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专题强化训练(二十)‎ Ⅰ.阅读理解 A ‎(2019·哈尔滨师范大学附中期中)Several years ago, Masaru Ibuka, chairman of Sony, was at a company planning a meeting. Suddenly he had a brilliant idea. He stopped the meeting and asked everyone present what would happen if Sony removed the recording function and speaker and sold headphones with a tape player instead. Almost everyone thought he was crazy. Still, Ibuka kept thinking about his idea and worked at improving it. The result, of course, turned out to be the wildly successful Sony Walkman.‎ Good ideas often start with a seemingly silly question. Bill Bowerman was making breakfast one day. As he stood there making waffles(华夫饼干) for his son, he wondered what would happen if he poured rubber into his waffle iron. Later ,he tried it and the result looked something like the bottom of most sports shoes we see today. Still, when he took this idea to several existing shoe companies, he was laughed at. In fact, every single company turned him down. Though rather discouraged, Bowerman insisted and went on to form his own company, making NIKE athletic shoes.‎ Sometimes good ideas grow out of frustration .When Fred Smith was a student at Yale‎ ‎University, he had some paperwork that he needed to have delivered across the country the next day. Smith was amazed to find out that overnight delivery was impossible. He sat for a long while, lost in thought. Why couldn't there be a reliable overnight mail delivery service? He decided to design one. Smith did just that and turned his design into a class project. His business professor gave him only a C for his efforts. However, Smith was not through. He improved the idea in that class project and finally turned it into one of the first and most successful overnight mail service in the world — FedEx.‎ We know that each of these ideas led to a very successful product or ‎ service that has changed the way many of us live. The best questions are usually openended and are often silly. Children aren't afraid to ask such questions, but adults frequently are. Think how different the world might be if people never asked“silly”questions!‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇议论文。文章通过三个人的例子来论述“疯狂的想法有时有助于伟大的发明。”‎ ‎1.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?‎ A.Sony Walkman achieved great success with its recording function and speaker.‎ B.Bill Bowerman was experimenting with rubber for large shoe companies.‎ C.Shoe companies rejected Bill Bowerman as they failed to see the potential of Nike.‎ D.Fred Smith got the idea of an overnight mail service from his own experience.‎ ‎[解析] 推理判断题。根据第三段中Smith was amazed to find out that overnight delivery was impossible. He sat for a long while, lost in thought. Why couldn't there be a reliable overnight mail delivery service?可知,弗雷德·史密斯从他自己的经历中得到了夜间邮递服务的主意。故选D。‎ ‎[答案] D ‎2.What do the three persons mentioned in the passage have in common?‎ A.They were all determined about carrying out their ideas.‎ B.They were good at answering other people's silly questions.‎ C.They started their own company after discussing with others.‎ D.They had a very clear plan for their new ideas at the very start.‎ ‎[解析] 推理判断题。根据第一段中Still, Ibuka kept thinking about his idea and worked at improving it. The result, of course, turned out to be the wildly successful Sony Walkman,第二段中Though rather discouraged, Bowerman insisted and went on to form his own company,‎ ‎ making NIKE athletic shoes.和第三段中He improved the idea in that class project and finally turned it into one of the first and most successful overnight mail service in the world — FedEx.可推知,文章中提到的三个人的共同点是“他们都下定决心要实现他们的想法。”故选A。‎ ‎[答案] A ‎3.We can conclude from the passage that ________.‎ A.asking others for their silly questions leads to inventions B.lots of creative ideas usually end up as“silly”questions C.adults usually ask more silly questions than children D.crazy ideas sometimes contribute to great inventions ‎[解析] 推理判断题。根据最后一段第一句We know that each of these ideas led to a very successful product or service that has changed the way many of us live.可知,从这篇文章我们可以得出结论,疯狂的想法有时有助于伟大的发明。故选D。‎ ‎[答案] D ‎4.The passage is mainly developed by ________.‎ A.analyzing possible reasons B.presenting different opinions C.providing typical examples D.listing practical suggestion ‎[解析] 推理判断题。本文通过三个人成功的例子来证明“如果人们从来不问‘愚蠢’的问题,世界将会多么不同!”故选C。‎ ‎[答案] C B ‎(2019·黑龙江第六中学月考)A recent study surveyed 5,000 British families about their experiences with volunteering and their mental health. Participants completed the same survey every two years from 1996 to 2008.‎ About 20 percent of the survey participants reported doing regular unpaid work. Researchers found that these volunteers also scored highest ‎ on their mental health scores. The two were linked so directly that the more a person volunteered, the happier they were.‎ One could argue a chickenandegg theory: happier people are more likely to have the time, money, energy and resources to give back to others. But even when researchers adjusted for education, social class and total health, the link was there, suggesting that the mental increase came from volunteering and not the other way around.‎ According to Dr. Stephen G. Post, author of The Hidden Gifts of Helping, when you help others, your brain releases feelgood chemicals, which can help cells repair themselves and grow. And this translates to better health.‎ So volunteering can help improve both your physical and mental health—on one condition. You have to mean it. People who volunteered for“selforiental”reasons, either because they were forced to do so for work or school or because they were trying to get away from problems in their lives, had a mortality(死亡率) risk that was similar to those who didn't volunteer at all. It was only when people were volunteering out of a true sense of sympathy that they saw any health benefits.‎ So whether it's arranging books at the library or walking dogs at the animal shelter, find a cause that's important to you and give it a try. Volunteering is a good way to develop a sense of connection that not only helps your community, but may also be good for you.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。主要探讨的是做志愿工作与健康之间的关系,研究人员经过调查发现经常参加志愿工作的人无论是身体上还是精神上都会更加健康,做志愿工作与健康之间有着紧密的联系。‎ ‎5.Who are healthier according to the study?‎ A.people who are happier.‎ B.people who are good at taking exams.‎ C.people that work as volunteers regularly.‎ D.people that make a large amount of money.‎ ‎[解析] 推理判断题。根据第二段第一句“About 20 percent of the ‎ survey participants reported doing regular unpaid work. Researchers found that these volunteers also scored highest on their mental health scores.”可知,研究人员发现志愿者在精神健康方面得分很高,说明经常做志愿工作的人更为健康。故C项正确。‎ ‎[答案] C ‎6.Why does the author mention the chickenandegg theory?‎ A.To introduce a worldfamous theory.‎ B.To point out that volunteering came first.‎ C.To prove happy ones would like to help others.‎ D.To tell us that the cause and the effect are mixed.‎ ‎[解析] 推理判断题。根据第三段第二句“But even when ‎ researchers adjusted for education, social class and total health, the link was there, suggesting that the mental increase came from volunteering and not the other way around.”可知,研究人员做了一些调整,最终的结果还是证明精神健康来自于志愿工作。在第三段里作者提出“the chickenandegg theory”目的是为了证明先做志愿工作,然后才变得更加健康。故B项正确。‎ ‎[答案] B ‎7.What may be one of the“selforiented”reasons?‎ A.You try your best to solve others' problems.‎ B.You are filled with pity for the foster kids.‎ C.You have the duty to look after the old.‎ D.You're always willing to help others.‎ ‎[解析] 推理判断题。根据文章第五段最后一句“It was only when people were volunteering out of a true sense of sympathy that they saw any health benefits.”可知,只有当人们出于同情他人去做志愿工作的时候,他们才可以得到一些健康方面的好处。也就是说责任心才是“selforiental”的原因。故C项正确。‎ ‎[答案] C ‎8.What is the text mainly about?‎ A.A chickenandegg theory.‎ B.Happiness has a lot to do with health.‎ C.A sense of connection is important to us.‎ D.Volunteering willingly is good for health.‎ ‎[解析] 主旨大意题。本文是一篇说明文,主要探讨的是做志愿工作与健康之间的关系,研究人员经过调查发现经常参加志愿工作的人无论是身体上还是精神上都会更加健康,做志愿工作与健康之间有着紧密的联系。D项与文章中心思想一致。所以选择D项。‎ ‎[答案] D Ⅱ.七选五阅读填空 ‎(2019·鹤岗第一中学月考)Living with strangers,or even friends,can be challenging,especially if it's your first time to live away from your home. I've gathered some tips for getting along with your new roommates that,I hope,will be useful to you.‎ ‎1____. Do whatever you want in your own room or your side of the room,but stay out of your roomies' space and any shared space. Don't ever read your roomies' journals. Be respectful and the house will be nice and calm.‎ Don't care about unimportant things. People have to make compromises when they live together. ____2____. Does it really matter that someone's cup wasn't cleaned or that the computer was left on all night?If it doesn't bother you a lot,then just let it go.‎ Deal with real problems when they arise. ____3____,you should talk about them right away. Talking about problems means that you figure out what the problem is,what the resolution you are seeking and what you are willing to compromise about. Solve problems instead of fighting about them.‎ Be considerate in little ways. Before you take a shower,ask the roomies if they need to use the bathroom so that they aren't waiting while you're in there. ____4____. Do little considerate things for one another and you'll like each other more.‎ Take your responsibilities. ____5____,such as taking out the trash,cleaning the bathroom and emptying the fridge of rotting food.‎ A.If real issues do come up B.Respect everyone's space C.No matter what you want to do D.Learn to let the little things go E.Offer an umbrella to a roommate on a rainy day F.Take your time choosing the right roommates G.Make sure you do your fair share of the housework 语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。和陌生人相处对很多人来说是很困难的事情,文章最后列举了五条和舍友友好相处的具体建议。‎ ‎1.[解析] 横线后一句“Do whatever you want in your own room or your side of the room,but stay out of your roomies' space and any shared space.”建议我们不要侵犯室友的个人空间,也就是说要尊重别人的隐私。B项“Respect everyone's space”与本段中心思想一致,故选择B项。‎ ‎[答案] B ‎2.[解析] 本段第一句“Don't care about unimportant things.”建议我们不要关注一些不重要的事情,把主要精力集中在主要事情上,D项“Learn to let the little things go”符合上下文语境,故选择D项。‎ ‎[答案] D ‎3.[解析] 本段第一句“Deal with real problems when they arise”要求我们当问题出现的时候,要立刻着手解决,不要拖延。A项“If real issues do come up”与横线后句“you should talk about them right away.”正是对第一句的完美解释,符合语境,故选择A项。‎ ‎[答案] A ‎4.[解析] 本段的中心思想是“Be considerate in little ways.”要求我们在小事情方面要考虑周全。横线前后句列举的都是我们为室友所做的小事。E项“Offer an umbrella to a roommate on a rainy day”‎ 内容也是其中之一,故选择E项。‎ ‎[答案] E ‎5.[解析] 本段要求我们在宿舍里承担起自己的责任,确保完成自己应该做的事情。G项“Make sure you do your fair share of the housework”符合上下文语境,故选择G项。‎ ‎[答案] G Ⅲ.短文改错 ‎(2019·牡丹江市第一高级中学10月月考)Of all the teachers in my primary school, the one which impressed me most was Mrs. Huang. She was my 5th grade teacher. She was able to making learning fun and I liked her classes very much. Besides, she made me leader of many group project, which gave me confidence. That was with her help that I soon became top student in our class. Looked back on it, I'm very proud for having such an excellent teacher. The reason why I did so good was that she made me to feel confident. I am really grateful to her and I hoped one day I will become a teacher like her.‎ ‎[答案] ‎ Of all the teachers in my primary school, the one impressed me most was Mrs. Huang. She was my 5th grade teacher. She was able to learning fun and I liked her classes very much. Besides, she made me leader of many group , which gave me confidence. was with her help that I soon became top student in our class. back on it, I'm very proud having such an excellent teacher. The reason why I did so was that she made me feel confident.‎ I am really grateful to her and I one day I will become a teacher like her.‎

