状元笔记 高考英语一词多义 例

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状元笔记 高考英语一词多义 例

高考中常见的150个一词多义 ‎1.about (熟义:关于) prep.& adv.到处=(美)around 到处 ‎ We spent the whole afternoon walking about town.我们整个下午就在城里到处逛来逛去。‎ ‎2.act (熟义:行动)vi.起作用 ‎ It takes a couple of minutes for the drug to act.只需几分钟,药物就起作用了。‎ ‎3.add (熟义:加)vt 接着说,又说 ‎ “They don't know.”he added.“他们不知道。”他接着又说。 ‎ ‎4.address (熟义:地址,写地址) vt. ① 称呼 ② 向……发表演说/致辞 ‎ The president should be addressed as “Mr President.”总统应称为“总统先生”。‎ ‎ He is going to address the meeting in a minute.他一会儿就要在大会上讲话了。 ‎ ‎5.admit (熟义:承认)vt.①允许进入 ②容纳 ‎ The servant opened the door and admitted me into the house. 仆人打开门,请我进去。 ‎ The theatre only admits 1,000 persons.这个剧场只能容纳一千人。 ‎ ‎6. adapt (熟义:适应)vt.使某物适合与新的用途,情况等;修改;改编或改写(稿本)‎ ‎ These styles can be adapted to suit individual tastes.‎ 这些式样均可改动以适应个人不同的爱好.‎ ‎ This novel has been adapted for radio from Russian original.‎ 这部小说已由俄文原著改编成无线电广播节目.‎ ‎7. adopt (熟义:收养; 过继)vt.① 采纳;采取;采用 ‎ We adopt their teaching method. 我们采用了他们的教学方法 ‎8.against (熟义:反对,违背) prep.衬着,迎着,靠着 The picture looks good against the white wall.‎ 这幅画在洁白的墙的衬托下显得很好看。 ‎ ‎9.agree with (熟义:同意) 与……一致,协调,适合 Your story agrees with what I heard.你讲的与我所听到的一致。‎ Long plane trips don't agree with me.我不适合坐飞机长途旅行。 ‎ ‎10.appeal (熟义: 恳求,呼吁)v (对某人)有吸引力,(使某人)感兴趣 ‎ The idea of camping has never appealed to me. 对露营这种想法我从来不感兴趣.‎ ‎11.apply(熟义:申请) v.应用,运用; 适用 ‎ What I have said applies only to some of you. 我所说的只适用于你们当中的一部分人.‎ ‎12.arm (熟义:n.手臂)n.武器 v.武装 Lay down your arms or we'll fire!放下武器,否则,我们就开枪了!‎ ‎ Police say the man is armed with guns and very dangerous. 警察说该男子携有枪,十分危险。‎ ‎13.ask (熟义:问)vt.要求 ‎ The teacher asked that all the students(should) stay at the classroom. ‎ 老师要求所有学生呆在教室.‎ ‎14.attend (熟义:出席) vt.&vi.看护,治疗 Dr.Paria Lal attends him.Paria Lal医生在治疗他。‎ If you go out,who'll attend to the baby?如果你走了,谁来照看婴儿? ‎ ‎15.back (熟义:n.背) vt.支持 Many of his friends backed his plan.他的许多朋友支持他的计划。 ‎ ‎16.badly (熟义:坏) adv.迫切, 很 English teachers are badly needed in our school. 我们学校极需要英语老师。‎ ‎17.before (熟义:以前) conj.才;就 It was a long time before I got to sleep again.过了很久我才再睡着。‎ I hadn't waited long before he came.我没有等多久,他就来了。 ‎ ‎18.block (熟义:大块) n. (四面临街) 建筑群,街区 v 阻碍;堵塞 ‎ He lives three blocks away from here. 他住的地方与此处相隔三条街。‎ ‎ Heavy snow is blocking all roads into Scotland. 大雪阻塞了所有通往苏格兰的路。‎ ‎19.blow (熟义:吹,刮) n. 打击 ‎ His wife’s death was a great blow to him. 他妻子的去世对他是一大打击。‎ ‎20.buy (熟义:购买) v. 相信 ‎ No one will buy that excuse. 谁也不会相信那个借口。‎ ‎21.build (熟义:v.修建) n.身材,体型 The football player has a solid build.足球运动员体格健壮。 ‎ ‎22.can (熟义:能) n.罐头vt.做成罐头 Mother cans fruit.妈妈把水果做成罐头。 ‎ ‎23.capital (熟义:首都) n. 大写字母;资本 ‎ Write your name in block capitals, please. 姓名请用大写。‎ ‎ Jack set up a business with a starting capital of $100,000. Jack的创业资本是$100,000。‎ ‎24.carry (熟义:搬运,携带) v.持有,带有;刊登 ‎ Police in many countries carry guns. 许多国家的警察都带枪。‎ ‎ Today’s newspapers carry full reports of the president’s visit. ‎ ‎25.catch (熟义:抓) v. 明白;领会 ‎ Sorry, I didn’t quite catch what you said. 对不起,我没听清你的话。‎ ‎26.cause (熟义:n.起因,v.引起) n.事业 The UN has done a lot for the cause of world peace.联合国为世界和平事业做了许多贡献。 ‎ ‎27.certain (熟义:相信) adj. 某个,某种 ‎ For certain reasons I will be unable to attend the meeting.因为某种原因,我不能出席这次会议。‎ ‎28.change (熟义:变化) n.(u) 零钱,找头 ‎ Have you got change for a five-pound note? 你有没有5英镑的零钱?‎ ‎29.collect (熟义:收集) v. 取走,拿走 ‎ His job is to collect a child from school every day. 他的工作是每天从学校接回孩子。‎ ‎30.company (熟义:公司)n.有人作伴;伙伴 You may know a man by the company he keeps.你可以从一个人所交的朋友了解他的为人 ‎ Your mum is so lonely, and you should keep her company.‎ ‎31.cost (熟义:花费;值……)vt.使失去(生命、健康等) The patient's dangerous condition cost the doctors and nurses many a sleepless night.‎ 病人的危险状态使医生、护士好几夜不曾合眼。 ‎ ‎32.count [熟义:数(数目)] vi.重要;有关系vt.认为 Every minute counts.每分每秒都重要。‎ On the whole she counted herself a fortunate wife.总的说来,她自认为还是一个幸运的人。 ‎ ‎33.course (熟义:过程) n. 课程;航线;一道菜 ‎ I’d like to take a refresher course to improve my driving.‎ ‎ 我想参加补习训练以提高自己的驾驶技术。‎ ‎ The plane was off the course.飞机偏离航向。‎ ‎ They were treated with a five-course dinner for lunch. 招待他们五道菜的正餐。‎ ‎34.cover (熟义:覆盖) v.够付(费用);走完(一段路);涉及;报导 Here is £5;that should cover all your expenses.这儿有5英镑,应该够付你所有的开支。 ‎ ‎ By sunset we had covered thirty miles.到日落的时候,我们已走了三十英里。‎ ‎ He is carrying out a research that covers a wide field. 他正在进行涉及范围很广的研究工作。‎ ‎ He was sent to cover the event. 他被派去报道这事件。‎ ‎35.cross (熟义:横跨) adj. 生气的,恼怒的 ‎ I was cross with him for being late. 他迟到了,我很生气。‎ ‎36.dear(熟义:亲爱的) 昂贵的 ‎ Clothes are getting dearer.衣服越来越贵了 ‎37. degree (熟义:学位) n.程度 ‎ She has also been affected, but to a lesser degree. 她也受到波及,但程度较轻。‎ ‎38.desert (熟义:沙漠) vt.离开,抛弃 We sheltered from the storm in a deserted garage. ‎ 我们在一间空无人住的茅屋里躲暴风雨。 ‎ ‎39.do (熟义:做,制作) v. 行, 适合 ‎—Which do you prefer,coffee or tea? ‎ ‎—Either will do.It makes no difference for me. 随便,对我来说没什么区别。‎ ‎40.drive (熟义:驾驶) v. 驱使 Do you have any idea what has driven him mad? 你知道什么使他发疯的吗?‎ ‎41. due (熟义:由于) adj. 须立即支付,到期 ; 约定,预期 My rent isn’t due till Wednesday.我的租金星期三才到期。‎ The train is due to arrive in five minutes. 火车预定在5分钟后达到。 ‎ ‎42.edge (熟义:边缘) n. 刀口,锋 The boy is playing with a knife with a sharp edge. 这孩子正在玩一把锋利的刀。‎ ‎47.energy (熟义:能量,能源) n. 精力,活力 His work seemed to lack energy. 他工作似乎缺乏干劲。‎ ‎44.escape (熟义:逃走)v.被忘记 His name escaped me for the moment.我一时想不起他的名字了。‎ ‎45.even (熟义:甚至adv) adj.平坦的; 不相上下的,均衡的 A billiard-table must be perfectly even. 台球桌必须十分平。‎ That is an even game. 那是平局。‎ ‎46.express (熟义:v.表达) adj. 高速的, 快速的 n. 快递 ‎ It was in that express way that the traffic accident happened.事故发生早高速公路上。‎ ‎47.fail (熟义:v. 失败,不及格)v.不足,缺乏;忽略 Our water supply failed.我们供水不足了。‎ ‎ He never fails to write to his mother every month.他从来不忘记每月写信给他的母亲。‎ ‎48.fairly (熟义:adv. 相当) adv.公正地,公平地 You are not treating us fairly. 你对我们不公正.‎ ‎49.far from (熟义:离……远) 远远不是 The show was far from a failure;it was a great success. ‎ 这个展览远远不是失败;而是很成功的.‎ ‎50.figure (熟义:n.数字;雕塑,人物) v.认为,想象 She figured that she would be next.她认为她可能就是下一个。‎ I couldn't figure out what he meant.我不明白他是什么意思。 ‎ ‎51.fall (熟义:v. 掉落) n. 秋天;瀑布 His father passed away in the fall of 1970. 他父亲在1970年的秋季过世。‎ The falls upstream are full of salmons. 该瀑布上游有许多大马哈鱼。‎ ‎52.flat (熟义:n. 公寓,套房) adj. 平躺的, 平伸的, 扁平的 The earthquake laid the city flat. 地震把这座城市夷为平地。‎ ‎53.flight (熟义:n. 飞行,航班) n. 一段楼梯或阶梯 There was no lift and we had to climb six flights. 没有电梯,我们得跑六段楼梯。‎ ‎54.flood (熟义:n. 洪水) n.大量的东西;vt.大量而来,充满 I received a flood of letters this morning.今天早上我收到大量的信件。‎ ‎55.for (熟义:prep. 目的,由于) conj. 因为,由于(表示一种补充说明的原因)‎ We listened eagerly, for he brought news of our families.‎ 他给我们带来了家里的消息,我们都迫不及待地听着。‎ ‎56.for good 永远(勿望文生义) ‎ She'll soon leave London for good.她将永远离开伦敦。‎ ‎57.free (熟义:adj. 自由的,有空的) adj & v. 没有,免交;远离 Most of the roads are free of snow.道路上的雪大部分都已化了。‎ ‎58.freeze (熟义:冻结,冻冰) v.不许动,停止走动 Freeze!Drop your arms!不许动,放下武器! ‎ ‎59.given(=considering)(熟义:被给予)prep.考虑到 Given the general state of his health,it may take him a while to recover from the operation. ‎ 从他的总体健康状况来看,可能手术后要一段时间才会恢复。‎ ‎60.go (熟义:去,离开)v(位置)放,置,摆(行动)进行,进展;(状态)变成,变为 ‎ Where does this teapot go? In that cupboard. 这把茶壶放在什么地方?放在那个橱柜里。‎ ‎ Did everything go smoothly? 一切进行得顺利吗?‎ ‎ Fish soon goes bad in hot weather. 天热时鱼坏得快。‎ ‎61.grade (熟义:n. 年级) n & v. 成绩,评分等级; 给…评分 ‎ She got excellent grades in her exams. 她考试成绩优异。‎ ‎ The term papers have been graded. 期末试卷已评完分数了。‎ ‎62.grow (熟义:v. 生长,成长,种植) v. (体积或数量)增加;变大 ‎ You must invest if you want your business to grow. 要想使生意扩大,必须投资。 ‎ ‎63.hand (熟义:手) n.帮助,控制 ‎ It's really heavy—can you give me a hand?真的很重—帮一下忙,好吗? ‎ ‎64.head (熟义:头) v.动身去 ‎ The ship was heading for Shanghai.这艘船开往上海。‎ ‎65.help (熟义:帮助)v.避免,抑制 ‎ Don't tell him more than you can help.不要把不该告诉他的话告诉他。‎ ‎66.home ( 熟义:家) adj.本国的, …产地 ‎ The cars are made for the home market.这些小车生产出来在国内销售。 ‎ ‎67.hold ( 熟义:握;拿;举行)v.容纳;持有(某种观点);‎ ‎ The case can hold all my clothes.这个箱子可以装得下我所有的衣服。 ‎ I hold the view/opinion that the plan cannot work. 我认为那个计划不可行。‎ ‎68.hot (熟义:热) adj. 辣的;辛辣的 ‎ He likes hot food. 他喜欢辣食。‎ ‎69.industry (熟义:工业) n.努力,勤勉 ‎ His success was due to industry.他的成功是由于他工作努力。 ‎ ‎70.interest (熟义:兴趣) n.利益;利息;股份;‎ Don't look after your own interests.不要只顾自己的利益。 ‎ I have an interest in the company.我在公司有股份。 ‎ ‎71.invent (熟义:发明)v.虚构,编造 ‎ Can’t you invent a better excuse than that? 你就不能编造一个高明些的借口吗?‎ ‎72.jam (熟义:果酱)vt.n.(使)塞满;(使)堵塞,困境 The accident jammed the main road for three hours.这次事故使交通堵塞达三小时之久。‎ There are many traffic jams in Chongqing.重庆经常塞车。 ‎ ‎73.jump (熟义:跳) n.&vi.(大幅度)上涨 Last week the price of goods jumped.上周物价急剧上涨。 ‎ ‎74.just (熟义:adv. 正好;恰好) adj. 公道的;公正的 That is a just decision. 那是公正的判决。‎ ‎75.keep (熟义:保持,保留) vt.管理;经营,照顾;‎ Her grandfather kept a hair dresser's shop.她爷爷经营过理发店。‎ She kept her sister's children.她为她姐姐照顾过孩子。 ‎ ‎76.key (熟义:钥匙,答案) n.&adj.关键(的),关键性的人物 The key factor in their success is hard work.他们成功的关键因素是努力工作。 ‎ ‎77.kill (熟义:杀) vt.使笑/痛得要死,使难受之极;消磨 It kills him to admit he is wrong.他承认他错了时,难受得很。‎ His joke killed the audience.他的笑话使听众笑得死去活来。 ‎ ‎78.labour (熟义:劳动) vi.费力地行走,干苦活 They laboured through the thick forest and up the steep hill.‎ 他们艰难地穿行于茂密的森林,攀登于峻峭的山岭。‎ ‎79.last (熟义:最后的) adj.最不可能的 v.延续,够用(多久)‎ He is the last person to tell a lie.他极不可能说谎。‎ The food will last(us)(for)three weeks.这些粮食可够(我们)吃三周。 ‎ ‎80.leave (熟义:离开)v.剩下;忽略或未拿未带;使…处在某种状态 ‎ There are six days left before we go. 离我们出发还剩下六天。‎ ‎ I have left my gloves on the bus. 我把手套忘在公共汽车上了。‎ Leave the door, please. 让门开着。‎ ‎81.lecture (熟义:讲座) n.&v.训斥,教训(批评) My father gave me a lecture for smoking.因为吸烟我爸爸训斥了我一通。 ‎ ‎82.letter (熟义:信件)n.字母 ‎ Fill in your answers in capital letters, not small letters. 答案用大写字母填写,不要用小写字母。‎ ‎83.line (熟义:线;行) n. 台词 v. 沿…排列 ‎ Have you learnt your lines yet? 你的台词背熟了吗?‎ ‎ He was driving along a road lined with trees. 他行进在树木成行的路上?‎ ‎84.live (熟义:v. 生活) adj & adv 现场的(地),以直播方式 ‎ This show is going out live. 这场演出正在进行实况转播。‎ ‎85.long (熟义:adj. 长) v. 渴望 ‎ The children are longing for the holidays. 孩子们盼望放假。‎ ‎86.make (熟义:v. 制造;使) v. 演变成(某事物),结果是 If you train hard, you will make a good footballer. 你要刻苦训练就能成为优秀的足球运动员。‎ ‎87.matter (熟义:n. 事情,问题,麻烦事) n. 物质 v. 有关系,要紧 Matter has three states: solid, liquid and gas. 物质有三态:固,液,气。‎ Some things matter more than others. 有些事情更重要。‎ ‎88.mean (熟义:v. 意味着;打算) adj. 卑鄙的 He is so mean and selfish that it is very difficult to make friends with him.‎ ‎89.meet (熟义:v. 接见,会见) v. 满足 In order to meet the needs of the readers we will reprint the bestseller.‎ ‎90.mend (熟义:v. 修理,修补)v. 改良,改善 ‎ That won’t mend matters. 那于事无补。‎ ‎91.mind (熟义:v. 在乎,介意) v. 照看,留心 ‎ Mind my bike while I go into the shop, please. 请帮我照看一下自行车,我到商店里去。‎ ‎92.miss (熟义:v. 想念) v. 错过,未击中,未看见 ‎ He shot at the bird but missed. 他打鸟未打中。‎ ‎ He missed the point of my joke. 他没有听懂我讲的笑话。‎ ‎93.monitor (熟义:n. 班长) v. 持续观察(某事物),记录或测试(某事)的运作 ‎ The teacher has been monitoring the performance of the student. 老师一直关注这学生的表现。‎ ‎94.most (熟义:adj& adv. 大多数;最)adv. 很,极,非常 a most interesting book ‎ It was most kind of you to take me to the airport. 多谢你把我送到了飞机场。‎ ‎95.narrow (熟义:adj. 狭窄的) adj. 勉强的,几乎未成的 He narrowly escaped drowning. 他差点儿淹死 ‎96.nature (熟义:n. 大自然) n. 本性,本质 ‎ He knows nothing of the nature of my work. 他对我的工作性质了解不多。‎ ‎97.necessary (熟义:adj. 必须的, 必要的) adj. 必然的,一定的,无可避免的 Big men are not necessarily strong men. 个头大的人不一定强壮。‎ ‎98.note (熟义:n. 笔记,摘记;便条) n. 短信;(某事物的)特征,暗示 v. 注意(某事物),观察;记录 ‎ He sent a note of thanks. 他发出了一封谢函。‎ ‎ There was a note of self-satisfaction in his speech. 他的言谈中流露出自满的口气。 ‎ ‎ Please note my words. 请注意我的话。‎ ‎ The policeman noted down every word she said. 警察把她说的每句话都记了下来。‎ ‎99.notice (熟义:v & n. 注意) n. 布告;通知 ‎ He received two month’s notice to leave the job. 他收到两个月后解雇的通知。‎ ‎100.object (熟义:n. 物体;目标;对象;宾语) v. 反对 You are brave enough to object to your boss at the meeting.你在会上反对老板很勇敢。‎ ‎101.observe (熟义:v. 观察 ) v. 遵循 The traffic rules should be observed strictly,otherwise you will get into trouble.‎ ‎ 你必须严格遵守这些交通规则,否则你将有麻烦。‎ ‎102.occur (熟义:v. 发生) v. 想到,想起 ‎ Does it ever occur to you that you can turn to the teacher for help? 你可曾想到求助老师?‎ ‎103.offer (熟义:v. 表示愿意或有意做,给) v. 提出某事物供考虑/供接受 ‎ He offered 30,000 pounds for the house. 他还价30,000英镑买这所房子。‎ ‎104.once (熟义:adv. 曾经,一度) conj. 一旦 Once you understand this rule, you will have no further difficulty. ‎ 一旦明白了这条规则,就再也没有困难了。‎ ‎105.over (熟义:adv. 结束 prep. 超过;在…正上方;越过)‎ 在…期间;俯于…之上并将之部分或全部遮住 ‎ We had a pleasant chat over a cup of tea. 我们边喝茶边愉快地聊天。‎ ‎ He put his hand over her mouth to stop her screaming. 他伸手捂住她的嘴,不让她叫喊。‎ ‎106.pack (熟义:v. 包装) v. 挤满,塞满 ‎ The stadium was packed with chanting fans. ‎ 热情的观众挤满了体育场,不停地喊叫着有节奏的口号。‎ ‎107.park (熟义:n. 公园) v. 停车;(暂时)留下(某人),寄存(某物) Your car is very badly parked. 你的汽车停放得不好。‎ ‎ Park yourself in that chair while I make you a cup of tea. 你坐在那张椅子上,我给你沏茶去。‎ ‎108.party (熟义:n. 党;晚会) n. (一起工作,同行的)群,组,团,队 ‎ The government set up a working party to look into the problem. ‎ 政府成立了工作组调查那个问题。‎ ‎109.passage (熟义:n. 段落,节) n. 通道,走廊;旅费 ‎ They forced a passage through the crowd. 他们在人群中挤出一条路。‎ ‎ He worked his passage to Australia. 他在去澳大利亚旅行的船上做工偿付船费。 ‎ ‎110.perform (熟义:v. 表演) v. 做,执行,履行(某事);表现,运行 ‎ She was performing an operation to save his life. 她正在动手术挽救他的生命。‎ ‎ How is the new car performing? 新汽车性能如何?‎ ‎111.plant (熟义:n&v. 植物;种植) n. 工厂 How much steel can be made in the steel plant? 这钢铁厂能产钢多少?‎ ‎112.position (熟义:n. 位置) n. 职位,工作;立场,观点 ‎ He applied for the position of assistant manager. 他申请副经理一职。‎ ‎ She has made her position very clear. 她已明确阐述了自己的观点。‎ ‎113.post (熟义:n & v. 邮政;邮寄) n. 岗位;柱 ,标杆 My brother is applying for an important post in a company. ‎ 我哥哥打算在这家工厂申请一个重要岗位。‎ ‎114.practice (熟义:n. 实践,操练) n. 惯例,做法 ‎ I had coffee after dinner, as is my usual practice. 我饭后喝咖啡,这是我的惯例。‎ ‎115.present (熟义:n & adj. 礼物;现在) adj. 出席 ‎ Present at the meeting are the people who put forward a lot of useful suggestions. ‎ ‎116.press (熟义:v. 按,压) n. 报界,新闻界,记者们 ‎ The minister called a press conference as soon as the results were known. ‎ ‎ 结果一见分晓,部长立即举行了记者招待会。 ‎ ‎117.promise (熟义:v. 答应;诺言) v. 有希望 It promises to be warm this afternoon. 今天下午可望转暖。‎ ‎118.pronounce (熟义:v. 发音) v. 宣称,宣布 ‎ The doctors pronounced that he was no longer in danger. 医生宣称他已脱离危险。‎ ‎119.put (熟义:v. 放,放置) v. 表达或表述(某事物)‎ ‎ How shall I put it? 我该怎么说才好? As he puts it, the problem is difficult.‎ ‎120.question (熟义:n. 问题) v. 询问,盘问;对(某事)表示或感到怀疑 ‎ I was questioned by the police for six hours. 警方把我盘问了六个小时。‎ ‎ Her honesy has never been questioned. 她的诚实从未受到怀疑。‎ ‎121.raise (熟义:v. 举起,升起) v. 将(某物)提出讨论或引起注意;筹措;养育,饲养 ‎ The book raises many important issues for our consideration. ‎ 该书提出了很多重要问题值得考虑。‎ ‎ They are raising money for charity. 他们正在筹集慈善基金。‎ ‎ It is difficult to raising a family on a small income. 依靠微薄的收入是很难养家的。‎ ‎122.reach (熟义:v. 到达) v. 达到;手接触的范围;伸手去拿;取得联系,给(某人)打电话;延伸 You will know better when you reach my age. 你到了我这样的年纪就明白多了。‎ I can just about reach the apples on the top branch. 我只差一点就能够着最上边树枝上的苹果。‎ I reached across the table for the jam. 我伸手到桌子那端去拿果酱。‎ I can’t reach him by phone. 我打电话找不到他。‎ The field reaches as far as the foot of the mountain. 这片田野一直延伸到山脚下。‎ ‎123.read (熟义:v. 阅读,朗读) v. 理解(意义),领会(某事物)的意义 I can’t read his mind ( thought). 我无法了解他的想法。‎ ‎124.recognize (熟义:v. 认出或识别(某人)) v. 承认或认识到 He recognized that he was not qualified for the post. ‎ 他承认自己没有资格担任哪个职务。‎ ‎125.regard (熟义:v. 认为) n. regards 致意,问候 Please send my best regards to your brother. 请代为向令兄致意。 ‎ ‎126.remember (熟义:v. 记住,记着) v. 代某人向人问候 Please remember me to Jenny. 请代我问候珍妮。‎ ‎127.review (熟义:v & n. 复习,检查)n. 书评,影评 The play got splendid, excellent reviews. 该剧受到高度的,极好的评价。‎ ‎128.ride (熟义:v. 骑)v. 搭乘(交通工具)‎ You ride in the back of the car with your brother. 你跟你弟弟坐汽车的后坐。‎ ‎129.right (熟义:n & adj. 右边;权利;正确的)adv. 恰好,正好 The headmaster was sitting right beside you. 校长就坐在你的旁边。‎ ‎130.room (熟义:n. 房间 )n. 空间 There’s plenty of room for improvement in your work. 你的工作还有很多改进的余地。‎ ‎131.rule (熟义:n. 规则,制度 )v. 统治,控制 Don’t allow yourself to be ruled by emotion. 不要感情用事。‎ ‎132.run (熟义:v. 跑,行驶 )v. 经营,管理;褪色 ‎ He has no idea of how to run a successful business. 他不知道把企业办好的方法。‎ I am afraid the colour ran when I washed your new skirt.‎ 很遗憾,你那条新裙子我洗的时候掉色了。‎ ‎133.seat (熟义:v. 使(某人,自己)就坐,坐下 )v. 可坐,能坐 There is a large stadium in our school, which can seat 2000 students. ‎ 我们学校有一幢能容纳2000人的体育馆。‎ ‎134.separate (熟义:v. 分离,分开)adj. 各自的,独立的,单独存在的 We can’t work together any more; I think it’s time we went our separate ways. ‎ 我们再也不能在一起工作了,我看得各奔东西了。‎ ‎135.spare (熟义:v. 抽出,提供(时间))adj . 备用的;空闲的,未占用的 ‎ Do you carry a spare wheel in your car? 你的汽车上有备用车轮吗?‎ He paints in his spare time. 他在空闲时间绘画。‎ ‎136.spot (熟义:n. 斑点,污迹;地点,场所)v. 瞥见,发现 ‎ She spotted her friend in the crowd. 她在人群中认出了她的朋友。‎ ‎137.stamp (熟义:n. 邮票 )v. 跺,踏平He stamped his foot in anger. 他气得直跺脚。‎ ‎138.state (熟义:n. 状态 )v. 陈述或说明(某事)(尤指仔细,详尽而明确的)‎ He stated positively that he had never seen the man. 他肯定说他从未见过那个男子。‎ ‎139.still (熟义:adv. 仍然,依旧 )adj . (几乎)不动或无声的,静止的 ‎ Please keep still while I take your photograph. 我给你拍照时请别动。‎ ‎140.strike (熟义:v. 袭击 )v. (指时钟)敲响报时;产生于某人的头脑中 n. 罢工 ‎ The clock has just struck three. 钟刚敲过三点。‎ ‎ It suddenly struck me how we could improve the situation. ‎ 我突然想到了一个办法可以让我们改进这种局面。‎ The bus drivers are going on strike. 公交司机在举行罢工。‎ ‎141. succeed (熟义:v. 成功 ) v. 接替(某人或事物),继任 ‎ The silence was succeeded by the striking of a clock. 时钟鸣响声打破了寂静。‎ Who can tell which is right and which is wrong. 谁能判断那个对那个错。‎ ‎142.treat (熟义:v. 对待,治疗 )v. 以某事物款待某人或使自己获得享受 I decided to treat myself to a taxi. 我决定坐他一次计程车。‎ ‎143.trip (熟义:n. 旅程,旅途 )v. 绊,绊倒 She tripped over the cat and fell. 她让猫绊了一跤。‎ ‎144.turn (熟义:v. 转变 )v. 达到或超过(某年龄或时间) n. 依次,轮流 She turned forty last June. 她在刚过去的六月满四十岁。‎ Whose turn is it to do the washing-up? 轮到谁刷锅洗碗了?‎ ‎145.view (熟义:n. 观点;远景 )v. 考虑或认为,观看 ‎ How do you view your chances of success? 你认为你获得成功有多大把握?‎ ‎146. watch (熟义:v. 观看 n. 手表 )v. 留心;注意 We will have to watch the children in case they get too tired.‎ ‎ 我们得照看着孩子,别让他们太累了。‎ 147. ‎ weigh (熟义:v. 称重量)v. 权衡,斟酌 They weighed the advantages of the operation against the risks involved. ‎ 他们仔细考虑做这种手术的好处和危险。‎ 148. when (熟义:conj. 当…时候)conj. 那时突然; 既然;考虑到 I was about to leave when it began to rain. 我正想要离开,突然下起雨来。‎ How can they learn anything when they spend all their spare time watching TV?‎ 他们把所有的空闲时间既然都用来看电视了,还能学什么东西呢?‎ Why do you want another job when you have had this job.‎ ‎149. while (熟义:conj. 当… 时候 )conj. 然而;尽管; 既然;虽然 I drink black coffee while he prefers it with cream. 我爱喝清咖啡而他喜欢加奶油的。‎ While I admit that there are problems, I don’t agree that they cannot be solved. ‎ 尽管我承认有问题存在,但我没说这些问题不能解决。‎ ‎150.word (熟义:n. 单词,话 )n. 消息 Word came that I was needed at home. 有信儿来说家里需要我。‎

