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‎2019届二轮复习语法专题非谓语词考点练与析 ‎1.(2018·四川,5)The manager was satisfied to see many new products ________ (develop) after great effort.‎ 解析:句意:经理看到经过很大的努力之后生产出了这么多新产品非常满意。see sth. done表示“看到某物被……”,句中products与develop之间为被动关系,故应填developed。‎ 答案:developed ‎2.(2018·福建,27)________ (spend) the past year as an exchange student in Hong Kong, Linda appears more mature than those of her age.‎ 解析:句意:琳达在香港作为一名交换生度过了过去的一年,她看上去比那些同龄人更加成熟。主语Linda与动词spend之间为主动关系,再结合句中的the pest year可知,此动作已经发生,故应填Having spent。‎ 答案:Having spent ‎3.(2017·湖南,21)Children, when ________ (accompany) by their parents, are allowed to enter the stadium.‎ 解析:句意:孩子们在有父母陪同时可被允许进入体育馆。children与accompany之间为被动关系,再由后面的by their parents可知,此处应填accompanied表示孩子被父母陪同。‎ 答案:accompanied ‎4.(2016·镇江模拟)The airport ________ (complete) next year will help promote tourism in this area.‎ 解析:句意:明年将要竣工的机场将有助于促进该地区的旅游业。由时间状语next year可知,动作还没有发生,所以用不定式;the airport与动词complete之间为被动关系,故用不定式的被动形式作后置定语。‎ 答案:to be completed ‎5.(2018·长春月考)________(know) which university to attend, the girl asked her teacher for advice.‎ 解析:句意:女孩不知道该上哪一所大学,所以她就向老师寻求建议。句子主语the ‎ girl和动词know之间是主动关系,因而应使用现在分词作原因状语;由句意可知,应使用现在分词的否定形式。‎ 答案:Not knowing ‎6.(2019·桦甸一模)When we saw the road ________ (block) with snow, we decided to spend the holidays at home.‎ 解析:句意:当看到路被积雪封住了时,我们决定这个假期在家里度过。宾语road与block之间是被动关系,所以用过去分词形式。‎ 答案:blocked ‎7.(2019·延吉一模)Shortly after suffering from a massive earthquake and ________ (reduce) to ruins, the city took on a new look.‎ 解析:句意:这座城市在遭受了一次强烈地震并被夷为废墟不久之后,呈现出了一种新面貌。分析句子结构可知,reduce和suffer并列于介词after之后,所以要用ing形式。结合主语the city和动词reduce为被动关系,所以用动名词的被动形式。‎ 答案:being reduced ‎8.(2018·莱州模拟)The party will be held in the garden, weather ________ (permit).‎ 解析:句意:如果天气允许的话,这次聚会就在花园里举行。分析句子结构可知,weather和permit之间是主动关系,故用现在分词,weather permitting是“名词+现在分词”式的独立主格结构,在句子中作条件状语。‎ 答案:permitting ‎9.(2018·江西红色六校联考)Birds'singing is sometimes a warning to other birds ________ (stay) away.‎ 解析:句意:鸟儿的叫声有时候是在警告其他鸟儿离开。to stay away为不定式作a warning的定语,解释说明warning的内容。‎ 答案:to stay ‎10.(2019·临汾百题精选)His new book ________ (publish) next month is mainly on the great advance in agriculture.‎ 解析:句意:他下个月要出版的新书主要是有关农业方面的巨大进步的。分析句子结构并结合句意可知,这里要用不定式表示将来,而且book与publish是被动关系,所以用不定式的被动形式。‎ 答案:to be published ‎11.(2019·威海二模)________(finish) the painting intended to be a gift for her girlfriend, he had a deep sigh of relief.‎ 解析:句意:完成了那幅想给他女朋友做礼物的画后,他深深地舒了一口气。分析句子结构可知,这里动作的发出者都是he,所以空格处要填现在分词,而且这两个动作有明显的先后顺序,所以用现在分词的完成式。‎ 答案:Having finished ‎12.(2019·盘锦一模)________(take) according to the instructions, the medicine will work for your headache.‎ 解析:句意:按照说明服这些药,它就会对你的头痛有作用。分析句子结构可知,空格处应该是相当于状语从句的成分,medicine与take是被动关系,所以这里用过去分词形式。‎ 答案:Taken ‎13.(2018·大庆模拟)A good story does not necessarily have to have a happy ending, but the reader must not be left ________ (satisfy).‎ 解析:句意:一个好故事不一定必须有一个圆满的结局,但绝对不能让读者不满意。分析句子结构可知,这里是leave the readers...结构的被动语态。补语说明宾语的感受且有否定意义,故填unsatisfied。‎ 答案:unsatisfied ‎14.(2019·茂名二模)In order to persuade drivers to resist ________ (check) their phone whenever it rings, New York State is to introduce “Texting Zones” along its major highways.‎ 解析:句意:为了说服司机在电话铃响时忍住不查电话,纽约州在主要公路上引进“短信区”。resist“抵抗,抗拒,反抗;忍耐,忍住”后面要求接动名词作宾语。‎ 答案:checking ‎15.(2018·济宁二模)Most riders of electric bikes in China ________ (reach) 40~50 kilmeters per hour often ignore red lights.‎ 解析:句意:在中国,大多数人骑电动车的时速能达到40到50公里,他们经常无视交通信号灯。riders与动词reach是主动关系,故用现在分词作定语。‎ 答案:reaching ‎16.(2019·东城模拟)Tom took a taxi to the airport, only ________ (find) his plane high up in the sky.‎ 解析:句意:汤姆乘出租车去机场,却发现他要乘坐的飞机高高地飞在空中。由语境可知,此处用不定式表示出乎意料的结果。‎ 答案:to find ‎17.(2018·扬州模拟)________(use) with care, one tin will last for six weeks.‎ 解析:句意:如果小心使用,一罐可以持续用六周。分析句子结构可知,句子主语one tin与动词use之间是逻辑上的被动关系,故用过去分词作状语。‎ 答案:Used ‎18.(2019·龙岩一模)I looked up and noticed a snake ________ (wind) its way up the tree to catch its breakfast.‎ 解析:句意:我抬起头,发现一条蛇正盘旋着往树上爬,去捕捉它的早餐。分析句子结构可知,此处缺宾语补足语。snake与动词wind之间是主动关系,结合句意用现在分词的主动形式。‎ 答案:winding ‎19.(2018·聊城五校统考)I stopped the ear ________ (take) a short break as I was feeling tired.‎ 解析:句意:因为感到累了,我就停车休息了一小会儿。根据句意和句子结构可知,此处要用不守式表示目的。‎ 答案:to take ‎20.(2018·中山一模)You cannot accept an opinion ________ (offer) to you unless it is based on facts.‎ 解析:句意:你不能接受(别人)提供给你的观点,除非它是建立在事实的基础上的。分析句子结构可知,此处缺后置定语,而且句中opinion与动词offer之间为被动关系,故用过去分词形式。‎ 答案:offered ‎21.(2018·丽水二模)The students are looking forward to having an opportunity ________ (explore) society for reallife experience.‎ 解析:句意:学生们在盼望着有一个去探索社会以获得真实的确良生活体验的机会。opportunity后用不定式作定语,have an opportunity to do sth.“做某事的机会”。‎ 答案:to explore ‎22.(2019·洛阳模拟)________(found) in the early 20th century, the school keeps on inspiring cildren's love of art.‎ 解析:句意:这所学校建于20世纪早期,它一直激发着学生对艺术的热爱。主语the school与动词found之间是被动关系,所以用过去分词founded。‎ 答案:Founded ‎23.(2018·鹰潭一中模拟)The engine just won't start. Something seems ______ (go) wrong with it.‎ 解析:句意:这个引擎发动不了了,好像出毛病了。seem后接不定式作表语,且由动作的先后顺序可判断要用不定式的完成式(to have done),表示动作已发生。‎ 答案:to have gone ‎24.(2018·天津,5)Anxiously, she took the dress out of the package and tried it on, only ________ (find) it didn't fit.‎ 解析:句意:情急之下,她从包裹中拿出一件衣服试了一下,结果却发现不合身。only to do sth.表示“出乎意料的结果”。‎ 答案:to find ‎25.(2019·天津,7)Clearly and thoughtfully ________ (write), the book inspires confidence in students who wish to seek their own answers.‎ 解析:句意:这本书脉络清晰,论述深刻,能够激发那些自主探究答案的学生的自信心。book与write之间为动宾关系,因此填write的过去分词形式。‎ 答案:written ‎26.(2018·鸡西模拟)________ (discuss) for a whole night, we still couldn't agree on when to start and where to go for the holiday.‎ 解析:句意:讨论了一整个晚上,我们依然没有就什么时候、去哪里度假达成一致。discuss表示的动作与句子主语we是主动关系,而且动作发生在句子谓语动词之前,故用现在分词的完成式作时间状语。‎ 答案:Having discussed ‎27.(2018·日照期末)With some books ________ (buy), he went into the bookstore on the way home.‎ 解析:句意:因为有些书要买,他在回家的路上去了一趟书店。buy表示的动作发生在句子谓语动词之后,故用表示将来意义的不定式作补语;buy与句子主语he是主动关系,故不定式用主动形式。‎ 答案:to buy ‎28.(2019·新疆农七师高中二模)According to the new law, people found ________ (put) up “harmful” advertisements on the streets will be punished strictly.‎ 解析:句意:根据最新法律,被发现在大街上张贴有害广告的人会被严惩。过去分词短语found...on the streets是people的定语,people与find是被动关系,而与put up是主动关系,故用现在分词作补足语。‎ 答案:putting ‎29.(2019·苏州质检)—What do you think has caused his heart attack?‎ ‎—It is his ________ (be) overweight.‎ 解析:句意:——你认为是什么导致了他的心脏病?——是他的体重超重。问句中的what提问句子主语,答语应该用名词性成分。答语是强调结构“It is his being overweight that caused his heart attack”的省略形式。‎ 答案:being ‎30.(2018·广州一模)With all the magazines he needed ________ (borrow), he left the library.‎ 解析:句意:他需要的杂志都借到了之后,他就离开了图书馆。he needed是magazines的定语,magazines作介词with的宾语,与动词borrow是被动关系,故用过去分词作补足语。‎ 答案:borrowed

