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背计系列1 阅读中的常见词汇 妙招1 依据前后缀归类记单词 ‎ [前缀——置于词根之前并改变原词义的构词成分] ‎ ‎1.否定前缀 ‎[un]‎ uneasy心神不安的 unfortunately不幸地 unhealthy不健康的 unnecessary不必要的 unwise不明智的   ‎ ‎①I felt uneasy at the presence of so many strangers.‎ 面对这么多陌生人,我感觉很不自在。‎ ‎②Unfortunately, the disastrous effects of the drought were felt all over the country.‎ 不幸的是,干旱的灾难性影响遍及全国各地。‎ ‎③Although sparrows showed no sign of declining, the chain was generally in an unhealthy state.‎ 虽然麻雀数量没有减少的迹象,但食物链还是总体处于不健康的状态。‎ ‎[non]‎ nonprofit非营利性的 nonliving无生命的 nonserious不要紧的 nonverbal非言辞的  ‎ ‎①An ecosystem consists of the living and nonliving things in an area that interact with one another.‎ 生态系统包括同一地区内相互影响的生物和非生物。‎ ‎②In fact, one of the best definitions of a sense of humour is “the ability to see the nonserious element in a situation”.‎ 事实上,关于幽默感的最好的定义之一就是“能看到情况还没那么糟糕的能力”。‎ ‎ [im (in, ir)]‎ impatience不耐烦 impossible不可能的 improperly不适当地 impractical不现实的 independence独立 irregularly不规则地  ‎ ‎①A serious study of physics is impossible without some knowledge of mathematics.‎ 不了解数学就不可能深入研究物理。‎ ‎②Free repair is available for a product used improperly in the first year.‎ 产品因使用不当而造成的损坏,第一年可享受免费维修。‎ ‎[dis]‎ distrust不信任 disability残疾 discourage使气馁 disappointed失望的 disagree不同意 disuse废弃  ‎ ‎①The researchers said that unhealthy lifestyle was related to a greater risk of disability.‎ 研究人员说不健康的生活方式与致残风险增加有关。‎ ‎②Do not let any failures discourage you.‎ 别让任何失败使你一蹶不振。‎ ‎③They made some experiments in a house disused for years.‎ 他们在一间废弃多年的屋子里做了一些实验。‎ ‎2.错误前缀 ‎[mis]‎ misunderstand误解 mistake错误 miscalculate误算;对……判断错误 misconception误解,错觉  ‎ ‎①If I am not miscalculating, there are 3 times.‎ 如果我没算错的话,总共有3次。‎ ‎②There are some common misconceptions about the American family values.‎ 关于美国的家庭价值观,存在一些常见的错误观念。‎ ‎③Misunderstanding often leads to big mistakes.‎ 误解常会导致大错误。‎ ‎3.方位前缀 ‎[super(也可表示程度)]‎ superhero超级英雄 superiority优越;优等 superman超人 supermarket超市 superstar巨星;超级明星 superstore大型超市  ‎ ‎①They should focus on the superiority of products.‎ 他们应该关注产品的优势。‎ ‎②Supermarkets make our life more convenient.‎ 超市让我们的生活更便利。‎ ‎③Superstars cannot move about without worrying about photographers with modern cameras.‎ 超级巨星们不能随意行动,因为他们不能不担心那些装备了高级相机的摄影师们。‎ ‎[sub]‎ suburb郊区   subway地铁   substitute代替  ‎ ‎①Four new subway lines have been built in our city.‎ 我们这个城市已经修建了四条新的地铁线路。‎ ‎②The baby monkeys picked the soft mothersubstitutes as their favourites.‎ 猴宝宝们挑了手感柔软的母亲替代物作为它们的最爱。‎ ‎[over]‎ overestimate高估 overreact反应过度 overuse过度使用 overcrowded过度拥挤的  ‎ ‎①He could not help overreacting to different opinions against his.‎ 对那些反对他想法的不同观点,他忍不住反应过度了。‎ ‎②Healthy way of life also means avoiding overuse of medicine.健康的生活方式也意味着避免用药过量。‎ ‎③It is expected to carry 20,000 trucks and cars a day, which greatly reduces the overcrowded traffic in the centre of the city.人们期望它一天能够承载20 000辆卡车和汽车,这样就可以大大缓解市中心的交通过度拥挤问题。‎ ‎[trans]‎ transfer转移;转乘 transport运输 translate翻译 transform转换;改变 transplant移植  ‎ ‎①Oneway ticket allows you to reach your destination, including transfers within 2 hours.‎ 凭单程票可达目的地,两小时之内换乘有效。‎ ‎②Transport routes, timetables and fare information are available from the tourist centre.可从游客中心那里获取交通路线、时刻表以及车票费用的信息。‎ ‎ [后缀——置于词根尾部,主要用于改变单词的词性,偶尔用于改变词义] ‎ ‎1.名词后缀 动作执行者 ‎[er (or, ar)]‎ farmer农场主;农民 owner物主 administrator管理者  author作者  mayor市长  ‎ ‎①The administrator said we were entitled to a paid leave for ten days annually during the first five years.领导告诉我们在工作的前5年每年可享受10天的带薪假期。‎ ‎②The author said something unfair about doctors in his book.作者在他的书中针对医生说了些有失公允的话。‎ ‎[ant]‎ applicant申请人      assistant助理  ‎ ‎①In order to get a good job, many applicants poured into the job market.‎ 为了得到好的工作岗位,许多求职者涌入了招聘市场。‎ ‎②I intend to take a parttime job working as an assistant teacher.我打算兼职当助教。‎ ‎[ist]‎ dentist牙医 scientist科学家 specialist专家 tourist旅行者  ‎ ‎①It's ten years since the scientist set out on his life's work of discovering the valuable chemical element.‎ 从这名科学家开始致力于发现这个重要的化学元素到现在,已经过去10年了。‎ ‎②Their needs and problems are more important than those of the tourist companies.‎ 与那些旅游公司相比,他们的需求和问题更为重要。‎ 跟动作状态有关的名词性后缀 ‎[ion]‎ action行动 attraction吸引,吸引力 reaction反应 satisfaction满意  ‎ ‎①Actions speak louder than words.‎ 事实胜于雄辩。(行动胜于言辞。)‎ ‎②Due to the strong attraction of electronic products, we are less dependent on ourselves.‎ 由于电子产品的强大吸引力,我们更不独立自主了。‎ ‎③The study tested 20 healthy volunteers on their reactions to fear.‎ 该项研究测试了20名健康的志愿者对于恐惧的反应。‎ ‎[ment]‎ amazement惊奇 appointment约会;任命 development发展 improvement改进,改善 judgment判断 treatment治疗,对待 government政府 unemployment失业  ‎ ‎①She noted with amazement how closely her own life mirrored her mother's.‎ 她惊讶地注意到她的生活简直就是她母亲生活的翻版。‎ ‎②He was satisfied with the improvement of our services.‎ 他对我们服务质量的改进感到满意。‎ ‎③A judgment must be made free from prejudice.‎ 做出的判断应不受偏见的影响。‎ ‎④Each citizen will have the right to enjoy the free medical treatment from the government.‎ 每个公民都将有权享受政府提供的免费医疗待遇。‎ ‎[ing]‎ hearing听力 living生活方式,生计 saying说话;谚语 training训练 writing书法 ‎ ‎①“You can't judge a book by its cover,” as the old saying goes.‎ 正如老话所说:“不能凭封面来判断一本书的好坏。”‎ ‎②Good public speaking training can help you express yourself more effectively.‎ 良好的公开演讲训练有助于更有效地提高你的表达能力。‎ ‎[ence]‎ confidence信心,信任 convenience方便 difference不同,差异  evidence证据  silence沉默,无言 ‎①In terms of convenience, the museum has more advantages over the gallery.‎ 就便捷性而言,与美术馆相比,博物馆有更多优势。‎ ‎②There is usually a difference between one's dream and reality.‎ 一个人的梦想与现实之间通常会有差距。‎ ‎③I parked my car by the lakeside and enjoyed reading my book in sweet silence.‎ 我把车停在湖边,在美好的静默中享受阅读。‎ ‎[ure]‎ creature生物,动物    failure失败   pressure压力 pleasure愉快,乐趣 structure结构,体系  ‎ ‎①By keeping a pet, children will get an opportunity to take on full responsibility for another creature's life.‎ 通过饲养宠物,孩子们将有机会承担照顾其他生命的责任。‎ ‎②He took great pleasure in biking.‎ 他从骑车中获得了很多乐趣。‎ ‎③It's useful to know something about human body structure.对人体构造有所了解还是有用的。‎ ‎[ness]‎ awareness意识,察觉 business生意,业务 carelessness粗心大意 uneasiness不安  ‎ ‎①With selfawareness and selfcontrol, it is possible to change our bad habits.‎ 凭借自我意识和自控能力,改变自身的不良习惯是可能的。‎ ‎②I often make mistakes with carelessness.‎ 我经常会因粗心大意而犯错。‎ ‎③I tried to put aside my uneasiness and go back to work.‎ 我尽量克服自己不安的感觉,重新开始工作。‎ ‎[ity]‎ activity活动 curiosity好奇心 reality现实 equality平等 quality质量,品质 popularity普及,流行,受欢迎  ‎ ‎①Human activity is not responsible for all water shortages.人类活动不应为所有水资源的短缺承担责任。‎ ‎②In reality, equality is not given but gained.‎ 在现实中,平等不是被动给予的,而是主动争取来的。‎ ‎③Jane's popularity is rooted in her intelligent writing.‎ 简之所以受欢迎,根源在于她作品中的智慧。‎ ‎[ery]‎ delivery传送,分娩 discovery发现 robbery抢劫 scenery风景,景色  ‎ ‎①The discovery of the gold coins in his suitcase is the reason for their attempted robbery.‎ 在他行李箱里发现的金币是他们企图抢劫的原因。‎ ‎②We went to enjoy the fresh air and the beautiful scenery at the seaside.我们来到海边享受新鲜空气和美丽景色。‎ 其他常用的名词后缀 ‎[ship]‎ hardship艰难  friendship友谊  relationship关系,联系 ‎①Not until he went through real hardships did he realize the importance of friendship.‎ 直到他经历了千辛万苦之后,才明白了友谊的重要性。‎ ‎②No one is willing to keep a good relationship with illtempered people.没人愿意和脾气差的人保持良好关系。‎ ‎ [ology]‎ apology道歉;歉意 biology生物学 psychology心理学 technology科技,工艺学  ‎ ‎①She could not make her decision to choose biology as her major.‎ 选择生物学作为专业,她下不了这个决心。‎ ‎②There are some problems psychology doesn't have the answer to.有些问题心理学也没法回答。‎ ‎[ism]‎ criticism批评 pessimism悲观,悲观主义 mechanism机件,机制 optimism乐观,乐观主义 racism种族主义 tourism旅游业,观光业  ‎ ‎①Recent criticism of the movie arose partly from its pessimism.‎ 最近对于这部电影的批评部分源自于电影里的悲观主义。‎ ‎②The researchers have found an important mechanism by which the brain works.‎ 研究人员已经发现了一种大脑运作的重要机制。‎ ‎③The sudden growth of tourism has brought many benefits to the local economy.‎ 旅游业的突飞猛进已经给地方经济带来了许多好处。‎ ‎2.动词后缀 ‎[ify]‎ identify鉴定;识别 simplify简化 justify替……辩护;证明……正当  ‎ ‎①He helped me identify my strengths and weaknesses.‎ 他帮助我认识到了自己的长处和短处。‎ ‎②While intelligent people can often simplify the complex, a fool is more likely to complicate the simple.‎ 聪明的人可能常把复杂的问题简单化,而愚蠢的人则更可能把简单的问题复杂化。‎ ‎[ize]‎ apologize道歉 criticize批评 organize组织,安排 realize意识到,实现 recognize认出,承认  ‎ ‎①Many times the person who hurts you does not intend to apologize.‎ 很多时候,伤害你的人并不打算向你道歉。‎ ‎②He decided to organize a special concert.‎ 他决定组织一场特殊的音乐会。‎ ‎③One day, you will realize that not everything can be bought with money.‎ 有朝一日,你会意识到并不是一切都可以用金钱来购买的。‎ ‎3.形容词后缀 用以表示性质与特征的形容词后缀 ‎[ful]‎ doubtful可疑的,不确定的 fearful可怕的 grateful感激的,令人愉快的 harmful有害的 meaningful有意义的,意味深长的  ‎ ‎①They want to find out how the brain responds to a fearful event.‎ 他们想搞清楚大脑对可怕的事件会如何作出反应。‎ ‎②He was grateful for his good health and good mood.‎ 他很感激自己身体健康、心情舒畅。‎ ‎③I think watching TV every evening is a waste of time — there are more meaningful things to do.‎ 我认为每天晚上看电视就是浪费时间——有许多更有意义的事情可做。‎ ‎[ive]‎ 以ive结尾的形容词,表示具有某种倾向或特性。‎ active活跃的;积极的 aggressive好斗的,有进取心的 attractive有吸引力的 communicative健谈的 creative有创造性的 effective有效的,生效的 expensive昂贵的 positive积极的,肯定的  ‎ ‎①Listening is an active exercise of our attention and hard work.‎ 听力是一种锻炼我们的注意力和努力程度的积极练习。‎ ‎②What makes the book so extraordinary is the creative imagination of the writer.‎ 这本书出色之处在于作者富有创意的想象力。‎ ‎③It would be more effective to give direct help to the homeless.给无家可归者提供直接帮助会更有效。‎ ‎[ous]‎ 出现在说明人或事物具有某种特质的形容词里。‎ anxious渴望的;忧虑的 curious好奇的 dangerous危险的 famous著名的 generous慷慨的 nervous神经的,焦虑的 previous以前的,先前的 serious严重的,严肃的  ‎ ‎①Children are curious about the world by nature.‎ 孩子们天生对世界感到好奇。‎ ‎②He was glad that he was finally admitted into that famous university.‎ 他感到高兴的是自己终于被那所著名大学录取了。‎ ‎③A generous person is willing to offer help to those in need, without asking for any reward.‎ 慷慨大方的人不要任何回报,心甘情愿给那些需要帮助的人提供援助。‎ ‎[able]‎ 与名词结合构成的形容词,用来描述人或物,具有很多原名词表示的性质与特征。‎ uncomfortable不舒服的 fashionable流行的,时髦的 honorable光荣的,可敬的 unreasonable不合理的 valuable贵重的,宝贵的  ‎ ‎①She is dressed in a fashionable business suit that fits her very much.‎ 她穿着一套时尚又非常合身的职业套装。‎ ‎②Mark Twain's works had been banned on unreasonable grounds.马克·吐温的作品因荒谬的理由被查禁了。‎ ‎③The valuable possessions I have is the gold ring and the pearl necklace my mother left me.我拥有的值钱之物就是我妈妈留给我的金戒指和珍珠项链。‎ ‎[able]‎ 与动词结合构成的形容词,用来表示事物具有原动词动作和行为特征的属性。‎ admirable令人钦佩的 avoidable可避免的 imaginable可想象的 suitable适宜的,合适的 acceptable可接受的,受欢迎的 available可利用的;有空的 ‎ renewable可更新的,可再生的  ‎ ‎①In fact, many traffic accidents caused by careless driving are avoidable.‎ 实际上,由于粗心驾驶导致的很多交通事故是可以避免的。‎ ‎②Tickets are available free of charge from the school.‎ 学校有免费票。‎ ‎③Scientists are searching renewable energy to replace coal and oil.科学家正在寻找可再生能源来代替煤和石油。‎ 表示“没有”或“缺乏”的概念的形容词后缀 ‎[less]‎ 与名词结合构成形容词,用来描述缺乏或不具备原词表示的内容。该后缀不但可以改变词性,还可以改变词义。‎ endless没完没了的 jobless失业的 homeless无家可归的 mindless不留神的,愚蠢的 selfless无私的 tireless不知疲倦的 wireless无线的  ‎ ‎①Overcrowded beaches and the concrete jungles of endless hotels have begun to lose their appeal to the tourists.‎ 过度拥挤的海滩、密集的旅馆,已经开始丧失了对游客的吸引力。‎ ‎②My mindless words must have hurt him deeply.‎ 我那些没经过大脑思考的话一定已经深深地伤害了他。‎ ‎③They once gave us so much selfless love.‎ 他们曾经给予了我们许多无私的关爱。‎ 表示“与……有关的”形容词后缀 ‎[al (ial, ical)]‎ artificial人工的,虚假的 facial面部的 financial金融的,财政的 historical与历史有关的 industrial工业的 magical魔术的,神奇的 medical医疗的,医学的 mental精神的,心理的 national国家的 original原始的,原版的 personal个人的,私人的 potential潜在的 physical物质的,身体的 special特殊的 social社会的  ‎ ‎①It is believed that one day artificial intelligence can beat us in playing chess.‎ 大家相信有一天人工智能会在下国际象棋方面战胜人类。‎ ‎②For kids, gifts always have a magical power to make them happy.‎ 对于孩子而言,礼物总有能让他们快乐的魔力。‎ ‎③Mental health can never be replaced by wealth.‎ 心理健康永远也无法用财富来代替。‎ ‎④Many countries are now setting up national parks where animals and plants can be well protected.许多国家正在建立国家公园,在那里动植物可以受到很好的保护。‎ ‎[ic]‎ allergic过敏的 basic基本的 dramatic戏剧性的,引人注目的 optimistic乐观的 pessimistic悲观的 specific明确的,特殊的  ‎ ‎①I parked my car and allowed myself to experience the dramatic beauty of the valley.‎ 我停下车,让自己好好感受一下这风光秀丽的山谷美景。‎ ‎②After so many frustrations, he changed from an optimistic person to a pessimistic one.经历了诸多挫折后,他从一个乐观的人变成了一个悲观的人。‎ ‎③That led to the concept of specialization, which means that people would specialize, or focus, on doing one specific job.那就导致了专业化这个概念的产生,这意味着人们会专门研究或者关注某个特定的工作。‎ ‎4.副词后缀 ‎[ly]‎ actually实际上 awfully非常地,极端地 constantly不断地,经常地 currently现在,通常 directly直接地,立即 evidently明显地,显著地 particularly特别地 rarely很少,难得 extremely非常,极其 regularly有规律地,定期地 tightly紧紧地,坚固地  ‎ ‎①I constantly say “don't worry about me, I'm fine”, but she never believes me.我一直说“别为我担心,我一切都好”,但是她从未相信过我。‎ ‎②Evidently, my excitement really came through in my words.显然,我的兴奋之情真的溢于言表。‎ ‎③The text evidently ignored the fact that humans, particularly teenagers, rarely seemed reasonable.这篇文章明显忽略了这个事实:人类,尤其是青少年,好像很少有理智的。‎ ‎④The baby monkey can move around and hold tightly to its mother.小猴子会在四周活动,也会紧紧搂住它的母亲。‎ ‎[ward (s)]‎ 与表示方向的名词或副词结合构成新词,表示人或物移动或面对的方向。‎ afterward后来 backward向后,落后 forward向前;将来  ‎ ‎①Afterward, she invited me to the oneandonly steak house in the area to celebrate her victory.‎ 后来,她邀请我去当地的唯一一家牛排屋庆祝她的胜利。‎ ‎②Looking backward, we can discover what is unique in us.‎ 回首往事,我们才会发现自己的独特之处。‎ ‎③She pushed herself forward through the water.‎ 她在水里奋力往前游。‎ 通过以上内容,我们能认识到掌握一定数量的前缀、后缀的主要意义和用法,就能认识和掌握更多的词汇,即使这些词汇之前从未接触过。观察原词的用法,通过将前缀或后缀的意义与原词的意义叠加,就能推测出新词的含义。如此举一反三,词汇量可以得到成倍的增长。‎

