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真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 1 Unit 1 Living with technology Section Ⅰ Welcome to the unit & Reading-Pre reading At some point we all have to face reality: we can't live off our parents forever. We have to get a job and become a productive member of society or earn a living as a writer. That time has come for French robot Nao, who has left Paris to get his first job at a bank in Japan. Nao is a smart bank teller. He is just 58cm tall and weighs about 5.4 kg. He speaks 19 languages and can read customers' emotions from their facial expressions thanks to the builtin camera in his head. He can walk on different surfaces, recognize faces and objects, express feelings and react to touch. It can even balance itself with its arms if it falls. He can greet visitors and offer them all of the services in a bank. “The robot is an important addition to the bank by performing tasks that our human staffcan't, such as 24hour banking and multilingual communication. He is cute and friendly and I believe our customers will like it,” said an official. The bank believes that Nao's superb linguistic skills and ability to work for 24 hours a day will be invaluable, especially during the 2020 Summer Olympic Games, when the country expects to welcome visitors from around the world. Nao enjoys a wide range of hobbies, including playing golf and dancing. For example, he can dance to the songGangnamStyle by moving its arms and legs. 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 2 Section_Ⅰ Welcome to the unit & Reading — Prereading [原文呈现][读文清障] The evolution① of video and sound devices② Early history of TV The first public TV broadcasts were made in the USA in 1925. Later, in 1928, the first longdistance③ TV broadcast was made between the UK and the USA. Regular public broadcasting followed shortly afterwards④, first beginning on 11 May 1928 in New York and on 20 August 1929 in London⑤. Many different people contributed to⑥ the development of TV. Most early TV broadcasts were made using a system developed by John Logie Baird⑦ in the UK. However, his system was very primitive⑧ and had many drawbacks⑨. An American, Philo Farnsworth, made important breakthroughs⑩ in the development⑪ of TV in the late 1920s⑫ and early 1930s. Modern TVs use many of the principles ⑬ first discovered by Farnsworth. John Logie Baird constructed⑭ the first colour TV in 1928, but it was not ①evolution/ˌiːvə'luːʃn/n.演变,发展; 进化 with the evolution of 随着……的演变 ②device/dI'vaIs/n.装置,设备 ③longdistance 是由“形容词+名词”构 成的合成形容词,在句中通常作定语,意 思是“远距离的;长途的”。 ④afterwards adv.以后,后来 ⑤现在分词短语 beginning on ...作伴随状 语。 ⑥contribute to 贡献,捐献;有助于 make contributions to 对……做贡献 ⑦现在分词短语 using a system developed by ...在句中作方式状语;其中过去分词 短语 developed by ...作 a system 的后置 定语。 ⑧primitive adj.原始的,远古的 ⑨drawback/'drɔːbæk/n.缺点,缺陷;不利 条件 ⑩make breakthroughs 取得突破 ⑪development n.开发,研制;发展 ⑫in the late 1920s 在 20 世纪 20 年代末期 ⑬principle/'prInsəpl/n.原理,法则;道 德原则,行为准则 ⑭construct/kən'strʌkt/vt.制造;修筑, 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 3 until 1938 that the first colour TV programme was broadcast⑮. It took more than two decades, though, until 1951, for regular colour TV broadcasts to begin in the USA. Regular colour TV broadcasts were delayed ⑯ in the UK until 1967. However, within a short time nearly all TV broadcasts were made in colour, and within five years more colour TVs than blackandwhite ⑰ TVs were being used. 建造 ⑮本句为强调句型,在此强调时间状语 not until 1938。 ⑯delay/dI'leI/vt.&vi.(使)推迟,延迟 n. 延误,延迟 ⑰blackandwhite/ˌblækən'waIt/adj.黑白 的 影像和声音设备的发展 电视的早期历史 无线电视传输节目于 1925 年在美国首次公开播出。随后在 1928 年,英美两国之间第一 次实现了远距离电视播送。之后不久便开始定期向公众播放,在纽约的首次开播时间是 1928 年 5 月 11 日,在伦敦的首次开播时间是 1929 年 8 月 20 日。 很多不同的人对电视的发展做出了贡献。早期电视大多使用由英国人约翰·洛吉·贝尔 德开发的系统。然而,他的系统非常原始,有许多缺点。20 世纪 20 年代末和 30 年代初, 美国人斐洛·法恩斯沃斯在电视的研发上取得了重大突破。现代电视机使用了许多由法恩斯 沃斯首先发现的原理。 约翰·洛吉·贝尔德于 1928 年制造出第一台彩色电视机,但直到 1938 年第一个彩色电 视节目才播出。彩色电视节目到 1951 年才得以在美国定期播出,其间经历了二十多年的时 间。到 1967 年彩色电视节目才在英国定期播出。然而,在短时间内,几乎所有的电视节目 都被制作成了彩色的,不到五年,彩色电视机的使用率就超过了黑白电视机。 The modern age: satellite TV Satellites were used to broadcast⑱ TV beginning in 1962. Satellites allow TV to be broadcast ⑲ live over vast distances, ⑳with everyone receiving the same broadcast at the same time○21. They also make TV accessible○22 to people who live far away from cities ○23 , and ⑱be used to do sth.被用来做某事 ⑲to be broadcast 是动词不定式的被动语态 形式。 ⑳with 复合结构,在句中作伴随状语。 ○21at the same time 同时 ○22accessible/ək'sesəbl/adj.可使用的;可 接触到的;可到达的;易理解的,后常搭 配介词 to。 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 4 satellite dishes ○24 can often be seen distributed○25 throughout the countryside and remote areas. Of course, only a small percentage ○26 of people own satellite dishes. However, most people still benefit from○27 satellite TV, as local TV companies broadcast the signals they get from satellite receivers ○28 to the population living nearby○29. Early history of sound recorders It all began in 1877, when Thomas Edison made the first recording of a human voice on his invention○30, the record player○31. Early record players used round tubes○32 to record on. However, in 1887 Emile Berliner, a German living in the USA○33, invented a record player that used discs○34 as alternatives to tubes, and so the modern record player was born. The first record players had to be wound up○35 by hand○36 and only played records that were two minutes long○37. Times surely have changed! ○23who 引导定语从句,修饰 people。 ○24satellite dishn.卫星电视碟形天线 ○25distribute/dI'strIbjuːt/vt.使分布,分 散;分发,分配;分销 ○26percentage/pə'sentIdʒ/n.百分率,百分 比 a large/small percentage of 大部分/小 部分…… ○27benefit from 从……中受益 ○28 receiver/rI'siːvə(r)/n. 无 线 电 接 收 机;听筒,受话器;接受者 ○29as 引导原因状语从句;在此从句中,they get from satellite receivers 是定语从 句,修饰 signals;living nearby 是现在 分 词 短 语 作 后 置 定 语 , 修 饰 the population。 ○30when Thomas Edison made ...是非限制性 定语从句,修饰 1877。 ○31the record player 作 invention 的同位语。 ○32tube/tjuːb/n.管子;管状物;伦敦地铁 ○33现在分词短语 living in the USA 作后置定 语,修饰 a German。 ○34disc/dIsk/n.唱片;(计算机)磁盘 ○35wind/waInd/vt. &vi.上发条;缠绕;蜿蜒, 曲折 wind up 上发条 ○36by hand 手工 ○37that 引导定语从句,修饰 records。 当代:卫星电视 卫星用于播送电视节目始于 1962 年。卫星让远距离直播电视节目成为可能,大家在同 一时间可以收到相同的电视节目。它们也使远离城市的人们可以收看电视,在农村和边远地 区经常可以看到分散的卫星天线。当然,只有一小部分人拥有自己的卫星天线。然而,大多 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 5 数人仍然受益于卫星电视,因为当地的电视公司把从卫星接收器接收到的信号传送给附近的 居民。 录音机的早期历史 一切始于 1877 年,这一年托马斯·爱迪生用他发明的留声机第一次录制了人的声音。 早期的录音机是使用圆管记录声音的。然而,在 1887 年,一位侨居美国的德国人埃米尔·贝 利纳发明了使用唱片来代替圆管的留声机,这样现代录音机就诞生了。最早的留声机必须手 摇上发条,而且只能播放两分钟长的录音。时代确实已经改变! Sound and video recorders In 1928, the first tape recorders used to copy sound○38 were made in Germany. Most early recorders employed steel tape to record on, which made them heavy and difficult to use○39, or paper tape, which was easier to use○40 but often broke. It was not until the early 1950s that○41 most tape recorders began using plastic tape as they do today ○42 . Meanwhile ○43 , electrical components○44eventually○45 became so small that ○46 , by the late 1960s,portable○47cassette○48 players were developed, along with○49 video recorders which were used by TV stations○50. By the late 1970s, video recorders small and cheap enough ○51 for home use were introduced. ○38过去分词短语作后置定语,修饰 the first tape recorders。 ○39which 引导非限制性定语从句,修饰 steel tape。 ○40which 引导非限制性定语从句,修饰 paper tape。 ○41It was not until ... that ...是强调 时间状语 not until the early 1950s 的强调句式。 ○42as they do today 是 as 引导的方式状语 从句。 ○43 meanwhile 与 此 同 时 ( = in the meanwhile/meantime) ○44component/kəm'pəʊnənt/n.组成部分, 成分,部件 ○45eventually/I'ventʃʊəlI/adv.最后,终 于 ○46so ...that ...句式,其中 that 引导结 果状语从句。 ○47portable/'pɔːtəbl/adj.便携式的,轻 便的 ○48cassette/kə'set/n.盒式磁带,卡式磁 带 ○49along with 连同……一起,随同……一 起 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 6 ○50 which 引 导 定 语 从 句 , 修 饰 video recorders。 ○51enough 用作副词,修饰形容词或副词时 要后置。 录音机和录像机 1928 年,第一批磁带录音机在德国制造出来。大多数早期的录音机用钢质磁带或者纸 质磁带录音。钢质磁带很沉,使用起来困难;纸质磁带用起来虽方便,但常常破损。直到 20 世纪 50 年代初,大多数磁带录音机才开始使用塑料磁带,就跟现在一样。同时,电器元 件最终变得很小,到 20 世纪 60 年代后期,便携式录音机被研制出来,电视台使用的录像机 也随之出现。到了 20 世纪 70 年代末,足够小巧而价廉的家用录像机被采用。 Sound and video go digital○52 In 1982, the first CDs were made available ○53 . CDs are often used for storing and playing music because they have a much better sound quality than traditional records and cassettes. In 1993, the VCD○54 was born, and in 1995, the DVD was invented. The DVD is now the standard for○55 recording and playing back video. The future With the development of ○56 digital technology, sound and video can now be stored on a PC, on the Internet, or using some form of portable storage○57. This will soon make records, cassette recorders, CDs, DVDs and even TVs things of the past. Technology is now changing faster ○58than most people can keep pace with○59. Who can ○52digital/'dIdʒItl/adj.数字信息系统 的,数字式的 ○53available adj.可用到的,可利用的, 有用的,有空的,在此句中作主语补足 语。 ○54VCDn.影碟(video compact disc 的缩 写) ○55the standard for ……的标准 ○56with the development of 随着……的 发展 ○57storage/'stɔːrIdʒ/n.存储,储藏(空 间) ○58than 引导定语从句,且在从句中作宾 语。 在带有比较级的句子中,than 可以作关 系代词,引导定语从句,兼有连词和代 词的性质。than 在定语从句中也可以 充当主语、宾语、表语。 ○59keep pace with 与……并驾齐驱 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 7 foresee○60 what the future will bring? ○60foresee/fɔː'siː/vt.预料,预见, 预知 声音和视频数字化 1982 年,最早的 CD 光盘出现了。它们经常用来存储和播放音乐,因为其音质远远胜过 任何传统的唱片和卡式磁带。1993 年 VCD 诞生,1995 年 DVD 问世。目前,DVD 是标准的视 频录制和回放设备。,未来展望, 随着数字技术的发展,声音和视频现在可以储存在个人 电脑上、互联网上,或使用某种形式的便携式储存设备储存。这将很快使唱片、卡带录音机、 CD、DVD 甚至电视成为过去。技术变革快得使大多数人难以跟上。谁能预见未来会带来什么 呢? Prereading Please match the words with their proper meanings. 1.evolution A.not do sth. until a later time 2.construct B.to make a clock work by turning a handle, etc. several times 3.delay C.the slow development of plants, animals for a long time 4.wind D.at the end of a period of time 5.eventually E.to build or make sth. such as a road, building, etc. 6.foresee F.to give things to a large number of people 7.sceptical G.having doubts whether a statement is true or sth. will happen 8.distribute H.to think sth. is going to happen in the 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 8 future, to know about sth. before it happens 答案:1~5 CEABD 6~8 HGF Leadin The development of electric devices 1.Development of TV 2.Development of dictionary 3.Development of communication Whilereading Fastreading First look at the title and skim the headings and the first sentence of each section and then finish the following exercises. 1.What's the main idea of the text? The text is mainly about the development of electrical_technology. 2.How is the text organized? A.By examples. B.By time. C.By space. D.By comparison. 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 9 答案:B Carefulreading (Ⅰ)Choose the best answers according to the text. 1.Who made important breakthroughs in the development of TV in the late 1920s and early 1930s? A.John Logie Baird. B.Philo Farnsworth. C.Thomas Edison. D.Emile Berliner. 2.Satellites were used to broadcast TV beginning ________. A.in 1967 B.in 1962 C.in 1951 D.in 1938 3.Satellite TV has the following advantages EXCEPT ________. A.satellites allow TV to be broadcast live over vast distances B.with satellite TV everyone can receive the same broadcast at the same time C.satellites can also make TV accessible to people who live far away from cities D.all the people can benefit from satellite TV 4.According to the text, the following statements are true EXCEPT ________. A.in 1928, the first longdistance TV broadcast was made between the UK and the USA B.regular public broadcasting first began on 11 May 1928 in New York. C.the colour TV programme was broadcast immediately the first colour TV was made D.most early TV broadcasts were made using a system developed by John Logie Baird in the UK 5.Which statement is WRONG according to the text? A.It was not until the early 1940s that most tape recorders began using plastic tape as they do today. B.Emile Berliner invented the modern record player. C.The first tape recorders used to copy sound were made in Germany in 1928. D.Thomas Edison made the first record player. 答案:1~5 BBDCA (Ⅱ)True (T) or False (F). 1 . Modern TVs use many of the principles first discovered by John Logie Baird.( ) 2 . Colour TV became popular within just a few years after it was 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 10 invented.( ) 3.Satellites allow TV to be broadcast live over vast distances.( ) 4.Traditional records and cassettes do not offer as good a sound quality as CDs.( ) 答案:1~4 FFTT (Ⅲ)Fill in each blank with only one word according to the text. The evolution of video and sound devices Early history of TV ·In 1925, the first public TV broadcasts were made in the USA. ·In 1928, the first TV broadcast over a long 1.distance was made between the UK and the USA. ·Both John Logie Baird and Philo Farnsworth made a lot of 2.contributions to the development of TV. ·In 1938, the first colour TV programme was broadcast. The modern age: satellite TV ·In 1962, satellites, 3.allowing TV to be broadcast live over vast distances, were used to broadcast TV. ·TV programmes are 4.accessible to people living far away from cities with the help of satellites. Early history of sound recorders ·Thomas Edison made the first recording of a human voice on his invention in 1877. ·A 5.decade later, Emile Berliner invented a record player 6.using discs as alternatives to tubes, and so the modern record player was born. Sound and video recorders ·In 1928, the first tape recorders used to copy sound were made in Germany. ·In the early 1950s, most tape recorders began using plastic tape 7.instead of steel tape and paper tape. ·By the late 1960s, cassette players, which were easy to 8.carry,_were developed. ·By the late 1970s, video recorders small and cheap enough for home use were 9.brought in. Sound and video go digital ·In 1982, the first CDs were 10.invented. ·In 1993, the VCD was born, and in 1995, the DVD was invented. The future With the development of digital technology, records, cassette 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 11 recorders, CDs, DVDs and even TVs will be things of the past. Studyreading Analyze the following difficult sentences in the text. 1.John Logie Baird constructed the first colour TV in 1928, but it was not until 1938 that the first colour TV programme was broadcast. [句式分析] [尝试翻译] 约翰·洛吉·贝尔德于 1928 年制造出第一台彩色电视机,但直到 1938 年第一个彩色电视节目才播出。 2.They also make TV accessible to people who live far away from cities, and satellite dishes can often be seen distributed throughout the countryside and remote areas.[句式分析] [尝试翻译] 它们也使远离城市的人们可以收看电视,在农村和边远地区经常可以看到 分散的卫星天线。 3.However, most people still benefit from satellite TV, as local TV companies broadcast the signals they get from satellite receivers to the population living nearby. [句式分析] 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 12 [尝试翻译] 然而,大多数人仍然受益于卫星电视,因为当地的电视公司把从卫星接收 器 接 收 到 的 信 号 传 送 给 附 近 的 居 民 。 Ⅰ.阅读理解 A When Tom Szaky sees a juice container thrown away, he doesn't see rubbish, but he sees a pencil case. Sweet wrappers? A beautiful kite! But these are not the imaginings of a dreamer. For the 28yearold CEO of Trenton, New Jerseybased TerraCycle, they're a business model. The fasttalking Szaky is leading the new industry of upcycling (升级改造). Instead of recycling, TerraCycle takes packaging headed for landfills (废物填埋 地) and reuses it — more or less whole. TerraCycle's 85 employees make nearly 200 products, sold at shops such as Petco, Kmart, Whole Foods Market, and Target. Szaky's $7.4 million company, now also moving ahead in Mexico, Canada, the United Kingdom and Brazil, is quite different from the business he founded with his classmate Jon Beyer in 2002 as a freshman at Princeton University. The two entered a business competition with a plan to sell organic plant fertilizers made from worm waste. They lost the competition, but started the business anyway. With their goal — to make products entirely out of rubbish — suddenly clear, Szaky knew the time was right to drop out of Princeton. TerraCycle's first product used dininghall waste to feed the worms and thrownaway bottles to package the fertilizer. The result: a cheap, green breakthrough. Word spread, and in 2004, Home Depot began carrying the fertilizer in its Canadian stores. To Szaky, waste does not exist in nature. TerraCycle is a “second chance” employer of, say, a piece of furniture, an icecream container. As Szaky points out, “The biggest problem with most green, fairtrade, and organic products is that they tend to cost more. At TerraCycle, everything is made from rubbish, and rubbish is free. People should be able to protect the planet without having to pay a cost for that right.” 语篇解读:本文介绍了 Szaky 创立 TerraCycle 公司对垃圾进行升级改造,从而制造出 新产品的经过及理念。 1.What is Tom Szaky now? 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 13 A.The CEO of TerraCycle. B.An employee of Home Depot. C.A student at Princeton University. D.The manager of a food company. 解析:选 A 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“the 28yearold CEO of Trenton, New Jerseybased TerraCycle”可知,Tom Szaky 是 TerraCycle 公司的首席执行官。因此,该 题选 A。 2.How did Szaky get the idea of upcycling? A.From his visits to foreign companies. B.From his studies at Princeton University. C.Through shopping at big stores in America. D.Through the experience of a business competition. 解析:选 D 推理判断题。根据第三段中的“The two entered ... business anyway.” 可知,Szaky 从事升级改造产业的想法源于一次商业竞争的经历。因此,该题选 D。 3.What is the goal of TerraCycle? A.To make cheap and green products. B.To recycle waste materials in another way. C.To make products completely out of rubbish. D.To change worm waste into organic plant fertilizers. 解析:选 C 细节理解题。根据第四段中的“With their goal — to make products entirely out of rubbish ...”可知,TerraCycle 公司的目标是“完全用垃圾制造产品”。 因此,该题选 C。 4.What is the advantage of upcycling according to Szaky? A.The cost is kept rather low. B.More materials are available. C.It has a large promising market. D.Its products are environmentally friendly. 解析:选 A 细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“At TerraCycle ... for that right.” 可知,升级改造产业的优势在于原材料是免费的,制造成本相当低廉。因此,该题选 A。 B Can you imagine how difficult it is to really master English and speak it as fluently as a native speaker? Visit Engrish.com and you will find that it is unbelievably challenging. This website was created in 1996 with the aim of having fun with, not making fun of the Engrish phenomenon. “Engrish” is considered as 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 14 the flawed English found in Japan and other East Asian countries. The term Engrish describes the tendency of Japanese people to confuse the English phonemes (音素)“R” and “L”. Other famous mistakes due to phonetic differences include the misuse of the word “Engrand”(instead of“England”) and “babyshiner”(in place of “babysitter”).Grammatical mistakes may involve using a noun as a verb with “Let's” as in “Let's beer.” Unnecessary wording like “Let's play with me!” is also very common. The classic Engrish “I feel Coke” is a wellknown example of getting rid of connecting words. Amused by these humorous mistakes, you may wonder why the Japanese don't get some translators or consult native English speakers for corrections. The fact is that there is often no attempt to get it right. For one thing, some Japanese companies do not regard English as a means of communication. Rather, they use English as part of the design in Japanese products and advertising to give them a modern look and feel, or just to “look cool”. Moreover, some Japanese people or companies simply do not have the resources they would need if they wanted to get their English carefully checked. Although most Japanese study English for anywhere from 6 to 10 years as a second language, they cannot easily find native English speakers to practice with. Engrish can be found everywhere in Japan, including on signs, menus, and in advertisements. So, the next time you see the elevator at your school labeled as a “Disabled Elevator” or the public toilets outside the MRT station marked “OutToilet”, feel free to take photographs and send them to Engrish.com. The webmasters of Engrish. com will be more than willing to showcase them on their website! 语篇解读:本文是说明文。文章主要介绍了 Engrish.com 这一网站并分析了出现 Engrish 这种语言现象的原因。 5.According to the text, Engrish.com ________. A.was set up in the early 21st century B.makes fun of the Engrish phenomenon C.has a collection of English mistakes D.helps the Japanese learn to speak English 解析:选 C 细节理解题。由第一段中的“‘Engrish’ is considered as the flawed English found in Japan and other East Asian countries.”以及接下来所举的 Engrish 错误例子可知,Engrish.com 这一网站收集了很多日本及其他东亚国家中出现的英语语言错 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 15 误,故选 C 项。 6.The following sentences belong to Engrish EXCEPT “________”. A.You'll shopping! B.Let's go boating with me! C.I had two coffees while I waited. D.He has just come back from Engrand. 解析:选 C 细节理解题。由第二段中的“The classic Engrish ‘I feel Coke’ is a wellknown example of getting rid of connecting words.”可知 A 项说法属于 Engrish; 由“Unnecessary wording like ‘Let's play with me!’”可知 B 项说法属于 Engrish; 由“the misuse of the word ‘Engrand’(instead of ‘England’)”可知 D 项说法也属 于 Engrish。所以除了 C 项外,其他说法都属于 Engrish。 7.The third paragraph is mainly about ________. A.the aim of Engrish.com B.the reasons why Engrish appears in Japan C.some examples of Engrish D.the differences between English and Japanese 解析:选 B 段落大意题。本段主要分析了日本之所以会出现 Engrish 这种语言现象 的原因,故选 B 项。 8.The Engrish phenomenon shows that ________. A.the Japanese have a natural talent for invention B.the English level of the Japanese needs improving C.many Japanese use English as a means of communication D.the Japanese should spend more time on English learning 解析:选 B 推理判断题。由第三段中所讲述的原因可知,之所以会出现 Engrish 是因 为日本人的英语水平比较差,所以这一现象表明日本人的英语水平亟待提高,故选 B 项。 C Have you ever thought of donating your used computer so that money can be raised to support kids in so many ways? For charities throughout the United States, accepting used computers has become a major source of fund raising. The American Relief Foundation is pleased to accept your donation and give you the satisfaction of doing something special with something you don't really want or need. Computer donations are easy! In fact, you can complete all the necessary paperwork to donate your computer online. In most cases, we'll pick up your donations within 24 to 72 hours. It's easy! It's fast! Children in the underdeveloped areas 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 16 receive valuable assistance from the money that comes from the donation of the computers that you no longer want or need. If you have one that you can get rid of, give it to us. We accept table computers, laptops, iPads, and even smartphones. There is no charge to donate your computer! Our service is free! Donors (捐赠者) receive the satisfaction of knowing that you're supporting programs that fill the gap between what kids need and what you have. From free lunches to educational programs, from adoption support to basic needs, your donation can help a kid in need. Consider these facts *You can donate your computer whether it can work properly or not. *Once you donate, you will go into the name list of “Warmhearted Group”. *There is absolutely no cost to you to donate your computer. *We will pick up your computer wherever it is. Special offer for you When you donate your computer through www.arfforkids.org, you'll receive a Visa Gift Card as a special thankyou for your donation. The company assigned to pick up your computer will offer a free Visa Gift Card by completing our online computer donation form. 语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。你有没有想过将自己不用的电脑或其他智能设备捐献出 去帮助一些需要帮助的孩子呢?美国救济基金会正是帮你实现这个想法的慈善组织。在网上 填写捐献表格后,就会有人上门免费收取你要捐的智能设备,而且你还能得到一张 Visa 礼 品卡。 9.Why does the American Relief Foundation accept computer donation? A.To renew them for sale. B.To give aid to needy kids. C.To train kids how to operate computers. D.To help poor children continue their schooling. 解析:选 B 推理判断题。通读第一段可知,通过捐献自己的旧电脑,人们可以为需要 帮助的孩子们募集资金。而美国救济基金会正是帮助人们实现这种想法的慈善组织。由此可 知,其目的是帮助有需要的孩子们。故选 B 项。 10.It can be learned from the text that ________. A.it is easy to donate your used computer B.you need to get it repaired before you donate your computer C.no other electronics but computers can be donated 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 17 D.you will get another computer for your donation 解析:选 A 推理判断题。根据第二段第一句“Computer donations are easy!”可 知,捐献电脑的过程很简单,故 A 项正确。 11.The American Relief Foundation's service can be described as ________. A.secret and careful B.fast and expensive C.free and complicated D.speedy and convenient 解析:选 D 细节理解题。根据第二段第三至五句“In most cases, we'll pick up your donations within 24 to 72 hours. It's easy! It's fast!”可知,美国救济基金会的 服务既方便又快捷。故选 D 项。 12.The text is written for the purpose of ________. A.telling people how to get rid of used computers B.praising the charities in the United States C.calling on the public to donate used computers D.increasing people's environmental awareness 解析:选 C 写作意图题。通读文章可知,文章的主要内容是美国救济基金会号召人们 捐献旧电脑、旧平板、旧的智能手机等,从而为有需要的孩子们提供帮助。故选 C 项。 Ⅱ.阅读七选五 The youth of today are constantly absorbed in technological advancements that promote nonstop communication and instant satisfaction, whether through cell phones, gaming systems, laptops, or MP3 players. __1__ I believe that the growth of technology has negatively influenced the social interactions of today's youth because it isolates (隔离) individuals from reality. __2__ The iPod is one example: By putting in your earbuds and absorbing yourself in music while in public, you are disconnecting yourself from the real world. The ability for people to surround themselves with the familiar by using their iPod is appealing because it rarely provides the listener with something unexpected or unknown. __3__ By constantly being cut off from personal interactions and new experiences because of a technological device, a generation with low social abilities is being groomed (培养). Some argue that the Internet has a positive effect on social interactions because it allows us to form friendships online. However, there are dangerous people on the Internet who are a threat to young people. __4__ 真正的价值并不在人生的舞台上,而在我们扮演的角色中。 18 I believe the advancement of technology has negatively impacted our social interactions because it separates us from what is happening around us. __5__ But at the same time we must not allow it to prevent social interactions, particularly for those who are easily influenced during formative years. A.We must be able to make use of technology. B.Our world must learn to get rid of technology. C.However, it can be argued that this is a bad thing. D.Communication skills are very important for everyone. E.But are these technological advancements a good thing? F.It is extremely unhealthy to make all of your social interactions online. G.Technology is a negative influence on us because it separates individuals from reality. 语篇解读:科技的发展为我们的生活带来了便利, 但同时也阻断了我们与现实世界的 交流。因此,作者认为人们,尤其是处于性格形成期的青少年,应尽量减少使用手机、电脑 等科技产品进行社交。 1.选 E 上文提到当今年轻人的生活中充斥着手机、笔记本电脑、MP3 播放器等科技产 品,下文是作者的观点,他认为这些科技产品会对年轻人的社交产生负面影响,因此 E 项(但 是科技进步是一件好事吗?)在此承上启下。 2.选 G 下文以 iPod 为例,描述了人们在公众场合戴上耳机沉浸于音乐中,从而忽视 了现实世界这一情形,因此 G 项(科技对我们有不利影响,因为它使我们与现实世界隔离开 了)与下文语意一致。 3.选 C 上文提到 iPod 的功能很吸引人,下文讲的是人们因经常使用高科技产品而远 离现实所产生的危害,故该空处的内容应该表示转折,因此 C 项(然而,可以说这不是一件 好事)符合题意。 4.选 F 上文提到网上有很多危险人物,对年轻人来说他们是一种威胁,因此 F 项(只 在网上进行社交是极不健康的)紧承上文进行论述,并与上文构成因果关系。 5.选 A 根据下一句中的“But”可知,上下文为转折关系;下一句提到“但同时我们 一定不能容许它阻碍我们的社会交往”,因此 A 项(我们必须能够利用科技)符合题意。查看更多