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高一英语(上)期中考试题 ‎ 第一部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分40分)‎ 第一节(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下列短文,从每题所给(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。‎ ‎ A I was born into a family of five children . As the youngest child , I didn’t have many new clothes . Though my parents worked very hard , We could hardly make ends meet . The only time we would receive new clothes was at Christmas .‎ ‎ The family across the street lived a much better life . They just had two daughters and they were often seen wearing new dresses . The younger girl named Anna was of my age . One afternoon , she walked on the street wearing a beautiful white dress . She looked like an angel in that dress . I , together with many little girls , followed her . We just couldn’t keep our eyes off her dress . We all wished we would have such a dress one day !‎ ‎ That day , after coming back , I told my mom that I wanted a dress like that . My mom frowned (皱眉) . She thought such a beautiful dress like that must cost an arm and a leg , but my mom kept that in mind . She worked five days a week at that time , but when Christmas was getting close , she worked even on every Saturday .‎ ‎ However , several days before Christmas , I changed my mind . It was Anna’s birthday that day and I was invited to her home with some other girls . After that party , I asked if I could try on her white dress . “ Of course ,” she said , “ and you can take it if you like it .” I couldn’t believe my ears . How could she give such a beautiful dress to someone else ? After trying it on , I knew why .‎ ‎ The dress looked beautiful , but it was uncomfortable to wear . As a matter of fact , my back was quite itchy (痒的) after I put it on . From that day on , I stopped admiring what others bad . They may not be as good as we think .‎ ‎1 When the writer was a little girl , she _________‎ ‎ A didn’t like new clothes B couldn’t see her parents at all ‎ C couldn’t get whatever she liked D didn’t like Christmas that much .‎ ‎2 When they saw Anna’s dress , the other girls thought it ________‎ ‎ A too little B very cheap C very beautiful D very comfortable ‎ ‎3 The writer’s mother started working on every Saturday because she _______‎ ‎ A wanted to buy a new dress for herself ‎ B had to buy all her children expensive gifts .‎ C prepared herself for the busiest Christmas .‎ D wanted to buy the dress the writer wanted ‎ ‎4 From the passage , we learn that _______ ‎ ‎ A there are always kind-hearted people around us ‎ B we can get what we want if we try hard enough .‎ C we should give what we no longer need to others ‎ D what others have may not be as good as we think .‎ B A growing number of American homes are keeping African pygmy hedgehogs (刺猬) as pets . Here are some questions and answers about the small animals whose backs and sides are covered with about 6,000 quills . Their quills are short , but hard and sharp .‎ Where do they come from ?‎ ‎ The breed is a hybrid (杂种) of the four-toed hedgehog or African white-bellied hedgehog and the Algerian hedgehog . Its natural habitat is central , eastern and southern Africa . It now breaks the law to bring them into the United States .‎ ‎____________‎ ‎ An adult African pygmy hedgehog is 6 to 11 inches long and weighs 1 to 2 pounds . A relaxed one is generally oval (椭圆的) , with a very short tail and short limbs that keep the body close to the ground . When threatened or frightened , it rolls into a ball and forces its quills out in all directions . Female hedgehogs are a bit larger than the male ones . The face and the underside are covered with soft and white fur .‎ What do they eat ?‎ ‎ In the wild , the hedgehog feeds mainly on insects . It also eats earthworms , snails and slugs , as well as small snakes and frogs . Pet owners feed cat food to hedgehogs that are kept at home by them . ‎ How many babies can a mother hedgehog give birth t one time ?‎ ‎ After hedgehogs get pregnant , it just takes about 35 days for them to give birth . Hedgehogs are born in babies of 2 to 10 , each having white quills that do not injure the mother during birth . The US Department of Agriculture requires anyone breeding at least three hedgehogs to get a license (许可,执照) .‎ ‎5 Paragraph 1 shows that keeping African pygmy hedgehogs as pets ________‎ ‎ A is very exciting but dangerous for pet owners .‎ B is becoming more and more popular in the US .‎ C is causing more and more troubles for pet owners ‎ D is the most popular with people in the United States .‎ ‎6 Which of the following can be used as the second subtitle ?‎ ‎ A What do they look like ? B How much do they weigh ?‎ C How long are their bodies ? D How do they protect themselves ?‎ ‎7 When African pygmy hedgehogs are born , they probably ______‎ ‎ A have very soft white quills B can look for insects within days ‎ C often influence their mother’s life D often become food of small snakes .‎ C Not everything you see in Hollywood movies is genuine . Some of the beautiful , strange , scary images might have been produced on a computer . They are called visual ( 视觉的) effects . They were once produced only in Hollywood , but now that has changed .‎ ‎ Venkatesh Rooddam is the chief executive officer of Reliance Media Works in India . “ In the last five to seven years visual effects have been made in different parts of the world , not just India , but mainland China , Taiwan , Korea , and so on ,” said Roddam .‎ ‎ Dave Rand is a co-founder of the Association of Digital Artists , Professionals and Technicians . He says that sending visual effects work overseas hurts US companies . “ I’ve been at 12 different US visual effects companies , all of which have gone bankrupt (破产) for one reason or another ,” said Dave Rand .‎ ‎ Daniel Lay is the association’s another founder . He believes US federal courts should get involved in Hollywood’s use of visual effects made by foreign companies . ‎ Mr Lay says he wants a tax ordered on work produced outside the US . Not surprisingly Venkatesh Roddam of Reliance MediaWorks does not agree . “ It’s not a good idea . You are actually increasing the cost . You are preventing other people’s talent from developing ,” said Roddam .‎ ‎ Kunal Chindarkar works in Singapore for the visual effects company , Double Negative . He says he learns a lot working on Hollywood movies . His co-workers at Double Negative include people from Australia , France and the United Kingdom . Venkatesh Roddam says working with Hollywood improves the quality of work worldwide . He says it is important for visual effects companies to have a presence in the US . He says the visual effects industry will continue to develop . He adds that those who want to stay in the business will have to continue to change with it .‎ ‎ If you ask me what I think of it , I’ll tell you that I quite agree with Wenkatesh Roddam .‎ ‎8 According to Roddam , visual effects are ________‎ ‎ A no longer made in Hollywood ‎ B now produced more expensively C now created in different countries ‎ D no longer used to create scary images ‎ ‎9 Speaking of his past experience , Dave Rand wants to show that ______‎ ‎ A he has rich experience in making visual effects ‎ B many US visual effects companies have been hurt ‎ C Hollywood movies no longer depend on visual effects ‎ D many US visual effects companies can’t make visual effects ‎ ‎10 Kunal Chindarkar feels happy probably because he can _______ ‎ ‎ A work on Hollywood movies ‎ B make a difference to Hollywood ‎ C go to different countries to work ‎ D make better films than Hollywood movies ‎ ‎11 What is the writer’s attitude towards a tax on visual effects work outside the US ?‎ ‎ A Opposed B Interested C Indifferent D Supportive ‎ D If you could invent one thing to make the world a better place , what would it be ? That’s the question Google asked students from Kindergarten to 12th grade across the US for this year’s Doodle 4 Google contest . Students were asked to redesign the famous Google logo (商标) using that theme .‎ ‎ On Wednesday , May 21 , Audrey Zhang was chosen as the winner . The fifth grader’s doodle “ Back to Mother Nature” showed a life-changing water purifier ( 净化器) . To help Audrey make a difference , Google was giving $‎20.000 in her name to bring clean water to 10 schools .‎ ‎ Whether it’s to honor a person or mark an event , Google often changes its logo . The special logos are known as Doodles . Google has a team of artists and engineers who work on the designs full-time . Since 1998 , there have been more than 2,000 Doodles !‎ ‎ The theme of last year’s Google Doodle contest was “ My Best Day Ever” . Some kids created Doodles about a day they hope to experience in the future . For this year’s contest , the most frequent doodle theme was water purification .‎ ‎ Audrey attends Island Trees Memorial Middle School in Levittown‎ , ‎New York . She has been drawing since age 2 , and although very young , she already knows she wants to draw as a career . “ If you don’t draw , then you can’t show anyone else what your ideas look like ,” she said . Last year , Audrey was chosen as a national finalist for the contest . Her success continued this year when she was named the New York state winner . Because of Audrey , her school will receive $50,000 for a computer lab or technology program . Audrey will take home a $ 30,000 college scholarship .‎ ‎12 What is the theme for this year’s Doodle 4 Google contest ?‎ ‎ A Things that can help make water clean .‎ B Things that have made the world better ‎ C One thing to change the world for better .‎ D A day children hope to experience in the future .‎ ‎13 What do we know about this year’s winner ?‎ ‎ A Her school also gives her an award .‎ B She drew a water purifier she had seen ‎ C She gives the money she received to schools .‎ D Her doodle is called “ Back to Mother Nature” .‎ ‎14 We learn that Google’s logo ________‎ ‎ A often looks different B mainly honors people ‎ C is mainly designed by kids D is designed by several people ‎ ‎15 In‎ this year’s contest , many children _________‎ ‎ A drew the same thing ‎ B had no idea what to draw ‎ C drew about their best day ever ‎ D considered water purification very important ‎ 第二节 (共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)‎ ‎ 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ As a parent , if your older child is struggling with writing , you can help ------ and you don’t have to be a great writer yourself to do so .‎ Plan ahead . 16 This is because they haven’t thought enough about what they want to say . Ask your child the main point he wants to make . If he can explain his main idea before putting pen to paper , writing will be much easier .‎ Gather the facts . 17 Do the examples support your child’s main idea ? Are they true ? lively ? If your child is having trouble , ask him to take a minute and describe the scene as if he were a reporter , using the “five Ws” of journalism : who , what , where , when , and why . ‎ ‎ 18 Ask questions to understand what your child is trying to say . Don’t be afraid to ask him if there’s something you’d like to know more about , like an idea that’s not fully expressed . If you respond to his writing as a reader ,you’ll be showing him that writing is a way to communicate ideas .‎ Deal with mistakes well . Sometimes young writers will correct their own ‎ mistakes , especially when you encourage them to read their work aloud . If your teen always makes the same mistakes , ask him if he knows how to correct them . 19 . But you shouldn’t ask your kid to make the paper “perfect” from your point of view .‎ Respect your child as a writer . What to write ----- and how to write it ------ should be child’s decision , not yours 20 Instead of doing the writing for your child . offer suggestions . Remember that your child must learn to think and write on his own . ‎ A Read it out loud .‎ B Ask for more information C Always start with the good ‎ D Strong facts make a paper much better ‎ E Some teenagers have difficulty in starting writing .‎ F In a word , the “voice” a writer uses should be his own .‎ G If he doesn’t , explain how to make the proper corrections .‎ ‎ ‎ 第二部分 英语知识运用 (共两节,满分45分)‎ 第一节 完形填空 (共20小题,每题1.5分,满分30分)‎ Austin Dennison has touched thousands of people with his heartwarming action , ‎ bringing his 89-year-old great-grandmother Dolores to his high school dance . ‎ ‎ “After 21 that my great-grandmother never went to her own school dance ‎ party when she was 22 , I decided to realize her dream on my graduation ‎ ‎___23 ,” Austin said .‎ ‎ They made up well and ‎24 a lot for the dance . Austin looked handsome ‎ in a gray suit with a blue tie , while Dolores was ‎25 in a new blue dress . ‎ She was also wearing a pretty pearl necklace , which her great-grandson bought ‎ for this 26 occasion .‎ ‎ Austin said he 27 the idea after being inspired by a 28 at his ‎ school . “ My teacher told me that his elder brother had taken his grandma to a ‎ dance ,” Austin said . “ I asked my great-grandmother if she would like to 29 ‎ my dance party with me . She 30 happily , and said it would be a great 31 ‎ for her .”‎ ‎ They 32 their wonderful evening , with Austin playing music to his ‎ great-grandmother , which was performed by his great-grandmother’s 33 band the Goo Goo Dolls . Then they 34 at Bob Evans , one of Mrs Dennison’s ‎ favorite restaurants 35 heading to the dance . As soon as they 36 the ‎ party , Austin guided his great-grandmother patiently across the dance floor . He ‎ held her arm and walked 37 beside her as she used her walking stick . ‎ ‎ They even shared a tender slow dance to the 38 as Austin’s fellow students ‎ looked on . There was no doubt that the night was one to 39 , and it ended well . “ We got home shortly after 9 pm.” Mrs Dennison recalled , “ I never felt ‎ so 40 !”‎ ‎21 A‎ remembering B learning C judging D ignoring ‎ ‎22A‎ ill B young C pleased D lonely ‎23 A‎ dance B card C exam D design ‎24 A‎ thanked B prepared C improved D paid ‎25 A‎ old B tired C generous D charming ‎26 A‎ informal B historic C special D new ‎27 A‎ turned down B agreed with C came up with D gave up ‎ ‎28 A‎ teacher B grandma C classmate D brother ‎29 A‎ leave B plan C attend D control ‎30 A‎ agreed B explained C admitted D declined ‎31 A‎ gift B honor C fortune D help ‎32 A‎ destroyed B began C enjoyed D shared ‎33 A‎ close B enjoyable C favorite D top ‎34 A‎ dined B rested C worked D practiced ‎35 A‎ after B before C during D without ‎ ‎36 A‎ arranged B approached C reached D opened ‎37 A‎ nervously B normally C silently D slowly ‎38 A‎ music B song C sound D story ‎39 A‎ blame B accept C remember D expect ‎40 A‎ careful B quick C important D happy 第二节 (共10小题, 每小题1.5分, 满分15分)‎ ‎ 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ Jonny: How do you use 41 ATM card , Billy ?‎ Peter : It’s easy , Grandpa . Insert Your card into the machine here . Then wait a moment . OK . Now you enter your PIN . It should have four 42 .‎ Jonny: Oh , yes . I’ve got it 43 ( write ) down here . Just a minute .‎ Peter: You really 44 write it down . You should memorize it . You can change it to a more convenient number if you like . ‎ Jonny: OK , I’ve entered my PIN . There are several options 45 the screen . I guess I just need to choose the service I want , don’t I ?‎ Peter: Yes . Choose the service you need to use . 46 you choose to withdraw (提取) money , the machine will ask you how 47 you want .‎ Jonny: I can just enter the amount by 48 ( use ) the key , right ?‎ Peter: That’s right . Give the machine a moment to deal with your request . Then take your money .‎ Jonny: These machines aren’t very difficult to use . In fact , I quite like 49 . They are much 50 (fast ) than dealing with a bank clerk . ‎ 第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分35分) ‎ 第一节短文改错 (共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)‎ 假定英语课上老师要求同桌交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,没句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。‎ 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。‎ 删除:把多余的词哟纪念馆斜线(\)划掉。‎ 修改:1 没出错误及其修改均仅限一词;‎ ‎ 2 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。‎ When I was young , every morning my brother and I went school together . We ‎ headed into my own classes without a “goodbye”, but for telling each other “meet ‎ by the gate”. Because my classes ended ten minutes earlier than my brother , every ‎ afternoon I have to wait for him . Sometimes , I would get boring . Each time , my ‎ brother would come up to me and ask that if I was okay . This simple word always ‎ made me smile , that in turn made him smile . And it always amazed me that even ‎ if I was in the bad mood , I’d feel better and happier before he asked me that .‎ 第二节 书面表达(满分25分)‎ 目前,很多高中生熬夜学习,不注意锻炼,饮食不规律并吃一些垃圾食品等,‎ 这些生活习惯都不同程度影响了他们的身体健康。请就这一现象向校英语报投 稿,简述现在高中生在生活健康方面的问题,并给出培养健康生活习惯的建议。‎ 词数:100 左右。‎ 语法填空:‎ 41. ‎_________ 42. _________ 43.__________ 44._________ ‎ 45. ‎_________46._________ 47. _________ 48.__________ ‎ ‎49._________ 50._________‎ When I was young , every morning my brother and I went school together . We ‎ headed into my own classes without a “goodbye”, but for telling each other “meet ‎ by the gate”. Because my classes ended ten minutes earlier than my brother , every ‎ afternoon I have to wait for him . Sometimes , I would get boring . Each time , my ‎ brother would come up to me and ask that if I was okay . This simple word always ‎ made me smile , that in turn made him smile . And it always amazed me that even ‎ if I was in the bad mood , I’d feel better and happier before he asked me that ‎ 答案:1-----5 CCDDB 6-----10 AACBA 11-----15 ACDAD ‎16-----20 EDBGF ‎ ‎21-------25 BBABD 26-------30 CCACA ‎ ‎31------35 BBCAB 36----40 CDACD ‎ ‎41 an 42 numbers 43 written 44 should ‎45 on 46 If 47 much 48 using ‎49 them 50 faster ‎51 went school ------ went to school ‎ ‎52 my ---- our 53 for ---- with ‎54 brother ---- brothers 55 have ----- had ‎ ‎56 boring ---- bored 57 ask that ---- ask ‎58 that ----- which 59 the ----- a ‎60 before---- after ‎ 书面表达:‎ Nowadays , many high school students often stay up late at night and pay little attention to their diet . They are fond of fast food or junk food which contains too much salt , sugar and fat that do great harm to their body .‎ ‎ In my view , high school students should have a balanced diet and eat more fruit and vegetables instead of junk food . They should also balance their time between study and exercise . Besides , they should go to bed earlier at night , which will contribute to their study in return . Only with a healthy lifestyle can they enjoy a more colorful life and study more efficiently .‎

