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英语面试时自我介绍技巧及范文 ‎ ‎  首先,准备英语面试时的自我介绍,要特别注意两点:‎ ‎  一、条理清楚、用词准确。‎ ‎  二、真实展现自己的本质,不要用夸大或吹嘘的词语。有些人喜欢在做英语自我介绍时夸张地表现自己的优点,甚至把根本没有做过的事情也说出来,其实这是一种很冒险的行为。‎ ‎  虽然你的自我介绍会给面试官留下重要的第一印象,但是过度浮夸或者失实,会让面试官对你的个人诚信产生怀疑从而断然淘汰你。‎ ‎  一般情况下,在外企英语面试的时候,往往已开始面试官就会让你做自我介绍,他会问:Can you sell yourself in two minutes?(你能用两分钟做个自我推荐吗?)对于这一两分钟的自我介绍,你完全可以提前准备好。‎ ‎  1、‎ ‎  一般在使用英文面试的时候,面试官会和你先使用中文。没有人愿意一下子就用英文开始和你交谈,除非对方是老外,而用英文面试的要点便是在开场的时候做个开场介绍。主要是给对方下意识的的说,我要开始了。请对方仔细听。‎ ‎  2、‎ ‎  使用地道的问候语,使自己更加尊重对方。那么如何体现自己很尊重对方呢?你可以用这样一句话,it‘s my honor to meet you 这句话比较地道,而且使对方感觉自身比较受尊重。比nice to meet you 好!‎ ‎  3、‎ ‎  低调的表现自己,在求职过程中很重要。那么如何低调的表现自己,你可以来这么一句?May i get started?这句话比较好,显的自己很有水准,而且能够显的很有礼貌。‎ ‎  4、‎ ‎  在说性格的时候比较简单,你要学会这样说,i am。后面接一个词,这个词你可以说honest,也可以说easy going。连起来说就是i am honest and easy ‎ going 。但是你要学会聪明的来句but。‎ ‎  5、‎ ‎  为什么要来个but,这是强调自己的特征。人具有普遍性,当然也有特殊性,一个but 就把你的特殊性给展现出来了。but i have a strong sense of ‎  responsibility。这句话的意思是我有很强的责任感。responsibility比较难念,不过你要回念。或者说i ‎  get very serious and cautious when at work。我工作的时候很严肃。‎ ‎  6、‎ ‎  先说你的学历,一般中国人有学士学位、硕士学位和博士学位。bachelor学士学位是最多人获得的,那么你就说你在哪个学校获得了哪个学位。比如说 i got my bachelor’s degree at XX university。这句话的意思是我获得我的学士学位在XX大学。‎ ‎  在说自己的专业,因此你来个and ,and my major was XX。这句话的意思就是说我的专业是什么。比如笔者的专业是english。那么笔者会说,my major was English。‎ ‎  7、‎ ‎  最后来句that is over。表示你已经说完了。可以让对方提问。或者你在说句,if you have any question 。i am very happy to answer you 说如果你有任何问题,我很乐意回答你。当然说这句话是很有难度的。需要你有很强的应变能力。‎ ‎  I feel I can make some positive contributions to your company in the future. 我觉得我对贵公司能做些积极性的贡献。‎ ‎  My school training combined with my practice in the factories should qualify me for this particular job. I am sure I will be successful. 我在研究所的训练,加上实习工作,使我适合这份工作。我相信我能成功。‎ ‎  I can handle it well. 我知道我能应付自如。‎ ‎  I think I'm reasonably optimistic by nature. 我想我生性是相当乐观的。‎ ‎  I'm quite hard-working, responsibleand outgoing.‎ ‎ 我觉得自己是个工作勤奋、负责而且外向的人 ‎  附:英文自我介绍范文 ‎  Good morning friends!My name is .I'm going to introduce myself.I have born and grown up in and I'm studying As for my family,I've just brother/sister .My father is a .My mother is a.I am a friendly person,good thinker,flexible to work in any shift.I can work for longer hours without any break,only if I'm interested in that.My life style is very simple.‎ ‎  I'm interested in many things such as music,reading novels,watching movies.I love to read love stories and suspense thrillers.I wanna improve my English skills.I'm glad to have here.My other hobbies including being with my friends.‎ ‎  I'm personally interested in becoming an ,however,there are many different career opportunities.I believe that a job should be like a hobby.‎ ‎  It takes a long time to study an animation course.It is very difficult and requires a tremendous amount of patience and hard work.I hope that I'll be able to meet these challenges,and that my dream will come true.‎ ‎  As for now I'm only focusing my attention on enjoyment.I'm being my true self with the values,dreams and goals that I have.‎ ‎  so this is 'Me' standing infront of all of you.Thank you.‎

