人教pep四年级英语下册Unit 3 Part B 第5课时课件

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人教pep四年级英语下册Unit 3 Part B 第5课时课件

rainy Review snowy windy cloudy sunny Let’s say City Weather London rainy Moscow snowy Beijing windy Singapore cloudy Sydney sunny —What’s the weather like in…? —It’s…in… Sydney What’s the weather like in Sydney? It’s sunny. Sunny, sunny. It’s sunny in Sydney. London What’s the weather like in London? It’s rainy. Rainy, rainy. It’s rainy in London. Moscow What’s the weather like in Moscow? It’s snowy. Snowy, snowy. It’s snowy in Moscow. Beijing What’s the weather like in Beijing? It’s windy. Windy, windy. It’s windy in Beijing. Singapore What’s the weather like in Singapore? It’s cloudy. Cloudy, cloudy. It’s cloudy in Singapore. PEP·四年级下册 Unit 3 Weather Part B Let’s talk & Let’s play Look and predict the main ideas of the conversation. Look and answer ① Who are they? ② Where are they? ③ What’s the weather like in New York? ④ How about Beijing? Watch and choose. ( ) 1.Where is Chen Jie? A. In Beijing. B. In New York. ( ) 2.It’s _____ in Beijing. A. cold B. warm Let’s talk Beijing What’s the weather like in Beijing? It’s warm in Beijing. (26℃) Name Place Weather Degrees Read and fill in the blanks. Check the answers ① Who are they? ② Where are they? Chen Jie and Mark. Chen Jie is in Beijing. Mark is in New York. ③ What’s the weather like in New York? ④ How about Beijing? It’s rainy in New York. It’s warm in Beijing. It’s 26 degrees. What’s the weather like in New York? It's rainy in New York. 阴雨的;多雨的 What’s the weather like in Beijing? It’s ____ degrees. It’s _____.26 warm ℃ 度,度数 摄氏温度℃ 华氏温度℉ Chen Jie says Mark says Watch the cartoon again. Name Place Weather Degrees Chen Jie Beijing warm 26℃ Mark New York rainy Check the answers 26 degrees! That’s cold! Huh? No, it’s not. It’s warm! Hi, Chen Jie! This is Mark. Hi, Mark! What’s the weather like in New York? It’s rainy. How about Beijing? Is it cold? No, it isn’t. It’s 26 degrees. Read and act Role-play the conversation. A:Hi, Chen Jie! This is Mark. B:Hi, Mark! What’s the weather like in New York? A:It’s rainy. How about Beijing? Is it cold? B:… A:… If you are traveling on other places in the world, please make a call to your friend. Let’s play New York 20℃ Sydney 30℃ Toronto 7℃ London 5℃ Beijing 15℃ What’s the weather like in …? It’s … 20℃ New York Beijing 15℃Sydney30℃ 7℃ Toronto London5℃ A: Hi, … This is … B: Hi! Where are you? A: I’m in … now. B: Cool! What’s the weather like in …? A: It’s … How about …? B: It’s … Work in pairs. —What’s the weather like in …? —It’s rainy/sunny/windy/cloudy/snowy. Unit 3 Weather It’s … degrees. Blackboard design

