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‎2019届二轮复习书面表达专题 状语从句使句子纷繁复杂 状语从句主要包括时间、地点、条件、原因、让步、比较、方式、目的和结果等九类从句。‎ 一、常见状语从句的类型及连词 状语从句 连词 时间 when, whenever, as, while, (ever) since, before, after, till, until, as soon as, hardly ... when ..., no sooner ... than ..., scarcely ... when ..., each time, every time, the first time, the last time, the moment, the minute, the second, the day, immediately 地点 where, wherever 条件 if, unless, providing/provided (that), supposing/suppose (that), given (that), as long as, so long as, on condition (that), in case, only if 原因 because, as, since, now that, seeing that, considering that, in that 让步 though, although, even if, even though, as, while, whatever, whoever, whenever, wherever, however, no matter+疑问词, whether ... or ..., whether ... or not 比较 as, than, the same as, not so ... as ..., as ... as ...‎ 方式 as if, as though, as 目的 in order that, so that, in case, for fear (that)‎ 结果 so that, so ... that ..., such ... that ...‎ Furthermore, whenever you meet with some puzzling questions, don't hesitate to turn to me.(2017·全国卷Ⅰ写作佳句)‎ 此外,每当你遇到一些令人困惑的问题时,请不要犹豫向我寻求帮助。‎ So attractive and alive do they look that I think you could be ‎ interested in them.(2017·全国卷Ⅱ写作佳句)‎ 它们看起来如此迷人和生动,以至于我想你可能会感兴趣。‎ It has been two weeks since you came to our school for the exchange program.(2016·天津高考写作佳句)‎ 你们来我们学校参加交流活动已经两周了。‎ ‎[即时演练] 用状语从句补全句子 ‎1.(2017·天津高考书面表达)虽然这些天我都在读书,但为了提高自己,我还是参加了好几个学生俱乐部。‎ Though/Although_(I_am)_buried_in_books_these_days,_I have still joined several student clubs in order to improve myself.‎ ‎2.(2017·全国卷Ⅰ书面表达)由于天气越来越热,在室内学习是个好主意。‎ As_the_weather_is_getting_hotter_and_hotter,_it is a good idea to study indoors.‎ ‎3.(2016·全国卷Ⅱ书面表达)我记得上次你参观我们学校时给我展示了那个主题的一些照片。‎ I remember you showed me some photos on that theme the_last_time you visited our school.‎ ‎4.(2016·全国卷Ⅲ书面表达)如果你方便的话,咱们上午8:30校门口见吧!‎ If_it's_convenient_for_you,_let's meet at 8:30 am outside the school gate!‎ ‎5.(2015·北京高考书面表达)这是如此激动人心的活动,以至于我们都玩得非常愉快。‎ It was such_an_exciting_activity_that we all enjoyed ourselves very much.‎ 二、状语从句的常用句型 在英语写作中,状语从句是经常使用的从句之一,因此必须学会并熟练运用这些相关句型。‎ ‎1.as soon as/the moment/the instant/immediately/directly/instantly 一……就……‎ As soon as I entered the classroom, my teacher asked me why I was so late.‎ 我一进入教室,老师就问我为什么来这么晚。‎ ‎2.each/every time 每次,每当……‎ Every time I pass the school, I think of my first English teacher. ‎ 每当我经过那所学校,我就想起我的第一个英语老师。‎ ‎3.the first time 第一次 I thought Susan nice and friendly the first time I met her.‎ 我第一次见到苏珊就觉得她很友好。‎ ‎4.before在……之前,还没来得及就……‎ It was some time before I realized the truth.‎ 过了一段时间我才悟出真相。‎ ‎5.ever since 自从……‎ Ever since my friend Xiaohua entered high school two years ago, his mother has been pushing him hard in his studies.‎ 自从我的朋友小华两年前进入中学,他的妈妈一直在学习上给他施加很大的压力。‎ ‎6.as/so long as 只要 As/So long as you do more exercise and have enough sleep, you will feel relaxed and energetic.‎ 只要你多加锻炼,保证足够的睡眠,你就会感到放松并且精力充沛。‎ ‎7.providing/provided/suppose/supposing(that) ... 如果,假如……‎ Suppose he doesn't agree to help us, who should we turn to for help?‎ 假如他不同意帮助我们,我们该向谁求助?‎ ‎8.on condition that ... 在……条件下;如果……‎ We'll let you use the room on condition that you keep it clean and tidy. ‎ 只要你能保持整洁,我们可以让你使用这个房间。‎ ‎9.now that 因为;既然 Now that you understand my meaning, I don't need to explain again.‎ 既然你明白了我的意思,我没有必要再解释一遍。‎ ‎10.considering that ... 鉴于;考虑到……‎ They have made remarkable progress, considering that they only started last week.‎ 考虑到他们是上周才开始的,他们已经取得了相当大的进步。‎ ‎11.not that ... but that ... 不是因为……,而是因为……‎ I didn't accept the job, not that I am unwilling to do it, but that I am unable to.‎ 我没接受这份工作,不是因为我不愿意做,而是因为我不能做。‎ ‎12.even if/even though 即使;尽管 Even if flying is more expensive than land and sea travel, I went there by air to save time.‎ 尽管坐飞机比坐车和乘船都贵,但是为了节省时间我还是坐飞机去了那里。‎ ‎13.though/although/while 虽然;尽管 Though/Although busy with the lessons, I have managed to find time to hang out with my friends.(2017·天津高考写作佳句)‎ 虽然忙着上课,但我还是设法挤出时间和朋友们出去玩。‎ ‎14.no matter wh .../whever无论……‎ However/No matter how far away we are, we feel close to each other. (2014·重庆高考写作佳句)‎ 无论我们距离有多远,我们都感觉近在咫尺。‎ ‎15.whether ... or (not) ... 是……还是……;不管,不论……‎ I have decided to take the job offer, whether it is good or bad.‎ 不管好坏,我已经决定接受这份工作邀请。‎ ‎16.so that 以便,目的是;因此 So I have been taking exercise and reading books as well as online materials about Tianjin so that I can be both physically and mentally qualified for this job.(2017·天津高考写作佳句)‎ 所以我一直在锻炼,查阅有关天津的书籍及网上资料,使我在体能和知识储备上都能胜任这项工作。‎ ‎17.in order that 为了……‎ In order that we can have a good teacherstudent relationship, it is important that the teachers and students respect each other.‎ 为了拥有良好的师生关系,师生之间互相尊重很重要。‎ ‎18.so/such ... that ... 如此……以至于……‎ The dough figurine he made was so beautiful that we couldn't wait to have a try ourselves.(2015·北京高考写作佳句)‎ 他做的面人如此漂亮,以至于我们迫不及待地想亲自试一试。‎ ‎[即时演练] 用状语从句补全句子 ‎1.(全国卷Ⅰ书面表达)另外,我会告诉他你长得什么样,以便你们可以容易地找到对方。‎ Besides, I will tell him what you look like so that you can find each other easily.‎ ‎2.每当见到有人需要帮助,我就会尽力去帮助他。‎ Whenever_I_see_someone_in_need_of_help,_I will spare no effort to help him.‎ ‎3.尽管每个人都打得不错,我们还是输了。‎ We lost the game, although/though_everyone_played_well.‎ ‎4.一切都发生得这么快,我都来不及去思考。‎ Everything happened so_quickly_that I hadn't time to think.‎ ‎5.无论结果怎样,我们都要微笑着接受,因为我们已经尽了全力。‎ Whatever_the_result_is,_we should accept it with a smile, because_we_have_tried_our_best. ‎ ‎[综合演练提能]‎ Ⅰ.用状语从句补全句子 ‎1.如果我们继续污染环境,地球将不再适合我们居住。(if)‎ If_we_go_on_polluting_the_environment,_the earth won't be fit for us to live in.‎ ‎2.无论我做什么,我都会尽全力做好。(no matter what)‎ No_matter_what_I_do,_I will try my best to do it well.‎ ‎3.他努力学习功课,结果考试取得了好成绩。(so that)‎ He worked hard at his lessons, so_that_he_got_high_grades_in_the_exams.‎ ‎4.只要我们有强大的信念,就能够克服任何困难。(as long as)‎ As_long_as_we_have_a_strong_will,_we'll be able to get over any difficulty.‎ ‎5.尽管有规律的锻炼很重要,但临睡前锻炼不是个好主意。(though/although/while)‎ Though/Although/While_regular_exercise_is_very_important,_it's never a good idea to exercise too close to bedtime.‎ ‎6.既然你找到了一份工作,你应该学会独立不依靠父母。(now that)‎ Now_that_you_have_got_a_job,_you should learn to be independent of your parents.‎ Ⅱ.请按以下内容要点写一篇英语短文,尽可能多地使用状语从句 假定你是李华,请以“An Unforgettable Sports Meeting”为题写一篇回忆录,叙述高中时期运动会给你留下的难忘记忆。请围绕以下要点:‎ ‎1.友谊第一,比赛第二;‎ ‎2.我运动,我快乐;‎ ‎3.团队精神。‎ An Unforgettable Sports Meeting ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 参考范文:‎ An Unforgettable Sports Meeting Last year our school held an annual sports meeting, which has remained a precious memory for me ever since.‎ As an arts student, I couldn't but take part in the relay race.Because my partners realized it was not my strength, they spared no effort to train me.When the game started, we were the fastest.When the stick was passed ‎ on to me, however, another competitor fell down accidentally. I didn't hesitate to help him up, and continued trying my best to compete.Though we got the second place pitifully, all my classmates stood up cheering for my good deed.‎ Thanks to the sports meeting, not only did I win friendship, but I managed to enjoy myself from sports.‎

