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2019 年高考英语模拟试题(一)含答案及解析 第( 1)页 绝密 ★ 启用前 2019 年高考英语模拟试题(一) 时间: 120 分钟 分值: 150 分 注意事项: 1、本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分。答题前,考生务必将自己的 姓名、考生号填写在答题卡上。 2、回答第Ⅰ卷时,选出每小题的答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如 需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。写在试卷上无效。 3、回答第Ⅱ卷时,将答案填写在答题卡上,写在试卷上无效。 4、考试结束,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分) (略 ) 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分) 第一节(共 15 小题:每小题 2 分,满分 30 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项( A、B、C 和 D)中选出最佳选项,并 在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A Welcome to AMDA Your future in the performing arts doesn ’ t have to be a dream. For over 50 years, AMDA has launched some of the most successful careers in theatre, film and television. AMDA creates industry professionals who don ’ t just wait for life to happen — they stage their own career path. Now it ’ s your turn. Program description At AMDA, we believe a performer must perform. From the first day, you’ ll find many performance opportunities in the three core areas of acting, musical theatre and dance, both in and out of the classroom, plus individual voice lessons. Over the course of your four semesters ( 学期 ), you’ ll also improve your performance technique through an intensive curriculum that focuses on both foundational and advanced concepts in acting, musical theatre and dance. Finally, through courses in career preparation, you ’ ll learn how to apply all of this training to a successful career on stage and screen. Philosophy and mission AMDA is committed to providing a splendid performing arts education to a diverse community 此 卷 只 装 订 不 密 封 班 级 姓 名 准 考 证 号 考 场 号 座 位 号 2019 年高考英语模拟试题(一)含答案及解析 第( 2)页 of creative artists. AMDA serves as both school and stage, where students are given the support and opportunity to identify their own personal objectives and to develop and improve their own distinctive artistic voices. AMDA tries to create an environment for students to develop the skills, confidence, imagination, and power to contribute to their community as artists, businesspeople, lifelong learners, and hard-working citizens of the world Above all, AMDA wants to teach students that commitment and passion are the marks of a successful and joyous career. Registration 6305 Yucca Street Los Angeles 800-367-7908 https: //www.amda.edu 21. What is the curriculum of AMDA about? A. Drawing. B. Philosophy. C. Performing. D. Photography. 【答案】 C 【解析】 细节理解题。由 Your future in the performing arts doesn ’t have to be a dream. For over 50 years, AMDA has launched some of the most successful careers in theatre, film and television. 可知 AMDA 的课程是关于表演的,选 C。 22. How long does the course last? A. One semester. B. Two years. C. Three semesters. D. Four years. 【答案】 B 【解析】细节理解题。 由 Over the course of your four semesters (学期 )可知这门课程持续两年, 选 B。 23. What can students learn in AMDA? A. How to sing beautifully. B. How to train a performer. 2019 年高考英语模拟试题(一)含答案及解析 第( 3)页 C. The way to build a stage. D. The way to be a director. 【答案】 A 【解析】 细节理解题。由 plus individual voice lessons 可知学生们在 AMDA 可以学习怎样唱 歌唱得好听,选 A。 B April 4th was just another day on a Western Australia farm for Zac Mitchell, until it suddenly wasn’ t. In an unexpected accident, the cattle worker was feeding the animals in his charge when one bull cleaned him up and kicked his hand up against the rail, resulting in the thumb on his right hand being cut of f. “My thumb was still hanging on the rail... when I got up off the ground, ” Zac Mitchell says. His co-workers tried their best to preserve the thumb for reattachment, placing it on ice in a cooler, but two surgeries to put Mitchell ’ s thumb back in place failed. That ’ s when doctors came up with another suggestion: Remove one of his big toes to where his thumb used to be. Mitchell ’ s lead surgeon, Sean Nicklin, understood the man ’ s dilemma at first, calling it a “ bit of a crazy idea ” . After all, Zac Mitchell did not want to be injured in another part of his body. But as the thumb is incredibly important function-wise, Mitchell eventually gave in. Nicklin explains that the big toe is surprisingly fit for a thumb switch: Nerves sync up ( 同步 ) nicely, and it looks more like a thumb, though a giant one, than any other alternative they may have come up with. He added that big toes aren ’ t as necessary for balance and walking as people believe. As far as the foot goes, occasional “ fine balance ” activities like surfing might be difficult, but most people without a big toe function fine in everyday tasks like walking and even competitive sports. The eight-hour surgery went well, and Mitchell is expected to have a year or so of recovery in front of him before he heads back into the fields. 24. What happened to Zac Mitchell on April 4th? A. He cleaned up a bull. B. He was badly hurt. C. He started his farm. D. He lost his thumbs. 2019 年高考英语模拟试题(一)含答案及解析 第( 4)页 【答案】 B 【解析】 细节理解题。根据第一段第二句 “⋯ resulting in the thumb on his right hand being cut off. ”可知,一个牛场工人被一头公牛弄断了大拇指,严重受伤。故选 B。 25. What suggestion did the doctor give to Mitchell after the unsuccessful surgery? A. Recreating a new thumb in place. B. Replacing the thumb with his toe. C. Transplanting his co- worker ’ s thumb. D. Putting back the cut-off thumb again. 【答案】 B 【解析】 细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句 “That’s when doctors came up with another suggestion: Remove one of his big toes to where his thumb used to be. ”可知,医生提出建议用他 的大脚趾代替大拇指。故选 B。 26. What is Mitchell ’ s first attitude to the doctor ’ s another suggestion? A. Optimistic. B. Insignificant. C. Hesitant. D. Rejective. 【答案】 C 【解析】 推理判断题。 根据第三段二、 三句 “After all, Zac Mitchell did not want to be injured in another part of his body. But as the thumb is incredibly important function-wise, Mitchell eventually gave in. ”可推断,对于医生的另一个建议起初 Zac Mitchell 是犹豫的,毕竟他不想 身体的其他地方受伤。故选 C。 27. According to Nicklin, after the surgery Mitchell is able to . A. surf on the sea B. do daily activities C. only stay at home D. work on wheelchair 【答案】 B 【解析】 细节理解题。根据最后一段的倒数两句 “He added that big toes aren ’t as necessary for balance and walking as people believe. As far as the foot goes, occasional “ fine balance ” activities like surfing might be difficult, but most people without a big toe function fine in everyday tasks like 2019 年高考英语模拟试题(一)含答案及解析 第( 5)页 walking and even competitive sports. ”可知,根据 Nicklin 说的,大脚趾对于平衡和走路不是必 须的,在日常活动中, 像走路甚至竞技性运动, 没有大脚趾的人也做得很好。 因此可知 Mitchell 手术后能够从事日常活动。故选 B。 C Most people know that listening to music when they are feeling down or depressed can encourage their spirits. However studies have also shown that music, especially certain tones can reduce stress. Music can change brainwave patterns, deepen breathing, and bring on a totally stress-free and more open mindset(心态) . Using music to relax when considering a particular problem may not only raise your mood, but also could help you reach that "a-ha"moment and find a solution. Music has also been shown not only to make you feel good, but also, to be a great motivator. For example, during exercise, listening to music can keep you going, or get you to exercise more by helping you to ignore negative feelings of tiredness and focus on the pleasurable feelings you get from being absorbed in the music. Music is mainly used to record emotion. When we listen to a piece of music we share the artist's feelings on a visceral(本来的) level. That can be sad, and who among us hasn't put on a painful love song to share in the misery after a bad break-up? On the contrary, we can share in the delight of songs of joy and happiness, or any song or piece of music that reminds us of a particular happy time in our past. So next time you are feeling down, put on Beethoven' s Ode to Joy, I bet you will feel a lot better about whatever it was that was bothering you! 28. We can infer from the first paragraph that music can . A. benefit you in many ways B. promote you to find more questions C. change the patterns of your lifestyle D. influence your attention to a problem 【答案】 A 【解析】 推理判断题。根据第一段 Most people know that listening to music when they are feeling down or depressed can encourage their spirits.可知音乐对我们有积极的作用, 所以 A 正 2019 年高考英语模拟试题(一)含答案及解析 第( 6)页 确。 29. The author wrote the second paragraph mainly to . A. tell us a story B. make some comments C. give us an example D. list some facts 【答案】 C 【解析】 主旨大意题。 通读第二段主要将了音乐能缓解人的紧张, 接着通过举例的方法来证 明这一观点,所以这一段主要是在举例。 30. When we enjoy a piece of sad music, . A. we'll share the artist's feelings deeply B. we may recall our miserable past C. we may be reminded of particular joy D. we'll show mercy on the artist ’s life 【答案】 B 【解析】 推理判断题。根据第四段 Music is mainly used to record emotion. When we listen to a piece of music we share the artist's feelings on a visceral(本来的) level. That can be sad, and who among us hasn't put on a painful love song to share in the misery after a bad break-up? 可知音乐是 用来记录情感的,听悲伤的音乐可以让人回忆起悲伤的经历。 31. What's the best title of the text? A. What music means to a music lover B. Why people love happy music C. What kind of music is popular D. How music changes your life 【答案】 D 【解析】主旨大意题。 根据每一段的第一句话 music, especially certain tones can reduce stress; Music has also been shown not only to make you feel good, but also, to be a great motivator.;Music is mainly used to record emotion. 可知文章主要讲述了音乐对人的影响,所以 D正确。 D There ’ s a song by the great J maican singer Bob Marley called So Much Trouble In The World. Marley understood that part of the reason why there are so many problems in the world is the lack of tolerance between people. The UN understands this too––– that ’ s why it made Nov 16th “ International Day for Tolerance ”. But first of all, what is tolerance? According to French philosopher V oltaire, tolerance ’ s the 2019 年高考英语模拟试题(一)含答案及解析 第( 7)页 consequence of humanity. We are all formed of frailty ( 脆弱 ) and error; let us pardon each other ’ s fool ––– that is the first law of nature. ” Very often, people don ’ t realize that they ’ re intolerant. This is because intolerance has a lot to do with ignorance. For example, the UN ’ s campaign is in part about the treatment of females by males. But often, the behavior of men toward women i s intolerant because men don ’ t put themselves in the shoes of women. It ’ s worth thinking a little about the words “ tolerance ” and “ intolerance ” . Are they the best words to describe the evils of which we ’ re speaking here? To agree to be “ tolerant ” of someone isn ’ t necessarily a very respectful thing. When someone is tolerated, it implies that there ’ s something wrong with them. Still, what Voltaire said stands: We humans are not perfect and this weakness is something that we all share. That ’ s the reason we should be tolerant. It ’ s a little like generosity. We can give things to another person, and we can also give our forgiveness. 32. What’ s the purpose of the UN “ International Day For Tolerance ”? A. To arouse people ’ s awareness of tolerance among people. B. To celebrate the founding of the UN. C. To solve the problem of global warming. D. To change peopled opinion towards globalization. 【答案】 A 【解析】 推理判断题。根据第一段二、三两句“ Marley understood that part of the reason why there are so many problems in the world is the lack of tolerance between people. The UN understands this too --- that ’ s why it made Nov 16th ‘ International Day for Tolerance ’.”可推断, 世界上的人们缺乏包容, 因此联合国把 11月 16日设置为“国际宽容日”是为了唤起人们的 包容意识。故选 A。 33. Why do men behave intolerantly towards women? A. Because men don ’ t realiz the purpose of the UN. B. Because men are physically stronger than women. C. Because men don ’ t appreciate the shoes of women. D. Because men are not willing to understand women. 【答案】 D 2019 年高考英语模拟试题(一)含答案及解析 第( 8)页 【解析】 推理判断题。根据第三段尾句“ But often, the behavior of men toward women is intolerant because men don ’ t put themselves in the shoes of women.”可知,男性对女性不包容 是因为他们不愿意设身处地的为女性着想,不愿意理解她们。故选 D。 34. Why is it meaningless to use the words “ tolerance ” and “ intolerance ”? A. Because they are hard to pronounce in English. B. Because they don ’ t express the exact meaning people refer to. C. Because they can ’ t be translated into other languages. D. Because they can ’ t be used in a respectful way. 【答案】 B 【解析】 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段后三句 “Are they the best words to describe the evils of which we ’ re speaking here? To agree to be ‘ tolerant ’ of someone isn ’ t necessarily a very respectful thing. When someone is tolerated, it implies that there ’ s something wrong with them.”可知,对 某人宽容并不一定是一件值得尊重的事情, 某人如果被包容, 就暗示着某人有问题, 因此推 断使用“宽容”或者“不宽容”是没有意义的, 因为它们不能准确表达人们所指的意思。 故 选 B。 35. In what sense is “ tolerance ” similar to “ generosity ”? A. Humans are advised to treat others better. B. Humans leant to find faults in others. C. Humans need to give something to others. D. Humans will change their attitudes to others. 【答案】 C 【解析】推理判断题。 根据最后一段最后两句“ It ’s a little like generosity. We can give things to another person, and we can also give our forgiveness.”可推断,在我们给与别人谅解时,宽容 有点像慷慨。故选 C。 第二节 (共 5 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 10 分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两 项为多余选项。 Difficult financial times don ’ t mean your giving shuts down. ___36___ There are so many ways to give back that won ’ t hurt your wallet and will enrich your life. 1. Pick up the phone Calling someone “ for no reason ” is an important opportunity to show them that you are 2019 年高考英语模拟试题(一)含答案及解析 第( 9)页 thinking of them. You are taking time out of your busy day to reach out. Everyone needs someone to just listen sometimes. They may be filled with joy or sadness.___37___ 2. Write a note ___38___ It is one thing to say it, but it can be even more meaningful to put it in writing. What if you made a commitment to write a thank-you note to someone every week? 3.___39___ You never know what someone might be going through a painful divorce, a tough college semester, or just a bad day. Opening up your home will make someone feel appreciated. In addition, it costs less than going out. The leftovers from this dinner can be packaged up for homeless people. That ’ s double giving! 4 .Set aside money from a daily routine to donate Giving doesn ’ t have to mean a life full of sacrifices. You can still buy a burger or get your nails done.___40___ Donate the money you saves: Even $ 5 can make a difference in someone ’ s life. A. Give a gift to the stomach. B. Invite someone over for dinner. C. To take your awareness to a new level, move beyond money. D. But instead of buying much coffee every week, you can drink less. E. While some people enjoy receiving gifts, all of us appreciate a kind word. F. Instead, they allow you to examine how your time and money are spent. G. Be there to celebrate their good news, or support them with sympathy. 【答案】 36. F 37. G 38. E 39. B 40. D 【解析】 36. 考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。 上句说经济困难不意味停止付出, 与 F 句花钱吻 合,且 they 与 times一致。 37. 考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。上句提到快乐和忧伤,对应 G中好消息和同情。 38. 考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。小标题就是写几句话,下文提到感谢信,可推内 容是好话,良言一句三冬暖,谁不感激? 39. 考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。 下文提到敞开家门和剩饭菜, 正对应 B 中请客吃 饭。 2019 年高考英语模拟试题(一)含答案及解析 第( 10)页 40. 考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。下文提到节约捐赠,不每周买咖啡就是节约。 第三部分 英语知识运用 (共两节,满分 45) 第一节 完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项( A、 B、 C 和 D)中,选出可以 填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 To make a difference in a child ’ s life, I recently Joined the Make-A-Wish Arizona team, which was able to accept 355 wishes this year. While each wish was as ____41____ as the child who dreamt it, one that touched me most was Annie ’ s wish to meet the Pope(罗马教皇 ). In fact, there was not one ____42____ eye in the Wish House when Annie ’ s wish came true. Given 3-6 months to live after being ____43____ to have stage IV stomach cancer, most people would be ____44____. Not Annie, who wrote the most ____45____ letter to us asking for her wish: to have last rites ( 临终祈祷 )____46____ to her by the Pope. Well, the Pope doesn ’ t do that, but he did ____47____ to meet with her, and with planning by the staff, she eventually met the Pope and got a ____48____ from him. The time with him was ____49____ short of extraordinary. She reported that he even posed for photos! Nothing could have made this ____50____ more amazing when the Pope asked the crowd to wait a moment while he ____51____ a full mass(弥撒 )for her. Working there, we were all ____52____ to meet Annie as she came to the Wish House to ____53____ her remarkable story. She is ____54____ a fortunate young lady! Wishes like Annie ’ s give life new meanings. You can ____55____ what an incredible amount of support it takes to make these happen. That is ____56____ I encourage you to join me in making a ____57____ to this charity activity, whether it is $30, $50, $100 or even more. Remember it can ____58____ allowing more wishes like Annie ’ s to come true and it can help Make-A-Wish kids ____59____ their courage to face illnesses and find a(an)____60____ point in their lives. 41. A. sincere B. amazing C. beautiful D. absurd 42. A. sad B. upset C. dry D. wide 43. A. assumed B. expected C. warned D. told 44. A. disappointed B. annoyed C. desperate D. lonely 45. A. demanding B. touching C. personal D. confidential 46. A. conducted B. introduced C. expressed D. mentioned 2019 年高考英语模拟试题(一)含答案及解析 第( 11)页 47. A. agree B. want C. hope D. like 48. A. comfort B. sympathy C. shelter D. blessing 49. A. nothing B. something C. anything D. everything 50. A. wish B. idea C. story D. girl 51. A. appointed B. gathered C. arranged D. invited 52. A. privileged B. interested C. embarrassed D. excited 53. A. announce B. share C. spread D. declare 54. A. frequently B. gradually C. truly D. properly 55. A. believe B. imagine C. predict D. confirm 56. A. how B. why C. when D. what 57. A. promise B. devotion C. difference D. donation 58. A. stick to B. object to C. contribute to D. add to 59. A. seize B. regain C. convey D. possess 60. A. relevant B. appropriate C. valuable D. turning 【答案】 41. B 42. C 43. D 44. C 45. B 46. A 47. A 48. D 49. A 50. A 51. C 52. A 53. B 54. C 55. B 56. B 57. D 58. C 59. B 60. D 【解析】 41. 考查形容词。 A. sincere 真诚的; B. amazing 令人惊叹的; C. beautiful 漂 亮的; D. absurd 可笑的。根据后面 one that touched me most was Annie ’s wish to meet the Pope 以及 Nothing could have made this ____10____ more amazing 得知,尽管每个愿望都和有 梦想的孩子一样神奇,但是有一个愿望最感动我。故选 B。 42. 考查形容词。 A. sad 悲伤的; B. upset 失望的; C. dry 干燥的; D. wide 宽广 的。根据下文的故事得知白宫在场的每个人都被安妮感动,大家都眼眶湿润。故选 C。 43. 考查动词。 A. assumed承担 ,假设; B. expected 期望; C. warned 警告; D. told 告诉。根据下文安妮被告知还有三到六个月的寿命时,她没有绝望。故选 D。 44. 考查形容词。 A. disappointed 失望的; B. annoyed 恼火的; C. desperate 绝望的; D. lonely 孤独的。根据 Given 3-6 months to live 得知一般人得知只有三到六个月的寿命的人 会感到很绝望的。故选 C。 2019 年高考英语模拟试题(一)含答案及解析 第( 12)页 45. 考查形容词。 A. demanding 要求; B. touching 感人的; C. personal 个人的; D. confidential 机密的;表示信任的。根据前面 one that touched me most was Annie ’ s wish to meet the Pope得知安妮写了很多感人的信件。故选 B。 46. 考查动词。 A. conducted 管理;引导,做; B. introduced 介绍; C. expressed 表达; D. mentioned 提及。安妮的愿望是希望教皇能给自己做临终祈祷。故选 A。 47. 考查动词。 A. agree 同意; B. want 想要; C. hope 希望; D. like 喜欢。根据 she eventually met the Pope得知教皇一开始没有为小安你祷告,但是他的确同意见见安妮。 故选 A。 48. 考查名词。 A. comfort 安慰; B. sympathy 同情; C. shelter 避难所; D. blessing 祝福。教皇见到即将离世的安妮当然是给她祝福。故选 D。 49. 考查代词。A. nothing 没有事情; B. something 一些事情; C. anything 任何事情; D. everything 一切事情。 She reported that he even posed for photos! 得知安妮非常享受和教皇 在一起的时间。 be short of 缺少,加否定代词表示非同寻常,故选 A。 50. 考查名词。 A. wish 愿望; B. idea 想法; C. story 故事; D. girl 女孩。根据 one that touched me most was Annie ’ s wish to meet the Pope,得知这里在讲述安妮的愿望。故 选 A。 51. 考查动词。 A. appointed 任命; B. gathered 聚集; C. arranged 安排; D. invited 邀请。根据下文得知教皇为安妮准备了一场弥撒。故选 C。 52. 考查形容词。 A. privileged 给予 ⋯特权;特免; B. interested 兴趣; C. embarrassed 使⋯尴尬; D. excited 使⋯兴奋。根据 Working there, 得知因为我们在这里工作所以有在 场目睹全过程的特权。故选 A。 53. 考查动词。 A. announce 宣布; B. share 分享; C. spread 展开; D. declare 宣 称。根据 her remarkable story 得知安妮来到愿望屋分享她的故事。 .故选 B。 54. 考查副词。 A. frequently 频繁地; B. gradually 逐渐; C. truly 真正地; D. properly 合适地。根据 her remarkable story 得知得知大家认为安妮真是一个幸运的女孩。故 选 C。 55. 考查动词。 A. believe 相信; B. imagine 想像; C. predict 预测; D. confirm 确 认。根据 what an incredible amount of support it takes to make these happen. 得知要实现这个愿 望需要多大的支持你是可以想像到的。故选 B。 56. 考查关系词。 A. how 如何; B. why 为什么; C. when 当时; D. what 什么。 2019 年高考英语模拟试题(一)含答案及解析 第( 13)页 根据 what an incredible amount of support it takes to make these happen. 得知需要很多支持才能 实现孩子们的愿望,所以作者号召大家加入慈善捐赠行列。故选 B。 57. 考查名词。 A. promise 答应; B. devotion 奉献; C. difference 不同; D. donation 捐赠。根据 whether it is $30, $50, $100 or even more. 得知作者号召大家捐赠。故选 D。 58. 考查动词短语。 A. stick to 坚持; B. object to 反对; C. contribute to 促进; D. add to 增加。根据 allowing more wishes like Annie ’ s to come true and it can help得知大家的捐 赠可以实现孩子们的愿望,帮助有梦想的孩子们。促进符合句意。故选 C。 59. 考查动词。 A. seize 抓住; B. regain 收复; C. convey 传达; D. possess 拥有。 根据 their courage to face illnesses 得知是孩子们可以重获面对疾病的勇气。故选 B。 60. 考查形容词。 A. relevant 相关的; B. appropriate 合适的; C. valuable 有价值的; D. turning 转折的。根据 allowing more wishes like Annie ’ s to come true and it can help得知大家的 捐赠可以帮助孩子们找到生活的转折点。故选 D。 第 II 卷 第三部分 英语知识运用 第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分) 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容( 1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 Many Chinese students who entered the first year of primary or junior high school in September have received new versions of Chinese language textbooks. The textbooks attach ___61___ (important) to traditional Chinese culture, reported by Xinhua News Agency. The articles were chosen from classic prose, essays, historical records, and poetry ___62___ (date) back to the Han, Tang and Song __63___ (dynasty). The textbooks were tested in many provinces before, hut it turns out that not everyone is ___64___ fan. Some parents have questioned the changes of Chinese texts, students are too young ___65___ (understand) so many pieces with classical Chinese language. I am afraid they will love interest. ” However, others welcomed the new books. “Students ___66___ that age may not be able to understand classic poetry and essays as well, but they ___67___ (benefit) sooner or later. “ Liu Jinping, a teacher from Anhui, told Xinhua. In fact, the text books arrived at a time when ancient Chinese culture is __68___ (popular) than before. The Chinese poetry Conference,___69___ gained great popularity during the Spring 2019 年高考英语模拟试题(一)含答案及解析 第( 14)页 Festival, was watched by more people in China. According to China Daily, China now has more than 3,000 traditional private schools, as the demand for private education of traditional Chinese culture grows. Some wisdom delivered through the Chinese classics might help children deal with the challenges in ___70___ (they) own lives. 【答案】 61. importance 62. dating 63. dynasties 64. a 65. to understand 66. at/of 67. will benefit 68. more popular 69. which 70. their 【解析】 61. 考查名词。固定短语 attach importance to 是“重视 ”,新版教材重视中国传统文化,故填 importance。 62. 考查非谓语动词。固定短语 date back to是“追溯”,were chosen是谓语动词,和追溯之 间没有连词,可以判断出这里用非谓语动词,古文和追溯是主动关系,故填 dating。 63. 考查名词。这些古文都选自汉代及唐宋的经典散文、随笔、史书以及诗歌。来自三个朝 代用名词复数,故填 dynasties。 64. 考查冠词。在正式发布之前,这套教材已于 2016 年在多个省市的学校中进行试用,但 结果是并非所有人都喜欢。名词前用冠词,表示一个迷,一个追捧者,故填 a。 65. 考查非谓语动词。 学生们太小, 还不能理解这么多篇以文言文写成的文章, too ⋯ to太⋯. 而不能,故填 to understand。 66. 考查介词。这个年纪的学生或许无法很好地理解古诗文。固定短语 at/of that age是“在⋯ 年龄”,故填 at/of。 67. 考查动词时态语态。孩子们总有一天会从中受益,表示将来用一般将来时,故填 will benefit。 68. 考查形容词比较级。 事实上,这套教材的出炉正值我国古典文化悄然复兴之时。 根据 than 可以判断出用形容词比较级,故填 more popular。 69. 考查关系代词。今年春节期间,更多的人选择收看《中国诗词大会》这一电视诗词比赛 节目。先行词是《中国诗词大会》在定语从句中做主语,逗号后不能用 that,故填 which。 70. 考查代词。 一些通过中国国学经典传递的智慧或许能帮助孩子们应对生活中遇到的挑战, 代词指代 children 的生活中,表示他们的,故填 their。 第四部分 写作 (共两节 满分 35) 2019 年高考英语模拟试题(一)含答案及解析 第( 15)页 第一节 短文改错( 10 分) 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文, 请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。 文中共有 10 处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删 除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧) ,并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线( )划掉。 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意: 1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2. 只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分。 When talked about my dream. I recalled my childhood, which I started learning to sing. At that time it was my interest led me to sing. Hard although I learned, I was happy then. And with time going on, I have gradually realized sing is my whole life. I like it or enjoy it. I want to stand on an even big stage to sing where not only will my dream be come true but also I can send my beautiful song to all the audience. I want to transfer happy and encouragement to the audience by singing, letting us cheer up. 【答案】 When talked about my dream. I recalled my childhood, which I started learning to sing. At that time it talking when was my interest ∧ led me to sing. Hard although I learned, I was happy then. And with time going on, I have that though/as gradually realized sing is my whole life. I like it or enjoy it. I want to stand on an even big stage to sing where singing and bigger not only will my dream be come true but also I can send my beautiful song to all the audience. I want to transfer happy and encouragement to the audience by singing, letting us cheer up. happiness them 【解析】 2019 年高考英语模拟试题(一)含答案及解析 第( 16)页 1. 考查非谓语作状语。 分析句子可知, talk 的逻辑主语是 I,二者是主动关系, 故要用 talking about,作状语。 句意:当谈到我的梦想时, 我回忆起我的童年, 那个时候我开始学习唱歌。 故要把 talk 改为 talking。 2. 考查非限制性定语从句的关系词。 分析句意可知, which,指代前面的先行词 my childhood , 而 My childhood 在定语从句中作时间状语,而 which 不能作状语。句意:我回忆起我的童 年,在那个时候我开始学习唱歌。 因此 which 改为 when。 3. 考查强调句型。 分析句子可知本句是强调句型 It was+被强调部分 +剩余部分。 如果把强调 结构去掉句子完整。如 it was my interest that led me to sing. 。因此要添加上 that。句意:是我 的兴趣引导我唱歌。 4. 考查连词的运用。 句意:虽然我学的很苦, 但是我很开心。 本句是部分倒装, 只有 though/as 才能倒装,而 although 只能用于陈述句: although I learned hard, I was happy then.故要把 although 改为 though/as。 5. 考查动词的 ing形式作主语。 句意:随着时间的推移, 我逐渐意识到唱歌是我的全部生活。 sing 是个动词不能作主语,因此要用 singing 作主语,故要把 sing改为 singing。 6. 考查连词的用法。句意:我喜欢而且享受音乐。分析句意可知喜欢和享受是并列关系, 故要用并列连词 and。 7. 考查比较级。句意:我想站在一个更大的舞台上唱歌。 big 前有一个副词 even,even修饰 的是比较级,且根据句意可知是一个更大的舞台,故把 big 改为 bigger。 8. 考查语态。句意:我想站在一个更大的舞台上唱歌,不仅我的梦想会成真,而且我可以 把我美丽的歌声送给所有的听众。 one’s dream come true。梦想实现。 come true 是不及物动 词,不能用被动语态,故要用主动语态。所以要去掉 be。 9. 考查名词。句意:我要传递快乐。 Happy 是形容词,不能作 transfer 的宾语,要用名词 happiness作宾语,故 happy 改为 happiness。 10. 考查人称代词。句意:我想通过唱歌把快乐和鼓励传递给观众,让他们振作起来。分析 句意可知是把快乐传递给观众, 让他们(观众)振作起来, 而不是我们, 故把 us 改为 them。 第二节 书面表达(满分 25 分) (河南省安阳市 2018 届高三一模 )假定你是李华。你在某论坛上看到美国高中生 Peter 暑假期间想到中国来旅游并希望能找一个中国的高中生给他当导游。请你用英语给他写 ‘封 电子邮件,内容包括: 1.自我介绍; 2019 年高考英语模拟试题(一)含答案及解析 第( 17)页 2.你的优势条件; 3.希望与他同行。 注意: 1.词数 100左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 Dear Peter, Yours sincerely, Li Hua 【答案】 Dear Peter, I ’m Li Hua, a high school student in China. I ’ m glad to learn that you want to pay a visit to China during the summer vacation and that you are in need of a Chinese student who can be your guide. I think nobody is more qualified than me. Here are the reasons for it. First, I have been learning English for many years and I can speak it fluently. Therefore, there will be no difficulty in communicating between us. Second, I have not only learned about many places of interest in China, but also traveled around these places. As a result, I know much about them and can share my knowledge with you. I hope to have a good journey with you in the near future! Yours sincerely Li Hua

