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专题二 短文改错 策略综述 ‎1.细读全文,了解全篇 首先要细读全文,弄懂全篇的主旨,背景和素材。记住必须做到一句一句地读,在读的过程中可以把初步确定的错误标出来。‎ ‎2.分句阅读,逐句纠错 在此过程中,考生一定要细心,要根据上表中的考点方向去发现错误,可以先易后难。‎ ‎3.重读文章,仔细推敲 最后要将改正后的短文再仔细阅读一遍,看词法、句法及行文逻辑是否合理恰当,如有不适及时纠正。‎ 真题导练 A ‎(2019·全国卷Ⅱ)Since I was a kid, I've considered different job I would like to do. First, I wanted to be a fireman, whose uniform looked so coolly. Then, when I was in the five grade, I wanted to be a teacher because I liked my English teacher too much. When I studied chemistry high school, I reconsidered my goal or decided to be a doctor. They were two reasons for the decision. One was that I was amazing at the fact that a sick person could feel much more better after seeing a doctor. And the other is that I wanted to help people in need. ‎ ‎1.形容词different后跟名词的复数形式。故应将job改成jobs。‎ ‎2.系动词look后跟形容词作表语。故应将coolly改成cool。‎ ‎3.“上五年级”有两种表达方式:in the fifth grade或in Grade Five。故应将five改成fifth。‎ ‎4.此处表示“我非常喜欢我的英语老师”。too much表示“太多”,而very/so much表示“非常”,故应将too改成very/so。‎ ‎5.“在高中”的表达应为in/at high school。故应在high前加in/at。‎ ‎6.reconsidered和decided这两个动作是递进关系,故应将or改为and。‎ ‎7.此处是There_be固定句型。故应将They改为There。‎ ‎8.-ed形容词说明人的感受,意为“感到……的”,-ing形容词描述人或事物本身具有的特征,意为“令人……的”,此处说明主语I的感受,故应将amazing改为amazed。‎ ‎9.本句中better本身已经是比较级,前面只需要much来修饰,表示程度,more在本句中为多余成分,故应将其去掉。‎ ‎10.此处是叙述过去发生的事情,所以用一般过去时。故应将is改为was。‎ B ‎(2018·全国卷Ⅰ)During my last winter holiday, I went to countryside with my father to visit my grandparents. I find a change there. The first time I went there, they were living in a small house with dogs, ducks, and another animals. Last winter when I went here again, they had a big separate house to raise dozens of chicken. They also had a small pond which they raised fish. My grandpa said last summer they earned quite a lot by sell the fish. I felt happily that their life had improved. At the end of our trip, I told my father that I planned to return for every two years, but he agreed. ‎ ‎1.此处特指去的是乡下,故应在countryside前加the。‎ ‎2.根据第一句中的“During my last winter holiday”可知,时态应用一般过去时。故应将find改成found。‎ ‎3.根据句意“他们住在一个小房子里,院子里有狗、鸭子和其他牲畜。”可知,应将another改成other。‎ ‎4.根据句意“去年冬天,我又一次去了那里。”可知,应将here改成there。‎ ‎5.根据前文的“dozens of”可知,其后用名词复数形式。故应将chicken改为chickens。‎ ‎6.此处a_small_pond是先行词,且关系词在后面的定语从句中作地点状语成分,故应用in_which或where来引导从句。‎ ‎7.介词by后应用动名词形式,故将sell改为selling。‎ ‎8.系动词feel后应用形容词作表语,故将happily改成happy。‎ ‎9.时间名词有every, each, last等词修饰时,其前不用介词。故应去掉for。‎ ‎10.根据语意“我计划每两年回来一次,他同意了。”可知,此处是并列关系,故应将but改成and。‎ C ‎(2017·全国卷Ⅲ)When I look at this picture of myself, I realize of how fast time flies. I had grown not only physically, and also mentally in the past few years. About one month after this photo was took, I entered my second year of high school and become a new member of the school music club. Around me in picture are the things they were very important in my life at that time:car magazines and musical instruments. I enjoyed studying difference kinds of cars and planes, playing pop music, and collecting the late music albums. This picture often brings back to me many happy memories of your high school days.    ‎ ‎1.realize是及物动词,故应去掉of。‎ ‎2.由时间状语“in the past few years”可知,此处强调的是发生在过去的动作对现在的影响,因此应用现在完成时。故将had改为have。‎ ‎3.not only ... but_also ... “不但……而且……”,为固定搭配。故将and改为but。‎ ‎4.photo与take之间为被动关系,故应用被动语态。故将took改为taken。‎ ‎5.“我”进入高中第二学年并成为学校音乐俱乐部的新成员这一系列动作发生在过去,所以应将become改为became。‎ ‎6.上文已提到过这张照片,因此要用the表特指,或者用this。故在picture前加这个词。‎ ‎7.things后为定语从句,修饰先行词things,且关系词在从句中作主语成分,所以应用关系代词来引导从句。故将they改为that/which。‎ ‎8.名词kinds前需要形容词来修饰,故应将difference改为different。‎ ‎9.此处表示收集“最新”的音乐专辑,故将late改为latest。‎ ‎10.全文以第一人称介绍了作者的故事,故应将your改为my。‎ 第1讲 词法类 词法类错误在短文改错中所占比例很大,我们建议考生在解题流程的第1、2步中去解决此类问题,对于此类错误,考生要学会分析句子成分,注意平时积累,强化语言基础。‎ 考点 动词类错误 ‎1.(2019·全国卷Ⅰ)All the football players on the playground cheered loudly, say that I had a talent for football.‎ 答案 say→saying ‎2.(2019·全国卷Ⅲ)Now my dream is to open a cafe. Though it may appear simple, it required a lot of ideas and efforts. ‎ 答案 required→requires ‎ ‎3.(2018·全国卷Ⅱ)As a kid, I loved to watch cartoon, but no matter how many times I asked to watching them, my parents would not to let me.‎ 答案 watching→watch; 去掉let前的to ‎4.(2017·全国卷Ⅰ)I thought I had learned the instructor's orders, but once I started the car, my mind goes blank.‎ 答案 goes→went ‎5.(2016·全国卷Ⅱ)We can chose between staying at home and taking a trip.‎ 答案 chose→choose ‎ ‎ ‎1.辨清非谓语动词与谓语动词 句中已有谓语动词,且另一动词不作并列谓语,则只能用非谓语动词。‎ ‎2.识别时态不一致 文章前后是现在时但却用了过去时,或前后都是过去时却用了现在时,导致时态不一致。‎ 在平行或并列结构中,动词的形式通常是一致的。关键的问题是看and, or等后的动词与前面的哪个动词并列,一定要理解,辨别清楚。‎ ‎3.留心语态错误 ‎(1)构成被动语态的过去分词写成了过去式或现在分词。‎ ‎(2)主动语态中却多了be以及be的变形,变成了被动语态。‎ ‎4.注意主谓不一致情况 主语是单数形式,谓语却采取复数形式;主语是复数形式,谓语却采取单数形式,导致主谓不一致的情况。‎ ‎5.牢记情态动词用法 ‎(1)情态动词后一定要接动词原形,但却用了过去式或其他形式。‎ ‎(2)情态动词相互间的误用。‎ ‎6.对于非谓语动词 ‎(1)理清to的两种命题方式 ‎①多余:感官动词和使役动词(get除外)后面跟不带to的不定式作宾语补足语。‎ ‎②缺失:有些动词,如want, decide, plan等后应接带to的不定式作宾语。‎ ‎(2)搞清动词-ing形式与动词-ed形式的区别 动词-ing形式表主动、进行;动词-ed形式表被动、完成;动词-ing形式转化的形容词表示“令人……的”,常修饰物;而动词-ed形式转化的形容词表示“感到……的”,常修饰人。‎ 考点 名词类错误 ‎1.(2019·全国卷Ⅲ)I wish to have a chain of cafes in many different city.‎ 答案 city→cities ‎2.(2018·全国卷Ⅱ)When I was little, Friday's night was our family game night.‎ 答案 Friday's→Friday ‎3.(2017·全国卷Ⅱ)Besides, they often get some useful informations from the Internet.‎ 答案 informations→information ‎4.(2016·全国卷Ⅰ)My uncle tells me that the key to his success is honest.‎ 答案 honest→honesty ‎  (1)熟知单复数使用情况:①单数概念和不可数名词用单数;②表示复数意义的可数名词用复数。‎ ‎(2)牢记常见的不可数名词。‎ ‎(3)三类词后常用名词:①冠词后;②介词后;③形容词性物主代词后。‎ 考点 形容词和副词类错误 ‎1.(2019·全国卷Ⅰ)I stopped the ball and kicked it hardly back to the playground.‎ 答案 hardly→hard ‎2.(2019·全国卷Ⅲ)What I want is not just an ordinarily cafe but a very special one.‎ 答案 ordinarily→ordinary ‎ ‎3.(2018·全国卷Ⅲ)Immediate, I raised my hand.‎ 答案 Immediate→Immediately ‎4.(2016·全国卷Ⅲ)They were also the best and worse years in my life.‎ 答案 worse→worst ‎ ‎ ‎1.明辨词性误用 副词修饰动词、形容词、副词或整个句子,在句中作状语。‎ ‎2.理清比较级、最高级的误用 ‎(1)原级和比较级混用。‎ ‎(2)比较级和最高级混用。‎ ‎(3)在本身已是比较级形式的基础上误加more。‎ ‎(4)在没有最高级的词前误加most。‎ ‎3.关注形近词误用 hard意为“刻苦地、猛烈地”,而hardly意为“几乎不、几乎没有”;beside意为“在……旁边”,besides意为“另外”。‎ ‎4.重点连接副词误用 however主要用于转折或对比,意思是“然而,可是,但是”;therefore主要表示结果,意思是“因此,所以”。‎ 考点 冠词类错误 ‎1.(2019·全国卷Ⅲ)Each of my cafes will have a different theme and an unique style.‎ 答案 an→a ‎2.(2017·全国卷Ⅱ)They live far from the school, and it takes them about a hour and a half to go to work every day. ‎ 答案 第一个a→an/one ‎3.(2016·全国卷Ⅰ)My uncle says that he never dreams of becoming rich in the short period of time.‎ 答案 the→a ‎ (1)a和an,表达数量,或者泛指任何一个。a用于辅音音素(不是辅音字母)开头的词前,an用于元音音素(不是元音字母)开头的词前。‎ ‎(2)若对于某个名词有明指或暗示的情况,前面要加the。‎ ‎(3)若某名词是复数、专有名词、或抽象名词、物质名词(没有固定性状),前面不适合加冠词,应把该位置空下来,形成“零冠词”。‎ ‎(4)固定搭配中的冠词需要牢记。‎ 考点 介词类错误 ‎1.(2018·全国卷Ⅱ)Still I was unwilling to play the games for them sometimes.‎ 答案 for→with ‎2.(2017·全国卷Ⅰ)It was a relief and I came to a sudden stop just in the middle on the road. ‎ 答案 on→of ‎3.(2019·河南汝州市实验中学高三检测)They said it was difficult of them to judge because how the accident happened was not clear. ‎ 答案 of→for ‎  (1)注意介词多余,关注介词遗漏:①及物动词后直接跟宾语无需加介词,不及物动词后需加介词再加宾语;②this/that/these/those/last/next/every等词构成的时间短语,前面不用介词;③作定语的不定式中的动词如果为不及物动词,或不定式修饰的名词和代词是不定式动作的地点、工具等,不定式后要有相应的介词。‎ ‎(2)牢记习惯用法,区别相似介词:固定搭配或习惯用法以及相似介词的区别常是介词考查的设题点,这需要平时做题中多多积累。‎ 考点 数词类错误 ‎1.(2019·全国卷Ⅱ)Then, when I was in the five grade, I wanted to be a teacher because I liked my English teacher ... ‎ 答案 five→fifth ‎2.(2017·全国卷Ⅰ)In the summer holiday following my eighteen birthday, I took driving lessons.‎ 答案 eighteen→eighteenth ‎  ‎ ‎1.识别序数词与基数词的混用和错用 ‎“只描述数量多少的”用基数词;“强调顺序性,作第几”讲的时候用序数词。‎ ‎2.注意年龄、年代的表达法 表达“在某人几十岁时”用“in one's+逢十的基数词复数”;表达“在几十年代”时,用“in the+逢十的基数词复数”。‎ 过关检测(限时:20分钟)‎ ‎(2019·广西钦州市高三第三次质检)Today I was going home by bike where a little dog ran to me. I stopped in time avoid hitting the dog. Luckily, it was not injuring, but lay on the ground. I came nearer and touched its side gently. It jumped to its foot quickly and stared at me friendly. Seeing nothing seriously, I was about to leave, but the dog stops me by biting my trousers. So I wanted to adopt to the dog but it was unfair to its master, just then, the woman came, saying the dog was her and that I could take it away as she had some many dogs at home. Thus I got a lovely pet.‎ 答案:‎ Today I was going home by bike a little dog ran to me. I stopped in time avoid hitting the dog. Luckily, it was not , but lay on the ground. I came nearer and touched its side gently. It jumped to its quickly and stared at me friendly. Seeing nothing , I was about to leave, but the dog me by biting my trousers. So I wanted to adopt the dog but it was unfair to its master, just then, woman came, saying the dog was and that I could take it away as she had some dogs at home. Thus I got a lovely pet.‎ ‎(2019·湖北七市高三联考)I have met many teachers since I begin my schooling. Of all my teachers, Mrs Green is the one who impresses me most. Though she is 50, she looks very young at her age. Comparing with other teachers, Mrs Green pays more attention to her way of teaching. She tries various ways to make her class lively and interestingly. In her opinion, we will not only know “what” but also understand “why”. So instead of giving us answer immediately, she encourages us to think carefully every time when she puts forward questions. With her help, we have learned how to analyze ‎ and settled problems. What the amazing world of “why” she leads us! She is such a learned person that we all admire him very much.‎ 答案:‎ I have met many teachers since I my schooling. Of all my teachers, Mrs Green is the one who impresses me most. Though she is 50, she looks very young her age. with other teachers, Mrs Green pays more attention to her way of teaching. She tries various ways to make her class lively and . In her opinion, we will not only know “what” but also understand “why”. So instead of giving us immediately, she encourages us to think carefully every time she puts forward questions. With her help, we have learned how to analyze and problems. What amazing world of “why” she leads us ! She is such a learned person that we all admire very much.‎ 强化特训2 短文改错(一)(限时:30分钟)‎ ‎[1]‎ ‎(2019·辽宁大连一模)I was often troubled by lack of confidences. So I applied for a job at an exhibition as reporter last term. The exhibition was held annual to display the latest products in the field of education. At that time, I was responsible for interview parents who bought the learning tools. While talking with him, I found it was not so hard as I think. One lady even praised me but asked her son to learn from me. I realized the experience was in great value and nothing was more excited than communicating with people.‎ From this experience, I am fully aware that we should take real action if our personality that needs improving.‎ 答案:‎ I was often troubled by lack of . So I applied for a job at an exhibition as reporter last term. The exhibition was held to display the latest products in the field of education. At that time, I was responsible for ‎ parents who bought the learning tools. While talking with , I found it was not so hard as I . One lady even praised me asked her son to learn from me. I realized the experience was great value and nothing was more than communicating with people.‎ From this experience, I am fully aware that we should take real action if our personality needs improving.‎ ‎[2]‎ ‎(2019·山东师范大学附中第5次模拟)The sun was just slowly come up over the mountains today as I took my dogs for its morning walk. I smiled as I watched the clouds gradually turn to white and gold. The air was cool and I wore a big smile in my face. Even though there weren't leaf on the trees, but I could still hear birds singing songs of spring. Even my dogs seemed to notice the different in the air. They were playing instead of just do their morning business in the grass. The particular golden sun seemed to make it a beautiful day. As I headed back, I realize something. The beauty of day didn't come from the warmth of the sun. It came from the warmth within my own heart and soul.‎ 答案:‎ The sun was just slowly up over the mountains today as I took my dogs for morning walk. I smiled as I watched the clouds gradually turn to white and gold. The air was cool and I wore a big smile my face. Even though there weren't on the trees, / I could still hear birds singing songs of spring. Even my dogs seemed to notice the in the air. They were playing instead of just their morning business in the grass. The golden sun seemed to make it a beautiful day. As I headed back, I something. The beauty of day didn't come from the warmth of the sun. It came from the warmth within my own heart and soul.‎ ‎[3]‎ ‎(2019·全国名校联盟第二次模拟)My husband and I were having a walk the other ‎ night. Suddenly, I noticed lots of garbage lying on all sides of the road. So I went home in a hurry, thought cleaning up a garbage could make a difference to the neighborhood. The moment when I got home, I took out a pair of glove and a large garbage bag. Then I came back but picked up the cans, bottles, paper boxes on the road. Final, I carefully sorted them out. My husband warned, “Stopping it! Other people will look down you.” But I didn't care. Sometimes we just had to do what is right in our heart.‎ 答案:‎ My husband and I were having a walk the other night. Suddenly, I noticed lots of garbage lying on sides of the road. So I went home in a hurry, cleaning up garbage could make a difference to the neighborhood. The moment I got home, I took out a pair of and a large garbage bag. Then I came back picked up the cans, bottles, paper boxes on the road. , I carefully sorted them out. My husband warned, “ it! Other people will look down you.” But I didn't care. Sometimes we just to do what is right in our heart.‎ ‎[4]‎ ‎(2019·安徽舒城中学仿真试题)When I intended to tell my four-year-old niece Lisa the story Snow White write by the Grimm Brothers, my elder sister stopped me immediate and gave me another storybook. When I asked if she has told Lisa the story, she shook her head and said, “I don't think girl today should listen to this story.” I was confusing. Later, my sister explained how. In this story, Snow White does nothing to rescue herself. Instead of, she depends on others' help. My sister doesn't want her daughter to learn just to turn to others help. She wants her to learn to be brave and independence. That's why my sister doesn't want to tell herself such stories as Snow White.‎ 答案:‎ When I intended to tell my four-year-old niece Lisa the story Snow White by the Grimm Brothers, my elder sister stopped me and gave me another storybook. When I asked if she told Lisa the story, she shook her head and said,“I don't think today should listen to this story.” I was . Later, my ‎ sister explained . In this story, Snow White does nothing to rescue herself. Instead , she depends on others' help. My sister doesn't want her daughter to learn just to turn to others help. She wants her to learn to be brave and . That's why my sister doesn't want to tell such stories as Snow White.‎

