高中英语人教版必修5课件:Unit 2 Section Ⅱ

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高中英语人教版必修5课件:Unit 2 Section Ⅱ

Section Ⅱ   Learning about Language, Using Language,Summing Up & Learning Tip 一、词义匹配 A            B 1 .plus a.to bend something 2 .arrange b.mistake 3 .fold c.to add to 4 .delight d.great pleasure or happiness 5 .error e.to organize 6 .thrill f.for,belonging to,or connected with a king or queen 7 .uniform g.to have a shivering,exciting feeling 8 .royal h.a certain type of clothing which all members of a group wear 9 .consistent i.unchanging;in agreement 10 .statue j.a usually large likeness of a person,animal,etc ., made in solid material such as stone or metal 答案 : 1.c   2.e   3.a   4.d   5.b   6.g   7.h   8.f   9.i   10.j 二、词汇延伸 1 .communism n . 共产主义          adj . 共产主义的   2 .fold vt . 折叠 ; 对折 → 反义词 :        v . 打开   3 .arrange vt . 筹备 ; 安排 ; 整理 →            n . 安排   4 .delight n . 快乐  vt . 使高兴 →            adj . 高兴的   5 .possibility n . 可能 ( 性 )→         adj . 可能的   communist unfold arrangement delighted possible 三、阅读课文 “ SIGHTSEEING IN LONDON ”, 找出文中提到的名胜古迹 , 并译成 汉语 答案 : 1.the Tower of London 伦敦塔 2.St Paul ’ s Cathedral 圣保罗大教堂 3.Westminster Abbey 威斯敏斯特大教堂 4.Big Ben 大本钟 5.Buckingham Palace 白金汉宫 6.Greenwich 格林尼治天文台 7.Highgate Cemetery 海格特公墓 8.the British Museum 大英博物馆 四、阅读课文 “ SIGHTSEEING IN LONDON ”, 找出下列句子 , 并说出其中的过去分词所做的成分 1 .To her great surprise,Zhang Pingyu found the Queen ’ s jewels guarded by special royal soldiers... guarded 在句子中做             2 .There followed St Paul ’ s Cathedral built after the terrible fire of London in 1666. built 在句子中做         3 .It passes through Greenwich,so Pingyu had a photo taken standing on either side of the line. taken 在句子中做             宾语补足 语 定语 宾语补足 语 4 .Sadly the library had moved from its original place into another building and the old reading room was gone . gone 在句子中做         5 .But she was thrilled by so many wonderful treasures from different cultures displayed in the museum. displayed 在句子中做         表语 定语 五、阅读课文 “ SIGHTSEEING IN LONDON ”, 回答下列问题 1 .Which place did Zhang Pingyu want to visit first? A.The Tower. B.St.Paul ’ s Cathedral. C.Buckingham Palace. D.Greenwich . 2 .Who built the Tower according to the first paragraph? A.The Roman invaders. B.The Norman invaders. C.The English people. D.Queen Elizabeth Ⅰ . 答案 : A 答案 : B 3 .What did Zhang Pingyu see in Westminster Abbey? A.Some statues of English kings. B.Some statues of dead famous soldiers. C.Some statues of political leaders. D.Some statues of dead poets and writers. 4 .What interested Zhang Pingyu most in Greenwich? A.The famous clock. B.Its old ships. C.The longitude line. D.Its beautiful scenery. 答案 : D 答案 : C 1.You will live in a town close to the countryside in England in a furnished house with all modern conveniences. ( P12 ) 你将住在靠近英国乡村的小镇里的配有便利现代设施的带家具的房子里。 剖析 本句中的形容词短语 close to the countryside 做定语。形容词短语做定语 , 常位于所修饰名词的后面。如 : ① I know an actor suitable for the role . 我认识一个适合扮演这个角色的演员。 ★ 考点   furnished adj. 配备好装备的 ; 带家具的 ② He has been searching for a furnished flat these days. 这些天 , 他一直在寻找配备家具的公寓。 ③ His office is furnished with a desk and four chairs. 他的办公室里摆有一张桌子和四把椅子。 归纳 be furnished with 意为 “ 装备有 / 配备着 …… ” 考点延伸 阅读下列句子 , 指出黑体词的词性及含义 ④ Maybe we could get some new furniture . 词性 名词 ( 不可数名词 )   含义 家具 ⑤ I am prepared to furnish you with a satisfactory explanation. 词性 动词   含义 提供 ⑥ They furnished their rooms with new curtains. 词性 动词   含义 装备 / 布置 2.Do these differences cause conflicts or quarrels ?( P12 ) 这些差异会造成冲突或争吵吗 ? ★ 考点   quarrel n. 争吵 ; 争论 ; 吵架   vi. 争吵 , 吵架 ① I had a quarrel with my wife about who should do the housework. 我与妻子因为谁应该做家务的事吵了一架。 ② They quarrelled with each other about the lost knife. 他们彼此因为丢失的小刀争吵起来。 归纳 quarrel 常与介词 with 与 about 连用 , 表示 “ 与 …… 关于 …… 吵架 ” 。 考点延伸 (1) 阅读下列句子 , 指出黑体词的搭配及意义 ③ He had a quarrel with his girlfriend yesterday. 搭配 have a quarrel with sb.   意义 与某人吵架   (2) 辨析 :quarrel,argue 与 debate quarrel 吵嘴 , 吵架 argue 辩论 , 辩护 ( 着重说理、论证和企图说服 ) debate( 对立双方 ) 正式或公开的争辩 / 辩论 quarrel with sb.about sth. 与某人关于某事吵架 quarrel with sb. 与某人吵架 quarrel about/over sth. 就某事争吵 quarrel with 不同意 / 反对 ; 抱怨 have a quarrel with sb. 与某人吵架 3.All of the words below can take the place of said... ( P12 ) 下面所有这些词都能代替动词 said …… ★ 考点   take the place of 代替 ① In the future,natural gas will take the place of petrol as the major fuel. 将来天然气会代替汽油成为主要的能源。 考点延伸 (1) 阅读下列句子 , 指出黑体词的搭配及意义 ② Your English teacher is ill,so I take his place to give you lessons. 搭配 take one ’ s place   意义 代替   ③ Everybody,take your place please. 搭配 take one ’ s place   意义 就座   ④ The chairs for the concert were nearly all in place . 搭配 in place   意义 在适当的位置 / 合适   ⑤ What would you do in my place ? 搭配 in one ’ s place   意义 处在某人的位置   ⑥ What he said in that occasion was really out of place . 搭配 out of place   意义 不合适 / 在错误的位置   (2) 阅读下列句子 , 指出黑体词组的用法 ⑦ Where does the conversation probably take place ? take place 的含义是 “ 发生 ”, 与 happen,come about 同义。 take the place of 代替 take one ’ s place 代替 ; 就座 in place 在适当的位置 ; 合适 in one ’ s place 处在某人的位置 out of place 不合适 , 在错误的位置 4.On my way to the station my car broke down. ( P13 ) 我的汽车在去车站的路上出故障了。 ★ 考点   break down ( 机器 ) 损坏 ; 破坏 ① Who broke down the door of our classroom? 谁把我们教室的门弄坏了 ? 考点延伸 阅读下列句子 , 指出黑体词组的意义 ② The plan broke down because people were unwilling to cooperate. 意义 ( 计划、和谈等 ) 失败 ③ His health broke down under the pressure of work. 意义 ( 身体 ) 垮掉 ④ We broke down the students into several small groups when we have oral class. 意义 分解 ; 拆分 break down 的含义 : 1.( 机器 ) 损坏 ; 破坏 2.( 计划、和谈等 ) 失败 3.( 身体 ) 垮掉 4. 分解 , 拆分   5.They had no time to arrange their own wedding... ( P13 ) 他们没有时间筹备自己的婚礼 …… ★ 考点   arrange vt. 筹备 ; 安排 ; 整理 ① He arranged that the meeting(should)be put off for a week. 他安排把会议推迟一周。 归纳 arrange 后接 that 引导的宾语从句时 , 从句谓语动词应为 “should+ 动词原形 ” 形式 , 其中 should 可以 省略 。 ② Please arrange these books in alphabetical order. 请把这些书按字母顺序整理一下。 考点延伸 (1) 阅读下列句子 , 指出黑体词的搭配及意义 ③ I have arranged to see her this Sunday. 搭配 arrange to do sth.   意义 安排做某事   ④ The teacher arranged for him to spend one day in the laboratory. 搭配 arrange for sb./sth.to do sth.   意义 安排某人 / 某物做某事   ⑤ We must arrange a proper time and place for the meeting. 搭配 arrange sth.for sb./sth.   意义 为某事 / 某人安排某事   (2) 阅读下列句子 , 指出黑体词的词性及含义 ⑥ Have you made necessary arrangements ? 词性 名词   含义 安排 词组 make arrangements/an arrangement 意为 “ 作安排 ” 。 arrange to do sth. 安排做某事 arrange for sb./sth.to do sth. 安排某人 / 某物做某事 arrange sth.for sb./sth. 为某人 / 某事安排某事 make arrangements/an arrangement 作安排 6.The first person in each group writes a sentence and folds the paper over his/her writing... ( P13 ) 每组的第一个人写一个句子 , 然后把纸折叠 , 遮起他 / 她写的内容 …… ★ 考点   fold vt. 折叠 ; 对折 ① The teacher asked the students to fold the paper. 老师让学生把纸对折。 ② These pieces can be folded into a neat little pack and fastened on your belt. 这些东西可以折叠起来装进一个精美的小袋然后系在腰带上。 考点延伸 (1) 阅读下列句子 , 指出黑体词的词性及含义 ③ He folded the umbrella and entered the room. 词性 及物动词   含义 合拢 ④ Body language can give away a lot about your mood,so standing with your arms folded can send out a signal that you are being defensive. 词性 及物动词   含义 交叉 ⑤ Does this table fold ? 词性 不及物动词   含义 折叠 (2) 阅读下列句子 , 指出黑体词的词性及含义 ⑥ I unfolded the letter and read it. 词性 动词   含义 展开 / 摊开 / 打开 fold 的含义 : 1. 及物动词 : 折叠 ; 对折 ; 合拢 ; 交叉 2. 不及物动词 : 折叠 ; 倒闭 unfold vt. 展开 , 摊开 , 打开   7.Worried about the time available , Zhang Pingyu had made a list of the sites she wanted to see in London. ( P14 ) 由于担心时间不够 , 张萍玉早就把想要在伦敦参观的地点列了一张单子。 剖析 本句中的过去分词短语 worried about the time available 在句中做原因状语。 ① Ordinary soap, used correctly ,can deal with bacteria effectively. 只要正确使用 , 即便是普通肥皂也能有效对付细菌。 ② Finished in a hurry ,his homework was full of mistakes. 由于完成得很仓促 , 他的作业满是错误。 ★ 考点   available adj. 可利用的 ; 可用到的 ; 有用的 ③ This was the only room available . 这是唯一可用的房间。 ④ We must employ all available means to save the boy. 我们必须用一切可用的方法来救这个男孩。 ⑤ The season ticket is available for three months. 季票有效期为三个月。 考点延伸 (1)available 做定语时 , 常位于所修饰的名词的后面。 ⑥ There is only a little money available for the trip. 这次旅行只有少量的钱可供花费。 (2) 阅读下列句子 , 指出黑体词的含义 ⑦ (2019 天津 )A desktop computer,screen,projector,and loudspeakers will be available . 含义 有空的 / 可与之联系的 ⑧ Forms will be available in school and online for them to indicate their choices and return to school. 含义 可得到的 8.Her first delight was going to the Tower. ( P14 ) 她最先想参观的地方是伦敦塔。 ★ 考点   delight n. 快乐 ; 高兴 ; 喜悦 ① To my delight ,I was chosen from hundreds of applicants to attend the opening ceremony. 令我高兴的是 , 我从数百名候选人中被选中去参加开幕式。 ② So imagine my delight when he emailed me saying he wanted to come to visit me. 所以想象一下当他给我发邮件说要来看我的时候我是多么快乐。 考点延伸 (1)delight 做 “ 快乐 ; 高兴 ; 喜悦 ” 讲时为不可数名词 ; 做 “ 使人高兴的事情 , 乐趣 ” 讲时为可数名词 , 并常与不定冠词连用。 ③ She ran back home with delight . 她兴高采烈地跑回家。 ④ The novel is a delight .I ’ m about two thirds through. 这本小说让人爱不释手 , 我大约看完三分之二了 。 (2) 阅读下列句子 , 指出黑体词的词性及含义 ⑤ He delighted to prove his brother wrong. 词性 不及物动词   含义 高兴 ⑥ What delighted me most was that the children were smiling all the time. 词性 及物动词   含义 使高兴 / 欣喜 ⑦ Thank you very much for inviting me to this delightful dinner. 词性 形容词   含义 令人愉快的 ⑧ (2019 北京高考 )They were also delighted and satisfied with the social activity. 词性 形容词   含义 高兴的 to sb. ’ s delight=to the delight of sb. 令某人高兴的是 with delight 高兴地 take delight in 喜欢 ; 从 …… 中取乐 be delighted with 对 …… 高兴 delight to do sth. 高兴做某事 a delight 乐趣 , 使人高兴的事 9.There followed St.Paul’s Cathedral built after the terrible fire of London in 1666. ( P14 ) 接着 ( 参观的 ) 是圣保罗大教堂 , 它是公元 1666 年伦敦大火之后修建的。 剖析 本句是一个副词 there 开头的完全倒装句型。 ① There went two boys and their teacher. 两个男孩和他们的老师去那儿了。 注意 : 有两种情况常用完全倒装的结构 : 一、方式或方位副词 ( 如 up,down,in,out,away,here,there,now,then) 置于句首 ; 二、表示方位的介词短语 ( 如 in the room,under the tree 等 ) 位于句首。 ② The door opened and out rushed a boy. 门开了 , 一个男孩冲出去了。 10.It seemed strange that the man who had developed communism should have lived and died in London. ( P14 ) 这似乎是一件怪事 : 这位发展了共产主义的人竟然在伦敦生活过 , 并且在伦敦去世。 剖析 在 “It+ 系动词 +strange/necessary/important/natural...+that 从句 ” 中 ,that 引导的主语从句要用虚拟语气 , 即谓语形式为 “should+ 动词原形 ”, 其中 should 可省略 , 表示意外、惊讶、纳闷等 , 意为 “ 竟然 ” 。 should 后加完成式即 “should have done” 则表示对发生过的事情感到意外、惊讶和纳闷。 ① It is strange that he (should)be sent there. 奇怪的是他竟然被派去那儿。 ② It is strange that they should have left without saying a word. 奇怪的是他们竟然一句话也没说就离开了。 11.But she was thrilled by so many wonderful treasures from different cultures displayed in the museum. ( P14 ) 但是她感到最为震惊的却是博物馆里展出的那么多来自不同文化的奇妙宝物。 剖析 过去分词短语 displayed in the museum 做定语 , 修饰名词 treasures 。 ① During my school days,I would rarely give up my spare time to any activity connected with study. 在学校里 , 我很少放弃业余时间去做任何与学习有关的活动。 ★ 考点   thrill vt. 使激动 ; 使胆战心惊 ② She was thrilled with terror when she saw the scene of the murder. 她看到凶杀现场时 , 吓得胆战心惊。 考点延伸 阅读下列句子 , 指出黑体词的词性及含义 ③ Meeting with him in Beijing was a great thrill to me. 词性 名词   含义 使人兴奋的事情 ④ My boys beat the best team in Georgia,giving me one of the greatest thrills of my life! 词性 名词   含义 激动 / 兴奋 ⑤ It ’ s really thrilling . 词性 形容词   含义 令人激动的 ⑥ I was thrilled !I arrived early at Byron Bay where we were supposed to meet. 词性 形容词   含义 感到激动的 thrill vt . 使激动 ; 使胆战心惊   n . 使人兴奋的事情 ; 一阵强烈的情绪 ( 如快乐、激动、恐惧等 ) thrilling adj . 令人激动的 thrilled adj. 激动的 一 二 三 一、写作词汇检测 根据每一组的提示词 , 完成或者翻译句子 1 .furnish (1)The room      with antiques.   (2) 我租了一套带家具的房子 。   2 .break down (1)Unluckily,the car            on the way.   (2) 他的计划最终失败了 。   was furnished I rented a furnished house. broke down His plan finally/eventually broke down. 一 二 三 3 .arrange (1)—I will arrive at the airport at about 7 o ’ clock tomorrow morning. —I             for a car to pick you up.   (2) 我们必须安排一个合适的时间开会 。    4 .quarrel 我似乎总是和父母吵架 。    5 .delight( v .) 你上星期的来访使我们很高兴 。   will arrange We must arrange a proper time for the meeting. I always seem to be quarrelling with my parents. Your visit last week delighted us. 一 二 三 二、阅读词汇检测 阅读下列句子 , 说出黑体词的含义 1 .All the royal cars are fitted with electronic homing devices. 含义               2 .I hear that you are going to be given a new uniform . 含义         3 .Do you know who developed communism ? 含义           4 .There are many nice Chinese pots on show. 含义         5 .They have decided to build some beautiful statues on the square. 含义           王室的 ; 皇家的 制服 共产主义 罐 , 壶 雕像 , 塑像 一 二 三 三、用适当的介词填空 1 .The man was described        smart and diligent.   2 .The woman ’ s house is furnished        only two chairs and a bed.   3 .We used to quarrel a lot       them        small things,but now we get along well.   4 .Electric trains have now taken the place        steam trains in England.   5 .It ’ s not necessary for parents to arrange everything        their children.   as with with over/about of for

