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请假 假设你是李华,你的美国老师Miss Morgan要求你们明天下午去听一个美国历史的讲座。你因故不能参加。请你根据以下要点,写一封短信向Miss Morgan请假。‎ ‎ 内容要点: ‎ ‎ 1. 表示歉意; ‎ ‎ 2. 理由:去机场接从法国回来的舅舅; ‎ ‎ 3. 询问:是否有录音,以便补听讲座。‎ Miss Morgan, ‎ I am so sorry that I won’t be able to attend the lecture on American history tomorrow afternoon. My uncle is returning home from France, and I have promised to meet him at the airport at 3:30 tomorrow afternoon.‎ ‎ I am very interested in American society and history. It is really a pity that I will miss it. I wonder if it is possible for the talk to be recorded, and if so, could I borrow the tape? It would mean a great deal to me to listen to the tape and make up for what is covered in the talk. I would appreciate it if you could allow me to ask for leave. ‎ Thank you.‎ Yours, Li Hua 常用词汇:‎ 1. 请两天的假 ask for two days off / two days’ leave 2. 准我假 grant my leave 3. 很遗憾… It is really a pity that…‎ 4. 生病 have a bad cold a high fever 5. 去看医生 go to see a doctor 6. 吃药 take medicine 邀请 假定你是李华。你班同学决定为小明举办生日聚会。请你写信邀请外教Susan参加,要点包括:‎ ‎1.时间:周五晚8点至9点 ‎2.地点:学生俱乐部 ‎3.内容:生日歌、蛋糕、游戏等 ‎4.要求:备小礼物 Hi Susan, ‎ We're throwing a surprise party for Xiaoming's birthday ...‎ I hope you can come and join us if it is convenient to you. The party will be held on Friday evening from 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Students’ Club. During the party, we’ll sing “Happy Birthday” to him with the candle on. I am sure Xiaoming will be very happy and moved. After that, we’ll cut the birthday cake prepared for him in advance and share it together. What’s more, we decide to play some games afterwards. By the way, don’t forget to prepare a little gift when you come. I am sure we’ll enjoy ourselves together.‎ Yours, ‎ Li Hua 常用词汇:‎ 1. 邀请某人I’d like to I’m so honored to I’ m pleased to invite sb. to …‎ 2. 接受邀请I sincerely hope you can accept my invitation 3. 加入我们 join us 4. 参加讲座 attend the lecture 5. 被举行 take place be held 节能环保 假设你是星光中学的李华,将参加主题为 “Let’s Ride Bicycles”的英语演讲比赛。请撰写一份演讲稿,主要内容包括:1.目前汽车带来的空气污染和交通堵塞等问题;‎ ‎2.骑自行车的益处,如节能环保、有利健康等。‎ 参考词汇:低碳生活(low-carbon life); 节能(energy saving)‎ Good morning, everyone, ‎ ‎ I am Li Hua from Xingguang‎ ‎Middle School. The topic of my speech is "Let's Ride Bicycles". As is known to all, with the improvement of people’s living standards, cars have become a popular means of transport, bringing great convenience to our life. However, they have also caused some problems such as air pollution and traffic jams. How can we solve the problems then? As far as I’m concerned, riding bicycles is a good solution. For one thing, bicycles don’t need any petrol and they are energy – saving. For another, bicycles are environmentally friendly because they won’t give off waste gas. What’s more, riding bicycles is a good way for us to exercise and it is beneficial to our health. ‎ ‎ Therefore, let’s take the responsibility to build up a low carbon city by riding bicycles. Come on and join us! ‎ ‎ Thank you!‎ 相关词汇:‎ ‎1. 环境问题/污染 environmental problems/ pollution ‎2. 保护/污染环境 protect/ pollute the environment ‎ ‎3. 严重污染be badly/ severely polluted ‎4. 伤害环境 do harm to/ be harmful to the environment ‎ ‎5. 采取措施 take measures/ action ‎6. 省电/水 save electricity/ water 节能 save energy 节能的 energy-saving ‎7. 关灯/水龙头 turn/ switch off the lights/ the tap ‎8. 废物利用 reuse/recycle the waste ‎ ‎9. 乱扔垃圾 throw rubbish everywhere/ (throw)litter around ‎10. 把垃圾扔进垃圾箱 throw litter into the dustbin ‎ ‎11. 绿色出行/坐公交/骑自行车 go green/ take/ride buses/ ride bicycles ‎12. 环保购物袋 environmentally friendly shopping bags 感谢 假设你过生日时收到了Lucy送来的鲜花,写信向她表示感谢。你的信应包括: ‎ ‎1. 表达感谢之意 2. 提出回报对方 3. 期待对方做客 ‎ Dear Lucy, ‎ I am writing to express my sincere thanks for your beautiful flowers. I’d like you to know how much your flowers meant to me. You have a positive genius for selecting the right gift. I not only enjoyed your flowers, but also the delicate vase. I shall ever remember this gift as one of the most precious things in my life. I will not be busy the following days. I hope to have the opportunity to reward you. I will feel very happy if you have time to give me a call. How nice it would be to see you again and I am looking forward to seeing you next time! ‎ Thank you again for your lovely flowers. Please give my kind regards to your family. ‎ Yours truly, ‎ Huck ‎ 参考词汇:‎ ‎1. express my appreciation 感激 2. generous help 慷慨的帮助 ‎3. convey my gratitude 表达我的感激 4. heartfelt/sincere 至诚的,衷心的 ‎5. selfless help 无私的帮助 6. from the bottom of my heart 从心底 ‎7. thoughtful/considerate 考虑周到,体贴的 ‎8. be extremely grateful to sb. for one’s help 因某人的帮助非常感激某人 ‎ 道歉 假设你是新华中学的李华,你和在上海上学的英国朋友Tom约好下周去北京旅游,但你因故不能赴约。请根据以下要点用英语给他写一封电子邮件:‎ ‎1.表示歉意;2.解释原因;3.另约时间 Dear Tom,‎ I am indeed very sorry that I can’t go to Beijing with you next week, which I have promised. I feel uneasy about it and want you to know what happened.‎ Just now, my cousin, Xiao Ming, who left home to Australia for his further study last year, informed me that he will return this Saturday morning. He wanted me to pick him up at the airport with his family. You know, we haven’t seen each other for nearly a year, so I can’t spare the time to go to Beijing.‎ I sincerely hope you can accept my apologies and understand my situation. I would appreciate your allowing me to make another date to show you around Beijing.‎ Sincerely yours,‎ Li Hua 参考词汇:‎ ‎1. apologize vi 道歉 apologize to sb for sth 因某事向某人道歉 ‎2. apology n make an apology to sb for sth 因某事向某人道歉 ‎3. forgive/excuse 原谅 4. accept one’s apology 接受某人的道歉 ‎ ‎5. I’m terribly sorry to bother you but… 我非常抱歉打扰你 ‎ ‎ 图表议论文 ‎【作文一】‎ 现在全国很多学校出现了一种新的教学方式:小组合作学习方式(group—centered studying)。在此之前,常用的方式是“填鸭式教学(forced—feeding method of teaching)”:这两种方式各有特点,请你以“Forced-feeding teaching or group-centered studying”‎ 为题.按照以下要点写一篇150词左右的短文:‎ ‎1.填鸭式教学:老师讲得多,把知识灌输给学生,课堂气氛沉闷,学生缺乏主动性;‎ ‎2.小组合作学习:老师讲得少,同学们一起讨论、相互学习。有学习的积极性,但部分同学容易养成偷懒的习惯;‎ ‎3.你喜欢的方式和理由。‎ ‎【作文二】‎ 目前,每个城市每天都产生大量的垃圾,垃圾分类刻不容缓,请根据下表,用英语写一篇短文。‎ 严峻形势 每天产生大量的垃圾,己成为令每个城市头疼的问题 垃圾分类的意义 ‎1.减少垃圾量和垃圾对环境的污染;‎ ‎2.是对垃圾进行有效处置的一种科学管理方法;‎ ‎3.回收资源,有利于改善生存环境质量和环境保护。‎ 呼吁 政府采取有效措施并即刻行动,在公共场所放置不同的垃圾箱供居民投放分类垃圾 注意:‎ ‎1.词数:150左右。2.内容可适当发挥,注意行文连贯。3.参考词汇:垃圾分类rubbish classification ‎【作文三】‎ 假定你所在学校最近要举办一次英语征文大赛,请你根据下表内容,用英语写一篇有关交友的短文。‎ 你对交友的看法 ‎1.有许多问题靠自己无法解决,要靠朋友帮助;‎ ‎2.可与朋友分享快乐、分担忧愁。‎ 你对朋友的看法 ‎1.在你需要的时候决不离开你;‎ ‎2.牺牲自己的利益,给你真诚和无私的帮助;‎ ‎3.鼓励你坚持正确的东西,少犯错误。‎ 结论 ‎……‎ 注意:‎ ‎1.短文须包括所有要点,结论部分可自由发挥;2.词数:150左右;3.开头己给出,但不计入总词数。‎ In life we can hardly do without friends.‎ ‎___________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎【作文四】‎ 最近,你和你的朋友对高三学生进行了一次家访和调查,学生的反馈情况见下表。请你以What I want to speak out most 为题,写一篇150词左右的短文,向《英语周报》投稿。开头己给出,但不计入总词数。‎ 对校长 对老师 对家长 ‎★创造良好的校园环境 ‎★让大家劳逸结合 ‎★多倾听学生的心声 ‎★给予学生更多自主思考的时间 ‎★笑脸是阳光,上课不要太严肃 ‎★多理解我们 ‎★我们应该学会独立自主 What I want to speak out most As a Senior 3student, I have many things in mind to speak out.‎ First…‎ ‎【作文五】‎ ‎ 2008年5月12号,我国四川省汶川县发生了8级地震。请根据下图提示,用英语介绍一下当时的情况及震后救灾的情况。‎ 注意:1.词数120左右: 2.可根据图画提示适当增加细节,使行文连贯; 3.参考词汇: 人民解放军:PLA 总理:n.premier ‎【作文六】‎ ‎ 假设最近你作为研究性学习的课题组成员就对高中英语新教材的看法在同学们中间展开调查,调查结果如下:‎ 请你根据以上调查写一份120词左右的调查报告。报告的开头已给出,但不计入总词数。‎ I recently made a survey about different views on the new English textbook among my classmates.‎ ‎_______________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎_______________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎【作文一】One possible version:‎ ‎ Forced-feeding teaching or group-centered studying There are basically two teaching methods at present. One is forced-feeding teaching, the other is group-centered studying.‎ With forced-feeding teaching, teachers spend much time on the instructions while the students are busy taking notes. Therefore, it leads to the whole class not taking an active role in their lessons, which makes the class very dull.‎ With group-centered studying introduced into schools, the class has changed a great deal. Students can exchange what they learn and express their opinions freely. But it has a shortcoming: Some students get into the habit of being lazy.‎ As far as I am concerned, I prefer to study in a team, which offers students a chance to learn how to express their opinions. What's more, it can make students form the good habit of looking up a large quantity of information in advance. In a word, we ‎ can benefit a lot from studying in a team.‎ ‎【作文二】At present, society produces a large amount of rubbish, such as leftover food, waste paper, plastic bottles and batteries every day. Rubbish has become a big headache in every city and is becoming a major environmental problem. It has become necessary to deal with this issue. So, how to solve this problem? I think rubbish classification is a good way to deal with it.‎ ‎ Firstly, rubbish classification can reduce the amount of rubbish and the rubbish pollution to the environment. Secondly, it is a scientific and effective way to manage rubbish. What's more, by classifying rubbish it allows us to recycle resources, which will improve the quality of our living conditions and help the environment. ‎ Since rubbish classification has so many advantages, our government should take effective measures to introduce this policy immediately. Different dustbins should be placed in public places so that residents can leave their sorted rubbish in them.‎ ‎【作文三】In life we can hardly do without friends. Friends are an important part in our lives. Why? As we know, life is not easy. There are many difficulties and problems we can't overcome through our own efforts alone. We need friends to support and help us out of them. Also, We need friends to share our joys and sorrows. Otherwise, we will suffer from loneliness and feel sad.‎ ‎ However, there are many kinds of friends. What is true friendship? As the popular saying goes, "A friend in need is a friend indeed." True friends are those who never desert you when they are badly needed. They will offer you practical help sincerely and unselfishly even at the cost of their own interests. What's more, they will encourage you to stick to what is right and to avoid doing what is wrong or illegal, however stubborn you are.‎ ‎ In conclusion, make friends with those who can share our feelings and will come through difficulties with us.‎ ‎【作文四】 What I want to speak out most As a Senior 3 student, I have many things in mind to speak out.‎ First, I’d like to advise the headmaster to create a better environment for us students to live and study in. You see, we devote ourselves to our lessons. But all work and no play make Jack a dull boy. We need some time to relax. For us, relaxation is equally important. Strangely enough, this is seemingly neglected. Also, we hope the headmaster can have more communication with us so that we can voice our opinions in time. Second, I hope our teachers can smile more in class and leave us more free time to think for ourselves. They are just too serious in class! They know better than us that a smiling face is like sunshine, which will warm the heart of everyone involved! As for our parents, we do expect that they can have a better understanding of us. After all, we need to .learn to be independent.‎ ‎【作文五】One possible version:‎ On the afternoon of May 12, 2008, a big earthquake happened in Sichuan province. In no time, most houses and buildings fell down and many people were buried in the ruins.‎ Within one day, the PLA hurried there to rescue the victims, and many volunteers also rushed there to help. ‎ Our premier, Wen Jiabao, went there several hours later. He said: “If there is 1% Of hope, we’ll make 100% of our efforts”, which encouraged the local people very much.‎ The terrible disaster had an effect on all the Chinese and people all over the world. People at home and abroad donated money and goods to offer help, with which people in the disaster areas would live a normal life. ‎ I believe all bad things will come to an end and that we are sure to overcome all difficulties.‎ ‎【作文六】 I recently made a survey about different views on the new English textbook among my classmates.‎ ‎ According to the survey, 80% of the students are quite satisfied with it. In their opinion, the pictures in the new English textbook are very attractive, which greatly arouse their interest in learning. In addition, the textbook is very interesting, with many of the topics close to life and familiar to the students. Also, the hot topics it covers provide lots of rich cultural knowledge of the world, differing vastly from the traditional ones. This appeals to the students’ tastes and curiosity a lot. All these help them gain a better understanding of the world around..‎ ‎ However, other students, about 15% of them, express their opposite ideas. They complain that there are too many new words and long difficult sentences, making the texts more difficult to understand. And the rest, about 5% of the surveyed show ‎ no opinion.‎ ‎ Therefore generally, the new English textbook has helped most students improve their English enormously.‎ ‎ ‎

