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2019 届二轮复习阅读理解专题 — 推理判断题类型试题解题探导 Lead-in: There are three men on a train. Mr. A speaks English and Chinese. Mr. B speaks French and English. Mr. C can only talk with Mr. A. What language does Mr. C speak? Chinese. A Puzzle English English 试卷 主旨要义 简单判断和推理 推断生词词义 具体 信息 ( 细节类 ) 14 年 4 7 1 3 15 年 1 6 0 8 16 年 2 7 1 5 17 年 1 6 1 7 18 年 1 3 1 10 全国卷近 5 年阅读理解考点分布对比 推理判断类题型特点 : 在阅读理解中,推理就是要求考生在理解文章中直接陈述的观点或描述的事实的基础上,领悟作者的言外之意,得出符合作者意愿的结论,即 根据作者暗示的内容 , 推断出合理的结论。 已知 可能 1. 推断隐含意义 2. 推断作者观点或态度 3. 推断写作目的 4. 推断文章出处 5. 推断上下文 阅读推理判断题 推断题分类 1. Question forms: It can be i nferred from the text that . From the text we know that … is most likely . When the writer talks about …, what the writer really means is . The writer suggests that . The story implies that . We can infer [conclude] from the passage that . 这类题干中通常含有 infer, suggest, imply, conclude 等标志性词语。 一、如何推断隐含意义 The passage suggests that when the writer moved into the apartment, it was ______ . A. very clean B. just cleaned by the landlord C. tidy and comfortable D. dirty and full of insects One day a man walked into a pet shop and said to the shop assistant ,“ I need two small mice and about five dozen roaches (蟑螂) and two spiders (蜘蛛) .”“What do you need these things for?” the shop assistant was very surprised." Well” replied the man ,“ I’m moving out of my apartment and the landlord insists that I should leave the house in exactly the same condition as I found it.” It is fun to turn over a big rock on the beach. Make sure you turn the rock back to the position it was in after you moved it. If you don’t turn it back over, all the sea animals under it or clinging to (依附) the underside will die. The passage implies that rocks ________. hurt sea animals protect sea animals C. won’t be found on beaches D. can’t be found on beaches 2. 技巧点拨 1). 找到信息源 (相关问题在文章中的出处) 2). 忠实原文 3). 不要选择表层信息 1. 问题特点 : 题干中通常含有 attitude, view ,opinion, think of, think about, in the author’s opinion/mind 等标志性词语 . 说明作者的态度 : ( 1) objective (2) positive (3) negative (4) neutral (5) approval (6) d isapproval (7) indifferent (8) ironic (9) critical (10) optimistic (11) pessimistic (12) cautious 客观的 消极的 漠不关心的 赞成的 不赞成的 乐观的 悲观的 积极的 讽刺的 批评的 中立的 谨慎的 Why isn’t your newspaper reporting any good news ? All I read about is murder, bribery( 行贿 ), and death. Frankly , I’m sick of all the bad news. This author’s attitude towards the newspaper reporting is to _____. A. complain B. apologize C. amuse D. inform Why do people take part in such dangerous activities ? Some psychologists suggest that it is because life in modern societies has become safe and boring. Not very long ago, people’s lives were constantly in danger. They had to go out and hunt for food, diseases could not easily be cured and life was a continuous battle for survival.   Nowadays, according to many people, life offers little excitement. They live and work in safe conditions; they buy food in shops; and there are doctors and hospitals to look after them if they become ill. The answer for some of these people is to look for danger in activities such as bungee jumping. The writer of the text has a _______ attitude towards dangerous sports.   A. positive B. negative C. neutral   D. nervous 2. 技巧点拨: 注意作者表达感情色彩的 形容词、副词、动词,虚拟语气,情态动词,某些过渡词及所举的例子 ,推断出作者的弦外之音。 1. Question forms: (1) 考查整篇文章的写作目的 A. The writer’s purpose of writing this passage is to _____. B. What is the purpose of writing this article? C. In writing the passage, the author intends to _____. 三、如何推断写作目的 (2) 考查某处细节的写作意图 A. The writer uses the example of… to show that _____. B. The writer uses the two questions at the beginning of the passage to _____. C. …are mentioned in the first paragraph to _____. 2. 技巧点拨 (1) 从 文体类别 来推断写作目的 (2) 从 写作手法 来推断写作目的 (3) 根据 主题句 推断写作目的 2. 常见的写作目的归纳 不同的文章可能有不同的写作目的 , 但写作目的通常有以下三种: (1) to entertain readers (娱乐读者,让人发笑) (2) to persuade readers (说服读者接受某种观点) (3) to inform readers (告知读者某些信息) 常见于 故事类 的文章。 to make people laugh; to tell an interesting experience 常见于 广告类 的文章。 to sell a product or a service; to attract more visitors / readers / audience 多见于 科普类﹑新闻报道类﹑文化类或社会类 的文章 . A young man married a young woman. They lived with the man's big family. The family kept an elephant, in which the young woman soon took a great interest. Every day she fed it with fruit and sugar. Three months later the woman went back to her parents' home, having quarreled with her husband. Soon the elephant refused to eat or work. It appeared to be ill and heart-broken. One morning after several weeks the animal disappeared from the house. It went to the woman's home. On seeing her, the elephant waved its trunk and touched her with it. The young woman was so moved by the act of the animal that she returned to her husband's home. The writer wrote the story in order to ________. A. show that elephants are very clever B. tell how a woman trained a wild animal C. show that women care more for animals than men do D. tell how an animal reunited a husband and wife What is the purpose of the author in writing this passage? A. To call people's attention to ocean pollution. B. To warn people of shipping safety in the ocean. C. To explain a unique way of studying ocean currents. D. To give tips on how to search for lost objects on the beach. Scientists today are making greater effort to study ocean currents ( 洋流 ). Most do it using satellites and other high-tech equipment. However, ocean expert Curtis Ebbesmeyer does it in a special way --- by studying movements of random floating garbage. A scientist with many years’ experience, he started this type of research in the early 1990s when he heard about hundreds of athletic shoes washing up on the shores of the northwest coast of the United States. There were so many shoes that people were setting up swap meets to try and match left and right shoes to sell or wear . 1. 段落中出现 表转折 的词语 ( 如 however, but, in fact, actually, while, on the contrary, in contrast 等 ) 时,其后的句子很可能是主题句。 2. 表示总结或结论的话常有 therefore , thus , in short , conclude , conclusion 等。 According to these rules, what statement shouldn’t we choose? 1. 备选项的中心词 背离文章 的主题思想 2. 文中叙述的是 事实 3. 文中没依据 主观臆断 4. 太 绝对 或太 片面 5. 偷换 概念 Practice makes perfect. 1. When the young waitress near my house started saying hello to me every day, I was very happy. She was at least fifteen years younger than I. One day she signed me to come near. When I walked over, she asked,“ Are you single?” “Why, yes." I answered, smiling at her happily. “So is my mother." she said, “Would you like to meet her?" 1. The writer talked about the waitress' age because he thought___________. A. she was young B. she was beautiful C. it a pleasure to make friends with her  D. it strange for her to fall in love with him 2. The waitress said hello to the writer every day because___________. A. she lived near his house B. he often went to visit her mother C. she wanted to be friendly with him D. she loved him very much 2.Did you ever hear a strange sound coming from the wall? Did it sound like a clock? If so, it may have been made by a beetle. Long ago people thought the ticking meant that someone was about to die. Thus the beetle is called "the deathwatch beetle." It can be inferred from the text that the sound of this beetle ________. A. pleased people. B. surprised people. C. frightened people. D. excited people. What can we know from the last paragraph? A. Mary feels pity for herself. B. Mary has recovered from her disease. C. Mary wants to help others as much as possible. D. Mary determines to go back to the dance floor. 3.Although her disease has affected her eyesight and forced her to the sidelines of the dance floor, she refuses to fall into selfpity. “Everybody on earth can ask, ‘why me?’ about something or other,” she insists. “It doesn’t do any good. No one is immune ( 免疫的 ) to heartache pain, and disappointments. Sometimes we can make things better by helping others. I’ve come to realize the importance of that as I’ve grown up this second time. I want to speak out and be as helpful as I can be.” finish the passage summary 1 、 推断隐含意义 这类题干中通常含有 等标志性词语。 2 、推断作者观点和态度 题干中通常含有 等标志性词语 . 3 、推断写作目的 (1) 从 文体类别 来推断写作目的 (2) 从 写作手法 来推断写作目的 (3) 根据 主题句 推断写作目的 infer, suggest, imply, conclude attitude, view ,opinion, think of think about, in the author’s opinion/mind

