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Unit 2 Book 2 The Olympic Games ‎ ‎ ‎ Proverbs:‎ ‎1. God helps those who help themselves. ‎ ‎2. Constant dripping wears away the stone.‎ 课前预习案 I. 单词识记 ‎1. ancient _______ medal _______ Greece_______ ‎ ‎ magical______ pain ______ volunteer ________‎ ‎ homeland _______ regular_______ basis ________‎ ‎ athlete__________ slave ________ nowadays______‎ ‎ gymnastics________ stadium_________ physical_______ ‎ ‎ motto_______ responsibility _________swift ______‎ ‎ poster_________ hopeless ____‎ ‎2 .竞争 __________ 承认 _________ 做东,主办___________‎ ‎ 取代___________ 做广告__________ 讲价还价____________‎ ‎ 应受(报答或惩罚)____________ 收费___________‎ ‎3. 参加______________代表________________也; 又 _____________‎ ‎ 主管______________ 陆续________________‎ II. 课前自主学习 ‎1. take part in / join in / join / attend/join sb in ‎ ‎1).Women were not allowed to _________ the Olympic Games at first.‎ ‎2). He _____ the party last year.‎ ‎3).It is a pity that I didn’t _______ the lecture on pollution. ‎ ‎4).Please come over and ______ the game.‎ ‎5) He will_________ you ________ the walk ‎2. responsibility n___________________ adj._________________‎ ‎1) My husband takes / has/ shoulders full responsibility for organizing the trip.‎ ‎2). It is your responsibility to check all doors and windows are locked ‎ ‎3) Parents need to encourage a strong sense of responsibility in their children ‎ ‎4) Parents are responsible for their children’s safety Summary: 责任感_______________________‎ ‎ ....是某人的责任___________________‎ ‎ 对...负责_____________________________‎ ‎3. as well ‎1). He helped me with my English ___________ maths ‎2). He helped me with my English, and maths ________‎ ‎3). The manager as well as his whole team _______ determined to do the work as________‎ as they can and promises to get it completed in time . ‎ ‎ A. are; well B. is; well C. are; good D. is; good ‎ ‎4. host vt. _______/______ (n.)_____‎ ‎1.) China _____ the Olympic Game in 2008. So, we China is a ______ country.‎ ‎2). Don’t worry . I’ll help you to __________the guests ‎ ‎5. advertise v. _________ n. ________ ‎ ‎1.) We are advertising for a new sales manager.‎ ‎2.) They want to advertise a product .‎ ‎3.) They put an _____(广告) in the local paper to sell their cars.‎ Summary : 为 ….登广告 _____________ ‎ ‎ 在报纸上公布, 征聘_________‎ 课中合作探究 ‎1. compete ________ (n.) ________/ ________‎ ‎1).How many countries _______ the ancient Olympic games?‎ ‎2).The competitors ________ each other just for the honor of winning.‎ ‎3).All the athletes _______ medals.‎ Summary: 与...竞争、比赛__________________________‎ ‎ 为...而比赛、竞争__________________‎ ‎ 参加...的比赛、竞争________________________‎ ‎2. admit ________(pt) ________ n. ________准许进入,入场费,承认 ‎ 1). He admitted his mistake/ stealing the money/that he had stolen the money.‎ ‎ 2). He was admitted to Beijing university.‎ ‎ 3). This hall can admit 1200 people ‎ 4). He wept for joy when he received the admission notice ‎ Summary : admit n/doing/that-clause________‎ ‎ be admitted to/ into_________‎ ‎3. replace vt. ________/ _______ ‎ ‎1). Can anything replace a mother’s love and care?‎ ‎2). Please replace the cup on the table ‎ ‎3). The headteacher replaced the broken window with a new one ‎ in place of ________ take the place of_______ take place______ replace ____‎ ‎1).Great changes have ___________ in our hometown in the past ten years ‎ ‎2). Teachers will never be____________ by computers in the classroom ‎3). You can use this book ______ that one.‎ ‎4). He _____ the book on the shelf after reading it.‎ ‎5). Electric trains have now ____________ steam ones ‎ ‎4. bargain n._________ v.__________ ‎ ‎1).I pick up some bargains in the sale.‎ ‎2). He was bargaining with the shop owner over the price.‎ ‎3). He made a bargain with wife,“You take care of the children and I’ll cook.”‎ Summary : bargain with sb about /for /over sth __________‎ A real bargain____________‎ make a bargain with sb. ___________‎ ‎5. deserve _______‎ ‎1). He deserves to succeed. ‎ ‎2). The report deserves to be carefully considered./‎ ‎ considering carefully/‎ ‎ careful consideration.‎ Summary : deserve to do ____________‎ deserve +n/doing= deserve to be done _____________‎ ‎6. charge n. _____/ _____ vt. _______ free of charge _______________‎ ‎1) 格林先生管理这家工厂。‎ Mr. Green takes charge of/ is in charge the factory.‎ The factory is in the charge of Mr. Green.‎ ‎2). She was charged with stealing.‎ ‎3). How much did he charge you for repairing the bicycle?‎ Summary:收费 _______________________‎ v. 控诉,指控 ________________________‎ n. 主管,负责 (主动) _________________/______________‎ ‎ (被动) ________________ ‎ ‎1) 他被控犯谋杀罪。 He ______ ______ ______ murder. ‎ ‎2) 你认为博物馆应该收入馆费吗?‎ ‎ Do you think museums should ______ ______ admissions? ‎ ‎3) 他父亲死后他一直负责这个农场。‎ ‎ He ______ ______ ______ the farm after his father’s death.‎ 当堂检测 ‎ The Olympic flag s________ _______ five continents in the world. Only when a___________ have _____ _____ ____ the r__________ c_______________ and get recognition, can they be a__________ ____________ the Olympics. They c________ _______ glory ______ _____ _____ for m___________. N____________, a great number of v___________can be seen in the stadiums and gymnasiums, whose r_____________________ is to serve, such as t_________ _______ ________ accommodation(住宿) . It d__________to be praised. ‎ ‎ ‎ 答案 课前自主学习:‎ ‎1.1). take part in 2) joined 3). attend 4) join in 5) join ..in ‎2.N. 责任,职责adj. responsible ; ‎ 归纳: a sense of responsibility; ‎ it’s one’s responsibility to do; ‎ take/ have/ shoulder responsibility for( be responsible for)‎ ‎3.1). as well as 2) as well 3) B ‎4. V. 主办、招待 n.主人 1) hosted; host 2) host ‎ ‎5. V. 做广告、登广告 n. advertisement 3) advertisement;‎ 归纳: advertise sth; advertise for ‎ 课中合作探究:‎ ‎1. 竞争、比赛 n. competitor/ competition ;1) in 2) with/ against 3) for ; ‎ ‎ 归纳: compete with/ against; compete for; compete in ‎ ‎2. 容许,承认,接纳 admitted admission ‎.归纳: 承认做过; 被...录取 ‎3. 取代,代替、放回 in place of ---取代,代替(介词短语)take the place of ---取代,代替(=replace) take place ---发生 replace----取代,代替,放回 ‎1).taken place 2). replaced 3).in place of 4). replaced 5.taken the placed of /replaced ‎ ‎4. N.便宜货 v.讨价还价,讲条件;‎ 归纳: 和某人就某事讨价还价; 真便宜; 与某人达成协议 ‎5. 应受,应得;‎ 归纳: 应该; 应受、值得 ‎6. N. 费用,主管 v.收费,控诉; 免费 ‎ 归纳:收费--charge sb. money for sth 控诉,指控-- charge sb. with sth. / doing sth. ‎ 主动--(sb) be in charge of (sth) / (sb) take charge of (sth) ‎ 被动--(sth) be in the charge of (sb)‎ ‎1).was charged with 2).charge for 3). took charge of 当堂检测:‎ stands for; athletes; taken part in;regular; competitions; admitted into; compete for; as well as; medals; Nowadays; volunteers; ;responsibility; taking charge of; deserves

