江西九江县 2017 高考英语暑假完形填空训练

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江西九江县 2017 高考英语暑假完形填空训练

只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 1 江西九江县 2017 高考英语暑假完形填空训练 完形填空。 Many years ago, when I was a man in my twenties, I worked as a salesman for a piano company. We __1__ our pianos all over the state by advertising in small town __2__. Every time we advertise, we would receive a reply on a postcard which said, “Please __3__ me a new piano for my little granddaughter. It __4__ be red mahogany (红木). I can pay $10 a month with my egg money.” Of course, we could not sell a(n) __5__ piano for $10 a month. __6__ her cards kept on coming. A couple of years later, I __7__ my own piano company, and when I __8__ in that area, the postcards started coming to me. For months, I ignored (不理睬) __9__—what else could I do? But then, one day I __10__ to be in the area. I had a red mahogany piano on my little truck. Despite knowing that I was about to __11__ a terrible business decision, I managed to find the old woman and took the new piano in her house and placed it __12__ I thought the roof would be least likely to rain on it. I told her and a little barefoot girl to try to __13__ the chickens off it, and I felt sure I had just __14__ a new piano. But the __15__ came in, all 52 of them as agreed, sometimes with coins. It was unbelievable! Then one day I was in Memphis on __16__ business. As I was sitting at the bar having a drink, I heard the most beautiful piano music behind me. I looked __17__, and there was a lovely young woman __18__ a very nice ground piano. She smiled at me, asked for requests, and when she took a __19__ she sat down at my table. “Aren't you the man who sold my grandma a piano a long time ago?” I suddenly remembered. My Lord, it was her! It was the little barefoot girl! I did have to go to my room because men don't like to be __20__ crying in public. 1.A.made B.sold C.fixed D.delivered 答案:B 从下文看,作者是卖钢琴。 2.A.books B.villages C.shops D.newspapers 答案:D 在报纸上做广告,由上文 by advertising 得出。 3.A.bring B.lend C.take D.give 答案:A 公司送货上门,所以老太太要求把钢琴带来。 4.A.should B.may C.must D.can 答案:C 老太太语气坚定,要求钢琴必须是红木的。由上文得知。 5.A.old B.new 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 2 C.secondhand D.good 答案:B 作者认为不能这样买一架新钢琴。由下文得知。 6.A.And B.So C.Therefore D.But 答案:D 与上文公司拒绝卖形成转折。老太太的订货卡片不断寄来。 7.A.owned B.moved C.bought D.earned 答案:A 从上下文看,作者拥有了自己的卖钢琴的公司。 8.A.worked B.progressed C.advertised D.succeeded 答案:C 从上文看是作者为自己的公司做广告。 9.A.it B.them C.this D.that 答案:B 此处考查指代,them 代替 postcards。 10.A.wanted B.decided C.started D.happened 答案:D 此处指作者碰巧来到老太太居住的地区。 11.A.make B.get C.do D.send 答案:A make 与下文的 decision 搭配,“做决定”,作者认为这是笔糟糕的买卖。 12.A.when B.there C.where D.that 答案:C where 此处引导地点状语从句,作者认为屋顶是最不可能漏雨的地方。 13.A.remain B.keep C.leave D.stay 答案:B keep 与下文 off 连用,作者嘱咐不要让鸡到钢琴上来。 14.A.given away B.put away C.done away D.thrown away 答案:D throw away“扔掉”,作者看到老太太的贫穷境地,认为肯定收不回钱来,等于扔掉了一架新钢琴。 15.A.payments B.money C.possessions D.counts 答案:A payments 指“付款;支付”,老太太很讲信用,按约定的次数付款。52 次付清。 16.A.busy B.fine C.other D.large 答案:C 作者到这个地方是为了别的生意。由常识得出。 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 3 17.A.up B.around C.forward D.on 答案:B look around“转回头看;到处寻找”,因为音乐从背后传来,所以作者要转身。 18.A.having B.performing C.enjoying D.playing 答案:D 在咖啡厅,自然是弹奏钢琴。 19.A.break B.bread C.menu D.list 答案:A break 此处意思是“暂停;休息”,休息期间,姑娘与作者攀谈。 20.A.struck B.heard C.seen D.laughed at 答案:C 此时作者感动地要哭,赶紧回到自己的房间,因为男子汉不愿意当众被人看到哭泣。 2016 高考训练题。完形填空(共 20 小题:每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 2014 isn’t an ordinary year for the poet Yu Xiuhua. Before 2014, Yu was only a 39-year-old farmer and lived a 41 life in a tiny village in Hubei Province. More unfortunately, she 42 cerebral palsy(脑瘫)and had serious movement problems, which made her 43 senior high school. Having been writing poems for 16 years unknowably, she attained 44 overnight, almost suddenly. In 2014, Yu and her poetry were 45 widely across the Chinese websites and social media, attracting the attention of people from all walks of life. Her poetry collection Staggering in Secular World has been published and well received, with 15,000 copies 46 within the first day. Another collection Moonlight Falls on the Left Hand has been vastly promoted in Beijing and is expected to be 47 on February 6, 2015. Even film companies have come to visit Yu, hoping to 48 her story into a film. Many media have 49 her and her poems but their perspective(角度)have been somewhat 50 . Some media have 51 her poems and called her “China’s Emily Dickinson”, saying they carry real feeling and the power to move hearts. 52 others seem to focus more on her physical and social 53 to attract readers, and describe her as “a farmer poetess with cerebral palsy”. 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 4 Without the media’s offensive, Yu Xiuhua and her works would have 54 unknown to ordinary readers. The reports about her 55 disability and straggle have moved and even 56 many people. In fact, Yu rekindles(点燃)people’s passion for poetry. But perhaps even more 57 than her poetry itself is the rural woman’s 58 that fame is never something she hopes for. Such sudden and widespread personal-life 59 to the public has made Yu feel uneasy and even a little bit overwhelmed. All she hopes to do is stay at her home to create poems 60 just as she used to. 41. A. easy B. hard C. happy D. rich 42. A. broke away B. burst into C. suffered from D. referred to 43. A. get rid of B. get close to C. make use of D. drop out of 44. A. chance B. respect C. achievements D. fame 45. A. exploded B. spread C. discovered D. mastered 46. A. made B. sold C. consumed D. limited 47. A. published B. applied C. evaluated D. littered 48. A. translate B. turn C. offer D. adapt 49. A. reported B. convinced C. intended D. informed 50. A. familiar B. obvious C. different D. random 51. A. criticized B. praised C. observed D. concluded 52. A. Although B. When C. While D. Since 53. A. concepts B. qualities C. cases D. conditions 54. A. seemed B. remained C. proved D. appeared 55. A. physical B. spiritual C. movable D. rigid 56. A. adored B. overcame C. inspired D. sympathized 57. A. classic B. confident C. flexible D. impressive 58. A. intention B. attitude C. courage D. hobby 59. A. exposure B. separation C. opposite D. persistence 60. A. gracefully B. hopefully C. peacefully D. simply 完形填空 (共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分) 41-45 BCDDB 46-50 BADAC 51-55 BCDBA 56-60 CDBAC 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 5 完形填空(共 20 小题; 每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分) Children find meanings in their old family tales. When Stephen Guyer’s three children were growing up, he told them stories about how his grandfather, a banker, 36 all in the 1930s, but did not lose sight of what he valued most. In one of the darkest times 37 his strong-minded grandfather was nearly 38 , he loaded his family into the car and 39 them to see family members in Canada with a 40 , “there are more important things in life than money. ” The 41 took on a new meaning recently when Mr. Guyer downsized to a 42 house from a more expensive and comfortable one. He was 43 that his children ,a daughter, 15, and twins, 22, would be upset. To his surprise, they weren’t. 44 , their reaction echoed (共鸣) their great-grandfather’s. What they 45 was how warm the people were in the house and how 46 of their heart was accessible. Many parents are finding family stories have surprising power to help children 47 hard times. Storytelling experts say the phenomenon reflects a growing 48 in telling tales, evidenced by a rise in a storytelling events and festivals. A university 49 of 65 families with children aged from 14 to 16 found kids’ ability to50 parents’ stories was linked to a lower rate of anger and anxiety. The 51 is telling the stories in a way children can 52 . We’re not talking here about the kind of story that 53 , “ When I was a kid, I walked to school every day uphill both ways, barefoot in the snow. ” Instead, we should choose a story suited to the child’s 54 , and make eye contact (接触) to create “a personal experience”.We don’t have to tell children55 they should take from the story and what the moral is . ” 36. A. missed B. lost C. forgot D.ignored 37. A. when B. while C. how D. why 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 6 38. A. friendless B. worthless C. penniless D. homeless 39. A fetched B. allowed C. expected D. took 40. A. hope B. promise C. suggestion D.belief 41. A. tale B. agreement C. arrangement D.report 42. A. large B. small C. new D. grand 43. A. surprised B. annoyed C. disappointed D. worried 44. A. Therefore B. Besides C. Instead D. Otherwise 45. A. talked about B. cared about C. wrote about D.heard about 46. A. much B. many C. little D. few 47. A. beyond B. over C. behind D.through 48. A. argument B. skill C. interest D.anxiety 49. A. study B. design C. committee D. staff 50. A. provide B. retell C. support D. refuse 51. A. trouble B. gift C. fact D. trick 52. A. perform B. write C. hear D. question 53. A. means B. ends C. begins D. proves 54. A. needs B. activities C. judgments D. habits 55. A. that B. what C. which D.whom 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 7 (2016 高考模拟题)完形填空。阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以 填入空白处的最佳选项。 Albert Einstein said that imagination is the greatest creative force.Imagination is the force that takes you to places where you have never been. Henry Ford 21 imagination and belief.Walt Disney said that had he not seen Disneyland in his 22 ,the rest of the world would not have seen it on earth.Bill Gates 23 his products first before they became actual software that we rely on.Many of the world’s greatest people 24 with nothing and finally built empires.They had a 25 .And the universe let them experience their imagination.The universe 26 lets you experience your imagination, 27 it may be. 21.A.looked for B.took out C.carried out D.relied on 22.A.life B.mind C.work D.book 23.A.produced B.sold C.imagined D.collected 24.A.dealt B.agreed C.met D.started 25.A.dream B.lesson C.luck D.research 26.A.seldom B.still C.always D.immediately 27.A.whoever B.whenever C.wherever D.whatever 21.D [前文讲到了想象力的作用,此处表示 Henry Ford 也是依靠想象力(才成功的)。look for 寻找;take out 切除,获得,带……出去;carry out 执行,完成(任务);rely on 信赖,依赖,依靠,信任。] 22.B [与 imagination 对应的是 mind,故选 B 项。in his mind 在他的脑海中。] 23.C [这里讲的是想象力的作用,此处表示比尔·盖茨是先想象出(imagined)他要生产的那些产品,然后 才有他的发明创造。] 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 8 24.D [从前文所举的例子看,不少伟大人物都是从零开始(started),将想象的东西变为现实后才走向成 功的。] 25.A [dream 与“imagination and belief”都属于思想意识,故选 A 项,下一句中的“imagination”也 是暗示。] 26.C [从前文所举的例子看,那些伟人都是起始于想象力然后走向成功的。而宇宙总(always)会让人体验 他们的想象力。这句话是对“And the universe let them experience their imagination.”的强调。] 27.D [这句话的意思是“宇宙都会让你体验到你的想象力,无论你想象的事情是什么”。此处为让步状语 从句,从句中缺少表语,由句意可知,空格处意为“无论什么”,it 指代前文的“your imagination”,故 用 whatever。]

