冀教五上 教案 U3-L15

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冀教五上 教案 U3-L15

Unit 3 A Travel Plan Lesson 15 May I Invite Danny and Jenny?‎ ‎【教学目标】‎ ‎1. 知识与技能:掌握下列单词:come, go ,invite掌握下列句子:a. May I invite ___? b. This is ____. c. When will you go?‎ ‎2. 过程与方法:了解怎么对别人发出邀请,并且能够邀请别人。能够用英语打电话邀请别人一起做某事。‎ ‎3. 情感态度与价值观:在真实的打电话的语境中,让学生了解中西方打电话中语言的区别,在具体的任务中,学会用英语打电话。‎ ‎【教学重难点】‎ ‎1. 向别人发出邀请。2. 打电话中所涉及到的基本语言。‎ ‎【教具准备】‎ 模拟电话机,单词卡片,录音机 教学过程:‎ 一、Class opening:‎ ‎1. Greeting.‎ ‎2. Review the sentences: May I go to ______? When is it?‎ 二、New Concepts:‎ ‎1. Introduce: Explain the new words “invite” use a word card.‎ ‎2. Practice: Ask the students to practice the dialogue. (About “come” and “go”.)‎ ‎3. Listening: Play the tape, ask them to listen and answer the questions.‎ a. Note “leave” and “arrive”. Can anyone guess what they mean?‎ b. What does Li Ming want to do?‎ c. How does Mrs. Li talk to Mrs. Smith?‎ d. Where is Mrs. Smith?‎ e. Can Jenny come on the trip?‎ f. Can Danny come?‎ ‎(学生通过听录音,理解课文大意,试着回答以上问题,提高学生的听和说的能力。)‎ ‎4.Role–play: Check the students, give the good ones praise.(通过角色扮演或分角色朗读课文,让学生体验中西方打电话中语言的区别,及读的能力。)‎ ‎5.Create situation use the sentences constructions.‎ ‎(通过创设模拟情境,让学生利用句子结构,组织对话,学习用英语打电话。)‎ 三、Class closing To recite the text. (Practice in fours.)‎ ‎【板书设计】‎ Lesson 15May I Invite Danny and Jenny?‎ May I invite…?‎ This is…‎ When will you go to…?‎ May I speak to sb?‎ ‎【课后反思】‎

