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‎2018届二轮复习 定语从句“prep+which/whom”教案设计 The Attributive Clause (prep + which / whom)‎ 教学设计 课 题: Book 2 Unit 5 ‎ 教学内容: Structures:The Attributive Clause with prep + which / whom 课 型: Grammar ‎ 教学时间: 40 minutes I. Analysis of the teaching material ‎ The topic of this unit is music. This is the third period of this unit, which focus on the language item, the attributive clause, especially the structure of prep. + which / whom. The students haven't learned this unit, and this item is difficult for students to learn, though they have had some knowledge about attributive clause. In order to make it easier for students to learn, I choose the most popular reality show "Chinese Running Man" as a topic to create a real context for them and guide them to learn to use the target grammar. The major aim of this period is to ask students to find out the rules related to this structure and use it to describe pictures and write a report, based on the learning clue, Chinese Running Man.‎ II . Analysis of the students ‎ ‎ The students I will teach are the ones of Senior Grade 1 from Nan Wu Senior High School. They are from the common class, so their English is not as excellent as other classes. They have learnt the attributive clause, but it is the first time for them to get to know the attributive clause with prepositions. Maybe it is a little difficult for them to understand the target grammar. Therefore, it is necessary for me to present an interesting topic for them to discuss and create a harmonious atmosphere to my new students to learn. And I will adopt task-based strategies and group competitions through the whole lesson and offer them more chances to show their abilities in the class.‎ III. Teaching Goals ‎ Knowledge and Ability Objectives Students are able to:‎ 1. learn about the structure of the attributive clause (prep.+ which / whom);‎ 1. learn to observe and conclude the rules of the attributive clause (prep.+ which / whom);‎ 2. learn to describe some pictures, make a plan and write a report with the attributive clause ‎ ‎(prep.+ whom/which);‎ 3. learn about some information about “Chinese Running Man”‎ Moral Objectives ‎ ‎1. Students will be able to become interested in grammar learning.‎ ‎2. Develop student’s sense of group cooperation ‎3. Learn some positive energy from the TV show.‎ IV. Teaching important points and difficult points 1. Teaching important points a. Enhance students’ abilities to master the basic information about the attributive clause with prep. + which / whom.‎ b. Enhance students’ abilities to know how to use the attributive clause with prep. + which / whom.‎ 2. Teaching difficult points Guide students to choose proper prepositions in front of which or whom.‎ V. Teaching strategies and Methods 1. Teaching Methods: Task-based Methods, Individual and Cooperative Methods 2. Teaching Aids: Blackboard, Computer-based Multi-media VI. Teaching Procedure ‎ The flowing chart:‎ Step 1‎ Approaching Grammar ‎(感知语法)‎ Task 1: Warm up and Lead in (T—Ss/S) ‎ Task 2: Guessing Game (T—Ss/S)‎ Step 2‎ Discovering grammar ‎(发现语法)‎ Task 1 Observation and Summary (S-Ss/S)‎ Step 3‎ Practising grammar Task 1 Group work Finish the sentences & Describe the pictures (S—Ss/S)‎ ‎(实践语法)‎ Task 2 Attributive Clauses with prep. +which/whom for Description & Learn more from the TV Show (T&S-Ss/S)‎ Step 4‎ Using Grammar ‎(活用语法)‎ Task 1 The attributive clause with prep. + which / whom for writing Task 2. Our Show Time & Group Work (S—Ss/S)‎ Task 3. Homework The Detailed Process Procedures Contents Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities Purposes Step 1 ‎ Approaching Grammar ‎(感知语法)‎ Task 1 Warm up and Lead in ‎ ‎(2 minutes)‎ Ÿ ‎ Introduce myself Ÿ ‎ Lead in the target grammar and topic Ÿ Know some information about the teacher.‎ Ÿ Know what to do in the class Ÿ Approach the attributive clause with prep. + which / whom Ÿ To motivate students to get interested in the class. Also, it aims to lead in the topic of the class ‎ Ÿ To activate their stored information of the attributive clause Task 2 Guessing game (5 minutes)‎ Ÿ Present some attributive clauses with prep. + which / whom Ÿ Guide students to guess who the teacher is describing.‎ Ÿ Pay attention to the example sentences ‎ Ÿ Guess who the teacher is describing.‎ Ÿ To guide students to approach more attributive clauses with prep. +which / whom ‎ Ÿ To lead them to learn more about the members of the TV Show. ‎ Step 2 Discovering Grammar ‎ ‎(‎ Observation and Summary ‎(6 minutes) ‎ ‎(见附录一)‎ Ÿ Guide students to use their stored knowledge, observe the sample sentences and summarize the rules about how to choose prepositions. ‎ Ÿ Observe the sample sentences and summarize the rules about how to choose prepositions.‎ Ÿ To make students be the center of the class, making them develop their self-study ability 发现语法)‎ Step 3 ‎ Practising Grammar ‎ ‎(实践语法)‎ Task 1 ‎ Group work Finish the sentences & describe the pictures ‎ ‎(7 minute) ‎ ‎(见附录二)‎ Ÿ ‎ Ask students to complete the sentences with the notes. Lead them to focus on the antecedents, phrases and meaning of the attributive clause. ‎ Ÿ Guide the students to choose the sentences to describe the pictures. ‎ Ÿ ‎ Work in groups to complete the sentences with the notes. Focus on the three rules about how to choose prepositions.‎ Ÿ ‎ Choose the sentences to describe the pictures.‎ Ÿ To guide students to practice the target grammar with the rules they have just learned from last task. ‎ Ÿ To guide students to have a direct understanding of structure perp. + which / whom Task 2 the attributive clauses with prep.+which/whom for description ‎(5 minutes) ‎ ‎(见附录三)‎ Ÿ Ask students to fill in the blanks with prep. + which / whom.‎ Ÿ Guide students to summarize some positive energy they get from the TV show. ‎ Ÿ Finish the sentences with prep. + which / whom Ÿ Learn some positive energy from the TV show.‎ Ÿ Aim to lead students to know more about the target grammar by doing some exercises.‎ Ÿ To guide students to work in pairs ‎ Step 4 ‎ Using Grammar ‎ ‎(活用语法)‎ Task 1 the attributive clause with prep. + which/whom for Writing Ÿ ‎ Ask students to fill in the blanks to finish the report with the attributive clause with prep. + which / whom Ÿ Guide students to know Ÿ ‎ Fill in the blanks to finish the report with the attributive clause with prep. + which / whom.‎ Ÿ Learn how to write a report Ÿ ‎ Develop students’ abilities to use the attributive clause with prep. + which / whom according to the given situation.‎ ‎(7 minutes) ‎ ‎(见附录四)‎ ‎ how to write a report.‎ Task 2 Our Show Time ‎(8 minutes)‎ ‎(见附录五)‎ Ÿ Ask students to choose one aspect and work in groups to finish it with the attributive clause with prep. + which / whom.‎ Ÿ Guide students to share their information with other groups to finish the plan.‎ Ÿ Choose one aspect and work in groups to finish it with the attributive clause with prep. + which / whom Ÿ Share their sentences with other groups to finish the plan.‎ Ÿ To develop students’ ability to use the attributive clause with prep. + which / whom in a real context.‎ Task 3‎ Homework Ÿ Ask students to write a report about their own show “Running Boys and Girls! ” like the model report about “Running Man”‎ Ÿ Write a report about their own show “Running Boys and Girls!” like the model report about “Running man!”‎ Ÿ To guide students to use the attributive clause with prep. + which / whom by writing.‎ 板书设计:‎ OHP Screen The Attributive Clause with ‎ Preposition + Which / Whom The rules choose prepositions:‎ 一 先行词 二 搭配 三 意义 ‎ ‎ 附录一: ‎ Step 2 Discovering Grammar (发现语法) Observation and Summary ‎ 1. The lady is from CCTV, in which she is the most excellent reporter. ‎ 2. The reason for which the star can finish the tasks easily is that he has learnt Kung Fu.‎ 介词选择原则一:根据定语从句的________________的搭配习惯来决定 ‎ 3. The reality show (真人秀), about which teenagers are crazy, invites seven ‎ popular stars to finish outdoor sports tasks. ‎ 1. The leader of the team, with whom the other members are willing to make friends, is funny and responsible. ‎ 介词选择原则二:根据定语从句___________________来决定。‎ 2. The only lady, without whom the show will lose some male audiences(观众), is beautiful and brave. ‎ 3. The star will never forget the heavy lady on his back, for whom he has done such a special thing. ‎ 介词选择原则三:根据定语从句所表达的___________________来决定。‎ 4. Baby, whom the star always tries to look after, feels very happy in the show.‎ 5. Luckily, the blue team colored the name card with the gun which the red team were looking for. ‎ 特殊情况:在________________ 中介词不能提前 附录二:Step 3 Practising Grammar (实践语法)‎ ‎ Task 1 Group work Finish the sentences & Describe the pictures Tips: 注意先行词,动词或形容词搭配以及语意 When they were in Xiushan Island, they found a big box, _____________________________‎ They will never forget the day _________________________________________________.‎ Baoqiang caught a duck and put it into his red cage, __________________________________‎ Baby, ______________________, felt very sweet when someone was calling Huang Xiaoming.‎ They succeeded in finding two powerful guns, _____________________________________‎ 附录三:Step 3 Practising Grammar (实践语法)‎ Fill in the blanks with prep. +which / whom 1. When the blue team had trouble in the quagmire (泥潭), Deng Chao said some inspiring (令人鼓舞的) words, _____________the rest members were cheered up. ‎ 2. The red team were very proud of their teamwork, _____________ they couldn't dig through the cave successfully. ‎ 3. Wang Zulan, _________ people always play jokes because of his height,‎ ‎ tried his best to reach the horizontal bar (单杠). ‎ 附录四:‎ Step 4 Using Grammar (活用语法)‎ Task 1 Attributive Clause (prep. + which/whom) for Writing ‎ Chinese Running Man ‎ “Chinese Running Man” has become the most popular reality show in China. Seven stars _________ people are familiar are invited to take part in some outdoor sports tasks. They go to some famous places, __________they are divided into two or three groups to compete against each other. In the tasks, they must have enough power and wisdom (力量和智慧), ______________they will have no chance to win. To the audiences’ surprise, the stars don’t care whether they look good on TV or whether the task is too hard. The key point ______________________________ (他们所关心的) is whether the program will be more interesting. Therefore, the reality show, _________________________________ (我们从中可以获得许多快乐), is more than an entertainment program. Their persistence(坚持), bravery and the spirit of teamwork have impressed and moved many audiences. ‎ 附录五:‎ Step 4 Using Grammar (活用语法)‎ Task 2 Our Show Time Group Work ‎ Samples:‎ Time:‎ In my view, my dreamy day to hold “Running Boys and Girls!” is Saturday, on which we have an excuse for not doing homework.‎ Place:‎ As for the place, I prefer a beautiful park in Guangzhou, in which the air is fresh and we can attract different kinds of audiences. ‎ Task:‎ We should design some tasks in which the students will be interested and the members should keep running or moving.‎ Member: ‎ I recommend (推荐) the boy who is good at playing basketball and making a plan. He is proud of his energy and wisdom (智慧),with which he is sure to finish the hard tasks easily.‎ Time ‎ ‎_______________________________________________________________________________‎ Place ‎ ‎_______________________________________________________________________________ ‎ Task ‎________________________________________________________________________________ ‎ Member ‎________________________________________________________________________________ ‎

