit it off 关系良好;和睦相处 hit on sth. 偶然地、灵机一动地想出 hit sb. in the eye 对某人来说是显而易见的 hit sb. in the face 打某人脸 hit sb. on the nose打某人鼻子 hit the nail on the head 击中要害 hit the bottle 经常酗酒 hit the ceiling/roof 勃然大怒 hold hold a belief 持有信念 hold back 阻挡;抑制 hold off 推迟;拖延;挡住 hold on 别挂断;抓牢;坚持 hold out 提供,坚持 hold out till help comes 坚持到援助到达 hold the copyrights to the classic novels 对这些经典小说拥有版权 hold up 举起 hold up cars 车辆阻塞 hold water 说得通,站得住脚 hold sb. down 限制某人自由;压制某人 home home accidents 家庭事故 homes for the aged 敬老院 home and abroad 国内外 East, west, home is best. 金窝,银窝,不如自己的草窝。‎ honest be honest about sth 对某事诚实 be honest with sb 对某人诚实 honor in honor of 向……表示敬意 be honored for 因为……而感到荣幸 hope hope for the best and prepare for the worst. 抱最好的希望,作最坏的准备。‎ hope to do sth 希望做某事 hHope Project 希望工程 Where there is life, there is hope. (谚)有生命就有希望。‎ how how careless of sb. 某人真粗心呀 how good it is that+cl. ……多好呀 how to deal with = what to do with 如何处理 human human and non-human sources 人力物力资源 human being 人类,人 human nature 人性 human right 人权 hurry hurry away out of 从……飞快得出来 hurry to do 赶紧做 hurry up 赶快 in a hurry 匆忙 I ‎ idle idle away one’s time 浪费时间 idle away one’s youth 浪费青春年华 if if only 但愿 only if 只要;只有 ‎ ‎ ill ill fame 臭名 ill health 不健康 ill news/luck 坏消息/不幸 speak/think ill of 说某人的坏话 imagine imagine doing 设想做某事 imagine sb doing 设想某人做某事 imagine sb to be 设想某人成为 impress be impressed by/with 对……留下印象 be impressed on my mind 在我脑海中留下印象 in in a game of chance 在玩机遇的游戏中 in a low voice低声说 in a minute很快的 in a way/in one way/in some ways 在某种程度上 in a whisper 低声说 in accordance with … 与……一致 in addition to / besides / apart from / other than 除了(加进去)‎ in advance 事先;预先,提前 in agreement with … 与……一致 in alarm 惊惶地 in all / altogether 总共 in amazement 惊喜地 in an emergency 在紧急情况下 in an orderly way 依次 in ancient times 在古时候 in answer to 回答;应答;响应 in any case 无论如何 in case + 从句 万一 in case of + sth. 万一 in cash 用现金 in depression 沮丧地 in depth = deep 深 in detail 详细地 in existence 存在 in great pain 很痛苦的 in height = high 高 in length = long 长 in memory of为了纪念 in nature = in essence本质上 in no case 绝不,在任何情形下都不 in no time 很快地;立刻 in one’s opinion=from one’s point of view以某人的观点来看 in one’s turn 轮到某人 in outer space 在外层空间 in point of popularity 就名气而言 in private私下里 in sb’s/during sb’s absence 不在时,缺席 in secret 秘密地 in terms of 从……方面;根据,按照,照……的话说 in that 因为 in the course of 在……的进程中 in the days that follow 在以后的日子里 in the event of an emergency 万一有紧急情况 in the field of在……领域 in the form of 以……形式 in the least 一丝,丝毫 in the meantime 同时 in the middle of 在……的中间,在……的中部 in the presence of 在……前面 in the rush to do sth. 在座某师做某事的热潮中 in the sight of sb/in sb’s sight 依某人的意见;在某人看来 in the way 造成不便或挡道 in this context 在这个上下文中 in time 及时;早晚 in total 总计 in use 使用着 in various ways 用不同的方法 in view of sth 鉴于;考虑到 in waves 一批一批;一阵一阵 in width = wide 宽 in/out of step with 与…步调一致/不一致 in/out of stock 有/无现货 in/within sight 看得见 inacessible be inaccessible to 不能接近……,(某地)令人或车辆无法抵达 increase increase his company’s profits 增加他公司的利润 increase in importance 重要性增加 increase in value/price 升值/涨价 increase/add to budgets 增加预算 independent be independent of 不依赖于 influence influence my decision影响我的决定 influence sb to do sth 影响某人做某事 have an influence on … 对…有影响 under the influence of… 在…的影响下 inform inform sb. of sth. 通知某人某事 be informed about 被告知……‎ informed sources 消息灵通人士 keep sb. informed of 不断给某人提供…的最新消息,使某人随时了解最新情况 inquire inquire about/of 询问 inquire after sb 问候 inquire into 调查 insist insist on sth./doing sth. 坚决主张 instant instant coffee 速溶咖啡 instant noodles 方便面 instruct instruct sb to do/in sth 指导某人做某事 as instructed 依照指示 instruct sb. in sth. 教某人…‎ intend intend sb to do sth 要某人做某事 intend to do sth 打算做某事 be intended for sb./sth. 专为…而设计,专供…使用 interest be interested in= take an interest in 对……有兴趣 have no interest in doing sth. 不想做某事 introduce introduce A to B 向A介绍B introduce Paris fashion into Shanghai 将巴黎的时尚引入上海 involve involve doing 需要 involve sb in sth 使某人介入某事 be involved in sth. 牵连进…‎ be involved with sb. 与某人有牵连 isolated be isolated from 从……分离 issure issue a coin 发行一种硬币 it it appear that… 好象,似乎 It happens that…碰巧…‎ It is a wonder that sb. do (sth.) 某人做了某事是一个奇迹。‎ It is clear that +cl. 很清楚……‎ It is considerate / thoughtful of sb. to do sth. 某人做某事真是考虑周到。‎ It is the only time that sb. have/has done 某人仅这次做了……‎ It’s a waste of time/ no good/ no use doing sth. 浪费时间做某事/做权谋上是不好的/没用的 It’s about/high time that…应该立即做某事的时候 It’s a pity that … 很遗憾…‎ J Join join a club/the party/the army/the League参加一个俱乐部/入党/参军/入团 join hands to do (sth.) 携手做(某事)‎ join sb. 加入某人活动 join sb.in sth.和某人一起做某事 join sth. from 从……加入……‎ join the board / the army / the party 参加董事会/参军/入党 judge judging from/by (one’s) appearance 从外表判断 judge sb to be good 认为某人是好的 judge the worth of sth. 估计某物的价值 jump jump at the chance 立刻抓住机会 jump into 跳进……‎ jump with joy 高兴的跳了起来 jump the queque 插队 just be just about to do sth. 刚要做……‎ just in case 万一 just the opposite正好相反 just the same=all the same 一样 K keen be keen on doing … 渴望做某事 be keen to do … 渴望做某事 keep keep sb. at sth. (使某人)继续做某事 keep doing sth. 连续不断做某事 keep (oneself) from doing sth. 克制自己不做某事 keep in with sb. 与某人保持友好关系 keep sb. out of sth. 不让某人进入 keep up with 跟上 be kept under lock and key 被保管好 keep a close watch on 密切注意 keep a record of 保持……的纪录 keep in touch/contact with 与… 保持联系 keep off 防止,避开 ‎ keep one’s word 遵守诺言 keep out 把…挡在外面 keep pace with the time 与时俱进 keep sb awake 使某人醒着 keep sb. company / bear sb. company 陪伴某人 keep sb. in suspense 吊某人胃口 keep sb. well informed of sth. 使某人熟知 keep step with与…步调一致 keep sth. from sb. 让某人不知道某事 keep sth. in mind 记住某事 keep sth. to play with 持有某物玩玩 keep to 遵循,坚持某方向 keep to the left 往左(行驶)‎ keep track of 了解 kiss kiss sb goodbye 和某人吻别 kiss sb on 亲吻某人 knock knock / bump / run into sb. 碰到某人 knock down 撞倒 knock down 拆散,拆毁;把…撞倒 knock his opponent down 击倒他的对手 knock me on the hand 敲我的头 knock off 从价钱中减价;下班 knock at/on the door 敲门 knock open the door of future 敲开未来的大门 knock out 击倒 known be known as 被作为……而众所周知 be known for 因……而众所周知 be known to him alone 只有他一个人知道 know about 知道 know better than to … 应懂得不该…,明白事理而不至于 know from experience 从经验中得知 know sth from sth 区别 know to one’s cost 因付出代价才知道 knowledgeable be knowledgeable about sth. 知道……‎ L lack lack sth 缺少 be lacking in sth. 不足;不够 for/through/because of lack of … 因缺乏…‎ last last but not least 最后的但是最重要的 last for/until 持续直到 last (sb.) two days 够用,足够维持…‎ leave a lasting impression on sb. 给某人留下了不可磨灭的印象 later later in the day 白天晚些时间 late in the week 在后半周 in one’s later years/life 在晚年 later on 后来 laugh laugh at sb./sth. 取笑或讥笑 laugh in sb’s face 当众表示蔑视某人 laughing stock 笑柄,笑料 have the last laugh 最终成功、获胜 busrt out laughing 突然大笑起来 laughter burst into laughter 突然大笑起来 launch launch a business 开办一个新企业 launch a missile 发射一颗导弹 launch a new project 开始一项新计划 launch an atomic-powered submarine 使核潜艇下水 lay lay a dress on the bed 把裙子放在床上 lay/put stress/emphasis on sth 强调某事 lay/set the table 放桌子 lay sb. off 解雇 lay sth. aside 储存某物待用 lead lead him to pursue a career 引导他去追求一份职业 lead him to pursue a degree 引导他去追求一个学位 lead sb by the nose 完全控制某人, 牵着某人的鼻子走 lead sb. by the hand牵某人手 lead sb. into 把某人引导到……‎ lead the head 带头 lead the way 引路,带头 lead to 通往 lead to 导致 lead/live a … life过……的生活 leading statesmen of period 当代卓越的政治家 lean lean against the window 倚窗而立 lean against 斜靠 lean on 靠在,倚在, 依靠 lean back 向后仰 lean forward 俯身向前 lean on sb to do sth 依靠某人做某事 learn learn a lesson 得到教训 learn about 了解;学到 learn bargaining skills 学习讨价还价技巧 learn crafts 学习手工艺 learn lessons from our failure 从我们的失败中吸取教训 learn nursing 学习护理 learn of 得知 learn through play 通过玩耍学习 It is learned that …据悉…‎ learn sth by heart 熟记 learn from/by experience 从经验中认识到,从经验中吸取教训 leave leave for 前往 leave home 离家 leave on a journey 离开……开始旅行 leave sb alone 听任, 不管某人 leave sb doing 让某人去做 leave sb. a message给某人留个口信 leave school 毕业 leave sth. behind 遗留某物;把某物落在某地 leave sb. in the dark 不让某人知道 leave sth. to be desired 不够完美, 有待改进 lend lend (sb.) a hand 帮(某人)的忙 let let alone… 莫说;不在话下,更不用说 let in 放入,让……进入 let off 放(烟花,炮等) ,说出(笑话)‎ let out 放掉,出租 let out a cry of surprise发出一阵惊讶声 let out a secret泄露一个秘密 let out the secret 泄露秘密 let sb. down 使某人沮丧 let sb. go 放某人走 let sb. out 释放某人 let the cat out of the bag 泄露机密 let there be no mistakes 不要犯错误 let’s make a wish that+cl. 让我们许个愿 lie lie awake 躺着未睡 lie in在于 lie still 躺着不动 likely be likely to do很可能会做某事 It’s likely that …‎ limit limit …to …把…限制在…‎ limited opportunities 有限的机会 reach the limit of one’s resources 山穷水尽 within limits 适度地,有限度地 without limit 无限制地,无限地 live live a full life 过着充实的生活 live by fishing 靠捕鱼为生 live comfortably 舒适地生活 live from hand to mouth 生活拮据 live for 为…而活着 live in an upscale neighborhood 住在高级社区 live in hope (of ) 乐观地期待 live in peace and security 过着平静安稳的生活 live in the past 念念不忘往事,恋旧 live in the suburbs 住在郊区 live in the wild 野生生活;野外生活 live independently 独立生活 live on the outskirts 住在郊区 live on/off 以…为主食 live two years longer than sb. 比某人多活两年 live under the same roof 同住一处 live undisturbed by sb. 不受他人打扰地住着 live up to his reputation 配得上他的名声 live up/come up to his parents’ expectation 不辜负他父母的期望 load load sb with sth 使某人负荷 load up (with) 装满(货物)‎ load sth into/onto sth 装载 take a load off one’s mind 去掉某人的思想负担 locate be located in/on坐落于 long long ago 很久以前 all day/night long 整天/整夜 as long as 长达,只要 before long 不久 make/pull/draw a long face 愁眉苦脸,闷闷不乐 long for sb to do sth 渴望某人去做某事 long for sth渴望得到 long to do 渴望做 look have a look 看一看 look after 照顾 look around/round (仔细)查看四周 look down on 轻视 look for 寻找 look forward to 盼望;期待 look into 调查 look on 旁观 look out 注意;留神 look out of 往外看 look over 察看,打量,翻阅 look through 浏览;核查 ‎ look to 依赖 look up 查出,向上看 look up to sb仰慕 look back into the past 回顾过去 look back to/on 回顾 look beyond 往远处看 look both ways 望两边看 look down on/upon看不起 look exhausted 看上去十分劳累的 look forward to doing 期望做 look in… for 在……看着要得到 look into 调查,了解 look on…as/have… as/think of...as/regard…as 把……看作……‎ look out of the window 向窗外望 look out当心 look through = browse / leaf through浏览 look to the right/left向右/左转 look up to sb 尊敬 lose be lost in his studies 埋头于他的研究 be lost 丢失;迷路 lose a chess match to sb 下棋比赛输给某人 lose balance 失去平衡 lose face 丢脸,失面子 lose heart 丧失勇气 lose one’s appetite for sth 没胃口 lose one’s heart to sb 爱上了某人 lose one’s patience with… 对…不耐烦, 对…失去耐心 lose one’s temper发脾气 lose one’s way 迷路 lose oneself 迷失方向,迷路 lose the ability to do (sth.) 失去做某事的能力 lose touch/contact with 与…失去联系 lose track of time when listening to music 听音乐忘记时间 lose/take off weight 减肥 lose/waste no time (in) doing sth 赶紧做某事 loss be at a loss for sth / to do 茫然不知所措 M mad be mad about football 热衷于足球 be mad at在……方面疯了 go mad 变得极为愤怒,变得狂怒 maintain maintain one’s family养家 maintain…relation with sb. 保持和某人的关系 major major in 主修……‎ make make (full/good) use of (充分)利用 make / keep an appointment 约会/守约 make the bed 铺床 make a blood test 验血 make a compromise with sb. 对某人让步 make a contribution 作出贡献 make a decision 做出决定 make a deadline 在期限内完成 make a great impact in the office 在办公室里产生了极大的影响 make a large fortune from 因……而发大财 make a living (doing sth) (做某事)谋生 make a mess of the plan 把这个计划弄糟 make a mistake about 搞错 make a nice couple 天生一对 make a noise 发出响声 make a profit/loss 获利/赔钱 make a stop at 在……停留 make a study of 研究 make a successful tour of ……巡回(演出)成功 make a suggestion that sb should do sth 建议做某事 make a tour of the world 周游世界 make an appointment/ 进行预约 make an assault on sb. 向某人发起进攻 make an attack on sb. 向某人发起进攻 make an attempt to do sth. / attempt to do sth. 企图做……;尝试做……‎ make an attempt to do sth/at doing sth 试图做某事 make an attempt to do=attempt to do 尝试/企图做某事 make an enquiry about 问讯,打听 make arrangements 作出安排 make arrangements to do sth. 安排做某事 make big steps in 在……方面取得很大进步 make comments on 对某事做评论 make complaint about the low quality of products 对产品质量低劣抱怨 make complaint against sb 申诉某人 make contact with sb. / contact sb. 和某人联系 make contact with 与某人取得联系 make experiments 做实验 make for向……走去 make friends with sb. 与某人交朋友 make fun of sb. 嘲笑某人 make good use of 好好利用 make great contributions to the development of education 对教育发展做出巨大奉献 make it possible for sb to do (sth) 是某人有可能做(某事)‎ make life easier for sb. 使生活对某人更轻松 make off (with sth.) (带着某物)匆匆逃走 make one’s life fuller 让某人生活更充实 make one’s way to 去(某地)‎ make oneself understood 说明自己的意思,使别人理解自己的意思 make out辨认出,理解 make peace with讲和 make room for为….腾出空间 make sb. do sth. 让某人做某事 make sb. the laughing stock of 使某人成为……笑柄 make sense of 懂得…… ‎ make sense 有意义;有道理 make sth. impersonal 使……没有人情味 make sth. out of 用……(材料)制某物 make sth. resistant to 使某物可抵抗 make sure that…使确信;保证 make the best of 充分利用;善于处理 make the coat to one’s measure按某人的尺寸做衣服 make trouble 制造麻烦 make up 组成 be made up of 由…组成 make up a composition 写文章 make up a story编故事,说谎 make up for a job interview 为工作面试化妆 make up for弥补 make (full/better) use of (充分/更好地)利用 make/carry out/perform/conduct/do an experiment 做实验 make/deliver a speech 发表演讲 make/give no response to my question 对我的问题没有回音 many a good many 相当多的 a great many 很多很多,极多 as many as 多达 many a 许多 many thanks/thanks a lot 多谢 many thousand of (复数名词)数千个 many thousands of+复数名词 几千;成千上万 marry be married to sb. 与某人结婚 married life 婚后生活,婚姻生活 may may well do sth 很可能做某事 may/might (just) as well do sth 做某事道也无妨 may/might have done 或许已做 mean mean to do 打算做某事 mean doing 意味着 by no means 绝不 by means of 通过…方式 meet meet changing situations 适应正在变化的形式 meet with (difficulty) 遇到(困难)‎ meet with an accident 碰上车祸 meet/fill/satisfy one’ s need/requirements满足某人的要求 meet the need of 满足需要 mental mental activity 心理活动 mental health 心理健康 mental diseases 心理疾病 message give sb. a message 给某人带个口信 leave a meassage for sb. 给某人留个条 send a message 发短信 mind mind (sb.) doing sth. 介意做某事 never mind 不要紧 mind if + cl. 介意 mind/watch one’s step 当心脚下;做事谨慎 miss miss sb./sth. out 不包括某人(某事物)‎ miss doing 险些做某事,错过做某事 be too good to miss 很吸引人或很有利而无法拒绝或放弃 miss sth important 错过了重要的东西 miss the chance to do (sth.) 错过做某事的机会 miss the boat/bus 错过机会,坐失良机 mistake be mistaken about … 误会……‎ mistake about 关于……错误 mistake…for… 把……误认为……‎ make a mistake 犯错 by mistake 错误地(并非故意地)‎ mix be mixed together被混合在一起 be mixed with 和……混合在一起 mix red paint with yellow paint to make orange paint将红色涂料和黄色涂料调成橙色 mix well with sb. 和某人友好相处 mix up 混淆,弄混(人或物)‎ more more and more 越来越(多)‎ more or less 差不多;几乎;大约 more often than not 往往,多半,通常 more than 超过;多于 no more than 至多 what is more 而且;还有;此外 most at most 至多;不超过 make the most of sth. 最大限度地利用某物 mourn mourn her son’s death 遭到断然地拒绝 mourn one’s death 悼念某人使事 mourn for 为…哀痛 N name be named after him 以他命名 narrow narrow down the topic 缩小话题 narrowly escape 死里逃生,险些遇险 narrowly miss 险些,差一点 native native language/tongue 母语 native speaker 以某种语言为母语的人,说本族语的人 the native 本地人 natural natural resources 自然资源 natural gas 天然气 necessitate necessitate a rescue operation 使救援行动变得必要 necessitate economy practiced by all使人人节约成为必要 necessitate practicing economy 使人人节约成为必要 need need a nice change of pace 需要换一个节奏 need conclusive / sound / concrete evidence 需要确凿的证据 need inspiration to compose poems 写诗需要灵感 need self-motivation需要自我激励 There’s no need (for sb.) to do sth. 做某事(对某人来说)是没有必要的 meet /answer/fill a need 满足需求 needn’t have done 本不需要 in (time of) need 必要时 be in need of 需要 negotiate negotiate with sb. about sth. 和某人就某事谈判 nervous be nervous about对……感到紧张 nervous breakdown 神经衰弱 news news from all over the world 来自世界各地的消息 news reached England that+cl. 消息传到英国说……‎ no no better than 跟…一样不好 no doubt 无疑 no less/fewer than和……一样多 no litter禁止乱扔垃圾 no longer = not…any longer不再 no matter how 不管怎样 no matter what he did 不管他做什么 no more = not …any more不再 no more than仅仅 no sooner…than…一…就…‎ no wonder sb. do (sth.) 难怪某人做(某事)‎ no parking 禁止停车 not not a bit 毫不;一点也不 not a little 非常 not a little/few很多 not as…as…, not so…as… 不如…那样 not at all 一点也没有;完全不,全然不 not less/fewer than不少于 not more than不超过 not necessarily 未必(副词)‎ not necessary 没必要(形容词)‎ not to mention … 更不用说……‎ not yet 尚未;还没 not…because 不要因…便 not … but …不是…而是…‎ nothing remains but sth. 除了……什么都没留下 notice notice board 布告栏 notice sb./sth, doing sth. 注意到某人/某物做某事 take notice (of) 注意(到)‎ ten days’ notice/three months’ notice 提前十天/三个月通知 now now and then/now and again 时而;偶尔 now that 既然;由于 by now 到目前为止 O obey obey the rules = observe the rules 遵守规则 obey one’s order服从某人的命令 object object to sb./sth. 不赞成(某人/某事);反对 object to sb/doing sth 反对某人/做某事 with no object in life 没有生活目标 UFO不明飞行物 oblige ‎ be obliged to do sth. 被迫做某事,不得不做某事 feel obliged to do sth. 觉得有义务做某事 be obliged to sb. for sth. 为某事感谢某人 I’d be obliged if… 多谢(请别人帮忙时的客气话)‎ observe observe sb. doing sth. 注意到某人做某事 observe a person’s birthday 庆祝某人的生日 observe the traffic regulations 遵守交通规则 occur sth. occurs to sb. 某人突然想到某事 It occurs to sb. that …某人突然想到某事 It occurs to sb. to do sth. 某人突然想到要做某事 of be of an age 都是同年的 be of great benefit to sb 对某人很有帮助 be of great value to sb 对某人有很大的价值 of help=helpful 有帮助 of one’s time 某人时代的 of use=useful 有用的 of no use 无用的 offer offer protection from 提供保护而不 offer sb a lift让某人搭车 offer sb sth (主动)给某人某物 offer to do sth主动提出做某事 your kind offer of help 你愿意帮忙的好意 on be on credit 赊账 be on fire 烧着,着火 be on good terms with sb. 和某人相处得很好 be on sb’s track 追踪某人 be on strike 罢工 be on the point of doing sth. 刚要做……‎ be on the scene在现场 be on the schedule按照预定的时间 be on the side of sb/on one’s side 站在某人一边;支持某人 be on the track of sb. 追踪某人 be on the way to being a mother 要做母亲了 on (the) average 平均 on a second thought/on second thoughts 又一想 on and off = occasionally断断续续 on board 在船上 on condition that = as long as = so long as 只要 on each/either side of 在…的两边 on fishing trips 去钓鱼 on no account 决不可以,切莫 on sb’s advice 遵照…的意见 on show 被陈列着;出展 on team 在队里 on the air 广播着,传播着 on the basis of 在…基础上 on the beach 在海滩上 on the campus在校园里 on the other hand 另一方面 on the other side of 在……的另一边 on the scene/spot 在现场;到现场 on the whole 总的来说 on the/one’s way to 在(某人)去…的途中;在进行中 on one’s own 亲自,单独地,独自地 on tiptoe 用脚尖走 once once and for all 这次也是最后一次 at once 立刻;马上 once a day 每天一次 once again 再一次 once in a while 偶尔 once more 再次 once upon a time 从前 one one after another=one by one一个接一个地; 接连地 one another 互相 one of these days 今后某一天;不久 one very much older 相当老的;一个人 open be open to question 愿意接受质疑 be opened for business 开张营业 open (sth) to the public 把…对公众开放 open one’s heart to 向…敞开心扉 open one’s mind to 乐于考虑(接受)(新观念)‎ open/get an account with the bank 在银行开户头 open-door policy 开放政策 opening ceremony 开幕式 in the open air 在户外 opposite be opposite to和……相反 on the opposite side 在背面 or ‎ or anything/something 或其他什么的,诸如此类的什么 a day or two=one or two days 一两天 or else 否则;要不然 or so 或更多;大约(用于单数名词之后)‎ whether or not 是否 order in order that 目的在于;为了 in order to do 为了(做某事)‎ in order 整齐,有调理 out of order 次序颠倒,不按顺序 law and order 治安 keep order/keep sb. in order 维持秩序、是某人守规矩 take one’s order 记下顾客点的饭菜 out out of breath 上气不接下气 out of danger 脱离危险 out of range/be within range在射程之外/内 out of step没跟上步子(军训等)‎ out of context 出于上下文 out of curiosity 出于好奇 out of interest 出于兴趣 out of pity 出于同情 out of place 不合时宜 out of season 不上市;不当令;不在旺季;在度假淡季 out of shape 变形;走样 out of sight 看不见 out of the question 不可能 out of question 没问题 out of this world 十全十美的,无比优秀的 out of vanity 出于虚荣 out of work/job 失业 over be over age 过了成年 over and over (again) 一再地,再三地 owing owing to / due to / as a result of / because of/on account of 由于 ‎ owe…to… 把…归功于…‎ P part play a part in 在……中起作用 take part in 参加 on one’s part就某人而言 particular be particular about对……挑剔 in particular 尤其 pass be passed on from generation to generation 一代一代往下传 pass a bill 通过议案 pass law 通过法律 pass sth. on sb.把……传给某人 pass the time 消磨时间 pass through the customs 通过海关 passionate be passionate about sth. 对……充满热情 pay pay (receive) in advance 预付(收)‎ pay a bill 付帐 pay a fine 付罚款 pay a visit to 访问;参观;游览 pay attention to (doing) sth. 注意 pay for one’s debt偿还债务 pay for the debt / money 偿还债务/还钱 pay for your inertia 为你的惰性付出代价 pay his own share 付自己的那一份 pay in cash 付现金 pay is in smiles from sb.‎ pay off the debts 还清债务 pay sb. money for sth.付某人多少钱买什么东西 pay…out of 以……付款 equal pay for equal work同工同酬 people people from all walk of life 各行各业的人们 people from different cultural backgrounds 来自不同背景的人 people next door 隔壁邻居 perform perform a chemical experiment 做化学实验 perform a play = put on a play上演一部戏 perform a surgical operation on sb. 给某人做外科手术 perform magic 变魔术 perform one’s promise 兑现诺言 permit permit/allow doing 允许做某事 permit/allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事 persist persist in believing that … 坚持相信……‎ persist with the agricultural reform 不畏艰难继续农业改革 persuade persuade me of his innocence 使我相信他是无辜的 persuade sb. into doing sth. = argue sb. into doing sth. 说服某人去做某事 persuade sb. that … = convince sb. that … 使某人相信……‎ persuade sb. to do (sth.) (成功)说服某人做(某事)‎ pick pick out 分辨;挑出 pick up 拾起;学会 pick off leaf after leaf 把……一叶一叶摘去 pick out her wedding gown 选她的婚礼服 pick sb. up at the gate of the cinema 在电影院大门口用车接某人 pick up a friend at the airport到机场接朋友 pick up her clothes at the cleaner’s 在洗衣店里取她的衣服 picky be picky about sth. 对……挑剔 plan plan for/to do 为……计划,计划做 plan to do sth 计划做某事 play play “for keeps” 玩“赌输赢的游戏”‎ play a trick on 作弄某人 play an important part/role in在……中起一个重要的作用 play fair 玩/比赛公正 play marbles 玩打子弹 please be pleased with 对…满意 point point at 指着 point sth. out 使注意某事物 point sth. up 强调某事物的某方面 point the finger at sb. 公开指责某人 point to 指向 to the point 切题 What’s the point of doing sth There is no point in doing sth polite be polite to do 对某人礼貌 popular be popular with sb. 受某人欢迎 popular music 流行音乐 powerless be powerless to do anything but do sth. 无能为力做某事只能做某事 practice Practice makes perfect practise practise doing sth 练习做某事 practise on the piano 练习联系弹钢琴 pray pray for…乞求得到……‎ pray to sb. for/that 向某人乞求得到……‎ prefer prefer A to B 比起B来更喜欢A prefer doing A to doing B prefer to do…rather than do = would rather do …than do…宁愿做某事而不愿做某事 prefer to do 喜欢做某事 prepare be prepared for sth. 为某事作好准备 be prepared to do 准备做某事 prepare sb. for sth. 让某人做某事做好准备 prepare oneself for life in the future 使自己为将来生活做过准备 prepare sth prepare for sth present be present at the meeting出席会议 present sth to sb把…递交给…‎ present sb with sth赠…某物 at present 目前 preserve preserve in sth./doing 坚持……有毅力(做)‎ pressure pressure / force / compel sb. to do sth. 强迫某人去做某事 produce produce a feelling of…in sb 对某人心中产生感情 produce an amazing result 产生令人惊喜的结果 promote promote him to the position of chief accountant 提升他为财务主任 promote new products 推销新产品 promote social change 促进社会变化 propose propose doing sth/that… 建议做某事 propose to do sth 打算做某事 protect protect sb. from 保护某人免受……‎ protect works of art 保护艺术作品 protect…against 保护……不 propose that sb should do proud be proud of 为……骄傲/自豪 be proud to do为做(某事)……骄傲/自豪 prove prove (to be) satisfactory 证明是令人满意的 prove the worth of friendship 证明友谊的价值 It has proved that …已经证实…‎ provide provide sth. for sb./provide sb. with sth. 向某人提供某物 provide access to 可以使用 provide reminders of how to do sth. 使人想起了如何做 provide sth. free for sb. 免费提供某物给某人 providing (that)…/provided (that)… 假如 pull pull / put / bring sb through the difficult time 使某人度过困难时期 pull down 拆 pull sth. off the road 把某物从路面上拉走 pull up 拉起 put put forward a question提出问题 put aside some money存点钱 put up with忍受 put (it) safe 谨慎行事 put a question to sb.=put sb. a question给某人提出一个问题 put away把……放好 put back/replace the books on the shelf 把书放回书架 put down放下 put forward a suggestion/a task/slogan 提出一个建议/任务/口号 put me through to extension 356 请接通356分机 put off=postpone推迟 put on a concert 上演音乐会 put on airs 摆架子 put one’s arms around 用双臂抱住……‎ put out a fire扑灭火 put qualified to do合格做某事 put sb right / set sb right 使某人恢复健康改正某人的错误 put sb to the trouble of doing sth 麻烦某人做某事 put sb. to sleep 让某人入睡 put sth to use 开始使用 put sth into practice 把…付诸实践 put up 竖起,举起 put your heart into doing sth. 全身心投入做某事 put/cast/throw/send sb. into prison把……关进监狱 put forward 提出;建议 put off 关掉;熄灭;脱掉;推迟 put on 穿上 put out 熄灭;出版;公布;伸出 puzzle be puzzled about 对……很困惑 Q qualify be qualified for sth. 合格做某事 quality work细活 quick be quick at在……方面动作快 R raise raise money to do/for 为(做某事)集资 raise taxes 提高税收 raise a question/issue提出一个问题 raise five children养育5个孩子 rather rather than 而不 rather too 有些太…‎ would rather do A than do B宁愿做A也不愿意做B reach reach a conclusion 得出一个结论 reach a goal 达到目标 reach for 伸向 reach number four in the top twenty song hits of 1974 在1974年最风行的前20首歌中排第四 reach out for a book on the shelf 伸手去拿书架上的书 react react against 反对 react to 作出反应 ready be ready to do (sth.) 准备好做某事 get ready for sth. 为某事做好准备 reason reason for sth. 某事的理由 reason sb. into doing sth. 劝说某人做某事 reason sb. out of doing sth. 劝说某人不要去做某事 receive receive a large Christmas bonus 受到一大笔圣诞节奖金 receive little care 得到很少的关爱;基本得不到关爱 receive maltreatment 受到虐待 recommend recommend doing sth 建议某人做某事 recommend sb to do sth建议某人做某事 recommend that… 建议 recover recover from 从……恢复 reduce reduce stress减少紧张 reduce your workload 减少你的工作量 reduce…to使某人处于某种状态 She was reduced to begging for a living.她被迫沦落至乞讨为生 refer be referred to as 被作为……来参考 refer to 提到,参考,查阅 refer sb/sth to sb提交…做决定 refuse refuse sth. 拒绝……‎ refuse to do sth. 拒绝做某事 relate be related to 与……相联系/相关 release release a new book / film / album / record发行一本新书/一部新电影/一张新专辑/一张新唱片 release sb. 释放某人 release sb from his suffering 免除某人的痛苦 relieve be relieved from the responsibility 卸下了责任 relieve my pain 减轻我的疼痛 relieve sb. of stress 缓解某人的压力 relieve the symptoms of 解除……症状 reluctant be reluctant to do=be unwilling to do不愿意做某事 rely rely on 依靠 remain remain in 留在 remain to be confirmed 有待被确认 remain unknown 依旧是谜 remind remind sb. of sth. 提醒某人某事 remind sb. to do sth.提醒某人做某事 remove be removed from 从……移除 replace be replaced by 被……所替代 replace A with B 用B来代替A reply reply to 回答;回应 resist resist doing抵制做某事 resist the temptation of the urban life 抵制都市生活的诱惑 resistant be resistant to 对……有抵抗力的 resolve be resolved to do 下决心做 resolve on/upon doing responsible be responsible/accountable/answerable for 对……负责 result as a result 作为结果;因此 result from由..引起的 result in导致 reward reward sb with sth for sth 因…而用…来酬谢某人 rich be rich in在….方面丰富的 rid get rid of 摆脱;除去 right right away 立刻 right off 立即 risk risk doing sth 冒险做某事 risk one’s life 冒着生命危险 rob rob sb. of sth. 抢劫某人某物 run run across sb/sth 偶然遇见不期而遇(某人或或发现某事物)‎ run after sb. 追逐某人 run at sb. 向某人冲去 run away 逃走 run sth. off (使液体)流尽;排出 run off with sth. 偷走某物 run on 连续不断;继续下去 run out (协议、文件等)失效,过期,用尽 run a hospital 经营一家医院 run for竞选/参加….的竞争 run parallel to 和……平行;和……并肩 run/take the risk of冒…的危险 S safe be safe from 没有…危险的,安全的 safe and sound 平安无恙 sake for one’s own sake 为了自己的利益 sale be on sale 廉价出售 for sale上市,出售 same all the same 仍然;还是 the same as 与……一样 satisfy be satisfied / pleased / gratified / content with 对……很满意 save save sb. from 把某人从……救活拯救..,使免于 scare be scared away from taking the responsibility 害怕承担责任 score score a goal 踢进一个球 score a point 得一分 scores of years 许多年 scores of许多 second second only to 仅次于 second to none 比谁都好 secure secure a well-paid job 找到获得一份高薪职业 secure the doors and windows 关紧门窗 see I see 我明白了 see sb. off 为某人送行 see (to it ) that 留心 see below 见下文 see little prospect of his recovery 看不到他恢复的可能 see through 看穿 see to it that+cl. (一般用现在时)注意;保证 seek seek fame 寻找名利 seek shelter from the rain 寻找避雨的地方 seek to do sth. 求企图做某事 send send for 派人去请 send out 打发;散发;发射分发,发出 senior be senior to比…年长 sentence be sentenced to death被判死刑 serious be serious about sth. 对某事认真 serve serve as/for 适用;充当 serve in the army 服兵役 serve one’s purpose 为某人的目的服务符合某人的要求 serve purpose 起作用 serve sb. through one’s work as 作为……在工作中服务某人 serve to do sth 有助于做某事 set set a watch 将表对准 set a/the trend 开风气之先;带领新潮流 set about doing sth着手做某事 set aside money for sth把钱留作…..之用 set back 阻碍…的进展;使受挫;延缓 set foot on 踏上 set off 出发,启程;着手;使爆炸 set out to do sth着手做某事 set out 出发;开始; 陈列,安排 set sail 扬帆起航 set sb. free 释放某人 set up 竖立;建立,设立;引起 set…free 让……自由;释放(某人)‎ settle settle a problem=solve a problem 解决一个问题 settle down in 在……定居下来 shake shake hands with sb=shake sb’s hand和某人握手 shake one’s head 摇头 shake with anger 气得发抖 share share one’s emotion / feelings with others 和别人分享心情/感受 share sth with sb 与某人分享/合用某物;将某事告知某人 share the tasks among the children 在孩子们中分派任务 short be short of 急需;短缺 shortly shortly after…在…之后立即 shortly before 在…之前不久 show show a great deal of concern for his son’s illness 非常担心她儿子的病情 show concern for … 关心 show mercy to sb. = have mercy on sb. 对某人仁慈 show off 炫耀,卖弄;使某人注意 show respect to尊重 show up (使)显眼;(使)显现; 揭发;到达使难堪 show…around 带领(某人)参观(某处)‎ sick be sick in bed 卧病在床 be sick of 对…感到厌烦 side side by side 肩并肩地;支持 side with 支持 sight at first sight 乍一看 similar be similar to和…相似 simplify simplified story 简写的故事 skip skip breakfast 不吃早饭 skip classes 逃课 slip slip / steal into the room 偷偷溜进房间 slip from/out of/through (从…)滑落;滑脱;逃走 slip into/out of 溜进/出;穿上/脱下 slip one’s mind/slip one’s memory/escape one’s memory 我忘记了一时忘记 smash smash a person on the nose 猛击某人的鼻子 smash the record 打破记录 smash up the furniture 捣毁家具 so or so 大约;在……左右 so as to 为;以便;以致 so that 为的是;使得;结果是 so ……that 如此……以致 soon as soon as 一……就……‎ as soon as possible 尽可能快地 sooner or later 迟早 sorry feel sorry for 对某事感到抱歉 spite in spite of 不管;不顾 speak speak in an angry tone 说话带着怒气 speak one at a time 一次由一人讲话 stage stage effect 舞台效果 stage fright 怯场 stand stand a good chance of doing sth. 有希望做…… ‎ stand about 站在四周 stand by和….站在一起袖手旁观,待命,支持 stand for 代表 stand out 出色;显著;突出 stand still 站着不动 stand the test of time 禁得起时间的考验 stand up 站起来 stock be stocked with 存有…‎ strand be stranded in 被困在…‎ starve starve for sth 渴望得到某物 starve sb into (doing) sth 使某人饿得(做)某事 starve to death / be starved to death 活活饿死 starving children 挨饿的孩子 stay stay at a morel 投宿汽车旅馆 stay awake 一直醒着 stay for the night 留下过夜 stay the same 保持不变 stay up late 熬夜到很晚 stay warm 保持暖和 stay/work late into the night一直呆/工作到很晚 step step along 走开,动身离开 step by step逐步地,稳步地 stick stick in one’s mind 历久不忘 stick to 坚持 strict be strict in sth 在某方面要求严格 be strict with sb 对某人要求严格 strengthen strengthen one’s links with… 加强与……的联系 strengthen our confidence 加强我们的信心 strike be struck by 被……打动 strike a match 划火柴 strike an average打平均 strike the clock 敲钟 be on strick罢工 strive strive for sth 争取某物 strive to do sth 拼搏做某事 strive to realize one’s dream 努力实现自己的梦想 subject be subject to 顺从于…‎ succeed succeed in doing sth. 成功地做了某事 suggest suggest/propose doing/ that sb should do sth 建议做某事 superior be superior to 比…高级;优越的;超越的 suppose be supposed to do sth 应该做某事 sure be sure of 坚信;确信 be sure that 务必要 be sure to do (sth.) 一定会做(某事)‎ for sure/certain确信 surprise be surprised at 感到惊奇 surround be surrounded by 被…包围 be surrounded with 被…包围 switch switch into engineering later 后来转学工程学 switch on/off 打开/关掉 T take take (no) notice of sth(不)注意 take … into account / considerations 考虑 take a bite 咬一口 take a close look at 仔细看一下 take a deep breath深呼吸 take a nap 小睡,打盹 take a tour around Europe 周游欧洲 take action / measures采取行动/措施 take advantage of 利用 take after sb (长相、性格等方面)像某人 take aim (at) 瞄准 take back what I said 收回我的话 take care of 关心;照顾 take in 吸收/接纳/收地小一点/欺骗 take in / deceive oneself 欺骗自己 take off from 从……起飞 take on 呈现;承担;雇用 take one’s seat 坐下 take one’s temperature 量体温 take one’s time 慢慢来 take over 接收;接管 take precaution against illness 采取预防措施防止疾病 take sb. to safety 把某人带到安全的地方 take self-discipline 自我约束 take shape 成形;变得有条理 take steps to do sth 采取措施做某事 take sth by mistake错拿某物 take sth. into consideration 考虑某事 take the … train for 乘……火车去 take the form of 以某种事物的状态或形式呈现或表现采取…的形式 take the place of 代替 take the risk冒险 take the role of、担任…的角色 take trouble to do sth 不辞辛苦地做某事 take up 占据(时间或空间);拿起;将(衣服等)改短;开始从事(爱好、职业等);继续 talk talk about sth. with sb. 和某人谈论某事 talk about 谈到;谈论 talk big 说大话 talk in your sleep 说梦话 talk of 谈到;说到 talk over 仔细讨论 talk sb over/round (to sth) 说服某人接受或同意某事 talk sb. into doing sth. 劝说某人做某事 talk sb. out of doing sth. 劝说某人不做某事 talk sth. over with sb. 和某人反复商量某事 tear tear oneself away from … 忍痛离开……‎ tear sth into pieces 把…撕得粉碎 tear the pages from the calendar 撕挂历 telivise be televised/broadcast live现场电视转播/广播 tell tell A and B apart / tell A from B 区分A和B tell a lie 说谎 tell one’s future 算命 tell the truth 说实话 tempt tempt sb into doing sth诱惑某人做某事 ‎ tempt sb to do sth 诱惑某人做某事 ‎ test test one’s ability 测试某人的能力 test sb. on sth .测试某人某物 thank thank…for… 因…而感谢…‎ thanks to 多亏/由于 thankful be thankful to sb. for sth. 为某事感谢某人 there There be sb. doing (sth.) 有某人在做某事 There is a great/no need for sth/to do sth 需要/不需要某物/做某事 There is much too be done 有许多事要做 There is no need to do sth.=it’s not necessary to do sth. 没必要做某事 There is no point in doing sth. 做……是没用的。‎ There is no possibility of …不可能做某事 There is no rule about what to do 没有规定该做什么 There is no sense in doing sth 做某事是没有意义的 There is no way of telling … 还讲不出 There is nothing in the world so lovely as gold. 世界上没有什么比金子更可爱了。 ‎ There is some doubt in one’s mind that+cl. 某人对……有疑问/有怀疑。‎ There was a time when +cl. 过去/有一时间 think be thought to be 被认为是 think about 考虑;打算 think ahead 预见;预想 think back to sth. 反思 think for oneself 独立思考 think sth. out 仔细考虑;想出 think sth. over 慎重思考某事 think of … as 把……看作是 threaten be threatened with 受到…的威胁 time ahead of time 提前 all the time 一直;始终 at one time 一度 at the same time 同时 by the time 到某个时候 every time 每当 from time to time 有时;不时地 high time 应该立刻做某事的时候 in no time 立刻 in time 及时 once upon a time 从前 on time 准时 time and again 一而再,再而三 time and time 一而再,再而三 time for sb. to do sth. 某人做某事的时间 time goes on 时间流逝 time table 时刻表 tire be tired from one’s hard work 由于艰苦的工作而累 be tired of 对…厌倦 be tired out 累得要死,累极了 to to be honest 老实说 to begin with 首先 to my knowledge 就我所知 to one’s astonishment 使某人惊讶的是 to one’s disadvantage 对某人不利的 to one’s relief 使某人欣慰的是 to one’s satisfaction 令人满意的 ‎ ‎(much/greatly) to one’s surprise/to one’s (great) surprise 非常令某人惊讶的是 to one’s taste 合某人的意图/口味 to the best of one’s power 不遗余力 to the east of…lies sth. 在……地东面有某物 to the memory of unsung heroes对无名英雄的纪念 trade trade information for money 以情报换金钱 trade union 工会 trade with 和…进行交易 trade…for… 把……与……交易;交换 transfer be transferred to another post 被调职 trap be trapped by被困在…困住 be trapped in 陷入;被困在…‎ treat treat sb as /like… 把某人当作…对待 treat sb for… illness 为某人治病 treat sb/oneself to… 用…来款待某人 trick trick sb into (doing) sth 用计诱惑使某人(做)某事 ‎ trick sb out of sth 骗走某人某物 try try for sth. 力图获得或赢得某事物 try out 测试;试验 try on 试穿(衣服等)‎ turn turn down (把音量)调低;拒绝 turn in 上交;拐弯进入 turn into 使变成;翻译 turn off 关掉 turn on 开;打开 turn out 关掉;原来(是);生产 turn over 移交;仔细考虑 turn to 转向;求助于 turn up 开大;出现;查阅 turn (sb) away (from sth) 拒绝帮助某人;不准许某人进入 turn a blind eye to … 对……视而不见 turn a deaf ear to … 对……充耳不闻 turn one’s back on/upon 别过脸去不理;背弃,抛弃 typical be typical of… 代表;象征 U unable be unable to do 不能做某事 unaware be unaware of 没有意识到 under be under age未到成年 be under great pressure 在高压下 be under lock and key严密保管好 be under the spotlight 是注目的焦点 under arrest / attack 逮捕/受攻击 under consideration 在考虑中 under construction 在建造中 under control 在控制下 under discussion 在讨论中 under investigation 在调查中 under pressure 在压力中 under repair 在修理中 under strain 在压力中 under the condition of在……条件下 under the influence of alcohol 在酒精的影响下 under the leadership of 在……的领导下 under the pressure of在……的压力之下 under treatment 在治疗中 under way 在进行中 use be used for 用于 be used in doing 被用在做……‎ be used to do/for doing sth 被用来做某事 be used to doing sth习惯于做某事 used to do过去常常做 V valuable be valuable as 被誉为 be valuable in doing 在做……方面事有价值的 vital be vital to对…来说是至关重要的 volunteer volunteer (sth) for sth 自愿或无偿地给予 volunteer to do sth 自愿做某事 vote vote against sb. 投票反对某人 vote for sb. 投票支持某人 W wait wait for sb to do sth 等待某人做某事 wait for 等待,等候 walk walk in the woods 在树林中散步 walk on tiptoe 踮着脚尖走 walk one block along…to… 沿着……走一个街区到……‎ walk up to 走向……‎ warn warn sb not to do sth/warn sb against (doing) sth 警告某人别做/提防某事 warn sb not to drink 警告某人别喝酒 warn sb that… 警告某人某事 warn sb. against警告某人不要做某事 warn sb. of警告某人要当心…‎ wash wash up 洗(餐具)‎ wash away 洗掉 wash over 冲过,溅,泼 wash well 耐洗的 waste waste sth on sb/sth 浪费;滥用 waste time doing sth.警告某人浪费时间做…‎ waste no time doing不失时机做…赶紧做….‎ watch watch out 小心;留神 watch the time 留意时间 way way of life 生活方式 all the way 一路上 be set in one’s ways (习惯、态度等)固定而不变通 come one’s way 发生于或来到某人处 cut both/two ways 有利也有弊 get into the way of doing sth. 培养做某事的习惯 give way 让步;妥协 wear be wearing= be dressed in= have on穿着 wear a blank look 面无表情 wear sb. out 使筋疲力尽 wear sth. out 使损坏或消耗 welcome be welcome to do sth. 可随意做某事 be welcome to sth. 取用某物 what What a coincidence! 多巧啊!‎ What a pity sb. Didn’t didn’t do (sth.) 某人没做某事,真遗憾 What do you mean by…? 你说……是什么意思 What happen to sb./sth.? 某人/某物怎么啦?‎ What if…如果…又怎么样 What is worse 更糟的是 What/how about 怎么样,怎么办 what’s more 还有此外 What’s the postage for/on a letter to …? 寄往……的信的邮资是多少?‎ what’s what 真相,具体情况 well as well 也,又 as well as 除……之外(也)‎ wide be wide awake 脑子非常清醒睡不着完全醒者 wild be wild with joy 欣喜若狂 win win a scholarship 赢得奖学金 win an election by narrow margin 以微弱优势赢得选举 win the election by a large majority 以多数票因赢了选举 win the hearts of sb. 赢得某人的心;赢得某人的支持 win top honours 赢得最高荣誉 willing be willing to do sth 乐于做某事;愿意做某事 wind wind its way from the west to the east由西向东蜿蜒向前 wind up in hospital 落得住院的结果 wind up your watch 给你的手表上发条 wish wish for sth 希望 wish sb sth 希望 wish sb to do sth 希望某人做某事 ‎ wish sb. good health and a long life 祝某人活得健康长寿 wish sb. good luck 祝某人好运 wish that… 希望 with with a view to doing sth 为了做某事 with accuracy 准确地 with determination 坚定不移/坚定,果断 with dignity 尊严地 with good humour 很幽默得 with no thought for 不考虑 with one voice 异口同声地;一致地 with regard to关于 with sth. in mind 记得记着……,把…放在心上 with the help of 有……地帮助借助于 with vigour 充满生机地;精力充沛地 within within a stone’s throw of 在……的一箭之远 within one’s knowledge/ power在某人的知识范围/力范围内 without without being noticed 没被注意 without delay 毫不耽搁 without notice 没注意 without noticing sb 没注意某人 without permission没有得到许可 word a man of his word 守信用的人 a play on words 文字游戏,双关语 a word to the wise 对聪明人一点就通 be as good as one’s word 守信用 by word of mouth 口头上(的)‎ have a word with sb. 与某人谈话 have words with sb. 与某人吵架 in a word 一句话;简言之 in other words 换句话说;也就是说 word comes that…消息传来…‎ word for word 逐词地;原原本本地 work work as 作为……‎ work in aiding sb. 帮助某人的工作 work on/at 忙于;进行 work out 作出;算出;制定出 worth be worth doing 值得一做 be worth the efforts 值得做出努力 worthy be worthy of being done/be worthy to be done (某事)值得一做 be worthy of sth. 值得…的 would would appreciate it if… 请…,如果…我会很感激 would like sth 想要某物 would like/love to do sth 想要做某事 wrap be wrapped up in 埋头于;全神贯注于;被…迷住 wrap sb/sth (up) in 用…来包裹 wrap up 穿得暖和;住口 Z zigzag zigzag through 成Z字形穿过

