人教版9年级全册单元练习题及答案:Unit 11同步练习

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人教版9年级全册单元练习题及答案:Unit 11同步练习

单元巩固训练(Unit 11)‎ ‎ Section A Ⅰ.根据句意,从方框内选择合适的形容词填空。‎ fresh, public, crowded, free, wonderful ‎ ‎1. You mustn't do that in a _______ place.‎ ‎2. We’ve been having ________ weather recently.‎ ‎3. You don’t have to pay; the exhibition is _______.‎ ‎4. This morning in the park the ________ air makes me feel quite good.‎ ‎5. He always prefers riding a bicycle rather than ride on a ________ bus.‎ Ⅱ.根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。‎ ‎1. Is there a good restaurant ________(eat) around?‎ ‎2. I’ d like to buy some _________(write) paper.‎ ‎3. You can take the elevator to the ________(two) floor.‎ ‎4. Look! There is an old man ________(sit) under the tree.‎ ‎5. Jane prefers ________(be) outside to staying at home on weekends.‎ Ⅲ.根据句意,从方框内选择合适的介词或短语介词完成句子。‎ between, past, into, across from, next to ‎1. You can sit _________ Jack and talk with him.‎ ‎2. Go ________ the bank, and you’ll find the music store.‎ ‎3. The ship sails ________ Shanghai and Dalian.‎ ‎4. When the bell rang, the children rushed _________ the classroom.‎ ‎5. He wants to go to the bookstore _________ the station, so he must cross the road from the station.‎ Ⅳ. 根据汉语提示完成下列句子,每空词数不限。‎ ‎1. 当你到了那儿后,请给我打个电话好吗?‎ Could you ___________________________ when you get there?‎ ‎2. 请在这条路的尽头向右拐。‎ ‎ Please _____________________ at the end of the road.‎ ‎3. 你能告诉我在哪里可以买到一些邮票吗?‎ Could you tell me __________________________ some stamps?‎ ‎4. 为什么不和你妈妈去购物呢?‎ ‎_______________________ with your mom? ‎ ‎5. 这条购物街是个闲逛的好地方。‎ The shopping street is __________________________.‎ Ⅴ. 根据对话内容,从方框内选择合适的句子补全对话。(有两项多余)‎ A: Excuse me. (1)_________‎ B: Well, go along Zhongshan Road, and take the second turning on the right. (2)_________‎ A: (3)_________‎ B: It’ll take you about half an hour to walk there. ‎ A: (4)_________‎ B: Yes, you can.‎ A: (5)_________‎ B: The No. 105 bus. The bus stop is over there.‎ A: Thank you.‎ B: You’re welcome.‎ A. Oh, why not?‎ B. How far is it from here?‎ C. Can I get there by bus?‎ D. Do you know where I can get a dictionary?‎ E. Can you tell me which bus I should take?‎ F. Could you tell me whether I should go there? ‎ G. Then you can see a bookstore around there.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Section B & Self check ‎ Ⅰ.根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。‎ ‎1. The street is_________(crowded) because the Spring Festival is over.‎ ‎2. The shirt is only 15 yuan. It’s _________(expensive).‎ ‎3. They want to visit the world’s ________(large) water slides. ‎ ‎4. There are some ________(clown) playing with children in the park.‎ ‎5. Thanks for inviting me to your party. It’s a carefully _________(organize) party.‎ Ⅱ.根据句意和汉语提示,填写恰当的短语完成下列句子。‎ ‎1. We are so tired these days. We are planning to ____________(休假) next month.‎ ‎2. I can’t play table tennis with you this afternoon because I will ________________(上一节舞蹈课). ‎ ‎3. Her brother will _____________(装扮成) an ugly duck in the game.‎ ‎4. Last Friday, Lucy’s mother ___________(做面条) for us and we had a nice meal. ‎ ‎5. I’m sure that all you will ____________(玩得开心) in Watertown. ‎ Ⅲ.根据括号内所给的词语提示,翻译下列句子。‎ ‎1. 我花了大约一个半小时的时间看这部电影。(spend)‎ ‎__________________________________________ ‎ ‎2. 我发现这里的食物美味又便宜。(both … and … )‎ ‎_______________________________________________‎ ‎3. 这个公园是供人们散步的好地方。(take a walk)‎ ‎______________________________________________ ‎ ‎4. 你这些天一直忙着做什么?(these days)‎ ‎____________________________________________ ‎ ‎5. 你能告诉我这附近有超市吗?(if)‎ ‎ _____________________________________________‎ Ⅳ. 按要求改写句子,每空一词。‎ ‎1. “Where will you wait for me?” she asked me. (改为间接引语) ‎ She asked me _________ I _________ wait for her.‎ ‎2. Is he from England? Could you tell me? (合并为含有宾语从句的复合句)‎ ‎ Could you tell me _________ _________ _________ from England? ‎ ‎3. Could you tell me how I can get to the nearest supermarket? (改为简单句)‎ Could you tell me _________ _________ _________ _________ the nearest supermarket?‎ Reading Ⅰ.根据句意及首字母提示,填写单词。‎ ‎1. Madam, please p_______ your car over there.‎ ‎2. Can I t________ you to shut the door, Peter?‎ ‎3. His d________ request made the girl very embarrassed.‎ ‎4. Eating too much sugar can l________ to health problems.‎ ‎5. I left my dictionary at home this morning. Could you l_______ yours to me?‎ Ⅱ.根据句意,从方框内选择合适的短语并用其适当形式完成句子。‎ for example, hand in, in a way, ask for, depend on ‎ ‎1. Bob, you are quite right __________.‎ ‎2. Taylor came to__________ my advice on his studies. ‎ ‎3. I hope you will all __________ your homework on time.‎ ‎4. How much you can achieve ____________ how hard you have worked.‎ ‎5. There are many universities in Beijing, __________, Beijing University, Qinghua‎ ‎University and Beijing Institute of Foreign Languages.‎ Ⅲ.根据汉语提示完成下列句子,每空一词。‎ ‎1. 这个故事听起来很有趣。‎ This story _________ _________ _________.‎ ‎2. 一方面,听英语歌曲有助于我们放松。另一方面,这也是一个练习英语的好方法。‎ One the one hand, listening to English songs can help us relax. ________ ________ ________ ________, it’s also a good way to practice English. ‎ ‎3. 学习语言礼节与学习语法或词汇同等重要。‎ Learning about language etiquette is just _________ ________ _________ learning grammar or vocabulary.‎ ‎4. 为了不要再数学考试不及格,约翰已经在图书馆学习了将近两个星期。‎ John has been studying in the library for nearly 2 weeks ________ ________ ________ ________ fail the math exam anymore.‎ ‎5.我们需要学会如何礼貌地提出请求。‎ We need to learn ________ ________ ________ polite when we make requests.‎ Ⅳ. 根据课文内容,完成下列任务。 ‎ A. 完成下列表格,每空词数不限。‎ How to ask politely BAD GOOD Where are the potato chips?‎ Could you please tell me (1)__________? ‎ There’s no milk left, is there?  ‎ Excuse me. Do you know (2)____________?‎ How does this work?   ‎ Can you show me (3)_____________?‎ Give me a pound of that. ‎ ‎(4)_____________, please?‎ B. 完成下列句子,每空词数不限。‎ ‎1. It is a very common and necessary activity to _____________.‎ ‎2. Knowing _____________ is important.‎ ‎3. We should change _____________we speak when talking with different people.‎ ‎4. The expressions you use might depend on ___________ you are speaking to or __________ you know them.‎ ‎5. If you stop a stranger in the street, we might first say “Excuse me. __________” or “I’m sorry to trouble you but,” before asking them for help. ‎ Key:‎ Section A Ⅰ. 1. public 2. wonderful 3. free 4. fresh 5. crowded Ⅱ.1. to eat 2. writing 3. second 4. sitting 5. being ‎ Ⅲ.1. next to 2. past 3. between 4. into 5. across from Ⅳ.1. give me a telephone call 2. turn right 3. where I can buy ‎ ‎ 4. Why not go shopping 5. a good place to hang out ‎ Ⅴ. 1-5 DGBCE Section B & Self check Ⅰ.1. uncrowded 2. inexpensive 3. largest ‎ ‎4. clowns 5. organized ‎ Ⅱ. 1. take a vacation 2. take a dance lesson 3. dress up as ‎ ‎4. made noodles 5. have fun / enjoy yourselves / have a great time Ⅲ.1. I spent about one and a half hours watching the movie.‎ ‎2. I find the food here is both delicious and cheap.‎ ‎3. This park is a good place for people to take a walk.‎ ‎4. What have you been busy doing these days?‎ ‎5. Could you tell me if there is a supermarket around here?‎ Ⅳ. 1. where; would 2. whether / if he is 3. how to get to Reading Ⅰ.1. park 2. trouble 3. direct 4. lead 5. lend Ⅱ.1. in a way 2. ask for 3. hand in 4. depends on 5. for exmaple Ⅲ.1. sounds very interesting 2. On the other hand 3. as important as ‎4. in order not to 5. how to be ‎ Ⅳ.A. 1. where the potato chips are ‎ 2. if there’s any more milk ‎3. how this works ‎ ‎4. Will you give me a pound of that / Can / could I have a pound of that ‎ ‎ B. 1. ask for information or help 2. how to ask for information politely ‎ 3. the way 4. whom; how well ‎ ‎ 5. I wonder if you can help me

