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数词和主谓一致 一、数词 ‎ 考点一 基数词 ‎1.注意几个不规则的基数词的写法。如:eleven,twelve,thirteen,fifteen,twenty,thirty,forty,fifty 等。‎ ‎2.英语中的数量以三位为一个单位,一般对应阿拉伯数字的写法每三位加一个逗号,分别是thousand,million和 billion。如:ten thousand=10,000;one hundred million=100,000,000。‎ ‎3.数词 hundred,thousand,million,billion,dozen,score 表示确切数目时不加-s,但若表示不确切数目时,要用复数形式,与of构成短语。如:一万:ten thousand;成千上万的: tens of thousands of;两打鸡蛋:two dozen eggs;许多鸡蛋:dozens of eggs。‎ We got two hundred story-books.‎ 我们弄到了两百本故事书。‎ There are hundreds of people in the hall.‎ 大厅里有好几百人。‎ ‎4.年代及年龄表达法 表示“某人几十岁”时,用“in one’s+逢十的基数词复数”,而“十几岁”不可表示为tens,而要说成teens;表示“……世纪……年代”时,用“in the+逢十的年数后加s或’s”。如:‎ in his twenties 在他20多岁时 in the 1990s∕1990’s 在20世纪90年代 考点二 序数词 ‎1.序数词前面一般加the,多数序数词由基数词加-th构成。如:the fifteenth;以y结尾的基数词变化时,先把y改成i,再加-eth。如:twentieth。注意几个不规则的序数词的写法。如:first,second,third,fifth,eighth,ninth,twelfth等。‎ ‎2.序数词常可缩写,其形式为阿拉伯数字加序数词的最后两个字母。如:1st,2nd,3rd,4th,21st,22nd,23rd,24th。‎ ‎3.小数 小数点用point表示,小数点后的数用个位基数词表示。如:0.567—zero point five six - 6 -‎ ‎ seven。‎ ‎4.分数 分子用基数词,分母用序数词,如果分子大于1,分母需加-s。‎ 如:1∕5—one fifth∕one-fifth;3∕4—three fourths∕three- fourths。‎ ‎5.百分数 百分号用percent (per cent)或 % 表示。如:‎ ‎19.56 %—nineteen point five six percent。‎ 二、主谓一致 考点一 谓语动词用单数的情况 ‎1.单数名词或代词、不可数名词、动词不定式或动词-ing形式或单个从句等作主语时。‎ Swimming is helpful in shaping your body.‎ 游泳有助于塑形。‎ To teach the three children is my job this afternoon.‎ 教这三个孩子是我今天下午的工作。‎ Whatever was left was taken away.‎ 任何剩下的东西都被拿走了。‎ ‎ what引导的名词性从句作主语时,谓语动词一般用单数形式;若表语是复数形式,则谓语动词用复数形式。‎ ‎2.由and连接的并列成分如果指同一概念作主语时,谓语动词用单数,此时,第二个名词前没有定冠词。如果两个名词主语前面都有定冠词,则指两个不同的概念,谓语动词要用复数形式。‎ The singer and dancer is his friend.‎ 那个歌手兼舞蹈家是他的朋友。‎ The singer and the dancer are both from Shanghai.‎ 歌手和舞蹈家都来自上海。‎ ‎3.由and连接的并列单数主语前有every,each,no,many a时。‎ Every man and every woman has a good reason to be proud of the work done by their fathers.‎ 每一个人都很有理由为他们的父亲所从事的职业感到骄傲。‎ ‎4.“More than one+单数名词”作主语,尽管从意义上是复数,但谓语动词用单数形式。‎ - 6 -‎ More than one student was chosen to compete in the contest.‎ 不止一个学生被选中去参加竞赛。‎ ‎5.each,everyone,everybody,everything,someone,somebody,something,anyone,anybody,anything,no one,nobody,nothing等不定代词作主语时。‎ Everyone has his own interest.每个人都有自己的兴趣。‎ Nothing is impossible for a willing heart.‎ 世上无难事,只怕有心人。‎ ‎6.“one∕each∕every one∕any one∕either∕each one∕the number+of+复数名词”作主语时。‎ Each of the students has a book.‎ 每个学生都有一本书。‎ ‎7.“the+形容词”表示一类抽象的事物时。‎ The new is sure to replace the old.‎ 新事物总会取代旧事物。‎ 考点二 谓语动词用复数的情况 ‎1.由and,both...and连接的并列成分表示两个不同的概念作主语时。‎ What he says and what he does do not agree.‎ 他言行不一。‎ Both bread and butter are sold out.‎ 面包和黄油都卖完了。‎ ‎2.people,police,cattle等有生命的集体名词作主语时。‎ People read for pleasure during their spare time.‎ 人们闲暇之余的阅读是为了消遣。‎ ‎3.“the+形容词或分词”表示一类人或物时。‎ The old are living a happy life now.‎ 老年人现在过着幸福的生活。‎ ‎4.“(large) quantities∕amounts of+名词”作主语时。‎ In the past,quantities of waste water were sent into this river.在过去,大量的废水被排放到这条河中。‎ - 6 -‎ ‎5.clothes,trousers,shorts,jeans,glasses,scissors,compasses等只有复数形式的名词作主语时。‎ My trousers have been washed already.‎ 我的裤子已经洗了。‎ ‎ 若这类名词前有pair of等修饰时,其谓语动词的单复数取决于pair等的单复数形式。‎ 考点三 其他情况 ‎1.集体名词class,family,army,team,club,population,enemy,party,crowd,crew,audience,public,government,majority,group等作主语,强调整体时用单数,强调个体成员时用复数。‎ The population in China is very large and about 50% of the population live in rural areas.‎ 中国人口很多,其中约50%的人住在农村。‎ The whole family are discussing how to spend this weekend.‎ 全家人在讨论如何度过这个周末。‎ ‎2.单复数同形的名词作主语时,谓语形式要根据其具体含义而定,这类词有:means,deer,fish,sheep等。‎ Every means has been tried to solve the problem,but none is effective.‎ 为解决这个问题,每种方法都试过了,但没有一个有效。‎ There are various means of communicating with a stranger.同陌生人交流有很多方法。‎ ‎3.当主语后面有as well as,along with,with,together with,no less than,except,but,rather than 等词(组)时,谓语动词与这些词(组)前的主语保持一致。‎ The teacher together with all the students is planting trees on the mountain.‎ 老师和学生们都在山上植树。‎ ‎4.“kind,sort,type+of+名词”作主语,以kind,sort,type本身的单复数而定。‎ The kind of paper is made from straw.‎ 这种纸是由稻草制成的。‎ Some kinds of animals are dying out.‎ 一些种类的动物要灭绝了。‎ ‎5.all,some,any,most等不定代词作主语时,谓语动词的单复数根据其指代的内容而定。‎ - 6 -‎ All is going on very well.‎ 一切进展顺利。(指事用单数)‎ All are present besides the professor.‎ 包括教授在内大家都在。(指人用复数)‎ ‎6.half,part,the rest作主语时,谓语动词根据其所指意义决定单复数。‎ The rest of the story was dull and all the students were bored.故事的其余部分很枯燥,学生们都厌烦了。‎ ‎ “The (only) one of+复数名词+定语从句”中定语从句的谓语动词用单数。‎ He is the (only) one of the students who has passed the exam.他是学生们中唯一一个通过考试的。‎ ‎“one of+复数名词+定语从句”中定语从句的谓语动词用复数。‎ He is one of the students who have passed the exam.‎ 他是通过了考试的学生之一。‎ ‎7.or,either...or...,neither...nor...,not only...but also...,not...but...等连接两个并列主语时,谓语动词常与最近的主语在单复数上保持一致。‎ Either you or one of your students is to attend the meeting that is due tomorrow.‎ 你或者你的一名学生要出席定于明天的会议。‎ Am neither you nor I fit for the job?‎ 你和我都不适合这份工作吗?‎ ‎1.Of the nineteen recognized polar bear subpopulations,three are declining,six      (be)stable,one is increasing,and nine lack enough data.(2019全国Ⅰ) ‎ ‎2.Amy,as well as her brothers,     (give) a warm welcome when returning to the village last week.(2019天津) ‎ ‎3.Caffeine      (be) in your first Coke.(2018年11月浙江) ‎ ‎4.This isn’t as hard as it      (sound).(2017年11月浙江) ‎ ‎5.Everyone      (have)better access to health care than they used to,and they’re living longer as a result.(2017北京改编) ‎ 答案及剖析:‎ - 6 -‎ ‎1.are 考查时态和主谓一致。此处陈述客观事实,应用一般现在时。主语为six,指代six polar bear subpopulations,因此系动词用are。‎ ‎2.was given 考查时态和主谓一致。A as well as B,谓语动词的单复数由A,也就是本题中的Amy决定;由last week可知give表示的动作发生在过去,且Amy与give是被动关系,故填was given。‎ ‎3.is/was 考查主谓一致。主语是Caffeine,所以谓语动词用单数,同时语意表示一般状况,故用is或was。‎ ‎4.sounds 此题考查动词的时态以及主谓一致。在本句中,所填单词作状语从句的谓语动词,其主语是it,因此,用动词的第三人称单数形式。‎ ‎5.has 考查动词时态。句意:相比以前,每个人(现在)能得到更好的医疗保健,因此他们的寿命更长一些。根据题干中的than they used to可知,句中在比较过去和现在的医疗状况,所以设空处应用一般现在时。此处,动词的主语是everyone,所以用单数形式has。‎ - 6 -‎

