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Unit 7 Will people have robots? 第四课时 Section B (1a1e) 一、根据句意 , 选择方框中的单词并用其适当形式填空。 1 . This ____________is not big enough for Tom's family to live in. 2 . Ann usually ______to New York for a vacation with her parents. 3 . Li Xin made some model __________in his free time. 4 . Do you know the first woman ______________in China? 5 . There isn't enough _________in the classroom for sixty desks. apartment flies rockets astronaut space 二、根据句意 , 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 6 . Kate is six years old and she ____________ ( start ) school soon. 7 . Dale's father usually _______ ( read ) a newspaper before breakfast. 8 . Listen ! Susan ____________ ( sing ) in her room. 9 . I __________ ( call ) her in twenty minutes. 10 . He ____ ( be ) at home now , but he _______ ( be ) in London next month. will start reads is singing will call is will be 三、单项选择。 ( ) 11. — Where do you live , Nick? — I live in an apartment ________ the street from here. ( 易错题 ) A . behind      B . through     C . across      D . between ( ) 12.Wang Lin is very interested in space science , and she wants to be a ( n ) ________ in the future. A . doctor B . artist C . player D . astronaut C D ( ) 13. — ________ do you usually get to school , James? — I usually take the train to school. A . What B . How C . Where D . When ( ) 14.Jack dreams of ________ the rocket to the moon for vacation one day. A . running B . walking C . flying D . swimming ( ) 15.Bill is happy because he ________ in a tall building next year. A . is living B . will live C . live D . lives B C B 四、情景交际:从方框中选择适当的选项补全对话。 ( 有两项多余 ) A : What do you want to be in the future , Zhang Yong? B : 16. ____ A : Why? B : 17. ____ And I can work with other famous actors. A : 18. ____ B : Jet Li.I think he is the best. B A F A : I think you will make a lot of money in the future. B : I think so , too.And then I'll buy a big apartment for my parents.19. ____ A : I hope your dream will come true. B : 20. ____ It's hard for me to make my dream come true , but I'll try my best. D C A.I think that's an interesting job. B . I want to be a famous actor. C . Thank you. D . Our house is too small now. E . My school is so small. F . Who is your favorite actor? G . What do you think of Jet Li?

