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Unit 1 How tall are you? Read and write Spring is coming! The weather is get ting warm er and warm er . Can you think of any other changes in spring? The sky is clear er and the sun is bright er . √ √ The trees are grow ing green er and green er . The weather is get ting warm er and warm er . The … is/are getting/growing … and … The day is get ting long er . The night is get ting short er . I grow old er every day! You grow tall er and smart er every day! You’re becom ing a … girl / boy ! I’m getting older and older, but you’re getting taller and smarter. Why is that ? Why am I older when you get taller? It's a natural phenomenon. 自然现象 Day? Night? Me? You? countryside city Wu Yifan and his family are going on a trip to the countryside . He has a story to tell Robin. Does Little Duck have any questions? Guess! What’s the question? shadow ['ʃædəʊ] low er low er long er The sun goes down. The sun is getting … and …, but… Why? shadow ['ʃædəʊ] low er low er long er Why is my shadow longer when the sun gets lower? Please circle the words with “-er” . Then talk about the changes in your friends. Tip :组长检查,之后在小组内说说你的朋友 …… My friend _____ is getting / growing _____ and _____. Tip :小组内讨论, English Only! No Chinese! 当 太阳 刚刚升起 ,或 即将落下 时 影子最长 。因为这时,太阳与地面的夹角(太阳的高度角)较小,形成的影子就最长。到 中午时 ,太阳与地面的夹角最大,形成的 影子 就 最短 。 It's a natural   phenomenon . 自然现象 Your shadow grows longer because the sun is getting lower and farther ( far 的比较级,较远的 ; 或是 further ) . Tip:   再次听读故事,之后小组内分角色表演故事。 narrator [nə'reɪtə] (旁白) Let me tell you another story: One morning, Little Duck is watching the sunrise ['sʌnraɪz] ( 日出) . … Tip:   小组合作,编出你们自己的故事吧,之后可以分角色表演你们的故事! narrator [nə'reɪtə] (旁白) Thank you! We can’t change the natural phenomenon. But we can change our attitude and minds ! 自然现象不可改变 ,但可以变化的是我们的态度与思想! Let’s be happi er and more active every day!

