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2020 届二轮复习定语从句 Learning Aims Review the basic concepts about attributive Clause 2 .Learn Attributive Clauses ---- Relative adverbs: where, when, why 3. Learn how to choose the correct relative pronouns and proverbs 一、课前案 Task1 、把下面简单句组合成一个定语从句。 1 )、 These girls are our classmates. 2 )、 They play football well. These girls who play football well are our classmates . He is from Taiwan. His song is popular among young people. He is a famous singer. Task2 、把下面简单句组合成两个定语从句。 He is a famous singer whose song is popular among young people. He is a famous singer who is from Taiwan. 二、课中案 Task1 :Review Review the definition of attributive clauses (复习定语从句的定义) Step1: 自主学习 在复合句中,修饰某一名词或者代词用作定语的句子就叫做 定语从句 。被定语从句修饰的词,叫 先行词 。 引导定语从句的关联词有: 定 语 从 句 关系代词: who 、 whom whose 、 which 、 that 、as 关系副词: when 、 where 、 why 关系词的作用: 关系词处在先行词和定语从句之间,有三个作用: ☆ 关系代词和关系副词有三大作用: _____ (连接定语从句和主句) 2. _____ (替代前面的先行词) 3. ______ (在定语从句中要充当一定的句子成分)。 连接 替代 做成分 定语从句一定放在被修饰的成分之后。 e.g. This is the car which/that he bought last year . 先行词 定语从句 :请你找出定语从句的先行词与从句。 Task 2 Step2: 小组合作探究 It was written by Laoshe. Jane has borrowed the book. Jane has borrowed the book that /which was written by Laoshe . Task1 、把两个句子合成一个定语从句,并说明关系词在句子的成分 which/that 指物 , 在句中作主语或宾语。 Do you know the doctor? He spoke just now. Do you know the doctor who/that spoke just now ? The girl is from America. I called her just now. The girl (whom/who/that) I called just now is from America. who/that 指人,在从句中做主语或宾语 。 That is the new machine. The parts of it are too small to see. That’s the machine whose parts are too small to see . whose 指人 的 或物 的 ,在从句中作定语。 指代人 指代物 指代人或物 主语 who which that 宾语 whom / who which that 定语 whose (= of whom) whose (= of which) 在从句 中的作用 指代 功能 Task2 、总结引导定语从句中关系代词所指代的成分。 关系代词 指代 在定语从句中所充当的成分 人 物 句子 主语 宾语 定语 who whom which that whose Task3 、总结关系代词在定语从句中所充当的成分。 Step3: 课堂精讲 Task1 、 Learn Attributive Clauses ---- Relative adverbs: where, when, why This is the factory. I worked in the factory ten years ago. 1. 关系副词 where This is the factory where I worked ten years ago. The school is near a park. My son studies in this school. The school where my son studies is near a park. This is the factory where I worked ten years ago. The school where my son studies is near a park. where 引导的定语从句修饰表示地点 的名词 , 并在定语从句中作 _________, 相当于“介词 + _________ ( which)” 。 in which in which 地点状语 关系代词 They’ll never forget July 1. Hong Kong returned to its motherland on July 1. 2. 关系副词 when They’ll never forget July 1 when Hong Kong returned to its motherland. The days are gone forever. We lived together happily during those days. The days when we lived together happily are gone forever. They’ll never forget July 1 when Hong Kong returned to its motherland. The days when we lived together happily are gone forever. on which during which when 引导的定语从句修饰表示时间的 名词 , 在定语从句中作 _________, 相当 于“介词 + _________ ( which ) ” 。 时间状语 关系代词 There are many reasons. People like traveling for many reasons. 3. 关系副词 wh y why 引导的定语从句修饰先行词 reason, 在从句中作原因状语 , 相当于“ for + which” 。 There are many reasons why people like traveling. for which relative adverb 关系副词 指代 所充当的句子成分 when ( = at/ in/ on/… + which) where ( = in/ at/… + which) why ( = for + which) time place reason 时间状语 地点状语 原因状语 1. I’ll never forget the days _____________ we worked together. 2. I’ll never forget the days ______ we spent together. 3. I went to the place ______________ I worked ten years ago. 4. I went to the place _______ I visited ten years ago. when /in which which where/ in which which Spet4 、课堂练习 及物动词 及物动词 5. This is the reason _____________ he was late. 6. This is the reason __________ he gave . why/ for which that/which 及物动词 Spet5 、知识点的自我沉淀与升华 几种定语从句的关系词混用考点 考点一: that 与 which Task1 :只用 that 不用 which 1. Is there anything else _____ you require? that 先行词为 everything , little, much , all , anything , nothing, none, few 等词时, 关系代词用 2.先行词同时 指人和指物 时, 2. He talked happily about the men and books_____ interested him greatly in the school. that 先行词为人和物的组合 3 . Which was the hotel _____ was recommended to you? 若主句中有疑问代词 who 或者 which ,为了避免重复 , 关系代词不要再用 who, which ,而用 that 。 that 3. 在 以 which / who 为疑问词 的特殊疑问句中 4. 在 there is / here is / it is 句型中 4. There is no dictionary _____ you can find. that 在there is / here is / it is 句型中 5. Is oxygen the only gas _____ helps fire burn? 先行词前有序数词 (the first 等 ), 形容词最高级 (the best 等 ) ;或者先行词被 all,any,every,the last, the very, the only 等时。 that Task2 :只用 which 引导定语从句。 1.The house , ______ I bought last year, has a lovely garden.  which 1 、非限制性定语从句 非限制性定语从句起补充说明作用,缺少也不会影响全句的理解。在非限制性定语从句的前面往往有逗号隔开。 2. I will give you the book ___________ you asked . 介词 + 关系代词引导定语从句时 , 如先行词是物 , 关系代词只能为 which 。 for which 考点二:关系代词 as 的用法 1. 与 such 连用 , 引起定语从句 There are no such writers _____ you mention. 意思为 “ 正如 ” as 2. This is the same pen ____________ I lost yesterday. as /that 比较: ...the same pen as I lost. 表示这支笔与我不见的那支很像,不一定就是 . .. the same pen that I lost. 则表示这支笔就是我不见的那支 2. 与 same 连用 , 引起定语从句 ☆ the same … as 表示 同一类 人或物; the same … that 指 同一个 人或物 3. as 与 which 的区别 ★ as 在从句中作主语时,后面常接 行为动词的被动语态, 如 be known , be said , be reported 等 ★ 如从句中 行为动词是主动语态 ,一般要用 which 作主语。 1) She has been late again, _______ was expected. 2) Tom has made great progress, _______ made us happy. as which 4. 引导非限制性定语从句 as 引导非限制性定语从句, 指代整个主句内容 , 从句 可置于句首 , 句中 或 句尾 As everyone knows ,China is a beautiful country with a long history . The earth , as we know , moves round the sun . Tom works hard and is willing to help others, as we all know. 考点三: whose 用法 既可以修饰 指人 也可以修饰 指物 的先行词。关系代词与其后的名词构成所有格 , 例: Do you know anyone whose family is in Xi’an? Do you know anyone the family of whom is in Xi’an? Do you know anyone of whom the family is in Xi’an? whose+ 名词 = the+ 名词 + of which/ whom = of which/whom the+ 名词 什么情况下 whose 和 of which 不能互换 ? 1. 先行词是人时,只能用 whose, 不能用 of which It’s the first time the boy _______ father is an engineer has paid a visit to our school. 2. of 不具有所属关系时,不能用 whose She would like to read the novel of which a great number of people have heard . whose 考点四 : 什么情况下用 who 不用 that ? 先行词是人称代词时,如: He, ______ just heard the news of his father’s death, burst into tears. who 考点五 : way 后面的定语从句 way 后面的定语从句作状语的引导词有: in which/that 或 不填 ,如: I recognized he’s from Australia from the way _____________________ he speaks. in which ( that / 不填 ) Task3 、 Summary 先行词充当 _____ 、 _____ 或 _____ ,则用 关系代词 先行词充当 ______ ,则用 关系副词 that , who , whom , which , as , whose where , when , why 主语 宾语 定语 状语 1. 找出 先行词 2. 看先行词在定语从句中的 语法功能 (作什么成分?主语、宾语、定语或状语) 3. 选 择合适的 关系词 Task4 、定语从句三步法 三、课后案: 1、翻译下面句子并找出先行词与定语从句 1)Do you want a friend _______ you could tell everything to.(Unit1 P2) 2)Some people _____ lived in the mountains of the eastern USA speak with an older kind of English dialect.(Unit2 P13) 3)It make wide bends or meanders through low valleys to enters the plains _______ rice grows.(Unit3 P18) whom 作宾语 who 作主语 where 作状语 4)A huge crack _______ was eight kilometres long and thirty metres wide cut across houses,roads and canals(Unit4 P26) 5 ) The number of people _______ were killed or seriously injured reached more than 400,00. 6)The army organized teams to dig out those _______ were trapped and to bury the dead. who 作主语 that 作主语 who 作主语 7 ) Workers built shelters for survivors _______ homes had been destroyed. canals(Unit4 P26) 8 ) 8)It was felt in Beijing, _ ______ is more than tow hundred kilometres away.(Unit4 P26) 9 ) The time _______ I first met Nelson Mandela was a very difficult period of my life. (Unit 5 P 34 ) which 作定语 whose 作定语 when 作状语 10)He was gengerous with his time, _______ I was grateful.(Unit5 P34) 11)The parts of town _______ they were sent to live were decided by white people.(Unit5 P34) 12)The school ______ I studied for only two years was three kilometres away.(Unit5 P34) in which 作定语 for which =where 作状语 where 作状语 13)The day _____ Nelson Mandela helped me was one of my happiest.(Unit5 P34) 14)...until today we have reached a stage _______ we have almost no rights at all.(Unit5 P34) where when =in which 作状语 =on which 作状语 15)The places outside the towns _______ they were sent to live were the poorest parts of people.(Unit5 P34) 16)...we were put into a position _______ we had either to accept we were less importanrt.(Unit5 P34) =in which 作状语 =where 作状语 where in which Thank you~~~

