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‎2019届一轮复习人教版选修六Unit1Art单元学案 一 单元基础词汇语法回顾 Ⅰ.单词拼写 ‎1.Some fortunetellers say that they can p________future events.‎ 答案:predict ‎2.A good salesperson has to be a ________in today's competitive market.‎ 答案:aggressive ‎3.With the development of the society, there are no p________________jobs any more.‎ 答案:permanent ‎4.Have you seen the e________of paintings by Picasso?‎ 答案:exhibition ‎5.The tree cast its s________on the lake.‎ 答案:shadow ‎6.Don't be ________(荒唐的)!You can't pay £50 for a T—shirt!‎ 答案:ridiculous ‎7.Environmental damage threatens the whole ________(文明).‎ 答案:civilization ‎8.It was ________(典型的)of her to forget.‎ 答案:typical ‎9.He came here without friends or ________(财产)and made his fortune.‎ 答案:possessions ‎10.The greatest ________(学者)can't solve this difficult problem.‎ 答案:scholar Ⅱ.完成句子 ‎1.David had prepared carefully for the chemistry exam so that he could be sure of passing it ________________(第一次尝试).‎ 答案:at his first attempt ‎2.I can't ________(理解)why he quit his job.‎ 答案:figure out ‎ ‎3.This antismoking campaign________________(主要针对)young teenagers.‎ 答案:is mainly aimed at ‎4.I am________________(掌握)some news that I think will interest you.‎ 答案:in possession of ‎5.Does the idea of working abroad________________(吸引你)?‎ 答案:appeal to you ‎6.Many college graduates are out of work now,________________(但另一方面),they won't take jobs that do not pay much.‎ 答案:By coincidece ‎7.After several years' selfstudy he acquired________________(大量知识).‎ 答案:a great deal of knowledge ‎8.________________(碰巧),my deskmate and I were born on the same day and in the same year, so we have a lot in common.‎ 答案:By coincidence ‎9.Just in front of the bus ‎ ________________(躺着一位受伤的老人),all covered with blood.‎ 答案:lies an injured old man ‎10.A terrible air crash happened over the Atlantic Ocean,____________(150名乘客遇难).‎ 答案:killing 150 passengers 单项填空 ‎1.George is going to talk about the geography of his country,but I’d rather he______ more on its culture.‎ A.focus          B.focused C.would focus D.had focused 解析 考查虚拟语气的用法。难度中等。句意:乔治打算谈论他的国家的地理,但我宁愿他更多地把焦点集中在文化上。would rather后接从句时,从句中的谓语动词要用虚拟语气,若表示与将来和现在的事实相反的情况,则谓语动词要用一般过去时,由上句中“is going to...”可知B项时态正确。‎ 答案 B ‎2.You’ll find this map of great______in helping you to get round London.‎ A.price B.cost C.value D.usefulness 解析 be of great value“很有价值”。句意:你将会发现这幅地图对你周游伦敦很有价值。‎ 答案 C ‎3.The rain was heavy and______the land was flooded.‎ A.constantly B.continuously C.consequently D.consistently 解析 constantly经常地;continuously连续不断地;consistently一致地,一贯地。由句意“雨下得很大,结果土地被水淹没了”可知,应选用consequently“因此,所以”,表示结果。‎ 答案 C ‎4.You must keep the news a secret and don’t put it______anybody else.‎ A.in possession of B.in the possession of C.in charge of D.in the charge of 解析 句意:你必须对这个消息保密,不要让任何人知道。表示“某物被某人占有”用in the possession of。‎ 答案 B ‎5.—Let’s go and have a good drink tonight.‎ ‎—______ Have you got the first prize in the competition?‎ A.What for? B.Thanks a lot.‎ C.Yes,I’d like to. D.Why not?‎ 解析 句意:——咱们今晚好好喝一杯。——为了什么?你比赛得了一等奖吗?根据Have you got...可知,用What for?(为了什么?)用以询问目的。‎ 答案 A ‎6.He was late for work many a time last week and ______a consequence,he was fired by his boss.‎ A.at B.on C.as D.for 解析 as a consequence“结果”,是固定搭配。句意:他上周多次迟到,因此被老板解雇了。‎ 答案 C ‎7.You can’t legally take______of the property until three weeks after the ‎ contract is signed.‎ A.charge B.advantage C.control D.possession 解析 take charge of负责;take advantage of利用(……的机会);take control of接管;take possession of拥有。由句意“契约签署三周以后,你才能合法取得这份产业的所有权”可知,应选用possession。‎ 答案 D ‎8.Because of continual price increases,the ______of the pound has fallen in recent years.‎ A.value B.price C.cost D.usefulness 解析 value指“价值”或“交换价值”。句意:由于物价的不断上涨,英镑的价值近几年下跌了。‎ 答案 A ‎9.With his eyes ______ on the TV programme,the boy didn’t see the teacher.‎ A.focused B.focusing C.focus D.focuses 解析 考查with 复合结构。focus one’s eyes on“眼睛盯在……上”。此处动词focus与eyes之间是被动关系,因此选A项表被动。‎ 答案 A ‎10.He ______ to escape from the prison,but he couldn’t find anybody to help him.‎ A.succeeded B.attempted C.advised D.thought 解析 句意:他企图越狱,但找不到人帮他。attempt to do ‎ sth.试图做某事。‎ 答案 B ‎11.My remarks were not ______ you,it’s Jack’s fault.‎ A.aim B.aimed to C.aimed at D.pointed to 解析 句意:我的评论不是针对你的,这是杰克的错。be aimed at目的/目标是……,为固定搭配;point to指向……。‎ 答案 C ‎12.He felt rather ______ as he was the only person who wore sportswear at the dinner party.‎ A.in place        B.in the way C.by the way D.out of place 解析 out of place“不适当地,不在正确的位置”。句意:因为在宴会上只有他穿着运动服,因此,他感到不自在。‎ 答案 D ‎13.The pictures painted by Picasso are really______.I can’t understand them without caption(说明).‎ A.abrupt B.abstract C.concrete D.addictive 解析 abrupt“突然的,唐突的”;abstract“抽象的,纯理论的”;concrete“具体的,实在的”;addictive“上瘾的”。句意:毕加索画的画很抽象,没有说明我看不懂。‎ 答案 B ‎14.Shelly had prepared carefully for her English examination so that she could be sure of passing it on her first ______.‎ A.intention B.attempt C.purpose D.desire 解析 attempt“尝试,企图”;intention“意图”;purpose“目的”;desire“欲望”。句意:Shelly为英语考试准备的很认真,以便于能首次尝试就确保过关。‎ 答案 B ‎15.Although he was disabled when he was only ten years of age,yet he aimed______,for which his classmates spoke______of him.‎ A.high;high B.highly;highly C.highly;high D.high;highly 解析 high表示具体高度;highly则表示抽象意义。aim high“力争上游”,speak highly of“高度赞扬”。‎ 答案 D 单元综合知识检测 阅读理解 ‎ A ‎(2018陕西省高三第一次联考)‎ Like a backward tape, time returns to my mom's teens. She is waiting for admission results from a famous high school. She has studied for the test but with joy, since she feels no suffering in learning. Suddenly I spy her jumping and laughing, waving a paper in her hand while her family stands nearby, more shocked than happy. No one else from their village has ever passed the test.‎ Later, at her new high school, I proudly watch as she continues to rise to the top. Many of her essays are published in newspapers, and her classmates seek her advice when a test is approaching, She never refuses them, and I feel honored to be related to such an intelligent person.‎ As I walk with her through her journey, I finally come to the point I ‎ have been looking forward to most:her life in America. After passing several tests and finding a kind boss to sponsor her, she becomes a college student at University of California, Los Angeles. At first, I sense her loneliness and panic as she tries to adapt to her new surroundings. Though her English is broken and she knows little about American culture I can tell she is more than grateful to be here. Here she has access to electricity and running water, and most importantly,better schools. At UCLA,she has so many opportunities to grow and advance in her field.‎ Her journey to America was for just one reason: education. Though having an education will better her life, I know she doesn't do it for herself. My morn wants her children to have an easier life that will not require hard labor. I see what my mom goes through, and I'm filled with gratitude that she has made the brave choice to move here.‎ ‎【文章大意】 本文为记叙文,主要讲述了作者的母亲努力学习,并为了孩子能拥有更容易的生活而克服困难留学美国的故事。‎ ‎1.According to the first paragraph, the writer's mother considers learning to be________.‎ A. easy and joyful B. bitter but rewarding C. costly and boring D. exciting but fruitless 解析:推理判断题。根据第一段后三句可推断,母亲认为学习既容易又快乐。‎ 答案:A ‎2.Which of the following does the writer's mother do at high school?‎ A. Working as a newspaper deliverer.‎ B. Feeling proud of her intelligence.‎ C. Working hard to be honored and awarded.‎ D. Giving her classmates advice before tests.‎ 解析:细节理解题。根据第二段第二句“…and her classmates seek her advice when a test is approaching.”可判断,在考试前母亲会给同学提建议。‎ 答案:D ‎3.How does the writer's mother pay for her college education?‎ A.By doing a parttime job.‎ B.By asking her parents for support.‎ C.With the financial support from a kind boss.‎ D.With the help from her teachers and classmates.‎ 解析:细节理解题。根据第三段第二句“After...finding a kind boss to sponsor her,she becomes a college student....”可判断,是一位好心的老板资助她上大学的。‎ 答案:C ‎4.What is the final aim of the writer's mother's going to America?‎ A. To accumulate wealth.‎ B. To benefit her children.‎ C. To make her parents live better.‎ D. To become famous in her field of study.‎ 解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段第二、三句“...she doesn't do it for herself My mom wants her children tohave an easier life that will not require hard labor.”可判断,作者的母亲出国留学是为了让孩子过容易的生活。‎ 答案:B B Areas of Tokyo which had usually been packed with office workers like sushi(寿司) restaurants and noodle shops were unusually quiet. Many schools were closed. Companies allowed workers to stay home. Long queues formed at airports.‎ As Japanese authorities struggled to avoid disaster at an earthquakebattered nuclear plant 240 km to the north, parts of Tokyo resembled a ghost town. Many people stocked up on food and stayed indoors or simply left, transforming one of the world's biggest and most populated cities into a shell of its usual self.‎ ‎“Look, it's like Sunday —no cars in town,” said Kazushi Arisawa, a 62yearold taxi driver, as he waited for more than an hour outside an office tower where he usually finds customers within minutes. “I can't make money today. ”‎ Radiation in Tokyo has been negligible,_ briefly touching three times the normal rate on Tuesday, smaller than a dental Xray. On Wednesday, winds over the Fukushima (福岛) nuclearpower plant blew out to sea, keeping levels close to normal. But that does little to relieve public anxiety about a 40yearold nuclear plant with three reactors in partial meltdown (熔毁)and a fourth with spent atomic fuel exposed to the atmosphere after last Friday's earthquake and tsunami.‎ ‎“Radiation moves faster than we do,” said Steven Swanson, a 43yearold American who moved to Tokyo in December with his Japanese wife to help with her family business.He is staying indoor but is tempted to leave.“It's scary.It's a triple threat with the earthquake, tsunami and the nuclear radiation leaks.It makes you wonder what's next. ”‎ ‎【语篇解读】 ‎ 本文主要介绍了日本的核辐射泄露对人们造成的影响。‎ ‎1.The text is mainly about________.‎ A.the earthquake that happened in March B.the government's effort to avoid disaster C.the effects of the nuclear radiation leaks D.the earthquakebattered nuclearpower plant 解析 主旨大意题。整篇文章介绍了日本的核辐射泄露对人们造成的影响。故选C项。‎ 答案 C ‎2.What did Kazushi Arisawa mean?‎ A.There're usually more cars on Sundays.‎ B.He didn't care much about nuclear radiation.‎ C.He preferred to stay at home on Sundays.‎ D.He couldn't find many customers.‎ 解析 细节理解题。从文章第三段的“as he waited for more than an hour outside an office tower where he usually finds customers within minutes.‘I can't make money today.’”看出答案。‎ 答案 D ‎3.The underlined word “negligible”in Paragraph 4 most probably means________.‎ A.serious B.slight C.normal D. average 解析 词义猜测题。从下文的“smaller than a dental Xray”看出答案。‎ 答案 B ‎4.What can we learn about the Fukushima nuclearpower plant from the text?‎ A.It lies to the south of Tokyo.‎ B.It started to operate about fifty years ago.‎ C.It was damaged in the earthquake and tsunami.‎ D.All its four reactors are now well under control.‎ 解析 推理题。从文章第四段的“a 40yearold nuclear plant with three reactors in partial meltdown (熔毁)and a fourth with spent atomic fuel exposed to the atmosphere after last Friday's earthquake and tsunami”看出答案。‎ 答案 C C Research shows that childhood friendships are important indicators of future success and social adjustment.Children’s relationships with peers (同龄人) strongly influence their success in school,and children with fewer friends are more at risk of dropping out of school,becoming depressed and other problems.‎ Making and Keeping Friends Is More than Child’s Play When 6yearold Rachel returned to school on a recent Monday morning,her eyes immediately scanned the playground for her friend Abbie.“Though they were only separated by a weekend,the girls ran right into each other’s arms and hugged,”recalls Rachel’s mother Kathryn Willis of Gilbert.“It was like a scene from a movie.”‎ Most parents instinctively (本能地) know that having friends is good for their child.Experts agree that friendship is not simply child’s play,but a powerful predictor of social adjustment throughout life.‎ A Skill for Life ‎“Childhood friendships serve as a very important training ground for adulthood,” says Dr.Robbie AdlerTapia,psychologist with the Center for Children’s Health & Life Development at the East Valley ‎ Family Resource Center.‎ Researcher William Hartup states,“Peer relations contribute significantly to both social and cognitive (认知的) development.” Hartup concludes that the single best childhood predictor of adult social adaptation is not school grades or classroom behavior,but rather,how well a child gets along with other children.‎ The work of Arizona State University professor of Developmental Psychology Gary Ladd proves that just as being able to make and keep friends is beneficial to kids,so is the lack of friends detrimental.‎ Good Friendships Don’t Just Happen Experts agree that it is essential for children to establish highquality friendships.But,researchers warn,these friendships don’t necessarily just happen.Often,a good friendship begins with involved parents.‎ Psychologist Dr.Lynne Kenney Markan believes kids should be taught social skills in much the same way they are taught math and reading.‎ Bad Company Many parents worry about the quality as well as the quantity of their child’s friendships.“When she was in 1st grade,her supposed ‘best friend’ began calling her names and threatening to hurt her,” says Mindy Miller.“My daughter wasn’t allowed to talk to or even look at other girls in her class.It really crushed her spirit.I told my daughter she didn’t need a ‘friend’ like that.”‎ ‎“I’ll bend over backwards to help my son get together with a friend I think is good for him,” AdlerTapia says.“I don’t look at it as manipulation (操纵),just positive parental involvement.”‎ ‎【语篇解读】 研究表明,童年时期的友谊对孩子的将来有着非常重要的意义。‎ ‎5.The example of Rachel and Abbie is used to illustrate that________.‎ A.childhood friendship is of great significance to their growth B.a positive friendship helps children solve emotional and physical problems C.it is a proven fact that peer friendship is the most rewarding experience throughout life D.Rachel missed her friend Abbie very much because of their separation of one weekend 解析 细节理解题。文中六岁的Rachel与她的朋友Abbie之间的友谊例证了本部分的标题Making and Keeping Friends Is More than Child’s Play,再结合文章首句可知应选A项。‎ 答案 A ‎6.The underlined word “detrimental” could be replaced by________.‎ A.aggressive   B.disappointing ‎ C.ridiculous   D.harmful 解析 词义猜测题。根据文中的“The work of Arizona State University professor of Developmental Psychology Gary Ladd proves that just as being able to make and keep friends is beneficial to kids,so is the lack of friends detrimental.”可知,“detrimental”与句中的“beneficial”相对应,因此“detrimental”与“harmful”同义。‎ 答案 D ‎7.We can learn from the passage that highquality friendship most probably results from______.‎ A.social skills and good study habits B.school grades and classroom behaviors C.academic success and social adaptation D.positive parental involvement and social skills 解析 细节理解题。根据Good Friendships Don’t Just Happen中的“a good friendship begins with involved parents”与“kids should be taught social skills in much the same way they are taught math and reading”可知,D项正确。‎ 答案 D ‎8.From the last paragraph we can conclude that Dr.Robbie AdlerTapia agrees that________.‎ A.parents should regard making friends as something that just happens B.it’s wise for parents to support and encourage healthy peer relationships C.parents only need to help their children to cope with difficult social situations D.parents are supposed to encourage their children to make as many friends as they can 解析 推理判断题。根据文章的最后一句可推知,父母应该在孩子交友的问题上给予指导,避免其受到不良影响,因此选B。‎ 答案 B ‎ ‎ D Eight days for just ¥12,000 ‎ Departure time:May,October 2012‎ Includes:‎ ‎● Return flights from 6 China’s airports to Naples ‎● Return airport to hotel transport ‎● Seven nights’ accommodation at the 3star Hotel Nice ‎● Breakfast ‎● The service of guides ‎● Government taxes Join us for a wonderful holiday in one of the Europe’s most wonderful corners—Naples in Italy if you want to have a nice time in a beautiful small quiet place.The ancient Romans called the city “happy land” with attractive coastline,colorful towns,splendid views and the warm Mediterranean Sea.Your best choice for a truly memorable holiday!‎ Choose between the peaceful traditional villages of Sant’ Agata,setting on a hillside six miles away from Sorrento,or the more lively and wellknown international resort town of Sorrento,with wonderful views over the Bay of Naples.‎ Breathtaking scenery,famous sights and European restaurants everywhere.From the mysterious Isle of Capri to the hunting ruins of Pompeii,and from the unforgettable “Amalfi Drive” to the delightful resorts (度假胜地) of Positano,Sorrento and Ravello,the area is a feast for the eyes!Join us,and you won’t be disappointed!‎ Price based on two tourists sharing a double room at the Hotel Nice.A single room,another ¥2,000.A group of ten college students,¥10,000 for each.‎ Like to know more?Telephone Newmarket Air Holidays Ltd.on:0845 226 7788(All calls charge at local rates).‎ ‎【语篇解读】 优美的海岸,缤纷的城镇,绚烂的风景,温暖的海水……‎ 神奇的意大利之旅将带给你难忘的享受、永恒的记忆。还在犹豫什么呢?赶快报名参加吧!‎ ‎1.All the following are included in the price of ¥12,000 EXCEPT________.‎ A.transport between airport and hotel ‎ B.telephone calls made by tourists C.the service of guides to tourists ‎ D.a double room for every two tourists 解析 细节理解题。根据“Includes”中的“Return airport to hotel transport”“The service of guides”和倒数第二段第一句“Price based on two tourists sharing a double room at the Hotel Nice.”可知,A、C、D均包括在内,但不包括游客打电话的费用,故选B。‎ 答案 B ‎2.If you don’t like sharing a room with others,you have to pay________.‎ A.¥12,000    B.¥10,000‎ C.¥2,000    D.¥14,000 ‎ 解析 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中的“A single room,another ¥2,000.”可知住单间需要另外支付2 000元,由此可推断游客需要在原来的价格上再多付2 000元,即14 000元。‎ 答案 D ‎ ‎3.If you like to visit historical sites,which of the following is your best choice?‎ A.Amalfi.   B.Sant’ Agata.‎ C.Pompeii.   D.Sorrento.‎ 解析 推理判断题。根据倒数第三段第二句中的“the hunting ruins of Pompeii”‎ 可推知意大利古城庞贝是狩猎遗址,由此可推断它是历史名胜。‎ 答案 C ‎4.Who is the advertisement intended for?‎ A.Potential tourists.   B.College students.‎ C.Government officers.    D Old people 解析 推理判断题。结合文章中提到的费用、出发日期、服务项目、景点介绍以及联系方式等可推测本文的宣传对象是潜在的游客。‎ 答案 A 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ Doctors say anger can be an extremely damaging emotion,unless you learn how to deal with it.They warn that anger can lead to heart disease,stomach problems,headaches,emotional problems and possibly cancer.‎ ‎__1__Some people express anger openly in a calm reasonable way.Others burst with anger,and scream and yell.But other people keep their anger inside.They can not or will not express it.This is called repressing anger.‎ For years many doctors thought that repressing anger was more dangerous to a person’s health than expressing it.They said that when a person is angry,the brain releases the same hormones (荷尔蒙).They speed the heart rate,raise blood pressure,or sugar into the blood,etc.__2__‎ Some doctors say that both repressing and expressing anger can be dangerous.They believe that those who express anger violently may be more likely to develop heart disease,and they believe that those who ‎ keep anger inside may face a greater danger of high blood pressure.‎ ‎__3__They say the first step is to admit that you are angry and to recognize the real cause ofthe anger,then decide if the cause is serious enough to get angry.If it is,they say,“__4__Wait until your anger has cooled down and you are able to express yourself calmly and reasonably.”‎ Doctors say that a good way to deal with anger is to find humor in the situation that has made you angry.__5__.‎ A.Anger is a normal emotion that we all feel from time to time.‎ B.Doctors say the solution is learning how to deal with anger.‎ C.Expressing anger violently is more harmful than repressing it.‎ D.Anger may cause you a cancer.‎ E.Do not express your anger while angry.‎ F.In general the person feels excited and ready to act.‎ G.They said that laughter is much healthier than anger.‎ 完形填空 ‎(2017·江苏省镇江市高三上学期学情调查)‎ Billy,a hardworking student, is fourteen years old and in the ninth grade. He has a parttime job that __1__ him up every morning at five o'clock, when most people are still __2__ asleep. He is a newspaper boy.‎ Each morning, Billy leaves the house at 5: 15 to go to the __3__where the newspapers always are. The newspapers were __4__ to the corner by truck at midnight. He always takes a wagon to __5__ them. In the winter it is stilldark __6__ he gets up every day,but during the rest of the year it is __7__ . Billy must send the newspapers to the houses of people on his __8__ in all kinds of weather. He tries to put each paper on ‎ the porch (门廊) where it will be __9__ from wind and rain or snow. Sometimes his customers give him tips, __10__ him very excited.‎ Billy earns about $ 70 per month through hard __11__ , and he is saving some of the money to go to __12__ where he has always been longing to go. Besides that, he __13__ the rest of the earnings on records and clothes. Once a month,he has to collect the __14__ at night since many of them work during the day. That is when he is __15__ so that he is full of excitement. Luckily, he gets __16__ supported by his family. Sometimes, when Billy is sick ,his brother offers to deliver the newspapers for him. Once, his father was too __17__ to help him.‎ Billy has seventy' customers now, but he doesn't feel __18__about the number.‎ He dreams that he will get __19__ customers as possible some day. 20 , he might win a prize for being an outstanding newspaper boy. He wants to win a trip to Europe,but he will be happy if he wins a new bicycle.‎ ‎【文章大意】 本文为记叙文。十四岁的比利是一个勤奋的男孩,除了在校学习外,还还干了一份送报的兼职工作。他把通过辛勤劳动所挣来的每月七十美元的薪水,存一部分供上大学用,其余的用于购买磁带、衣服等。每月拿到自己用劳动换来的报酬时,他都有一种满足感。‎ ‎1.A.wakes B.takes C.gets D.picks 解析:他有一份兼职工作使他每天早晨五点起床,那时绝大多数人还在熟睡。get与副词up搭配时,可以用作不及物动词,表示“起床”,也可以用作及物动词,表示“使某人起床”。‎ 答案:C ‎2.A.sound B.falling C.fall D.soundly 解析:表示“熟睡”时,常用的结构有:be fast asleep,be sound asleel;或sleel:soundly,fall asleel表示入睡的动作,而此处表示的是熟睡的状态,要用be fast/soundasleet),故选A项。‎ 答案:A ‎3.A.corner B.street C.room D.department 解析:下一句中的“to the comer”暗示出了此题的答案,每天早晨他去的是经常放报纸的那个角落。‎ 答案:A ‎4.A.given B.addressed C.handed D.delivered 解析:表示送信、送报时,常用动词deliver,属于固定搭配。‎ 答案:D ‎5.A.carry B.bring C.send D.load 解析:此处表示他用运货车运送报纸,不强调方向,要用carry,意为“运送”。bring表示“带来”;send表示“寄发,派人送去”;load表示“往车上装载货物”。‎ 答案:A ‎6.A.at which B.while C.that D.when 解析:‎ 在冬天,他每天起床的时候,天还黑着,但在一年的其他时间,当他起床时,天就已经亮了。根据语意,此处要用引导时间状语从句的连词,又因为“起床”是非延续性动词,所以用when。而while引导的从句中谓语动词必须为延续性动词。‎ 答案:D ‎7.A.short B.black C.light D.long 解析:根据语境,此处要用和前面dark“黑暗的”相对的词light“明亮的”。‎ 答案:C ‎8.A.road B.way C.route D.path 解析:无论什么样的天气,比利都必须把报纸送到他线路上所有人的家里去。route“路线,路程,航线”;road道路,公路”;way“路,道路”,特指去某处的路;path“小径”。‎ 答案:C ‎9.A.protected B.stopped C.kept D.prevented 解析:他尽量把每份报纸都放在门廊上,在那儿报纸会被保护着,免遭风、雨或雪的破坏。protect…from意为“保护……免于……”。‎ 答案:A ‎10.A.making B.letting C.leading D.causing 解析:有时,他的顾客给他一些小费,这使他很兴奋。选项中能接形容词作宾语补足语的动词只有make,且根据语意此处应用Ving作结果状语。若用cause来表达,其结构应该是“cause sb.to be+adj.”。‎ 答案:A ‎11.A.attempt B.job C.work D.struggle 解析:比利通过艰辛的工作,每月挣大约70美元。work当“工作”讲时,为不可数名词,而job当此意讲时,为可数名词,此句中应用不可数名词work。‎ 答案:C ‎12.A.abroad B.school C.college D.hospital 解析:根据前边的介词to可判断应该排除副词abroad;根据后边的他一直渴望去那儿判断出,要去的地方绝对不可能是医院;文章第一句已经点明了比利是一名勤奋的学生,而且已经十四岁了,所以他应该是为上理想的大学而积蓄。‎ 答案:C ‎13.A.costs B.spends C.pays D.Uses 解析:主语为人且后边的介词为on,此句采用的是spend money on sth.结构。表示此意时,还可用paymoney for sth.或use money for sth.结构;cost表示“花钱”之意时,其主语常是物。‎ 答案:B ‎14.A.paper B.money C.newspapers D.records 解析:前边谈的是比利每月辛苦劳动所得的收入和他对这笔收入的利用打算,所以此句讲的应该是他每月一次去收他的钱(money)。‎ 答案:B ‎15.A.depressed B.energetic C.fulfilled D.moved 解析:fulfilled“满足的”,此处表示拿到工资时的一种满足感。depressed“消沉的,不景气的”;energetic“精力充沛的”;moved“感动的”。‎ 答案:C ‎16.A.very B.great C.greatly D.a lot of 解析:此句采用的是“get+过去分词”构成的被动语态,此空中的词修饰动词,应该用程度副词greatly,表示“大大地”。‎ 答案:C ‎17.A.likely B.reluctant C.tired D.willing 解析:一度,他父亲也非常乐于帮忙。too可以用作程度副词,修饰表示情感的形容词,这时too相当于very,意为“非常”。willing表示“乐意的”,符合语境。‎ 答案:D ‎18.A.satisfying B.pleasant C.contented D.happy 解析:比利现在有七十个顾客,但他对这个数字还感到不满足。表示“对某事满足”,可用be happy about/with sth.结构,也可用be content/contented/satistied with sth.结构。根据空后的介词about可知,应该用形容词happy。‎ 答案:D ‎19.A.many more B.as much C.as many D.much more 解析:根据后边的as possible可看出,此句采用的是as...ass结构,又因为customers为可数名词复数,所以此处选many。‎ 答案:C ‎20.A.If that B.If so C.Besides D. What's more 解析:如果那样的话,他有可能会获得杰出送报员的奖项。表示“如果是那样/这样的话”之意时,常用if so,in that case,in this case这样的表达,而不用if that/this这样的结构。‎ 答案:B 语法填空 Gary:I've almost finished today's task. I gotta go home and have__1__good sleep. Oh, I haven't got enough sleep since the beginning of this semester.‎ May:Me, too. The college entrance exam is coming. We gotta work __2__(hard) than ever before, if we want to pass.‎ Gary:I don't care about the exam. Are you leaving?‎ May: No, I gotta stay for a few __3__.‎ Gary: But it's getting late. The last bus leaves at 9 pm. You will miss __4__if you don't go now.‎ May:It's alright. My father __5__(come) to pick me up.I have to memorize these math formulas.‎ Gary: Your father __6__(pick) you up every day since the beginning of this semester,right?‎ May: Yeah, and my mother takes good care of my daily life,__7__(make) sure that I eat and sleep well.‎ Gary:Oh, my gosh! Does it look serious? I didn't sleep__8__one o'clock last night.‎ May:What were you doing up so late at night? Sleepwalking?‎ Gary: No, I was studying. I __9__go to bed after one o'clock recently.‎ May: You are burning __10__out. You really need to relax.‎ Gary: Thank you, May. I will. Bye.‎ ‎1.________ 2.________ 3.________ 4.________‎ ‎5.________ 6.________ 7.________ 8.________‎ ‎9.________ 10.________‎ ‎【文章大意】 本对话主要谈话了紧张的学习造成的一些压力和关于睡眠方面的问题等。‎ ‎1.解析:这里是have a good sleep的结构,意为“好好的休息一下”。‎ 答案:a ‎2.解析:根据后面的tahn可知这里使用比较级,所以填harder。‎ 答案:harder ‎3.解析:结合语境这里指待几分钟。‎ 答案:minutes ‎4.解析:这里的it指的是前面的公共汽车。‎ 答案:it ‎5.解析:此处使用现在进行时表示将来。‎ 答案:is coming ‎6.解析:根据后面的since可知主句使用现在完成时,并且根据意义使用现在完成进行时,表示一直的意思。‎ 答案:has been picking ‎7.解析:此处使用making,现在分词作伴随状语。‎ 答案:making ‎8.解析:这里是not...until结构,“直到……才”的意思。‎ 答案:until ‎9.解析:根据语境这里指always“总是”的意思。‎ 答案:always ‎10.解析:这里burn yourself out是“消耗自己,让自己太疲劳”的意思。‎ 答案:yourself Ⅵ.短文改错 ‎(2018·陕西高三教学质量检测)‎ Dear Steven,‎ I notice you're not happy in our class. Maybe you haven't adapted for the new environment, so I'm writing to tell you my ways of relaxing and refreshing me.‎ I advise you to relax both your body or your mind. I think physically relaxation comes before emotional happiness. Therefore, you should first of all get enough rest, that can be gained from goodquality sleep. Beside, you should take exercises regularly. Sports can refresh you quickly and provide you with the chance to make new friends. In addition to, you also need to relax your mind and emotions. Anyone comes to a new environment will experience “culture shock”. But don't worry. It won't last long if you do something to change. If you like, you're welcome to join our model airplane group. I believe you would find something new in you!‎ Yours,‎ Wu Dong 答案:‎ Dear Steven,‎ I notice you're not happy in our class. Maybe you haven't adapted the new environment, so I'm writing to tell you my ways of relaxing and refreshing .‎ I advise you to relax both your body your mind. I think relaxation comes before emotional happiness. Therefore, you should first of all get enough rest, can be gained from goodquality sleep. , you should take regularly. Sports can refresh you quickly and provide you with the chance to make new friends. In addition to, you also need to relax your mind and emotions. Anyone comes to a new environment will experience “culture shock”. But don't worry. It won't last long if you do something to change. If you like, you're welcome to join our model airplane group. I believe you find something new in you!‎ Yours,‎ Wu Dong 书面表达 有人认为高三的学习就是做试卷、对答案,对学生各方面能力的培养几乎不起作用。请用具体事例谈谈你对此观点的看法。词数100左右。你的文章必须包括以下内容:‎ ‎1.你的观点;‎ ‎2.具体事例。‎ With the College Entrance Examinations coming,more and more students in Senior Three________________________________________________‎ ‎【参考范文】‎ With_the_College_Entrance_Examinations_coming,more_and_more_‎ students_in_Senior_Three are occupied in doing test papers and checking answers,which is hardly good for students to develop their abilities of all aspects,some students say.‎ However,as far as I'm concerned,I do believe that it will still be of value to do many test papers and check answers for the Senior Three students.The reasons are as follows:‎ First,doing more test papers can help students to find where they are weak and where they are strong.By doing so,students can consolidate the knowledge that they should know for the examination.Second,checking answers with other students is a good method to help students to learn to be more careful.What's more,by checking answers with other students,they can share answers with each other,which will surely develop and increase the cooperative spirit among students.‎ All in all,doing test papers and checking answers will do benefit students.‎

