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‎2018-2019学年湖北省钢城四中高一上学期10月月考英语试卷 第Ⅰ卷 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)‎ ‎ 做题时,现将答案标在试卷上,录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。‎ 第一节 ‎(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)‎ 听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题。从题中所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。‎ ‎1. How far is the nearer supermarket? ‎ A.5km B. 3 km. C. 2 km. ‎ ‎2. Where does the conversation take place? ‎ A. At a restaurant. B. At a store. C. at the woman’s house ‎ ‎3. Which country is the woman going to this year? ‎ A. Canada. B. Italy. C. Brazil ‎4. What is the talk mainly about? ‎ A. When the party will be held. ‎ B. How many people will attend the party. ‎ C. Whether the man was invited to the party. ‎ ‎5. What does the man like about the new restaurant? ‎ A. The atmosphere. B. The food. C. The service. ‎ 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)‎ 听下面5段对话。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。‎ 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。‎ ‎6. Why is the man going to California? ‎ A .To work there. B. To join his family. C. To continue his education. ‎ ‎7. What is the relationship between the speakers? ‎ A. Boss and employee. B. Customer and agent. C. Interviewer and interviewee. ‎ 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。‎ ‎8. How does the woman feel about the man's suggestion? ‎ A .Bored. B. Surprised. C. Excited. ‎ ‎9. What is the weather like now? ‎ A. Windy. B. Rainy. C. Foggy 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。‎ ‎10. Why is the man talking to the woman? ‎ A. To book a trip. B. To give an invitation. C. To get some information ‎ ‎11. How much is a return ticket? ‎ A. £25. B. £40. C. £65.‎ ‎12. What does the woman suggest the man do? ‎ A. Go to a travel agency. B. Take food to the train. C. Get a ticket at the station office. ‎ 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。‎ ‎13. What is the woman's problem? ‎ A. She can't find any music for Parents' Night. ‎ B. She isn't familiar with young people's tastes. ‎ C. She has to choose different music for different people. ‎ ‎14. What kind of music do the speakers decide to start with? ‎ A. Jazz. B. Rock'n'roll. C. Country music. ‎ ‎15. What do we know about line dancing? ‎ A. Most old people don't like it. ‎ B. People usually do it with jazz. ‎ C. It requires people to do the same steps together. ‎ ‎16. What will the speakers do next? ‎ A. Have something to drink. B. Choose different music. C. Learn to do line dancing. ‎ 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。‎ ‎17. For what is the local charity raising money? ‎ A. A summer camp. B. A holiday trip. C. A yearly event. ‎ ‎18. Why has Ollie James been invited to the food festival? ‎ A. To sell foods. B. To organize the festival. C. To attract more people. ‎ ‎19. What is a special activity for children? ‎ A. The photography competition. B. Selling local produce. C. Face-painting. ‎ ‎20. How long will the food festival last? ‎ A. 7 hours. B. 9 hours. C. 10 hours. ‎ 第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)‎ 第一节 ‎(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)‎ ‎ 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。‎ A After a few dog treats (狗粮) disappeared, employees at a Dollar General store in Clinton soon discovered their thief was a four-legged thief. ‎ Cato the husky (哈士奇) spends most of his days lounging around his Clinton house, but it's what he does when he gets out that worried his owner. ‎ ‎"My dog was shoplifting, " laughed Holly Darden, Cato's owner. ‎ On a Wednesday morning, Cato got off his leash (皮带) and took off. And not long after his escape, the Dollar General store on South Broad Street was robbed. ‎ ‎"We didn't know it happened because he just walked in with the customers," said store manager Anastasia Polson. ‎ Polson said it happened twice within a few minutes. She said someone had stolen pig ears, beef bones, dog food and treats off the shelf. ‎ She knew their cameras were rolling, so when she watched the film, she saw they had a shoplifting dog. Cato took the goods and buried them nearby. ‎ Darden said police told her it was their best arrest ever. She said she's not sure if this is his first theft but he has gotten into other local businesses. ‎ ‎"He's gotten into Ingles. He's gotten into BI-LO. He goes to Pizza Hut. And he goes up to Yo Cup which is downtown too," she said. Darden said he's not hungry. ‎ ‎"Look at him, he's fat," she laughed. "Yes! I feed him. There's food in there. There's treats in there." ‎ Cato did spend time at the pound (拘留所), but he's back home resting. And Clinton police did fill out a report just for fun. ‎ ‎21. Who stole things from a Dollar General store in Cliton? ‎ A. Polson. B. Holly Darden. C. Its employee. D. Cato the husky. ‎ ‎22. How did the shop find out the thief? ‎ A. The police caught the thief. ‎ B. Customers told the manager. ‎ C. The employee caught the thief stealing. ‎ D. The manager watched the film through the cameras. ‎ ‎23. How many stores did the shoplifter rob? ‎ A. 3. B. 4. C. 5. D.6. ‎ ‎24. What can we learn from the text? ‎ A. Police thought the thief was interesting. ‎ B. Clinton police fined the thief for stealing things. ‎ C. The thief shoplifted things because he was hungry. ‎ D. It was the first time that the thief had stolen things. ‎ B ‎ While planes and high-speed trains get us to our destination more quickly, as travelers, we also miss some fantastic scenery along the way .A long train ride allows us to slow down and ‎ enjoy the time on the road. ‎ Here, we list some of the most popular railway trips in China: ‎ Road into the clouds ‎ Route: Xining, Qinghai to Lhasa, Tibet ‎ Time: 23-24 hours ‎ Known as the highest railway in the world, the Qinghai-Tibet railway ---- or "Heavenly Road" ----- climbs to 5,000 meters above sea level. Among the way, you can view different landscapes: the beautiful Qinghai Lake, the grand Kunlun Mountains, the mysterious source of the Yangtze River, the vast Qiangtang grasslands, and the Yangpachen landscape. When the train passes through Hoh Xil National Nature Reserve, you may even see Tibetan antelopes and other wild animals running on the plateau. ‎ Voyage through history ‎ Route: Xi' an, Shanxi to Dunhuang, Gansu ‎ Time: 22-23 hours ‎ From Xi'an, the beginning of the ancient Silk Road to Dunhuang,famous for the Mogao Grottoes, this is a trip through Chinese history. The relics of the Great Wall in the Ming Dynasty, the Jiayuguan Pass, and the snow-capped Qilian Mountains are worth seeing. In Lanzhou, you can see the Yellow River flowing through the city. As the train passes through the long Hexi Corridor, endless views of the Gobi Desert await (等候). ‎ Top choice for nature lovers ‎ Route: Guangzhou, Guangdong to Anshun, Guizhou ‎ Time: 22-24 hours ‎ This is a journey to embrace (拥抱) China's gorgeous nature. You can see dense (茂密的) forests and red soil in the western part of Guangdong Province. As the train climbs to the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, the rocky hills, landforms and layered terraces will amaze you. With blue skies, green mountains and fresh air along the whole way, it's a good chance to relax yourself. ‎ ‎25. According to the text, the author advises readers to take a trip by . ‎ A. subway B. long train C. airplane D. high-speed train ‎ ‎26. When traveling from Xining to Lhasa, we can see the following things except .‎ A. Qinghai Lake B. Mogao Grottoes C. Tibet antelopes D. source of the Yangtze River ‎ ‎27. If you want to enjoy the Chinese history, which route you can choose? ‎ A. Route: Xi'an, Shanxi to Lhasa ,Tibet. ‎ B. Route: Xining, Qinghai to Lhasa, Tibet C. Route: Xi'an, Shanxi to Dunhuang , Gansu. ‎ ‎ D. Route: Guangzhou, Guangdong to Anshun, Guizhou.‎ ‎28.Where does this text probably come from?‎ ‎ A. A novel. B. A poetry. C. A travel magazine. D. A geography book.‎ ‎C In the 8th grade, I met one of the most wonderful people. You see, we were in the same art class and sat at the same table, but this girl struck me as negative. It seemed as if she had been always upset, always angry. I found her troublesome (令人头疼的) and really difficult to spend an hour with. However, I knew that I was going to be spending the whole year sitting at a table with her, so I should try to be nice. ‎ But she talked with me one night. She simply needed someone to talk to. To be honest, I never thought what an amazing partner my classmate was. We ended up talking for over three hours! I was laughing my head off by the end of it! That was when I decided she couldn't be bad. I was correct. We both realized the other was very trustworthy (值得信赖的). We began sharing our lives. But at school, she was still negative and kind of mean. I wasn't really sure what to think about her. ‎ Once, I asked her why she was behaving differently. She replied that she was just good at pretending and I would forgive her. However, I still didn't know why she behaved badly in school. All I know is that she doesn't now. One of the happiest days of my life was when she sent me a notebook with the following words. ‎ ‎"It's surprising how nice you are. You welcomed me when I was troublesome. When I was struggling with depression you helped me. You're my best friend." I started crying. I had thought so negatively of her, and here she says I'm her best friend. It turned out that she behaved badly on purpose to find a true friend.‎ ‎29. Why did the author try to be nice to her deskmate at first? ‎ A. She was one of the best students in that school. ‎ B. She was afraid that her deskmate would trouble her. ‎ C. She realized her deskmate was really a good person. ‎ D. She had to share a table with her deskmate for a year. ‎ ‎30. After talking with her classmate for over three hours . ‎ A. the author changed her opinion of her deskmate ‎ B. the author and her deskmate became the best friends ‎ C. the author’s deskmate struck her as negative and mean ‎ D. the author found out why her classmate behaved badly in school ‎ ‎31. Why did the author cry? ‎ A. She received a gift from her deskmate. ‎ B. Her deskmate became very kind to her. ‎ C. Her deskmate regarded her as her best friend. ‎ D. The friendship between she and her deskmate broke down. ‎ ‎32. Which of the following statements is true according to the text? ‎ A. The author met her unusual deskmate in primary school. ‎ B. The author's deskmate doesn't behave badly in school now. ‎ C. With the author's help, her classmate made great progress in study. ‎ D. The author found her deskmate trustworthy after she received a gift from her.‎ D ‎ The morning had been a disaster. My tooth was aching, and I'd been in an argument with a friend .Her words still hurt:”The trouble with you is that you won't put yourself in my place. Can't you see things from my point of view?" I shook my head stubbornly ---- and felt the ache in my tooth .I'd thought I could hold out till my dentist came back from holiday, but the pain was really unbearable. I started calling the dentists in the phone book, but no one could see me immediately. Finally, at about lunch time, I got lucky. ‎ ‎"If you come by right now," the receptionist said, "the dentist will fit you in." ‎ I took my purse and keys and rushed to my car. But suddenly, I began to doubt about the dentist. What kind of dentist would be so eager (热切的) to treat someone at such short notice? Why wasn't he as busy as the others? ‎ In the dentist's office, I sat down and looked around. I saw nothing but the bare walls and I became even more worried. The assistant noticed my nervousness and placed her warm hand over my ice-cold one. ‎ When I told her my fears, she laughed and said, "Don't worry. The dentist is very good." ‎ ‎"How long do I have to wait for him?" I asked impatiently. ‎ ‎"Come on, he is coming. Just lie down and relax. And enjoy the artwork," the assistant said.‎ ‎"The artwork?" I was puzzled. ‎ The chair went back, suddenly I smiled. There was a beautiful picture, right where I could enjoy it: on the ceiling. How considerate the dentist was! At that moment, I began to understand what my friend meant by her words. ‎ What a relief! ‎ ‎33. Which best describes the author's feeling that morning? ‎ A. Upset. B. Happy. C. Nervous. D. Satisfied ‎34. What made the author begin to doubt about the dentist? ‎ A. The laughing assistant of the dentist. ‎ B. The surroundings of the dentist's office. ‎ C. The dentist's being as busy as the other dentists. ‎ D. The dentist's agreeing to treat her at very short notice. ‎ ‎35. What did the author learn from her experience most probably? ‎ A. Strike while the iron is hot. B. Put oneself in other's shoes. ‎ C. A friend in need is a friend indeed. D. Have a good word for one's friend. ‎ 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)‎ 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填人空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 ‎ Sleeping bags, campfires, sports, new friends and fun ----- There's nothing quite like summer camp for the experience of a lifetime! 36 ‎ When you're far away from your family, it's only natural to feel a little sad inside. There might be times, especially at night, when you feel a little sick. 37 But don't worry! There're ways to deal with it and go on to have a great time at camp. ‎ Remember that you're not the only person feeling this way. 38 The truth is that most campers go through times when they miss their family. Tell yourself that it's okay to feel a little sad,but it doesn't mean you won't have a wonderful time. ‎ ‎ 39 This will not only make you feel closer to the people you are writing to, but it will help you collect your thoughts, and pay more attention to all the things you're doing at camp. If you're feeling lonely at the end of the day, sit down and write a letter about what you did since you woke up. ‎ Making camp friends also works. 40 Spending time with someone you like can wash away your sadness and even homesickness. Believe it or not, when you get home, you might miss them as much as you missed your family! ‎ A. Write plenty of letters. ‎ B. Instead, make a promise to do your best. ‎ C. Try to make it through the first few nights. ‎ D. If you're homesick, being alone can just make things worse. ‎ E. However, feeling homesick is also a big part of the camp experience. ‎ F. You might wish you were back home, and you might even find yourself crying. ‎ G. Feeling homesick is bad enough, but it can make things worse if you think you're the only camper ‎ feeling this way. ‎ ‎36. 37. 38. 39. 40. ‎ 第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分) ‎ 第一节(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。‎ When I was just 10 years old, my mother left this world. It was a time when I didn't even know the meaning of relations and the impact (影响)of 41 the most beloved one. ‎ Like most people, I also 42 my mother so much. I still remember I was so 43 and every afternoon I 44 with other children in the playground.. Just a few days before that car accident, she 45 ‎ me to stay at home and to be with her. But I 46 her words, just said "I am coming" like any other kid of that age and 47 to play with friends. Obviously, I just couldn't think in my 48 what was going to happen in the next few days. My friends and badminton were more 49 at that time. Now I often recall (回想) the same situation calling me to stay at home 50 I was busy with playing in the playground. Whenever I 51 what I did, I had a strong guilty (内疚的) feeling. I hate myself for not sparing some 52 with my mother when she needed me and now when I 53 her, she is no longer with me. ‎ This incident has 54 my look of the life. I got a big lesson that we will never ignore anyone who needs you 55 if they are your loved ones. After that accident, I 56 the value of the relation, and this is why now I care everyone because I know how 57 it pains when I lost someone in my heart. You should love your 58 , friends and those around you because you never know what is going to 59 the next moment. Life is too short, so you just keep 60 and live happily. ‎ ‎41. A. missing B. hurting c. remembering D. losing ‎ ‎42. A. love B. give C. bring D. help ‎ ‎43. A. silly B. active C. young D. naughty ‎ ‎44. A. argued B. played C. studied D. fought ‎ ‎45. A. ordered B. called C. advised D. forced ‎ ‎46. A. ignored B. minded C. forgot D. hated ‎ ‎47. A. refused B. hoped C. continued D. decided ‎ ‎48. A. spirit B. mind C. life D. dream ‎ ‎49. A. friendly B. comfortable C. useful D. important ‎ ‎50. A. but B. and C. so D. or ‎ ‎51. A. think of B. learn about C. talk about D. know of ‎ ‎52. A. luck B. energy C. time D. pleasure ‎ ‎53. A. ask B. need C. leave D. phone ‎ ‎54. A. touched B. destroyed C. changed D. built ‎ ‎55. A. exactly B. merely C. mainly D. especially ‎ ‎56. A. read B. show C. believe D. understand ‎ ‎57. A. deeply B. much C. often D. seriously ‎ ‎58. A. mother B. family C. schoolmates D. workmates ‎ ‎59. A. happen B. win C. do D. leave ‎ ‎60. A. waiting B. acting C. smiling D. working ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 第II卷 第三部分:英语知识运(共两节,满分45分) ‎ 第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)‎ 阅读下面材料,在空白处填人适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 ‎ For 72 years, Lisa Gumpel kept a secret. "For a long time, I was 61 (determine) not to tell anyone about it," said Gumpel. The 85-year-old, 62 finally settled in Minnesota after the war, now 63 (live) in the Twin Cities. ‎ She told people that she and her two sisters were among 669 Jewish children 64 (save) by a kind man to escape from the Nazi concentration camp (纳粹集中营) in 1939. Their rescuer was a British businessman named Nicholas Winton, who also kept the story to 65 (he) until his wife found a list of the children's names. ‎ Gumpel was shocked in 1988 when the truth about Winton's one-man rescue 66 (operate) finally came out. "Nobody knew that he actually did all by himself”," she said. "He worked so hard 67 (help) save lives."‎ Winton still doesn't think that he's a hero, 68 (argue) that his life was never 69 danger. He said he was doing 70 he feels every person should do. ‎ A party was held for him and the people he'd saved. Gumpel was excited when she finally met him. "He still treats us all like we're his kids," she said with a warm smile on the face; ‎ ‎61. . 62. . 63. . 64. . 65. .‎ ‎66. . 67. . 68. . 69. . 70. .‎ 第四部分:写作(共两节;满分35分)‎ 第一节:短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ 假如英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处,每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。‎ 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。‎ 删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。‎ 修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。‎ 注意: 1.每处错误及其修改仅限一词; ‎ ‎2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。‎ Not all people like to work and everyone likes to play. All over the world, ‎ men and woman,boys and girls enjoy sports. Since many years ago, many ‎ adults and children have call their friends together to spend hours, even days play ‎ games. One of reasons why people like to play is that sports help them to live ‎ happily. In other words, they help to keep people strong and health. When ‎ people are playing games, they move a lot of .That is because sports are good ‎ activities for their health. Having fun with their friends make them happy. ‎ Many people enjoy sports by watch others play. ‎ 第二节:书面表达(满分25分)‎ 假设你是李华,近段时间你收到了一家报社编辑的来信,信中针对读者反映:中学生在平时考试时,作弊(cheat)非常严重!对于这一问题,询问你对中学生考试作弊的一些个人的观点!并请你给报社写一封电子邮件!‎ ‎ 注意: 1.词数:120左右; 2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ 武汉市青山区2018-2019学年度高一年级上学期十月考试 英语试题答案 ‎01-20.BBCCA ABBAC BACBC AACCB ‎21-40.DDCAB BCCDA CBADB EFGAD ‎41-60.DACBB ACDDA ACBCD DBBAC 阅读理解:‎ A ‎【短文大意】美国克林顿市的一家达乐连锁超市丢失了几包狗粮,超市的经理很快发现行窃的是一只"四只手"。这只 叫Cato的哈士奇每日在家附近闲逛,而它外出时却在几家商店行窃。 ‎ ‎21. D. 细节理解题。难度较小。根据第一至第三段内容可知,是Darden的狗Cato在达乐连锁超市行窃的,故选D。 ‎ ‎22. D. 细节理解题。难度较小。根据第七段可知,超市经理Polson知道监控摄像头拍摄了当时的画面,她通过播放录像才发现了偷东西的"贼",故选D。 ‎ ‎23. C. 细节理解题。难度较小。根据第十段可知, Cato行窃的商店有Ingles, BI-LO, Pizza Hut, Yo Cup;除此之外,还有上文提到的Dollar General,总共五家商店,故选C。 ‎ ‎24. A. 推理判断题。难度中等。根据最后一段第二句可知,警察觉得Cato很有趣。 ‎ B ‎【短文大意】尽管飞机和高铁能让我们更快到达目的地, 但长途火车旅行能让我们尽情享受路上的悠闲时光。青海至拉萨的线路让我们领略天路之旅,西安至敦煌的线路带我们穿越历史之路,广州至安顺的线路让我们感受自然的遛通风光。 ‎ ‎25. B. 细节理解题。难度较小。根据第一段最后一句A long train ride allows us to slow down and enjoy the time on the road.可知,长途列车能让人放慢速度并享受路途上的悠闲时光,所以文章建议读者旅行的时候选择长途列车,故选B。 ‎ ‎26. B. 细节理解题。难度较小。根据第一条旅游路线 Road into the clouds下面的段落可知,在这条路线上可以看到的风景有:青海湖、昆仑山脉、扬子江源头、羌塘草原以及羊八井风景区、藏辫羊和其它野生动物,但看不到莫高窟,故选B.‎ ‎27. C. 细节理解题。难度较小。根据第二条路线下面的段落中this is a trip through Chinese history可知,如果要享受历史之旅,应选择Route: Xi'an,Shanxi to Dunhuang,Gansu这条路线。 ‎ ‎28. C. 推理判断题。难度中等。根据文章内容可知,本文是一篇旅游指导,可能来自于一本旅游杂志,故选C。 ‎ C.‎ ‎【短文大意】在八年级的时候,作者遇到了一个非常消极的、 不友好的、难相处的同桌。有一次,作者和她畅聊了三个小时,发现她人其实挺好的,而且值得信赖。但在学校,她还是表现得很消极而且不友好。作者后来才知道,她的同桌在学校伪装是为了找到一个真正的朋友。再后来,作者收到了同桌的礼物,通过留言她才知道同桌把她当作最好的朋友,作者很感动。 ‎ ‎29. D. 推理判断题。难度中等。根据第一段最后一句However,I knew that I was going to be spending the whole year sitting at a table with her, so I should try to be nice.可知,作者考虑到她要与她的这位同学做一年的同桌, 所以尽量对她友善,故选D.‎ ‎30. A. 推理判断题。难度中等。根据第一段第四句I found her troublesome and really difficult to spend an hour with.可知,同桌开始在作者的印象中是消极的、令人头疼的、难相处的;再根据第二段第六句That was when I decided she couldn't be bad.可知,作者与同桌畅聊三小时后改变了对同桌的看法,故选A.‎ ‎31. C. 推理判断题。难度中等。根据最后一段的I started crying. I had thought so negatively of her, and here she says I’ m her best friend.可知,作者哭的原因是她的同桌把她当作最好的朋友,故选C。‎ ‎32. B. 细节理解题。难度较小。根据第三段第三、四句 However, I still didn't know why she behaved badly in school. All I know is that she doesn't now.可知B项正确。 ‎ D.‎ ‎【短文大意】作者一大早就牙疼得厉害,而且她的朋友指责她"不能设身处地为别人着想"。作者前往一家诊所治疗牙齿,在诊治时她发现天花板上有漂亮的图片,她可以边欣赏艺术边轻松接受诊治,由此她感受到了医生的体贴. 这时,她突然明白了朋友所说的"设身处地为别人着想" 的含义...... ‎ ‎33. A. 推理判断题。难度中等。根据第一段前两句The morning had been a disaster. My tooth was aching,and I'd been in an argument with a friend.可知,作者一大早牙疼,而且又和朋友争吵;可推知,作者的心情极度郁闷,故选A。 ‎ ‎34. D. 细节理解题。难度中等。根据第三段第二、三 句But suddenly, I began to doubt about the dentist. What kind of dentist would be so eager to treat someone at such short notice?可知,因为这个牙医迫切想给病人医治, 作者才开始怀疑那个医生,故选D。 ‎ ‎35. B. 推理判断题。难度较大。倒数第二段最后两句How considerate the dentist was! At that moment, I began to understand what my friend meant by her words.中her words指的是第一段第三句中的‘'The trouble with you is that you won't put yourself in my place. Can't you. .." , 作者由医生的体贴明白了朋友那天早上对她的指责, 学会了"要设身处地为别人着想",故选B。 ‎ ‎ E.阅读七选五 ‎36. E. 根据下文内容可知,本文的主题是"在露营时想家该如何应对"。再根据上一句中的Sleeping bags, campfires, sports, new friends and fun ...这些都是露营所包括的部分,E项中的... is also a big part of ...与此衔接,说明"想家"也是露营经历中的一部分,the camp experience与上句中 summer camp for the experience相呼应,故选E。 ‎ ‎37. F. 根据上一句There might be times, especially at night, when you feel a little sick.可知,此空上文叙述了人们会因离家去露营而感到些许不舒服; 根据下一句But don't worry! There're ways to deal with it and go on to have a great time at camp.可知, 此空下文在宽慰读者这种情况有相应的应对措施。由此可推测,此空应是在承接上文,故选F。 ‎ ‎38. G. G项中the only camper feeling this way对应前句中the only person feeling this way,故选G。 ‎ ‎39. A. 本段的话题是"写信",此空作为本段第一句, 句子内容应与"写信"这个话题相关,故选A。 ‎ ‎40. D. 本段的话题是"交友",由下一句Spending time with someone you like can wash away your sadness and even ‎ homesickness.可知,此空是说"露营想家时独自一个人的坏处",故选D.‎ 完形填空 ‎【短文大意】作者十岁时,有一天他妈妈喊他回家,但他忽略了妈妈的话,继续和伙伴玩,他做梦也没想到几天后的车祸夺走了他妈妈生命。他后悔当初没回家多陪陪妈妈。他认为:人生是短暂的,我们要多陪陪自己的亲人,尽量保持微笑。 ‎ ‎41. D. 由上一句“When I was just 10 years old, my mother left this world”可知,妈妈离世时,作者还很小;此句讲的是"妈妈去世"对作者的影响:那时他太小,还不懂得亲情的含义,不明白失去(losing)挚爱之人会对他造成什么影响。 ‎ ‎42. A. 大部分人都爱自己的妈妈,作者也像大多数人一 样爱(love)自己的妈妈。 ‎ ‎43. C. 由Just a few days before that car accident可知,此处讲的是妈妈出车祸前后的事情;由上文可知,作者妈妈去世时他才十岁, 所以说他那时是很年幼的 (young)。 ‎ ‎44. B. 第10空后的playing in the playground提示答案。 ‎ ‎45. B. 第6空后的"I am coming" ,可知,妈妈在呼唤 (called)作者回家。 ‎ ‎46. A. 由said "I am coming" like any other kid及_47 to play with friends可推知,作者没有回家,忽略了(ignored)妈妈的话。 ‎ ‎47. C. 作者没有理会妈妈,继续(continued)在操场上玩。continue to do sth意为"继续做某事"。 ‎ ‎48. D. 作者没想到妈妈会在几天后离开他,要不然就回家陪伴妈妈去了。此句话描述了作者当时对妈妈去世的惊愕。couldn't think in my dream意为"万万没想到"。 ‎ ‎49. D. 作者年幼贪玩,在他心中,朋友和羽毛球比回去陪伴妈妈更重要(important)。 ‎ ‎50. A. 前后句为转折关系,故选A。 ‎ ‎51. A. 那件事是作者最后悔的事情,无论什么时候回忆起(think of)它,他都会感到内疚。 ‎ ‎52. C. 那件事令作者后悔的应是他没有多花些时间(time) 陪陪妈妈。 ‎ ‎53. B. 空前的when she needed me及第15空前who needs you提示答案。 ‎ ‎54. C. 由下一句中I got a big lesson可知,经过这场变故 作者改变了(changed)对生活的看法。 ‎ ‎55. D. 经过那场变故,作者对亲情将更加珍视,此处用especially表明作者对亲人的重视。 ‎ ‎56. D. 作者小时候对亲情的含义不理解,那件事故之后作者应该明白(understand)了亲情的价值。 ‎ ‎57. B. 由句意"……因为我知道当我失去心中重要之人的时候心里有多痛", much最符合语境。 ‎ ‎58. B. 由此空的并列成分friends及those around you可知,此处指的是你极为亲近的人,且指和并列成分同属干个范畴的人群,故选B。 ‎ ‎59. A. 作者由他妈妈的突然离世体会到了生命的无常, 所以他才提醒大家要爱自己的亲人、朋友和周围的人,因为谁都无法预料下一刻会发生(happen)什么事。 ‎ ‎60. C. 由and可知, keep 60 和live happily是并列关系,都是劝告我们要积极乐观,故选C。 ‎ ‎ ‎ 语法填空 ‎61. determined. 考查词性转换。此空跟在be动词 was后,修饰主语I,故填形容词determined。 ‎ ‎62. who. 考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知, 62 finally settled in Minnesota after the war 是非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词The 85-yearold,该空在从句中作主语,故填关系代词who.‎ ‎63. lives /is living. 考查时态。根据句中时间状语提示词now可知,此句应用一般现在时或现在进行时,故填lives或is living。 ‎ ‎64. saved. 考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知, 64 by a kind man是669 Jewish children的后置定语,且669 Jewish children与save在逻辑上是被动关系,故填过去分词saved。 ‎ ‎65. himself. 考查代词。句子主语和介词to的宾语是同一人, 故用反身代词himself. ‎ ‎66. operation. 考查词性转换。rescue 66 由形容词one -man修饰,故此空应填名词operation.‎ ‎67. to help. 考察非谓语动词。分析句中结构可知, 67 save lives在句中作目的状语,故填动词不定式to help.‎ ‎68. arguing.考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知, 68 that his life was never ...在句中作伴随状语,且argue与句子主语Winton在逻辑上是主动关系,故填现在分词arguing。 ‎ ‎69. in. 考查介词。in danger是固定短语,意为"在 危险中"。 ‎ ‎70. what. 考查宾语从句。分析句子结构可知, 70 he feels every person should do在句中作doing的宾语,是宾语从句,且该空在从句中作动词do的宾语,故填连接代词what。 ‎ 短文改错 ‎71. 第一句: and →but. 前后句是转折关系,故将and改为but。 ‎ ‎72. 第二句: woman →women. 由and可知,此处和 men并列,故将woman改为women。 ‎ ‎73. 第三句: call →called.由时间状语Since many years ago可知,此句应用现在完成时,故将call 改为called。 ‎ ‎74. 第三句: play→playing. spend some time doing sth是固定用法,意为"花时间做某事",故将play改为playing。 ‎ ‎75. 第四句: of后加the. "one of the +复数名词"是固定用法,故在of后加the。 ‎ ‎76. 第五句: health→healthy.由and可知,此处和strong并列,故应用形容词形式healthy;strong and healthy作people的补足语。 ‎ ‎77. 第六句: 去掉of. 此处用a lot作状语,修饰move,故将of去掉。 ‎ ‎78. 第七句: because →why. 句意为"这就是运动对 他们的健康有好处的原因",该处在从句中原因作状语,故将because改为why。 ‎ ‎79. 第八句: make →makes. 主语是Having fun with their friends ‎,是单数概念,谓语动词应用第三人称单数形式,故将make改为makes。 ‎ ‎80. 第九句: watch →watching. by是介词,后面跟动名词作宾语,故将watch改为watching。 ‎ ‎【范文】‎ Dear editor,‎ It is known to us all that some students cheat in examinations at school.‎ As students, we often take examinations at school, but sometimes we have too many examinations which are too difficult for us. On the other hand, some of us are lazy and don't work hard at their lessons. So when taking examinations, they sometimes cheat in order to get better results to please their parents and teachers.‎ In my opinion, it is wrong to cheat in examinations because it breaks the rules of schools. We students should be honest and try to get good results by studying hard instead of cheating in examinations. What's more, we should improve our study methods and get well prepared for examinations.‎ ‎ Yours Truthfully,‎ LiHua 武汉市青山区2018-2019学年度高一年级上学期十月考试 英语试题听力原稿 ‎(Text 1) ‎ M: Johnson is the best supermarket here but that's nearly five kilometers away.‎ W: Isn't there one nearer? ‎ M: Well,there is one three kilometers away but it's not very good.‎ ‎(Text 2) ‎ W: I'm looking for a table for my bedroom. ‎ M: There are some small round ones there: ‎ W: I think I'd prefer that small square one. ‎ ‎(Text 3) ‎ M: Are you going on holiday to Italy again this year? ‎ W: No. My sister comes home from Canada tomorrow, and then we’re going to Brazil next week. My parents have booked a hotel ‎ there.‎ ‎(Text 4) ‎ W: I hope you can come to the party on Saturday. ‎ M: I didn't know I was invited. ‎ W: Sure you are! Everyone on the winning team was invited.‎ ‎(Text 5) ‎ W: I hear the new restaurant on Grant Street is pretty good. ‎ M: I don’t think so. its service is slow. Yeah,the atmosphere is wonderful. But what’s important to you, good food or nice ‎ atmosphere? I’ll never go there again.‎ ‎(Text 6) ‎ W: Pacific Bell. May I help you? ‎ M: 'I like to have my phone disconnected. ‎ W: May I ask why? ‎ M: Well,I'm graduated and I'll move to California for a new job there. ‎ W: All right. May I have your phone number,please? ‎ M: 7765-8769. And my name is Jefferey Schaefer. ‎ W: Mr. Schaefer,may I have your date of birth,please? ‎ M: It's June 5,1993. ‎ W: Now, when would you like it to be disconnected? ‎ M: Tomorrow by 5:00 p.m. ‎ ‎(Text 7) ‎ W: Jeff, I'm fed up with these TV programs. What shall we do this afternoon?‎ M: Let's go to the lake for a swim! ‎ W: Swim in the lake in this weather? Are you kidding?‎ M: Don’t worry about the weather. Pat. It’ll be fine today. I’ve checked the forecast. It will clear up by noon after a cloudy and foggy morning.‎ W. Weather forecasters are not always right. Look out of the window, Jeff. Can you see the trees? Can you see how windy it is? Just forget the forecast, Jeff. It’s going to rain. There’s going to be a storm!‎ ‎(Text 8)‎ W: Hello. Can I help you?‎ M: Yes, please. I want to take a train to Newcastle this Tuesday.‎ W. Let me see. Yes, there is one. It arrives in Newcastle at half past one.‎ M: That’s fine. How much is a train ticket please?‎ W: Well, a single is twenty-five pounds.‎ M: I’d like a return, please.‎ W: Then that’s forty pounds.‎ M: Right. Can I get a meal on that train, you know, lunch?‎ W: Mm. I’m afraid there isn’t a restaurant car on that train, but they sell drinks and sandwiches.‎ M: That’ll be OK. Must I buy my ticket at the station ticket office, or can I get one in the town centre?‎ W: You can buy one at the Northern Travel Agency at 22 Mallet Street.‎ M: I'll do that then. Thank you very much. ‎ W: Not at all. Goodbye. ‎ ‎(Text 9) ‎ W: Hello,Jerry. I have to choose the music for Parents' Night. Would you like to help me?‎ M: Sure. Where do you want to start? ‎ W: Well,for people of our age it's no problem,we are familiar with each other and we know what we like. But the parents' tastes are different. ‎ M: We'll have to choose something different for each group, won't we? ‎ W: That’s my problem. ‎ M: OK,let's start with some rock’n’roll for the moms and dads. ‎ W: Right. And what about some jazz afterwards? Everyone likes that. ‎ M: Great idea! Hey,why don't we do something like line dancing with country and western music?‎ W: You mean everyone lines up on the floor next to each other and does the same steps to the music? That should be a lot of fun and everyone - old and young – can join in.‎ M: It looks like you have almost everything ready. Come on I’ll treat you to a soda.‎ W: Great! ‎ ‎(Text 10) ‎ M: My next guest is Sarah Lee, who has come along today to tell us about a charity food festival in Upper Clayton that's going to take place next weekend. Welcome to this programme, Sarah. ‎ W: Thank you. It's great to be here. ‎ M: OK,Sarah, can you tell us a little bit about the festival. It's a charity event,isn't it? ‎ W: Yes,that's right. I work for a local charity. We organize holidays for children from low-income families who can't afford a trip. We've organized this festival to raise money for a week-long slimmer camp. This is the first time we've organized such an event,but if it’s successful we'll try to make it a yearly event. ‎ M: So,what happens at a food festival,Sarah? ‎ W: Well,this festival has got something for everyone,no matter what your age. We've got Ollie James --- a famous cook! He's going to be giving a master class on preparing and cooking fish and seafood . ‎ M: That's interesting. ‎ W: Exactly. We're hoping he'll draw the crowds. ‎ M: What else can people expect,Sarah? ‎ W: Well,there's a photography competition with prizes for different age groups. There are stands selling local produce: cheeses,honey,fruit and vegetables. There's face-painting for children only. ‎ M: It all sounds great,Sarah. So,when is the festival? ‎ W. It’s next Saturday that’s June the thirteenth. It starts at ten o’clock in the morning and finishes at seven o’clock in the evening.‎

