四年级英语上册Unit2 My schoolbag第二课时

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四年级英语上册Unit2 My schoolbag第二课时

schoolbag 书 包 Chinese book 语文书 English book 英语书 math book 数学书 storybook 故事书 notebook 笔记本 A:What’s this? a math book . B:It’s ___________ A:What’s this? an English book . B:It’s _____________ A:What’s this? a notebook . B:It’s _________ A:What’s this? a notebook . B:It’s __________ A:What’s this? a story-book . B:It’s __________ A:What’s this? an English book . B:It’s ______________ a 用于以辅音音素开头的单词前面。 (不是辅音字母) an 用于元音音素开头的单词前面。 (不是元音字母) Attention 注意 1.A:What’ this? B:It’s a math book. 2.A:What’s this? B:It’s an English book. 3.A:What’s this? B:It’s a notebook. 4.A:what’s this? B:It’s a storybook. 5:A:What’s this? B:It’s an English book. an apple an egg an orange 1 schoolbag 3 schoolbag s 1 math book 2 math book s 1 notebook 6 notebook s Read and circle. e.g.I have an / a notebook. 1.This is a / an English book. 2.I have an / a new schoolbag. 3.A:How many math books / math book do you have? B:I have 3. 4.A:How many storybook / storybooks do you have? B:I have 20. 5.I have 10 Chiese book / Chinese books . schoolbag maths book E nglish book C hinese book storybook What’s in your schoolbag? 你书包里有什么? An E nglish book, a C hinese book, a maths book and three storybook s . 一本英语书,一本语文书,一本数学书和三本故事书。 Put your Chinese book in your desk. Put your pencil box on your English book. Put your maths book under your schoolbag. Put your eraser near your pencil case. Let’s do . Put your notebook under your bag. Put your pencil-case on your chair. Put your pencil in your desk. Put your eraser near your pencil-case. Put your English book on your head.

