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2020-2021 年高考英语语法填空专项训练(四) Who is Li Ziqi ? For about 8 million watchers on You Tube and 23 million microbloggers on Sina Weibo, that's 1 easy question to answer. She holds an account on each of the two platforms, and uploads her videos 2 (concern)her rural lifestyle. The beauty of Li's videos 3 (root) in the revival of the ancient relationship between humans and nature. 4 (dress) in traditional Chinese-style clothes, Li reflects the self-sufficient lifestyle of ancient Chinese people. From making paper to weaving cloth, from making a silk quilt to building her own bread oven with 5 (block), nothing seems impossible with Li's crafty hands as they work their magic to bring these things into 6 (exist). Of course, via her videos Li has spread Chinese culture to the world. She lets the world know that Chinese people love good food and are good 7 making art out of even simple raw materials. She lets the world see how Chinese people live 8 (peaceful)with nature, and it is these that have captured the hearts of her global audience. Till now Li 9 (become) one of the most successful Internet celebrities. Though being famous also means being the target of controversy, 10 is no doubt that she lets the world know and love Chinese culture. 【答案】 1.【答案】an 【解析】句意:李子柒是谁?对于大约 800 万 YouTube 用户和 2,300 万新浪微博用户来说,那个问题很容 易回答。本题考查冠词。设空处后的 question 在本句中表泛指且 easy 的读音以元音音素开头,故填 an。 2. 【答案】concerning 【解析】 句意:她在两个平台上都有账户,并上传了她关于农村生活方式的视频。考查介词。设空处表 示“关于”,根据提示词可知设空处填介词 concerning。 3. 【答案】 is rooted 【解析】句意:李的视频之美源于人类与自然之间古老关系的复兴。“be rooted in...”为固定结构,本句 介绍李子柒视频的特征,需用一般现在时,故填 is rooted。 4. 【答案】Dressed 【解析】句意:穿着中式传统服装,李反映了古代中国人自给自足的生活方式。本题考查非谓语动词作状 语。主语 Li 与 dress(给……穿衣)为逻辑上的被动关系,且设空处表示完成,故填过去分词 Dressed。 5. 【答案】 blocks 【解析】从造纸到织布,从制作丝绸被子到用石块做自己的面包烤炉,用李的巧手似乎没有什么是不可 能的。根据常识可知,设空处需填名词复数形式,故填 blocks 6. 【答案】 existence 【解析】考查名词。bring...into existence 为固定短语,意为:创造。 7. 【答案】at 【解析】句意:她让世界知道,中国人热爱美食,擅长用简单的原材料制作艺术品。“be good at...”为固 定短语意为:擅长……。 8. 【答案】 peacefully 【解析】句意:她让世界看到了中国人是如何与大自然和平相处的,正是这些赢得了全球观众的心。设 空处作 live 的状语,需用副词形式,根据提示词可知在设空处填 peacefully。 9. 【答案】 has become 【解析】句意:到目前为止,李已经成为最成功的网红之一。根据句意及时间状语“Till now”可知设空 处用现在完成时,故填 has become。 10. 【答案】there 【解析】句意:虽然成名也意味着成为争议的对象,但毫无疑问,她让世界了解并热爱中国文化。“there is no doubt that...”为固定句型,意为:毫无疑问,……。 二、 As senior high students, tasks and tests will always keep you stay up late. So it is common practice 1 (refresh)yourselves by sleeping more on weekends. However, a study published in the journal Current Biology 2 (show) that the habit of sleeping on weekends doesn't fix the damage 3 (do) by lack of sleep during the week. Even 4 (bad), it may damage your health. The researchers found that because of 5 (lack) sleep people ate more snacks and gained weight quickly, which was due 6 the changes to certain body hormones(激素),especially hunger hormones. "The hormone leptin decreases appetite, 7 the hormone ghrelin increases appetite," explained US researcher Vsevolod Polotsky."Moreover, when we don't get enough sleep, we have an increased risk for 8 (disease)like diabetes(糖尿病),heart failure and so on." A solution to sleeping more on weekends is simple: a nap, 9 may be a secret to living a long , happy life . And it is especially 10 (benefit) to people who work in shifts. The best kind of nap is 20-30 minutes long and taken around the same time each day . 【答案】 1.【答案】 to refresh 【解析】句意:作为高中生,课业负担和考试总是会让你熬夜。因此,通过周末补觉来恢复精力便成了一 般做法。考查非谓语动词作主语。此句中 it 为形式主语,真正的主语为不定式短语“to refresh yourselves..." 2. 【答案】shows 【解析】句意:然而,发表在《当代生物学》杂志上的一项研究表明:周末睡懒觉的习惯并不能修复工 作日睡眠不足造成的损害。考查时态和主谓一致。根据语境可知这里是在陈述客观事实,应用一般现在时; 主语 a study 为单数第三人称概念,故谓语动词用 shows。 3. 【答案】done 【解析】考查非谓语动词作定语。被修饰词 damage 与 do 之间为逻辑上的被动关系,且设空处表示完成, 故填过去分词 done 作定语。 4. 【答案】worse 【解析】句意:更糟糕的是,它可能会损害你的健康。考查比较级。句中 even 修饰比较级,故填 bad 的比较级 worse。此外 even worse 还是固定短语,意为:更糟糕的是……。 5. 【答案】lacking 【解析】句意:研究人员发现,由于缺乏睡眠,人们吃更多的零食,体重迅速增加,这是由于某些身体 激素的变化,尤其是饥饿激素。考查非谓语动词作宾语。根据设空处前的介词 of 可知设空处填动名词形式 作宾语,故填 lacking。 6. 【答案】to due to 【解析】为固定搭配,意为“由于”。 7. 【答案】while 【解析】瘦素会降低食欲,而食欲刺激素会增加食欲。考查连词。此处对比两种激素对于食欲的影响, 故用 while 表示对比。 8. 【答案】 diseases 【解析】此外,如果我们睡眠不足,患糖尿病、心脏衰竭等疾病的风险就会增加。考查名词。根据设空 处后的“like diabetes, heart failure and so on”可知设空处需用名词复数形式,故填 diseases。 9. 【答案】which 【解析】句意:对于周末睡觉多这一问题的解决办法很简单:打个吨,这可能是长寿、幸福生活的秘诀。 根据设空处前的逗号可知本题考查非限制性定语从句。先行词为 anap,将先行词代入定语从句后为:A nap may be a secret to living a long,happy life.由此可知先行词在定语从句中作主语,先行词指“事物”,故填关系 代词 which。 10. 【答案】beneficial 【解析】句意:这对轮班工作的人尤其有益。设空处作系动词 is 的表语,表示“有益处的”,故填 benefit 的形容词形式 beneficial。 三、 Many adults advise children not to color on clothing. 1 ,Rebecca Bonner from Texas not only encouraged her students to draw on her dress, but she also wore it-twice to display children's artwork. As an art teacher at McAuliffe Elementary School, she said she 2 ( simple ) got the inspiration for her dress from a chat with another art teacher. Bonner's students 3 (allow) to paint using Sharpies and fabric markers on a plain white dress she bought online " My kids loved taking part in 4 ( design ) my dress . We talked about how to respect each other's artwork. I was fond 5 watching my kids design it." She said the purpose of the dress was to build 6 (excite) about art. Photos of her dress gained popularity soon after Bonner's daughter posted 7 (they) online. "I'm not really sure how it became known by so many people, "Bonner said. Bonner is so creative 8 most of the comments on the post are from college-age 9 (student) who want to be teachers like her. She also said she was pleased 10 (play)a small role in inspiring future leaders and creators. 1.【答案】However 【解析】句意:许多成年人建议孩子们不要在衣服上涂色。然而,来自德克萨斯州的瑞贝卡·邦纳不仅 鼓励她的学生在她的裙子上画画,而且她还穿着它两次来展示孩子们的艺术作品。设空处前后两句为转折 关系,再根据设空处后的标点可知填 However 2. 【答案】simply 【解析】句意:作为麦考利夫小学的一名美术老师,她说她的在裙子上画画的灵感只不过来自与另一名 美术老师的交谈。设空处作动词 got 的状语,故填副词 simply。 3. 【答案】were allowed 【解析】句意:邦纳让她的学生在从网上购买的纯白色裙子上用锐意马克笔和织物记号笔作画。本题考 查时态、语态。设空处作谓语,本句介绍的是过去的事情需用一般过去时;主语“Bonner's students”与 allow 为逻辑上的被动关系,需用被动语态。故填 were allowed。 4 . 【答案】designing 【解析】句意:我的孩子们喜欢参与设计我的裙子。设空处作 taking part in 的宾语,根据提示词可知填 动名词形式 designing。 5. 【答案】 of 【解析】句意:我喜欢看我的孩子们设计它。“be fond of”为固定短语,故填介词 of。 6. 【答案】excitement 【解析】句意:她说,这条裙子的目的是营造对艺术的兴奋感。设空处作 build 的宾语,根据提示词可 知设空处需用名词形式,故填 excitement。 7. 【答案】 them 【解析】句意:邦纳的女儿在网上发布了她的裙子的照片后,这些照片迅速走红。设空处作动词 posted 的宾语,根据提示词可知设空处填代词宾格形式 them。 8. 【答案】 that 【解析】句意:邦纳如此有创造力以至于她的帖子上的大多数评论都来自那些想成为像她一样的老师的 大学生。根据句意及前文中的 so 可知设空处引导结果状语从句,故填 that,与 so 构成“so...that...”句式。 9. 【答案】students 【解析】本题考查名词的数。根据后面的定语从句(who want to be teachers like her)可知设空处需填名词 复数形式 students。 10. 【答案】to play 【解析】句意:她还表示她很高兴能在激励未来的领导者和创造者方面起一点作用。be pleased 后需用 不定式作状语,故填 to play。 四、 While many countries are trying hard 1 ( deal ) with increasing rates of childhood obesity(肥 胖),Japan stands out. The country has both high scores for nutrition and very lo obesity rates. Where 2 ( do ) the country's secret lie ? Some say it's school lunches 3 matter a lot. According to a UNICEF report, Japan tops the charts for childhood health indicator with low rates of infant(婴 儿)deaths and few underweight children. It also has the 4 (low) rate of childhood obesity among the 36 member countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. Certainly, there are various factors at work, including a health-conscious society and 5 (regular) scheduled health check-ups. 6 , a nationwide school lunch program actually plays a key role . In schools , the lunches are compulsory , which means that no packed lunches 7 (allow). While they are not free for most, they are financially sponsored, making them affordable 8 students. Each meal is designed to have around 600-700 calories, 9 (balance)between carbohydrates(碳 水化合物),proteins and vegetables. A typical meal is rice with grilled fish and a leafy vegetable, 10 is served with soup with pork, alongside milk and dried fruit. 1.【答案】 to deal 【解析】句意:虽然许多国家都在努力应对儿童是胖率不断上升的问题,但日本在这方面成绩突出。try to do sth.尽力做某事。 2 .【答案】does 【解析】句意:这个国家的秘密在哪里?根据上下可知本句应该用一般现在时。本句主语 secret 属于单第 三人称概念,故填助动词 does。 3. 【答案】that 【解析】句意:有人说,这是学校午餐有着重大影响本题考查强调句型(It is/was+被强调部分+that/who+ 他成分)。本句中被强调部分为 school lunches,不“人”,故填 that 4.【答案】 lowest 【解析】句意:在经济合作与发展组织的36个成员国中,日本儿童肥胖率也是最低的。根据第一段中的"Japan stands out"及本句句意可推知设空处需填形容词最高级,故填 lowest。 5 .【答案】regularly 【解析】句意:当然,有很多因素在起作用,其中包括一个注重健康的社会和定期的健康体检。设空作 scheduled 的状语,需用副词形式,故填 regularly。 6.【答案】 However/Yet 【解析】句意:然而,全国性的学校午餐计划实际上起到了关键作用。本句与上段为转折关系,故填副词 However 或 Yet。 7 .【答案】are allowed 【解析】句意:在学校,午餐是强制性的,这意味着不允许自带午餐。主语 lunches 与 allow 为被动关系, 故设空处需用被动语态;根据上下文可知本句需用一般现在时,故填 are allowed。 8 .【答案】for/to 【解析】句意:虽然这些午餐对大多数人来说不是免费的,但这些午餐得到了财政资助,让学生们都负 得起。设空处意为“对于……来说”,故填 for 或 to。 9.【答案】 balanced 【解析】每餐大约有 600-700 卡路里,保持碳化合物、蛋白质和蔬菜之间的平衡。考查非谓语动状语。主 语 each meal 与 balance 为逻辑上的被动关系需用过去分词作状语,故填 balanced。 10.【答案】 which 【解析】典型的一餐是米饭配烤鱼和多叶蔬菜,再配上猪肉汤、牛奶和干果。根据设空处前的逗号可知 题考查非限制性定语从句。先行词为 rice,将先行入定语从句后可知先行词在定语从句中作主语,先行“物”, 故填 which。

