人教PEP版八年级英语上册-Unit 10 综合水平测试

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人教PEP版八年级英语上册-Unit 10 综合水平测试

Unit 10 综合水平测试 听力部分 (20 分) 一、听句子,选择正确的应答语。(每小题 1 分,共计 5 分) 听力材料:1.Can you give me some advice? 2.What will happen if you have the party today? 3.What's your problem? 4.When is a good time to have the meeting? 5.What do you think I should do? (B)1.A.It doesn't matter. B.Sure. C.That's right. (A)2.A.Many students won't come to it. B.I'm glad to hear that. C.I don't mind it. (B)3.A.I'm going to be a doctor. B.I always forget things. C.I practice English every day. (A)4.A.Let's have it tomorrow. B.Sounds boring. C.Once a week. (B)5.A.By subway. B.Call Maria. C.Twenty minutes. 二、听小对话,选择正确的答案。(每小题 1 分,共计 5 分) 听力材料:6.W:Can you come to my party on Saturday afternoon? M:Sure.I'm free on Saturday. 7.W:Tom,will you hang out with us today? M:Sorry.If I hang out with you,I won't finish my homework. 8.W:I'm going to wear a skirt to school. M:If you do,the teacher won't let you in. 9.W:Dave,are you going to college or work? M:I'm not sure,Susan. 10.W:If I ride my bike,I will be late for the party. M:Then you can take the bus,Sally. (B)6.When will the girl have a party? A.On Saturday morning. B.On Saturday afternoon. C.On Saturday evening. (A)7.What does Tom have to do today? A.Do his homework. B.Wash the dishes. C.Hang out with friends. (C)8.What shouldn't the girl wear to school? A.Her Tshirt. B.Her jeans. C.Her skirt. (A)9.What are Dave and Susan talking about? A.Dave's plan. B.Dave's job. C.Dave's college. (C)10.How should Sally go to the party? A.On foot. B.By bike. C.By bus. 三、听较长对话,选择正确的答案。(每小题 1 分,共计 5 分) 听下面一段较长对话,回答第 11~12 两个小题。 听力材料:M:The weather report says it will rain tomorrow. W:That's too bad.If so,we'll not be able to go camping. M:It doesn't matter.We can watch videos at home.It's relaxing,too. W:You're right. (A)11.How is the weather tomorrow? A.It's rainy. B.It's windy. C.It's cloudy. (C)12.What will they do if it's bad weather tomorrow? A.They will do some housework. B.They will go to the movies. C.They will watch videos at home. 听下面一段较长对话,回答第 13~15 三个小题。 听力材料:W:Hello,John.There's a basketball game on TV this evening. M:Really?What time will it start? W:At 8:00.I think you'll like it. M:Yes,I love basketball.I want to be a great basketball player when I grow up. W:If your dream comes true,all of us will be very happy. M:Thanks.Will you watch the game this evening,Lisa? W:No.I have to study for the math test.I'm not good at math,you know. M:Well,my uncle is a math teacher.If he helps you,I believe you'll get better grades. (B)13.When will the basketball game start? A.At 7:00 p.m. B.At 8:00 p.m. C.At 9:00 p.m. (A)14.Who wants to be a basketball player? A.John. B.Lisa. C.John's uncle. (C)15.What will Lisa have to do this evening? A.To clean her room. B.To do the dishes. C.To study for her math test. 四、听短文,选择正确的答案。(每小题 1 分,共计 5 分) 听力材料: Hi,everybody.I am Diana.I come from America.I studied at a high school in Boston.I'll go to college next month.After college,I think I will be a reporter.It's my dream job.If I become a reporter,I'll work for a famous TV station.I will travel around and write some articles about traveling.I like traveling and that's my hobby.When I was at my high school,I worked for my school newspaper.I think I learned a lot from that.I am sure my dream will come true. (B)16.Which city did Diana study at a high school in? A.London. B.Boston. C.Sydney. (B)17.When will Diana go to college? A.Next week. B.Next month. C.Next year. (A)18.What does Diana think she will be? A.A reporter. B.A host. C.A writer. (B)19.What will Diana do? A.She will travel around and make friends with others. B.She will travel around and write some articles about traveling. C.She will travel around and write some articles about funny things. (C)20.What did Diana work for when she was at her high school? A.Her school TV station. B.Her school's traveling club. C.Her school newspaper. 笔试部分 (100 分) 五、单项选择。(每小题 1 分,共计 10 分) (C)21.—Jim often gets angry and I think he can't do ________ work well. —I agree with you.________ angry man may not solve problems well. A.a;An B.a;The C.the;An D.the;A (D)22.Although the boy is only 5 years old,he can look after ________ well. A.him B.his C.he D.himself (A)23.You shouldn't be angry ________ him.He only wanted to know the fact. A.with B.for C.to D.on (A)24.—Nancy always makes fewer ________ than the others in tests. —How great she is! A.mistakes B.holes C.words D.points (D)25.—What made James so ________? —He couldn't find his ticket anywhere. A.dangerous B.successful C.careful D.upset (B)26.—Can I go to the reading room? —You can't ________ you have a school ID card. A.after B.unless C.when D.if (C)27.—Emma called to say she wouldn't come to your party. —What?Did she say ________? A.else anything B.else everything C.anything else D.everything else (C)28.—I think ________ with your parents can help you a lot. —But I'm not sure how ________ to them. A.talk;to talk B.talking;talk C.talking;to talk D.talk;talking (C)29.—Remember ________ the lights when you ________ the classroom,Maria. —OK,I will. A.turning off;will leave B.turning off;leave C.to turn off;leave D.to turn off;will leave (B)30.—Helen,do you know if Martin ________ to my party next week? —I think he will come if he ________ free.(易错题) A.will come;will be B.will come;is C.comes;is D.comes;will be 六、完形填空。(每小题 1 分,共计 10 分) “ The next class is geography.I'm __31__ with it.Let's cut the class and go for a walk!” Grace said to Karen. In fact , Karen liked geography.She had no idea what she __32__ do.“If I __33__ Grace's invitation,she will be angry with me,” she thought.“But if I go with her,I __34__ catch the class.” It was difficult for her to say no to Grace.Then Karen remembered Mom's words,“Remember who you are.And __35__ do the right thing.” “I'm sorry,Grace,” Karen said.She finally made the right __36__.And she __37__ Grace to take the class,too.“We have lots of time for a __38__ after school,don't we?We'd better take the class,__39__ we will probably fail (不及格) the final exam.I don't want the teacher to call our parents.” Finally,the two girls sat in the geography classroom and listened to the teacher __40__. Did you ever have the experience like Karen?What did you do? (B)31.A.glad B.bored C.sad D.surprised (C)32.A.must B.need C.should D.could (A)33.A.refuse B.accept C.choose D.disagree (B)34.A.will B.won't C.can D.may (A)35.A.always B.hardly C.never D.almost (D)36.A.invitation B.discussion C.plan D.decision (D)37.A.expected B.sent C.promised D.advised (C)38.A.meeting B.game C.walk D.movie (D)39.A.though B.if C.unless D.or (B)40.A.beautifully B.carefully C.comfortably D.probably 七、阅读理解。(每小题 2 分,共计 30 分) A Dear Robert, I am a big fan of your radio program.Your program is interesting and you give great advice to many people.Now I really need your help. Last night,I argued (吵架) with my mother.A boy student called me to talk about our homework and my mother was angry with me for that.She stopped me from making friends with the boy.But I think it is normal to make friends with boys.Am I wrong?What should I do? Kelly Dear Kelly, Thanks for trusting me.I'd like to share my thought with you.You should always remember that your mother loves you.Your mother might misunderstand you and the boy because she doesn't know your school life much.If you can talk more about your friends and experiences at school with her,she will understand you better. Robert (D)41.From the passage,we know Robert is a ________. A.teacher B.student C.TV reporter D.radio host (C)42.Kelly's mother was angry with her because ________. A.she didn't finish her homework B.she listened to the radio too much C.a boy made a phone call to her D.she talked back to her mother (D)43.Kelly thinks making friends with boys is ________. A.sad B.happy C.surprising D.normal (A)44.The underlined word “misunderstand” means “________” in Chinese. A.误解 B.理解 C.提醒 D.告诫 (B)45.According to Robert,if Kelly talks with her mom more often,________. A.they will argue a lot more B.they will have a better relationship C.she will make more friends at school D.she will get better grades at school B Dear Mom, I don't think you understand me.You think I should be studying all the time.I know you want me to find a good job when I grow up,but I would like to have a wonderful time, too.You never let me do something fun like listening to music or playing sports. Two days ago,when I was watching a football game on TV,you asked me to stop to do my homework.After finishing my homework , I still wasn't allowed to read my football magazine.You said I had to go to bed early.That was bad enough,but yesterday was the worst day.I bought some CDs of computer games , and put them in my bag so that you wouldn't see them.I told you I had to do my homework first.I knew it was wrong to lie (撒谎) to you,but you told me that Dad would talk to me later.Mom,I don't like what you did to me!I really love you,Mom,but I wish you could try not to be so strict with me. Love, Zhang Shuai (C)46.Zhang Shuai's mother lets him study all the time because ________. A.she doesn't understand him B.she doesn't want him to have a wonderful time C.she wants him to find a good job when he grows up D.she wants him to be the top of his class (B)47.The underlined word “allowed” means ________ in Chinese. A.同意 B.允许 C.听从 D.命令 (D)48.Zhang Shuai knew it was ________ to lie to his mother. A.right B.excited C.happy D.wrong (A)49.Why did he put the CDs in his bag? A.Because he didn't want his mother to see them. B.Because he wanted to do homework first. C.Because he wanted to lie to his mother. D.Because he would talk to his father. (D)50.The passage mainly tells us ________. A.children should try not to have a wonderful time B.children should study all the time C.parents should talk to their children often D.parents shouldn't be so strict with their children C Dear Mr. Hunt, I'm a fifteenyearold girl.And I am a middle school student.51.__B__ I hope you can give me some advice. Three months ago,I knew a boy when I was chatting on the Internet.I found that he had the same hobbies as me,so we chatted for a long time.52.__D__ A few days ago,we began to talk on the phone.We didn't meet until yesterday morning. 53.__A__ We really had a good time yesterday. However , some of my friends say that I shouldn't make friends on the Internet.54.__E__ I don't know what to do.Should I talk about this problem with my parents?55.__C__ So I'm writing to you for some advice.Please help me. Yours sincerely Ferry 根据材料内容,从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项,使文章意思通 顺、内容完整。 A.Wewenttotheparktogetherandtalkedalot. B.Ihaveaproblemnow. C.I'mafraidthattheywillbeangrywithme. D.Webothfelthappywhenwetalkedtoeachother. E.Theyalsosaythattheboymaynotbeagoodboy. 八、词汇运用。(每小题 1 分,共计 10 分) A)根据句意及汉语提示写单词。 56.Laura is lucky to have such understanding (善解人意的) parents. 57.My brother has rich swimming experience (经验). 58.It's normal (正常的) to meet problems in life. 59.You must be very careful (小心的) when you go across the street. 60.I can't trust (信任) my memory.I'd better write everything down. B)根据句意,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 61.Mrs. Brown advises us to_eat (eat) healthy food. 62.They travel(l)ed (travel) 200 miles on the first day. 63.I'm sorry,Mom.It was careless (care) of me to break the cup. 64.We are good friends.You can certainly (certain) use my dictionary. 65.Now we are only halfway to finishing (finish) our homework. 九、句子运用。(每小题 2 分,共计 10 分) 根据汉语意思完成下列句子。每空一词。 66.你能帮我把西瓜切成两半吗? Can you help me cut the watermelon inhalf? 67.让我给你一条建议。 Let me give you apieceofadvice. 68.我们不该逃避问题,而是应该面对它们。 We should not runawayfrom our problems,but face them. 69.如果你不懂,不要害怕问。 Don'tbeafraidto ask if you don't understand. 70.你答应保守秘密,我才告诉你。 I'll tell you if you promise to keep it to yourself. 十、情景交际。(每小题 2 分,共计 10 分)(原创题) 从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话。(有两项多余) A:Why do you look worried? B:71.__F__ A:Can you tell me more about it? B:Yes.72.__A__ But I'm not sure if I should invite Bill and Mike. A:Why?73.__D__ B:Yes,they are. 74.__G__ They don't talk with each other now. A:I think you can invite them and help them make it up (言归于好) at the party. B:75.__B__ Thank you for your advice. A:You're welcome. A.I'mgoingtohaveapartythisweekend. B.Itsoundslikeagoodidea. C.Ihavesomeproblemswithmyschoolwork. D.Bothofthemareyourgoodfriends,aren'tthey? E.Don'ttheylikegoingtoparties? F.Ihaveaproblem,butIdon'tknowhowtosolveit. G.Buttheyhadafightlastweek. 十一、短文填空。(每小题 1 分,共计 10 分) 从方框中选择合适的单词并用其正确形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。(有两词多余) either,trust,with,too,solve,understand,for,travel,angry, activity,teenager,agree My parents always decide things for me.This winter holiday , they took me to a camp.The camp was boring and I didn't want to 76.travel outside.I didn't want to accept this plan.But I couldn't refuse it,77.either,because I knew they loved me,and I didn't want them to be 78.angry with me. Sometimes I want to go skating with my friends.But my mom doesn't 79.trust my friends.She also says that skating is a dangerous 80.activity.When my friend invites me to a party,she will ask me about my friend.She only wants me to make friends 81.with those who are hardworking. As a 82.teenager,I think I need more space to do what I want to.I want to make my own decisions.If I have any problems and I can't 83.solve them,I will ask my parents for help.I can grow up more quickly only in this way.I should have a talk with my parents,but I'm not sure whether they will 84.agree with me.I just wish them to be more 85.understanding and know that I love them,too. 十二、书面表达。(共计 10 分) 格林先生由于工作压力大,睡眠出现了问题。下面是他给心理专家 Dr. Smith 写的一封 信,请根据以下提示给他写封回信,提出一些合理的建议,使他重新恢复健康。词数 70 左 右。 提示:1.尽量不想白天的工作; 2.睡前适当做些运动; 3.听一些音乐。 Dear Dr. Smith, I was healthy before,but these days I can't sleep very well.I always can't stop thinking about the work in the daytime.I don't know what I should do.Could you help me,please? Thanks a lot! Yours, Mr. Green Dear_Mr._Green, I'm_sorry_to_hear_that_you_can't_sleep_well.There_are_a_lot_of_things_to_do.They_ can_help_you_solve_the_problem_if_you_do_them.First , you_should_try_not_to_think_about_the_work_in_the_day_after_you_go_to_bed.Next , I_think_you_can_do_some_sports_before_you_go_to_bed.Then , it_is_good_for_you_to_listen_to_some_music_when_you_go_to_bed.If_you_do_these , I_think_you'll_feel_better. Yours, Dr._Smith

