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自我介绍的英语作文 ‎ ‎  My Dream_自我介绍的英语作文 ‎  I am good at writing and I am interested in travelling around the world, so I want to become a reporter in the future.‎ ‎  As a reporter, I can communicate with many different kinds of people. I can show the real world to readers. As a matter of fact, to be a good reporter is not easy. It's a challenge for me.Now I must study hard and lay a solid foundation. Also I must build up my body.‎ ‎  Fast food_自我介绍的英语作文 ‎  Directions:‎ ‎  A. Title: Fast Food ‎  B. Word Limit: about 100 words ‎  C. Your composition should be based on the Outline given in Chinese blew:‎ ‎  1. 快餐在中国十分流行,它是现代快节奏社会的最佳反映。‎ ‎  2. a. 快餐受欢迎有两条原因: b. 然而,从营养角度来讲,快餐却差强人意。‎ ‎  3. 对快餐还是以偶尔品尝为宜 ‎  Fast food is becoming more and more popular in China , especially among children and teenagers .‎ ‎  There are several reasons for its popular . First , it is very convenient and saves a lot of time . You just go into a fast food restaurant , order your food , and your food is ready in time . Second , you can either eat it there or take it away . Third , the envronment of fast food restaurants is both clean and comfortable . Fourth , it has excellent service , and the quality of food is guaranteed . However , it terns of nutrition , IT is usually not a balanced diet and low in nutrittional value .‎ ‎  Fast food is only a good choice when you are in a hurry and turn to it ‎ once in a while . But for people , especially children , eat fast food as little as possible ‎  一篇关于宠物对人类有益还是有害的_自我介绍的英语作文 ‎  Many people like to keep a kind of annimal as a pet ,such as dogs,cats,birds,and so on .They put so great enthusiasm on them that some pets are treated like their family members.‎ ‎  A good relationship between people and pets can be very comfortable.They are loyal audiences of you ,while you have something can't tell any one else.They occuppy the loneliness ,cure your pains,make anxious hearts return to peace and innocence ,some pets even can help to cure some mental disease.that's the advantages of keeping an pet.‎ ‎  However ,pets are often expensive,to feed them would even cost more .Too much money spend on pets are more or less a little improper while there are so many starving people in this nation.‎ ‎  Some dangerous pets are a menace to their owners ,even a dog attack people sometimes,things could be worse if they carrying some fatal virus.That's the disadvantages of keeping a pet.‎ ‎  Friendship_自我介绍的英语作文 ‎  Friendship ‎  Friendship is one of the greatest pleasure that people can enjoy. It implies(意味着) loyalty(忠诚), cordiality(热诚), sympathy(同情心), affection and readiness(愿意) to help. Real friends are those who can share all our sorrows(伤心事) and double all our joys. No man makes most of his life, either in business or in society, without carefully and conscientiously(凭良心地) striving(奋斗)to win the right kind of friends as he goes along.‎ ‎  True friends cherish(珍爱) the ideals(理想) and feelings with you; they ‎ will not desert(荒芜的) you when you are in hot waters; they will not flatter(谄媚) or take advantage of you when you have won victory; and they will advice you sincerely when you are led astray(迷路的).‎ ‎  We should choose those as our friends who have good character, superior(较高的) ability and kindliness(友好) of heart. We’ll treat our friends with courtesy(礼貌), be careful not to interfere(冲突) unreasonably(非理智的) with them, or not ridicule(嘲笑) their proceedings. We should forgive their mistakes and try to help them as much as possible. If we try to do these things, we’ll retain our friends and keep the sacred(神圣的) lamp(灯火) of friendship burning all our life.‎

