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‎2019中考真题——宾语从句 ‎ ‎【2019铜仁】1. —I wonder ____________ at 8:00 last night? —I was watching NBA.‎ A. What were you doing B. What did you do C .what you were doing D. What are you doing ‎【2019北京】2.I don't remember____________ the book yesterday.‎ A. where I put B. where did I put C. where will I put D. where l will put ‎【2019天津】3.—I don’t know _____. ---Because he has to look after his mother.‎ A. why he is leaving B. why is he leaving C. whether he is leaving D. whether is he leaving ‎【2019巴中】4.I didn’t understand _____. So I raised my hand to ask A. what my teacher says ‎ B. what my teacher say ‎ C. what my teacher said ‎【2019漳州】5. They wonder ________robots will make humans lose their jobs or not A. that B. if C. whether ‎【2019贺州】6.Can you tell me ______?‎ A. how much is the red sweater ‎ B. how much the red sweater is C .what’s the price of the red sweater D. how many the red sweater is ‎【2019 衢州】7. —Excuse me, Could you tell ____?‎ ‎—Yes. Go along this street and you will find it on your left.‎ A. where is the museum B. which is the way to the museum C. how far is the museum D. how can I get to the museum ‎【2019益阳】8. I don ' t know _____.‎ A. where she comes from. B. how old is she. C. When was she born.‎ ‎【2019襄阳】9.---Could you tell me_______? ---At nine o’clock, in ten minutes.‎ A. how will he leave B. when he has left C. why he is leaving D. when he will leave ‎【2019潍坊】10.The woman asked the policeman where _______.‎ A .the post office is B. was the post office C. is the post office D. the post office was ‎【2019青岛】11.----Could you tell me ________? ----At the end of July.‎ A. how often he heard from his pen pal B. how soon he will be here C. that he went on vacation ‎ D. when you will start your vacation ‎【2019梅州】12.Could you tell me ______ a meeting in Guangzhou next week?‎ A. if there was going to be B. if there is going to be C. whether is there going to be D. whether there is going to have ‎【2019丹东】13. —I’m hungry now. Could you please tell me ______?‎ ‎—Sure. Follow me, please.‎ A. where there’s a good place to have fun ‎ B. the way to the post office C. where I can get a dictionary D. where there’s a good place to eat ‎【2019宿迁】14. —Bob, please tell me _____ —In South‎ Hill ‎School.‎ A. where will the match be held B. where the match will be held C. when will the match be held D. when the match will be held ‎【2019重庆】15. — Did the radio say ________? —Yes, from Hunan. ‎ A. how the bad rice came ‎ B. where the bad rice came from C. how did the bad rice come D. where did the bad rice come from ‎ ‎【2019孝感】16. —Excuse me. Can you tell me ____ ? —At about 8 o’clock, sir.‎ A. what time the plane will reach Beijing ‎ B. what time will the plane arrive in Beijing ‎ C. what time the plane will arrive Beijing D. what time will the plane get to Beijing ‎【2019包头】17. -Please tell me _____ the scarf? -She bought it online, I guess.‎ A. if Alice liked B. when Alice bought C. where Alice bought D. how much did Alice pay for ‎【2019阜康】18.—Could you please tell me________? —They’re over there.‎ A. where are the restrooms B. where were the restrooms C. where the restrooms are D. where the restrooms were ‎【2019常州】19.---How soon will you start your journey?‎ ‎----I’m not sure. I haven’t decided ______.‎ A when shall I ask the boss for leave B where I will go to spend the holiday C whether I would go by train or by plane D who could invite me to go ‎【2019恩施】20.---I wonder when _____ be held. ---If it _____, we’ll have it next Monday.‎ A. the sports meeting will; doesn’t rain B. will the sports meeting; doesn’t rain C. the sports meeting will; will not rain ‎【2019贵阳】 21. Alice interviewed some people and asked them about ____ on Father' s Day .‎ A. what they do B. what they did. C. what they will do .‎ ‎【2019南昌】22. Do you know _____I saw yesterday? It was my favorite star, Jackie!‎ A. whom B. when C. where D. how ‎【2019无锡】23.—How long does it take to get to the airport?‎ ‎—Forty minutes. But it’s foggy today. I’m not sure ____ the highway will closes soon. Let’s set off earlier.‎ A. whether B. when C. how D. why ‎【2019河北】24. If you can’t find the place, I will show you _______.‎ A. what it is B. what it was ‎ C. where it is D. where it was ‎【2019鄂州】25. — Could you tell me _______in your hometown in winter? ‎ ‎— Sure.‎ A. whether does it often snow B. whether it often snows C. if it often snow D. if does it snow ‎【2019日照】26. Teenagers with working experiences know more clearly ________ they will be in the future.‎ A. who B. why C. where D. what ‎【2019日照】27. —Someone is knocking at the door, dad!‎ ‎—Go and see ________.‎ A. who is it B. who it is C. who was it D. who it was ‎【2019济南】28.---Could you please tell me _____?‎ ‎----Yes. There is one on Center Street.‎ A. where can I buy some stamps ‎ B. when you will take your vacation C. if there are any good restaurants around here D. when was the telephone invented ‎ ‎【2019龙岩】29.—Could you tell me ______? —This way, please.‎ A. where are the special shoes B. where the special shoes are C. where will be the special shoes ‎【2019盐城】30.People in Yancheng are proud of ____ they have achieved in the past thirty years.‎ A. how B. which C. what D. when ‎【2019黔西南】31. —Could you please tell me _________________ ?‎ ‎—She is under the big tree over there .‎ A. where is Miss Zhou B.where was Miss Zhou C. where Miss Zhou was D. where Miss Zhou is ‎【2019宁波】32. —Could you tell me ______ ? I'm going to pick you up at the airport. —At 15:45 this Friday.‎ A. where you met me B. who you are coming with C. when you came here D. what time you are arriving ‎【2019云南】33. You can use English or Chinese ________ you travel in Singapore.‎ A. whether B. whatever C. where D. if ‎【2019云南】34. ---- Would you please tell me _______?‎ ‎----Yes. There’s a bank over there.‎ A. When can I exchange money B. where can I exchange money C. when I can exchange money D. where I can exchange money ‎【2019牡丹江】35. – Do you know __________ ? – Next year. ‎ A. when he moved to Shanghai B. when he will move to Shanghai C. when will he move to Shanghai ‎【2019东营】36. – I wonder ______ . -- Shandong‎ ‎Province.‎ A. when will Peng Liyuan come B. where Peng Liyuan is from ‎ C. where Peng Liyuan came from D. how Peng Liyuan will come ‎【2019扬州】37.---Could you tell me_________?‎ ‎---More than a year.‎ A. how soon will Yangzhou-Taizhou‎ ‎Airport be built B. how long as Yangzhou-Taizhou‎ ‎Airport been in service C. how soon Yangzhou-Taizhou‎ ‎Airport will be built D. how long Yangzhou-Taizhou‎ ‎Airport has been in service ‎【2019湛江】38.—I want to know ______ .‎ ‎---Sorry. I’ve no idea. But she was here just now.‎ A. where is Ann B. where Ann is ‎ C. where was Ann D. where Ann was ‎【2019宜宾】39. — Would you like to tell me __________________________? — Sure. Practice makes perfect.‎ A. how can I study English well B. why do you learn English well ‎ C. how I can study English well D. why I learn English well ‎【2019泸州】40.Could you tell me ______ the cool T-shirt?‎ A. where you buy B. where do you buy C. where did you buy D. where you bought ‎【2019三亚】41. By reading the article, we know how ______ in our daily life.‎ A. will we protect the earth B. we can reduce pollution C. should we save water D. we must recycle things ‎【2019本溪】42. – Could you tell me__________ ? – Sure. No. 5 bus.‎ A. when the zoo is open B. where the zoo is C. which bus can take me to the zoo D. how far the zoo is ‎【2019济宁】43. — Do you know _______ ?‎ ‎— Yes, I do. He went by skateboarding!‎ A. whether Paul will go or not B. when will Paul go to the party C. how Paul went to the party D. how did Paul go to the party ‎【2019山西】44.---We will have a new foreign teacher this term. Do you know ______when he was in his hometown?‎ ‎----A policeman.‎ A. what he did B. what was he C. what his job is ‎【2019柳州】45. The meeting is beginning. Please tell me ________.‎ A. why Dick hasn’t come ‎ B. why didn’t Dick come ‎ C. why Dick didn’t come ‎【2019l聊城】46.Please tell me _____ to improve my English.‎ A. what I can do. B. What can I do.‎ C. how I can do. D. how can I do..‎ ‎【2019l兰州】47. Lily doesn’t know ________ she and her friends can do to help the little boy.‎ ‎________ parents have left their hometown for making money.‎ A. that; whose B. how; who C. what; who D. what; whose ‎【2019l福州】48. --Could you please tell me tomorrow? -- At 8 o'clock.‎ A. how will she come B. where she will go C. what time she will start ‎【2019l宿迁】49.---Bob , please tell me ______. ---In South‎ Hill ‎School.‎ A. where will the match be held B. where the match will be held C. when will the match be held D. when the match will be held ‎【2019l杭州】50. I don’t understand _______ that everything’s fine when it’s not.‎ A. how can he say B. can he say how C. he can say how D. how he can say ‎【2019l成都】51. --- Peter, could you tell me _______________?‎ ‎--- He is under the tree over there.‎ A. where you father is B. what your father is C. how your father is ‎【2019l达州】52. —Excuse me. Could you please tell me __________?‎ ‎—Sure. There’s a bookstore on Bridge Road.‎ A. where I can get a dictionary B. where can I get a dictionary C. where did I can get a dictionary D. where I got a dictionary ‎【2019l苏州】53.一Philip has gone to New Zealand.‎ 一Oh,can you tell me________?‎ A.when did he leave B.when he is leaving C.when he left D.when is he leaving ‎【2019l苏州】54. ----Have you asked the policeman ________?‎ ‎----Yes, He told us to turn left unto Main Street. It’s on the right.‎ A. if there is a bank near here B. how can we get to the nearest bank C. where can we find a bank D. when we can go to the nearest bank ‎【2019l营口】55. Please tell me _____ last year.‎ A. where does your sister work B. where did your sister work C. where your sister works D. where your sister worked ‎【2019l泰安】56.—Excuse me ,could you tell me where ?‎ ‎--Sure ,sir. You can try www.taobao.com.‎ A. can join in the group-buying B. did I join in the group-buying C.I can join in the group-buying D.I joined in the group-buying ‎【2019l哈尔滨】57. – Mr. Wang, can you tell me ? - will help you.‎ A. why I can get the latest news about education B. where can I search for the information about high schools C. where I can find out the exam scores ‎【2019l淄博】58. —Could you tell me________ for class this morning?‎ ‎—I am sorry, Mrs. Lin. I got up so late that I couldn't catch the first bus.‎ A. why were you late B. why you are late C. why are you late D. why you were late ‎【2019l莆田】59.一Your coat looks very nice.Could you tell me——? -Of course.You can buy it at ww-vq.17ugo.com.‎ A.where you bought it B.why you bought it C.when you bought it ‎【2019l莱芜】60. Father’s Day is coming. I’m thinking about ________.‎ A. what present I gave him B. where we had a big meal C. how I will give him a surprise D. if I planned a party for him ‎【2019丽水】61. —I’m going to buy a car. Any advice, Charlie?‎ ‎—Well, it depends on ______. If money isn’t a problem, you can buy a BMW.‎ A. when you will buy one B. how much you can afford C. what color you like D. where you are driving ‎【2019l宜昌】62. —Could you tell me ________?‎ ‎—To get ready for the High School Entrance Exam.‎ A. what he is busy B. why he stays up C. if he is worried D. where he can pass the exam ‎【2019l十堰】63. The new-designed car is on show now. I wonder ______.‎ A. how much it cost B. how much it costs ‎ C. how much did it cost D. how much does it cost ‎【2019l滨州】64. —Hi, Bruce. Here is a letter for you.‎ ‎—Thanks. I wander _____‎ A. who the letter was from ‎ B. who was from the letter C. who was the letter from ‎ D. who from the letter was ‎【2019l绵阳】65.---Do you know _____ the English speech competition?‎ ‎----Next Friday evening.‎ A. when our school will hold B. when will our school hold C. our school when will hold D. our school will when hold ‎【2019l包头】66.---Please tell me _____ the scarf?‎ ‎---She bought it online, .I guess _______.‎ A. If Alice liked B. when Alice bought C. where Alice bought D. how much did Alice pay for ‎【2019l自贡】67.---Oh, why is your garden so wet in the sun? I wonder ______.‎ ‎---Yes. I watered them half an hour ago.‎ A. if you have watered the flowers B. that you watered the flowers C. did you water the flowers ‎【2019l襄阳】68. ---Could you tell me _______?‎ ‎---At nine o’clock, in ten minutes.‎ A. how will he leave B. when he has left C. why he is leaving D. when he will leave ‎【2019l威海】69.----Could you tell me ______?‎ ‎----Look! He is playing basketball over there.‎ A. Where Scot is B,. what is Scot doing C. how Scot did it D. why Scot is doing it ‎【2019l乌鲁木齐】70.---Could you tell me ______?‎ ‎---By searching the Internet.‎ A. how did Mona get the information B. why Mona got the information C. how Mona got the information D. why did Mona get the information ‎【2019l玉林】71.---It is so noisy here that I can’t hear _____. Could you please say it again. ---No problem.‎ A. what you say B. what do you say C. what you said D. what did you say ‎【2019l南充】72.Could you tell me ________?‎ A. where do you live B. where you live C. you live where ‎【2019l齐齐哈尔】73. Tom asked whether ____after he finished his project.‎ A. can he go to the cinema ‎ B. he can go to the cinema C. he could go to the cinema ‎【2019镇江】74. Daddy and Mummy, you are back from the supermarket. Can you tell me _____?‎ A. how you go there B. how many pieces of bread you buy C. how much milk did you buy D. if you bought my favourite ice cream ‎【2019l黄冈】75.----Dad, please tell me when Mum _______. I miss her very much.‎ ‎----She will return when she ____her task. And she will bring a nice present for you.‎ A. returns; finishes B returns; will finish C. will return; finishes D. will return; will finish ‎【2019l黔东南】76.Our physics teacher told us light _______ faster than sound.‎ A. travels B. traveled C. traveling D. to travel ‎【2019l连云港】77.----Do you know ______this afternoon?‎ ‎---I’m not sure, but I’ll tell you as soon as she ______.‎ A. how will Betty arrive; starts ‎ B. how Betty will arrive; will start C. what time will Betty arrive; will start ‎ D. what time Betty will arrive; starts 答案:‎ ‎1-5 CAACC 6-10 BBADD ‎11-15 DBDBB 16-20 ACCBA ‎21-25 BAACB 26-30 DBCBC ‎31-35DDDDB 36-40BDBCD ‎ ‎41-45 BCCA A 46-50 CDCBD ‎51-55 AACAD 56-60 CCDAC ‎61-65 BBBAA 66-70 CADAC ‎71-75 CBCDC 76-77 AD

