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‎2018届二轮复习 书面表达中高级词汇与高级句式运用策略 写作时,“高级词汇与高级句式”如能运用贴切自然,哪怕整篇文章只用上一两处,也会为你的作文增添色彩。‎ 一、使用高级词汇的三大技巧 ‎1.标新立异 写作时要恰当得体地使用一些蕴含感情色彩,别人有可能想不到的词汇,恰当地求新求异。‎ As far as I’m concerned, parents’ much protection will do more harm than good to children’s future development.‎ ‎→As far as I’m concerned, parents’ limitless protection will do more harm than good to children’s future development.(2013·福建高考满分作文)‎ I received your email last week, but I am busy preparing for my final exam, which is important for me, so I didn’t reply to you without delay. ‎ ‎→I received your email last week, but I am busy preparing for my final exam, which is vital for me, so I didn’t reply to you without delay. (2013·山东高考满分作文)‎ ‎2.短语优先 多使用词组、习语来代替一些单词,以增加文采。‎ To achieve one’s dream, one must try to equip oneself with rich knowledge and set a goal easy to reach.‎ ‎→To achieve one’s dream, one must make great efforts to equip ‎ oneself with rich knowledge and set a goal easy to reach.(2013·北京高考满分作文)‎ What’s more, we can pour out the troubles we face, and release our pressure from different aspects.‎ ‎→What’s more, we can pour out the troubles we are faced with, and release our pressure from different aspects.(2013·重庆高考满分作文)‎ ‎3.避免重复 尽量避免过多地使用某一个单词,必要时选择使用其他恰当的同义词或词组来代替。‎ I like reading while my brother likes watching football matches.‎ ‎→I like reading while my brother enjoys watching football matches.‎ ‎[即时演练] 用较高级词汇代替加黑的词或短语 ‎1.We all have the same chance.________________‎ 答案:possess ‎2.We have a lot of homework to do at the weekend.________________‎ 答案:endless ‎ ‎3.I can no longer bear the way he speaks to us.________________‎ 答案:put up with ‎4.He didn’t listen to what I said in the class.________________‎ 答案:turned a deaf ear to ‎5.We’ll try our best to develop the traditional friendship ‎ between us.________________‎ 答案:promote ‎6.The teacher directed the gifted students towards the more difficult courses.________________‎ 答案:challenging 二、使用高级句式的七大策略 ‎1.使用被动语态 We will have selected about thirty volunteers to the Mars throughout the world by 2015.‎ ‎→About thirty volunteers will have been selected to the Mars throughout the world by 2015.(2013·广东高考书面表达)‎ I’m delighted to know that the Shanghai Museum will organize a famous art exhibition and you are collecting opinions of the public as to selecting the location for the exhibition, which encouraged me to write to express my ideas.‎ ‎→I’m delighted to know that a famous art exhibition will be organized by the Shanghai Museum and opinions of the public are being collected as to selecting the location for the exhibition, which encouraged me to write to express my ideas. (2013·上海高考满分作文)‎ ‎2.使用强调句 My experience tells me that not what you are given but how you make use of it determines who you are.‎ ‎→My experience tells me that it is not what you are given but how you make use of it that determines who you are.(2012·湖北高考满分作文)‎ Our parents have devoted their unconditional love to us, which indeed deserves our appreciation and reward. ‎ ‎→It’s our parents who have devoted their unconditional love to us, which indeed deserves our appreciation and reward. (2013·重庆高考满分作文)‎ ‎3.使用倒装句 I didn’t realize words could be powerful in both positive and negative ways until then. ‎ ‎→Not until then did I realize words could be powerful in both positive and negative ways.(2013·湖北高考短文写作)‎ The children can grow up mentally and physically healthy only in this way. ‎ ‎→Only in this way can the children grow up mentally and physically healthy.(2013·福建高考满分作文)‎ ‎4.使用省略句 If it is so, I hope you will have a wonderful time. ‎ ‎→If so, I hope you will have a wonderful time.(2013·山东高考满分作文)‎ Although they were faced with many problems, they didn’t lose heart.‎ ‎→Although faced with many problems, they didn’t lose heart.‎ ‎5.使用感叹句 I am very worried about his condition.‎ ‎→How worried I am about his condition.(2013·湖北高考满分作文)‎ It is a very splendid moment.‎ ‎→How splendid a moment it is!(2013·辽宁高考满分作文)‎ ‎6.使用with复合结构 His mother is paving the ways for him while his father is holding his jacket behind him, and we can see sweat on his face. ‎ ‎→His mother is paving the ways for him while his father is holding his jacket behind him, with sweat on his face.(2013·福建高考满分作文)‎ As the society develops rapidly, it’s necessary for us to have a good knowledge of English and computer.‎ ‎→With the society developing rapidly, it’s necessary for us to have a good knowledge of English and computer.‎ ‎7.使用虚拟语气 It is high time for both children and parents to take action to make small changes.‎ ‎→It is high time that both children and parents took action to make small changes.(2013·福建高考满分作文)‎ I missed being hit by the car with your help.‎ ‎→Without your help, I would have been hit by the car.(2013·安徽高考满分作文)‎ ‎[即时演练] 用高级句式转换下列句子 ‎1.Above all, we must do something to stop pollution. (使用被动语态)‎ Above_all,_something_must_be_done_to_stop_pollution.‎ ‎2.I realized the importance of English when I entered senior high school. (使用强调句)‎ It_was_when_I_entered_senior_high_school_that_I_realized_the_importance_of_English.‎ ‎3.We don’t know its value until we lose health. (使用倒装句)‎ Not_until_we_lose_health_do_we_know_its_value.‎ ‎4.If it isn’t well organized, the meeting will be a failure.(使用省略句)‎ If_not_well_organized,_the_meeting_will_be_a_failure.‎ ‎5.We had a very good time with the peasants that day. (使用感叹句)‎ What_a_good_time_we_had_with_the_peasants_that_day!‎ ‎6.Because there was too much noise, I couldn’t go on studying. (使用with复合结构)‎ With_the_noise_going_on,_I_couldn’t_go_on_studying.‎ ‎7.I didn’t take his advice, so I failed in the exam. (使用虚拟语气)‎ If_I_had_taken_his_advice,_I_wouldn’t_have_failed_in_the_exam.‎ ‎8.Because I was ill that day, I didn’t take part in the sports meeting.(使用虚拟语气)‎ I_was_ill_that_day,_otherwise_I_would_have_taken_part_in_the_sports_meeting.‎ ‎9.They carried out a survey among 260 students.(使用被动语态)‎ A_survey_was_carried_out_among_260_students.‎ ‎10.They didn’t realize the importance of environment protecting until all the fish in the river died out.‎ ‎①Not_until_all_the_fish_in_the_river_died_out_did_they_realize_the_importance_of_environment_protecting.(使用倒装句)‎ ‎②It_was_not_until_all_the_fish_in_the_river_died_out_that_they_realized_the_importance_of_environment_protecting.(使用强调句)‎ ‎[综合演练提升] ‎ 请根据以下提示,结合生活中的一个事例,就“乐观”这一话题,用英语写一篇短文。尽可能多地使用高级词汇和高级句式。‎ Optimism always leads to happiness, health and success while pessimism, by contrast, results in hopelessness, sickness and failure.That’s because optimists and pessimists deal with the same challenges and disappointments in very different ways.‎ 注意:‎ ‎①无须写标题,不得照抄英语提示语;‎ ‎②除诗歌之外,文体不限;‎ ‎③内容必须结合生活中的一个事例;‎ ‎④文中不得透露个人姓名和学校名称;‎ ‎⑤词数不少于120。‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ 参考范文:‎ Optimism is important in all aspects of our life.If you can change your mind from pessimism, you can change your life.‎ Up to the beginning of Senior Two, I did poorly in my English but I didn’t give in because I was always encouraged by both the people around me and myself.I kept practicing speaking, listening, reading and writing.When I was fed up with reading or writing, I usually entertained myself by reading some interesting English stories, jokes and humors or seeing English films.When I had some trouble in reciting or memorizing, I tried to amuse myself by playing word games or singing English songs.By this means, I always made myself cheerful and optimistic, full of splendid and colorful dreams of future.I kept practicing.Gradually, I made progress in my English.‎ Thanks to the optimism, I have become one of the top students in my class by now.‎

