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第七周·周一 一、背表达词汇——写作有米下锅 ‎1.hall n.      大厅,会堂,礼堂;过道 ‎2.hand n. 手;指针 v. 递;给;交付;交上 ‎3.handsome adj. 英俊的 ‎4.hang v.(hanged, hanged) 处(人)绞刑;上吊 v.(hung, hung) 悬挂,吊着;把……吊起 ‎5.happen vi. (偶然)发生 ‎6.hardworking adj. 努力工作的 ‎7.hate vt.& n. 憎恨,讨厌;不愿 ‎8.head n. 头;头脑(像);才智;‎ ‎ 首脑;源头;标题 ‎9.headmaster n. (尤指私立学校的)校长 ‎10.head teacher n. 中小学校长 ‎11.heart n. 心;心脏 ‎12.heat n. 热 vt. 把……加热 ‎13.heaven n. 天堂;天空 ‎14.hide v.(hid, hidden) 把……藏起来,隐藏 ‎15.happiness n. 幸福;快乐 happy adj. 幸福的;快乐的;高兴的 happily adv. 幸福地,快乐地 unhappy adj. 不高兴的 ‎16.hard adv. 努力地;费力地;猛烈地 adj. 硬的;困难的;艰难的 hardly adv. 几乎不 ‎17.harm n.& v. 损害;伤害 harmful adj. 有害的 harmless adj. 无害的 ‎18.health n. 健康;保健 healthy adj. 健康的 unhealthy adj. 不健康的 ‎19.hear v.(heard, heard) 听见;听说,得知 hearing n. 听力 ‎20.heavy adj. 重的 heavily adv. 重地,大量地 二、记阅读词汇——读文不再生涩 ‎1.hawk n. 鹰 ‎2.hay n. (用作饲料的)干草,草料 ‎3.headache n. 头疼 ‎4.headline n. (报刊的)大字标题 ‎5.heel n. 脚后跟 ‎6.headmistress n. (尤指私立学校的)女校长 ‎7.helicopter n. 直升机 ‎8.helmet n. 头盔 ‎9.hen n. 母鸡 ‎10.herb n. 药草;香草 ‎11.hero n. 英雄,勇士,男主角 ‎12.heroine n. 女英雄,女主角 ‎13.hibernate vi. 冬眠 ‎14.hibernation n. 冬眠 ‎15.highway n. 交通要道 ‎16.hillside n. 小山坡 ‎17.hilly adj. 多丘陵的;多小山的 ‎18.hire vt. 租用 ‎19.hive n. 蜂房;蜂箱 ‎20.holy adj. 神圣的 三、背常用短语——读写高人一截 ‎1.head for 朝……方向走 ‎2.  对某人有害 ‎3.lose heart 灰心;丧失信心 ‎4.by hand 用手工 on the one hand ...on the other hand 一方面……另一方面 ‎5.hand down 把……传下来 ‎6.hang up 挂断(电话)‎ hang on 握住不放;不要挂断 ‎7.hardly ...when ... 刚……就……‎ ‎8.think highly of 高度评价 ‎9.be in good/bad health 身体好/差 ‎10.hear from 收到某人的来信 四、背写作佳句——考场顺手就写 兴趣与爱好 ‎1.My favourite hobby is reading books and newspapers, which has become a necessary part of my daily life.‎ 我最喜欢读书看报,这已经成为我日常生活中不可或缺的一部分。‎ ‎2.Hobbies and interests can make our life colourful and we won't feel bored at all.‎ 兴趣爱好能使我们的生活丰富多彩,并让我们不再感到无聊。‎ ‎3.A wide variety of interests and hobbies will broaden our horizons, enrich the school life and make us relaxed.‎ 丰富多彩的兴趣爱好能让我们开阔眼界,充实课余生活,还能使我们放松。‎ ‎4.Fishing is my favourite, for it is both fun and instructive, which has helped me improve my power of controlling myself.‎ 钓鱼是我的最爱,因为它既有趣又有教育意义,钓鱼有助于提高自我约束力。‎ 五、练语基小题——巩固今日所学 Ⅰ.根据提示填空 ‎1.I can put up with the house being untidy, but I hate (讨厌) it if it's not clean.‎ ‎2.As far as I'm concerned, regular exercise is vital to/for our health (健康).‎ ‎3.Jane's eyes shone with happiness and said to me happily,_“How happy it is to work with you!” (happy)‎ ‎4.Honestly speaking, I think_highly_of_your_plan (高度评价你的计划) put forward at the meeting.‎ ‎5.In no sense should you lose_heart (丧失信心); keep trying and you will make it sooner or later.‎ ‎6.On_the_one_hand (一方面), I can earn some money by doing it to help my parents; on_the_other_hand (另一方面), I can gain some experience from it, which will do good to my future life.‎ Ⅱ.补全句子 ‎1.今年她被北京大学录取了,这使得她的父母非常高兴。‎ She was admitted to Peking University this year, which_made_her_parents_very_happy.‎ ‎2.大多数人摄入的脂肪太多而纤维不足,这对他们的健康有害。‎ The majority of people eat too much fat and not enough fibre, which_does_great_harm_to_their_health.‎ ‎3.一到达剧院,他发现他把朋友给他的票忘在家里了。‎ Hardly_had_he_arrived_at the theatre when he found the ticket a friend gave him was left at home.‎ 第七周·周三 一、背表达词汇——写作有米下锅 ‎1.history n.     历史,历史学 ‎2.hit n.& vt.(hit, hit) 打,撞,击中 ‎3.hobby n. 业余爱好,嗜好 ‎4.hold vt.(held, held) 握住;举行;进行 ‎5.hole n. 洞,坑 ‎6.holiday n. 假日;假期 ‎7.home n. 家 adv. 到家;回家 ‎8.homeland n. 祖国 ‎9.hometown n. 故乡 ‎10.homework n. 家庭作业 ‎11.honour n.(美honor) 荣誉,光荣 vt. 尊敬,给予荣誉 ‎12.horrible adj. 令人恐惧的;恐怖的 ‎13.horse n. 马 ‎14.hospital n. 医院 ‎15.host n. 主人;节目主持人 v. 主办,主持(活动)‎ ‎16.height n. 高;高度;高地 high adj. 高的 highly adv. 很,非常 ‎17.help v. 帮助;帮忙 helpful adj. 有帮助的;有益的 helpless adj. 无助的 ‎18.hesitate v. 犹豫,踌躇,迟疑 hesitation n. 犹豫 ‎19.honest adj. 正直的;诚实的 honestly adv. 诚实地 honesty n. 诚实 ‎20.hope v. 希望 hopeful adj. 有希望的 hopeless adj. 无希望的;绝望的 二、记阅读词汇——读文不再生涩 ‎1.honey n. 蜂蜜 ‎2.hook n.& v. 钓钩;钩住,连接 ‎3.hostess n. 女主人 ‎4.howl vi. 嚎叫,怒吼 ‎5.hurricane n. 飓风 ‎6.hydrogen n. 氢,氢气 ‎7.ice cream n. 冰淇淋 ‎8.Iceland n. 冰岛 ‎9.identity n. 身份;同一性 ‎10.identification n. 鉴别,身份证明 ‎11.illegal adj. 违法的 ‎12.imagine vt. 想象;设想 ‎13.immigrant n. (外来)移民 ‎14.import v.& n. 进口;输入的产品 ‎15.inch n. 英寸 ‎16.incident n. 事件 ‎17.income n. 收入,所得 ‎18.incorrect adj. 不正确的,错误的 ‎19.increase v.& n. 增加,繁殖 ‎20.industry n. 工业,产业 三、背常用短语——读写高人一截 ‎1.can't help but do sth. 不得不做某事 can't help doing sth. 禁不住做某事 help oneself (to) 自用(食物);擅自(取用)……‎ help out 帮助某人克服困难 ‎2.with sb.'s help/with the help of sb. 在某人的帮助下 be of great help 对……有帮助 ‎3.in the hope of 怀着……的希望 ‎4.hold back 阻挡;抑制(感情等)‎ hold on (to) 紧紧抓住;坚持 hold up 举起;支持住;阻挡 ‎5.in honour of sb.(in sb.'s honour) 向某人表示敬意;‎ ‎ 为纪念某人 feel honoured to do sth. 做某事感到荣幸 ‎6.feel at home 舒适自在 ‎7.without hesitation 毫不犹豫 ‎8.to be honest 诚实地说 ‎9.on holiday 在度假 take a holiday 休假 ‎10.have a history of 有……的历史 四、背写作佳句——考场顺手就写 计划与愿望 ‎1.He will go to Shanghai next year in the hope of getting a wellpaid job there.‎ 明年他要去上海,他希望在那儿找到一份薪资高的工作。‎ ‎2.I will make a 10day tour of America after my graduation from senior high school this summer, which will be a good chance for me to experience American culture and practise my oral English.‎ 今年夏天高中毕业后,我将去美国进行为期10天的观光旅游,这将是一次体验美国文化、练习英语口语的好机会。‎ ‎3.I have made up my mind to major in computer science in the future.‎ 我已下定决心将来主修计算机科学。‎ ‎4.I know there is a long way to go before I enter a college. So now I must devote myself to study and try my best to get good grades in all subjects.‎ 我知道上大学之前还有很长的路要走,所以现在我必须专心于学习并努力在各科取得好成绩。‎ 五、练语基小题——巩固今日所学 Ⅰ.根据提示填空 ‎1.Papercutting is a traditional art form in China with a long history (历史).‎ ‎2.Every day, I set my feelings down on the blog, which is my hobby (业余爱好).‎ ‎3.I dislike it when a Chinese host (主人) keeps serving me the food I don't like. ‎ ‎4.As we all know, honesty is the best policy. Honestly speaking, he is an honest boy, so you can rely on him to help you when in trouble.(honest)‎ ‎5.As far as I'm concerned, women can hold_up (举起;支持住) half of the sky; therefore, we should show respect for them in our daily life.‎ ‎6.A man immediately rushed to the girl to give her first aid and I joined in without_hesitation (毫不犹豫).‎ Ⅱ.补全句子 ‎1.我非常荣幸在这里与大家一起分享高中如何学好英语的经验。‎ It's_my_honour_to be here to share with you my experience on how to learn English well in senior high school.‎ ‎2.在现代科技的帮助下,旅行变得更容易了。‎ With_the_help_of_modern_science_and_technology,_traveling becomes easier.‎ ‎3.我的确希望你能给我一些如何记忆新单词的好的建议。‎ I do_hope you can give me some good advice on how to memorize new words.‎ 第七周·周五 一、背表达词汇——写作有米下锅 ‎1.if conj.    如果,假使;是否,是不是 ‎2.impossible adj. 不可能的 ‎3.improve vt. 改进;改善;提高 ‎4.in prep. 在……里(内);在……‎ adv. 在家,在内,向内 ‎5.include vt. 包含,包括 ‎6.indeed adj. 确实;实在 ‎7.influence n.& v. 影响 ‎8.instead adv. 代替,顶替 ‎9.international adj. 国际的 ‎10.Internet n. 互联网,因特网 ‎11.invent vt. 发明,创造 ‎12.job n. (一份)工作 ‎13.ill adj. 有病的;不健康的 illness n. 疾病 ‎14.imagine v. 想象;假想 imagination n. 想象;想象力 ‎15.immediate adj.  立即的,马上 immediately adv. 立即 conj. 一……就……‎ ‎16.importance n. 重要性;重大;有价值 important adj. 重要的;重大的 importantly adv. 重要地 ‎17.impress v. 使印象深刻;使铭记 impression n. 印象;感想;印记 impressive adj. 给人印象深刻的;感人的 ‎18.independence n. 独立 independent adj. 独立的;有主见的 ‎19.inform vt. 告知;通知 information n. 信息 ‎20.injure vt. 损害,伤害 injury n. 伤;伤口;伤害 二、记阅读词汇——读文不再生涩 ‎1.interrupt v. 打扰,打断 ‎2.interval n. 间歇;间隔 ‎3.interview n.& vt. 采访,会见,面试 ‎4.interviewee n. 被采访者 ‎5.interviewer n. 采访者 ‎6.jacket n. 短上衣,夹克衫 ‎7.jam n. 果酱;堵塞 ‎8.Japan n. 日本 ‎9.Japanese adj. 日本的,日本人的,日语的 n. 日本人,日语 ‎10.jar n. 罐子;坛子 ‎11.jaw n. 下巴;下颌 ‎12.jazz n. 爵士音乐,爵士舞曲 ‎13.jeans n. 牛仔裤 ‎14.jet n. 喷气式飞机;喷射(器)‎ ‎15.jewel n. 宝石 ‎16.jewelry n. (总称)珠宝 ‎17.jog v. 慢跑 ‎18.journalist n. 记者,新闻工作者 ‎19.journey n. 旅行,路程 ‎20.juice n. 汁,液 三、背常用短语——读写高人一截 ‎1.if so 如果这样的话 ‎2.instead of 代替 ‎3.leave a deep impression on sb. 给某人留下深刻印象 ‎4.have a great influence on ... 对……有很大影响 ‎5.attend an interview 参加面试 ‎6.inform sb. of sth. 告知某人某事 ‎7.go jogging 慢跑 ‎8.on the increase 在增加 ‎9.gain independence from 获得独立 ‎10.most importantly    最重要的是 四、背写作佳句——考场顺手就写 旅游(一) 景点介绍 ‎1.There are many cultural sites in Beijing, among which the most attractive one is the Forbidden City.‎ 北京有很多历史遗迹,最有吸引力的是紫禁城。‎ ‎2.Located on Yangtze River, this beautiful old city has a popular tourist attraction now.‎ 坐落在长江之畔,这座美丽的古城现在成了受欢迎的旅游胜地。‎ ‎3.Public transport provides a cheap way to get around in Beijing.‎ 公共交通让你的北京之旅变得很容易。‎ ‎4.We will try some famous local snacks and experience the local history and culture as well as our customs.‎ 我们将去吃一些地方特色小吃,体验当地历史文化,还有我们的风俗习惯。‎ ‎5.Standing on the top of the mountain, the temple has witnessed many changes in this area.‎ 坐落在山顶的庙见证了这个地区的许多变化。‎ 五、练语基小题——巩固今日所学 Ⅰ.根据提示填空 ‎1.Being out of work and having two young children, they found it impossible (不可能的) to make ends meet.‎ ‎2.I think competition with the students from other universities will help us students improve (提高) our ability.‎ ‎3.There are various reasons in favor of my opinion that a Chinese dictionary shouldn't include (包括) English words.‎ ‎4.First impressions are of great importance,_but what's most important is how to behave yourself in your future work.(important)‎ ‎5.If I had_informed_him_of (告知他) the exact time for the meeting earlier, he wouldn't have been late yesterday.‎ ‎6.First aid is very essential to life, especially when people suddenly fall ill or get_injured (受伤).‎ Ⅱ.补全句子 ‎1.我相信这将对中国的教育产生积极的影响。‎ I believe it will have_a_positive_influence_on_Chinese_education.‎ ‎2.那位新老师以丰富的知识和幽默的语言给同学们留下了很好的印象。‎ The new teacher made/left_a_good_impression_on_the_students by her rich knowledge and humorous talk.‎ ‎3.这种住宿提供独立的生活方式,它更适合于长期居住的学生。‎ This kind of accommodation offers_an_independent_lifestyle and is more suitable for the longstay students.‎

