人教版九年级英语复习课件(Unit 5-6)

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人教版九年级英语复习课件(Unit 5-6)

教材系统复习 考点精讲 人教版九年级 Units 5-6 chopstick coin fork blouse silver cotton steel fair grass widely process local avoid handbag mobile surface material cap glove international form balloon scissors lively heat style project website pioneer list mention ruler boil remain smell doubt fridge low somebody translate lock earthquake biscuit cookie instrument sour customer divide basket nearly glasses leaves French German Germans postmen pleased pleasant please heroes widely suddenly Canada nation day completely product ruler rang rung alive lively the Olympics be made of/from be known for look up to take place divide…into have a point send out translate…into… in trouble by accident without doubt by mistake at a low price not only…but also… no matter all of a sudden almost by chance in my opinion suddenly be wellknown/famous for admire good for both business No matter what made hardly avoid buying out to ask for help in trouble called discover as encourage to to achieve describes how were grown used to make At the same time stop from getting players including has increased seen     as wishes It was invented in 1893. B A D A C A aking C B B D C happened B D A B C C B C B C polluted D C A B B C B B didn ' t until lt ' s     believed seen     to more     than The     number 考点精练十七 九年级Units 5-6 B A B A C C A A A C B A A C D B A C D D B D C B A leaves widely hitting products heroes stretch sports like/enjoy/love body while

