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考点解读 ‎1. give away在不同语境中的不同含义 ‎2. give out 作及物动词和不及物动词在含义上的区别 ‎3. go 的不同搭配 ‎1. give away ‎ ‎ ‎【例句】‎ ‎1)He gave away most of his money to charity. 他把大部分钱都捐赠给慈善事业了。‎ ‎2)The mayor gave away the prizes at the school sports day. 市长在学校运动会上颁发奖品。‎ ‎3)His strong accent gave him away. 他那浓重的口音让他露馅了。‎ ‎4)They gave away their last chance of winning the match. 他们错失了赢得比赛的最后机会。‎ 状元典例 ‎ If a person has not had enough sleep, his actions will give him ______ during the day.‎ A. away B. up C. in D. back 答案:A 思路分析:句意:如果一个人没有充足的睡眠,那一天中,他的行为举止总会显露出来的。give away(不经意地)泄露,符合句意,而give up放弃;give in屈服;give back归还,均不符合题意。‎ ‎2. give out ‎ ‎【例句】‎ ‎1)The teacher gave out the examination papers. 教师发了考卷。‎ ‎2)After a month their food supplies gave out. 过了一个月, 他们的食物已消耗殆尽。‎ ‎3)Her patience finally gave out. 她终于失去了耐性。‎ 状元典例 The news of the mayor's coming to our school for a visit was _____ on the radio yesterday.‎ A. turned out B. found out C. given out D. carried out 答案:C 思路分析: 句意:市长要来我校参观的消息已于昨日通过广播公布了。A:结果是,制造、生产;B:查清,弄明(to get some information about sth. /sb. by asking,reading);C:分发,散发 (to give sth. to a lot of people);D:履行,实施(to do sth. that you have said you will do or have been asked to do)。‎ ‎3. give的重要短语[来源:Zxxk.Com]‎ ‎【例句】‎ ‎1)He never gives in. 他从不屈服。‎ ‎2)You ought to give up smoking; I gave it up last year. 你应该戒烟, 我去年就戒掉了。‎ ‎3)I will persuade each to give way a little so that things can be settled.‎ 我总是说服双方各自让步一点,好把事情解决。‎ 状元典例 ‎ —Are you happy with your new computer?‎ ‎ —No, it is ______ me a lot of trouble.‎ A. showing B. leaving C. giving D. sparing 答案:C 思路分析:句意:—你对你的新计算机满意吗?—不,它给我带来许多麻烦。四个选项中的动词都可以接双宾语,但意义不同。show sb. sth.给某人看某物;出示某物给某人看;leave sb. sth. 给某人留下某物;give sb. sth. 给某人某物;spare sb. sth. 为某人抽出……,由对话情景判断应用动词give。‎ ‎4. go through ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎【例句】‎ ‎1)He has gone through many difficulties.他经历了很多磨难。‎ ‎2)I always start the day by going through my email. ‎ 我总是每天一早就仔细查阅我的邮件。‎ ‎3)The new law did not go through.新法案未能通过。‎ 状元典例 ‎ There are days when we feel especially upset. When you are _____ such a difficult period, it often helps to talk to someone.‎ ‎ A. going through B. breaking through ‎ ‎ C. seeing through D. looking through 答案:A[来源:学科网]‎ 思路分析:句意:我们总有些日子感觉很心烦。当你正在经历这样的日子时,和别人说说话是有帮助的。go through经历,经受;break through突破;see through看穿;look through浏览。‎ ‎5. go ahead ‎ ‎【例句】‎ ‎1)We feel you should go ahead.  我们觉得您应该干。‎ ‎2)—May I start now? —Yes, go ahead. —我现在可以开始吗? —可以, 开始吧。‎ 状元典例 ‎—I wonder if I could possibly use your car for tonight.‎ ‎ —_____. I’m not using it anyhow.‎ ‎ A. Sure, go ahead B. I don’t know ‎ C. Yes, indeed D. I don’t care ‎ 答案:A 思路分析:句意:—今晚我能借用一下您的车吗? —当然,请用吧!反正我也不用。Sure,go ahead是答应他人“请求允许”的常见客套用语。‎ ‎6. go的重要短语 ‎【例句】‎ ‎1)Which events is he going in for at the Olympics? 他参加奥林匹克运动会的什么项目?‎ ‎2)Go over your work carefully before you hand it in. 交作业前要仔细检查一下。‎ ‎3)We can’t go against nature. 我们不能违背自然。‎ ‎4)The bomb went off in a crowded street. 炸弹在熙来攘往的街道上爆炸了。‎ 状元典例 ‎ Would you please _____ this form for me to see if I've filled it in right?‎ A. take off B. look after C. give up D. go over ‎ 答案:D 思路分析:句意:请你为我查看一下这个表格,看我填写得是否正确好吗? go over查阅;take off起飞,脱下,开始成名;look after照看;give up放弃。‎ ‎7. hand的重要短语 ‎【例句】‎ ‎1)Please hand in your paper before June thirtieth. 请在六月三十日前交论文。‎ ‎2)I’ll hand out some books. 我要分发一些书。‎ ‎3)On his retirement, he handed the business over to his son.‎ 退休的时候,他把生意交给他的儿子。‎ ‎ ‎ ‎【例句】‎ ‎1)Your victory is at hand. 你的胜利即将到来。‎ ‎2)The coat was made by hand .这件衣服是手工制作的。‎ ‎3)We have the situation well in hand. 我们完全控制住了局面。‎ 状元典例 ‎1) In many families,their adornments(装饰品)are made _______hand.‎ ‎2) I still have some money _______hand. ‎ ‎3) Your big moment is _____ hand 答案:‎ ‎1) by 句意:在很多家庭,他们的装饰品都是手工制作的。‎ ‎2) at/ in /on 句意:我手中还有些钱。‎ ‎3) at 句意:你的重大时刻即将到来.‎ ‎8. handle n. 把手 v. 操作,处理,对付 ‎【例句】‎ ‎1)He grabbed the hammer by the handle. 他抓住了斧子的把手。‎ ‎2)He handles the machine very well. 他能很好地操作这台机器。‎ ‎3)An officer must know how to handle his men. 当军官的应懂得怎样统率士兵。‎ 状元典例 As nobody here knows what is wrong with the machine, we must send for an engineer to ______ the problem.‎ A. handle B. raise C. face D. present 答案:A 思路分析:句意:因为这里没人知道机器出了什么故障,我们必须派人去请一位工程师来解决这个难题。handle处理,解决;raise提出;face正视;present介绍,呈现,呈递。由句意可知A项正确。‎ ‎9. hang v. 悬挂(hung, hung);上吊,绞死 (hanged, hanged)‎ ‎【搭配】‎ ‎【例句】‎ ‎1)Hang your coat (up) on that hook. 把你的外衣挂在那个挂钩上。 ‎ ‎2)The line was engaged and the operator asked if I'd like to hang on. ‎ 电话占线了,话务员问我是否愿意等一下(别挂断电话).‎ ‎3)Time's up. I have to hang up the receiver now.‎ 时间到了,我必须挂断电话了。 ‎ 状元典例 ‎ —Sorry, I have to ______now. It's time for class.‎ ‎—OK, I'll call back later.‎ ‎ A. hang up B. break up C. give up D. hold up 答案:A 思路分析:句意:—对不起,现在我得挂断电话了。该上课了。—好吧,等会儿我再打电话。hang up :end a telephone conversation by cutting the connection中止(与某人的)电话交谈;break up:(集会)结束,解散 ;(恋爱或婚姻中的男女)分手; give up: 放弃; 认输; 猜不出; hold up :举起, 支持, 支撑, 拦住, 耽搁,抢劫。此外hang ‎ up还有(在钩子上)挂着,被挂起之意。‎ ‎10. happen vi.发生;碰巧 ‎【联想】‎ ‎ ‎ ‎【辨析】‎ happen 指事情的“意外或偶然”发生。‎ take place 指事先布置或安排之事的发生。‎ ‎【例句】‎ If anything happens to him, let me know. 如果他出了什么事,请告诉我。‎ 状元典例 ‎ I was out of town at the time, so I don't know exactly how it _______.‎ A. was happening B. happened C. happens D. has happened 答案:B 思路分析:句意: 那时我不在城里,所以不知道事情是怎么发生的。根据题干中was out of town及上下文逻辑关系可知设空处说的是过去的事情,故用过去时,排除C、D两项;A项表示“未完性”,不合本题要求,故被排除。‎ ‎11. harm n. & vt. 伤害 ‎【联想】‎ ‎【例句】‎ ‎1)I'll go with her to make sure she comes to no harm. 我要和她同去以免她受到伤害。‎ ‎2)He meant no harm. 他并无恶意。‎ 状元典例 吸烟有害健康。‎ Smoking ________your health.‎ ‎= Smoking _________your health.‎ ‎= Smoking _________your health.‎ ‎ 答案:is harmful to;harms; does harm to ‎12. hesitate v. 犹豫不决 ‎【派】hesitation n. 犹豫 ‎【例句】‎ ‎1)He's still hesitating about joining/over whether to join the expedition. ‎ 他对是否参加考察队仍拿不定主意。‎ ‎2)Don't hesitate to tell us if you have a problem. 你有问题就直截了当地告诉我们。‎ ‎3)He agreed without hesitation. 他毫不犹豫地同意了。‎ 状元典例 We are at your service. Don't ______to turn to us if you have any further problems.‎ A. beg B. hesitate C. desire D. seek 答案:B 思路分析:句意:我们愿意为你效劳,如果你还有什么问题尽管找我们。beg祈求;desire:wish for (sth),want 希望得到(某事物),想要; seek to do= try to do努力做某事。hesitate+不定式,意为:be reluctant to do不情愿。又如:Don't hesitate to tell us if you have a problem. 你有问题就直截了当地告诉我们。hesitate除了后面可以加不定式外,还可加over/ about/at再加名词、代词、动名词,wh-从句。‎ ‎13. hold ‎ hold的重要短语 ‎【例句】‎ ‎1)The dam was not strong enough to hold back the flood waters. ‎ 水坝不太坚固, 挡不住洪水。‎ ‎2)I think he's holding something back; he knows more than he admits. ‎ 我认为他有所隐瞒, 他知道的比他承认的要多。‎ ‎3)He bravely held back his tears. 他强忍着不让眼泪流出来。‎ ‎4)I'd hold on to that house for the time being; house prices are rising sharply at the moment. 目前我不能出让那所房子, 此刻房价正在急剧上涨。‎ ‎5)Our flight was held up by fog. 我们的班机因有雾而停航。‎ 状元典例 ‎ ______a moment and I will go to your rescue.‎ ‎ A. Go on B. Hold on C. Move on D. Carry on 答案:B 思路分析:句意:再坚持一会,我就会来营救你。go on继续;hold on等会儿,坚持一会儿;move on继续;carry on继续开展,进行。‎ ‎14. horizon n. 地平线 (pl) 视野,眼界 ‎ ‎ ‎【例句】‎ ‎1)The sun sank below the horizon. 太阳已落到地平线下。‎ ‎2)A reform is on the horizon. 一次改革即将来临。‎ 状元典例 ‎ 旅行开阔人的眼界。‎ Travel ______________________________.‎ 答案:broadens our horizons ‎15. hope v. & n. 希望 ‎【派】hopeful adj. 有希望的;抱有希望的 ‎【反】hopeless adj. 没有希望的; 令人绝望的 ‎【例句】‎ ‎1)I’m hopeful about the future. 我对未来充满了希望。‎ ‎2)It’s hopeless trying to convince her. 要说服她是没有希望的。‎ 状元典例 ‎ —What's the matter with Delia?‎ ‎—Well, her parents wouldn't allow her to go to the party, but she still ______.‎ A. hopes to B. hopes so C. hopes not D. hopes for[来源:学*科*网]‎ 答案:A 思路分析:句意:—Delia 怎么了?—她父母不让她去参加晚会,但她仍然希望去参加。本句属省略句,完整的应为:… ,but she still hopes to go to the party.‎ ‎16. host n. & vt 主人,主持,主办 ‎ ‎ ‎【联想】‎ ‎ ‎ ‎【例句】‎ Which country will be the host country for the next Olympic Games?   ‎ 哪个国家将是下届奥运会的主办国?‎ 状元典例 ‎ Don’t worry. I’ll help to ___________ the guests.‎ ‎ A. hold B. host C. wait D. accept ‎ 答案:B 思路分析:host the guest 做东招待客人。‎ ‎17. hono(u)r n. & vt ‎ ‎ ‎【例句】‎ ‎1)Will you honour me with a visit? 如蒙造访则荣幸之至。‎ ‎2)She is an honour to her profession. 她是同行中的光荣。‎ ‎3)The stadium was named in honour of the club’s first chairman.‎ 这个运动场的命名是为了纪念俱乐部的第一任主席。‎ 状元典例 ‎ I feel greatly honored ______into their society.‎ ‎ A. to welcome B. welcoming C. to be welcomed D. welcomed 答案:C 思路分析:句意:他们欢迎我加入他们的协会,我感到很荣幸。主语与welcome之间为被动关系,故用to be welcomed。 ‎ ‎18. how adv. 怎样,如何 ‎ ‎ ‎【例句】‎ ‎1)―How soon can you be ready? —In an hour. ‎ ‎—你最快要多长时间才能准备好? —一小时后。‎ ‎2)—How often do you hear from your sister? —Once a month. ‎ ‎―你多长时间接到一次你姐姐的信? ―每月一次。‎ ‎3)How come you didn't come by last night? 昨晚你为什么没来? ‎ 状元典例1‎ ‎ —Michael was late for Mr. Smith’s oral class this morning.‎ ‎ —_____? As far as I know he never came late to class.‎ A. How come B. So what C. Why not D. What for 答案:A 思路分析:句意:—今天上午Michael上史密斯先生的口语课迟到了。—怎么会(这样)的?据我所知,他上课从不迟到。A. How come=why is it? How can it be that… (表示惊讶)为什么……?怎么会…… (那样)。又如:How come you didn't see her there? B项So what=why is that ‎ important? why should I care?意为:那有什么了不起,与我有什么关系。C项Why not=Why didn't you…。为什么不……?D项What for=why为什么……?根据句意应选A。‎ 状元典例2‎ ‎ Students are always interested in finding out ______ they can go with a new teacher.‎ ‎ A. how far B. how soon C. how often D. how long ‎ 答案:A 思路分析:句意:学生们总是对弄清楚他们能够与新老师和谐相处多久感兴趣。how far多远;how soon多久以后;how often多经常(多长时间一次);how long多久。根据动词go 的特点与句意应选用how far,直译为“走多远”,引申为“和谐相处多长时间”。‎ ‎19. however adv. & conj.‎ ‎ ‎ 状元典例1‎ ‎ This is a very interesting book. I’ll buy it, _____.‎ ‎ A. how much may it cost B. no matter how it may cost ‎ C. however much it may cost D. how may it cost ‎ 答案:C 思路分析:句意:这本书很有趣。无论它多少钱,我都要买的。B项应改为no matter how much it may cost,故不正确。A、D两项从形式上看是不正确的。‎ 状元典例2‎ ‎ ______ well prepared you are, you still need a lot of luck in mountain climbing.‎ ‎ A. However B. Whatever C. No matter D. Although[来源:Zxxk.Com]‎ 答案:A 思路分析:句意:无论你做的准备多么充分,在爬山时,你仍会需要很多运气。however well prepared you are=no matter how well prepared you are,引导让步状语从句。‎ ‎20. hurry v. & n.  匆忙,急忙 ‎【派】hurried adj. 匆匆赶完的; 仓促完成的: a hurried meal 匆匆吃完的一顿饭 ‎【搭配】‎ ‎ ‎ ‎【例句】‎ ‎1)Don't hurry; there's plenty of time. 别忙, 有的是时间。‎ ‎2)He was in a hurry to leave. 他急于离开。‎ ‎3)We had to leave rather hurriedly. 我们只好匆匆离去。‎ 状元典例 ‎ —I can’t repair these until tomorrow, I’m afraid.‎ ‎ —That’s OK, there’s ______.‎ A. no problem B. no wonder C. no doubt D. no hurry 答案:D 思路分析:句意:—我恐怕直到明天才能修好这些。—行,不着急。根据句意,选D。no hurry不着急;no doubt毫无疑问;no wonder难怪;no problem没问题。‎ 状元笔记 ‎1. hand相关的动词搭配及名词搭配 ‎2. how的各种搭配 ‎3. however引导让步状语从句的用法 Ⅰ. 单项选择 ‎1. Don't mention that at the beginning of the story, or it may ___the shocking ending. ‎ A. give away B. give out C. give up D. give off 答案:A 思路分析:句意:在故事的开头不要提那个,否则,这也许会泄露令人吃惊的结局。give away 捐赠, 分发(奖品等),泄露(秘密等),放弃(机会); give out 分发,筋疲力尽;give up 放弃;give off 发出(光、热、气、味等)。‎ ‎2. What shall we use for power when all the oil in the world has_____? ‎ A. given out B. put out C. held up D. used up ‎ 答案:A 思路分析:句意:当世界上所有的石油都用光了,我们用什么作能源呢?give out 被用完;B:扑灭;C:举起,堵塞;D:用光,及物动词,句中要用被动语态。‎ ‎3. —Could I use your computer for a few moments, please?‎ ‎ —______. I'm not using it myself.‎ ‎ A. Come on B. It depends C. Go ahead D. That's great 答案:C 思路分析:Come on 加油;B项看情况;C项请便;D项那太好了。‎ ‎4. —Do you want a lift home?‎ ‎—It's very kind of you, but I have to work late in the office. I overslept this morning because my alarm clock _______.‎ A. doesn't go off B. won't go off C. wasn't going off D. didn't go off 答案:D 思路分析:句意:—你想搭车回家吗?—你太好了,但是我不得不在办公室加班。因为闹钟没响,我今天早晨睡过头了。由题干中的overslept可知本句表达的是过去的事情,故用过去时,故排除A、B两项;语境中又没有强调在过去的某个时间点或时间段正在做某事,故排除C项。‎ ‎5. —Do you think that housing price will keep _____in the years to come?‎ ‎ —Sorry, I have no idea.‎ A. lifting up B. going up C. bringing up D. growing up 答案:B 思路分析:句意:—你认为在未来几年中房价会持续上涨吗? —抱歉,我不清楚。lift up举起,抬高;go up上升,上涨;bring up抚育(及物动词词组);grow up长大(生长,发育),根据语意应为房价“上升”,故选B。‎ ‎6. He is clever, but ____, he makes many mistakes.‎ ‎ A. on the contrary B. on the other side C. on the other hand D. on one hand 答案:C 思路分析:句意:他很聪明,但另一方面,他犯了很多错误。on the other hand用以引出和上文矛盾的观点、意见等;on the contrary 正相反;on the other side 在另一边;on one hand一方面。‎ ‎7. Misunderstandings _____from the lack of communication, unless ______ properly, may lead to serious problems.‎ A. arisen; handling B. arising; handled C. rising; handled D. risen; handling ‎ 答案:B 思路分析:句意:由于缺乏交流而导致的误解,如果不正确处理,可能会导致严重问题。arise from:follow as a result of sth 因某事物而产生﹑ 造成﹑ 引起。又如:Are there any matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting? 关于上次会议的记录有没有问题?第一空考查非谓语动词作定语,被修饰词misunderstanding与arise from间为逻辑上的主动关系,故用现在分词形式,即:arising from;第二空考查非谓语动词作状语。主语misunderstanding与handle间为逻辑上的被动关系,故用过去分词,即:handled。综上所述,答案为B项。‎ ‎8. —Is Peter there?‎ ‎ —______, please. I’ll see if I can find him for you.‎ A. Hold up B. Hold on C. Hold out D. Hold off 答案:B 思路分析:句意:—是彼得吗? —请稍等,我帮你去找找看有没有这个人。hold on别挂,等会儿,等等,坚持;hold up耽搁,支撑;hold out维持,持续;hold off拖延,推迟。‎ ‎9. You have to be a fairly good speaker to ______listeners’ interest for over an hour.‎ ‎ A. hold B. make C. improve D. receive 答案:A 思路分析:句意:你是一个相当好的演说家,能抓住听众的兴趣达1个多小时。hold one’s interest固定搭配,意为:吸引某人的兴趣。‎ ‎10. The committee is discussing the problem right now. It will _____have been solved by the end of next week.‎ ‎ A. eagerly B. hopefully C. immediately D. gradually 答案:B 思路分析:句意:委员会目前正在讨论这个问题。下周末问题有望得以解决。A. 急切地;B. 有希望地,可以指望地;C. 立即;D. 逐渐地,均与到下周末不符。‎ II. 完形填空 A kindergarten teacher let her class play a game. She told each child in the class to bring along a plastic bag 1 a few potatoes. Each potato would be given a 2 of a person the child 3 , so the number of potatoes in their bags would 4 on the number of people they hated.‎ So when the day came, every child brought some potatoes with the names of some people on them. Some had two potatoes; some three 5 some up to five. The teacher then told the children to 6 with them the potatoes 7 they go (even to the toilet) for one week. ‎ As days passed 8 , the children started to 9 about the unpleasant smell let out by the rotten potatoes. 10 , those having five potatoes also had to carry heavier bags. After one ‎ week, the children were 11 because the game had finally ended.‎ The teacher asked about their feelings of carrying the potatoes. The children 12 out their frustrations (沮丧) and started complaining of the trouble they had to 13 .‎ Then the teacher told them the 14 meaning behind the game.‎ She said:“ This is exactly the 15 when you carry your hatred for somebody inside your heart. The stench (恶臭) of hatred will contaminate (玷污) your heart and you will always carry it with you. If you cannot 16 the smell of rotten potatoes for just one week, can you imagine 17 it is like to have the hatred in your heart for your lifetime?”‎ Moral of the story:‎ ‎ 18 away any hatred for anyone from your heart 19 you will not carry it for a lifetime. 20 others is the best attitude to take!‎ ‎1. A. including B. seating C. containing D. growing ‎2. A. character B. secret C. picture D. name ‎3. A. hated B. loved C. appreciated D. struck ‎4. A. live B. depend C. wait D. keep ‎5. A. when B. while C. as D. unless ‎6. A. bring B. take C. fetch D. carry ‎7. A. however B. whenever C. wherever D. whatever ‎8. A. by B. away C. on D. out ‎9. A. wander B. spread C. complain D. breathe ‎10. A. Besides B. However C. Therefore D. Instead ‎11. A. disappointed B. relieved C. possessed D. reserved ‎12. A. gave B. left C. broke D. let ‎13. A. go through B. pick up C. turn to D. put away ‎14. A. skeptical B. terminal C. hidden D. ignored ‎15. A. information B. identification C. tradition D. situation ‎16. A. hold B. tolerate C. alter D. combine ‎17. A. how B. whether C. that D. what ‎18. A. Cast B. Click C. Cross D. Cure ‎19. A. in case B. so that C. as though D. now that ‎20. A. Abandoning B. Blessing C. Consulting D. Forgiving ‎【语篇解读】本文讲述了一名老师通过一种特殊的方法教育他的学生要学会宽容,只有学会宽容才能幸福快乐。‎ ‎1. C 句意:她告诉班里的每个学生都要带上装有土豆的塑料袋子。根据句意,首先排除B、D两项。contain意为“have or hold (sth) within itself 包含、含有”,include意为“have (sb/sth) as part of a whole 包括, 包含(某人/某事物)”。由此可见contain强调“内容”,include强调“范围”,故C项正确。‎ ‎2. D 句意:每个土豆都要以这个孩子所憎恨的人的姓名命名,因此他们袋子里的土豆的数量取决于他们所憎恨的人的数量。根据第二段第一句可知本题答案为D项。‎ ‎3. A hate: 憎恨;love:爱;appreciate:understand and enjoy (sth); value highly 理解并欣赏(某事物)、 赏识、高度评价;strike:使(某人/某物)遭受撞击、打击、敲(某人/某物)。‎ ‎4. B depend on—be decided by sth; follow from sth 视某事物而定; 取决于某事物: That will depend on how she responds to the challenge. 那将取决于她对这一难题的反应。 How much is ‎ produced depends on how hard we work. 产量的大小在于我们努力的程度。‎ ‎5. B 用while在本句中表“对比转折”。‎ ‎6. D 句意:然后老师告诉这些孩子们一周之内他们无论走到哪里(即使是去厕所),都要带着这些土豆。bring拿来,take拿走;fetch去拿来。carry—support the weight of (sb/sth) and take (him/it) from place to place; take from one place to another 携带, 搬运, 传送, 运送(某人/某物)。‎ ‎7. C however无论/不管如何;whenever无论什么时间;wherever无论哪里;whatever无论什么。‎ ‎8. A As days passed by:随着时间(一天一天)的消逝。pass by—(of time) go by; be spent (指时间)消逝, 过去: Six months had passed (by), and we still had no news of them. 六个月过去了, 我们仍然没有他们的消息。 The holidays passed far too quickly. 假期过得太快了。‎ ‎9. C 这些孩子天天带着发出臭味的烂土豆,肯定会抱怨。 ‎ ‎10. A 句意:此外,那些带着多达五个烂土豆的孩子(比那些带着较少土豆的孩子)的袋子更重。本句与上句之间的关系为递进关系,故A项正确。‎ ‎11. B 句意:一周后,当游戏结束时,孩子们都如释重负。relieved—feeling or showing relief(感到或显出)宽慰的, 放心的。又如:We were/felt relieved to hear you were safe. 我们听说你平安无恙而如释重负。 disappointed感到失望的;possessed着魔的;reserved(指人或性格)矜持的, 寡言的, 内向的。‎ ‎12. D 句意:孩子们说出了他们的沮丧并对这段时间痛苦的经历开始抱怨。let out —utter (a cry, etc) 发出(叫喊等)She let out a scream of terror. 她发出恐怖的叫喊。give out分发或散发某物;break out(指激烈事件)突然发生;leave out不包括或不提及,排除在外, 忽略掉。‎ ‎13. A go through—experience, endure or suffer sth 经历﹑ 忍受或遭受某事物: She's been through a difficult time recently. 她最近经历了一段困难时期。 pick up,turn to,put away不合乎本题要求。‎ ‎14. C 句意:然后那位老师开始给他们讲解这个游戏所隐含的道理。hidden隐含的;skeptical对(主张、允诺)持怀疑态度的;terminal末端的,终点的;ignored被忽略的。‎ ‎15. D 句意:这正是你们心里装着对某人的仇恨时的处境。situation—set of circumstances or state of affairs, esp. at a certain time 状况, 处境, 局面, 形势(尤指某时期的)。 ‎ ‎16. B 句意:对于那些烂土豆的味道如果你连一周的时间都忍受不了,你可以想象如果你一生心里都怀有仇恨的话,情况会是什么样子?tolerate:endure (sb/sth) without protesting 忍受(某人/某事): How can you tolerate that awful woman? 你怎么能忍受得了那可恶的女人?‎ ‎17. D 介词like要与what搭配。‎ ‎18. A 句意:扔掉任何仇恨的目的是你不必一生总带着它。‎ ‎19. B 由句意可知,you will not carry it for a lifetime是前面一句的目的,故用so that。‎ ‎20. D 对别人宽容是应采取的最佳态度。 abandon:遗弃,丢弃;bless:保佑;consult:(为获取资料﹑ 得到指点等)请教(别人), 查阅(书)等。‎ ‎(答题时间:40分钟)‎ I. 单项填空 ‎1. He ________ his last chance of winning the election when he said the wrong thing on TV. ‎ A. gave off B. gave away C. gave in D. gave out ‎2. —Smoking is bad for your health.— Yes, I know. But I simply can’t_______.‎ A. give it up B. give it in C. give it out D. give it away ‎3. The mother used to _______her son’s pockets while he was asleep, looking for letters from his girlfriend. ‎ A. pick out B. go through C. deal with D. look into ‎ ‎4. —Could I ask you a rather personal question?‎ ‎ —Sure, ______.‎ ‎ A. pardon me B. go ahead C. good idea D. forget it ‎5. If you want to do something for your life, then don’t worry what others will say or think. Just ______ it.‎ ‎ A. go for B. care for C. appeal to D. look out for ‎6. It is certain that he will _____his business to his son when he gets old.‎ A. take over B. think over C. hand over D. go over ‎7. When I talked with my grandma on the phone, she sounded weak, but by the time we ______up, her voice had been full of life.‎ A. were hanging B. had hung C. hung D. would hang ‎8. Many lifestyle patterns do such ____ great harm to health that they actually speed up ____ weakening of the human body.‎ A. a; / B. /; the C. a; the D. /; / ‎ ‎9. We want to rent a bus which can _____40 people for our trip to Beijing.‎ ‎ A. load B. hold C. fill D. support ‎10. Christmas is a holiday usually celebrated on December 25th _____the birth of Jesus Christ. ‎ A. in charge of B. in terms of C. in favor of D. in honor of II. 阅读理解 What's your idea of a good time? What about dancing in a rainy field with one hundred and fifty thousand other people while a famous rock band plays on a stage so far away that the performers look like ants?‎ It may sound strange but that is what many hundreds of thousands of young people in the UK do every summer. Why? Because summer is the time for outdoor music festivals. ‎ Held on a farm, the Glastonbury Festival is the most well-known and popular in the UK. It began in 1970 and was attended by one thousand five hundred people each paying an admission price of ₤1—the ticket included free milk from the farm.‎ Since then the Glastonbury Festival has gone from strength to strength — in 2005 one hundred and fifty thousand fans attended it, paying ₤112 for tickets to the three-day event. Tickets for the event sold out within three hours. Acts included veteran( 老练的 )superstars, such as Paul Mc Cartney and James Brown, as well as new talents, like Franz Ferdinand and Joss Stone.‎ Although many summer festivals are run on a profit-making basis, Glastonbury is a charity (慈善) event, donating millions of pounds to local and international charities.‎ Glastonbury is not unique in using live music to raise money for global poverty. In July of the year 2004, the Live 8 concerts were held at the same time in London, Paris, Rome and Berlin. Superstars, such as Madonna, Sir Elton John and Stevie Wonder performed in order to highlight ‎ international poverty and debt.‎ ‎1. What does the author mean by" the Glastonbury Festival has gone from strength to strength"?‎ A. The festival has achieved continuing and growing success.‎ B. It has taken great efforts to hold the festival.‎ C. The festival has brought in a large amount of money.‎ D. There have been thousands of fans attending the festival.‎ ‎2. Which of the following is RIGHT based on the passage?‎ A. The Glastonbury Festival is run only to make a profit on its tickets.‎ B. In the 1970 Glastonbury Festival, one could get milk from the farm without paying.‎ C. In the 2005 Glastonbury Festival, the tickets were in great demand despite the high price.‎ D. Both James Brown and Joss Stone are skilled and experienced superstars.‎ ‎3. "The Live 8" is the name of _________.‎ A. a band B. a festival C. a place D. a series of concerts ‎4. What is the best title of the passage?‎ A. An idea to have a good time B. The UK summer music festivals C. Charity events around the world D. Superstars' performances in the charity events III. 高考新题型—语法填空 The hostess was to have a party and entertain guests at home. She busied herself so early in the morning, cleaning the house. She was so tired ___1___ she felt pain in her waist and on the back. Drops of sweat fell from her forehead. She did not finish cleaning the house ___2___ dusk.‎ ‎____3____ (look) at the clean and tidy drawing room, she released a sigh with a smile on her face. The guests were coming! Entering the drawing room, they_____4____ (attract) by the fresh flowers. Surprisingly pleased, they cheered in praise, "Oh, what beautiful flowers!"‎ ‎"How colorful and fragrant!"‎ ‎"Just a look at it, and life is full of pleasure!"‎ Then they went on to express their thanks ___5___ the hostess for her ___6___ (delicate) arranged flowers.‎ With an embarrassed smile, the hostess said," I am glad you like it. Thank you for your praise. I was ___7___ bit surprised about it. I ____8____ make detailed arrangement for your honor. I was busy the whole day cleaning and mopping. As to the flowers in the vase, it is a piece of cake. I did it by just lifting my hand. Now you are ____9____ (aware) of my hard work and praise ____10____highly for my easiest effort. It is beyond my expectation." ‎ I. 单项填空 ‎1. B 句意:当他在电视上说错话时,他“失去”了当选的最后机会。give away放弃,捐赠;其余三项“give off发出/放出(光、热、蒸汽等);give in屈服,投降;give out分发,用完,耗尽”均不合语意。‎ ‎2. A 句意:—吸烟有害健康。 —我知道。可是我就是无法停止。give up 放弃,停止;give in 屈服,投降;give out分发,用完,耗尽;give away捐赠, 分发(奖品等),泄露(秘密等),放弃(机会)。‎ ‎3. B 句意:那位妈妈过去经常在他儿子熟睡的时候翻他的口袋,找他女朋友写给他的信。go through 浏览,检查,通过,完成;pick out挑出,辨认出;deal with对付,处理;look into调查,根据句意选B。‎ ‎4. B句意:—我可以问你一个私人问题吗? —当然可以,说吧。Pardon me请再说一遍;go ahead干吧,说吧,用吧;good idea好主意;forget it没关系,不必在意;(表示不想重复说过的话)别提它了;住嘴。[来源:学科网ZXXK]‎ ‎5. A 句意:如果你想为你的人生做点什么,就别担心别人怎么说、怎么想,努力去做吧。go for努力获取,主张;care for 关心,喜爱;appeal to 吸引,呼吁,求助于,申诉;look out for当心……, 依句意选A。‎ ‎6. C hand over移交;take over接收,接管;think over仔细考虑;go over复习 ‎7. C 句意:当我与奶奶在电话中交谈时,她的声音听起来很虚弱,但到我们挂断电话时,她的声音已经充满了活力。“by+表示过去的时间或句子”,主句常用过去完成时,故设空处需用一般过去时。‎ ‎8. B 句意:很多生活方式对身体健康是有害的,实际上它们会促使体质变弱。do harm to...为固定短语,意为“对……有害”;第二空为特指的用法,即特指体质变弱,故用定冠词the。‎ ‎9. B句意:我们想租用一辆能容纳40人的公共汽车来满足我们的北京之旅。load:to put sth. / sb. on or in…;hold:to contain;have space for…;fill:to make or become full:support:to bear the weight of。‎ ‎10. B 句意:圣诞节通常在12月25号庆祝,它与耶稣的诞生有关。in association with 与……相关;与……联络;in praise of 赞扬; in honor of 为了纪念,为向……表示敬意; in terms of 就……而言,故B项符合句意。‎ II. 阅读理解 ‎【语篇解读】‎ ‎ “Glastonbury Festival”是英国夏天最著名最流行的节日, 它从1970年开始并日益盛行。‎ ‎1. A 根据第三段和第四段可知,刚开始时入场费是1英镑,有l,500人参加。2005年有150,000人参加,入场费是112英镑,且票在三个小时内就售完了。所以A项正确。‎ ‎2. C 根据第五段可知”Glastonbury”是慈善活动,故A项错误。根据第三段“…an admission price of£1—the ticket included free milk from the farm. ”可知喝牛奶的费用已经包含在入场费1英镑里,而不是免费喝牛奶,故B项错误。根据第四段最后一句”Acts included veteran(老练的)superstars, such as Paul Mc Cartney and James Brown,as well as new talents like Franz Ferdinand and Joss Stone. ”可知Joss Stone不属于superstars,故D项错误。根据第四段第一、二句可知C项正确。‎ ‎3. D 第六段第二句“…the Live 8 concerts were held at the same time in London,Paris,Rome and Berlin.”说明the Live 8是音乐会的名称。‎ ‎4. B 本篇文章介绍的是英国的夏季音乐节—Glastonbury Festival,又由于最后一段提到the Live 8,因此B项为正确答案。‎ III. 高考新题型—语法填空 ‎1. that so...that...中的that引导结果状语从句。‎ ‎2. until/till not ...until… 直到……才。‎ ‎3. looking looking 作伴随状语,表主动及进行之意。‎ ‎4. were attracted 句意:客人被鲜花吸引住了。‎ ‎5. to express one’s thanks to sb向某人表示感激或感谢,为固定搭配。‎ ‎6. delicately 要用副词修饰arranged。‎ ‎7. a a bit/a little 有点。‎ ‎8. did 助动词do的形式放在谓语动词之前表示强调,意为:的确、确实。‎ ‎9. unaware 句意:你们没有意识到我的辛劳……‎ ‎10. me 根据后面的 my可知此处用me。‎

