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‎02-06年广州市英语中考单项选择题型归类 一、副词 ‎1. —Does Liu Hua ever guess the meanings of English words? (03年中考)‎ ‎—He ______ guesses the meanings of new words. He uses his dictionary all the time.‎ A. usually B. always C. never D. sometimes ‎2. The meeting will be held in half an hour, but they haven’t got everything ready ______. (03年中考)‎ A. ever B. already C. yet D. still 二、代词 ‎1. — How many more oranges can I have? (03年中考)‎ ‎—You can have one more. ______ are for Tom.‎ A. The others B. Another C. Others D. The other ‎2. — Could you lend me your dictionary? I left _______ at home. (04年中考)    — Certainly. (06年中考)    A. it      B. yours       C. one      D. mine 3. — Is _______true that Americans eat hamburgers and hot dogs every day?    — No, that's not true, but they are both very popular foods in America. (06年中考)    A. this       B. anything        C. it         D. something 4. —Oh, these presents are so nice.‎ ‎—The CD is from Betty and the books are from _________. (05年中考)‎ A. I and Helen B. Helen and me C. Helen’s and mine D. Helen and I ‎ ‎5. —Which would you like to drink, coffee or orange juice?‎ ‎— . Please give me a cup of tea. (02年中考)‎ A. Neither B. Both C. A11 D. None ‎6. An old friend of my sister's always helps my brother and with English. (02年中考)‎ A. I; our B. me; ourselves C. I; my D. me; our ‎7. We have two bedrooms, but ________ of them is big enough for six people to live in. (04年中考) A. none B. both C. any D. neither ‎ ‎8. — why did ______ take Aunt Alice almost an hour to get home? — I don't know. Maybe there was something wrong with her car. (04年中考) A. that B. it C. she D. this ‎ 三、介词 ‎1. My sister usually thinks______ her own language first. Then she turns her words into English. (03年中考) ‎ A. by B. in C. with D. through ‎2. Mary is flying to France soon. She will arrive _______ Paris ______ the morning of July 9. (03年中考)‎ A. at, in B. in, on C. in, in D. at, on ‎3. My aunt will arrive in Guangzhou _______the morning of July 15.  (06年中考)    A. at       B. on        C. in       D. till 4. —Guess, how much does it cost?‎ ‎—I think it costs 15 and 20 dollars. (02年中考)‎ A. from B. between C. among D. with ‎5. The food my country is quite different that here. (02年中考)‎ A. in; like B. to; from C. from; to D. in; from ‎6. — Good morning, sir. What would you like? — Two pieces of cake ________ a coffee, please. (04年中考) A. in B. with C. to D. for ‎ 四、动词 ‎1. ______! It's the music of Mozart. Be quiet. (03年中考)‎ A. Hear B. Sound C. Sing D. Listen ‎2. — Can you give me a hand, Robin? ‎ ‎— But, Helen, you______ my help every five minutes. I ______ TV now. (03年中考)‎ A. need, am watching B. need, watch C. are needing, watch D. are needing, am watching ‎3. — Hi, Carol. How was your trip to Disneyworld? ‎ ‎—Hi, Alice. Oh, we______ a good time there. (03年中考)‎ A. are having B. have had C. had D. have ‎4. Yesterday afternoon Mrs Green told the boys ______ football in the classroom. (03年中考)‎ A. didn't play B. to not play C. not play D. not to play ‎5. My grandfather wants __________ around the world because he enjoys __________ new places. (05年中考)‎ A. traveling; seeing B. to travel; to see C. to travel; seeing D. traveling; to see ‎6. The boys arrived late at the cinema, and the start of the film. (04年中考)‎ A. caught B. missed C. got D. lost ‎7. — Hello. May I speak to Mrs White?    — Sorry. She is out right now. Can I ______ a message? (06年中考)    A. carry    B. take    C. leave   D. give 8. If you don't _______ me by two o'clock today, it means I won't be coming. (06年中考)    A. hear     B. hear of      C. hear from      D. hear about 9. — How much did this CD _______ you, Sally? (06年中考)    — I got it for 5 dollars.    A. use      B. spend       C. take      D. cost 10. —Would you mind _______me a sweater? I feel a little cold.    —Of course not. I'll go and get it right now. (06年中考)    A. to get     B. get       C. getting       D. will get 11. Miss King has visited the art museum. I am going to __________ her somewhere else this afternoon. (05年中考) ‎ A. take B. bring C. push D. carry ‎12. All the children like Mr. White very much because he often makes them __________. (05年中考)‎ A. laughed B. laugh C. laughing D. to laugh ‎13. As we know, some people are good at but bad at giving back. (02年中考)‎ A. lending B. keeping C. borrowing D. using ‎ ‎14. Martin looks so well. We've never seen him _______ so well before. (04年中考) A. is looked B. is looking C. to look D. look ‎15. When Miss Green began to ________ something, the two boys stopped _________ and became quiet. (04年中考) A. speak; telling B. talk; speaking C. say; talking D. tell; saying 五、日常表达用语 ‎1. — Which do you prefer, oranges or apples? ‎ ‎— ______.I'd like bananas. (03年中考)‎ A. Yes, both B. Neither, thank you C. Sure, I would D. No, please ‎2. — Thank you ever so much for the present you sent me. ‎ ‎ — ___________. (03年中考)‎ A. Please don't say so B. It's not so good, I think C. No, thanks D. I'm glad you like it ‎3. —Good luck and have a nice weekend. ‎ ‎— . Bye—— bye. (03年中考) ‎ A. The same to you B. You have it too C. You are too D. The same as you ‎4. — Would you like something to drink?‎ ‎ — _________________. (03年中考)‎ A. Yes, I like chick and fish B. One Coke, please C. Just a few, please D. Oh, no. That's great ‎5. —______have dinner with me and my wife sometime next week?‎ ‎—Yes, I'd like to. Thank you. (03年中考)‎ A. Would you like B. Do you like C. Would you D. Do you ‎6. Mr. White is of great help; you __________let him go. (05年中考)‎ A. had not better B. had better don’t C. had better not D. had no better ‎7. —Would you mind looking after my dog while I'm on holiday?‎ ‎— . (02年中考)‎ A. Of course not B. Yes. I'd be happy to C. Not at all. I've no time D. Yes, please ‎8. —What can I do for you?‎ ‎— . (02年中考)‎ A. Yes, you can give a skirt to me B. I'd like a skirt C. No, I can do it myself D. I can do what I want 六、反身代词 ‎ ‎1. Oh, hi, Judy. Hi, Jason. Come on in. Make______ at home. (03年中考)‎ A. yourself B. us C. yourselves D. you 七、冠词 ‎1. — How far is it from our school to______ seaside? ‎ ‎— It is ______ eight-kilometre walk from here. (03年中考)‎ A. the; an B. ; an C. the; a D. ; a ‎2. I've had ______bad headache all day, so I think I'll go to _______bed early. (06年中考)    A. a; 不填    B. 不填; the      C. 不填; 不填   D. a; the 3. —What would you like for __________ breakfast, Mr. Scott?‎ ‎—Three pieces of bread with __________ cup of black tea, please. (05年中考)‎ A. a; a B. 不填;the C. a; the D. 不填;a ‎4. After school we usually play basketball for half an hour on playground. (02年中考)‎ A. the; the B. 不填;不填 C. 不填; the D. the;不填 八、数词 ‎ ‎1. — Can I talk to you for a minute, Brian? ‎ ‎— Sure, I have______ time. (03年中考)‎ A. a few B. little C. few D. a little ‎2. The film star is going to spend ______ dollars on a new dress for the coming party. (03年中考)‎ A. three thousands B. thousands of C. thousand of D. three thousands of ‎3. —What about Mr. Black’s speech?‎ ‎—Wonderful! There were __________ people there. (05年中考)‎ A. a large number of B. much C. a great deal of D. lots ‎4. —You look very tired this morning. What did you do yesterday afternoon?‎ ‎—I did Christmas shopping. (02年中考)‎ A. a lot of B. a few of C. a number of D. a piece of ‎ ‎5. Each of us has to write a report every two weeks. (02年中考)‎ A. two-hundred-word B. two-hundreds-word C. two-hundreds-words D. two-hundred-words ‎ ‎6. The letter from my uncle was short. There wasn't news. (02年中考)‎ A. many B. a few C. much D. few 九、形容词 ‎1. Now the air in our hometown is_____ than it was before. Something must be done. (03年中考)‎ A. much better B. more worse C. more better D. much worse ‎2. — How well did you do in the maths exam? (06年中考)    — Better than before. I think it was _______ difficult than the last one.    A. more       B. less       C. much       D. very 3. —Do you like western food?‎ ‎—No. The food of our country is __________ that of western countries. (05年中考)‎ A. rather good than B. much better than C. more better than D. not so good as ‎4. We love to go to the country in spring as the flowers smell so . (02年中考)‎ A. well B. nice C. wonderfully D. nicely ‎5. The boy doesn't speak his sister, but his written work is very good. (02年中考)‎ A. as well as B. so good as C. more better than D. more worse than ‎6. Mike is taller than any ________ boy student in his class. (04年中考) A. each B. other C another D. one ‎ ‎7. Harry Potter is an _________ book for children, but my cousin doesn't seem _________ at all in it. (04年中考) A. interesting; interesting B. interested; interested C. interesting; interested D. interested; interesting ‎ 十、时态 ‎1. Look at those big black clouds. It ____ rain. Let's hurry. (03年中考)‎ A. must B. will C. would D. is going to ‎2. — It's time to do your homework Jack. ‎ ‎—Yes, Mum. I'll turn off the TV as soon as the programme ______. (03年中考)‎ A. ends B. end C. will be ended D. will end ‎3. Catherine ______ the letter before her mother came into her bedroom. (03年中考)‎ A. has written B. was written C. had written D. is writing ‎4. As usual, Meihua _______at 6:30 this morning by her mother to get ready for school. (06年中考)    A. has woken up      B. woke up      C. wakes up      D. was woken up 5. The bus _______ suddenly when a group of students ran onto the road. (06年中考)    A. stops      B. stopped       C. has stopped      D. is stopping 6. — I _______to get to the South Mall. Could you tell me which bus I should take?   — Just catch the No. 10 bus from here. It's the 4th stop. (06年中考)    A. am trying      B. would try      C. tried       D. have tried 7. —What are you looking for, Michelle?‎ ‎—My cousin’s MP3 player. It __________ right in here, and now it’s __________. (05年中考)‎ A. has been; gone B. was; gone C. was; going D. is; going ‎8. —Can your brother make model airplane?‎ ‎—Yes, this week he __________ a new model. (05年中考)‎ A. builds B. is built C. had built D. is building ‎9. —What is the weather like this summer here? ‎ ‎—There very little rain. (02年中考)‎ A. has B. has been C. are D. have been ‎10. If you carefully, you the report well. (02年中考)‎ A. will listen; will be understood B. will listen; understand C. listen; will understand D. listen; understand ‎11. They about eight hundred English words by the end of last term. (02年中考)‎ A. will learn B. had learned C. are going to learn D. have learned ‎12. —How did the accident happen?‎ ‎—You know, it difficult to see the road clearly because it . (02年中考)‎ A. was; was raining B. is; has rained C. is; is raining D. will be; will rain ‎13. —Do you know Betty very well? —Yes, she and I _________ friends since we met in Guangzhou last summer. (04年中考) A. have made B. have become C. have been D. have turned ‎ ‎14. Mr. Green always tells his daughter a story before she ________ to sleep. (04年中考) A. will go B. went C. is going D. goes ‎ ‎15. —Well, I found this. I think it must be yours. — My watch! Thank you. Where ________ it? (04年中考) A. do you find B. have you found C. were you finding D. did you find ‎ ‎16. — Rick! Your jacket is wet through. Didn't you listen to the weather report this morning? — No, I didn't. I was in a hurry. Besides, it _______ when I left. (04年中考) A. hadn't rained B. would rain C. rained D. wasn't raining ‎ ‎17. It's 7:30. I can't believe you _________ cooking dinner yet, Sally. (04年中考) A. haven't started B. didn't start C. don't start D. hadn't started ‎ 十一、连词 ‎1. The poor man ate a big breakfast ______ he said he wasn't hungry. (03年中考)‎ A. since B. because C. though D. for ‎2. Johnny doesn’t sing quite ______ the other boys and girls in his class. (03年中考)‎ A. so well as B. as good like C. as well like D. so good as ‎3. ______ Mrs Wilson came into the classroom, all the children welcomed her. (06年中考)    A. Whether       B. As well as       C. If       D. As soon as 4. We didn't have enough chairs, _______some of the students had to sit on the floor. (06年中考)    A. but       B. so       C. or      D. and  5. Mrs. Shute wouldn’t leave the TV set, __________ her children were watting for their supper. (05年中考)‎ A. if B. because C. even though D. as soon as ‎6. The little boy ate a big meal he said he wasn't hungry. (02年中考)‎ A. if B. though C. because D. as ‎7. —What do you like doing after class?‎ ‎—I like not only reading painting. (02年中考)‎ A. and B. but also C. or D. for ‎8. — Now I must go ______ I shall be late for the train. (04年中考) — Have a good trip. Goodbye. A. or B. so C. and D. but ‎ ‎9. I don't believe the young man could run ______ fast ______ 20 kilometres an hour. (04年中考) A. as; as B. as; like C. much; as D. so; like ‎ 十二、情态动词 ‎1. The boy said he had to speak English in class, but he ______ speak it after class. (03年中考)‎ A. could B. didn't have to C. might D. shouldn't ‎2. — My car has broken down. Could you please give me a ride tomorrow? (06年中考)    — I'm sorry I ________. I'm leaving for London tonight.    A. can't      B. mustn't       C. couldn't       D. shouldn't 3. — I take some photos in the hall? (02年中考)‎ ‎—No, you . (04年中考)‎ A. Can; needn't B. Must; mustn't C. Could; won't D. May; mustn't ‎4. Boys, you _____ be sitting in this room. It is for your teachers only. (04年中考) A. shouldn't B. don't have to C. won't D. needn't 十三、倒装句 ‎1. Your sister works very hard, and _____. (03年中考)‎ A. so you are B. so you do C. so are you D. so do you ‎2. Mr. Watson won’t be here next week, and __________. (05年中考)‎ A. neither his wife will B. neither his wife won’t C. his wife won’t neither D. his wife won’t either 十四、反意疑问句 ‎ ‎1. Mr King has never been to France,______? (03年中考)‎ A. has he B. hasn't Mr King C. hasn't he D. has Mi King ‎2. What about Sally? She’s done her best these days; __________? (05年中考)‎ A. hasn’t she B. isn’t Sally C. hasn’t Sally D. isn’t she 十五、感叹句 ‎1.______wonderful music it is! I like Bethoven's better than anybody’s. (03年中考)‎ A. What B. How a C. What a D. How ‎2. _______weather we had on our holiday! (06年中考)    A. What a good    B. How a good     C. What good     D. How good 3. —Did you and your friends ride your bicycles to the beach yesterday afternoon?‎ ‎—Yeah. __________ we had! (05年中考)‎ A. How a fun B. What fun C. What a fun D. How fun ‎4. This is __________ that all of us believe it’s very important. (05年中考)‎ A. such useful information B. so useful an information C. so useful informations D. such a useful information ‎5. way it is from Guangzhou to Paris! (02年中考)‎ A. How long B. What a long C. How a long D. What long 十六、短语 ‎1. My uncle used _______ a very good football player, but this was a long time ago. (06年中考)    A. to being      B. being       C. be      D. to be 2. Liz is kind to others and she has always found it easy to _______ at school. (06年中考)    A. make friend   B. make friend with   C. make friends   D. make friends with 3. There was a fire in the street last night, but the firemen _______within twenty minutes. (06年中考)    A. took it out     B. brought it out     C. worked it out     D. put it out ‎4. When he comes back, Dad always ______ his shoes and leaves them by the front door. (03年中考)‎ A. tries on B. takes off C. takes away D. puts on ‎5. My uncle went to Australia last year. We haven’t seen him __________. (05年中考)‎ A. since almost a year B. from almost a year on C. after almost a year D. since almost a year ago ‎6. —Do you like the new coat, Jack?‎ ‎—Well, let me __________ and see. (05年中考)‎ A. wear it on B. put on it C. try it on D. dress on it ‎7. —Why couldn't you the correct spelling of the word?‎ ‎—Err. . . I hadn't got a Chinese-English dictionary at hand. (02年中考)‎ A. look for B. look down C. look up D. look at ‎ ‎8. Have you your new classmates yet? (02年中考)‎ A. had friends with B. made friend with C. got friend to D. made friends with 十七、特殊疑问词 ‎1. Sue got up very late this morning and that was ______she was late for school. (06年中考)    A. why       B. what        C. where       D. whether 2. Mr. Green, there is someone at the front desk __________ would like to speak with you. (05年中考)‎ A. he B. who C. which D. whom ‎3. —Can you make sure __________?‎ ‎—Sorry, I can’t. But I did see her just now. (05年中考)‎ A. where did she go B. where she had gone C. where she has gone D. where will she go ‎4. Excuse me, sir. Could you tell me ? (02年中考) ‎ A. where is the bank nearest B. where is the nearest bank C. where the nearest bank is D. the nearest bank is where ‎5. —Hi, Tom! Can you tell me when for London?‎ ‎—Yes, tomorrow afternoon. (02年中考)‎ A. leaving B. leaves C. to leave D. are you leaving ‎6. — __________ has this food store been in business? —Since 2001. (04年中考) A. How long B. How often C. How old D. How soon ‎ ‎7. —Who is the man _______ was talking to our English teacher? — Oh! It’s Mr. Baker, our new maths teacher. (04年中考) A. he B. that C. whom D. which ‎ ‎8. There is not much difference between the two. I really don't know _________. (04年中考) A. what should I choose B. which I should choose C. which should I choose D. what I should choose ‎ 十八、被动语态 ‎1. Mr Johnson's story ______ by everyone who heard it. (03年中考)‎ A. laughed at B. was laughed C. laughed D. was laughed at ‎2. A neighbour helped to keep our dog. It __________ while we were on holiday. (05年中考) ‎ A. was taken care B. took care of C. is taken care of D. was taken care of ‎3. Don't worry. All the children by the nurses. (02年中考)‎ A. are well taken care of B. take good care of C. are taken good care D. take good care ‎4. At the end of the meeting Miss Green _______ two minutes to decide whether she should join the project or not. (04年中考) A. gave B. had given C. was given D. was giving ‎ 十九、名词 ‎1. —Thanks for giving me ________ I wanted. (04年中考) —You are welcome. A. the information B. an information C. the informations D. information ‎

